PAGE EIGHT J . " ■ - 1 w ' 1 » .•” ■" A *•#!## H AT —' H V **V^W*q fc" l asr^^ A. K, Bo—rUoa, county »»»nt, «u«( yesterday that IRUIHMIU have bees —ado i« bay and ship ss ,. «%•»«» ft* poultry from Duplin aad Way*# eooatiea, at ttt Ottv. a* Prt ife|r, War U 4, aU Goldsboro, batur ihy. Mi-ftw t v a a t* Raur-d i—(gbt da put- Aar tod all who have PPiflia Mtmrr am da wall to art like— I* afcapa tor —Hint aad *blp ‘M* b-i rto*HM*UM«ry l« V HjgL'gjW— UtA i A ia iJi A., m BaKM. J Aaw pp •PP*** w •■OHIO Os penial MT* ♦•I day* la sdvaao* 4pd"fW butter- T~Z? k .£Z»Wi!2&" ; tort—a tor lb. V»aMry will b* aa teilwwi Ha*», 14c par lb., Me pay lb, turkey*. lb i h. an atari, dacha add paaaa, He par IMa 8hlp»»t Mil ha mad* to re- Mimtt— «KI tb* Wapa# rouaty »HK| ■ I M the » John * >l*th _i_ _ Claiad#W in W*F iw a i«o serric** *aeb day '*rolya A Hostord who*. w r r *«V •*. •»« PL, VIII direct tk* jnuslc *a aaaaa «f t§a pmchtag Ml- Carrs; Mt'i 4 eham* latdar aha ta bath aftw*»»at d VTh w* m aim* nat— ,-q at * «d achoiorty and —ha* •—did MMp as »i* Ooldaboc* Hr w||A| id vi will 4fl til* ny»tf»h - / -J w 4 WIM OH 'H r prr«« m Pit K .MM Vttg* -flat that hi* Mttapa «M —fm—ato w*ak. M Ml M»«yi|wl t aaotha IMa and aid a**iffy m# l—trr of b—rt, swr:msra M« «*-«—» rm. to keep Mm «*• M * f •»* tmeatoa to * 1 ~"WpM|' *tv W—N—*WW—#. hjf^2222BsL2! h w,u b«f Ms rag— meeting Friday #*•- *■* Mr M, d'M.i All .hr m*» •» *»* pnumi* yy— ,g| VT’Mff mmm Llat* •(•lUik *JM Mvtaat? of *ta fin* of H. 'w*n d W* t» to-w—ratio* - tb* *oca .fgMflftWi »W tteda Mi amfl. ; ___ T _ - ■ I I.) —I .... -I ■ ■ II—III. ■ • -■ F*———— g=»g.L.| -=■-=■ T IflMiff" m ■ I | ISO E. CKNTER ST. N„ GOLDBBOKO, N. C. I vt| "■« I I ( i. r. « Slyle and Quality at . Lowe *t po *«ble Price MillacrT derived in buying fr* from us are not atone had from the loweat posaible prices consistent with Draft i prevailing market coats as a result of our Anraaiariaa l*r«* bu y* n 8 power. There is the added satisfaction of se -JTJV lecting from styles while they are still j'* W3BS?W • * 9 ,^te l ga 4 n f fashion centers and Skotf foods that are strictly reliable in quality. mtHm In extending this great service to the | people of more than 50 communities in I *•'** 11 ■■ the South, we arc ever mindful of oui ■ i r«» '■ " •" responsibility. , I \ | . ft j Iff i That this service ihiftl not be fount! Wit€To wanting and is being made strongei f tarings '^*^ l fabt that we are opening 8 new Store* in QT€ the South this Spring. a A wtNiy via Monday, May 11. Ia •Moabctac tkia —la. Urn. nna atat*a; , Jet aixtr iwi -h i llt(|e i Inaaa atora balldlap aa tba >IU V ■ oar pwaaat HoibJba d*p»rtm»*t aa* I tba baalaniap of H>« Ona of H W«ll . A Bra Tb* army o| oar faimorul ■ ‘ la* had laid doara tb*lr »rm« at Ap : fe'tastwu'irr ■ camp- at Qaldaba«M'bfUn th* ddbt* t‘«.r atora f*x Iff fjrat twa. « o' J tTha *lder Wf—N Vtdf»<»—V>Vat' •urttd oar b'ou*f and *ll of whom ar* r*v*mba>ad ipr am— M aur pan todwra today, laid aoaad louadatloaa to. tba bunlarat which vas' d«aia*d td barr* tba vawpl* »t caafeaa Worth CatoUaa. THr troatamat to mry eaatomar, aalllac aaly amrebandiaa that *a« b* roaated to aerr* tba a*a for which M la Mtaadad. A good trad* it |h# aaly oa* that U profit**!!* to both buy*r a— aall*r. Thao* art tba a«- Mpna I boy adopted la HM> tb«y aea tb# ral** M which Ibay ran tba toialnaaa from nothing to a tremaa. daaa rein am; tb*y ar* tba aam# Undo yr * it it! Woman (Vha AgplM > Ibr To GM la Fraad fukdruick .Md . May «.-«» Mary 4banh, as My*mm*. wft* b— bam aartrtoc a » bmmtba* a—t—a# to ,| Wa npnnf llratooi, 1* -am old. m J«»> ••• —nd*d to* diy aftar httrlat bati la Jab * nwatha. Mm m mat at tb* prtomi door by Mater rbrlnUaa. a leitbaru daataa*—. who to— bar to »* tnatl tHtton c* iablmarr. Maryland Mata Parol# Officer Roy fT Alhannh paper* atgnad by Oor. WWhie ff-Hbd tb* -«»*•. Mm Mmnh bad Jm- apprtoml that the pa. rol* •*• *n It# way and that aba would town bn— her freedom Ktt# enpraaaad thank* tor the hind ttwdr. haavt abo r—at—d at tba Jail, and d*. clnrad a prafbraae* ta «a to MatV* mope rather than return to her old home la MyctwHlla. ■a—ral week* ago. Rater vvhlpp tba Stramr who obaber— aad are* toeted W»» irandoa after the c—t of (A)T ftHfl |FBWrt" l>lN*n ftpfll INj CM not Med to loo— tba owapr >4 tba (aria. Roy Lomhorman. H* —mo—d tram the county Artbar Hl and Harry 1 mat he man. the two KJtepad rlagleadern ia too tar party, wba —ra aeate—ed to tba Maryland turner tor eanwetio* tor tw* years. <tpA tapvinv IftioJp «mr—m laulitin Ho* ta —petoetl to bo made tor their parole. Mae ohera a—toared to the , hauae of a*rr*cttoa toe oa# yaor **— rweostly ral—aed. aad returned ta (Pair homes. JT!: . Hvndrada AIUmTiIm Dtophy •f The LalMt In WtoMi'i Wear At A«<a Shaw The larpaat crowd, acoordtag to tooae la eharpn, that luw ever netted tie htg warehoase, daring this or any ptovtaar show wan la attend#ac« mat sight to vja* *be gorgav.'a *»• hlhtio, a— the usual evening l * etrf eua partonnaacs. aad rlew tb# fato* Ms atom tb* aniTLrtotag, Tl* • Hbt dtoto, |#g tW Wtuaira IU TTd f—hloa Show, always aa aU trbrtlfe-feativ* dr thd'autp show wag lar superior oa this oc*aatoo (tun as **y fterip— at—#. iitj'Mtoi Jo-pi hod |u*V returned too- Near. Tor- Vbc— h* parchaaed many beeutltof I rock* fro- which tb* models mad# tbolr aHacflon* tor last evening a display. Tba Fashion show was ar. ranged la th* form of a wedding, la Which Miss Hatal Grady, recently'**** lecttol a* Ooldshoro’a moat beauttful young lady to —p—aeat bar aa quean of the Bantam Carmine of Camamree Ripetition, tank tb* pari as bride. Ml— Or*dy wha beautlfullly rowaad to a whtl* dueb—a satin, with to— trimmings, aad court train a—hroMerdd 4 wltb pc*rt* «ad omug* Moaaomu.* Th* train wa* home ■ by llttla Ml— Ann Holin**, and Mariat Rf 4) Iptcer. { *fh* bribe’s maldw—Tried. *•!*•* ehapha— crook* with lull* hows to’ tarmouta* with the gown* worn by tba, Iq atundauoa. * Him Boll* MeOlnula pr<ended the t>rida acting maid of honor. Ml— Mcfltobl* Wna bcauttfplly •owned la ilaMtoto taffeta with Ip— tria—ttai. aad carried «u gym bouquet of snap dragon* aad roans. Preceding tba bridal party several young ladle* gowned la marfy »arl»- tlena or atrect and aport gowa* *al*r ed. dtoplsyiag a gal* of rotors and style* All BMdetn were dad la Nell Joseph's gowns aad wore stator*, sty—t sad apart hats la he*plat with tS* gawaa worn, Wlth ewt « doubt, law sight'* fashion show V— the a—at beautiful and was more •t—rtily approved by the vast *u ttonre than any previously staged ia tba gtop, . 7, At toalgbt a —rfonaadc* the firm of A. X, Jo—ph will wag* * fashion <how as mm'a wearing gppa—i. wbtgh, oweordtag ta th* gene—l up ppnrss— as hlu store, will ha equally *e attruerive tba wa* la— aig— of Nril Joseph aad Th* Hat Shop. Tonight * program will also —• elude a dap— which wilt he hold oa Ihe spsetoso flea r adjoining tb* r*ar stag* lbe Mg building. Admission to this dagea will ha by tlebat, and special orekwirq hand will furnish tk* dance ma*tr. The follow tag will be tb* ehaper- Mesdaatcs Jam— Hatch, C. G. Orov*. C, L. Smith, Murry Borden, MB'l ' r. *'- l ea-i.**Mß i T MIU Bomb gdmal Children With Candy ; ilL.J'.l a. La T! ' l ft I , i HbAIBHwIJA ; 1 ..JfcAg. 'w*4 JT Above la th* Romhtog Plane- S« P«—. 'ltouiT Jtotl*. *b* V»F *f Geldaberw wMh package* of canAy ted*) (Friday^ CITY SCHOOLS WILL BE BOMBED FROM AIR TODAY WITH CANDY amnasßnm-wwwn—a—• Utah oat. Children! Oeldaboro a | schools will he MmJbed from Ihe air ■ today. Rigl II at noon and —at. lag for oa# hour, an ariator will U»or <— gbly bomb every acbool yard. lg toe city. Sounds fr'gbtful aad warlike, das—*t MT Bui don't he alarmed, mothers and fathers; It to not the sort of bombing that *a airplane is really , rai tbl# of. Instead dropping high aad deadly #t plosives-upon th* bead* ! of the deds—el—a acboa) children. thar* will descend from the sky a i [ ebover ot nweeta that is bound to u—bn the children glad they tori their imbrella* hosae. la—aad sura enough bomba, tjm 1 children *ijl treated to drijjgtitful — rhagea of 'll*by Ruth ' eshdy. which i—il (| i" : iiiif T - - - - -■ (-I -Sii Pal—a Thompson. W. W. MlglSl.'' W. W. Draper, J. Spicer Holme*. Walter U Fescoch. K. R. Warren, H. P. Dortch, -Mis—* Mary Alive Orove, i Lillian D Wooten, Louis* Powell. BASEBALL 1! RESULTS | I U. lll - 1 "j m §u§Rg | I New York 11; Phlladalpbu fe Urooklya I; Boston 7. M. C—ta W; Pittsburgh 8. tmerieaa . Dot ran i, St. Lottto i bleu go I; Cleveland T. ,* 1 W+* * , Portnmo—b I; Rocky Mount ft. Hiehmoad ft; Norfolk is. Wllaoa 4; Kinston111. 1 Ftadamat \ J — 1 - j >»..!■ «I.l> I .... .. «■ w a* 11 " 1 ’ 1 " ■ ■ hi pi'* ■ rteMloro ft; ftaltafe«ry f. a . - -'"■»■■ u ' ~ " R*iHfh 4; Ifotham i. n # r.nsm week-end bargains i V «>r v». I; OoisariiU *—IT la ,'. n mothers [IAV I Y If At FFI TO BE OBSERVED jULL I IWILLLL J w For Friday and Saturday „ Mutiny ■T ilTiMnixAaK . » t j We are offering some wonderful bargains in ladies and a®u..r. i»r mAfmmm or «h, »*•» misses dresses, hats and millinery. Our dresses are very <fc.t IM to .Sr stylish, all the wanted shades, and every desired quality. • wiru or many, win *• duly ob»r,ad jf y OUr summer |vardrobe is not yet complete, you can* ; 7* not afford to mins the wonderful bargains that await **"* *r* r ?y MM Our millinery department was never more complete at u. mapMiH* m-mb.r. ur,i», this season of the year. A hat for every lady and lass, hmb to nmkd «o Mk«r •ncncmnni. ] and the price will surely be attractive. Beabtiful hats jrl for Hit Rundn'y moraine olfcrr than HW&lt VOHT Selection * BE «o »n pmanat for tkr np.d.l P ro«r.m await your seieciion. « to bn rondure,, .1 thn *ari o «n Bu D I Our men s and boys department will gladden the heart 1 *’ k ' d ‘ r • m,m of the most fastidious. Here you will And that suit for i« urX hi. mabra 101». pm.. an d ev«y occasion. All new, and all priced far mi o. thi. d.y at m. ftund.y lower than you Have been in the habit of paying. Come £?_* •‘T** * h * fol ' in today or tomorrow, and see what wonderful suits you ■houid bn m,dn on ihi. a., i. (k . ca « buy for a very small amount of money. £k follow in,: yyjn nod i hnvn mnmorina We wouldnot feel we were doing our • friends jus i tice if we difl not mention our shoe department. Our "w» r !.{| Hpf» ailq compldje. Here can be found shoes for the ' - > *-Rn«nw thnnn d.y. atnin Motwn' • entire family. 9noes of the very best brands, and they t ZJTiTJZ mr n Jln n ! ’ < * are priced so lof that they are bound to go. We want, <-hlld|MNMl Whan 4f«i era wind into tl»i> during these two days, to demonstrate just why we so old ahay with Mmbnr mnd Fatn.r and OftCO tO oH’SeIVCScAR %Xj 5 * of the kid. tad dror. to ’I • 1| ihr Honda) astral «f yawnryanr* II • ifV h|J.|»' mmpM| mnik la ronarrttoa with kfathnra Dar W I ■ jk ■ for thn Raptlatn WA rw, aw North f-«rnH(p will aUo h. rfhM nr- ■ IgSI ■ 4# ** »«• Monday m North f'arollna at JL EL C4IIA which tlmn thn Ttlrttm. o f',n. Bap 'itmJ —■ • Hat HoanMal loratnd la WlWMon^ta *** *••• bo nrtnwnd and Mlmn fin-" •nalal aH will bn ahown to thla hoa hlUl of whit* tbr North f'arollna flaptl.ta am Inly proOd ■“ • »»tn» • mambar of thn Board or |U of thla koayltil. D». Kano j «/vi ■ y If A f DCV l; , Wall will no donht want tfa mam- ' ? SH/ldLil SAUUiL bar* of hia rhttrrh to I* th. firm to Fjlt Wslmit St M (tOldsborO, N, C. rrepoad to thla worthy eanaa by can-' trtbattao rfnVilTJff".. Mini da , /■ til I win b# dropped vj,* liny parachute*, from « plan* piloted by "Dong'’ Da rin, former Georgia boy. an army flier* (laris a Ibo World War. and who al on* time attained fuM by bio dare* devil - otunta with the Mabel tody (•'tying flrcua. The pilot of the plau* has been ordered by the local d»p iribMtora oI "Baby Ruth’* ('aadjr lo take tp the Mr )«*l before ihenoyo receaa hour. a%d ahewar ererjr at herd yvrri la the city with oa nr pice of the'i toothnomc avert. ,i Mr. Da via will fly oyar a*»ldaboro at Doau today iPgMpy), May *. re- j turalng in time to furntab a augary luncheon tor every aehool bey aad girl In Goldsboro. ■!■■■'> ..I I».i»eii go—wyuooa—am. , DEATH PENALTY FOR COWARDICE Ilriliall ParHamcßt Rgfoan I’lm ts Make Treachery Only War Duth V e • aim ■■■ lies— »■ * UINDON. May Vlgoruo* at tempts have been made to rule "eow nrdlce" o— of tb* ng*nn*s for which military men may be sentenced to deith :n Gr—t Britaia.. Th# question whether there to such 1 a thing na cowardice boa been ear nestly debated la tba h*tm* of coo*. , moan. - Ernest Tburtl*. HocUtlist M. P.. who aarrod la the .world .war —a prvlato, introduced a bill l n pwrilameat to abolish capital punlabmeat axceftt for i-ellberato Ir— chary. ihFyg; «pL g. ' aaa.-a v ,WPPp f**Pl • ■ -* V-y^ "Ho wind nmmmr mr M drawn tetvee* W the army 'all* Wwardtoe* end what ro«dk-al at fleora call ‘nerrona breakdown.' d*r dared Thartle "Darla* the war over thirty eaecaUOM were Ihooe of boy* under twenty-on*. Vboi* oorveo tolU ed thoea.’* Robert Moridgoh. oaothrr 9erteoia> who aearved a* a private, declared thdt "a coward ta doe who la afraid «»i danger "The tyt aoppoaed (o»*rd I I Juvenile Party I I Dresses *’ls l *7»' ' v ' T - y', rfi * '. f™g--.•SB' I ATTRACTIVE lITTLE FILMY M I DRESSES FOR LITTLE SISTER ■ I Georgette dresses with rows and rows of plcot VB ■ edge. self ruffling in the daintiest and fluffy ■ ■ styles. I F)mbnoider*d net dreaaes of all white net over „ I ■ flesh anti maise silk slips, also white pet dresses ■ ■ trimmed with a profusion of colors in moire ■ ■ riblions. and made over color silk foundation. ■ ■ Sweet little voile dresses of white, msixe and ■ ■ pegth. trimmed wilh many rows of V*l lac ft and ■ ■ tinv tittle satin ties underarm and about the ■ I H. WEIL & BROS. 1 y I ■ . ■ —■ *d - oil ■ ■■“■■i. si ' r I ■’ jh IWI ■ >*3L H 7,1 II ■*l .1 WMO FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 8, 1925 ■ - ■ eter oiet; *«W \torr*m*,.*** *pd gli/rWanU. «*«-••«<. of h^Sfl fy<n* rtgorkocc*. be waa I ramble if « *hti* droepsi W«gjj nulr 4»»r There U no »» » <>»■#rdlcc unt onnerted with MM|| cul or tneakdowa "S, Ig Thurile «wnW only rote* for h.» propooal to aboltaß Hal puntahnieui la the army. hd|jfc| I* undaunted »*»• props**!

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