n ? mm m -1 if n f^EgyWW**-—>—■■ II I WIIWI in* .in I ■■mi i !■■ 1 0 w ■ m H ■ ■ B ■ if n » V * .*• W HI _■ H n fjKL A I I I ■ | ■ |^L $ •' >yZTLaCi AJ A T OUOP 1 If BHH ■ IP J B fl U m....,JF «« jfv.k Mr nB J» bi Br yy —i JB BTBJpMjy jjjt. BBf fcJf ] ÜBifcßEitißßSflßS^feßSßScssffssjSßssEßssTT??^^ l -.......■.—■* i'. 11 * "'- SOCIETY Santas Vfoy HeMtag Tbs Scalar play "A Successful Ca lamity,” i« a«w gsrilag la tom tor A* presentation Thursday light at t •'Mock. Ttaktoa «m oa auto aew, u 4 my ba obtained from aay Ma to*. Brians Ms and He. Rtam Mata **> attrt ;■■ it ' Hw»r Shaw |»|(M . way, May i* -j ' J.'. Ito Ooldaboro Uurd*n Club an totm May Ist'an to* data for t)M “•«! ftowar Show, which will ba “•to «> «ka afternoon and aveatag °* **• above data It to expected toM each and arary flowar «ro»ar la Ooldaboro will taka aa uetiv# part la ‘ Making thb show • succsmtfk, •••a a Mntr oaa than ta year* pne** aA . ' Oayoral aaw and attractive fa*, tataa have bssa *4M to tha Hat of *»lmi Which will ha anaouacad la toy. Compsunt judges will ba gpldaft* •* and your flowars aaay win tha Prttas tor tha foltowlag: No I—Boat roass. Ma. 1 Hast bwmC pans, N*. I Bast psonlas. No. I laat Irb. No. s~rta«st collection of hardy flowarn, apncimaa no? num **► Mh«t paraanUla, aot Inca than nU. o *t * fc " ~ *■' 1 *"" Today's Cross-Word Puzzle ' | W* ky AC. IQTfb. i aj^mmwE . a** ""Jl r - !* Wffi'' —" ' * ‘ 1 ■ HORIZONTAL. X—ga away tt—tohohao "-figs IS—fragment 41—taaw atof 17 half an am ■** nftnwt ' tk—dolts 48—to drag he jtSj* 4«-SSl4ld. - * W***.* ** coaUct 1> p IjiMlial It-eto - yi sgt 11 S*t - ’ T-# rj - - ■ ▼ *c T? “ ii • { No 7—Bant nnnunla. aot las* than •la. No. I—Moot artlatlc arrangement M cm nownra. t«» banket. (k) tairtw arraagmwt ' , No. *—Bact oollactloa of all flows «ra eahlMtod by oaa pertoa. '** ' v *' 1 -■— ■ ’ Ttekat Madera ta Mss Themselves la Barton Ooldaboro gtrla to bar* ohaaos to •to themselves la ‘b# mov|*» All la dtoa who »ntar th« ticket salting coataat tor tga Blka drew and Au to Show, kill not only bars a ohancs ta win % baantllnl diamond ring ot bandaom* wrist watoh, hut will ala* ha ta pictures that wUP ha tabs* o*l waak, wHI ha shot ta toaat of the acta* Thaatrs, and tdw ptctnrna will ha shown at tha Slkt Big Mow oaa night uf> w**k. Tha tie hat aale opens today. All iadita who daatra to try for wan or tha fine prl«*a offer.d C na do no by oaiUag at tha oMtoe of Mr. Jam** Hatch, and secure tickets The names of all Indian who eater the coataeo pad who will appear in the films, will ba published from day to dor „ t The exhibit apace to selling fast, with but a tow apace# vacua t, many uaw and handsome automobile* will he ahowa, aa well aa Interacting marchaat'a exhibits. The BUta show la really two Mg I *—llllll . .rjCT* »• . , 7—country as * s pore option Af —not may It—emperor ■ib—but 18—tiny n emro* 1 A—lnvite id—bestow aw 17—and ao oaaatve *f % forth faction (abbr.) dd—young ot. X IP-soft fond aa suntan fur table* antaml 21—Magi* unit Sl— third unto r -, 24—ut no time es distoato W man i aeato den plot meaning fjlf W".'V;A« ' • A Hlmt for ligiaairi Tk. OM •«. pu.tl. dl— 9f Ntows la ano. a complete one ttga, rule Stage with Chae W. West's .Nov oHy hand. Mr Weal *ad hta gaag •to pest-master# in tk» a« ot Ja*» •“Mr had coate to the Mg auto elr tiua with meay K novelty numbers whloh wUI no doubt delight tha thousands who via* the ctrauo next weak. The byword tor tha halaao* as the weok will "Hare you boaghl yoar BUu arena and .Auto totaw Mciotr Whs PaHock Itdats rrltfay avanfog at bar boms on WllMam eUMt, ktlsa Katie Pollack Wta. todat to waofcly aocui tot from « nau^ll. Thom pm 4t S war# Mbs Katta Pollack, Marguerite Pete. VirginU Hall, Sha Akiaa, Louise Hubbard, H«ul Smith and Aatioeetto Bata. 4 s'-- ■> ~. ... ti tr*r*-* Mr. an# Bra. fiMki Born Sunday to Mr. and lire J. * of U Mum Walnut str**L * daughter. The little mbs arrtrad Sunday and both mothnr and child •a* doing w#n. ' PARIS, April 24.—The Cat haTTi. turned to PTaach politics totoih t'aliiaux. *entral figure of many a Preach drama, with alas physical and ala* political Urea, baa , f**' \ l ‘ r r •-,■;;. y Il|Pj|lßg ■—t ji- -i| MMk. rs ■ Jags r* Mi - j i mBM | Andrew%rtffin. ... Tmittlli fbgg -1 l*»" SpHfgina, HI. Daughter Mw W«I Thfcv*» '’J M \OOIE PEPPER, The Flapper .. MRB. WA»« R-wtua. A Gentleman of Color .*..,,. #r. 1 Junmi« Swift, An Auto Sakaman *! «ui) I l'i k Tate. A Motor Cop ' I Count Belku«i Rich ..! T. l|r. Ifcnina Tiili ' J •u. ** .•■' \ ’ r •■" -W.fß *"** . r tare Hi i aogpNßg* * I 8 Dnt Km|i | lac Mb * -fl TICKETS ON SAKE AT GOLDSBORO DRUG STORE rldiiig "a to« on incomes, a awaaara responsible tor tka major My at Ma eaumlo*. s. .'/*•' .'a?'* WHS Shoote BdMar Oa tha lime afternoon Madame Ctoiltottk, simply draaaa* ta Math, en tered the office* of the rtgaro to an* caiman*, without a moment- hast, tatfoa aha draw a revolver gtod shat the editor to death. tha *aa locked ta paltoe aa a t A . ■ '' '/" I I ■ I SUGAR, Best Granulated, ftatt* |jr *V 1 I POTATOES Fancy Maine TjUki" ’9 I 'a? - 1 I I I 4->n.. PORK, k*i&!t Rib, Pound a 25c \ I RACPN, D. P. Mfwt. l lb. sariaa I v .. * Iflu ' m ■ I . > wv ■ Yz IbiOMPton, ■ „ y*' ... pji* I 23c m ■ Wt. Hto oiCHt mmm m* Hr - ’ War waa Roping la *B |ypp»4, hut *c*nt attention wga paid to aiftg 'z z dMi 9 iiimJ m u*i MiE ■ ■ ii. i‘to i^iArii