PAGE TWO L fcSBnRHHTiv* ’ . . ■- v. . S % *rr*ng*m«nt with FI ret National Picture*, I no, 2 M WatUraon A. RtUluktr. £ * kYHOPgIe m laIWR • linden newtpaper re- Btfnrltif hg the girl ha PW MMH ho* NO print d*«i* ■to Itoa lN*t, Oppeait to ku editor • ■im #Mpar*«* oaaipi.mi nt an.. B MM K mttrviow the truer. Me Challenge,, a actant Mmi rtaently returned /r..t i. , t# South 1 inert,-,, a torn, which no T»jf SpHrMa, a/ th# cxi* tan ra I her* on Kgrent ptalenM o/ many forme of ■* mmmmtmna hr* »fwDkr- JM, a if the eh g* h«n*nth th« j la ■(ffmmm, Ik* alhar */„# manatrowc «ni appl- rtdamhitng tha rttgoeanr,. - atpkiah god ihaan amanp tha poarc*- jgpgt ti ara explorer, Hapla U’hila. Sm ha hah found dead from .•tolar*aMan; taaw ktarred pktta ■f iafW W what uppaarad to ho the Mtmt thgt; and a piece of the unng "WYftap* /tptnp terpent, or plero- Hpp«lth which ha had that uv. n JBalaha 4* «pi*i«crd a/ Ckallen '4or’* aineerity Ha accept* ike jwfiair'i tnwful’on te attend n JfsmHflr lecture tha* evening kg a ■ 7 •MAATCR V (Continuaa) ■ My hay na a buay <m«. *tu l JX aa early dinner at tb« Bav »s« Stub with Tarp Haary. u> who Bi»t aoaaa MMMti-af aut *d» Jd ■ra Ha UMaaad with a, a< •i> flkal wall* oH.hl* gaung .face, itml 'Hwrah oa togaHu* Bat tha had ooa»lu -i ■ Aaar chap, thing! Don't I .>p that b ran) life. Pe»m» 'jflpa't stumbl* upon .normuu* die ■MMIH afi than loan thalr *«• *■*»<«., Lear* taat to th* ho*tli*i» Who ihliow la aa full ot trtek* a* ■m ttpriwy-haala at th* Zoo It * ■ poatr - IA 0 ir « ~ v v -Ag*. .»-i* •" v - ■< • vK .to*- . [ ; Btwfei«** ♦'• t , Kp J*L etewly aewn. Weur MM Hl* onset, and looked witn ■f, ' tato*reM»#ue IIM at «h« .erewded hell baler* him. 1 TmTiSi sketch book.* 9 "fthUaeger a ekuuh boot* jP "Till think be drew that eat M -Of Mil be did. Who eleer M "Btaß. Uma. tbe photographer 1 *iWt ma Afttkiaii in ihv « jfcrtaprgftaL if F*«r »*• bd * fkteeion yd* oaly m* e bird " | “A pterodactyl* P *Tbbt‘e what be ear*. He pet 2 the jtar»db.atyl bu rear heed * It "Wall. Um, tbe hoeeer W. Tint oae out of ap IrUb eiew. Wfrnm ase vamped up tar tbe ow Win. B jek are clever end know Bytour beetaeee yod oae tabs * hone 2'aa aapHj at pea eaa e photograph.* |*fttrJL I M hrm prematur, la you case* LO tbe aleetlagr •Kl erted- . f ~ m Tar* Hdery tabbed thoughtful :$. Tie tg net a popular person tbe him. 1 should any be la the least bated wee ta U>ndon. If tbe • medianl etedeoie’ turn oat there XM be be ead of a re*. I don't Jt f*a| «a aat tat* a bear warden * 2 . TOca might at least do Uiu the e PtadlM la bear him euu his own SI only fair Al. n forth. .<• at the bell w« itrr cnncoiir** lark »t r« sio of i. who cro»il'«l gdorwuy. itinw. to us si -mm ir seals that s boyish sii.rli [ellrry sad ls,« hall i-«o), ih* I SO* roes of ir m«dio« I »tu ally th., great lent down th*ir jAnother umtullnicnt of this great serial will Ae published in tomorrow's Nows. Don’t fail ■Mead a! , . . * 5' • • coatb-gaat. Th, behavior ot th* audlaoco at present waa good buniorod, bql mischievous.. Scrap* ot popular »ong* war* chorusod with an enthusiasm which was a atraaz* prwlwda to o acleu title l*u* tare, and thora waa already a ten donoy to poraooal chat which prom laird a Jovial tvealng to other*, jj bowarer embarrassing It might ha Rh% iha roclplunta of tbaaa dubious , > Thu*, whoa old Doctor Maldrum. with Ula well-known curly-brlutwcd opera hat, appeared upon tb* plat form, there waa Bitch a universal ißwery of “Whrre did you got that Ml«r* that ha hurriedly removed It, and epocoaiod U furtively under • hit chair, Whan gouty Profaaeor Wad ley limped down to his seat there ware general affectionate in ituirlaa from all pan* of lb* bail aa to tha asset state of hit poof tit#, which cauaod him obvious-. u&rraaamenu Tha graaioat demon" riraUon of all, however, waa iha entrance of my now acguatnuaca. Professor Challangar, when he poieori down to uka hla place al tha axtrata* end of tho front row of the platform, Such a pall of c welcome broke forth whao hla black beard Aral protruded round tha corner (hat I began to suapoct Tarp llenry waa right In hla sur mise. and that this aaaamblag* waa ther* not merely for/he aaka of tha lac tor*, but becawae U had { got rumored abroad that th* ta * moga Professor would lako part In - the proceeding*. v Thera dot tornie Oympalhetlo la ugh tar SO hla entrance among tha (mat bench aa at wolbdraaaad ipactatora, at though th* damon ai/ntlon of th* atndbou In (hla in stance was not unwelcome to tbaih. That greeting was. Indeed. 0 frightful outburst of aonud. tha uproar of tha carnivora cog* when tho amp of tho bucket-bearing keeper Is beard 1a tbe dtotaaea. ■There was aa oCecelra tone ta It. perhaps, ead yet lu tbe mala It streak am as mere riotous out cry. the aoUjr reception ■of on* who amused aed interested thorn, rather then of one they disliked or despised. Chsilencer smiled •lth weary and tolerant contempt, as a kindly man would meet the & yappiai of e Uuer of yuppie*. He set slowly dawn, blew oat hie cheat, passed bis bead caressingly down bis beard, ead looked with drooping eyelids end euporcUloua •yea nt tbe crowded bull before him. Tbe uproar of bis advent had not yet died away whoa Pro fessor Ronald Murray, tbe chair* men. and Mr. Waldron, the lectur er, threaded their way to the front, and the proceeding* bacon. Professor Murrey will. I ta sura, asease me it I say that be he* the , eommoo Unit of mom Kagltobuien of being Inaudible. Why aa earth people who have something to say which Is worth hearing should eot take the alight trouble to toera how is make it heard ta oa* at the strange mysteries of mod. rn life. Their methods ere es reason able a* to try to pqur eou* pre cious stuff from th* spring to the reservoir through e non-eoudu, i-ug pipe, wlhch could by thn tenet effort b* opened. Professor Murrey made several profaned remark* to his whit* tie aad ’to th* water carafe upon the' table, with a hu morous twtekUaf aside to tbe ell ver candlestick upon hta right T! «•* he eat down, sad Mr. Waldron. Be famous popular lecturer, rose air. hi d general murmur of applause Ha mi a stare, gaunt tonal with n harsh voles aad aa aegreeetre manner, bat he had the merit of knowing hew t* assimilate the idea* of other men. aad to p*se them on ta a why which we* in telligible and •▼*■ Interesting te tb> toy public, wile n happy knack of being funay about the rm.m sin libel* objects, eo thet the precet *loo of the Kqainog or th# tl-M of a vertebrate bvcaui* « highly humorous precos* e* tnm* *d by him. f xu (To be continued) Confederate MWtthrisi ~ Coins Here At Local Bank Mr, Norwood Unte* GoMsboro Poop!* To Pardupi Ortificatew Now THE DEMAND 18 HEAVY .. ... —-- The drat cunefgamrnt of I’onfed ;rat* Memorial Half Dollar*, mlotaJ by iln - Untied Stalap government a« P TfMhnt. to i ho* ya logfpf i hpptlo I digs £andyMUkm&_ i&ecreWiorJjT| For Buw Hotel IMnagef ..'Ok Kb - ... PM Ter friend* who may still indulge an a liking lor *wect* art roost pmlhu*Mi*tic til their praise ui th* idcltciou* fudge square* which art 5 -made according to her particular recipe. Alamac Square* she rail* them and the recipe »» at follow*. '* tup C'risco I cup Sugar •J eggs hrtttan i squared unsweetened: chocolate ’ j tip. salt l/J, cup pastry Hour !.!«: v.uulla', .... Today's Cross-Word Puzzle TUB CROSS BUCK.—Puul* No. US. ——e——— EDITED »V J. C. SOYD ■■• * i ■ „ rrrp h m I m lav~—nm ii ' lh ~ IKI~ !mpljsr JPiP EZi 46 ~~ Pr, wm trmt p ■ ~"|?fss rps iw wX„ ■! , I, r I,^—yJKgM OhC I 1. im —X: ■ • • I* »ir 7 Hf)RIZONIAW l-Htnnd writer 14—vivarlnat A—dips (slang) »I—comfort S7—ini tenures IT IS—-actual ei ad id It—jirrpiwlUaa 40— ths Ainer 1b—«(»« h Iran oHtricti IT—within 41—limb 14—girl's hat 42 «wk 10—-lair* city blindly of Ohio 44 bark 21—d«xt*rity 45—man's nick 12—Ireland name £4—mala child 40—treat aa an 25—agitata object of 20— written peculiar theme tnlrmnt 20—axthmiiiv 40—therefore 20 —-three spot 49 --melodies imi cards bO—public con 20 —-gambling veyanca in fame Knflwnd St—aluis along V-*-, unaffected obliquely b 3 —woild* ‘ ■ * ‘ i , « . Ilarewilh If solution to l*uttl» M nr i , fc , , ... j, . '<* „ a A o_ V T cTtMqTi:|plo|t|F r fi. £ a tjHFpiiduUU J g* w JBt h CBJJJtVRi • m dir h i r* K Mjj P * qLlfloTS'oTdikfg'wJpf? ulfMa! i 'piaiß’t 'pETtlo’ IlorcMo'lt'ltiAJioMaiulNi irTijiT I^l «d 4 Am in. M maw. im •***'* 4 * • ■ ’mgr 'J ' - Vvi ... - - of th* South,” which ara to b« *l - rciveaed throughout tb* naiioa on Auly Zrd. bps been r* colvod by th* Net lima I Hank of Ooldsboru and tho Ootdiboro Saving* A Truat Co., according to if" an nanpot tnoni. m*d« tods? by 0. > A, sirwhoii, pn*|d*dt ; v SltlaAi< iW -ftgldrwrk ted Mr ttw th* opportunity at wuiking aur< at Mlbtalnlng|BttMHp the# Uffavt ti <lM|m> rO tha credit of Mr*. AUah l-of* i* a nipurkabk Record of me> m vtufully KNKhMim: three IkdAa. 1 A* prttidnit us ffc* itwnpany wtuchy manage* the Hotel Alamac in Allan-; tic City, the Alanuc at lak* llopat rung, ami the Alamae lintel in New York, the prruowally »dpcrvt*.c« every detail in tlw mankgrinent of ihcsi huge calnblUliuicpit. no small ia»k fur a woman who is probably thr only feminine hotel manager ml the country. Hut in spite of this stupcnilounj rntcrpriac lira. L«l£ still fimla’ time to employ Te/ owu culinary' skill in the ronCoetum of >|>«cia)i dainties prepared with her uwo[ hand* for Iter guests. Those of mwiniip iia*na»naawmmdHnmma«wxwnnumaf - l xcffl ir Pf J Bml —) I-I i hifa...s.w».u f i a M cup chopped nut meal* Cream Cri*eo and sugar together thoroughly. Thru add chocolat**- which ha* been melted. Stir in reet of ingredients. Mix wcll.i Spread tiua in the bottom of a; well greased pan. Bake 375*--1D 1 miiwlc*. Cut in squares irrin<*£, ately alter removing from the ovwA Heir One readert max #t**bi tree • ra, *U fee root tee* 'MWtpriiM, the 4K tiemei tteneehetd Sfevit. SOS trfth -I'.oJr Mew Yeet CM> - un ■ «db- ... + s I • -VtOTICAL. I I«—covering 22—spikenards for tho , 20—mom rcr» leg tain 2—point of ■ 27—affirms compass tive *—insane tO—eoft food 4—continent for babies o—-part of tha *l—dislocates body (pi,) 20—part of a o~deaerhd- ship riant <o preaanllv 7—th# great 00—vngntable* northern . SO—shrubs of djvoy the holly 0 bold family *O--profit SO*— bregitkit as ineuaiao if satan down away 1(1 guard 3T> petty mob 14- propelling ir* Inelru- 4*— ms id on menu 43—book of tha lA system of Bible l, eignla 40—Part of tho and inaas- faro urea 47—perception IT —tirinhaw * of Bound , 19 —mining 40— part of *to lightly no’ Jl—westing • St—large hiU * away fiofn (sbbr.) -» an»nt of . . ”• hbwrtth V • ' merit • ' , fm a..• 4• i t *e*(i 4.1 < »JI , i* Hi. rm .• Si « . . 1 | A Hint for Bog inner* * The cross-word pusale dia- J gram is merely a moans of con cealing word* which are synony mous to thorn listed and which , will interlock perfectly and so j road equally wail crosswise or downwards Always look for the number of th* synonym on the diagram. If Mrlionui. yon must find a word t* fit between that number and the firm shaded stop to tha right! if vertical. ISat^SSVfCtSSS -SUpbatSW t-» PT4’«y Sr... -t ,J»w o Lm^m«i!fmßssmns"*f|p4ikM4bmpNlAi 'pm! ——7 i S«-^' U TS! s ’ t: wood, "by Immediately ‘ "coin c*rtlflc»to*. rede*maid* for the »c.f» a| tmi? dollar* on July SrC “As lea* than two mlllf&a of tha m*moriai coins are available la thr •nitre South at thH time, th* South ern Bankers arranging details of thalr dl*trlbutlon has alio-- ruled only n limited number of *ach city and county la th? various South «ng aUip*. One* these quotas ara *g-, haueia.i no further coins ay* ob- TT ■ flnahlr "The la*ijnn/?ro' th«a* c*nunc.nor «ve coins.jltn.-M' national govwan bt I* an *v*tg|}of the greatest »lgv | Igunc* to thgd|p<«h. H I* p g**iuf| friendliness 9|g th* jprt qt th* KANNAN’S I -o * I NEAR BANK WAYNE | - - "»■■■ »■■■ - ■•Hi... - 10 Days Economy Sale ] - Friday Morning May 22 | Our doors will be open for shoppers who are interested in big sav^' 1 , ingß. Many aew purchases and scores of special values here for i ‘ v H) days only ' , I ;ii w ■■ i !—■ I Values In Silk Dresses t .\r\\ \ * ' fl V. * r'' ‘ THAT SHOW THEIR SMARTNESS IN EVERY LINE The right shades, excellent quality, and the most interesting j models for the season ahead make this an outstanding opportun- I ity. Dresses of Flowered Crepe, Georgette, Afternoon and I Dance Frocks;. Flounced or Tired Ensemble Dresses of, bright I Printed Silk with Crepe Georgette Coats will be put into flve I groups—priced *a j I $4.75, $7.75, $9.75, $12.75, $13,95 (- Women's Style Imported Silk Dresses, all of the pretty printed Silk Frocks. Sketches show their smart simplicity. Various mod- j el, bright and conservative in patterns and hues. Do not wait, | Come and look these over before you buy. Will be .put into 5 groups * ‘ ~, 1 $14.75, $18.75, $21.75, $24.95, $27.95 1 ’ ■ la, -glia t v, 9 u l • ( vw • »*■»+ v * '»*»,* > ' * ♦ *• ■ « _ ' j ",' " „ < Kannans Piece Goods Department 1.000 yards Apr»n (Imgbem. nil fe»i cdtare. einmlart) width. In toll color*. Hcffuler T price 17 1-Sr. special, yard AlffC (Main Floorl Ijpiw yards lircee and Apron t’hunbrey. In all color* »itfust color*; regular pr»e 1A 17 i 1 :« toil, ytirti . lvt (Hit in Fluor I Ihd yards due Dfrs* Olnghums. -In all the newevt lad*, m rrdor* ttnd fe*t colon; T Reseller pr re 17 l-i*c. BpecUl, y*rtl., (Mein Floor) Ts*> yen!* Printed and Vlgnreil, Voile; J« inrtocs w|d<>: regular prhe 15r A* long .u jßa/b It lest* »t, *ptrlal VV t Mein-Floor » i _ a| _ BH | BBn g a p HBHH|R JIAOO yard* Longtry fmprov.d White Ho Uj lend. I yunla to *- pound: :W ipt he* wide. Reg ular price 17 l-2c yerd. 10 yards lo* 11 I/, ciirontor. H per lot. y*rd ‘V (Main Floor) ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Just arrived, lutrge «hipmcnt' of Indian Head Hum (lotxU. ln *ll Ihe wanted »W'eQ|* Obarauleed ro|'»r*. 6th- value; special yd Of/v (Main Floor) One laltlv llnt>. Or*** (Mnaham* In all (he new. e*t tolore aad *hade*: 32 in. wide rtf KrfcnUr 87-r. Hp*«*l*l. yerd ..; y tfatTlC. , . | Mate Floor) KANNAN’S pr. • 111 DEPARTMENT STORE I “YOU KNOW ME" I NEAR BANK WAYNE WJEMV STKtET. . GOUMJKJitU, N. C . ■ »* ... ; a ' * «T 7 » * Mijp.ii W* tmwrn^mteam,a fiom to which tha South will *pon - V* . f- ‘ tsueouaiy rtapum. jj' **Nol only do iha*e cots* have a High a«atiamuai vaiu* through tbt* national ratThgaUlo* of our South v*u hero**. Vt uJ«y also po**»as an additional woqh \ since th* iuod*«t pr.miam *i which tb* cotni era sold go** to th* coiiipUtipn of tba great monument to th* Coafadwracy being carved at Stoae Mountain, U*orgl* ‘ • < I Small gnough to h* qgrried in * Vt«t pocket. • new chock protector perforates figure# ta chooh* and ftlU the perforation* with colored Ink. Soyih Africa 1* experiment'>ng with 'aa aid mail * and pn**aag«r eatvtce between r*p* Town and Durban, | with stops *i tkrfa lalarmedut* FRIDAY MORNINC. MAY 11, Mtl. A new headlight WfjK icr *utomobll** l* opa»*UJ of P- ■. dri*t*r‘a foot et> that h# doo* ant had* f to remove a baad from- lbe steering »In-el ; Utah lend,, th: elecirtaUy In *lu homes with hk4 l>ei real ' J ci 'lp; oil ;-a < alHcrul* ta stcwnl *:th'W.3 P r -''.nl. •' t f Countess Cimarron Sells Art Collection LONDON May OT—Yaragga art dealer* b»vc gathered her* far an auction of 'point tag* ami ohjaaga of j art beloax'ng to Almlns, Dowagar .yadutoK* of Cnmavon. wife of UaaA,; ICbI. Ito-nuiHiouii. who recently ta m »en*alk»n*l trial. c \>r - , .--.a- i■.an up garni 1 . One l.'t of targe printed itnd beet grade English llroadeiott). .n nil tho newest fed* and stripe*. Regular price 75c. Hpeciel, yd- f*n/V (Main Floor) Oh* lutgc let of Bed Hheci*. heavy quality. 72*BtF Regular price *1.60. ' Mpectol. each On/C IMnlp Floor) One large lot of Bed Bhee » In the Mohawk brand. “2*!»0 KegoKir price *2 50 (toPQ Rprrtal. recli ....... i •■. ..* si.*Utf (Main Floor),; • A . . - |A-' ff* One u»*e <»f Teppcrcll 10-4 Sheeting; blenched and t abluachod: regular price ««c. i A r I ui 1 . yerd 4%/C (Main Floorl wmmmmmmmsuemmmmmmrnssssS 1 ' Our tghlciof tine i'rnicd Vtiilee end Dotted Mwls* and Rtrljwd HugHah Uruedtilalh. Rcjular price 61)c; eiwciut. yd. .... 1 (Mom Floori .4 MHtoMtaBBaHMnHHi One tiblc of fine Kngllnh Prtgt* and Figured Or gandy and Figured Hal lute for summer ftp / Dresawn Regular price dk- Special yd C (Mato Flooek (to One tahle of Bilk Printed Crepe, fast colors, and In all Ihr newrnt and wanted Mi.,dee 3« tnchea wide. Regular price *1.60. QA ttocelel. yard . Q%/C (Main Floor) ' 1!■ 1— ■■■ '■ ■ n wimg—— um 11 irnmnn—fc.

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