FRIDAY MORNING, MARCH 20, 1925 y ha ***- *• «•*«*»# . '■; •* - •■ r —i ; i md **%» ** f»o*?T • QHtKf «H*. ***, *"">* j . T^£ ~c-»- » 4. “■*' fv>» .d. “ '“,•* '" . mil i ..ii.j["!i;n --■"•■J. '•■MU "r-'-rt-r- gMi."tej^iL±B: One Set es Success Principle* Make* *S ’ M,f^'*7 T H?- £jr J Iri JW «r. i l i ill iid , I o r VUII.* 1 Manufacturer of *9OO P«o- Aucts Points to Qmnl bJvMufl Success in Rcanarkable -Code • i * • •» • , ' • From . ths manufacturing Os low* paint* to. insecticides and fungicides: frsm Ihe producing of automobile lacquer* sq hospital dis infectants, from root rolling MSS Ms sine mine* 111 New Mexico » op*ratine lead corroding turns oos |a Chicago—these sr# touching iWßtp s very few spot* of lbs bus )mm sptorprtsea over whlrh Ooorge ufTnsrtln bolds reign as ••.•ad Os \ ifcs'.HlierWlA-Wimam* Company. WWbb yob 'sbouk of pigmoata lo Hr Martin It fMM't moan Just prod urine whits laad sad red las*, but Oil kinds of things with bul la n dish names like litharge end Jtthopone. which smbi to ha?s stepped oot of a cram-word puisle • Te fay nothing of ths tooth tubas, koddks laad pencils #ftJ9 buttons. furniture, lelephon. . automobile, alovea. kllehen iflirii, broom handle*, anshlug machine*. toys, bicycle* sod ihous heSs of Other article# covered atlh a separate surface flalsh mad* by tho Überwln-William# Company oof ofoortally doelgned for Iho uses tO Udfeb Ihooo thing* are pul amis soy nothing *fih#r of (.•deJWilm pora nltrulilllne. bet*- iisphthai as* para pbenylrna dim mine, which In turn are used In rubber, glass, linoleum, insecticide*, nod other products w> that Mr.: Martin's d.OOO soon runs to d*.tag|. products are bttggr oot to-day does oot mob* (hat UN number will he Um4PMm< " IWB/1 , * 'lJ** i"lp*«idi effba ( tO-s*or r ow - Chance* ary that Mr. | Marlin will have ninny more Ihinge ! bo ’thl| Of' ftf*' b« also has hi* Unger In research and experiment ing This, like producUon. Is car ried on a tremendous scale, In the largest "fend most completely equipped putnt and varnlah iheni . irul research labaralsdH lu Ameri ca "From n solos 'force* In UT« of one man. we have grown lo s eelk ing organisation of over TOO." said Mr. Manta. "From s handful of dialers we have grown to over ll.iinii authorised agents and deal er* <u sillcnrd everywhere; from one little warehouao wo have grown In to a i ystem of orer Iwo directly control!, d distributing houses In principal cltlea "We originally began with one ploat und covered ouo-thlrd oT'an aero." Mid Mr. Martin "bui now wc huve groan to §2 plants und cover 110 acre*. ■ "The one mill In tST* him eg ponded la-day to 111 nillls. Our properties, institution* and em ployees glonr would make a city Os lO.Oild people" A HrmarksUr lode • An admiring "how?" cornu to the llpa It to easily and simply answered. Although the Hhor win-William# (’a Is an organisation ronatotliyi of widely spread plants and faMor te»- Inter national In scope, they have by a su*er-e*nrt. by a reign Os policy and preoogt. Wen molded into one gigantic Institution-uu Indystry utrtp Itself. The rails# of tho phenomenal ; growth and the d.SOS swcerwsful 1 produc ts to the *plr|l of natty and ISaNAagUy behind their manufari - . ore—• spirit epitomised by one of | the most feme rkabi* code* of f ethics ever formulated by an la . gu* trial InotltuUoa. J : . I .. heerpt at rsrogps Hera is the Mhrrwta-WllltasM code of principles: ■ To spin e* ear menu. , la be the best and target! ron<frm~ of ihr j[md m Ihr world \ To hr broad and liberal at writ be aggrettnt m our fohey and method t\ To lake a frnte in oar nr it if at ten 1 To l* loyal In Ihr Company rath other. JTs fotUr good fellowship among ouneliet and la lake pleasure at welt at flopl oat of our work. to ttrnr rouslautly for ihr men! and advoncemenl of the butt- < «ci( and aurifh'et. • To be lontideralr. bottle and conrtr-l <*»< i" all our dealing, witlim and without Ihr company. To he high limed m everything. rt-L rrywhere, To grow in knowledge and eharae \ ter at well at In tise. f amily of Nsurufsl l abs Kmerson said that “An Instltst lon to the lengthened shadow <f rnea" The Miter win- Will lams com-. • Pour to a direct reflection of tbl* i truth. Under good leadership it assumes the proportion* Os sne grest centrally controlled 'amity— factories of steel and stone acts •tod by the fealty sf their mas power to s common objective. |t* many executive*, lu allied roni'posleo. lu far flung Intoresta, Its thsuaundo of doalers and eo workera. are all Members sf this great family, striving with a stnglet goal In view —success by mesas ofi service. "Whsther or not w* urn achiev ing our aim,” said Mr. Martin. I "may he judged by the facts and : figure* on an International Instllu- i • toll grown ts Its huge proportions; Is Utile more than half a century The commas denominator of *U •f us Is sur desire to succeed Os* set of principle* makes a hundred thousand at us kin.** * TUB OOLWIBO*f> NIW9 ft #riv tpin iii y «|\W«M i LEOPOLD CELL ■*> ■ >' ™V ■ ■ C m Fitlw-IVllMr “MilUooair* or> plum lit Jail Qnritn Frank’ii Murderer CHICAGO, Yareh It WIHInm D. Ebopdyd. |M*— >««k»r of William N. MSCSatock. ortean million *«. to •la* occupied the * amr county jail rail la vMok Nathan I«eoppid. Jr, awaited (rial ala: month*- ago for klMtnc Robert Tranks. war:* proae cnten ta«*at gale) • theory ttai tie typhrAd *orm» h* la aocuaed of giving McC.imtocfc to hill him. may have coaaa from ihi illy'* hr Uh depart - m:*L s+*. ‘ t Tempore ly itaM bill. Mhephc-id waa tak«a to tba county, Jail yauter day afternoon when a peOUon for a writ of habeas oortm* s»s*'<H*mia**»j alter 4h* Indicia* nt against. h‘pi •an returned It srqg. to §*• thoroughly Into mater* of iitotloaa yv ' Ml Ta4»f IhwMNhikfrt I: T , - « U*a» I ■ - . D*■ RT*t toa* and ddtgene— ; rjsfcabw > and in rt*e tehee beloved toys. • btih hejsuim ami kidhf Wwd tM*i < and qdo/la must be ftyf teaytrli and tenon onttev htnvudf* Often children are tdeprlved 0/ the tors they leva beat because It la feared l« will He dlg)cull to keep theta dean Here's a method.’ however, which easily deans staf fed toys pven Atom* Os roach good* Who I eddy tu-ara and loss haired animals Make a thick lather of ivory eoap •oda. aMW w|ih a. amaO nmoh rub thla briskly Into the surface Os the fay Hlnae thoroughly and muchly by pouriu* clear lukewarm water over M Never lay 1 ft* iwnty sTThe; . ( I^^Mer'and hedgMii* ihr'lurtnhlde. > : vf "f&te 7dli^^me^dt.Mt&cMTTflmWoLoM'Aga'ui on Shores* ■ f*,‘ " ***** * **"*"* * fa *‘ l >-*'.' «!'• I■■ '■ ■'" •» . --W 'V ' *mw— ■ ■I . a <d*. ir.JtowvsrMrm' i , Hi* I )c«Tinlunts Will Take Part in lli.itorical Ccle brut<tm tit St Atiuiutine, 2, a ami 4. Bt AkitMtisfc rinrlda. tbs ald- Mt Mly In Ihr United Autos, sad ant of ths qusiAtsst and mast beautiful Spanish-type CItMS IS ths Nrw Wsrld, it planning ts givt Murids visitor» a-osgl thrill on . April *., K sp,d l r whss She csls t rstrs (hr latutmW of tone* dr Loon at what tt agWMU Augustin#. In 161 VsM ttrnr, sgdlttS by mors rscrnf also. Iho ' founding ut WWW Sf Admiral Lion Mcovhdss ds Avtto* wa* gsrlr m fSBi ~ them ihsuesMftfwofd* riad in sllhs. sat Ins, iwnd snd holme u sad thr wirturrsqu* drsse of ths day 1 * ■ of cnleslry. wMi ukb pari in thr •dslehralbtn Inr npsntxh Ambas sador to His Unitsd BtoUs, rsprs ssnting King Alphonso at Spain, will hs the gusst at honor Ts most per owns sot ths toast Intorrstlng post trips ft will hr S 'Utils nrlso-yrdßold girl, Mary Kh Ones. dsughUr of K A Funcr. whoto doncont ih St Augus tin* has torn t rated leek coni mu pur]/__fo» UifOs hljmlrsd yssrs, and >ti ' inu. ntng, PoaaUlb W&QfttUHai. not only of tba bofer of youpp McH nUa k but also thum of -MH. EXuma MiCHniock | bis ati*h«r. who ittrtv M r„ , .., am: L>r Onucr Oison. friend of the fam ily'and'brother of Harry Olyoa. oh Jaatko of the munlctr I court, and 1 aa ayeatlp itlon of the M't T inio l -k orphan's death tnqut y wa» ed by Htate,auihvrtil.s . ■ - , \ Rev. Vincent Taylor Installed As Abbot BEI.MDIfT. Marvi lb.- Right Rev. Vincent Ooorae Taylor was biased and Inal allot < w head of the dittoes f of Belmont, htwwn aa the whir.) —■ '• Those Who Live in Glass Houses ! Do Not Desire to Throw Stones 1 ' ' «" ■ 1...,■ i i m •y tftßl RANCOAbT ; I SOMR oaa sold that those who live In alas* houses should not throw stonoa. Ha might have added - that they would not wont to pro vided thorn were a few draperies and certain* to craata privacy on occaabM. * Modern folk often do llva In giaaa bouses, or what aasouat to tba saara tbtng. They gad tba cen tum good for their health and eplrtta, and. consequently, their morals (The adage a roes. I ha Hhve, over a question at morals.) AH".*' living la glhM houses M plagsur nil*, too it permit* «jt Ipfagduc-, IHI film o| beauty and Joynnanam to . > j tSa home that »«hH ts .Mm i, vll nouared otherwla*. . . * You may , ask wh.r* ttef* glppa ■ <1 > house* era übe foand. Th* eoawar 1 wharavar architects and home builders hsvc l«srae)l atli*‘WHuhn , * -jrgtors have learned \ ha* Marita of ) mirrored room*. Olaaa, plat* glass tor prafaronca. la aa leach the j mark nf the praaeat building ago as stone was at the Slows Ago, j gold of the Oold Age. and (lsctars nf the Ghtelal Age. Thla la. In many wayh. a Olaaa Agd. j It la aot ldt* t« point thla wt and toid wall on it. lor. la apMn of tba '■ detention given to windows and j mirrors by lb* dlscrlmlantlag. ■; there nr* still thoao who think of twt--*! ..(Sam) aa gd»flawe.aui>Wid» fMy --•ft toiaM, on the otter head, whan I -.11 jjl jUinteldute'dlalhthlnh dWbul, I '-nai*l®ite®i»'tfckbmtedteHt 'I aaii. 4 ‘ lIU b 1.. . *•»■-»> nm van y *— \ ****** Q*X*a* mi g ■La - -J* m £' J|L. 9 I ™ If ♦ Ijj 9.4 • ■ > ■^B|J ■g£ : '''£««»' ■ r ■• f 7 I X V^H &JJpßjc« * * *r'' K ' o/ *- c/ r»- '^^■l0 r V/ifaTsi—" * •to I*, M Ur ■• CM 6* found. lh# vouriMei-t llna* deacendant *1 rone* 4* Urn to boor hi* Hot UtUo lUmondme* (reaUirreal (Tamlfklher woo o I‘one* <i* Im* bat in 14*1. whon th* United Slate* pu refuted Florida. Uj* 4* l«ot> m dropped from the family name Another proup of really oMee* familie* will be represented by Mi Ht Klmo Acoeta. last rear City Commute loner ( >t Jacksonville. Ha,' ■r «l little prendehlld Mr AcoAa la a direct deaceinldhi el Admiral Menendey who founded tic Aukuoliii# 66 year* before the Hllprint* landed at t'lymnulh Kick Ilia descent ha* (>een trarereny the SC Augurtlne lllrturieal Society Oireufb There** Meoende* who ' NttH a* HI la imiralag The ceremony wax tdetur sqaa and Impr-uatek R#C Mr. Taylor eucwdshlui the hut Right ReV two Held. who dhed In July IM4. ■ , 0 ~ ' ’ j The wad the occasion of : n gre*t gal her ink of prelat.*, cHrgy j math from all parts' nf tte hottth Vfoiy (Irc.’wahoro adendel. hfr. Taylor be ng formerly Hssignwd ‘la Ifho fmatoratr of Bt. B n«>di< t obtorh of that city, j* Tile sermon Waa preach. I by Rev. Ambrose Gallagher. 0. S. 0 pastor i of St. Pwttr a sthullc church, ('har lot!*. The OiCUnioa brought oat all the ' ‘ itkal and ebam’ o the mad ornrde •kind, datjhg hack to tha »grly days * 1 jM H HppgJßj | , HI Jj|| Jjr ,J Hi tWi 'lm' ' J J Hs Windows IS i»y hdtes ‘•tt ha msdfi'hdd all of telnidl pUIS glast Vbls will bu iwtnsMto I have found oat for my sail Sted ana tight ssakaa at* cheerful and contributes to my awns* of well-heiag. Scion lists have conSrmsd my tmpraa sloa by proving that sunlight kills germs, diminishes fatigue, and con tributes to tba rsattntsoM and wholesome sees of a building into which It la permitted in whether the building ha boma dr factory bunding. Vhctory builders have tee* aware of thtg for some lima, so that mnby modern facto ries seem asado all of glass. 1 MfJrr* if* fn 10, v3 rfyjHcWl tinSro la true and teaasmfts light B rSBQBBBa through the open alt aaf*|VfgJlY VPiaas in lust a r ftedW, hSWHo ywtncttoa and a miatwna of gtarn. . _1 .faMkUwdua ■ r. »■■■■■ *■>■ ■■■„,— » t L .'i F W* rjV|H| J jgyßf. 1 >. ebOut rpo year* e*» marriwi mu the v«ry old Alewre* latnily The hii'tma nl the record* el three old fanldie* and much other Unknown hwiury i» due to the tit AuKuoline Historical Society at which Urn Ilea. Ihemmaf AC Uto <*"■ .o - :•; v 1? . ( »ji yW 1 ' ' *■. ■■ ; " , " >V ■ ——' ot u«» iasdkarai period. TV •*«' . «MMt •r*c#:»td tb« wi<p» MMdsn at the band* oC Hia Once, the Mast &*r J, fnrWy. 0 I)., arwh btehop of HiitlMn. >wl .dtolntdtiwr U>r of the o «r diocese of Rjflilwb. -' —• 4——- ’—^•'r Man Killed, Another Hurt in Plane'* Pall SAN ANTONIO. Teo.. March It.— One men wee instantly toilet, tat - rr ere* probably fsttaly Injured, and an airplane «aa demolished wheo It roll a distant* of about lAM feet ibis afternoon. Staff Jt-neent Irwin Mackey was kllhtt sad Seeswsot Woniw k. of Kel i ly Bell, yras hadfr Injured. life 4 weL .. .„ 1 1 , i Hanot pronsws ea ssnen > >w aa aosMtos** to.dots*. «** % « «*• *•* -w*» *., »®fw van ine vit■ ii > eMnMf VNMPv need to U; tor nlnwt dsfNwls and axtead the heaedta at ato WWW food views sad add tke atsspjbt sort of pMtanaa is psi* waße; ~TL ahu isssa miWm« esa-es. wn»n {l‘w. : "asiw' : * akite maker asdaa ttseSiwWib- >»* terset nU^^W^WISS^S^ • r'y '■ ijjjßLjF fi % to, a % As w ;■*/ Ij w b !! * bk mi M • Vi ■Xy-rW ’ 1 ■KBBE 1 22£siSSt *° * *. I pew ninety-an* year old HitiMMt ** la tW preoldeet and term* *M»y tar enntyihatee. The eooety ha* kept reaeerek worker* away mN| •he archive* of Spain. SC Aeauetine 4atea Mi metora proereea from IMVf, when UN ttM Henry M. el the leva* *re el SUnderd OU, ln»e*Ud tad* lion* lu munificent hotel* y*Ma> work* anti *dlm*** all rnmmmmft le the pld rf e*mte eM-time 4*0%. tak arvhltmlure Ho dirt not ntJT town the Quaint oM helMtaM 00 rreal walla, at chan a* the knroeei •treete with their overheating haC ' u«trade*, eaeept *ome that diarepair. Today the enetent rlty le SMMa»i tea. It ha* recently paaeed a head iMha pfnyldtne noer a million #aC„.. • ,*% r. 'Zusri 'zxs'ixj. ne ol the line heech-yaaifth,^^ tie ataeed at the hue* H. Uanm, built by the !it»*ni*h at a aMl'Saf thirty atilhnn* It etU *om«neaee with the arrival nl I’one* 4a Idea and hi* chevalier* <w> their MalaV <dd thin*, end from then eh «h» early hUtery oi H*n«l» Wt* be l*» >narled o‘t Marten wee roeteUf declared a national no. n a meal 4*. ih* War IVpartmenC rh* earn I handier es Commerce wvth MA MNI memsera. the Kt*vt«a. Mat <«ast Mai)way, the Notary dale and all the eitiren* are wortunf | hard to mek* the nlHwalma a 1 great ■uccee* And ut thm apiemtnr. wHh Ha lancliie./Biuatc end *pMl*. HtMa Mary Khmnndin* l*eare wwt. N ta '">• to *ay, b* the t]r*M*l at aM i ft- 1 * 'jMjjmMtM* j.. PAGE FIVE

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