PAGE TWO “]£• XiaSbut a ring around that word . '-' jm -3FSfc£ti ?'- . -y. if > ' • * That owe word nrplaia. Hi rUridirld’a ewottnour papelarky. "They setWy,” because they contain ■y'. ,1; tdbacoo* that money can buy. mjasttheright proportitMuibrUktc and<*cama. It’r No wonder smokers everywhere are changing from SfcA all hinds of cigarettes to ChestertiekL |jp„4 I C3*J2^^,iwPi~ ,< -Msfip"’4®V4sl!*«• V Hfe.. t Ml fe JL. ; l tj ' 'V: JeStS* '. *'■ ■ . V .tV . ; JgrWfe . 7 '2ti l> a #?.” f. i 1 . Jv 43 S|B \. >.4 •.*£*£ *ov *.. i HSfsfe litn'i in liii ii r'fc'f i- . \K( f^Zjd '. ; * i*> - w —IT W" ' — ' " 1 " "’ ’ ■' 1 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ll ■ ■' »' »' ■ —wnywy^ SUCH POPULARITY - MUST * BE * DESE RV E D tUMfc—BMBMWJ' W rrs. :•• • —•■ j-- ■--!- ■ -"-. ...-■■»■■ I ..... .... - . J • : •■■yf"" . -."V .. , - Ftml Professor has fsotatssl Haw Disease Corn, * Mm mtMM Mid «ua WIT, A*ni K.- tto QSI MAtkgßH ' S i**£Z^2m. •* «apk>r% (mR thtmigN lb Nmaiwtrmi «t. -w. W. jjjypi MM *»• mb* «M hwd a di «Mk« MM* tiMWirt Os «PM, «hr -Mi WtUnt still matin tbb lartd*nt to 40tt»y9qjM| M *»m S* r*mn*Vht. •—-iJji ND*fcnhbnMngdM l*bttW»ory Os SSr^vj{£ p. ■" 4M w h. .; dr Mtmr- i nOMH II m Hi. mkmm of m. **• «• «wi* wm*m; tbit la. Mood **•»■* Mv -My was trsatad . iinsr^-rr-rj; ■’ | «*—» '•y «• »• tca« V • p * ,k * * f . ,:r iSC£3SS **•" ,fc# ,nta w "* -.-j «a*4-M*a am «i «i |m V..'****** **• '•••••»* *o* pmin.> ~ o|lll|< ••*• * WW *u |X*l -W»—NtUrf V** *«n »I sSaWAj l ?' l * ** mM um «* ***** ««iwu * mwitam until tint Una Miami to eaiat ouly in ' tba tropica. /' Profanoor Tsylu; wan shla to ui* i» tiljr «nd £U»«lf* tbs para from HU famiUnUgr with the work of AMo CMtaiUni. who flm Isolated the or. gen lan while connected with the tUff of « Brttteh clinic la India. Ur 'Onatellanl announced hia Had In a "CMmnn hnbltratton in 1»M, and It "M knowledge of the Un. a apub 'tlafaod by Dr. (‘aatcllanl that nj:#d Profeaawh Taylor tn bis r*M»u&gp. The Wake Kbr«st man wrote to Dr. Castellanl tbe original Itadtr of the new fetrar producer, Tor full la. 'ornation concerning hie researches 5 the subject. and related the fact Ka I eolation at Waits Porsst. Dr. fmMNani r,plied from Undo*, t»‘ whit* he bed removed fr„ni India,' M in n' letter to Profeaepe T«ylor< •fated (hat he had lately found the «ena in blood frotn a patient In Von wan, n patient who hod never been nut of Bnrope ThU word from the eminent aclentlit who. by tbe wap. baa 1 Italy been employed hr Tniane Unireratty eeembmnhnd the etote mnnt pnhNahed hr Professor Taylor U »cUne , "This pnrttculnr fever. M I AML m ■ T W MANY PBEFKR VICTORY for our npecial work in r>rv (banning tromon from person* who hove triad H. If you •ran t bated among oar cH •ItU junt call im. i*hmie H 6.1 had our wagon will answer VICTORY TAW.ORS AM THE BEST PHONE 03 la away reapenu like typhoid m«r, Utol limited to ‘Uto Iranian hoi la ■■ ■ ?h|Pr wnp imeakp wee olao found in lha temperate JaM uelae.” -kAjHM On March IS, 1826, a rioi In tha Richmond Near* leader related that th« dtaeaa.* bod nttachad two more pereun* - After ScoU of MUlera Tavern, Vlrgiot*. and William Dona, of Sweet Hall, Virginia. Fhyalclaae at the ttedlce! Colicg* of Vlcglala had aont epec nttne of the blood front the two pa flcnte mentioned above to the hy gianlc laboratory at Waahlnaloft, and the report came back poelttr* for eoaiomhanae lever. Profheeor Tailor baa continued the ntndy of the new germ alec* be lao l»t*d It here la 1W It Is nndnr ntoed that ha baa not only cataloa »■ *■- - ' ■ : fc.dbwi.ei. - ~ , v , , , ' .. *T S' J ] SHE it worthy I I djflfce BEST! I I I# you lom HBR—she la 1 II woriUy of the "base —and I 1 out’* n Bulova Watch. I I We Have a wonderful ae | lection of these famous J | js&s&Etftg I ijA I I) I I ' I BtiHST *. cetescH. J I Lhhdlag Jeweller ; II I ij H ts: * *** nsiwifu) nwm —• II ■: 11.8 v: ■.;= CV Üboretoey aeatbod* o i Moo‘4Hcn- J Unn, n» did Oahmltanl. ImHMi wotfc- j ed not a protective laecumrnm | Vbose 'ta a position to know today j pointed eat that ea eooo pa knowl- I die of the cojombrane fever c)ua- i d h) the hniKcrium colombahae' u.-- .oaies runt man property of phyel ilene, Ibe laboratory tastt davddp t‘ by the Waba Korcet ntau will be .waitable for rrcogaistna the dlacaec. Praferaor Taylor la a native a»f Hertlord county. North Catalina, and •foelveo hlv raining at W»Be Porfat hecorlag the B. 8. degree In I*l6 and tte M. A. In »»17. fa IPM-17 be vr*w iratruclpr In biology at Wake boreal | yfvlbg up this tn I*l6 to aerv* an , hnrtr rlnlotlat and eerlologlat la the United Ptatee army with the rank of =”■ ' j*nOlMs.a ,Si J J' ,mm _T ™ 1 1 { — >t — - —* TU zz&Ksammjm i\ I 'A •ii •»’ ? r? ‘-fcj jh fWatch This Page 1 ' ■ POR DATE W THE tJBBAT “Sellers Kitchen Cabinet SALE Hi g 1] . • ‘ \ w( t" K y 1) $1.06 Down, per Week places Sellers i n your home, a feature that no other cabin** have. Another big feature, each cabinet is equipped jvith $14.60 worth nrf irrmroracL, C 42 pieoe dinner set, complete set of kitchen chtlery, and complete set of gibas wme. C : This will be the greatest cabinet sale ever held in Goldsboro. Watch for the date of 2 opening of sale, and remember always that MM j m ' ", C ’ * 3 H •t» v *• i. . . •* , s 1 * a•• • ,%> f . ( YODB CREDIT IS GOOD AT mi * * ‘hA . 1 ’ . m-% ;*' f v * t . ‘" 4 * n 4 dM* w V k , | igfl }) dflL iHißbdflL dIBh ■ t- jH II i -a . - mm. s»»\> ** li 1‘ ' •■«' * r - ’ ♦> # ‘ aafW- •-•**• -'-'H, w- jj' fH, _*Tid||)> li> 'll ■ M* u__ - 1 ; first lieutenant, ia which capacity j 'h» yuolt*hcd/auVf ul papers on sub lecf* pertaining to bactorlology. fa lull he «i> a student at the Yale army laboratory school. Ia ItSl be •u) graduate work at Columbia Uni versity. and (or grreiytl yeai* be baa tn kb professor of and physiological cbcmlstuy at Wake Foreat. i AMMttAfT MMi: MW* IN «HC -« hm PIOHTINU HONOLULU. April Jt.—Th# acc pud day of the battle of Oahu was '.marked by a notable Increase tm the afttrky of the aircraft and light j -ruleor forces but no uiajpr engugr muut baa thus tar occurred between - , tits main body of tba attacking fleet aad the defending black la ad forces aowongagtd in a war game off tho Hawaiian Island. rt *■. ’ a Two destroyers and one mine lay er of tba. blua attacking fleet were sighted olf Diamond Head last night moving eastward along the coart to ward Honolulu aad Were flred upon by coast defense batteries. Along the south caaat line of Oahu one or; the enemy craft was theoretically i sent to the bottom. ■„ y '• The Ludlow, submarine tender of the black defending forces sighted , two submarines of the attacking blue force 10 uttjra irom Barlow Point . The Ludlow immediately opened firs at elope range and theoretically suc TURSDAY MORNING, APRIL, 26, 1925 ceeded la staking one of tbs oun martate . A fcu, - '.-^wayyi»