■ATOmDAY MORNING. FBBWJABY 14. IMI Business Girls Win World's Laurels ¥$ .* A> Athletic Competition By Faithful Xv. Application To Strict Training Rules World champions! This Ittlr be l*Ml to t»w* of tkMf young wo- Quit* by accident t hey hMn •W <»P honor* for thrlr lu I* ♦too roolni of sport i- Uoaol Kirk, tithrr fie bring aad C|ora Fbrtoy did ma, art out to Means* athletic record-« reckr ra. Th*y oirrrly wonted to main loin thrtr youth and develop thotr health. Cuaaoquoatly they parti otpotod to thr athletic actuates for woman sponsored by the l-rudeat lol Inaura oca Company at Newark. H. 1 H where they are employed. Hite Kirk la shown In th> picture above; Mlaa Fartoy la the sixth * , fyom the left, and Miss Hehrtng «hr third from tbs right la tbs * picture below. ®! With hundreds of other girts they war* guided In Indoor and outdoor sports by Oeorgv JI Vreeland. chairman of tho At Matte Pom, tollloo of the company’s Athletic Association As a roan ft of this health program for home offlee rm ptoyos of the Prudential Mis* Kirk to tarte* a champion *»he la the peetteat holder of thsf Amateur 'a ' Athletic Union national champion - •hip for the slaty yard bardie out doors and the holder of <hc world's VaHr ms AH £ BHL, Tr jn / Iglk H£ n Nm HH 111 I / M M \ ■ » tA IVX* 1 Th KmwJCIIVv J®r 'T HOP* V ‘Wiief I wlf 1 V- wVv**#« 1 A 'iß IFi •*#* My 't 1 ® * mgJmdmF - I ■ I H \ K1 U ■UK WSI ■■ wj B 11 B 1 B\ FV ■ ilSdB I ■ h * Ml B iW Bk IS 1 fi B t B; MW mKi W 1 p B*£ gEF '' " -.-I'T-rrir t :.--L. 7' ■ - ■■ ; • •’*. ' >'.- ■ I -TT.-ir.!' ■:; : -i- ‘-m-t ----—■ i—■ :■ ■ ".■-■■■■■-: ■—— . —— j -i..... i ' ' '' ' ' I'AI'MHT! et ‘ It*. : J i tfooght yo %l Lady Winter- j Uud nlghf catight you. dear, nirtlng wKh a atoonhewn.,. U;qaai|n( spring , urn near! j Caught you. \Mr Winter. Doan hohiad the bill. Danclnx « lb a phuntum iluscr <v*> call the Uaflodll. ■' . ' r *'. " Cauth. you. lAidy Wltilor. Furbishing your clot he*: Nbckon yon expected To flirt Dust he Is, af/d-(lrci|nin'r. »BwW3sJaait. To wander front Ihc sk'es! b Oueea-you beard the blixs>ir(l, But guess you didn't care! Underneath thr tempest Bleeps for you tho fair. The otror fragrant. The senile and Ihe iwoet, Bhr Violet who maybe now You're going at last to ant! —B. B. In Baltimore Hun. A »» -v • . , *■ -J'* '#*4r. v -. 1 * ‘ 4 A Blrihdo) I’arly On Wsdncstlay evening February tho eleventh. Allas Addle l/t *n tortalnod Jlulle a sow of her fiionds in honor of her eighleenlh liirltiday. The cnJor scheme was carried out in red Had white Id the living mom r.ud dining mdm. A beautiful birth- j day oaks aflh the eighteen ' nod leu fotmed the center piece on the din ing table. _ Homo of Ihe intereding features of Ihe evening was- m gitewHiux game the prise was won by AHaa VVtoria , Bartlett. Tlum Best cn tortalaad tit* guoat with stururali solos accompllabtHl by Mr W’ljlei* lee on the guitar. " Mil’s (at riselved many beautiful ptudoflU. The •le'rtslienivnt served were eshe.lce creemiandy and nil kind* .of fruits At oleveu o'clock the go -id de parted declariag Miss l.e«' a harai-i log host ess . I.KIAM) MATHKWK AND (UAHA HOWKU, ' », * t Bant Ta Mr. aad S Mr*. Baherl Pew HI. .. _rti > Bom Thursday to Mr id Mr*. Robert Powell, a son ll< i mother aad child arc doing well Vlsaoa Racb*| Hast aad k - Utedy a Harrh. I.atertaia. Missaa Rachel Hunt and filadys Harris dallplitnilly eatcrtatnerl the M. O W. Phi lathes tfbas of the First Baptist church at a Valentine party oa Thursday evening al the home of Mlaa Harris oa North John •tract The bom* was hemtilfully decorated, the color scheme being red and whit*. Many Interesting games wore enjoyed by the guests, after whlc-i they were inhered Into (ho dining room, the table was a •cans of tovlaesa pith an attraetivs Valentine coulorpiece aad favors for each guest They wore served a t delicious course of ersum aad cak*.. out* aad atoata. ~ -Vi . * * * 0* r HA.ZBI KIHK - Champion f M ' Jk \ Today's trots-Word Puzzle YOUR VaI.KNTINR—PutfI# Na. 101 -» THERE’S A ME&AUE FOR YOU IN THIS ONB “K* J. C BOYD t—Maa’a . It—American 4 nama f nattennl (abhr.) f bird *—A 27—Woody ! 1 « (Spanish) I plants Sy—Theory 28—The spirit R—Snake L of St II—A New I Valentina's England I Day IMS 23—Fasten In 1 i (*Lbr ) blioi I*—-Toward , 81-—Segments tl—-lord of o circle I’ru.ost 21—One l»* ,br > (Span la hi IC—M lof for 3k—Pnnter'i .. . msaaura 18—Unlimited 87—The one penod of eddroased Imoo 28—Nationality 17—1« bn atba of oua . country 20—Fuinals men aluep 41 Ablo , H—A prefix bodied mci.ning seaman ”*vot” labbr I 22—U|vm 42—Any; oach 22—( ulli.-ira 42—A cereal 0*84«• food 48—Asia (abhr.) Herewith U solufioo ta Passl* Nn. 100: ± a siflo r _ C M2 T rjilM uTalt iUn ~ I nm ■ Im A | * bslt °l wErH ! L . . 1 . % p f U* w> Q \TIU)NIIK UKWf IfiVIKTMKBft I*l - Ijvwa.. , | iTfIONISi: |JI.Vt HoVKTIIUI I record for the seventy-five yard ' .outdoor hurdle mnd tbs aixty yard Induor hurdle. Mlea Bshrlng toaa -1 as a tiaokelball with aueh deaterity j 1 that she exceeded the long dlatanco I »»H record la the beak rt ball | throwing event indoors. Aad at I shot-putting Mlaa Behring ta a leader She won the wetght-fltng event for women c ‘at the Amateur | Athletic Union meet In Ptttsburgb. Mlaa Farley won the champtonahlp V for women In the discus throw tu I the same competition. Mr.' Vreeland says that the Pru 4 denttal has encourag'd Held ana I track athletics among Ilk 111* I home other women to tbs end that they are better worker* sod la r better physical ronlitlou. No girts * I are allowed to nntvr competition I unless they or* In the proverbial "pink " of physical condition. Mr. I Vreeland says that their outdoor lpflflariMP«r~pMtteftpa*ta»-te opsone- ! gives them a keener asst sot .’Relr I tasks, that they train as faithfully. or even more on. than tho average i maa atbloto. refraining consistently • from dainties and. foods which do | not contribute (a their progress In | track apd Held sports. *—l** 2d—A monaa , Island 27—A bovarag* (ahbr.) 28—Tuowlay *—ft. an (»bbr.) atwcndlng 30 Lnetm <ll n-ctinn- scioug atat* B—One who 82—Family CT’tora name anything . (Irish) B—Quiat 83—Stanford 7 ~"! w ' . Unlveralty i&«-l Uhbr.) - 8 whole 35—Prsft* miantity dsnot.ag P—An ancient reuei.Lian weapon 88—MH* 10—2«ast high (abhr ) '2-Within lIJZI S-K*lrt 48— H* alila ’ 18— Teanutars’ 44 Royal ta « u Acmlcmy 19— Indt OoiU (abbr ) O. IJiy* l " . 4A-liko 21—IVoptcal Am «r ieaa litard 34 —A sigtial light l;\ 9 < A WORD FOR BEGINNERS. Tho beat way ta aolva a cross-word pusslo Is to run quickly aver tho list of horl aontal and eertlcol synonyms and compare them to U>* spaces in the puzil* extending warn wins or downward from tho number as the synonym. Some wart which will just fit la Urn number as space available nil) quickly occur ta you lb some InsUaesi. giving you a faaa <l at lon from which to salon th* mors difficult wards Tho word* must iatoHook florfocUy. THE GOLDBBQBQ NEWB —" I —- PERSONAL MENTION Mrs. I tick man Hay of' Durham Is I ta the city tho guest of Mrs. C. D. throve Mrs. Roy will bo plooaautly remembered by a host pf rrienda. ako having made Goldsboro her homo until a short Urns ago • Stokes May Be Faced By Everleigh Sisters Chicago. Keb. I«—Miania uu I Ada Mvarteigfef, who fifteen year* ago conducted tho underworld resort known as the Evortaigh club, may bo •arprised witnesses In the Ural of W. K. I> tftukce, Now York million airo. sad others charged with con ■Ptenay ta d*f*me Mrs Hsian khwood Btokaa. of Denver. Thev once stated (tint dir*. Blokes waa act the rod haired girl known as Helen Under wood in thoir resort. The aiatera have a winter home m Nice, nano-, and Mother home la New York city Right jurors have bout chosen sos tho triei. Noted Missionary Speaks at St Paul's Roy. tho* E. Roovo of Bolgtum Congo. Africa, will spank at Bt. Paul Church Buaday atorniag at 11 a. m. T'T .. in New —for Spring I Gaily Patterned Two-Piece I Crepe de Chine Frocki E£2.(H r £f! “t $10.75™.. I 'T'HE two-pi rep vtigue crralnt by Chsnd I . I —the exceedingly popular atyte lor Spring. Very carefully fashioned of beautiful quality j ernpe de chine, A j| 9 In Batik, Floral. Blank, Caavwi- 1 Uawal, Crass Ward Puaalo and Ori- I sntal designs. * J Taro of sevoa dtotiactlvo styles at thia popular low prln I are illustrated: I “avArsar Sra2i~*(ss black |Hd. .ad cdUr and eug. of front planta. white. f" * tW of our Mail Shoppers will bo glod to aioko seise- I . ■fato fgrygl. &Utt sim and rotor preference Parcel 1 poM charges prepaid. Satisfaction gkaraaUed. — , ... ... WE OFFER MEN’S AND BOYS’ OVERCOATS, suits, sweaters,. DRESS SHOES AND . SUPPERS - POSITIVELY AT COST Fw Two Weeks Only FROM FEBRUARY 14 TO 28 TERMS: CASH, AND NO GOODS TO BE RETURNED OR EXCHANGED v ! ; • B. G. Thompson l r Goldeboro, N. C. i ta The Huutaa Animal* or ('antral | Africa”. and at 7:30 p m on "SouL* in Black”, A,t 3:30 p. m be wilt apeak to tka Bp worth L« agues. the Soouih. and the general public on “Hunting Hl* Game In A/rtca." Rev Reeve ia a man of wide travel and experience, having about many year* In Africa and In other continent*. Hr la the author of the moat Inter- 1 eating and pouular Blidta Study book “In Wrntbo-Nyama a Land ” It hi a*ldom that are are privileged to have auch a paraoaaga to eialt our < Ity. . The public la' cordially Invited to all of thena services Ellen Terry Honored At Hands King George IAJNUON. r»b. li. -Elian Terry, “grandmother of the IKhgllai ntage.” In Buckingham palace today waa per aonally inveated by the kink with the Inalgnl* “» dame, grand croaa. Order of the Britlah Kuiplre. The k’liß received the actrcaa per sonal')’ before th? general Investiture and aaaiatad her from her wheeled chair, she vu taken to the queen’* apartment where ahe had a chat with the quean about the old Jeya ou the aiage. The king at the general ,4 nveil tare conferred honktri m Damn ililllrani Fawcett. sir lama* Fraser. author of the “Golden Bough.” and Hk Kmant Rutherford, it* fainoua arlaniuo and conferred the aecolade on )l new kßidWh. . . . , ■ After the Ikveatlturv lie reralvi l III* MW tvarl of Oxford Mi. Asquith : - «nd congratulated him on bin clave' lion to the peerage. Own ft-Yegr Old Brand} and Can’t Dispose of it UNIONTOWN. FA.. Kab. 13—The Mlaaea Sarah J Italian and Margaret Hellrn wall kaown in Unlontown *O - have Eve bar re la of tlve-yewr old apple brandy that they do not know what to do with. The young women wlah to diapoae of It legally aad dlacreetly. The brandy upon tka death of William H. Hellen. former! hotel proprietor, who dfhd shortly after the prohibition amendmeht be came a law, waa left with the rank ■> I Dress Better, * ■■<*6 1 I And You Look Better; I Look Better, i I And You Fed Better; H I Feel Better, p g| I And You Work Better; 1 I Work Better, I I And You Will Be 1 I Better Regarded and 1 I Better Rewarded., I , t u *y' y S t T *^>B ■ • t,u f. •* *\H's ■ B[ | “DRESS WELL AND SUCCEED*^..! B i '/*%..? ''if'-' M* £ -pf*t( . I Special Friday and Saturday .* fl K 1 kit •! Voting Mm's HbUm, 12&.M ur»»MSBt ’ 1 I M.N. EPSTEIN 1: “lust 1 Received 150 Spring Coats s9ss V- . *•>"-' .fg| Spring | Frocks | 4? ' v? t b One of the best selections seen in this part of State. y Junta visit to our shop will i convince you. Our prices i always please. aB NEIL JOSEPH’S [ KXt LIISIVE SHOI I PAGE THREE of tba eatala to bis wHa Mra. Oraeft h. tlalieo. At bar death aaauani mouths two the liquor waa Wlllfl us the two daughters. *j- Under the law an asset of an aetatJ iray not be destroyed aad the Wkjs& ccnth Amendment prohibits tka.ggM of liquor. Thera are willing fcgadj 1 ■<* l u *'y 'hirsts hare, but the ypui women do not regard! this an tnoam to eatnhllah ehglbllfty. j HI HTAI\ KKRJOCH IHJtWt < hapkl hilu IVh. it- Corttod McDonald, of Wiaatoa -Salem anti WMIIe Danay, of Greeasbara. aagpgga sustained injuries yesterday an M remilt of a 40-foofi fall Worn the anal* told of the Graham Memorial ballg* lag, where they wace it worttf

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