PAGE THREE Mfcamv uSzmL ' --- —:ir-:-, w apMdhed by e< epeuent vrito Flrd Otoklenat Netorse, ton, end Watteraen h HoUtacker. - r\ ’ i ,* . j-. k CMAFTffII IX—Continued WlMit occurred »u till*. Lord Toff* had shot u ajouu which is • »W>. Pto-Bka ulmtl-ud, lisll U H hsftag been given to the lu t|Mto. W were cooking the other *»lf Oon onr Ore. There la . • Hfll If thn air niter dnxk. and we had aU drawn close to the blase. *m woonleen. hot thorn were some Mere, end one could •M tog n tittle distance across the “.' ftoMk- Well. eaMlinly out of the |**l»eee, oat at the night, there reoaged something with e swish ■ph or * long. rimkedike nr<*. * •ores, red. greedy eye, and a k ac JMI fMJiaug beak. Oiled, to my with Uttle, gloaming lipfiNk the next Instant It was IMS end so waa oar dinner. A kage black shadow, twenty feet skleaned up toto the nlr; ( *_ i #jkan instant tbs monstor wings ItoN oat the stars, aod then it over the brow ot the cliff . •%' We all eat In amused ■Baaiee rewad the Ore. ttkg the iwy oMflrgU When the Harpies i a .tMmmjdee who was the Orst to • •« enuMtfn. T bwwJyou an apolo tft > Hr. I am eery much, In, the ‘ 2SWTdI! t‘- tiki.Hottoin- ww to?* , Ih ih clear vision of cur Orst - fUiedisegt A*u waU » st»V»n ft ffil* - *' **' -Pit If prehtetorlc life existed S v JMP U»e Plateau It waa not super kSbbdwßi/for we had no further (limps* of U doting the next iltree lay*. During this tine w« trnv •mod • barrep and forbidding njjnwraway wildfowl. upon (be east of tha cliffs. From nKWneOon the £aoa is really oon bane ot the piweipiem. m* should hare had to utra Wr.j - tlkpp liman % s»a warn up so our fgatkts la the dime and blabber . . nL'ka oNL Mini-tropical swamp. I WtojW^*iG aJKjv m \ flA' \ ) , ■■ The whale proop ot up were severed far ha Indent by a canopy es leathery wings. fi IWU metier. worao. the place ,"* tMttd 14 Im t favorite breeding place of the Jararacs Make. the , , Wm mum t«4 anreasive in I—l> America. again ana again >W» horrible creature* camu «M epriuglag Utaajd* ua tha anrfaco of Oua putrid «| MM feel ante from (ham. One mill «hM»< OnpraaaWju in the 1 awlll to hate been a aperlal neat «f UMM rermtaa ud tba alopea as-ifetSsaas tty of the Jaracaca that he will always attack man at flrat alght. [ There were too many tor ua to •boot, an we fairly took to our Wrti and ran antil we ware el baeated. I eOall at vara rein cm her as we looked back how tar be fetel we oowtd aoe the beada and ' awake as oar horrible pursuer* dbtaf mod taßlag amid the reeds. • iaracaca Swamp we named It la the wap which fro are caaatnwt- JK* the farther side i jfiSSSptiE aIMW the tow of them, and they MyWk to three or four hundred Wftlo height, but b> no place .1 Id V jnSO WWM, Ihrr wwew mere Impeeelbl. than at the ; SkMEmAgart ugWete* Ja-lhe photnoref* winch I 'teiMrtVLT'L., v t ' the alt oat inn. “the min nium.^uit Ik way lowa wnehn« Th«f re l i [ 1 *tlwr you ns fHend h*« gtm- * • ’ ti loefdttT* aald Profeeoiu < > ocular demons trattuu that there are no water channels down the. roflfcp." fcjiiij JjU «| ft "Where, then, does U geH 1 persisted. .. ■ j * "1 think It may be fairly ass aw ed that It It does ant cone out wards It mast run inwards." "Then there is n lake In the p -4- ir fb'in* thdg likely ihgtHhe lake may la aa Wd chwier,* laid SammerlM. The whole fonaa- Uoa la, of cotireg, highly volcanic. But, however that may be. I should expect to Bad the surface of the plateau slope inwards with a eon* side ruble sheet of water la thu center, which may drain off, by some subterranean channel. Into the marshes ot Che Jaraeace Swamp.” "Or evaporation might preserve aa equilibrium," remarked Chal lenger, nag the two learned men wandered dff Into One of their usual scientific arguments, which wera aa In comprehensible ea Chi ndW)to ‘II , Oa tha sixth day wo completed our first} ettoult of tyty chff*. aad found ourselves back at the fret camp, beside the isolated planed* of rock. We were a dleepaapjate pabfr. nfr .Nothing. eeuld tor* been more minute then our lava* tlgstion. aad It was abaolotely per wnuensittrs • lag could possibly heps to scale v the cliff. The place which Maple Whlte'e chalk-marks kad indicated aa hlq own manna at aceaae was bow eatlrety Impassable. What nr* we to da now? Our stows of pravtsloaa. supplemented by Mr guns, wers bolding out well, but the day must come when they would aebd repjanlsbmnat. in a couple of mtpfths the fains might be expected, sad wo should be washed out of our ,camp. The rock waa harder than marble, and any attempt at cutting a path for no ■mans' 1 Mo wonder that *• looked gloom-" jity at each other that ■' that ns 1 (trapped off to steep my lari recollection wee that ‘'hillia gar wee squat ling. Uhe a num etrotjji bullfrog, by the Are. hie huge head In his bands, sunk ap pareaUy to the deepest tbeecbt, and mMiraiy oblivious tb the good "nutlMvaT * re ry dlffMnnt Out-, ienger who greeted us lufjlu- morn tog—e Challenger wttjf content meat and' ealf-cougntiuißiou shin tog, from his «to>l* pqfbon. Ho «SC should •ay, “1 know .that I dgperva dll | tjprsy you to spare my blushes by tot saying. It” Hla beard bristled bkaltantiy, hie cheat was thrown out and his hand was threat Into the front of his Jacket Ho, to hto fancy, may bo boo him**U sometimes, gracing , the vacant pednatal ha Trafalgar Square, and adding one /*> more to tbo horror* of the London streets. - * • "Eureka!" be cried, hi* teeth sktotog through hie beard. “Uen tlemew. you may congratulate me aad w* may congratulate each other. The problem I* solved " ttonfoe have fufcnd away uprto venture to, think do." Ji "And where rg. A fa T For answer ho *d to (hip splra-llke upon |o> rtrito Ong ,f«Cto "fr mine, tk leasfM fall as we surveyod It, That, B conM be oHwtbdd -we had'Wnr c<>db paalon’s assurance. Rut h hnrnhid abysm lay bfitteea It nndr tha niK. lean. fi ft ’ "We ran nsfri get Mraes." 1 iimepedi. W tome \ K ft We ysq at legal all toerb oft * MtnidiK. talff be. Whto we mb up I in*r be able to show yon that v r* vurcre of an Inventive mind i*• not yet exhausted."^ (To Be Cootmeed) Oil Hell Driller From Havelock Pay* Goldsboro A Visit Uu Conference With Mr. BUfk buro Who Has Been M«fc- SAYS 01| PROSPERS «OOD - Mr. A. Orr, s temporary resident of New Bra. Was la our ettyys*idro-> Mr, Orr, aa *xp rlenced driUei' r 'ef Jwll* came her* to see Mr. J. t R. kbuni. who ban been in the city weral week# maMmi a geological sMrvry of this section p. ersilon of drilling for oil at Have, lock sad etas* ethai ha has ovary res. »<* to believe that soon a* th y pens, irate l*be rock Ikey are non drilling through (bat there will be new. for all if Kaelrrn North Carolina Alter having seen end talk d to Mr. Bh:hbura, Mr. Orr said: That man Blackburn Is a practi cal oil nt*n with a good supply of >nf«rmntiun ami sotual kasfw Ird^c,* Mr. Orr slat#! that phiie , Mr Blackburu nuts noncommittal an.l k« got UUI* information ,>om he rslatfg certain fau* svklcl\ -e« m cd »afe and eound as regards libs om look. Mr. Orr stated that after hav iugt.dplWhdrig many ptof««Mg Held, .iiu Tigu*, .Nevada and Qtk * state* VVayse, county preapsct# • were very vPnotnhitgg., M*., Ory we* on his way to Whit*, vlll*. Columbus county, where be ex. parts to confer with cHls n* of that town in regaH to »om<- propel In that i-lion lull expocle to return to Uoldeboro la a week or t*fi toys. |^ 3 ld make no eoaiv ctlon wiih Mr. ikhurn and reached the n>«fru *b»n that some large- oil Intereeis nr* behind Mr. BUctrtiurn's Inveetlgvtion. However, Jha *oy* It w|ll coat only fto.OOO dollar* lo drill a wil gn-t ihnl Kimiknn 'and Oold.boro curb) ca.lly t . tfeet amount ghqutj^ Y'‘ ,rr !'W t'/H I*' 1 *' hisllty * licit ( a Hunger Strike Wins« l 1 Prisoner's Freedom DANVII.I.i:, V-, 'June (I.f il HffTMIt >«, of * Ken: acky ( former " during rveord-break lag tempera! i I -Mtk Muwdg) tkou wfajpida f*r fre:- * the J*l» thn«w OQnned oo lim. J R OUrrr ut»d« egerls. the prlacuWe. * gMud khiud covering Me- Candlree' tne, «nd, under the "fiir lag.out lew” of Virginia, MagiMrsti* Carttr suspended tt* SO-day j.ij| en tence of .VlcCandlew. Met undU-rfv, who age' uccuwd ol hit idling Uquor, yl I l«J this morning when the Jail physician told Mm lie w*d * aUk man, and (rank t little *t‘**f. This •ftpnvwtt he demurred si bring fed end tke doctor wa* abon to ad.»iin*sufr food .y ton* when he reni. .i I til. milk. || a was rctnovol iu mn autowuvhllo to a hotel after hr- by ih* dtp-for to e»t - Tlkßtt ( OI RTRMY "iK Ml tilt V MlltHt.'s CflirrN. WI.KIQII, Juu fi. ill the requegi <*f JTuak B. KriUigg. seeietpgy <> *l*te ot the DnfVnt fllWes, (Iwveruor McUna baa (gsued 4n otUcial pror Istmatlon W official* ot Son it (taro. Una and its poiitioal subdivision', requesting them lo extend full eour tartei* I**2s niece* of the Ancient Arabic Order, iif the mr*(l' ehrine. The bt-elnese of ike eonvenUon yesterday and the colorful pageant o' Ih conclave came to a i rlHlant cli max in two parwfea |e*l ntgbl, one the offt t«l shrine pat c I \ i •* • • I hesitates for a long, long time, I considered the subject pro and con. consulted with friends, dlreo tors and mem acquaintance*, lie toned to ad the stock arguments that bav* ever bees advanced, both (or «qd against, nod weighed the snw«: dr sot to b*. J e&iltf dot have been of ati-etui'efiiKwtwto him than was UHMHfUto sdto’N hob”-to ■**. ana i esenoiood my fomlnin* pcerqgkllvs ami «bnnged my mind #fte b- L , ?--i , K¥ *'“ after reaching a Bnai ran elueinn It rigs with fenr and tram bttag that I approached the bar ber*s chair. Mut the tspbhence eqelpped me to imporaonate Marie fintuieette on the screen and I hop# the opportunity may oat tier be mine | know now how tbs felt when eh* went to the guillotine It was leas than a month mm tint l suffered the shears to tench my lock at-hut already I’m glad I did It I'm a convert and my con version w M oomph***, Il "teak" Mr riiaro may count me among his faithful customers henceforth. But | repeat. I joined the bob bees fee a reason peculiarly, tvnn uniquely, my o*a. Long and pa tiently a* I listened to Jim arfu , menu ihel were pouredjinio «v sera, and carefully as IpmaaMetod qiem. I waa not In tha dft ■ waved by any of them In giv uk my into vidnal endorsement to the bobTI don't want ta be anderstoßd aa tay- Ing to Inflneace nay otltoH girl. ■ f am speaking for rayeelftonly, stofi without th* reaeoe that |Y> (... i: mS veal later- please he ptoS > gri e minute or two. glru d|im H aura that I should tuft let my tresses go Mos| girls whs boh I sup pose, because they went to look youngwr than they ere. or because U happens tn be tb* atyle. or» b» cause they are lasy. Now. I’m not n thousand years oM and I have no desire to be or to appear a day younger thee I am -really! so wipe that consideration off the elate. Aad I cm not such e sieve fa fashion that I foal bound to adopt every passing erase, every wbim adR fancy that affect other*. If* ftft enough inJMjlow ttftiow,^ A-'dFvt— MADE TODAY PNriM Few Amtomtccs Re Election of Ufflcon Os Hoard Probe* Jomm B. Duke rMIRHAM. June f. —WHh a full >t teadanoe, the Uuk Unlvenrity board of truooM. mat *•** tbto aftartiort mfnta w*ty) mute at the close of the beating. However, otter than the efcrtloa of the faculty for tha conlii *eor; the rceteetten of the off». r« of tha board, «u it* accretarjr. Tbu report of Preallent Flew, whWh hot been print 4 In pamphlet form, jaa»' received with much Interest by the trtifUMv.. I’rrektent Pen would be lib rat, tolersnt and w'oaW aland for academl freodom <**• ■*tt«d that tha old order of things » Inevitable passing an* that, Dak* ulvmiw wtati « I r .b forward t, m 1 yffr In o«ut aMoaal circle*. Hr* h. •tanod confidence ' Hut .Doha would venthnll) Uka rank , t among tha >< -latest unlvutplUa* hi- Amarlcs. in j■■ ■ ■ • .< • i *U. j . lower. Hut distinction cornea only to the lender of tha crowd, and (ha •irl who la Individual enough to be Independent, Aa to being la*y—listen to tbtai If I were that I sbouldni be spend '*« bog. weary boor* la the studio or on tha production lot white the director order* scenes to bo abet over and over again. There • ro mance la dim work, and entartalA ment and fan. bat. most of an. hard, relentteoa work. Os coarse 1 know, 100. that short hair la a comfort ta dancing. It stays put. White you are whirling about you aro not la const hot tor ror loot gout permanent wave It at high, Udp sod 10 casting ua apray over your partuera shoulders OB wall as your owff But it wnanV •von thot that dotbrmfaod mi de cision. nor yet >the assurance df same of the pro bobMstt That bobbed hair prevents coagrettiMi of tha hrab. I struggled along an* oral yohra without cutting my bolr,. oad. aa far no I was able to lodge, ■offered oo Impairment of my men tal faculties. Now. at last, to toll you why I did sarrlUce my locks. It was part ly heoaaao I was gat flag a. depute- Don as a ocrsga vampire, and I bavo * perfect honor of ()agt(. My hhir. you ada. graw ’very long, gad tg part 1( la tha middle and brush It down on both rides seemed the ohly uay to droes It Thot of • course, to the oovaroet of forma nod It seceatuatod the "vamp" im pression. When | wasn't feeing mistaken thr a vampire I was described aa "atatsesqoe.*' and her* again the plain, severs dressing was partly responsible Now. I am not n Doric nr lonic creation. I am not monumental In any sense. And I recoll quite as merb at the idea of feeing plgson-koled in pinnres. of bfelng typed, as at tbs thought at tfelng mads a "vamp,* I reel that m * rwgs ferosd to m . n, #""f wfH / ... fi- ' 7 p vsrssMMif^ ta£s3sr“^- An Wugs cotuiltfjred. It LM* *— With my lone h * ,r li V to toward tbs loomplcil mambn-nt coal - BP l!l ' lyN* W»Am n3wt(!fciwtli%tMC*' nirMiH’i . -...!* ! lost 4Jd—ssl^Pr^*'| Atafu.sqst.'' tal I fell at oaos that my hoWhihg was vindiestsd clad I* eetvnhl# that svsn without tbs nan Mtloa that ountroi* am I might siui hogo feecionm a hnhfeoo.* Ita* ' ■ Mf|r IfMiMMt "«l»“ ns " •« i%* l*sslr iM o* stitne >nauJ| ihbIIt‘SveiWfemPHRM^HHMHH^HQPP IU .1 naoswi niimiKi bio'img nmM’Vi >»u 1) WW >liu rdisi /■»>• «nm>bl iMvlL* sdt m «N U WIM 111 uMllMiir -toll M*Mi MwU *»d .mrapowi jU . V H Ml tfu |«kM** x»fce<»*ib«*W r»»H at null ln*t Sals) M«tTI *4piMVfl>in «i«f ' feotsrwe gut sw)«d no Htg vj jmhdkl cur? JfllMt i« «*s»'n ibr a forsOMl uroaff, tea smarted that ho would be. low lira human If %m did not'real gnmtly Indebted to Jsm * & poke, bsuetauter of the * university - “Mr. Duke," k ( said. “Is giving out e«lf Ms' moo ay, but to giving Ms Dmc. his msaarpwmei bastes* abil ity agd matured ’ wisdom, 1a short, ha Is gtetac htmkrlf to fhta great un dertaking." ' . * - c- •t, ' * Bad Weather Awaits Amundsen Relief Ship odiiD. Nor Why, June j.' (JT)After the at earner laggrtye galled ycstdlday afternoon from Horten for Bpltgber tco. with tha Norwegian govern ment's Amundsen relief *xp*t his a up. is % tblr coal wfccrir the Dry Whwd that nudes gaod cwnktgwi^-aJU’* j Hrt - L •** m' • it eArUr ' * if • >• W. fe CROW •HAL, WOOD AVI) IIKL PbnMa 1Wf.144 1 ' * V**P t *:M 4y jji • ii p MillerS 18 THE PLACE—THE REXALLSTfHtE . f ... ,- . r “f ! ‘ ' * » » JUNE SALE OF TOJtET GOODSt - We are offering all through t!® month the following articles/ at greatly reduced prices Lemon Cocoa Butter Lotion. Many of these articles when pur chased, also carry FREE GOODS with them. ..t ‘ f Brilliantine. Jonteel Talccupi, ’ teel Cold Cream, Jonteel Rotige, Jonteel and Cara Nome Rexaline Soap, JunfrieTaVcu|n; Lilac ; and Viofet Toilet Waters, Cara NQWe 1 J Talcum, Milk Magnesia Tooi,h Paste, Bay Rum, Harmony Hair Ton#, Cara • Nome Vanity Boxes, Petroleum Hair ; Bub, , AvVutus .Vanishing Creams Jonteel Face Powder, Cara Nome Face Powder. . <£ i r 'f. f " ». ' s-f •'> -1 Wf Are Giving Away j > . • , . s Cara Nome Perfume, Cara Nome- j Tateam, Jonteel Toilet Soap. ‘ U -da M||r on display in our window, 1 W --tare MILLER’S 4 GOLDHBORO DRUG CO. J Jgft-. 'l*, y . . . > , , ./ . .. I nh -k,.» msm' ■ ..-n rctspAT MOUWO. jpwn tug. 1 For n «hartiiA NEW YORK, June mllteri, ln*tf JP lia bar m***wvlet td for the rotihsrt « b'WR 4* Al b ri It. Sbatmek, retired |g Washlagton .quarc, Ulfj wav aaa lencel to gTve.'ron !' :o H Rghtn kl -. Blog Staff Judge Row Iky feverety daaouueid (ha