PAGE SIX ! m- j M yw m ■ M. j I ■Mbbßbf -’* S/- ’*- ■ ■ 4 r • Jr ' T *iQOD lAWSBi^ '*• Bhnpl Christian rhnrrn Inet niaht Mkey Imrt lb* pastor Rev 1.. X- Obner. rmirti on Nwwon of Mb-** If tor on* btMblr «sd or* will lit t* t|lHl Mr *tn* C%rtet will hr •tUhl, m 4 Junl In Hta fortlymoMt," j The pnwtor preached * molly wander- ! ** till M this oubjorl, an o m •oil at which there wore two can tarataot and *a* permp a.lmlicrd to tbo Cbnrub by letter Hw. L M. Onter. who fc» conducting MMo iwm» neb evening nt SI o'- ««Hb la meeting with nenarkabt* mc (toa. Manypeople es the r«y an attending. ft# nahfect Mdo afternoon win be -With Christ la The School at PN|*r _ ji Th* Cwabaam Choir la doing mw WtmOumi Mrtt to coon act 100 with tba tawioai wttfcri. ' '■<> ■ «ma« TIE HABIT A atgadard poultry car will be )o •ttaA m tba Norfolk Boutbern track la Hlaama April llu a*4 lath." t>r tka farpoaa o( afctpptag poultry for ' ';'’\ , * r .3, h** x.“w. PENDERS YELLOW FRONT STORES If ..!• r ».■ 1 h n. P, XNQKL FOOD, P ounce carton § 10c I tt P. Rimr Spout!#, 10 os. carton Bfic I I> P. Pound Cake, pound 26c | D. P-? Layer, lb. 26c 11. P. Farnoun Caka, 1 1-2 lb. carton 86c | a P. Uffet Fruit, lb. '_.... 26c t> I OUR PRIDE BREAD. 21 «*. machine **m**\o*t —lO c I Bp .brand offered on thia market , 1 . ~ v Han)|Mßpa.,|B quality to OUR j FRIDK, \ trial krill convince I 1 fAKDY I Harahsy'a Milk Choco!** 4c Almond , Ckßte Jack, pkg ...- 4c Ckoeoiatp Cpeoanqt Mound*, ohcli . Ic ■ ie Atom or WriffcyM. * NAnit Lemon- Lime or Onince Drops, pkg. Jf Waaaoit Oft, Pint Can 27c; Quart f^ic D. P. MACARONI, pkg. 8c a P. SPAGHETTI, pkg. ’L_ T 8c a P. Wood Break fait Bacon. l-2 lb. ckrton 28c Chit Wl carton 45c 9 Wafer Sliced, lb 67c SMepa Peaa. California Dried, lb, 14c | MP LOUR Small Can 17c; Large Can 27c Geitwi'a Ready to Pry Cod- can 11 .. Me N. C. Herring Roe, No. 1 can 15c; fin. 2 cah 26c C E R'B'A L 8 a OATS, pkg.'.. r . ..,- Or Qoaker Oats, pkg. U P fftdck Quaker Oat*, pkg. He Mothers Oat*, pkg. 1 j c I Cream of Wheat, pkg. , 28c j Quaker Hominy Grita, pkg. 10c I OCTACAN SOAP, small cake 4 l-2c I mad. aise, lb. joe I | 4 fe ■**•. ik —;.. * k* |B Apv * m * ■». . i.— 20c | Raiaiue. Sunmaid aeedleM. large pkg. 12 l-2c I RMalna- Sunmaid Seeded, large pkg. ... if l^c I COPPER I D the Worlds Beat Drink. Ih. 49c lit P* our of cot Tee in I March were huger than in any Mb' v Frrri°“* mont * l -, Quality only I made this possible. I VeNeur Front Oolfee. pound sealed pkg 41c | Delightfully Good. 1 Goldin Blend Cogee. lb. aealed pkg ;Wc JR . m S WK JH • ~r , ,, | *** • : I* mm. ■. :k/:v && '• Ilk f«r»cr* of tkto Mwaty set wtti er* wbo wUb t« wall «M Mlr*r wt tktw tl»« AH poultry wilt bw boaght iM sari for at th« ear. Hna roo» tor*, Sark*, g*m*. gutaoM aad young tbkkM* will be motived Th« •«- , sat grte* per wound to b* pari win r sat he kaoww uatll April 13th wbe* , bttfa os tkl* ear will etoe* A* *ooa a* bM* are eto**d *ad price* are . detoltrly kaews tfc*y will b* «■- neaseri tbrougb th* local paper* -by the county *g*nt.—Kinston New*. • -“WBEI'k #r TIE BKerßßt K~ TO BE UIVKK AT MIUN Nt BOOL AI I»rrUBI( r U TOXfUBT * Tb* OI»* flub* of lb* Oold-thoro High School will glT* »t tb, high no bool auditorium loalgbl at eight O’clock tk* boeiulfully drwrripUv* cantata by Tboam* Anderson called •'Tb* Wreck of Th* M**p*ru*" ukti from the famoaa po*m by Henry W. tongtollow. Brownlv Pt«rc*. bari 100*. will lak* the pert at tb* skip per of the gait ship Hooperu* which li called Norm**'* Wo# ilia* Aa nl* Hin*s. soprano, In the aklpper's daugbur, ead Leroy Bpe*r». tenor, takee tb* part of ’An Old Bailor." Incidental soprano solo* are to be inns by Mi** May bell# Michel and Ids* Louise Jobnaon. Thera will be no admtasioa fee. Tb* admit public ie moot cordially Invited. a Army « jo Raise Funds .•. ■ t Oa Jifly Ibe 61b. 13SS William Booth bald the drat meet Ipa or Uri Sal eat ion Army. Tblo meetlug was held In the Beat Bad of lon don apd tb* people attending it. was among tba poorest In all tb* world. In tb early alum meeunra arihy »ome of tb* wontt women and men was coav*rtod and went nut to help in |h* coneemion or others until tb* wg#k b«l be*n **tend#d to all jrarta ot .fengland. th*n som* of th* con eerta was from otbeg lands and gg they would return to tlMlr borne* th*y would mart work on fh* mime 1 plea a* tbb founder which meant ! Iha ■ Miubliabment of a work In these crftlr|«a ontald* at England, ■•organiaatlon now has Its work pdApunenily establlabed in SI couiw trinb and colonies and use S 3 lan guages la its work. There *re VUm Mellon* In th* world where y*H*f ih gfeen the needy. . JSJti men and women bare gleeo lhe| r entire time to the helping of the unfortunut*. gielas spiritual and material help wk*n ever needed. The work was started in the Unit- ■ •d States In IST» by a family who bad been coneeied with the move ment in Kngland and had emigrated ta the city of Philadelphia. The t)r*t j meeting* wee held in an old stable. Swr in tb* yoar officer* ansa Heat oew York ('tty and from Use on |fwork baa growa. la U)« ypar B President Cleveland received a - Jgailoa of officers and gave thiin hljfcofUclal endoraemenl Tbb* Mr. ckjlplgpd m*a she Brat prualdi-ut to ih* movement In the Males <»€a national force Similar ■•nduis*. i»mM» bev* been Per-elved frrtnj ,4) gl t tiff ipreeWenta ‘since. j •pldaboro ha* had a Ha lea lion] Army Corps for a little more thnn a I fear and thoy have don* much good for the short time that th*y b*r* hewn here. Mayor Rdggr Bain ha* t«M a w*rm friend of the cauae for many yearn and at thd time of ih* open 111 a of th# work be wan made rhalrm n of tb* advisory board and baa nerved In that rapacity tip to lh» rm, * r vacHt* our preoent lore- j w wreok, onl> li|u in<>ro dnv».| fjnu can hny elecirl.iß. list urea ail nan. 1311 ah f l*a»or|M . from gS M niuck. Tb*» Is a benu We M,ke. < ( ,t cAftnen ki.rctric ctv., Nt;at deer to Knwa. 1 "I -i .J. . k . H Ik If . id; f, • j «r ■* ■ ™ -A v » TV RETURNS FROM NEW YORK AND BALTIMORE • hhb 4 HH I (>uj* own Mr. Kannon Ims just returned from New York and Baltimore, I . V where he did himself proud in the matter of buyfcg Spring wealing apparel. I I He states that he has never before selected, more beautiful dresses and 1 toats than be was able to pui-ehase on this trip. To any of our customers I u 'h° tave not aA yet purchased their entire Spring wardrobe, this is your op ■BlH poi*tunity. Come early while the assortment is complete, IHhII ( hie lot of dresses valued at $12.95, One-third reduction on all Spring I all colors in «at ba’ed cantons, f©j* coats . First come first sewed. I [ - One lot of ensemble dresses, all cohA (HILDREN’S DRESSES I gpiPl l Xl4 A complete assortment of children s ■ 811111 ... ~ ~ dresses, suitable for all occasions.! „ °°* sa^,n faced canton crepes, Ages from one year old up to four- 1 fUmi 'ivmr* all newest patterns, shades and teen years. wT styles, valued at $22.50 to go at IWtm m, $14.95 .We have a beautiful assortment M I iigiffl =®f' < »ne lot of limned silk crepe dresses, ’ ev «" in K' Silks— Printed Silk Crepe, all Hize« ,all de signs, all solid colors. $22.75 values # , . to go Friday, Saturday and Monday L 3 DAYS ONLY ria : AT * $14. 75 C * : ■ ,+ f pi w ir i iri l ■ iw 7 r - 'fnlß ! .■ I 'BgfcaiiN ■ *“ 1» • - l'' ■ , I ‘-.if ’ “ # 11 v 1 , let. middling was 24.90; cotton lutpres closed steady. May 14«; July 24.96; October 24 40; IJ4 43; January 24 20. *mu L VJj£fflHbbw li WJf vl Wk mF/j li / l Hw-r , u ?, • - 1 ' * Vf /J p Y ‘ (I > ?y \i | A n | j ■■ H I jfl \ i f jb f Good Hosiery 1 r , 4 The beauty and shoe mess of chif fon and the durability of silk are I successfully combined in- thaw 1 Hose. in all of the lovely spring ft shades at un unusual price. Note « J /J these specials— • »| 4 li , "Gold, Stripe" Hosiery In All The j l New Spring Colors ■ $1.85 I * o T , l MM 1 “MEDALIA” HOSIERY 5 Full fashioned, in all. the new coiora « 1 $2.00 } “ONYX” HOSIERY ( | in a variety of coiora $ 1.95 4r I " ‘| j i All silk chiffons, all Butterfly Embroider- ft | colors, full fashioned Chiffons,. lovely Jr quality— a 1 $2.35 $2.35 J i ■ h JM I Complete line of Children’s Hosiery. Cotton, Lisles, m ) silks 25c to $1.25 ■ ! H. WEIL & BROsH FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL 3, 1927