GOLDSBORO NEEDS MORE MANUFACTURING PLANTS ' * I ' »- - — — - - ZM .* fe»A-ijy* ' V-' I*-. 1 . i ■■ ■ ■ m ■■■■■■ | ~i WEATHER 11 Friday *Od Selerdai, prnb |wif tooeofa Natarday. rooter hi »c.( v/’ —"P 11 ' u VOLUME 4; NO. 30 GOUMOtt* % C. FWDAV MORNING, APRIL MOW. tr- ' 11 —' ■■■" ll 1-I.r- ■■ . ■ . . .-4, (.. ..... . ___ ™ rcß Flv * C* l *** Spman On Stanc ches Wits With le For An Horn TRIAL OF MASTER CROOK BROUGH NEAR TO CLIMAX Chian He Shot At How eon* Who Ww Trying To Rob Him * CALM AND STOIC AI. Spoke In (oM, Kven Tunes, Eye* Fixed On Questioner • At AH Tinw HARTFORD. COWL. April 1.-nfler ald Ctupman. «xlraordinary # rrimitial ' brow gilt bis defense ugatnat the charge of haring murdered a Ww Britain policeman >aat October 13 to a (llmar today when h» look tho ahead hmsclf and for more than an Hour matched hU wit* with the state'e prosecutor. Hugh M. Alcorn. At all tom aaemtnglr antlrelj- at raae, tb* notorious prisoner slumped >u the wltnaaa chair, one arm atop the railing surrounding It. *;v.h* in low. arm. unhurried tonea. hi* eye* promlaent and roMly blu*. w*ne-fix ed on his questioner, b.wi of the time. On occasions p.rtlctlarlr when he launched Into sow* irtcrlp tltm or explanation or clreu«ii>tatic*o surrounding him or tb' . charge igalast him. he would look directly at the Jury, leaning slightly forward • and fitting directly to tha \ try. Walter K. ahe-.t. l.'a accusor. was a criminal sad an tosodate ./ crimi nal* from all of rive* oemtey.' n* l.tarried. |t m • b-pman said, •ft. ,'VH |R the eirr# ».<,n of hi* Sprig'i tld Msm. a lyernamg con* cpr« a *l»pot (>• stolon (.» ship pel to him fi*a all j its of the country by nnbrw 'i-i eha’aotgrs. to hr disposed of on a commission battle. Frederick J. flrochl. cltlef defense counsel. s*kcd Chapman a few ques tions on calling hint to lb# stand. Chapnuui denied rvar haring been in New Britain: admitted hr has four tlmm b*r«t convicted of crlnit; said "left" the federal prison at Album "aliotif March 3d. 19«." that hr had known fleorge "Dutch" An dcrsoit. bis mail looting buddy, about, right years, and that be had met many of Shcanfs associates- pien rfttNted by him as "abren’s uiota ' T%*n AI cam begin cro#e-"»arolita- Hina JU» broulhi out that the pris oner had »erred prison terms in Au burn and Uislm. New- York, and thart he waa In Atlanta penitentiary beenune of the I3.ikt.miu New York mall rwherrj. .Hr Mas not srated la . the mail robbery, ehepqiun asserted, uad Alcorn asked him If he bad not dented ai his trial participation in the looting. - “I do not want to get Into an ar gument' with you about whether nr not I am guilty of the bold-up." he answered. "It be* nothing to do wltM th a cage." Asked |f he shot st a police officer tint* h# waa dYr-stetl m Mun • tie, he replied, “J shot at someone. Art knowing be was a ,io rice man • inm»aaw> ap and jabbed a gna aader i Mirari 1 had something Ilka j, la my pocket, and he waa a pidg omslng character.” Ike hadn't Intended to kill (be man he explained, merely seeking to soar* him On Alcorn’s questioning, he slid the nitroglycerin found in his automobile had been bought by htm Hpi. Henderson from. Indiana at Tgwi'i requests. imrtoua art tote*. including *ete rmckers tools, aarrihed to his own ership by the prosecution* he said • were owned by Anderson or ethers of hie associates. Halt Cieraldine Farrar; Seize Bottles In Car Rt'TIAND, April X—Two doaen bottles ttf nfleged aaaorted .liquors . im a doaen bottles, alleged to con tain beer wero seised when customs Olftrlala *4 Rmmes Point. N. T. searched tb* private Mr of tlernldln* kVtrnr. said 'Ate today. Tb' stager and her »*py mere permit)el to proceed to Rutland. wtwnw she iifr hilt ft Tii ■yj THE GOLDSBORO NEWS ■ . ' *T —"■ —- ■' ■ a LARANIK, WV. UtHATH * IH RHAX ITS FIBULA . t HIOAOO, The basketball quln tetto rpproaented Laramie. Wy„ •At night eliminated Durham In tho grand Hauls by tba score of 2« to If. - The game was a, whirlwind con leak from the opening blast of the referee's whistle and was In doubt I uniU the laat few, minute* o( the I ptay.'whaa the western |ad» ral- j lied to pat over tho winning I IMdnta In a faet and furious fltir- I ry. . . j ,1 ■ 1 - L - 1 MYSTERY VEIL HIDES BURNING OF SAMPSON YOUTH -- , ; u Yount (•uinry LiUraily Boric- j curd All** By Flamcn. and Soffei-cd Intenseriy ALL FACTH NOT REVEALED Waa Found In Horn* Os Old I Colored Woman With Left - Side Os Body Badly Ciarred _ r | Investigation of the brutal Lam ing of Hubert Gainey. 16-year-old I youth of Sampson county, haa die-1 dloaedT a straightforward account of I the Incident but there yet reamlUß I much doubt and mystery concerning j Hie, whole affair, according to I cecouat approrlua on the Smlthtleld Herald. Msrvln Thornton, "Man” Thorn-1 t(A Isham Kaynor, Thomas I Dro-J nln and Bradley Herring Cfllupoaed a ashing party which *as ramping tor ihe night of March M, at the old 1 W'qoirpr • Bass pond In Beoton vlll, township About night this party was joined by Beat/ Uataay. father of Hubert Gainey and Pres ton BareftMt who hal with them also other fishermen at tb* pond who wit nessed with great deal of disgust the loti that there waa druakness and! profanity among the Qsblng party cutof which the trouble grew. At an early hour. Beaty Gain*y Irtt hi* sun with the pne of the burning. He was entirely nude qnd was allll moaning from the extreme pahts of the burns, The colored woman with the asslaUnce # of her 1 A ft e*n.r year-old son dressed Ihe ylc iim and notined her white neighbors lln his agony, Gainey r»nr«a*#H to her snd to those who awaited him ts! the early morning honra. that It was tb* two ThnVnion men who had assn lilted him. By ten o'clock Thnrsday morwtag he wad removed to the home of bis father. Hr. Be ty Gainey who lives •boat « mile from Where the .incident , oecirrnd' The hay |g now under th* J| YOUTH SHOT DOWN 'WITHOUT WARNWG . * r- I “Do Yob Wont To Mm Yo* l\ Pictor*?” Mm Pointing Gun M BKMNBTT, AprU S-a tuney Phtl llips. a youth of Fall Creek com mum _ I ity. Is In a dangerous < undliluq In —J m Sanford husptul. and Mabel" 1 1 Richardson of this place It under tr -11 rcs|, pending the outcome of PAR II Up's Injury, aa the r*ault'of a shoot lllng affair that took plac* hdre, Bun- Ijdti) u'ghi. J It seems that a party of hoFa In lit Wo car* had been out driving, atui J lull* haa tire troabls. The boys la ||< luded Richardson, (,'arl Brewer, C. || Brunaua. Blarnie Jones and Fletcher llLambert. Thty bad stopped on tha Ijaide of the road, and were patch!** lie punctUie. If Bhllllpa drove up, pad, thinking If that be might be able to help the I crawl, ashed If there wm aaytblng Him h.» mltfbt do Richardson stepped up. and poipt ed. a pistol against the chin of Phil lips. with the rennrh. "Do yfpl want jig see yonr picture7" Td|m by a«r- Iprise, Phillips requested that the guh be regmewd. Richardson fired, the ballet going in Phillip's efcta sad out of the baek ofi hla neck. .The Injured boy was gtrao Bret aid treatment here, and rushed to the hot pita I at Ban ford. At first. It wow thought thot ther waa no chance for hia recovery. A |a.te report from the hospital atateo that he la resting at well ag could be expected and haa a fighting chance to live. Shortly after tho shooting, which hog shushed this entire town. Rich ardson surrendered, to Deputy fthe rtff Nall, It Is claimed by some ppr tloa that ho la menially deranged. Ab far aa haa. been learned tb*r« wan »o onnac for hnmlty between the two men. Tee, 1 (I. 'ua. ll ,| l . „»W WEALTHIEST WOMAN DIES TEXAS Mrs. Henrielftt Hut*. Age 93 Owroer df MUUon Acre Ranch la Dead KINf}gVILLK. April" 3—Mra. Hen frietta Ktog. 93. owaer of the world’s I largest rimeh. and r*t«d aa one of the country's wralthest women, died last night. 1 Proprietor of a ranch bordering the Gulf of Mexico for Id* miles and comprising J.SM.MW acres, which I came to her at Ihe dojth of her htMK band, Capta'n Rirh»*l KJng. planer* Texna cattle mas Mrs. King’s for- Itune rose to aa eaormim* figure thru jibe of land values from a feu* reals to many dollars an aere. | Her hard vfrlully were .countleaa I more than loo.«*t) calVes being | branded each season. Coming l« ihe reach ga a bride. Mre. King’s first boms was a black | hou«e, due lo the const egg msnnee of Indians and bandits Her last home was of concrete and marble h*»d was describ'd as the ftoeet farm I item* in America. . . Klngsrllte * town of <770 twOn | the center of the raat estate and la largely aupported by th« industries of the ranch. Mrs. K p tag. who spent 1 jvirtnally all of her time on the prop- J*rty. was noted fW*u,.n Tinniit (k>.. «n --aounoeo • new ndicriul* for th* bus b«*inning wilh, thifi monmtf. The new achedute m ag follow.: Bun No, 1 B-ni l *»v* Ksr*wn*d M JWIMTIow «i H Walnut gtreetn, go Nhrth to Mulberry, Wall to Herman street, North to Aah j»Yw*t, We»t to Siocumb street. South to Wal nut street, West to,,Virginia. North to Ash, cirde Hiound by the Spicer gnnitoriuni. South on Carblinfi to Station. is»3 tJMt to Walnut to fitartmg point. Rug No. 2 will start at North William, and the corpoiwte limit* on the Greenleaf road going South to Wglnut street. Wo|t to George street, North to Bellevue, and retumto the storting point over the same route. * Bus No. 8 will leave tVebbfown at Wm and Pineview streets, going South to William streets instead of John, West to George South to Ehn, and West to Uttle Washing ton section, snd return over the same route. Mr- Bale*,, announced that b* had abandoned John street, because few passenger* boarded the cars on this street, it being so dose in. and would traverse William streeynstead, aa a good many requests hud boon received DomMk people along William Street to mske this change. M|her aanounrcntenU will be made as changes, if any, are Mcessary for the jniOrtteiutßee of good service. FIND tueWMt sooswao , 1 guilt aithwclsm fW|||ut c. CiitinlilH sv * **w fllvweoAP 1 ■ >’(IllltUlV Upon .n)-Gallon Hand While Locking For Aged Negro Man, CHARLOTTE, April 3. Not Cncte HU Stewart, miastsg «ft-yror-o|d as tro at tb* afctlop Mtwaca Matthews and Nfi»t ttjUt but'M gallons of ooru wblakay f*ll into the hands of rural offtevrs yvaterday a* ihvy war* fry lag to Ideate «b» okl maa. Th* liquor Asa tR a band hurled is a woods on lb* jjfarni of Jo*l Bar r*tt. naur Mattbrow, Tbs baiwl waa full of tbs stud * * was partly ax poasd Nearby ta clump of bushes were IS «mpw fr it jafs la* which tbs contraband wi i probably hauled HBftg&Stu; aa lad* atambted upoa tba each*, loratsd a ooasHsrahl* distance from any beaten pith, troves.hud hvea thrown ovqr the barrel, abasia foot of which protruded shove ground, and ftvsh < arth otmtsd that It bed not bage burled long. Further search reveal ed the fruit jars. The booty waa placed la an eutomabtl* and lakes to hekAmarters. if*J. No further lroe# won dlaforerd yesterday of facie fke. who dleag- A«ai*d Friday afternoon. Tb* to ned was expressed la the neighbor hood tint ho waa murdored, .hut no thing to aiihetaottate that optalou baa hem revealed. Charles Daalel. James Orwwford. gam Crawford. Grovel* Wewatf and Lladaay Mr wart th* latter tb* wife, of the old msn ar ebelag hold by the rural police pending further tovtsllgnten. Out the officers are inclined so believe they are honest when they dear of knowing anything about Ihe dlsap pee ran co. 'W— 1 Entity Stomach* of ~ Two Men Removed BHANOtIAf. April 3, —Dr * Komi, dlrerlor Os Uie Darien general boa pllal al DirDo (Maarhurte. haa juet‘ i reported tINT an. two j, operations tents , stomachs. made proi-e than O yVSf can- I ear (rnrii case tie *"rv removed aad t% gullet connecJ ed .directly with ihe Inireliaro -j |llre matter. I in willing for th* j I *ep»* to know all my act* and ao w 'hem (hat 1 have at alt tlman | tried t« curr> nut the lawa *a repair ed of me a* up officer. Very Heaped fully. 11. T. HOBKAON. ! IMHI* «W W* : a . * Al Wabhlaeton where Needle mar !«• la howplial. it wga iu d he wAnld - recover thonah be waa pormaaently iw»Oyj. , H panrow «< cording to Mi art ft Kobe eon of Martin county, waa marrt*d lon ftundav afternoon to the girt *hn K alleged waa attnrhed by .KeedHfean. *7- j (a a atatement made gnnday wbet; IM wap aatd ho would die, NemUeween .named the three men ji **,ll - •’*. -I'AHa, Itii ■ ' Tore Boßot Helen In Musk Fto w#M. Who Wgo Fouodl Stuff M 111 T—goigot Hoorn NEW YORK, April t Tb# body Os a man run tain Inc two hullat wounds and beltevdd to M that nf Mack Pass wall of Si. IdMit*. was round today atußed la tha narrow arsa-way of *a upper Parti avenao tenament house, in a pockat> was ■uund n savings bank fiook showing (•cposlDs of MOJM. ' Pass well, who waa r*fhtta**d at the Hotel Ataman, to Dpper Broad way. la hvllWed by the police to have been a deater in Haeraatental Fines They aa d tto Unit MMW car rled large bank halipcaa other than Ike one shows by the depoatt book found in hi. poctof * ‘ ■n temMk - dhtmalte total tin* 614 * clt, yefibr c l : A tew d u y. ceriler he ha 4 * glvt-n a preliminary hrarlaa »cni». *r . v WASHINGTON. April 1 _ Hharlff | llob*non (A M* r Mn riiumy »rl».l •" a aarlfttia opcraikia had appeal 'd to him for prtrala priU* i-Uon ‘ill* Mai«mrat a)l««-H so kir br»ii made kjr Ma#d|»man *« i.iri tro*" Ik- naU. “Neither N*-»-llatnaa,, a»r„ Ifcla ooannal gave any liillm it uwi tlta; ! trouble ar*§ Urj«rl«*a TV- whol- gf l# -tr van nfc*flPau4/* John Gray, a god U an i A'l. f'.rlf. ilHli. atari ft, +t+ arraot.-ri it<*rr *ft day. aari »r* balaa halt ua4»r a«»- ti SMA U-i,. M , e * • - . ;■•»» ... *%|ji • - i .j*w AlO — ■ . - »i Theodore Black Is J!\ 1 . 9 j Ordered Released Under ss,oooßond * KOBTI-KIMIT DBIIUi . - r»« ward ■ • RAL.BKMI, April J. U*weral J. Van 11, Malta tonight moulted receipt from the militia *»•*# of ll>« Wgr Department at WaohlnsUM of tfe* piw*td*nta rulii* for pay In Ik. Ml km. I guard Ho gold fh* rultu la brief author! add tho . t nr** .-from th. gSSS.QM rand fetid ' In non apportioned mum of awofe i •um a. will, togetNr with money t, alrndy apportioned, permit -ach j § national guard unit e.iab|lah«d la I <"<»•»»••* durian tho whol* of ife* mil-root roar to hot* 1 a tout of I Idrlllo Untla or*g- DlaH and fadorglly reeognlaed h dnrln* the roar would fear# proporitoMte akaro. 11/1 n 1 Dknpw i ffu£ IV IRHBIT,' nri pinrn I MAIMED UrIiUJC .. TWO-FIFTY W® S aaNNarr tnw, uva> > l .**»—».. mm mm- w Bred a platiit feoll tbrongh “• XPe^tjodpafe;,;!. too. Theodor# Btl7 ndgrT^fZ *d hi* .lory- of fNggjtate i Fb* hearing wag granted talnek at* ter the tetter •ntemd fenfeapp , fetal!, I.,d|y ff AItUN tape mm, | po!.t.f w tm, a»mm ,u MM ■ May term Os Bnaprler court, ttiritaf. er. It WN reported that Btpgfe wpo i naMt to rate# tN fepWi gfed la «41. b#H»g beta m tell te Nlfc. > JUMhuab: ifc- I relf defepta wfem {fee diNrita ed on him Wtte an fttaaptetata ■ drawn back Ip a fermtataAg ptien I»r Black ante N boohed of ppm ral pacm before h* a red tfeo so- - mtae," the A ef-pdmft gltn.t.til ’ * l (ta *“Wf Rnbinaon ceprmnhtcd flharT »t Nh| * Mod tawomi fetam MhonStai « The mooting, ft wm anidi, waa tho t.utgrowth of p Jpuareal Ntarept BuckNm and NON agtaa tfep* before th- Climax of tea «t arbteh It wm r | lhl ll |||f Buckhirm »»f mablftg ~T anlliat sk nmtea to feta w»ta>WtiO.ZteMß ed and ,h- irouhte wan ommod IBS * th- time hetng. oPly te cmpPMpililf. t when the m«rdffp| «0P NWUP. > % rot red lo a taNiflPVlf —» Kord According to (be Ntatmohy «f Wfte *•••*• at the eoronpr** ' the «r. Manor Dtfd" tfeoa ; mobtl- ja* k .ad atroefe BatS asm ‘ eh- he.d with It. A.-quaintancea Nap rpafeti . i*e#n ib- two and pp* «f |N twtmjk. i minute nptti i m ny Wtfa npd we ll go horn#. - ' White tN atNr WN (•>n- the .hating occurred. itaww* Iten Nob /ife. 'M Block te Mid m Nr# jfeftd Ngfe. 1 -m I.# “WM getftng to he te* up. u> u Utah »b-rtit and afemtld N tgMMpf , ■town off bU hlph bar*# " State »**• •«*d Buck bam tar tb* *t|g|#'*l '< iu.lilting remarlm ta bta wtAe.tafe »b-n Mi. latter r.Wd (N adtapgp uie luck tn ‘a Ibr eaten tag mSk C Mlei t drew a 31 raNta#. ft.t.»i umi flr#d point Mank gt iMp bun, the ball c-netratlng the tlB • n unH i nu*ing *»HM ' Buck bam waa rnatate ta tb# aiMH| S uttondton canid N nta*a •-«< Mi# wound wa. • intal ‘atat 1 *>cd on lh. operating tftHfe. ~ '