/■ i mgAYJWHMNg MAV „„ E wl_ MjtfF 1 II . I I'l □( I I 1' r S^|ffi6fijStessßßss3ss»sasasißii*^3' I. COLMB ”° cowa,,y jgrLOCALij auuftoon wins nm 44010 m ’mi* tdhrtad* Hook* woo the 1120 |Mlo oat offered by th# Smith Hard mn Company tor studios th# aaar *•*. ■**#>•* «f 00IU la the keg toot Mm has* ao interesting feature or rMIM Haedwar* .Company exhibit Hm Elks' olreu* and automobile Aom. whelk cam* to *o end yvst*r„ Ay. There wr* 1,»3 nail* Id tho I*l *hd Minn Hook*' nuoM •*» »,Mf, mlMlof the actual Dumber by only ik» r . #ih*i Haywood, Jr., woo a I* *HI* t#f guesalog the nrarmi M>mb*r of oaila In tb* Jar. Thor* #*r* SIS aalla la thl* container and Ma ru**| woa SO*. Uka Mia* Hooks, k* lacked by four nails of guessing •be coaet number. Ham ruu*m aidm 1* iLiSABiTi cm ruNir Mi** ftfarta Farlow. public health nbrse of Ooid.boro, and Mlsa DniAte (Mttlnsar baa* returned from ElUa- Mtb City, where they aided In con duetUg a moot auccesaful baby clinic Os the clinic, tb* Mlisabetb City Ad vance wy*. "The baby clinic opened it t o'clock Wednesday morning la tho. Chamber of Commerce room* with Dr. W. O. Byrd, field supervisor of the mademlty and infancy depart. m*nt. State Board of Health, In a. m f Bl strop Da rat will visit the polish neat Saaday. and *ID administer coaHrma. floa. IHRIMTIAI BRBVH'M The regular aervices will h* bald at tk* nrat Christian church today. a* tollewa: Sunday aokoel. »:4d a. m The Lard's Supper. 11. Preaehiwg t»y the pastor. Rav. L. M Oner at 11:3* and 7:4H p. m< Chris tlaa tadaovorr meetlag 7:o* p m Mothers' Day will he observed ah

4Jo oemsdery BASKBAIJa- j RESULTS V j ■ I National Chicago I: Boston 3. St. Louis 3; New York d, , j Philadelphia 13; Pittsburgh «. Ctaclaaatl I; Brooklyn i. iaaerloaa Beaton 4; Detroit S / 4; (Tilengo I. Philadelphia g; Cleveland 5, New York I; St. Louis I—called on s. count of dairksesa la th* eighth. ** VlrghMa Wilson t; Kinston t. Richmond «; Norfolk I. ’• Rocky Mount ;Portsmouth 4. Pled meat j Wlastea-Haiem 3| Rnlelgh f. Salisbury 17; High Point S. , Durham »; Greensboro #, 1 ■ Judging by the noise yea wwwlit think th* fatted State* had as assay visa praaldaata as R raMraad. J . ■. , *' m tn MtßWtvßs n watt* J » • IWCITT #a compHaac* with a recent rcw>*g of the health authorities a course of last ruction will be gives at tk* fai towthf, potato and data* set opposite each place: I Monday. May lltb, Mt. Olive, aglh : oi*d soboei: fid a. m l I , Rrtday, May Uth. Mt. Olive, color ed school. (Id a. m.t F Tuesday. May 13th, Premoat, sad. >red school, (1* a. m.l „ • Maadsy, May JStb, Fremont, eol . ored aehool, (1# a. a.) Ttadgaaday. May 13th. Seven SpHagav postafhc*. tie .*. m > - L! Tuesday, May ism. Seven spring*, Postoffice. (10 a. m l \ Thursday. May 14th, OsMaboeo, Health Deportment, do a . m.) Wednesday. May 3dtl>, Qotdaboro, Health Dapartmeat. (Id a. m.y • The fears* win consist of practical demonstration, and physicist exam, last tons. A Mute later on a wrtftea cr oral examination will be required Os every midwife to dee If ah* quail- | He# to ply her trade The qnortton* that will be naked at thla •ixathuu Don wtlt be tnhea from the foctree and every midwife who doe* ijot make a aneeaenfal grade win he bom# from tßrtber practice la Wayne onatt «>. course# ape being brought to you and ao excuse will he necepfi d for aoa-ettendanc* If you fall tq/dt tm* at yaor nearest peuH. tb*n pfek whichever loeatloa sulfa your conven tenc# beat, as th* lecture* will hoi be. repeated this *—r- , L H °S'«« will avail your •rlf of thin opperfustty, sad that a r proa- cut lona will be necessary | «*. . Very truly yoora, H D«. L. W. rORBBTT. r— 7 iX,-;:", . 1 „.1 THE LOST WORLD J • y IVa. m 4 * BY SIR ARTHUR €ONAN DOYLE r ' ;’V'??' ■ a Author of The Refugees,” “Sir Nigel," “The Adventure* of Shorloch ' K **■ - I j'' ■ ‘ BEGINNING SUNDAY, MAY 10TH. / I I WILL BE PI'BUMWB DAILY IN HEMAL row* IN THE • Goldsboro News j rr, i\ . .» * ,-T ■ t» & c M A Story of the Past and Not of the Hereafter.” The Lost World” | la Unlike Any Story You Have fiver Reed. It Wil Amass I You, Enthrall You, EntertaJto You I It hi Chuck Full of Mystery* Romance and Adventure, I j Ae Only a Conan Doyle Could TeU It I A masterful strange blending of the Twentieth Century and the ? I Jurassic Period of 10,000,000 Years ago. Doyle leads you on a trip to a magic plateau in unexplored South America, where forms of • 0 life have remained unchanged for 100,000 centuries. You will enjoy the vicarious thrill of adventuring among prehistoric dino- I UM saurs, mightier than half a dozen elephants, and in the end, re turning to the 20th century, the lovers find their happiness back in London. # READ THIS THRILLING STORY BEGINNING TODAY, MAY 10TB. IN TffC * ( * *' . # Goldsboro News ' ■■■ ■ - - - -V- A. • , . : *' ; - ' *** * *-'■* ■■ "I COL LANGSTON’S ~7~ ' SUNDAY SERMON 1 ilewsalwaiaw«waam<*suwimmwan*WHamamamMimaw J 3 • - j “Her children rt*s up And csU.Uer I blessed.'--- Proverha 31-3*. Today is Mother's Day. We pause and bow ottr brads la rwvß|eaee «nd te thaabagtvtag tor the priceless totorbi of ear boyhood wwefhtp At 1 mothers' kaeaa. Same of no ah 11 car ry ottr trouble* and bury *b*m la a mother’s heart of love. Hew grateful W» am to the find a** loving Father that w* can ‘till wear the red roe* on this great day*! Boom of us will carry te church with us today only the tender memories of those loving ministrations of earlier y**r», sad th* hearts of all of aa share In tb* grief of the** who wear the white mar, eymptortc or Mm hto* of mothsr. Oh tMs «t*y of days our mind goes bash la review of the Relationship sat aim* a MtomaMi agga. maimh 4?l OPCn Lm ib» TWt VHPr BAPTBtT MKBBERMBIP Dear Fallow Church Member*: Today, Mqy IMh. la Mothst-a Day. Today Is also Hospital Day for Bap. flats of North Carolina. Today la tb* day, every member of tb* first Baptist church la axpect «d to b* present at Sunday aehool, W« waul to sea haw assay members of our church will bo preosat at our Sunday school on Mother*# Day. WV cordially Invll* yon and each SHunher of your family. If “you b*v# never been to our Sunday school he. tare, come todgjr. w* have sMsngtd A Mother s Day sad Hospital Day program. 'M ' a ! wu of OBJ Ursa aad qut mothers' lira*. Three am ao maay things we could • have done to auk* bar aging ysars happy, mt maay things ws oosid k*Ve 1 avuldtd that naay bare haateaad the •lly?r la bar hair, ffksa wa think or all th* things ajpther baa doaw tor aa. all the praiwra aha tat nuge la oar behalf, all tb# banlaaa ah* has > carried and tRe sacrifices ah# has made for ua, w* resiles that every day Is mother's tfay. ** • Be U Is 0* this Habbatb Moaahkg that we Join with the poet la humhl* vycosaltloa of motherk live aad | worth* “My mother, she's ao good to g* IM was good •• I* could Be, 1 couldn't he aa goad, no air, Can't nay boy tp ** #**» her " I Yea aad I have memerlee of ehlto- j] ran‘a day back la tba old Sunday II school when nm worn ItWha ktoa II Renew tho«e days again oa Mother s II Day. Live over with au again sail Mother's Day th* dtogpy Mama ofjl childhood, when yon crawled tato the II old shay with mother and fathar. aad 0 the balance of the kids, aad drove to II Sunday school of yaalaryagr. «<* ■ .n ... n rlWl Pfc-i DEVELOP PLESM ; *' ■ ■*** Wake rnrUr it M Mother* Day. Bring tb* cblfdrsa to Saaday school, | We shall ha disappointed If you | 1 * ■wacm.• ■ .. ...I /\ 1 /|\ \ NOTICE ' -'l s!BPß*!?'4'fc'\fl . We make a specialty of collecting J rente. .We see that* property is not 1 abused. We get immediate results. \ I We want to handle Why not let us collect your rents, be ginning Monday, May 11th, 1926. j fjmefj J. Best Jr. RENTAL AGENT UAL estate insurance ■aariby MMto* Qllkm'tAk • i 1 ~ ■ '■ 1 ' • _ - L I See Them on Our I I H f *** * I The Automobile Show is over, but * ■ you can find displays of the latest B 1 models of Fords and Lincolns on our * ffl K I I And it will be a pleasure to explain I ' *» • ■. ** '*+<& ' * ™ I their many superior qualities I I FORDS LINCOLNS I ' J=wr= -~T' —- 1 ,« <*•*l canto. J--' 1 * C’aNtoHy jour., > % h. r. twain, *- g-7-. .to.' ."