PAGE TWO GILES WINN BOUND OVER I%n AUtH to F-'Vf Stolen nitacr's Coot ContnininK Ahoot 938 te Caah. OU4 Wlna. ntfro, wits bound over to o* SMI term of superior court i»y M*|tc Ma yiMsnh) morning on i barg# of the larceny .h on. corn sad (hr nun aV 111 in cash from another negra DUNd WUI Joyner. Winn wan suable to poKJece • required rash hood ot MM, and van hold to await trial. According to the cv dears the two Mgrtw had been together for wev oral boo: a before the alleged theft aod had taken a drink or two to getber Thar them enured" • houae aod amt nrhund awhile t Ikln* 'both of than had re moved. their coats and bang them up In tk« room where (bar ware talking. i|ter a tlnu Joyner stepped into another room to gat a drink of water aod whra ha returned his com pa n • 100 had loaned bis coat. containing Ciln bank roil nnd t**»n FYaorh lanes Jo yaw than nwore out a war rant for |bn mkwlag Winn and he won aooa roundel up In the police dragnet DEATHSSHOCK LITTLE TOWN 0. C. UtehlbHn el Hgdud Un expected Puaiaf of Two Per »• Tm^ m ’ *rr~H The Hit la «3Alage of Teacheys, forty miles from Ooldabom, was sad dened yesterday h> the silken deaths of two of (to prominent eUlsrna a man and n woman according to O. C I Han, of Goldsboro. who was there on Tho woman. Mra. J. , j' Cnttle. rush ad into the room of’her dauxlMer about S. jo o'clock calling for aid. Ue- CBi'4, tfa, , TTi-rr— ■■■■■■■■■■■aßVEaMßßßl I §Next To Wind And Wave / These Keep You Coolest ® J 1 'HE only way to be comfortable in Summer is to take a leaf from - the Garden of Eden, and dress as did—two-thirds off. From out and head down, we show everything that’s cool, made up to own quality standard, and down tojour own style specifications, and priced for a rapid turn-over. 4~ 50 Suits Just Arrived $25 to S3O Value** at * ' $16.95 ; EPSTEIN’S f lik't i f % 11 » 1 " * ' AnYoa Getting “THE MAN OF TO-DAY,” Our Illustrated Monthly \ I Ms tine Os What To Wear And When And Where To Wear It? The hmm Number Is Ready For Distribution. Call And Your Name, #b*a Os Charge, For A Complete Year’s Subscription. i for* the daughter could reach her | s'de. she fell over (lead The deceased ; was about 6b years of age. nnd wus the mother of nine -children. Ilcr • | husband, a traveling man. eras In * Richmond. Va. at the tuna. U °A. H Wella. the man, wus found drad >u the horn* of his brother-in law when n member of the family i went to call him lo breakfast He was "bool 18 years of age.' Mr. Well* passed away under the Impression that Mrs WeU waa In Wil mington In reality, she had retorned from that city late In the night, and thinking that her hilshibd .w** at the homa of bis brother, luatead ot hia brother-in-law pent there to be with h in When aha reached the brothers J home, she found her mistake, hut since ft was ao late, she decided to stay there instead of gltig over to the home of her brother, where Mr. Wells w«a spending the night. vothih m * E *T Til riiOHHOI Hi: rti Mil ‘ tContinued from Page Onei rh» came to love Ham the b at. Sam •ad children. Ham was proa ermg. •nd hla large hoiar Ndd un , farn ,| held more t iaks than the household* I of the other Children, gam need d b«r moat and t w». ihere tb « she ctaj ed Often-Uni -« aha uiriili go for ] a siatk end via It to one <rf the other sons, hut always on Sunday after ! noon tha old lady >would collect, up i *r knitting, kto the children go-wt | bye, and wlttf her shawl bun .led | tightly alMiiit her shoulAsra, would | Pl '**ge off for Ham’s boir*e. saying i j"I>» Just got to get tber- tnoiglx. ’ 1 liecuuae tomorrow's Monday, and I know they wiki need me badly." K m K. Simpson, the prosperteua 'nrroer nnd blacksmith. Ilvng near • orlnth (Titu-ch. who uni hi. to fU jonrhouae to die. la about .$6 yearn old. He owns hie fin- farm home sawmill and shop Ln Nlionton township, a farm In I'rovidenre town chip and 'n Elisabeth City he owns ltd* on IM. Main. Morgan. Cedar, (ah. Parsonage. Piaanw streets anil Kuclld Heights People who know him well say he i* financially able to build his moth r and h me. anl pro vide her with a servant the rest of lor days. A person *3 years old tinny more days left Ham Himp-on l* a r?ry rill nun 1 ’illgen. Hia friends cal |tim O' tian man. It la told of him that he m n, — | would lock his nN| mother In her -l -oom n hla be me. and erave tier for j hours,, while he came to Kiisaboth I Oly lo attend the! Ilam-Rainsuy rv l rival aervioen, going bock htiujj; till' ed wit- u atUv ling spirit tilled with rigW.i onanewt InjK tod by th< teu'ii loltng rrvivallats Hut ht Inon't berp to u«w Ida mother ulnco she wan taken to th • poo lioitae. Hn Is said to be tls? only ofl>< of | the nine all}'* to support the mother | l<cr youngest aap, Bdward, lives ini Hie null district In klUnbrth • »l> j lut lh«* enilra family has lo w rk n th- mills. Tie old lady tried to liv with Kd. qwhile. hut It Wiven't safi for her. Hhe woe Id grow lon emt from staying -alone all day, uud <*n I nger her life on sh« sL'wts. trying to reach the lioines of ad lolil neigh bor*. Her son. Jim who I ves on t 1 nlh int avenue, this city. Is an InvalUl,, ii’fj unable to Car,- o‘ her Hill. J i the eldest. I» H widower. Itoeedin ; i.round with paaquotauji cotibty ' -niers It wag Hill wlvo wis iddlg | .1 lo seek a mui for hi * ""l ' I tit* Ibtsquotank county ' J-o rbmise. j where It t« ih» proud boaat <>f th iv mini y commissioners that oconoml t i ;.l, management cnublea thi-m to Ink care of tha county's d »tMuie i»er»i>le ' for ua little as right dollars a month ‘ apiece. HI VI.HY. «r«4M I.AWI HM» a miKMCi IN «10l.l»HlMiK« j 'fConllntied From Page One) s a hen we go bark, or pul up MB* ’ fight It wSi ■cithor pawn the wHi h or starve s'nre sr® hadn’t eaten tn three days. At Wilaou we were ar rested on a charg of robbing :l Hi! Ing station, but the chief of pope compfr-teiy egoueraled us The ‘hi of Wilson bsdiiai afler us for two dsys. and when we started out for Coldshort"!, arriving here at .VlJti Tuesday night. ’"The Salvation Army gave ua a l>ed for the night and break fa *t the nest morning. W.e w<ol nut to th- Neuae river and fell iji with a fish ing isn'ty. We Spent two n elite on . the banks- of tha river. Now ami then one of the hoys would rllp its >< nickel and we would spilt ivUiioi di 1 between Ba At l»at in desperation we tame to the police and asked for 1 help That is our story." j "How do you flke the Bomb?" lb. reporter asked. thf nm nsßoftn nkwr T- T- 1 "Fjiic, If we could find * owe work. | The climate here >a great '* "Are you not' homesick7" Von bet we are. And Wc‘r«* going Dock Ifouic us *o<»> ai. « can. ain't we kid?' 1 The boys rr-ae from the i >f, cdilili ter and heaved a groat sigh of sai>«- ; faction. (;®e. iwusn'-t th«t steak igrunt?" asked Keunelh 1 Masterpjeces Taken in $500,000 Robbery WOKLYWOOn. rattt?, Feb. 21, Iti iiaissuiKe paisllugs. and other art Ituaaiircs, valuiai at ne.irly half a million dollsrn w>. re tap lasing fro.n h-si Hull Wood home, , Msitm liaurig. j Ogrtnany firm of M. Weinachocnk A i'o.. reported to the isdlfe when he returned from Catalina Island last uigbt. \Tiioiig the pgluCngs cut from | frani's or carried away, a .ones and • "lb be llstcxf: - {. ' W* "I**ughter ot I’iiiilip IJ of iMptmi and Kll*.v|>eth of Valois,” val- , I'd «i Il i.VbqO; "A VmaJ 1.-sson." by „ .llitsus. valued at IlSS.Ofld; Murillo's fwniis "Boy Wowing Bubbles." val ued at I*-.' 0t»; 'a ser ■ ~( pictures’ by Tenter*, "A Madonna and Child” and oilier paintings I* tk.rreglo, and |dber works by llm-lii'r and lan ruin. ’Hie thieves *|, o obtained, lie said '' 1 " ■>!u din : i i .»> ,yid other ' but I. fj i„ i, „d a ~>ll,, . (ton of UUI) o(ft( . r , lva<ur< . H virtually ua vnlualdc us that taken aeay. | FATHER GEORGE ~T niiWT r < )ml.v i\u> kinds of portraits wei'e kvoitable, oil paintings /|nf -An, | and miniatures, Ixit h exitenxive and only a few could en- || Toda>’ you c<m secure attractive phot<»graphs at prices i) ‘ \ inch i/ 1 i 1 them vit hit) the i each of evu-y one. j CIEMENT STUDIO |) Hone (ft. 135 West Walnut St J I EXTRA! EXTRA! ! I Full Account of I o 41 ?- .o | Goldsboro Shoe Company MM I Big Remodeling Sale I I Another Slash in Prices I I Another Slash in Prices! Buyers were at the opening of our sale to get their share of the big Savings. People for 40 mlies came to % buy and went avvay happy. The first four days of this sale was the greatest single stroke of selling that’s ever happened in this coun ty. Our determination is to sell and low prices vin do it. Polks we are selling good, new clean merchandise. Our tables are I ( loaded with the biggest array of good shoes ever offered. Here you’ll find every size and style, in most cases way below cost. We must move this stock hy February 28, to remodel our store. Come in, see our prices, ask any of the host of satisfied customers. Our policy is and will he high class merchandise at low prices. Make* us prove it. We have again put knife in prkvs. New’ Spring tioods coming in every day w ill go on the Bargain Counter. Ev ery single Shoe in our store will l>e sacrificed. kg. ftA. Price no object to us. This is you r one chance to make your dollar I v do double duty. * | Goldsboro Shoe Company I I 115 K. WALNUT ST. , LOOK FOR THE SIGNS I ff « ' * **■« * Banks Seek to Save % ■* . • Big Japanese Fim V TOKYO. Feb. 21. |By A. BA—Re- Tuk»t« A On. u*e of the »«r»;.«t Importing firm* in J«p«n, tu finatacUi aiff raltle*. were eon brimfi totlay -by an amuiuiii ament that the government bud refuwed an STOP . • a Are You Protected? i % I* t 0 I write every form of INSURANCE 'o' Inrludimr Life. Fire. I.iabiliiy. Aulomobiie, Bonds Plait* e GiiUOi J. N. LONCEST, JR. UHh Floor Wayne Bnnk Bldu appeal from tha company lor aa*M aace. The liabilities ra eat)m>ted at I gtt.OM.O4M. Tha suapsaafoß of «b* firm has not been announced and it la understood a group a4 banka are endeavoring to support the company. 1 The firm ascribes K» iAfftraltica to loaaaa In tha earthquake »f Sepo m^ s= * ; •• ' ’ ; 4 Service Our Watchword »1 AND ‘ “Quality Always** AT Pittman’s Grocery Old Stand—W. Walnut St. Phones 1000—ItOl j ' ~ I. ~ i ■■ i i™" " * ■ ' ! ■ ' , "i• .■ * h * GRAPE FRUIT 4 i J6’ « ’ * Special price of 35 renin a dozen on Fine Florida <>rape Fn*. .. * OranKea, Apple?* and Tangerine* at a reasonable price At Store Opposite Max Cohen’s Market o' n SUNDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY ft 1W T •n a*M draduMt) -44. tpl ft a«| i Sl.: ■ cmli'AGO. Kcb 30 -Margaret Qor-' own. nrtiat’* modal. ha* offered • tr ee an a rcearl for tt»? itrturn Os ItW* worth oC Jewelry- H«UB taw her apart tm-al. ,

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