Np 9 < V i liJIl iiii i ■ < • ■■ „ ■ •- - wv’dll ft • . * ' I v • 1 * W < V l Tl ' • ‘ JAflfrflLY CROWNED for spring '' dft ■'».*. v ; . tha HithCiwwn Hm Achietnd Tha mark of approval, and tha new Hat Drm« It. that da why It la wccaaaful. Os Telt, straw and Pallia, Varytof DalifhtfuUv in r , , . ... v • - v { Trinusis,. , r . a, * e, . * ? ■ .’ . * .. ' - TMI HAT SHOP iciSSFtYNomNr, i tliimm Caodemned k; iHk* ?*« riflJlA. Okla., Mar. 14-4 r**o- J »•» oad.'maiag lynefctngk and ik fit HW4 uneaimoud* j *—*r * * - »*■** ‘■"•“W tMM • MU# W -111 IMW Mi* «tt •fet', •■*»?■>■£":;■..■ ',=a=r=r^r^ T . , r-„, ~ r-va.^'r'^rasss^rsssatrsrr; — . ■ :- ftr fußh Baldwin In the Opeta Mauaa at lMi j>. m . Sunlli palls tad ialn-bltch roads «h-a the Woman a « ut| that «*4a Ibn .uo,,i» 4 on,a Out Os ► Ttl a 'liflnf|||kt|| nM/\Vk M ■ *""•»'•'« »*•««* •'«• taraal comedy » rull or Itoa rlfi.rf I ft# l» I HIl V lima UT VI I llr V» H hrahad gr»*u lane* lu bloom 'r, i an,l Hn> o., M > lal llllw aj lf| il I.illl fl% j j ■ Taka than* in your airdi. i.rpr t*i »n.l play • „>!.inborn m • W * |TI laughter In your ejea h-M talent Raad ttoa caat. which f . j]* .H 4 w * l,n * eroaa-rnag hall* your faat, foilowa, aad ha awn* you caanot nf ha both train,d and wlaa! lord to mlc, this prcdu lion \ v JHW B Fr day Bigot at •Jo at ttoa* Opera Hit*, you mid a lallaman you wilt Houie Wile uln B know your way, book, aal Saturday morniai win and < ■< Twist ind turn r*v»ale«n that much happUr I B < aa the day Th# Oiaa of characters la -as foi- WW B stone aar bramble may not plate# Iwa "A-m B dtwam-irotactml (am. olivu l>tmgna»ld alas Jana 4U- X’jikBRPiML 1 ■ Nlfbt shall not otoarura vour path. I*a - Blanch# l(enl«v ’C j f ■[. whara tha r rum roads medt Eilisluh ■ Dang* riel d, *igm Ara- I »«'* Mrs william Tbogtagoa. SM ML * f I lor la Ilia a magt? wdnA. Hiram* My*, Mlatr, Tucker* surer VVn V •*- Ji yaar hand; ' Mfci Margaret Kornegay * B. Il shall lead you filthhilly, rrar aaa t'ora Falk*nar. har dau*htwr—tdra, I ■ r ' *** land. FrtkNit Graham. > V ■AH l lfa'a croca-mada can not trail Amanda. Olivia a Mack mammy— I ■ 1 , Which th# daMUiad ir«l; Mas HI nch# Parrott t* fl ■ Praama and lor* and laugbl»r ara Burton Crana, from tha north-Wtl flr'SF l|Lr rv guides which nhall nol tali Ham Mahler f tfH __ ■ Merer' pth bat ends In Home, wltt T>wmaa Utterta, etetiettoal poet «Urh spall# te fwide. riaMtcrne Royal I RVRRVDAV ! : NTII. RASTER Z. Z 2. TtT ' " " ,ZT v Vti£ri^r” yftflr ' i m , I #han the laal rraaa-rowi of all hart Paul DtngerfMd, at na Bmtthßa)d - $ . • ‘ W« win !»•▼# OA ask ® potty way *tth n ghi Howtrd Buah V HUNDREDS OP NEW HATS *yZSt ..»TiT.'', p h ‘ ,^MSBTHaTr -M ', kSP+W ™ of beautiful Spring Hj . ißlJiii! (; showii (» this city. And evory day until 11 I ,#k ' lm * wi HUMi# f i Edmter wt* wiDbp constantly ndding new hata to roplace | ***?• «a4my . Mnoe: tfc# tVfteriMd manalon. ! ~h* oMo wp K»v, *>ld. \, h t \ T w:::: txis ,z? fissssss: I 'zr» —i j? 05 Ir.r-aiw,urS !V ’ » SI lIA *" rt Up I 1 , * lk » H whr, ‘ Ml-s Virginia Hulti-r who baa #laW ■ shotild urora of gtdll lnr*i>si to n' m Urawsmiu nos ,n MIUniVII I esfttam nihaltoWaWl I n>#mfc * l * Al, Pltal. ban retnrdrd t<* hsr hum* here EFIRD S DEPT STORE I ”" -s= sz “*“ r I\t I il Vlll I • p9 S !r«ftP ’ ■ “Tome o*l Os third to tter Mom- toeing nHHded l \ ; , 4. » . ■ rhr HHrhea" »ttk lafluatose Thr Mat place of dramatic Mr Orav*a 1 Mmlth who tor aar produced in aoidnboro for dayta ha« been to hta V ,j».i ■#«.:»rariwwia'r. -nf.ttuir | twine with fnluanu, la aspectaf I lx- hack at hU bualarea w thin the ■i «&l taw days. Mr JtcA Daniels, of Norfolk, has ecraped tfca pueitto* of paahtar with th- JelfMamt Standard after <4 this city, and has taken up hla dull«a h hapadt of th# Elret i biteUia church Atanlaaien t treat y »r» end ftßy ... - nod’s Plttat Tir Ha*l Hl* |r Vocnr Bolw VS, Hlam h. Rica Solo -Th# Pala, Polka. icr,., c*.\ pin. (tot Anltra's r>ao.*a, paor Oynt Mr P R r»rtaoi. ( isz~::z M r V‘“s? Blanch., Rim. o'\llffl, t ia* , Mi.T l T fWr^ Mr H S Eon-on I'rot K E. Huret Isl-Orchestra Soodheni Makpftft; Th# Tar H#*l Hit Wft OuiirantN te Stop Fftlllng Hslv I® J|R 3 n w :^ §l jnk MMaStfir "{ wm ftaSjUM*# a*., esu MO . tti,nut, DstAft WrU, M tor Ire, sCv*rit*,ee muvs DEPT. STORE I r # EVERYDAY ; NTII EASTER l * Wl wiH have an aak HI NDHEDS OF NKW HATS I R*,‘Jpwa*.|rf , tl | i» Inrpoiat aiam,rttncntH of heanliful Sprinjr I fi’lMata «Vftr dht>wn In this city. And every day until B p'lrlpAtdW ww wfll be constantly adding new iiata to replace ■ | 4UU oM[ we have aold. > We are ahowing every color Imaginablg L .... ....... We are showing every style imaginable B And the priwip are bo reasonable , «.j. ci t f ■ Y ifiT #2 93 Md ltt> ,»p# t I ‘ '' 2| M ind Up ■ EFIRD’S DEPT. STORE I THE KITCHEN” I OPERA HOUSE 1 FRIDAY, MARCH 27 J A humorous Southern play with a cast composed of the B finest of GoMsboro's theatrical talent. “Come Out of ■ The Kitchen” is one of the most popular plays that the fl • American stage has ever known and you will enjoy it's M ® enaction. r Two Houra of Humor That You WiU 1 I - Enjoy. The Production in rßeing 9t«g«4 Umltr (hr AuHpirp* k Os (hr Lltoruluro Da pari men! of the Woman’* Club, A B • (.uaranlrr of Ha Worth aa an Entrrtalnmciy of Rdal Worth Remember the Date Friday, March 11 I \ J Admisaion: ~, • CURTAIN AT 8:10 -• Adults 75c SEATS NOW ON SALK I I ! ff % tkto woaaah * miaalpnary coup t «U of the MfehiMpr Hptacopel ohiamH ' In neeaien her* lata u»dny. The rewoinUsw Which hi t« he •anted to the governor at Houlitern j ataWaa. pledgee the nld of Ihe women of Mie church in iwtaralng the IMtn agalnat lynohlag ' Society. CNN * MAM Ij. c» fy Fhtth Baldwta Sunlit patla tad leta-hiaeh rends, head t«£at weds thh moon. Mountain tnmfc and forest ainle. hmhed greea lanes la bloom Taka tkam 4n your carelee* air da, lanlhtar m your ey««. hi When * eroM-road halt* your feat, ba Both warn, d aal wiaal Ifi ; - ■. • '■• ■ _«j I* you (held a tallyman, you will I kno#' yaur way, Lj Twtwt sad tnra revealed la you. open aa the day. , ! Slone aar beamble may not pierce diwaga-ftoterted tatt; Night a hall ani obscure your path, r what* tha crom-troada medt i«tr* la Ilka a magi* wind, turning Jn year head;' L- It ahall lead you falthHilly. over sen and lead All Ufa’! crate-made can not veil I , which th« deMUied trill; I Drrama and lor# odd laughter are gaidea which nhall not fall. | Merer* p th but aade In Moms, w itt h Melt aftlii ta guide Tfta* th* . ootowd way* o t 4. f* ta yocr oaeeteaa #4ride; ; When the lam crass-row! of all bars your way with night. . Tor *btll Rad your own dim trill j lending into light I • •* lj Woman’s (lab r j WeHt Today I The regular rtwinthly ntaetin* ol the Goldsboro Woman * Club will be I ** p oriiii h, 1..« i tn, Mr. Out o' the Kltctoart" finr the Uterta r tare Departmlbal of ihe cloh, will of fer a (ilk •> * ■ ■ ■ .., « - a Wn oflfor you thn now modes of tha moment. ' l ** , j * • * r> . >■ * o' , *s •rfc' 1 * : €•' • ~ r*j . - «• i>i ;■■4* ' — ■" wri n .«fl Showing Spring Styles -«■- + ---jy--' Mrv Ocoret P«riM. and Mr# H*ll! I 11. Klmwona, am viaMia* «U.«« ! ] dammar*, who are loading college < in Orwahaboro, lor a lev day* jj Hr and Mrs. U»i*h left yeb-j I I lerday to attend the Ratary oonrfn- .< ttao In Richmond \ * ROBEHttOIt WBMAN PASSES f Tv* remain* of lit*, Bliaund Mltrball, twenty-year-old wtf* of %- M Mitchell, of R or# wood. who paaa *d .way at a local hospital Tuesday woi# lad to him y*at*rday afternoon j a* Roaawood R«V Bronaon official 1 ed at tb« ceremony. A l»r*a auta ’ btr of ftltada and raUttva# war* premnt at the eat*atony, and th# wraith of iow*r* att*at*d tha tow th# daewaad w# hald fin * Suavtetng hat am a math#r ana > filh*r. a hnahand, ah* Maw, Cora Mary Aycock and on* brother, Br*- hw Hlnea. The d*4»*dj W4m«4 aateral aiontha wRV npn#ai|lctt|ii Ada mil ium* mam Hr, Ma**a Min. omW|f *»m 1 * ; W a■» l "“ • ■ ■ iHmV invpv|s FRID A ) AND S 4 TURD A Y Exnptlonal in thin Pre-Eanter Me of Oltar ChU From 124.71 LMI X ' JTt I I I I j *-”'«»>■ '■** .** * Newest Easter Millinery JUST RECEIVED » j. „ Our ipiyer wan in New York only tool week end we We now showing an entirely new line of Millinery all the way thru. , * The greatest aaaortment of Hati we have ever kl il"W« Ne** 1lie: «* new arrival*—you wfll aim* fj i lint it In an uncumpersfele v«, n . JEwWA li*M Spring Heti you ever new. Out u.iunl H >1 * JGpT .. V i.todf-rJitp price* preveil. fl < 'ls $3.98,. $12.50 I7? - - -m.-- Why F*y IW* m _ iir-rr m B l V X B v M j^B' .* j jj f f«grn irs- au-g Bat*. o r thla city, «*• lull t«v raat ytaitrdiy afternoon at Rnp««ood, 1 rta*ih having nanwUHtea tar Tmas day alteux* u at two tnitfy ocluck Mr% Bar* wai rUtv fonr mar* old. and waa greatly beloved la the com binalty dt which »h« 11 rad —lit tonai 4 rtranar w*> p*. Goodbye Winter, Welcome Sprint 'll. ~'i i And all that it bring* rnrzr. the arrival of new ntylen ht Raster lutte, Hata, j Rtirniahlnga. I, I . ■ PAGE THREE ' forth*d k> th# Htv. Brown; a«« *m..»iag ft. and* and r«UUh*«Oit at toad tb« laat rtt«>> of US* nt*«nl laty Rh« Hwth to muitu Mg Mg to - eoaa, Join Bar >t thla ett! Loray. Needham Brany and ft !k» ot jUfewotM- . ■ ( ~ -» ■~ r ~i e *; ' T~""S.!T '.. '-B-ijyrii'Mi M a .i miai '• llHll| > > d | u*mtM^^t|Mnß|