PAGE TWO Whirlwind brivilJtts Town to New Heights iri ClvlcTFnity , f 'i |i § ii i, \ 1 y i* tt| l ! n i Ij I tfiliKi 4 1 ,UI H Is i WBiBHiH > V . * r Mi i Hlnii 13. 1111 bB 8 Vi f IWI Hii— Bu i i ti 818 i i*.■LjJIL I * IL . ■ HI fr _r__ltXniM£ or B VOUUdilEtfT TO fflVtC P®wi. A ahlnlnr etampl* d Hvto pride nay be found to Bedford. Ant little efor nasUlng la tb« lAg aI southern Indiana, la fa«t mkadmd MtWfiat fin# Utfoph Its •Me *rt*r—. Mnclfortl UUm c#»»- ' J&. iMMtfr oi onniww*. lhaal sawn alght-eaaiw and other* itegfciim at bud tin* stone mad. a mv» betel desirable. So by pop ular tohoorlnMon a bail gINWMi •Mart was raised In one *TMfoag>.Maw. >Sb &* ogt-^LX^i ESTtXi^^ a»al>Rfoeda b| m£ IlfMfliOM CTOJ QM4 b 3»m—4* oi A PRODIGAL SON 1 !' (A Short Story Wriit«i'by ARRIBA LaNCASTW «>f th» Goidaboro City School#) Hy : • s*. •... . ... -- I”' >1 knew Sonny wu looking on (hrl night. lit* of Oreyvine. and • »»»«*"* Um (Mart to interrupt; atilt I never kstt It WOttlA coma to this. but let i MM (A ob with the story. Sunny. Mu Um only child of the drays, t menaing as sad hla Pa. w ith a neb* - at oars throws 1a for good dwasure •pagut tided tbs Orey (family. So i whoa I hoard Sunny wwa traveling I with ths Sight owls, r just loofcnl I SJCMST»W trvyrfi E At breakfast this morning 1 noth K ad Sunny looked a bit dleelpeied. so trWMBK'«4T« K ***** «* *d*s. ern you »sou- E» «y •” Tthrown hi* K He grabs at M InalsnUff. ' No t & f not alssinny well/ hr l.« V-'**'*. K fwUy E “Needs to do m iuti ■y goes Ml for Um little bus ■ink ana wared tbs telephone, and frggg what I get its ** k>n frlnnds called up ajfiut Mi* epic, ho whea aha yells. Irusw ike hail -Aarnt Meg I n golnt ov*r to l-nlti» aad Ve'r* -going to tNb kale.-'T aim surprised | look out the estndow apil slip on WWsaler end rolled hose are ;iaktng n testy exit. If ■ 1 ted Jtaat finished hanaag up Pfyk* croon word hose, and looked o**r the fimre to See Mrs. Margot Walters hsndsd my way. I smiled an l knryr Margot was the. early *v edition oT Oreyvllle's news "llsv% j you hoard.“ Is usually the way she heglas. hut this time she actually looked teaiful. I am beginning to wonder who has kicked off. and bow. whan she lets out; "(Nv. Mrs Urey lit awful!’' and aiupa I'.mi ttdatf ta of aonio way to help tier on. kwowtVß aow Mr*. Jiwrkaon lia« paia— i that U*y buabaoil of 'tiara or whoa aha continue*. “Tin** houaaa woro rob bod laat night right 1 horo la OrvyvllVw. and jual think * tiwr took ovary *pe« kof allver. )ew-| || alary and everything lh«y i-ouW take i «*" “Oh” 1 kind* breathe* disappoint * ad Mkr nha doaen'i pay any attention but * goo* on.” and I nay I ran toll you I who tooh awry hit of It. It waa that young aot that ataya ap all night dawrlag drinking and playing cwrda. owl at DannyV road bout*." an.l ba * for* | could coni*- I# Munuy* d*-frn«r knwwtag fnl wall that * why *Ue tali mm. tba old thing had gathered > her hdkonwmg* auif mad* for the ' PUeat Whow the boy threw (he paper on , * i I ■” .. 111. SaLad .1.111 tr l>tl mM fiMi structure aad. taildailwy. have yaUadi thaiaaaivwa hawAa aa the | like Ibis, but wllb the Ihouabt on wy mind euppoee they tried to rob i US. V That avealng when Harsh. Pa. and Sunny came In to supper they all, had to tell nboMV the robltsry. I welched Sunny closely bill Ills rare showed perfect Innocence. After supper Surah wu* tiegfon ua lo tell someihlug but lalii' gut ho further than, I'll tell)ltie wpb ly i wurldyf <*yep Ifob HteM rang >e ' iloor Sift*' Tnia uiesni Hi murl m. lor Hsrnii und she miiS on Irk g n lenspe- fl , k ibM.ldat,Ausfy got .M.j khuk i 4* 'cipri'lttil, *W*H I bojwra 111 o tfi)ttU«df lb* |« drpg s(iui| with tl s 1 Hots .“f 1 I “It seems to inn you eMir lu mil ,er late nigh in. be tii .ttn|t-r tiiutylil* his I'M Itegllle to in,, eg:. its. N 1 T#> OU 4y«ep too Mfil to hear j Lme i lium In.’’ Ssinav Jj srluds l -1 Ills I'a und I mske In reply A Being Idfl sIT nione wllb I'u I :«!? Uf. iattua.aa*. v 1 >4 E biuuty sleep. IV soon come )ip mis we arc far away In dreamland 1 I'm nut surd it w*ke me up. but I was sure | heard 11. Unit thS dlo 1 lug mom window, next tbo buffet drawer, silver! burglars! I grabbed Da and shook him. be loomed lo be deuii to lb< world. 1 shook hlui again. "Why ee" he utonns half nsle.p, -Why you old dune* can t you hear? thprea n burglar downstairs I sad ha's'gUhkitag all Ute idKyi. our rice wedding silver. lie seems to understand lb do. null sits up du-sminly. I am wondering If I'll Itktva lo go dowmdkdrs sml capture ths burg*} b> when I wu» ebb! A vasal fl Ft sud last years pajamss. which • • drawn up considerable front waxbtug goes over to the diissef and gets of all things, a piatbl. 1 Me knowing I’u cob bln'l hit g turn I begins lo esplaiu lo him, lu aUge | wbispo's. how the t|krolc thing to' ilo I* la capture the burglar empty hslldcd tforuebow tie fslls for II slid leaves the gal buhtnd. while be flops down ibe stairs. 1 strst thinking Ibe burglar would , have lo be deaf not to bear nodi a | a«dre. snd all Mm time I'm putting on iny prettleat kimono snd Imuillor cap. No need to look bed to'a burg lar; uiid uniting mysdf -wlili Hu mdaaora. a fanlntne article, u* I could dud, I proceed down the atalra. Thing* look* a* If l‘a had VOUM" | on down and putupad the burglar, they wera falling all over the table ' und chair*. In the dark I n*b* u griK-aful paw aa poaiblu ( and teach over aud push the hutlon The light klpda blinded me al ft ret. but noon I no* a good took and there , ‘wan Ha and Bunuy doing Ih* Dk*n»p-|i aey-Mrpo. Hunny aaw me and yelled. Mother rail hliu ok." Hut I'* aaw then who It waa. hut 'j through one eye aa the other waaji rloacd with a tuighly blue looking »egl. "I *u .me* kin' In through lUe w-Ualow, u* I had luat my room key H i rut I km w there wu* another In llie buffer, l knocked that rnafoundf n* vane over and nut then I’a falnl»d It) BttKTHA LAN! AitTßlt IVrhapa lh)a threat*#ad return of | gnuff la a protection • II Will he n j [ great little chaperon*. opposing glad la Lore matched skill far high booorm. uiWl diaiaw ®n*a." MANY «l l M l toh K TM»:IM APPAOV4TIUN »• c (('millulled from Cage One) forever made lino,An pilv%« utii of full, school advantaaes for our laiya and girl* i apt. O'Barry In iiilrodu«;ing him referred to Hie splendid work doll* by him on behalf of the orphans of lit'' stale c fiirtls it Moore pledged bis hearty support lo Die proposition, stating FLAG OF HONOR HAILES t&IUSI wr&o Concern, Has Fought Far Uta. y Uaini-f ‘ ( ' y 1 When WIIUoA OffifirlgL bags* tla manufacture of fertilisers furty-tw« .... Above All Aa II me oegmnmg *• IKq, \ .nr”ur'li die >«»■» IBBBk } Mir, polity la * 'M’-iulfsit a» ou IBM bill. UlUge lll. lull i.'iu \i no OtO SKWm luiiH must lie , na ySF i :ii.iU.vgellieu I mHBI the boat the J. Q. Me comm lc K. inuihinery, met ,n * T *wss. , ||M j nitißey cal pruduce. There is as much ears ll mix ng k bag of Anne fertiliser si your dvNtor uses in cotnpoundliii your (liHior’s preaerlplluns. The ittyni'ifTMifs of Ar'iue formula' are sole, led from the liest from HI u»er lbs wurkr They are miuilpulai ed undf-r (lie supervision id - skiHm men by ili« must u*a< biaer' I r*" l '%-y‘i , 'l‘ , ' t ."aw!> l rebguJ piaM Tis| (ormtiiae I ed ou f byeipirts "in’ sreordonen will Ihe latest and. moat srlfiiUgi though mulhods Acpe fertilisers nr, j dlirlisst Os the times In eompoaHlQl and in meeting the demands of ibaog lug condltious Kvery bag of At tne lellw the Ingred lents wllfila. Kvery foiuiulss la al ‘open tHMik " W* are not .ishauie* of aiiyflillfig Ihnt goes Into Aeme -wi , are proud of the Ingredients. \V< | know they are right, and when i ’ farmer pays his good money for Aeon 1 fertiliser he la assured of gettlni - value received Above explains why the Acme Man ufacturiug l ouipauy has been an out • landlag success, why It has progress ed and gailieil tbi»»t*ml* of ploiuMei 1 steady • BHlumem iu the Oarutlna* i W Ilk an Uouret policy us munuUctur ! ing aud opeff aad gbo«* board (real nieut of customer*, thttf company ba< ' remained vu independent koine con I com; baa llu-t Ibe coippautiou of big moneyed competitor*. If you have never uaed Acme fertt llaer. gel In touch with on* of oo> dealer* before you arrairgw for you* aoaaon'a supply, or write ut. Uet tin oomploto lad a about Acme then gtvi •It a trial He* the liitferwacc in re suit* You wUI be plooted with thii old, reliable brand. A II lludaou und Hon* Uenaon. N 0, In a letter lo u* »Ule; "We want to any that ww haw been liking and nulling Acme fcrtUtaei fur the (mat ten year* and wc havi j uiway* obtaim-d (he very fruui ibe u*e of your brand*. Wi ! I,*#e a good lull us satladed < u atom era We thin* lk«- lieat to uae and aeil ‘ It you have nuy particular ferttliaai I problem*. 1 wilt cun«id*r it a pieaanr* to go over them with you. If you wU write me care of Acme .MauufAc luiiiig Onwi'V*}' V\ llmciiglon, N C O f h * M TOT QOLMBOSO NOTTS that he *wnnf*d his bogs to hsvs nji greater advantage In education then 1 wns permuted tb* boys when hs was, of school age. Mr* J ll »*nlels von ed her hear ty approval of the programme for ed- 1 ' licntionel advancement. and Minted that sb* was reedy to give her full , aMI Lu the pnoposed bo*id >ssuv I»r. C. F. Htroaolder congrsfulttled the tvourd upon thrHr decision lu pro vide a sinking fund for the refinMMSt of the bonds »(. ib' li maturity, stating that he (lid not Iblnk Igimh should ever be Issued wiboiii ibis wise pro vision. Dr. T H. Meriin-rgon made a brief, but spies lint talk about the vatue of j udncailon. and the short-sightedness o( iHKounug too iiistntislislb in the ion nidi-rut lon ol Horfoo! costs Dr. y.eoo Wall, lairtg|ui'»r* ,( has. A Drown renfgmri-d the »d --yalilsgee In- bail hadi.wilh the ad v.iniuge every'ch‘)d m i-ntilleil lo luiil usii-il that be uht-sys e.*p' • leil to lie found In-liui any movement tliut menu i-nlurgi-V fin tittles Tor lie hoys an girls. -m - - Joe DosenlliMl analvxe the lax rate Slot di nioiislruli* wbul ll would mc.ili lu dollars snd n-iikti lo Ibi- l.ixmiVer in.ooii-'rs »ini li-npi to lie ia»|iayer < 'apt. A O t'Mrtenl gbve* Ills lieurlr ForJyjt^yor TO Tl|f IIITFRNHinHI till OF I.OI.IIKIIOiiO Afler it lie ronstdersilun end ii i-are- I Tnl survey ol the sitnatloh I am a f,.y wssiggnigf (in- i t) in OoldslMiro lo be voted oil 'ill I lie IWUi . dig DemoiTwttry primnrg. In muk •ng ibis my formal snnAknieaiwif I wish lo say I desire to «utrr aud con l duct this luiporlnut rai j >u such a I manircr that I run torus till with ihc same fer'ing lowaril* my fellow c»n_ |ili, tales as I »-nl*r elecfnl or lie seated ll would siiggi-sf. too. u Itrat. second und third choice In the Amt primary sud thus possibly avoid Hi.. expaßM of a Second primary I hev no prom j lacs lo make before tiled An. and oßer j you ruy record aa a ri|ige n „f f our . teen years with you in making your I aWtion for ibis inipori.uit off km —» - Heaped I oil). T, A. J|KNI.i;V. Wy* -aw .. ..-a, ,n. MANOKM' NOT I BEN l bit u Ikr r oiii m tin leal ioi * of OoliU-, boro lawlge No. C3i A. K i A. M sec a JjADUkd fourth Monday rveuhigs In monih ill I p. n in IKawmla •lull ovei OijMe’s Unit*. All mam • kern AY to ne I(,n*ftiiit and | visiting Mar-ter Maaomt brdially 1a.,, , Vi I* «•w. H IJSHO f. WM. | >ll' I * J - K *'• * ,l4 'bl Hecj. I t ffegular ronvocallon Eof Uoldn beru ( aolm No. 2't. It. j M. gcond ! TAI Thursday kvi-nlgKa ini , Mch niifhlh at H ou p. ms In MasonnJ , Hall uvr I'leal*’* lliali Alt meniff k I era arfo vlsliin| ('ompuniAns are uxk| iif in l.e pie lent « i KD F TAYIJ>(t, H. I*. * , W. A. I'AHTKIt. Seely. , Itegulur conclave of Goldslioro . t'oatiiiandeiy No L’s. Kiiights Templar' , aud third Thursday evenings In ""*■ « «*l| n.|(»y <-v*.ii*u|«n il l ■■•ich month ut HOO p m. in Masonic ; flail over People'* Bunk. All mam-1 1 Wf| and 'visiting Sir Knight* eor-j tllully Invited lo he present at all ] meeting*. | HHKD II fTKIWHON. Kin Com w. a, t AUTKit. Recorder MISS IIKSHIK N. ClirrOß INSIRANoi Hire, Automobile, Liability and Accident Wnvikw Mulpmal Hank Ituildini; Room .'dlf* I'hone So. 5 H. B. IVEY. M. D. W. J. CKAWFOKI), M. I). I’ractk. limited Mkla—tlenlfo I rlngrj and , RKI Ttl. liIftKAHK I OffUea I* Wayne Nil, Bank Bldg. limm llf-ill i)H. A H, ZKAI.Y OHTHOr tTHM I’ll V ill i tit DflHftyPAfHY « KI.MTKIUTT Koams Ilf-11« Ibirdea Bldg. I'koue 171 -tCW I --11 l waul LO.-*- 1.- »* - .-r, L I■ rw 1.1 NORFOLK sot un its RAILROAD • i ■* I’UMHcnifer Schedule* ,I frrllvr February I, 1W25 From (.oldsboro. Daily • Lv.—7:oo A. M.—Rwhuforl. - Norfolk aitil im t'rnu-tlial'- |M)intg. I’arior car N<*tv Hern t<» Norfolk. H:"0 |‘. M. «‘r New Hern to Nor folfc a | •ddlltlfi P. M.— New Hein. Nor folk and intermediate poinb. Slpe|>er New liern to Norfolk*. ’ For information, apply to u. k. Virnu{i.LE, T. A Liokidboru, N. C. **” ' | , i .li»' i i *' enoreement to the flropoaltloa. Co). Jo* K. Robinson. who** ropu Ut lon as a lover of our schools I* I miwn to every on* spoke convincing-; ly in favor of the bond iitlt. A T. Oriff'a urged s continued es- , fort to bring to the attention of-tbe iMHiplr tbe fart* alhmi our school* Mil} tbe present need*. He suited that ] il anythin* the board at** subject to : < rItHI am for alitit they hud not done rather than what they bad on*. and that If they hud made .my mi-takes, an It*(I anybody el lh*o bad no him pliabed anything. T. A. lieiily referred to, thth fat'f that tbe Junior Order had laat night given the board of trustee* a. full vot» ' of I'onitdeuce ai d . ndorat d the programme, thus living m» to their o*talil>Hh> il' polb y of support to oils nchoula. Miss fiertrttt.'o Well ami M's* lien* j *!* riaylon also m»d« ehor! t'Uk* i it I support of tln» i*roi»oMltlou , HATH .SMITH IH I>MMUIT (Conilimed From l*uye Owe) <•*»* liy such union , He feel* that It wifi l>e llnl r enough to nil when the lory ban given, da verdict, and Deputy Smith la xl(ll » properly nc (Trdllcl officer of llo> ctvunly, an Home «>f hla ijudueers are I able to b arn before this cuae has bwcu tried.” MAiIIMOX Hil l. WOiri.D PIT TAX OX LI Xl KIPH (Continued From Dose Obp< reglater t»f deed* of each cuonty would become th* cotnmlationdr of S . pHEST COLDS y~ sb§&& DREApFOL PAINS Cwrfia Lddy, Who Had Lott Too ] Mock Weigkt, Wat Advised to Toko Cardni ud ig Now Well. Colambua. On— Mr*, fleorg* S. Hunter, of thin etly, writes: "After I married, thlrtei u month* ago, I suffered with dreadful pain* In. .my *ldeu during ... My uldo hurt no laid It nearly kilted me. 1 had to go to bed and clay some time two weeks at a time. I murid not work grid f )twt «lragged arouud the house. got.vefcg wont iron* M* ; imdner had King' been a uKcf hr I Cardui uud sb<- huuw what u uuod I medb lue it was for lot- trouble, do aln* told in*'to get eohu and lake If. I Kent to tbe store after it ttiul lie i had trtW'UW first Irattla 1 ber m tu. luipiuve. "jjfilw bnft M, and I beean to iurpiOYe Iji h'talto. t'anluf JKm a» A e*»*e ionic nm I d<> jnt /pal Ilka the panel |s rsrtu j urn gdo much b t ter. I am waif now. f I hav* itadnod ten pounds dud am [ fftui tabling My eblrg do u<.t * trouble up? at all. "I wfsh every suffering «nm|« thaw about CArdof" yr NO IM fcAßpjaiJ hi t * * ')Ni impi I ] ; mb fIMM *:*■■-* i, nfir l' ' vrM&*wm*Mm s Mli, (( THE USE OF Merchants Fertilizer Inaugurates Independence )) When (Joorge Waihinifton Mi *worn in a* prtaidenf of the IJnfWd States, this nation w started 0:1 the road to independence -the road of pi-ogrcs*. thrift and vigor that haa h nm«tv thisM hit* preatcst country in tin* world. |) ‘ MERCHANTS’ FERTILIZER, MU. PLANTER (( will atnrt y< it on the road to iiidoticndence and tilirift and the constant use o& it Reason l) ;Ir tcl O-.1-.MI I! •• -ill ill Ixtuntiful crops. I \( Rcfoiv you plant this >enr. why not consult us? You can nave a great deal of money by i )) Iniyimr fertilizer ut our jdant and luiullnic it yourself—and then you Reta real product ' It •-1 bttndnda | ( Wl! MAKE A SPECIALTY OF SPECIAL FORMULAS ■ | I Merchants Fertilizer & Phosphate Co. ! (( P.O. lIoxSSO Jlandley GoWabortv N. C. Phone 536 ,* - . AATtIRDAY MORNING, FIBMUAMT K >l»* re.gtatragtoa. and It woold Ha Mil duty to kaap m cad* lade* gyataaa of the qualified voters of big county. ORTH rirATORARLK RI.PORT ”• UALBIOH. Psh. 11.-The house to day received an unfavorable report on tbe bill Introduced by Represent ative Matthew*, of Mecklenburg. , which gas designed to allow the collection of t per cent Internet whir r this was agreed to lu wrttltog. In special contract*. Defending th» introduction of the hill, Mr. Matlhew* stab-d that It was Intended to keep broker* from charging more then • per cent in "commissions" or “b'ok erage free.'’ Allbough there wss un unfavorable report, them w*u aim* a jnlnorlly r#- imrt, which means ihe meaaure can Ira lytoiis hi up stir discussion on lb* floor of Ihe housg, .111*1* HIM) MAX . I.FAIi TO IVtOTMIEVRM I (Continued ffoin f*ngu fine) .engine nun*la*r of Ihe eefcvud oar, I* HMIVTWV ii' I The young negro was gtv«ui_j» pr«*- , ’ ■—i———aa Goldsboro Damp Wash Laundry Went Mulberry HU PhoM SM IM’ONOMICAL FAMILY HBRVICI O.M. BREN ULR, Prop. —————il ■' ■ ■—■* Dainty , Exquisite Unusual Flower Valentines ,* I.uvc’h MtßM*e .mi 1h;hI Ik- tdd irt Gtyd'a bn*tm»». KiiOWKRK. Hulurday, ¥> e ,4lh > '* t Viu, VultMitiik-’s lhik, ami wo hitvo grown an ax i7|itmiittlly line iturk of t ut? flownrs anil Iddorti ing plnutb to rortvay the •fm'MWMN 1 tllkt tkM'ndMrl utiuld I stilt gfgvak tint! the Hpd 'chßnot 1 * . Hiinjily tdl uk whom 1*01) widli t>i fdMMMMr, and well ornate I hi* 'wont aiiprOjiflittt' nMR» r**HHiililv*. It fnav I* a hanket', a eorwlfe, s '4ir« - ■yf-ikk 1 in- MeliH'tion yourself, If yott \VTah, ntlt : ; Jca j. til iLUJouAithlity, I'm tlm surprlae til live-I'm .‘il! Iv Vlllntllie’s ITOntlpp'. tiu radu-’i I‘laiw yijur nnlt-r now, anil lt*4tve thy rept tq W- Goldsboro Floral Company ‘ITIK HOMK OF'FLOWBRH” 1 liminery heer*ng. the recorder * eourt. !»»•«•••»♦«•♦• heard no*t Monday Messrs. Nlchola and that moat of the »tol*» *«f* " found had been defaced of number, sad to most c«ea* they were grehhd away with ell *•*«» Wkeel. hut e*tk th* irroces* they werw uelng. ***f were always abl* «<> reprnduee tRf.J number*, us ihe numhdfk here M®ced on lh* *ngla r haae Mhiie (he meftl pan but. *IMI tb<» wpfp tt different metgl and ns soon aa the prepsrailoa we* applied the numhera w*V»- almost us id.ain aa before they were ground down wilk the emery wheel. I)r. I. White, at 76 Wefls Woman of 28 Morgantown. W. Va..«Fsb 11—Dr. I t White, for it yeara »*le g*olo g.Kt of Went Virginia. d»d oldeet living graduate* «f ' Vwrt * r ‘ Mliila university., married iiere Inte D i.Klay Mrs. jnf* Wlldngnn The rusrriitge Hcenne gave Dr. Whiten a*e ga 7* yearn and thgt •! the bride 18- .