Mjf -'i' 1 " ~ - • tl «* , >*****•*» *«* f* -The Gov«ra * liw * «m.y man. Hr v •*•*■"* I o'clock cock •«*» midnight tnd* ■Mk wrestling with problem* of out* 1>» ttmmter M -porkmi Moll* to- a mmurnmt crooted by the Geo* *1 AtotoM, to bundle turn mu «* k**»i tor Mmr* boom to ik* <i»iofi IfcPtottiw'a time. Tim atom Genera* I #M* reepawsthUMles on Mm mat ■to* tkto Wade op for the ttm* tt* Hjill Ml tod. C fW McLean to fr» B k In the &gS —»**■■ that to does not nee to* |to to*ld ton Managed « (to pardon to* appointed lor i the aolc pur pom toUto h*<l tot too* UMtoferred w 1 of ceagfdlilag them oad gettlax them , too shape l*t Bnal <tUpo.lt lon by •to. Os OWN, to boa the final »o»4 Mo at*oat Drb and that of bu pilMlo Monetary pro atm sec saary —* B '*'*•' Mi Parole, ietal. « monfoor, onto la rollaved of many cfotaia tint formerly had to to work liirir 1 ? executive „f Bda Hie fore at tbe K* I <Ur. no TL uU, ntiatmflnn o iw la a ton ht (to Man err letter k hut I try t» to each who "'ftm Mena at tka Maaatoa ft* refers rrrAttrs ItS *H r«JMM Mm la a poraonnl co*. He ***• Mr - to latent .**' |fcto °* “«« and to nun* Vjf IPp > wrt - Th'o »ha pardon com ml*- tor' nukc. uu iave«tlgadon a.d h*M *to* of the Ratcuuv. *»+* H* tom fit ted up. o„ ot ** l‘«<» u „ too Writ**. Tka Oaternnr S |<* B , » Mjp toMo in tfc. canter of the m«m pa noraadaily direct, the •oHf of hi. too. tor* ... ‘ > * «ow»or McLean, In _Mf of pa <ab}t at which h, ■ • U 'l* rtotopnph of praa- Ptol'Wntorotr Wilson This w«. J«Mtoai to Ifr. McLean while be £5 £SvZ~~ w «mo hlmaajf. *toT 4 as - 2? **“ ******** ** la simply a PPp Mtoaees Qovernm) Mctoaa ptato It eorr Hgbty and considers *~«v: to^nr** M tu M all basis see. He ■totoa with a definite y telephone *• always Vhpt* p eat I a* what the other (ellnw d. as to ho can pm tto » daßolt* concrete form, *M *t and then either Me opinion .bout It or to Who* to will. , MoLeao ia In «cmd F toa»r* boar.. He la ] Ha *r* to faeta .pry. apt. of fho ronttanal ' ftm of bwatoaaa. He dom not akow ! bp Verse lor the wear of tto pest ‘ fbw month. < I ;'J Csaatvar MoUaa I# not *!™a to i mmk talk There g. * plat of I y totona tbro«nh a temporarily to- < ItoM ecpraaatoa. Hta oye can flea* t -• ' r--~ ■ ■ Ifflill! HHk c* - I P in* drUctu*isr*«»ol bred Banquet O mgo P fl/yTV HrWTes. Hcnr*it «n.J ><»a I ’ '.W# v /©F" 4 '■ *re maenad fartbeschvmtaof the «ncr- I .1 i noon. Atyoargrotir iinof jnuecunuicra. 1 HJf J^Oi^ Mbit #, jMiMf ra m. ji ■ jB ■Hi ■ ■ 1 TEA Mlor to bwi aom to It that to "tofttoatodf *f/f\ no*T* there, ito Oorernor goo* to M*! oito* In tto capHol. Thar* be ro»- f*m with tho "newapapor boya'’ at S o'clcck In ito afternoon, and "clcnfa” the nowa that m ready for fiuWkattun. Ha coaler* with his prt toto aocretary, t’harle* H Bygland, who Mm prime aocretary to the I at. ( oogreaemaa ( laud* Kltchtn fa fact 10 keep* In citor talepbonto bom tooieatlon with hta aacrotary nil the tpio dorlng tb* time he la not act fthdp at »to cnpttoi efftee. Tto 'aec tomnwt. tto folk, in tto cnpl |b>i. when occasion dm>n>ls be fr— t ,s. ; wm ■f m Ii Ml row ,■ Mi ; : -anhe* eogagamoau sos Itont, to re* Jto Ooeerno* at the Maaeten tofor: to goto to tog MiftoJ. | Nightfall Hearty alwayd flmiT'Obr *r*to McLean la tka cnpkoL still toopfe and more ptopfa. When ho finally goto away from the •apltol It la not to “call It a «1oy" but to ham dinner and. eery often, to too moto people. Governor Mellon ha* »oi had his ‘hmlly with him la Rntelph. Mrs. dcltofn. who wan not ati%dg when be was Inaugurated Governor and, oaaontomtty, was »ot *i.i« u p. »are. too hot tot token up her abode a tto mansion She bag bean' under reatmeat and ha* greatly improv d, the Oorernor as*, ton expect* # o r P tnr* to North Uarollni from ielttmore the lattor port of tbb reek. ■ !h tto meanilma, repair* a to. to* ■or way at tto Mna*ton. Oaring th* toottog of tto last Oogpr.l Aaarm >ly, tto *( tent lon of that k*»y was pllad to tto tMt that Imtaodlate mrrorameats wart Imperative A «® was rotad for mnkina tVae tm rr rem«nu, which gas. acw under ’•f. The Owreraum hope* that the *o«fc cop to curbed tm without tbd> °o* * W* vaale to get *om ortably "benoed" aa aaaa aa po>.l- Mo. . - Goreraor McUaa makea an oc -ttsioaal week-end trip to I.umbertoa real home. He is yaf/ load st its cblldtM. One of his Rundays ta lUletgb was featured by ti» pree >a«e tore* of Hector, the .iccutiv. 1 . Mhr toy", Tto older McLaas for gol trerything eta* dad ihummej with tto hMy throughout tto day, H* declared it wa* the mo«( rofre*b '«« eiperlence h« h*d had *tnc> tto ag upon himself the etrtous aad lokß.u obligations of being a gor *ru«r with lacraaaad power. Tto Governor la ualurally a tm ijr lor lag maa a R d he often .* •Mat the d>e|re to get thlay* in "top* so to rill not tors to forfblt •to companionship of hi* nti# aad to xouager •averaor of North (nroltaa ta { a tony maa but when tto • foiha" r rira to Is going to tabb "itm* oar orUtoa*. «on of R. K. Bledsoe Kills Self in Arkona W»«NIX, Arie, May -R. K. Bladeoe. M. sbyt aad hilled hlmeelf at hto tom* early today, A report **da to tto poltoe paid. CHICAGO, M*y d.—R. K Bledeoe, hto* ta reported to hay, shot aal fltl •d himself today in Phoenix, aria, to! aou of a iT Bledsoe, general •Miaael of the Atchlaoa. Topeka and «aot, re Railway Coatpwy. •elatlvra torn were ulahle to to tatMlt far tto yaaag men's reported ecttoa. He had bora Ihrtaa in Phoenix ■tace tto world w*r, la whkh to a«ry ad, and tp survived hr a widow. * Widow Asks i 100,000 to* Adolph Zukor NBW YORK. May d.-Mta. Ada Opctor, of Have rat raw, today filed Salt- eeeklßg flte.OSS demages from Adolph Kukor. motion picture mag nate, aad hta denghter, Mrs. Mildred Sukor Laaw, wife of Matcne l<o*e, tor the death of bar husband. Freak Decker, d> marine engineer. Decker wee struck and killed la Jaae, >1»& Havvcetraw by a* aniumobltr driv. ea by Mr. Bakor'j* cheurimr and ewato- by Mrs. Loew Puetpoaemeal was tekee until May I|. ~ | . . > IP a.—. ... t_ fkjjf n , Whr ¥¥ r --* I | ' £3€!iWV&s in ifuaWmy Ur jrIQIW Ik it • 1 B W •- <B w 9 ; ■ W *. J M g 1 .. . / Jw in - y t.*- ■ I $ j - ■■ :■ =s 7 HE majesty of tho tow la -not moc* important than the taalphf.of tto heme, ac cording te Mrs. Violet «. Kahnc- Aock. wbe has been appointed a i*lty magietrate of Philudriphla by iOovcrnor Ptnchot Mrs. Pnbne- W stock m tto Aral woman member . Jof Philadelphia's Judiciary , ghe lac Preetdem es th.. PbUadri- County W; C. T. U. and a ' [member of tto Rxccuitv*. Com raMtae of the Law (League. i lr. agUe of her odlctel dutW. Philadelphia's woman city magte (tratc manages tor own home and Ip an expert In the culinary art.! |Oae of her epecdaltlaa ta Hut Bread. .Made according to tto* following recipo aba baa no difficulty keep- ( lag H fresh aa tong ea the loaf tosto—which, howuver. lu not. lama, t Machado Felicitates Coolklge and Kellogg r HAVANA. Cubh, May V- Oen. Ger ardo Machado, presides l.el ret of ento, on his retan* from his trip to tto Ualted Mates, seat tto following naaaage to President ('oottdge : "On my retum from the United Btdtea I wish to osprea* to pour eg calhmcy once mors my profound gratitude for yo*r friendly .and oor —- - ’ ■■* ~ —~.-.4Jr3S3i»^-. MUfilSHr Every l|toi of MrriU bread if m care fully blended of the ft nett Jhattl wheat flour, cane sugar, vegetable shoßttung* barley malt and fresh yeast that ini the Southland's finest. The rich golden brown loaves bring you good, healthful nutrition that builds vim and energy. Two sizes, 10c and 15c, y FRESH DAILY FROM ALL GROCERS „ „ MADE BY THE .' AMERICAN BAKERIES COMPANY p| t CH» Moat of us vrowawps r*- mIM /sJ|K JP "/ •lire of nod hrnart Mvorod with syrup «u • rsai trost ‘Hijj. * day aro no different Tbsjr appreciate rood thine* to t pisnty of dolt cions Golden Crown Syrup and brood? GOLDEN CROWN *J fc TABLE SYRUP Is one of (ho most economical, as well st moot healthful and nutritious foods [FWl2ii|i3iiyJ you can buy. It rust* so K'*» so thr.fty folk, sro us.n« it *thry • &" Today— oAt Your (jroctr’t mmMtrt.Ho.e<«. «t HslUmw. Q mmm * # l m THE GOLDSBORO NEWS as tor family ts esm-edtagly ap prnctativo of U! Nut Breml • cups' Flour t cep Itogar 4 taps Halting'.* Powder A tap- Bait « Hgga r. « c«p Mtth % (tope Crisco I «f«P Nut Meats Meat sßgs with anger. Hilr milk alternately with flour, anil and baking powder dried together Ad i molted Criaeo and chopped nut meats dredged with flour. Pour into greased paw, Allow to stand fifteen minuter before putting in oven. Babe in moderate oven about to minute* OPS* F.) ilmMtota *'*’* '** ri/tm /HTSa»» atesaac .ifr. ■l, 111 —-rrsi. dial hoapUailty. which are ffferiioa at# proois of the amity toward mt of the Auigrltiaii people and authori tlea during my visit to your great republic, which I hope to h* a n.w mothr* to make each d«y hoti r tap «*od relatfbM and fraterual affec tiob which uaites our two countriee.” The general also sent 1i message Os Uwaks to Hecr Ury a s auto *Kpl locg, thaukWV him fur couriceie* ■town him. * .to. ~r . ■■ I *-, * '• meat g ib sveatag of April is «*» revealed today wtom Carnet D*lb*atan ’•atrdrwmsr, wag arralgasd on s ebarib |^ri dfbsry. Ms v*s told with out ball Js*r*|rr valued a»> MUM, *ad rswlstjag of pseris coltoctsd jhp ’ tor late hmtond. was St Ms a from ' Mr* /•poato who aal# sto' wss thrown Into a bath tub * slier toiag bound aad gagged. ’’uW" ■ '■ ' . " ( Oeny Cairo Deputy, A , ' England Lacks Quota f'AIHO, Egypt May d.-fMfietel dm Ulal was made to lay Sf 'rapag* tost ifr. chaff Ik Haneoar, * member of »M r #f depMtlba. Aaa co*«ees rd that he h*d received money I* connect So* with tto aameeiaatto* ,la*t November of Btr Oliver Lae •Hack, the stradar or Hagltah mlli I Ifenrifla of I ~ — f You al| know tto sgtoaSdM toaeflU of cxpsft facial means>s. Mat do you *' « hirnw i> ,t if Improperly dims, or too freguMilJy. it leads to loose* tto ski*. w*akea the muscular rounds, tjo*. produclug sags and wrlgles? If more women only knew M, all l-HcSSS lark root and lemon Ju! c. a spoonful of each. * I*-*, Bate Id at .u-Vtag Ito lac* flabby does the very apposite. Ita action te perfectly aatmn.dKp. |« . year mirror you as* wrtohloa. age llaea and sagglneea literally "Iropsd oat"—i* lose than flfLwa minute*. A beeutlfimy rounded conteur rrsidte. j **<’ a youthful pink glow mounts fljr cheeks. You can obtain n„ original Package of powdered t rkroot from any drugg at, r sough t,» bring the ’ 001,1 each treatment »|->wn to three •cute or tern I Isa the greatest thing 1 yot discovered |o make ol*.lookiag 'area young looking. —■ i /*Q* OLD AND TOtma ‘ l Tutt’s Mills I "■darafeftpaerf j the lost World ’ BY SIR. ARTHUR CONAN DOYLE f * » i Auitmr of TV Refuge" -Sir Nigel," “The Adventure. o t Sherlock nvwn, eic. «ij >f| • ' ' ' ' •; ■ .•*-<* V ' *, . '*■ BEGINNING BUNDAY, MAY MTH. ’ -v : t; 3., . f WILL BE PUBLISHED DAILY IN SERIAL FORM IN TRR " • 'C * O 'V.I , •, • t I Goldsboro News | | * ‘ I; M A Story of the Past and Not of the Hereafter.” The Lost World” * la Unlike Any Story You Have Ever Bead. It WHI Amaze You, Enthrall You,Entert*ii» Yoa It la Chuck Full of Mystery, Romance and Adventure, ~ As Only a Conan Doyle Could Tell It , ‘ . , 9 . ".; d ? A masterful strange blending of the Twentieth Century and the ‘ Jurassic Period of 10,000,000 Years ago. Doyle leads you on a trip* tb a magic plateau in unexplored South America, where forms \aj life have remained unchanged for 100,000 centuries. You will enjoy the vicarious thrill of adventuring among prehistoric dino saurs, mightier than half a dozen elephants, and in the end, re turning to the 20th efttury, the lovers And their happiness back » in London. JUI j READ THW mmiNNiNo nmrr iunday. may iw* in the Goldsboro News L. . - .. ... . .-/TTfct I.* aJK »' 1 W '--"Ml I 1,1 Mid' j j. mur.lt r •bctlo* ta tto ftnanctog of the more »*»t behind tto murder. Pkml.kera stowd to saving ap old !>*»•»* apd I reek to scatter around tto pteaie growada. ■ tom. ,r ‘.."a;-su. 1 ■ mi, . -r— _ t Vj If K - • H'. \ • Wi* *' * W ,w f « » -.iv», *m IT’S I g) JL JL U | COMFORT YOU WANT-- J. I | IT'S COMKORT YOU'LL GET- ■ ( WHEN YOU GET INTO ONE J | OF OUR f I n \ ** Summer ' * S f) -j' n Suits 1 fi I (( YOU WHtfIUARVEL AT IJ ■ Ta 9> • ifll J THE COOLNESS—BE 3 if t (( DEUGHTED WITH THE M fg | STYLES AND PLEASED | | AT THE MODERATE PRICES. *jj ■I •* » £• >* V g §Bg l( . J A. A. Joseph 3 Iff w MY OUTFITTER J 11 # v ** *• >■ // m FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 8, 1925 cgmJGm uu. it e*i auttosl* d pPeheele IF* "'WWeM*m| - Negotiat loan W pmsh • spMMMHMM \ HyirUHTfll MMMIBSh

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