PAGE FOUR ■ % M«ii, par year % 08-00 *W Cltjr Cbrrier, per year , <, UAH) ■T wMy, by Carrier f .20 Pupiafced every fcndOtf ekeept MflMdhy by the 1 GaMaboro PubJlkltftifc Co., incorporated. I it JIA . i « will prave ■ SUP* -• "r * . Jt iMMW JMp mi —r T ' iU*MMt' WOt a«Wf» E*o«S* Mill. tm*; m ■r XSStSJBLX nekaa in «to*r •» ChNm Judu* 1 I»w X* l*W mur tMifl* but ' *• •' »-* »•**% d| .^^v«y»a*- UMUti 4«atb (0 U# recoTtf at -A* '4«*th’tra9 Gnorge AUmI <■ n—l Craaatap, Ml iM* D*vld Ruffin, negri 'Mill player. traveling with a »>tif o t hL team-aM tee o» a large i>Cc* fr»m MooM lURke to LaaNbargt ’ M klliad k s a •baikteund paeeen * ud», M* b*tr4 Mm unathl) «*t«la«< Stocr»gpta r MKamdlM h 4. uje fadflrir of the truck, |« kad atop machine ago* i«wtEUE iS| «B*M« but, falllau to :a«g or I*t4i sniuraa jsucr^rrr.;! M'lracka. and, becoming paalc - /•►aa. endangered to e»oapa. IW* l®. #rou«i. Baffin war u» T***»tu aa to laRI m the track* tbafa vHHntrtf naifT —a— lor obeying th. Oduaot ka too rlvidl) upm the auk* . lltprcr:; ■r. flk an mb* votdabl. ■ ** m *»ror molortM. V v**, . .<>• *V ■ r * * Vnl.u* IllVfft 9 f Jr iFt jCL 1 Iv L Km ’ M HTK K n ■ KL ■ j|u,| k ir|j Tf F • - ; T* .-*• Crepe de Chine, all PI’K B& WWV Big Table Voile, light and dark patterns, Yard 3 \ 19c Flowered Voiles, Print ■ttar'sr W »B», * 49c •jf- ■■■ 1 X*arfire Table Voiles, Stripes and Flowered, 75e values Yard 39c Tissue Ginghams and Pongee, 50 f 0 75c values 1 39 c Beautychine for Slips, All colors, 45c Men's lireas Straw Hats 98c Yiin^Wkfe Bleaching -_T?ll4c THIS IS NOT A SALK TO IfAKE MONKY. BUT ONE WHERE WE AKF GOING TO LOSE MONEY ► da 'lglfiinu aa tk« reuniting of tka part leas* of Ike War o( tka Ko»e» |t forcakadowa tka day when Antarl caa klatorjr will koaor all kratra Americana of tha tlgtlea without ref fr*ac« la whatker thajr tough t la tka Wual-V tha l onfoderate arm tea That day U taatcrlaUy baaten v d by Ibe order of (by government to mtuf Ik* coin for lk« beautiful de.atga by Oiitaon Bnjglum. The whole Mouth deeply regralled tbc •a'taua dlfteivac*' between Mr Ran dolgh and Mr Rorglura oer tba Itteu* Mountain Memorial Each bad klr kartlaaaa. Thl* IMP*' r ear at Ud the friction and Ibe iwaaeuuaat iya u ll It |a belie rod away abould kava boat, ffound by which to <nab|« Mr. Bor glum lo ninpidc h|» rnaetrrt) coat caption to which he bad given ac mu< h time and aa much hcarat Inter* e*t, a Hut -men a *d Ipwtbran -tk« co» Wovrr»y akouie nyl ka permit tad t< *tand la Ik* way of tka lauiffdlatr cut rytwg out of tkr palicy adopted & ss&tfusatisft kptrlt beyoad all pralaa, h ar * under lwk*B to carry out tha p|aa. Owmmit SOT h *M Mea nmiitd The cbln i. retdy tort dlatnhyti«u, The okport un *< rtßlw per.on t v Aaorlca to ’*•' ••• of the rota* kaartaa die tm f* *Ma aad Jorkaoii |. at hand. primarily a Southern —<*•» auR Women in all aer '<>• Houth- P—**> bWikt ajyecuUar tntwreat n whg>M 4|a4a ara commemt % ||l" In of d.. %f*k>rW* Jt, th«r # fore, ke paeplu gP South to take tk. i««* |. n*, itat t iri tha Aar '.m aoi banded dowu flML.peaarwtlou to iffiffijpt* nWrnm - * The number la limited aud ao m*r F . WI.I he c<i»nmen*or itIAP OT I the wA^^rPMfrl *» ' Wcato la aau <o highly prtwaej n*nd Jark.on wtpjj and In efl -‘II he hi• I Will be air - M K k lenmvMar *«t ikt or Big b ' '* MR. lo Ilk* pre.rnifd Angu* Wilton Ml |4*H of f* trr l.umberton and Malbigh lb* tpoaM ninn” for Prn*|drn( «f UWM I’nlt** Htale». OO rf®*"** Th* Urn of argument followed kr t v£-UU,II Lv.rn Mr Tqrlington I. that Mr Mi-Lean ’* *• h*. *o overwhelmingly m»de a rod I •» governor of thl« State th«t lie ha. t'OttVlnC.d 1 h whole of \otth 1a VO KliifS WV ** ou,,, “ n '* ,n * ability and tL.— 1 V»* wHI in * jkßrMMm to entire eoti* /V* try. idrjjft, f. JJr Thl» fan written by /.eh to VV»«h tngtou presumable to M K C (Keil ""~2' Btukl H'v.nt who not*, that Mr Turlington did not know e.aetl) WOlfa .Jr what ahould he done with h|, tip We think Mr 111 van| ha. aolvrd the dl® problem of It. dlapoaal We know of , l» * no better place to put It Inti, »*ov kg* .gkln*t the proper time lo hrinit Pepsodert ** t* to the ■ttvntlon of the n.l ion*l 1,1,1 management of the Omo*latte dparty aroUn. ,|,an ~o | „f ||,e Washington i>e Mt*t* oorrokpondenoe of The Observe i ' », • Neither moth nor ru«t will corrupt U *** W there; nor will thl*v a hr,.i«k through anil >|eul It lo cnvry the . , . . . Thl* imiat not he lakcn u* In »uy ‘LI l ... ■*■ll appeal |h|.t .. , « unit front the Mature a*Mgned lo kith enthu’i.»m (•overnor Mi Lean by Mr Turllngtou. | v, W. have no proof, nor do we w.nt i /* n l, lhal Mr Mi Lrau *l« not the I airo " l-, *al man ’ for I’t'Mdent We do lhl»h, however that Mr Turlington TT” - kf" man too nmm. mot» e» Men s anC; p*riniiy • ince he pl»<>« the re*i>on let it* Union > for ' i| * # r >"t , «»io® on m* A »*v*rnor and hl« adntlnl.t ration hy p*t>p|e of North Carolina |— Carolina aa yet jpei,,** very w 1 I u., , . abont thl> Utan ffto la It. gov t 1 S l niO\ He ha. pledged hlm*elf to rer ~ l«:tnlte »frvtc»; the legl.lnlure V -n him lh* machinery he a«« 1 • order that he mlßt meet Men s 20 I)enim whuji he b*. •■•mu- Overalls * ' r18,,n " h ** w 'd* ■< # l»bm*"ta la the m^Pfhg Sh 1 /l\ too early to «ay authorl •AAtt Mr. ,\l. l.rndon > admin » , . iUceek* Men S 1 »ress Shirty much more In point to| pe 44*al man f« r Prewl Iktratlon I* hletory gte profane n"d «ome „, r e. EDITOWAL PAGE m As THE GOLDSBORO NEWS ... . * . ' Vv. 1 VIA SIR. • • a ITtllcn t;HK KKN a a a HKD lACMbNADB a a • NINE LAYER cake ana W A T KKM MIX)N • a a H E CREAM. • • a BY THE Uallona. a a a AND OOODNMS know.. a a a WHAT AIX ela* •'a a WE WlIiL have. a • a' KOR OH family reunion. a a a WHICH IS |o tnke place. a a a AT SEVEN Sprto|». a a • TODAY, i ' • haw BY Wooten family ’•'pout • * OK WHICH I am u, a a ’•. MATRIMONIALLY SPEAK INC. a a a WE ARE going early • a a AND WE ara going to atiy late • A • AND IK every one. • mm ENJOY THEMSELVES. 'a a a AS WELL a. tboaa Wooten* a a a SAY WE will. K: . r/r • WBJPII.L foreyer aft«r I• • ’ (ME OUR vo^r*er pralan. >l '| V ,j | / 1 j MWeVEN Springy. ■ SHEARS IND PASTE •* % * tßMuuuymm TOWN GOSSIP AND I will eudaawor • • a- TO PERSUADE the BUaell family » At > ON THE occagloa. • • u OK THEIR family reuatoa, w a • TO ALLOW. « a a a. THE PHODDOACi aoa / • a a UNCLE OEOROE. a a a TO AOAIN. v, a u* a CHANGE THE manner • # • a a OK SPhilAilNU HU name. a a a SO HE may be eligible. a a a TO ATTEND. u a a ALTHOUGH • a a w* DID <hmouflafa. ’•w 0 m * WHEN HE told ma/» • aw THREE YEARS ago. •aw lIHAT IK I did. ,1 * * a a • A CERTAIN thing a a a THAT HE would gj T e ma. 'a a a A HAKKKL of Hour. a m a A SIDE of moat. omm v • AND A bag of >uggA JUST TO ahow him. rHAT^ a a a I THANK you. > V Houye notion of MVf Mi ca .pacityt for jfoVemmenf- win h aV e been nt the < tfi«e of hi, flfat twn year»*'adm|n|*tVatlon ttfln* fgr from to the dl.cOVeVy of * North t aPolHtlan who can tag,, the country by utoiin and .weep the Republican* at WaahinKton out of power, wc would he ju»t a» proud of Mr, Tur- Itngtoii » find .»* ever he could he; but while Governor Melon han a hen on not on* .gg under her han h*ti'hed A« lor the »ort of pupularlty which will even fill and d|»t*nd North (’.rnllnk, that la given only after a 'howlgg of actual rcult*. Governor Mcl.'*tr> l» neither t. »r un populAr with the hullg of the North Carol tint ctli.en.htp iu*t now He l« oth trial And Mr Turlington .would do well lo rend up on the 'iilr* of evidence and >re whether he k«» properly pre i ruled hla c*u«* tieforw he prevnes for n terdtef R.hgh Tlmfa, THi: <•) N Within a abort time the wa"int will he over and 'he country Wl! he reading of the ptogrraa of the trial of the Kentucky hoy who happened to he 'aught up on a wave of popu l«r attention and l« now the object Sperlnl 1 M l>*» v K\< urtaion Fare* To NIAUARA FAIJI.S. N. Y. j Via Norfolk Southern Railroad And Conner!iona June 24. JJtyly 1, g, 15 22. 29. Annual E, 12. 19, 26 September 2. 9, 16 23, *0 (Vtnbwr 1 :H25. Limited 18 day. Including dav of Hound trip fare from (loidaboro Via Norfolk or lialtlmore or Ingtoo. $27.10 Oorreapendma fare* froqi other k'altonk Information on ippllriftoi to auy agen' ar— I V DALTON. t <l*n»ra| Pna«enger Agent v «- upon which the country Is fmmalac Ha interest Bryan will h« there. and Oarrow *ll ha 'hare and many otbera leaser >r jrMt T nubia, depending upon how you look »t iha question. and the hoi' facial protean will begin. Pdouln who i-onttnunlly strive to bring into conflict science and re-1 liicton do not have enough of eliher to epare. It la a pitiful specific Many people fearing a namcles aonieihing. they know nofAvbnt sek t« escape by abutting their ear, to everything that .avers of the con flict and go about with their eye* closed and thoir earn deaf to all ideas. That I* to go to » desert Inland or »n an ArtH expedition.' , The Importance ..of the Scope* trial from the standpoint of both science and religion haa been grossly exag gerated The country hag a micro scope instead of a telescope turned uport the event* at Dnythk and the reatiM la something that u both false »nd artificial. Tha const: tut tonal qualities of the taw will l>c tested. 'that Jm the sole and only egrua* for lh« »rlnl. »nU ■ Amt RECEIVED A line lot of Honey, 25c per pound seettoa. I’hone 26 i)R. MAUDE E. WURMAN REMOVAL NOTICE , I wish to ntMfy TriciKlh and clients thittl have «tn >*i my office, from thA , ,Etortqn Building to the Court corner, thtLttflfce bnMßitf for meri* occupied by the Honor *W« lid. M La!*- „11 JAM E3 Alffi, l J. N. LONGBfiT, JIL lSHin*AJfti Hr*, AgteaehUe, Liability And * trrdlent I«TH FLOOR Wayne Nall. Hank Bldg. Tele phone IS? Special lh-l)a\ Excuruien Furr* To JKRSEY COAST REPORTS Via NorfoHt-SQuthern Railroad And Contiectionii June 21. July 1. j. Is. 21. 29. August 4. 12. ig. _•*. September 1. 9. Final llpilt 18 d#ya Including day of sale. Round trip fare from Goldsboro. N C - Via Norfolk »nd Rati sl6.7s \la Norfolk and Baltimore or Washington— sls.6s Fare* to I>onK Branch $l2O high er Corresponding fair fr n m other sta tion*. Information »n application to <tg< ills, or J F DA I,TON. Oeneral I'.saenger Agent Norfolk V* H. a IVEY. M. D. W J. CRAWFORD. M. D. Tract k. I.lm llad akin- -Beall.. I rlsnry a ad RRCTAI, DISK ASK Offket la Ways* Rat. Hank Hldg. Hearn* SIS 1U NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD l > aHMrnge r Schedules Effective February I. 1925 From (ioldnboro, Daily -Lv.—7:oo A. M.—Beaufort. Norfolk, and intermediate points. Parlor cur, New Hern to Norfolk. 3:30 P. M.—Beaufort, Norfolk Hnd intermediate points. Sleeper New Bern to Norfolk. 10:05tP. M.—New Bern, Nor folk and intermediate points. Sleeper, New Hem to Norfolk. For information, apply to R. R. FTTRELIe. T. A OoMmo. N. C MKMIMft or the abwciarh pkm "1 Thb Associated Presg is sKclupMy 'artHiM «|£ the ua« for pubiMHtioa of aH Anrg digpotehaFf emitted to it. or not otherwise credited in tkfcrf peper, snd also gll the other local tews published f herein. , All rights of repubUcatfcm at spseifd I dispatches hereto are also reserved. auch away Bin to taat Um law a «| • mate. Daftea la like a country fhlr. with thn prise hull on exhK.l Hon is ow piece and a lot of aide •bwwa of doubtful value along with tha ragt. of the attraction*. The Evolution athivies ara await lag the gun. and tha country la awatt lag the race. -Ureenabeco Record. $2,752,006 Deficit in G. C. Boldt Estate NKW YORK. July *. r An amend m* of tbs eattt« of Uaorgi a Ho,d '. tlleA yesterday In tha office of the *tste tag commission. reveal* “ deficit or $2,752,924. The paper; show* g r o** ss«et, of $2,154,996 with I Utilities of $4,907,999. Mr. Boldt. who was president of the H uldorf A "torts company, opera tors of the hotel of that name hem, sad sole ownrr of the RaUevue-Btral GOITRIC VANMHBB Mistake-,, i.lntmeat Itm* NarfSesfgl ly hy Cincinnati l ad) '3. ,' , ' Mr*. tMars Pabodl*. 110 Wentworth •venue, Cincinnati Ohio, says: "Sor hoi Quadruple completely removed my daughter’s goitre four ycirs ago- Will be glad to tell or write our Tu.l eyperlence.” - J « all drug stoma or write Sorbtd Company, Mechanlcsbnrg. 0.. IsKially hy tioldahofo r>rUg Co. IWe'ni A* original Shoe Doctorsfcvnu«n Hotel, m Btpg Hollowed'* did stand W{jy I-Vt a, helf-eole ywnr shew up fgbMfck hitt and adW thag rip. Done while you wait. ! IDEAL SHOE SHOP A. J. HOWELL. J. H. HOLLINGSWORTH. Proprietor* » PHONE 230 Wantads ALL HiM ADR AUK i ASH DO MIT ARK 18 TO ( HAROK TIE! Regular Type Hike thU) lc P*r Word Urge Type (like thie) 2c Per Word. If an error Is made The 8 Is responsible for oply one Insertion Th* cuaiomer Is rcepo»aib>r for HUbsequent Inaertlou. The advtrtlMr should notify Immediately If any corrcrction is needed. If lea heat Quick Re.all*. Advertise Her* WAMfcR EVLIY HOI’HKWIKE TO know that we do Ike whole fatal!) finished handle si U reals per lb. This inrlutle. hard collars. »n\u< l aundry |*ry l leaner*. I’hon* Mil k IS 101 K BEST I'OOIM I>u not substitute tea for milk. It you drink tea, add some milk It; I* more wholesome and delicious Try It. W C. Spence. Prop., Hdl-j crest Farm. Tel. 201-W 26-ts e i OLD SHOES MADE JCEW WE Dp better wo k *ml our prices are 2l» j per cent than other shops Work (a roll us Hhoe Fliely. Rhone *122. ' 17-3Utc j Mil k EOK H1 Bills -II YOU want milk for that young *„d ten- " der liaby we can furnish you from ! low* fed especially for this pui- I>o*e. laho Farm. iNiohc 221, FI KSI.HHI.H ROOMS—HATE 101 K furnished room* suitable for four men. AO modem conveniences 411 K. Walnut Bt. Phone 544-J • JO-7t W AWTRH - SHALL HOI HE. NOT over five rovms and bath Reason able family of four. Apply Newt iMTIca. ts v'.jjwf- *•: •» f h: 'r •;■ ■’’i’ mltmCi" _ TPVIBPAT MPKWN6, JULY t. IHI . ceutber &, 191$. It was not known at that time that hit finances w«m an •nvolmd. » - ■ ■>. ■ ask ’ 4ik' » BASKETFUL OF , REAL VALLES *■ So alluring ore the specMh offered in thi* grocery uttJTK' that youll bring the market bMket along to take advan tage of them. All thi? sea.tonnhle vegetaMej Yreah evepr day. '* ’ 5 > • rffHi JKNKINS P hence—TOO, 701 « I'M l> TMW ««; OF THK lOftT profitable trim to *row Imti th* Nets free lor ibe aaklnc. J. B Wi*hi ( Cairo. On. 77 -1 Ot <'*•!» HMO»:s Ktlii: *s;w MKM’t 1-J »o|., SI.OO, her or Panoo. 1 - rtd| c» 1-2 »ol«>« Wk ; I<libber Ha*l* *•>< 15 minute *i rtrire. Carolina Shoo Ktxcry Phon* 1122. 17 SOIe »ll» NHOKM RADK *KW o HOB r«H»ulr|n* u n o puixl« to ua. Too »on t croa* word* when W c do your work Carolina Bbo# Flstry, ]Qg r Walnut Bt. I*h,ne 1113 17 Mte 1 iwimilp ROB MM FOR ent Suitabte for tight bouakaeß r inir 114 K ( heatuttt Bt. ph«n* WOU li *45 Ml: W AMR M» IK formation |h*t wllj te*rl to rtcor cry of Ford Hnadater. Kngfae num ber !i7Ml2til Uirnn number 141- t'93 Thla car wi> atolaa from ter »ir»»t. <)o|i1»horo. July lat. No tify J W Katman at Wall'* atort, tloUDboro. , >-tß<r n\\TKD KRVFR.iI. IXFKRfRWI. *<l »*te»latlle* for our July ante. Apply at one*. M«n»our'a Depart* want b'ern. • *

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