Mnaiiin 4 ' - ■ - *.»y* Frocks and a Coat That pqinf the Way to Indivi^u^ip l wEjy itw ■ ; | StnughtiuH tpff |fjMsjjg? fy Giy ,A{**' Lint* tt I -%> DTlitl I/. .'' ..H» PJpHIS. very ttyilah frock is deretopsrf m »rr ' X fdack «*>■;»■* do «ais* <a*d mob— • **«! KI •,. coituin* MiUbi* too akusto asy voir I. TR7 zzx? ftnji —>) . f I 7\ Tin kiouM it gathered at the thou I tor tad to i la 1:1 \ the lower nig* of **ch tide of the ffoat. The f; I -•#df 'Af< J/ lu 1 < ' v«t may tw to lace, atof-matortol to brocade, i j tol V7l \ The t unic ia aUahed and irintmetl with hut- I fit WLi f toaa. The (oupdatSMi to the (rock ia a alto. IVi'■ J T\ \ wh,th ia dart thejato^jrti I \l ItS /ft \ tog Tat ux eiaa rattilbai 4?4 I HMf 'to \ \ y*ul» to Minch material. .' : 'iff | f \\ Tha hack to the Mauar and the hack «Mhs k/TKr', ’, J \ \ tunic are cut aa a lengthwiea fold to notarial " Yll I ) ) ao aa to avoid mama ia the center. The * • i I K / othct aectiona are bid on the raakmere with J I J-A hi' O' "O" perforation* raatiog on a length ll J r mime thread. Cut only one flounce keeping ■i f I light ride to material up. If postered, the.,.. II • . I aiip may be made to two material* , |\ 1 I Magk the notch** carefully, thau proceed j* ? Vl\-1 sjafcVTi'fflMaaßfe % . ) 1 X center front, turn away n-hich •***)• to ‘ Jl M M ' upuar atoaa to and graduate to a *, • nTT-T* l poua aTWwer rdgr t.iaiah far dmfag. A 7 Take up a dint in front J, bringing wnall lljTfrt and M Milglt natST^V^ LA A perforation. Close under-arm am at to toC- Jf \ \ tiona H and j, then < lom ■hiumr team, y Adiu»t vmh on alip aad atitch right tide ”■ and lower edge* to paaiHan, than hawh left _. ■ lurdoaing. Sew flounew Kta barer edge to dip. Dmiemd eritk Slendcru Bring double rniall “oo" perforation* to iaa Line* center-front, brge "O" perforation to center bark and bring medium "o" perfo ration to right under arm team. Ctoae team to tlaave and aew in arm hob. f- iiiiah with a french told or a bandto braid. Sear, cloae und«-arni*«*pitoljtou*e. tHmdgaeahoaldrramm. Slaah iluough fold at center front, c loan center Ghck mam to coflar and aew to edge toa«k. Lanvectobi fieahab» the large "0 " petooratian. Take up <1 aeamarto to Imto and graduate toa ppnit a* tP« bwaradge da Tphrwp Macbmainia (tolar aad tom baa etfcpa to cufisr below the i«iwr O pevtoraiu aeand ii* Clomamat to tutor *actte> K and F nnd tew tunic to bkma* with mam* even. Add button* for trimming. h EiEiSScafNo.S.S.247S •**-»» * ■" .-i ” KaytoPUtyr*^ hUU. A J|mu> A llf^Jibmnto « 4be • ■■ ■ ■ / JEm-mw^m— m—— I f ~ , dll I I il !* 1 M 0 f * .ii i'itf'MMfh / . . ~, 4 -m m - • * ... < jj. i i A Style Talk Maude Hall ’ i ivi \ rnNG i mm fa^uoop,.^ ■•• I frock* and wrap* poutoc. J. kl ON direct line toward ■WkHtdiMlky. Thia to, srsss srs,“kAs - ■ arbiter* of the iml apd it i determine* the fiut f garment milady wear*. I fhg, atuuahikne frock ia< • mode that » opnerally becoming and acceptable, but the in* dividual women doea not wear | it abort becuaae Ihe mode de riwee akarts fifteen inchea above the ground; rather the de termines the length of her frock by the style, figure, the ankles, , etc., deciding upon one definite fashion and duplicating it in four or five different materials in order that her costume* will be unvaryingly becoming and An advance glimpse of what . the greet dressmaker* are ’doing in advance of the Patel Beach and aaothern California M-aaona reveal* the fact that Paris, unable to forsake her favorite black, ia smartly re viving it. A peep into the ateliers of those who know also lets one into the secret of new fabrics and trimmings, while it gives the assurance that the slim silhouette will remain a duttunani feature of the mode. The costume of tunic blouse genre continues to attract atten tion and it will be reproduced in * grant variety of materials. When the tunic is made of black satin and worn over a costume slip of brilliant color, it la* ■ terprets a style of much origi nality. Usually the biouae is trimmed with embaoidary, a pretty idea being to atitch the lower edge with several rows of IH I ha. ctrrau (J tos large onea), 2 lemune. equal amount *ug4r. Utah .-- (irrak, pu through mat ki mder tnd iitok witiil tnukr With MHaMHMi aiui rat it mall i«nn or grind and tout in double boiler with 2 teblrapoooe tugar ( otnbuie the two nilkturea and iiK-atuie by cup. Add an equal number <4 • apt at tugar Cook until thick, only a lew niinutaa are required. Pul in ieUy tumbler* Tbit make* sor 6 |lmn Chipped Peart 4 lb* peart. U lb preterved guiger; 2 Ilia tugar; 4 lemon* Pare, core and chip peart, wadi lemune remove teede, too 1 1 bop. add chopped guiger tod tugar, cook vary doarly 4 hour* Paar iato giaaaaa and cover ' i- '■* ■ cable in silk that 8 SX33I it mtrrmkrri ii wlk (be color of tt» blouse. W there ia .a tueautewn collar -and there usually is -it may be of the Mourn fabric lined with tha color of the skirt or vice versa. Mua* of the mmu hlouiaa Mtvw iabots of Uce. net or Gaergecta at the front. Entirely new are the blouses with the fronts gathered at the shoulders and back brought over and stitched to form a shoulder yoke. The lower edge of the blouse may be trimmed with fur or with deep bands of embroidery or braid. The decorative appeal isuadad in manv of the new fabrics is evidently going to have a marked influence upon the trimming ideas of the season. Thia ia particularly true of the plaids and stripes, as well aa of materials that am printed with floral patterns ana other de signs. The stripes and checks show an inclination to be inde* pendent of contrasting decorations and to lend them selves only to such combinations as give them a place of promi nence equal with the other fabric used. Thus, a sports frock of cr#pe or silk trimmed wkh plaid taffeta will faatwrw tha akirt in cr#pe and the blouse in taffeta, with a scarf collar or some other detail corresponding with the skirt. Another attractive sporta ; frock in plaid flannel ia stitched with applied plaits of plain flannel ao prominently arranged upon either aide of the front that the trimming and back ground share equal favor. Crah Iggli Maeatelede Cat* but do not pad the applet 'Pat the Iruil an to axdt in e vary Iktte water and boil alawty until wall broken. then pc tea it through a tdttdn. Weigh the pulp an#'put it an to cook and let had antwly until quite thick Allow I* of a pound o< tugar to avarv pound of Iruit. and the jufea of owe lemon to every pound ol apple pulp Add the auger and lemon ) tried to the pulp and bod 44 menu lee and than teal. If done a lutk atdiar than peach meriualedt turn it iato the umtainere. ■pice rig Cake 1 cup raiame. 4 kga (chopped to aather); I cup hat wntar, 1 teatpumi ted tone. I cap auear. lop butter. 2 v *.ii. a * ti 1 TfUhtekgi BNfrtm, tt mgy h» 1 ansnsal. etc 4 turuanally pteaad pi skats, pakchtt of embrosdary adroitly appliad. braid and hayitoUr# iOotfts illKflltUH, toui tH*k without ditractiiuf froui the suupuutv of afiact. For seaut nguroa tharo oorm materials in narrow strips* of neat appearance that are ideal for frocks for sports and general wear. Silk broadcloth, rep, flannel, faille and ciipe are going to be emphasised in tha development of costumes for the owning Spring. When wider ■tripes are featured they are so broken up into smaller and varied groupings with a di versity of color arrangement that a narrow effect is at a ‘l4 utirwa • In the new coUona—-or those that have bam seen, despite the attempt to keep them from view for just a little while longer; ■ high shade* are accented. Thera am going to b* many novelty weaves among the voiles. wMcb will sfrpw nubber and boucta effects. Interesting also are heavy twisted yarns in two or more colors that provide chenille simulations on a voile ground Cants fashioned upon straight and slender lines will be de veloped in rep, the corded sill# . and heavy satins. Black ii going to be in high favor, with, either linings or trimmings ia bigh colors. Red touches in troduced with black also find favor with the great dress makers of Paris ia lookiag for ward to the styles oi an approaching season. ■M*. 1 t—|amnlul noth 01 f<—WIWI. > U#*a and vanilla; 2 cmm Iteur; H rap • walnut* Am hat »w la whkl tod* has bran itlailaJ ta hp kk) fipni, cfiin mm! add wall boa baa rfga and •pkaa.rni* with fruit and uute. add lour abd >aa illa Bake ia luudorata oaao. idM Haltah Owp tight Monad übvta. add two dkod atalka of eatery, tear await cbopptd ghar kina, aad oaa , uptul at dappad out maata. Otaauivr oaa aad our lull labioapoaafwla of goiatte* hi out Kail oapful of hot watar. add rwo cuplula of auiapar aad poor oaar the ptrklaa aad tha auto lot ia a coot placa until hate, than cut ia amaii, uaat annarat. / * * —■—Wimmmmm ■■■"■ mu* « ■! "** ’ i_.„ , o.'lL 71 'w *A Jfc '>*. * -tM frvrif fm Ftrmud fFmr Msdf BrtMkuu i» jtM 1 MF *• | >‘in ♦» /'IiLWL , j--,. , ( „ , u - , ‘•'■y' Imum ii <m Mi. A pretty kUa h M attncii «Mk ot (ulk to tip tmk mi tk mm k a ] f \\ “| nttarstt* M\[ 1 • • Inin u 4 iW ilrtupptm kaefc- f *** *!■«-*■■ -p ; Nod** <fa la (rater tfyt* tki* MM dPMte > MW' or P«ul ciotfc orWea. tl»« (|»rk - r ling Mki predominate*. 9 • ” If drrtpTiFJsS . Unkla (k<U latuni Jcuuuml* »- /AT.Ttf' ( wnail *£r"<, -;,,, Park IwtWM at (very upyjw l imfr *1 i Jl l unity, iryatal ImmuU tuny be 1 l 4 'oabinnl with tparkjin* m I * fur tlw Irvrloynmul km the K ■■hrniipy. No. uv* Mm| <»Bm4 *»*plM KEY TO ILLUSTRATIONS Tha iaahiuna ahowa qa thin paga aro Pxtoaiai Havant doaiga*. Nutubora aad aiaaa ar* an teltewa: teat No. MM. Sanaa, 34 U>46 iarboo boat aad 10 to JO yaara. Erica, 4S coat*. Oran. No. MOO. Siaao, J 4 to 41 lachaa btiat aad 16 to JO yaara. Prieo, 41 caata. OrraaNo 2432 State, J 4 to 40 lathee boat and 14 U» A) yaara , Erica, 43 caata Btooar No 2471 Stnaa, 34 t 044 iachae boa and 10 to 20 yaara. rticr, M caata, Bodka Shirt No 2230 Siaaa. 34 to 40 in* baa boat and 14 to 20 yaara. Pika, *“ »•■■■ bill wet re tod twioad * 4 PAGE FIVE ' Btoaaa No. 2410- ll—i MOhitla boat and 16 to JO yaara HWte 9 3=, N u > r-"^‘^i . UraaaNo.2423. Waw.42 teMhaebte boat caata (Laiatadp bteo’or wade*, m (DenTw r*j£ u K£{KZEf bteftoMoite' g , i Os! R* 1 ' *' ;* / .1 “ T* '

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