< ' ' . • c w V * BAILEY REITERATES CHARGE OF RECKLESS EXTRAVAGANCE WEATHER •■tt-fijgfi, amd Monday t tittle rr. J VOLDMIC niISS; NO. sss ROW OVER AUTO SMASH SENDS MAN TO HOSPITAL • ' - ’ ' -i f •A - . i , . * * STRICKLAND > BADLY HURT FROM BLOW Goldsboro Man's Skull First Thought to Hava Boon Fractured, But Condition Is Not Now Believed Serious A quarrel ever whe wrtf mepfoslbAa for a* hie rellftlnn ’«M night *«M ene. man In the hospital In M »«««• «m« ...ndftlnn and h*d Mdrty ■ half domes officer* sroariwg the rl*j Hi H e*nrt InMarxi he Wwi till mt the nasal M »wl Mm Mtw anreeC » . The rendltiea of Stephen Strickland. victim of the assgalt. was flrxt thought to be very he r o««. bat the pollee department «n Informed late le»t iW that ‘ bH lajar e» were aat oe crave an •r*t thought. There to tittle deabt, It was *fit*4» at Me rarer* fry. . Tlif. <-pllla>on oeclirTtd oo North Jem**- otraat Ip (root of the reeldence or George C. Sutherland. Sr Ultl* daipaae rebuked from the collision of the two cere, a Htudebnker driven by Mr. Btr!rklaud. and a Ford. driven by ag unknown perron #an» C. Buth rrtnd. if., praa seated In %|a car. pre paring to depart for hie nervine ste tlon down tana, et the time of the crank. ,«fi»f«Ul M»* *•“*«?> wae nllglK. TidT dlff n*r t*t ont of hla ear: bat aa heart ag the two men. who had JipfMlyikpt- Ttt thetr reaper tve earn, euhewpe heated word*, ear* trying to shoulder the blema upon the eth an. Mr. gwtber end sensing trouble, remvjted eh the seen*. \ !>’; Kanaka Strickland Dunn , A w* m iitai later, the anger of, both urea swelling to, the' bviretlng point, the unidentified driver of the Ford rgr suddenly aimed a blow at the Jaw of Mr. Strickland. Possibly raught unawares, be dropped to the ground, hla he*d striking the herd pavement. Knocked unconscious. Mr. ! BtrirkUnd never moved. The driver of the car, after learn- j Ing that he had protnhly seriously if not fatally rtijuretl the man. Jumped In o hie ear and drove away. At he did ao. Mr Souiher'sod Jumped out of his per aad wefit to the etd of the injured man The driver of the Ford - cat haiT by thta time speeded away in the dietance. but not too late for Mr. Southerland to read hla llrenae num ber. whl< h vu later turned over to the potjee. |lr. Southerland cellad bis father to ' the scene, end together they' c srr'.ed Mr Htnrktaod Into their home. Dr 1). J. Hose, who *p» Immediately sum moned. found Mr. Hlrlrktaiiri In a Still iinconsrious condition and on - • making a cureory eiainlnatton. de clared that he was suffering from ednrunwinii of the brain. lie wae taken to the hospital with what was at first thought to be a fractured, akuii '‘Following treatment at the hoapitai Mr. Htrlcklsnd showed Immediate In dk-sUomp of art improvement In hU condition, snd It wraa then realised l that hla lajurkm were not of nurb a .serious nature The idftcere. supplied .with the number of the assalltanrf car began n thorough search (or tne uian, hut up until a let* hour l» move wae tehee to prevent a possible clash between the eoldiera ■ad the police force as a result o( animosity developed by the killing of Capt. Ricardo Antony Garcia Wed nesday night by Foieemaa Joae Maria Rodrtgnet la front of a bar fre quented by lour lets Kudrlguet, suf fmlng f*c in • broken nos * sustained n ibe i.ghi :» twin* held on n charge 9f killing the c«ft*ln. THE GOLDSBORO NEWS * - . '' * Fire Chief Leslie Yelvertm Reported As Recovering Rapidly aCaas " - ***** " t~ - ~ 93-Year-Old Mother Is Sent ToPporhouse To Die Shved II Years for Her Orphan Children, Mrs. Sisngofi Caot ‘ Aside at Sunset of Life. By W O. HAI’ffIDBRS BMZABKTH. CUy. Feb. 21,-la the BMihuotaak County poorhouae to day glte a pathetic end broken figure. H is a wretched notter drooping Irom years of toll spent In a lonely ind Mtter et uggle to rear four t rpb.n children to machook And "t waa one of these children who sent her to the poorhouae, at the age of fit to die. Fur SO yOara. Mrs. Clarhlb Simp won. Itvad with her roa Hamuiy. a fraeperotui citizen of I‘asqutgLaak County who operates a smallsaw mill and a blacksmith sh p In ths Cetlnlh nw'gM>orhood. near Kllzv bath City. la all tb,t time bar wrinkled and willing old hands fount not a task too mental or too dtAcult, if It could k*IP ber son to I get abend In the world. The aged! mother helped him to raise b's fami ly, The eon, brought m* to hard j work prospered aad accumulated! property valued at $30,000 or npore. Hla own homo near Corinth Baptist Church la a comfortable place But Mrs. Bteopaoa. having arriv ed at a age of 93. wae unable to toll longer la, the household of bar nch The children ware grown aad ber services would not have been needtd anyway. The daughter-'n-law c.H’tit not Sad dwilgbt In encoding hbr fww abbplu wrantk as K the bsed motherdn-tew- l«d hewn her own moaMndiiilU *'<»! ft >4» A few dy» ago Mn Hlnipson called •up one—of b»r husband's brotbeH. und fold him ghe would not look after the oi: lady any more The hnrtkor then went to cbslrtnan Hi foot of the County Commlaabmera I and told him he panted to try to get bis nother -n tb* County Horn*. Ha said 'be would go to hla brother Hem . first and urge him to reconsider. But ; ; he oame hack, and told Mr. Bur ot : Ual be was uaeurceeaftil. Left a Widen la Thf The onteome old mother who Is now living In the rotmty horn* wo* ' left a widow during the C4v 1 War with four chtldwa to suitfort, Thrown on her own resources nod obliged ti m pport herself mat fam- ! •It by the toll of ber hunsst fingera i denied herwelf ail rccr atlon ani jIV it sure, that she migtt do the mo*l for be.r children Living hare ' t«d (here. wt.*»r»ver sbr eould rent a modest cottage, she bent over ber work day and night, p netting and , savlqg la the terrible days of the | R»?onstrurtlon period .oltowlng the! civil war. 8h > w.Trk >l. out by r’» d y, tying iwt :r.* the flsbernien of ( the county, weaving doth for the, ' lotbee, of ber more fortunate friends, nnd helping her country t neighbors to bo I bird, nnd make sauseg*. In lb* bitter cold daya of winter, when hog« t teere killed on 1 the farm* Hhe dottle! herself the brrt rHnga. that l.'r sons might hold their place nmrng tbs rhlldr-n of the lontmim- I by and grow to respected manhood without having tasted so mil'll the hlttrrneas of 1 > living on the j husks as it were, coatent wiro Httle snd (ways hoping for the beet. Mrs HlmiMum evveied no bounty of* life, j ' »*', her wnnls wire simple. ( I . , Related In Marry Again Ftaring that by chance shu might get a man who would be ems nud taai ting of her young hoye. M, a. Himpaon refuaad to notice lisa lone some old w dowers of the cornmun j tty. who sometime, looked la her di rection. end she never marrle’ ‘•gala Hhe o didn't bear tb though'' I of aom • mun speaking roughly to the children nfi her first love They 11 h d been T»ttev« been doing this " Departments fn his other statement Mr Halley named moat of the state departments ,end asserted things are going on wor | thy of a legislative invest gallon i 1 H.e dec'a red the legislature was struggling with the problem of rjs»- I I Ing sufficient revenue to meet the Mate's eg pauses while the Income of ‘ ■he pet* - te had been i lag the i l»a»t year so that ts*e» were a heavy, burden Hr asserted It tn he a "prt j mary duty of the genersi assembly to Invest igatr with a ctmmg . i down the expenses of the state gov , rnm ni and th 4 hr wae satisfied llhwt an investigation will atop many ' I leaks " 1 1 Turning his attention to the audD >itor'» depart merit Mr. Batley cited a '.list of ex pen »*t >,r the state which I| he asserte,! were not t*emg cberketf * (Continued on Page Four.) o GOLDSBORO, N. CL SUNDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 22, 1925 COMMENDS EFFORTS OF , ABERNETHY GoMUWro M«S Says Dredgißg Os Ncttbc Rv*r Worm Save Million*, of Dttllur - Thor* are fiaengh trees and j Mgs in Mw clmnncl of the >enee titer to keep By large hank sgw mill ruanfng ft fall mpaoßy (fir nl Moat a yoAr, at reeding fie a - Icdtcr dlsjmt«mrd yesterday ft ( eagreee man I'fturles A. Above arthy, of Ueldgbera. Tbo totter In the nature of al commendatory epUUe for the tlfort* u' the third dAakglct roagraasman la sacurtng an etpittpriatlon for a ear- 1 vey of the Noufifi r'ver In the hope: of eventually twving rho obannvl I dr dged In the bopi of preventing ibej dls tet on* flood* that vtatt this nc-, tloa almoat every year. ‘ Glvlng'a craKic Ccnunt o' flood conditions in Gobi boro Mr. Uynge- j ten aatd that he hwt aefin a* right-1 pound fish taken' put of a house la ■ I the corporate Uaajui of) thg cliff - that, I bad b*:n submerged »• «N. r«eglt of , tbe heavy rilne d a foot yes hi Ago .j i Mr Laagaum k o the candid 1 opinion that djemy ass of the fiver thannel will prevent ttumls In the j falura. aad ha mm Mr. Abe rw thy to coaUauo Mg ftftnru toward reul-i TB^o'fTLTLnfCr 5 ' ■la Latter Tbe tetter es Mr *lwn«sti,n reads as 'otlowa: Hon Ohm lea I- Abernethy. Waebtngton. D C. My. TJsar t'oagr - . imsn ■ The folks back home, not only In rouT d strict, but ot thta wntlre safi tion. are warbtug w*Kb prbte and vti niiration your tlretvse efforts in try ing to get relief for the whole peo ple who We ((fore or lgas sufferers on account of the flooded district o , Ne*se river. The Neuae r ver as you know, is a ! direct source of ilralnage for ('raven. I l.eaotr. Wayne. Johnston. Wake aal Durham counties; Is a partial drain eg (soiree fur Pt!t. Wilson. (<■* ene. Nash. Frunklln. Durham. Orasgr. I Sampson. Ihipllr and Onslow rotin tles The ronnDtd t# Johnston Wayne. 1 .sno'r sad Craven pre the dumping ground i nor hTI the etir;(us water that gets Into thin great elver from thta Innume'ooa water shed Th* re sult it* Hurt millions of dollai have bapn lost In the lest flv» ye re end thousands of acret of the best land ! In eastern North Carolina are going tn WHstn ant each star finds the rlvpr less capabLt tt tnkln* care of the surplus water in the con fines of Us bed Familiar With ( wadhioa* The wn'lter Is f raltlur with conril • ona In this se tion and known N*uee rlv r from its beginning cp In the hills to Its entrance to PaoiH o sound, has made two (tips In a -mall flat bottom row boat starting In a few miles rom Durham and ao'ng down at ream as far aa New Bern and back; os pact fly oea he know some thing abotiVJ'hat pert of the rlv- - bed which runs through, 'V'typ, county, and will venture to say that there nre enough logs end green tree* on Its bottom, were they eslvaged end put to a mill, to ke p s large hank sew running at full r paz-lty for a period of one year That ffere la wood and stumps of s uesf r t(lons on the river t*e«n|o fur nish fire wt*»! for every town from Durham to New Hirg tw at l*aat a per, that the*# are enough rocks drifted tnto smell and larg, dams ' shwig the Imkl of Hie river to hard evrf o» every public rofid In la*nolr. Johnston and Wayne countie- I wtah to' call your especial etten •lon to the fut-t that come if thee ' daine bar* been so effective that ‘n various places the tours* o the rlv »’’« bed hams fcaf to cheuge lu va rious dint ttons and as a revolt of !beae ruts t.ad changes the length of 'he- river from Goldsboro to Kinston ■ has b*i*n Incrtas-d in ength about 21 miles This extra 21 m'lea can easi ly bye remedied by rutting an Ifioo ywrd canal fltartlng froai Golds hont down the «Jver to Kl»<4on «• come to the Hist rial b-’nd which (conttaued On lags Fourt s i-~- - .t, - ..... i: Hungry, Weary Lads j Find Friends Here Pennsylvania Yovogalem Stall (Hit on Ike Huki of tba I tearwsSsas: al “Hot Do*." • Face* waa *nd plan bod ,!{*«» * thrU day fast aad ayna, Mgfry Iron.' many day* aad mght* ill MPl* aad rldiaa bhlf> MPHMtaWi J«>» M JHftR? S 3 - Bcatbarlyle".., wnl*od iMpM**"* po’lc# beadguartera last night about 7 oVittc* and nqimud a aauare atoal and lodging for the night They told Chiaf Kd Taw they had three hot do*a la aa many days aad bad alept. or ratbar lay aad shivered, on the banks of tb* Nauaa Rivar I alnca Wadaaaday night Aad Chief ITew, Ilka tha big-hearted n«a he l*. reached in hi* pocket aad handed IHa waadarara a dollar to got sapper af* i tar making arrangrmeau for them to | put op al tka county detention room for tl)« night. "Boya. e*t all you can hold and If, that dollar girt* out I’m right hart to pay tha ba'gaaa." aatd Dannty . Think” Rhode* aa tha bopd aat down la a rapaat consisting at a i brownrd dtaak aad a Cock al potato** Ig a local cast. EadMi rim* tyeed Magi Hart John mat Ktnnath loahad at th* thtlr^ band* aM^^nn^ down on th* tat* and araoka." *«n and th* problem confronting tbe | prison Aanagament." Th* ■'.element of the governor an Id: "At my rvgueat lip board of di rectors have made a special re !>oa» gtv'ag me in detail certain n'urination bearing upon different phaeea es priapn nffalyp." BLI PROVIDES RETIREMENT Os B. R. LACY Mb* Aw . dt-vain* * , - iMrmgmrg ts I'urmcd. WwmM Par- UAi.IfKJHfc f'tiu. XL UPb—lntr.vda*- ilun by R-ppeerntatlvn Harrbmm as a bill lhud aouii mire «Utc irennuror B M «n twoHblrdn pay fan-1 today’s naaalon m tbr BnueaKnl which tni a hy more than a two-thlrda ! Vcte the Mil lo rcgtilre ten day* no- | j He* prior to the laauanr* of mar? 1 ring* llcanava wa* .teaurrerted and ptarnd on tbe calendar aa a ep" lal ■ order for neat Tutmli v- Motion to i. < <>u hirt-« the vote by which iht bill fated on it* a»cony -*•- ‘Mot Ag ave commlttoe. which w it ine tig Monday night. I The house today pg I*d on l'« •hir* und An I rvnding tb* hi I a it driving tb* tsaunne* of laOuOOO In Ko id *or tha conalrurtloa a* n bride* * roe* tbe >ow*r t'howin liver nr« lad already paaa *d the a* nate. A Mil also »«■ pane.? I oil Anal rradlng. allowing the city of Rocky I Mount to laau* IlM.flOtt In bonds for I high achool purpoaea In ih* a*nala th* e-malon w ■ per -1 functory. Under an agreraneai r*ech ed yesterday il *W dsolded lb ’ oaly l*pu!y Rher* Iff Ixiula Flentje. wboaa iavaatlga Ilona led to th* freedom of B.bel Meek, arreel* dartt ha young man m ninnei nog with the hilling of l|d ward a waicbman. by a holdup maa and a wnmaa. baa ■uni’- rled her. It waa |r*raed today. ~ Kihel ronfesaad to th aalaylng. latav 1 ■aylna that she would have told any thing to get the police to atop guru- Honing h*r so that abe eould sleep The* rientj* arreatad Mr. and Mr*, Ootto Malm, who confessed the tnnr d*r. ,ts They ere serving lona prison aeatenc**. MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS ; ———i .. i.n.jerT PRICE FIVE CENTS ammrnmmnMMw m HIP 111MPP IfMp HIS LUNGS ARE NOW RLEAR OF FUMES OF ACID Whan Pleat Kxtricaiad Feam Kubi* Where He Nl UnmnadMm -Mjjj In tb* debris of the •«!«■ ('*- try *tre#4, mlgbi Inks a urliww. : artrvi&B aVrIH stated that ht wfiTvmtaff wjHHMmMI Urn* Me would hr oat nllenlloMs draetnpad. tire Ot Chief Telvwrtoa sevn al hours that bn dtrwrtgd the MV - forte Os hie mm that reauMad la mam nning the dtwmraak Maa* 4a . m* bulldlag. aaviag lb* eatlr* «My Mayfe tb* **tmet oa as atiteb for a tlaaa. was tht eight inevitable "*tip* waa ladle tad y**terday aftar tcrAeld. the jott»t**v A easaa who draaa«d btm tg aafaff. "Wbd| MWt (ffd*puae." be a|bt*d. ft ought be wa* « 4*ad OMMK It >*« |f| ab«w the Might eel raapoaaa lo my ’‘*bcll r ' # Other- oa The araae die fared Abed Mr Veivertoa ' rout* ■»* pMr have survlvtd, bad bg tabbied IB* deadly a>di fg»#d fraM the eaabl dering rains of ltd Bold? Mayo £ ta'ry (’onuMffff. tba g nat*a< MwfaNr 'n the ISa.MA Ar*. L', c* ' Prahe Wag WMI UNb DM -r*>e gameliuKy ffromblof faa lla enbtert . ywtardgy *f uffßoaadad prate* on all atdffk. gad MunbitH tiitv aawrteagg man froMy dablarad un« >(dda,ble "I/Sail* Yelvertott.” •*M n kaal nit •v-n *b«v>bMi uhearvad b'a work fur * a Are in th* dltclT bulT havo sever kaotvg M- -* m rjah Ut« liven ad hla man. ; Wh-n bn want Into tha rata# dt *ba I battery "hop he tbouff4( H wa* safe; aad I daresay thg pro* nee a aat4 fumes, after havlag bgpa subjected tb *ucb terrlAc b.at fc go maay baana wa- a greater aurprtn* to him U»a Bioet 1 eopie can paaa bly imagine. ~ But tb? concern of tb* paagda *f the city over tbo loadllloa of Mr. Yelvartun waa, IffßaUaly waall eaaa- to tb? ghof of member* %t tb* Ar* dapa tuMal. both rogmlara aad roliialosia. They k*C la :unafaaf tuaeb with Hi* hn*i;|toi. aad ware out 1 poken in grain* as betb bin < (Mirage and hla ah Hty at dtroottaff Ary Agbtlna “Wbaf I Ilka a boat tb* Chin'.’’ aald oa* or *ba vein runs, "fee that h mvWr Mile hla maa lo mb.:)< where b* would rMk Ms «e»a Mfe. When ha waati ua lo Hath a pie •lcuMrty daage 00# porch, or tutor a burning taiiid.ng. ha land* tbn waff. ■ hiMitlng < ome oa boya.’ well r llew Mm neywheyO." ffKir ini rmAii NEW YORK F*b IV-4M eaMaw aulvt Middling HM cot tan fmmroa closed »iead(y March ME: My *" “n "