fHB WEATHER v l ' : . *1??"'. % ■»■ ■'» ,■■■ • - ' *. • • * ' w •■-y-y- - -,.-j-?,-. VOLUME FOUR; NUMBER US Judge RauUton Is Considering Motion To Quash Indictment Iwfi’t Uvyin and Preiw turn Argue Vartan Point* at Yaaterday’a ftanion VERBAL CLASH IMMINENT kitinmr Unwral and Dadlf> Vtdd Malm* Easaga la y - Debate S'gnn., Jtily 13 (By >4) .—Judge John T.‘ ildlnc «t the trial of Scope*. oa a charge ai aw of the atata of T*«- It a ■lMtemeanor to of avolutlon In tha , retired to hi' ( haoi » study tha outatloa o' the Indlcttnsgt against 'tht k ti yank old reboot eachar *bauld ha summarily quashed. Th« judge carried with him brlvfa of th* halt »c*ra point* str*a**4 hr* 'ha comeud ng side* 14 (hr rate, white Harm* In hla Judicial ear* w.r# word* fioin a half dozen oral arguments praaaotad to tb* court to day. It waa the flrat of per hap* days to bg devoted antirely to oi%tory. The jury aarvlct waa bthf. Soon after court opaoed and the 'tale had Inter rogated oaa juror, R. L Gentry, as u> whether he bad axpwgtd an opinion a$ to tha gulls or Inaocooca of tb* de fendant, the jura waa aeat from the toon that aigu(n*nt might bt uudv oa tha motion t* quash. Mr Hairy went with l»t» fallow juryman attar declaring th*t ha could hot recall haring najih that Scope* ought not to ba voavlft*d. ‘Thera la ad rfftecilo* on thgi ti*rier«i explained Btartlng tbb JP'P 1 "* Ap" l *® »Wi a < potadr tdXfWig of the TWV mal motjoP4o.itltMah.atM,a calm ar xutnrnt ftp John r Rag), for tha de faaaa. th* beat of tha argument gain ed Intensity «a tha day wore oa. B. 3, MoKaaii#. former attoraay general, god Dudley Field Matona, cna of the rouna#) for the defetiae, •ngag.d'tn a da ah, ending m n'amtte. tut for a moment giving Ind cation* cf developing Into a aplritej ex change During Attoiney Oaneral M'cwtrf* jrpimtnt for tha »tata I" the u t r noon, lie «ii questioned by de ena attorney* ou *avera< poUl* Mr. Btiw«rt suggest'd with a *mt|e, “perhtp* you w-'iilji like to put n»* on tbe, Wltnea* 'tand," "’We would," was the chorus from the dvfen»e table. Thr dgy of ap.-ech making wax brouaht to a clo*e by th* two mo*t extended argument* of tb* trtul. At toinay Qener*l A. T, and Claret, e Harrow taking up tW tire #ft» Arson *e»alon with tbetb dlw-i cuMtons of (hr soundness of tbe In dictment and th* constitutionality, w I adorn and flirnen* of the Tea"**'*# law putting evolution theories under th* ban Insofar a* public school* are , concerned Th* attorney general vlgo'oualy as fended the law under attack, de claring |h*t tha legislature waa well within It* right* in p***lng the *tat uta, and that tb* state should be prateed for enforcing It In.trad of crttlclaad. Tib young attorney «>• emphatic m Metering that warrant of lan ...to abundantly cited to mpport the Of th* prosecution. Clacaac* Harrow. »n#r op-nlna with a pleasant appreciation of th* action of tb* cPurt In b»*tokflng th# till* of "Cdlonel” upon him, declar •d In hte (jpening wor la that the anti evolutteto law "*•• wicked and ml* M* rvpln *d X »mlle with almuat a Arowl •* h# **ld h* would attempt n> place hlm«*lf in the Ktb century that h# might treat the law* aarloualy. New Buildings For Duke University DI’RHAM. July 13.-Bid* from contractor* In the erection of tb* new unit, of II building* far Huh* university will He opened at noon Tueoi'ay- July 14. lu the office* of Horae* Trnmbauer. architect at Pbll adelidila Plana and appeclfleatlon* for th* n w bu Idtnga war* racelved In Turbani * »h >rt Urn* ago from th* Philadelphia office and war* ui*d* public imm*di*t«ly upon thair art hr * *' VifH t THE GOLDSORO NEWS ————— - -- - ... Join the Goldsboro Chamber of Commerce ‘I" "" GOVERNOR APPOINTS * NEW BOARD MEMBER RALBIGK. d„>y i j -~|Oovh>iu*r A. W. Mcteaan today vßppuimed W P. Andaraun. of WUaon. to auc- Ceed Dr. H. V. Horton, of Wlnaton fialcm. realgned aa a member of th* board of truateea at th* elate boapltal. Goldsboro. N. C. Mra T C. Coxa, of WadeaUiro. wag ap pointed aa a member of the board of trustee of the training school for negro boys I Nlor rson Indus trial Hellooll. Hamlet. N. t\ to attrcevd Mrs. J. I<*tlrande Kveratt, Rockingham, realgned W„MJUNJ)I.EY RESGiRS [THREE FROM SURF Wilmington Man iu Hero Os Near Tragedy as Fart Flatter NO LIFE GUARD ON DUTY Report St alow Much CrtlidaM Os laiclt of Propor Protection WILhIINOTON, N. P.. July 1J Whan Willing A Hundley, master mccbanl' far ib* American Agrlcul tur* apd Phagaicnl company, heart the qft* s for help of Mr. and Mr*. D. H. Willard and Mr. and Mra. J. B. Kngllab, who had stepped m a kola off Fort Ftahar Beach ye»t*rd*y al ternooa, h* ruahad to tha rgscua and with the asslatnnCe of aararal at bar* formed a human |ff e line and rescued the bather*. Mr Willard ta tcroantln* the near trxgedy today snld that hi* and hint Willard and Mr an t Mr*. Knirtlah gr*r* |a |h 4 . *urf In very ohxllow wtter when thby -ateppel Into a hole «ye» thejr head* and that the undertow waa vety *tro«if Mr. Khrllah auc ■eeded In celling oul. *nd wa* *<>l't ug the other* when h* ( too, w»* atinut overcome, "Kv*ry time I iime up 1 yelled for help, a* I waa having a hard lime keeping Mr*. WIIIgr.I uh," »,ild Ms Willard. He priioci Mr. Hundley*' her. , n, declaring that If It had not been or M* Hundley** wo k. on* or nor the party would have hern drowned, ■< la I He Hoard | '• It la »t*ted that no life gtiarj gar [ on duly at Fort Ki*her Beach at the 1 1 hte of the near tirownlnga, and there j hafjbe n some f rifle ten* hard on this VoJe. a law w..» enacted a» the ' *«-e aesalon of tha legl'latur* reqinr- | |ng l|f# guard* at a|) place* wh< re ath houacH I" ibis county are op- | •rated. reaehed the trio Mr. aud Mr*. Wll- and Mr*, Kuglloli the (wo wo men arpear-d to be In a (te»|>erat'» *tate, "and It Imtked ' Ilka they were t ying to 'land on Mr. Willard'* head," he ad.iM J|« «»ld lie ahunted ■ them to »hu|low w*t*r and with the] laslatattra of thrye or four olb»r men. I who formed u human life line, they wore pulled a»horr On# of the women j fainted. Mr, Willard today *aid he wan »us- j or.tig “lightly from painful breathing, a* B r#«ult of having “wallowed *v much »*ll water. Immediately after hearing the mi>- crle*, Mr. HunJley removed h*a e»ioe« 1 irid h|« hat and rushed Into the aurf, "I think the people ahotild be pro # t«d wbllg turf bathing." Mr. Mil lard declared, pointing to the law bit require* bath hou»e ope'ator* o hj*e life guard* on duly durlnflj •be balhlns hour* “I un,|»tk|*ad 4h* 'lfe guard wa« off turtle egp bunt n* while we warn bathing, and, while I will never »»cd the aervlc* of f life ruard again,, I crlnlnly iklgk the Hat bar* at the vatjlou* Imarhea be afforded every , protection po* »lbl*," he aald In ronelualtMi Nice thing* about company I* you have to waif iiUMI they leave before Martins * fgmlly row. » By the (lm- a l**V man y.eti up enough energy li I* too late. Fleaaur* la inmnMng Ilka ir* [-ream Von can alth«r #njoy It or tat » mtll *~ j ! I I I rvlX // I IwuLf ■ -Jr ■ tflb \ I 1 l gs A l IU 'iaw / r# rim » * * • • > stow laiimn mhVmHminm » «. CLOSE-UP QF MOORING MASTS U. S. Shenandoah inbored to the m»«t on th* tfi S S Patoka. Ttita mat waa built when th* nta voyage oi the ■Bnanio.h waa under consideration. Not* the pip** in.the canter, tlinnigh which g*a (or tha ballogjpattaa and gasoline and (udl oUJm th*/«4gin«» can ba pqnipad up tS th* balloon at ata in case cl wMb ftc A tedder ter tli# aacant and descent <>( the cr*w can also be u rn. '♦ J , Democrats Planning To Regain Congress In 1926 Elections | mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmrnmmmmmmmy SHENANDOAH GOES TO NEWPORT NEWS % UkKBHt'RBT. N. J , July 1» The dirigible Bheuamloah will leave tb* naval air at at on «o roortow morning for Newport Newt. V*.. to take part In unit • iremit prnctKa Os Uie Atlantic fleet. II wtlt l»« ‘he Ar»t time a dtrigthte has bwn uaad In foch inaoeuvaan. , • < j j ELKS DOING GOOD WORK EVERYWHERE w i. ''* * * Order Mpendn I strife Sobih nnunlly In € harit y Ac tivities PORTIONU. Oregon, July 1S The •lory of what the Klk* hove done In the teat year to :i|d humanity w«' mad# public nf the imnual grund lodtfe conventual, her* Uidny l» a lengthy report that dealt chiefly In figure*. John I*. Htilllvs". of N#w O Uan., national chairmau of th> ooelul an! community contuiltt >• of Uie order, In making hi* unttcil rrpoit, tinted ‘-hat Klk* l.ad “pent more $J,- • 70.111 In dlver 4 cb* fit law since th«|r la*t convention. Moat of the money to aid chll dren, and Mr, KulHvun mill In hi* re port that "It la a tale thut «« be*t hr read In the happy f*< of neatly half million children who** Santa f'laua wor# .the day if* that m»rie I him g* a meiiibc t of th# great**'. American fraternity.’' Mr, bulllvan al»o menfibned In dividual es orta of member* of the organlgailon'a l,|ti<) lodge*, ranging from personal to children to tr>» nie.llc.il Acrvlce*. and *:tld bl» report did hot Inqludr inon*.v lient for holiday ckeerAjle added that in Ih'a th" Klk, “pent large la*t November on Thanksgiving I'lay and 1774,411 In bringing t'h'latma* 'be r to 91,131 famillr*. University Dean Receiver Honorn niAl'W. >411.1., July 13 A win win remixed b*re tortlsht 'rom fait latk* Cite, Utah, whe-e the AmeHc m HorHty of Civil Kiigter-’ra are In an nual aeoion, th*t <1 M. Braun*. Dean Os the Hchool of Engineering in Hie Unlvarally of North C»rullnn, hua been elected to m< mbereblp on th I hoard of director* of ihe »oclrly, Wil ing th* une«pi red term made v* anl i by the recant de.ilh of Paul H. Nor croaa, prominent ciin»ulllllg eng neer of Oeorglu, who wu« u victim of the Mnmphi* tH>*t db**ter. H»an Braun* heroin** director frr the t*nth district which comprlae* |b# slate* of North Carolina, Hmi'b ra'ollna. T#par**ee, Georgia. ITor- Ida, Alhbatna and Ml«al*»lppl llean Br*une'» nomination w» made hy th* Gaorfla iectlo*, and I* regard d a- a In* tribute from that section in view •f th# fget that the natnril order would have baan to eleyt a »ullv« •on Th* ballot waa g#cr*t and by mail (ram each district. GOLDSBORO, N. C MtIAY MORNING. JULY 14. Reprm«nt»4ivc QldAeid Will Make Extennivc Trip to AM in OrganiaUion B REPUBLICANS ACTIVE Both Part tat to G*n(«r FigliM on Hlronuholds of The 01 tar ; . V a M ABHINOTON. Mli 13 (By A*#o rt,i|ed Prnaal. *W|H* the H mocrat* •Irgndy laying th# fiAindatlon fpr g •ntbammad aampaigu'to regain con iroi a: Vnagreaß,the mRI roh«r**atoili ai elaotiau* g»v< prißla- qow of at tracting an unn«usl share o.' nations JciereM. . J Hlidf th# laaderatilp of Kep:e*#n telNr* OldlleM. of Arkaaoaa, tb ■ Dam ocr.ut Uqjieg* *atonal • tonuiMfa aa> higuu Its organtantlon work wttb a view to cemerlnr U» offorf larifnl.' In »h<( are to «c rally r gard d n* th* clone djetllcte. Ad the saute- time the ltep;rl>l|cit> ntganlxMion la preparing to meat Ike •Hack* In tboaa center* i’nd aU« o’ carry th* fight to tha enemy In number of !J#m«cr.it!c «trjn/hold* IteuirnlnK today from meeting i» Ml *ourl ami Indiana ll»pre«rntatlve Oldfield an noun cd th-ct b.“ Mould leave soon (o' a awl" through the lV*'#t on a “I.Tirar mt» •>l(.n. li* a ilt 'pe*l et gathe-tnya of •tale linme rat 1 adera at 3m >ls* Htnver, Malt l>kc City. (, ■ Anr<’le- San ► rj(tK |«co. I'oiii.mdj Mpolnnf ans Kealllr. Tdttcgle, Organla*. .Fight," h th( me*»nge Mr, OblTI Id will tak,- ti thelle meetings, anl hr wijl (>*'< or 'be ik rs anting o'° tbs organ I gat tow from *1 tie rttiumitleiM down to p-e --41 nef bodi.a Moreover, he drill urge tbe r>emo>r.ila to nomta:l'te the big gc«i Democrat t Iwt can be found lu lb- dl*trj *, (ieelarlng that "no man I* 100 h|g to rim for-Congrea*," DIVINE S\YS AMERICA LAX IN DUTIES ilit-hop Cannon Speak* on Ohli- Sal lon of United Sljilcs I.AKK JI’NAI.KAKA, July IS. A inert a'* “f ollcy of l*olullon” waa •ternly rebukes by Hl»kop Jom#a Cannon, Jr., of the Methodist Kpl*co- | pul (’but It, Aatitlj? «(tere*i>ln* the »ocl»l arrylc" l i iinfcrenc - lu ae-slon here. Ml# auhject ws* "Tk* Oblig.tiio'’ of America to the lte*t of Ihe World." Bicbop Cannon “poke In'detail of America’* stlltudr in regard to the I,'ague of Nation*, th* World Court, tbe i'rotorol, amt said that, In hi* oilhlon, th* treaty of l.t »an'"e ”1* llie li!aikp“t apti' !* JOth etltliry b|* lory w hen America tailed to It*’k • late*nt u o 'l’h'latt'n nn’lon. an* they re*ii»("l to |nt<-rven* with Tur key' on behalf of the Armenian*. ’’The w*ole wot|d I* wondering ’ “ •id Hi“hop Cagpon, "what tN -y c»n count on from Am rlca l« the future, be. an»(i America I* a nation welch appear# to hav* been endowed w th great**! poa* rand si re noli and wbtlth of any nation In th# world Christian* ,hou>d cunaid*r what I* Gods pin* far “ueb a *««■«»/ " EVANS WANTS WYATT TO BE REINDICTED Wakr Soiirilor to Ank Grund Jury Today for Svrond Indictment FIRST QUASHED BY JUDGE Former Raieijfh. Con Atrunrd of KillinK Frominenl Lawyer of Smithfield RAfJEIGH, July 13 IHy Associated Pn**a). A -preeentuient asking for a oecond Indlctmvnl for murder Jeaae Wyatt, suspended Ralrlgb pla|n- Clbthe* officer, will be mad* to the W*k* County gr«ud Jury tomorrow l»V Solicitor W, H Kvana, that official taieil t,Ml»y. Wyatt •* charged with hravliix “hot and killed ft. R. HtH. a' IniTtf'eM d'tc.n >, oit alni' Mrhw. v hetiv en Rdcfgb An I Har ter, Jura Ist if« so pijß ifd*at * ravlotla |<rp pt cottlA. oa tb* , I\arge of tq (ka, tj^]|lct ii ptjfW** titV 'krjl nt’ (he te |iu(q9llt> httt 'hqJury thM returned tty litfhrl n#ht ppp >om a H*i 4r»wn >y a child undet 1 t#n >#ara of aga, >n v’clatlon of the atalulea. Solicitor Kv*n» Indicated today that h» “ta!- would ln»l*t oa th* caae-lw ai* brought to trial *t th# term of otperlor nourt wh|-h convene* to Ivy, He will not aak for a verjld o' first degree murder, he raid Th yrand Jury, howevrr, will Hi a«k*d o return a true bill Indtcttng Wynl’ Vr murder, tb# degr*# to be dete-ni n( d by the Jury in tha evfnt of eon dtlca, SGOirtpRJOY FINEST AT THEIR CAMI »M> - w\w. RKeriy BJBITHf Ir’.lW;. Nj,TM Unly licit •wturday night in a Hoaai map b U« big nlg.it of fun uad frolic. At hr Seluiday n||;|it cutp-flrw- th‘ leouta »ee tberatclv » aa other* «*i heni. They elect (a.'h other to dis ’eient o :lc r i, ete. Kattndo r. g|4 the Me ti tit* g .111 r d in tb« ifies* hall anl held the enaap el# lion. Result* a* follow*: Ue«t All Around Scout tleorge It. lewrjr, (lul ixboro. H »i Hwlimner George a, ()**(’)' itoldahor.i _J, . * Mont (lltedhnt Hr.r, ell.is 111*’, loliaiMiro. lu-'i Canipvc Cooper Iteiwon,<Flke III*. •-- / v. • -■ •; liHnrct -U»l»> It* r> Ad'.r, Kill teuc H“»t sport—l.looel Well, Gu'd-'bowii I annb *1 Moiwl wil iol<tg>>or >, lllggeat Kat»r -Hurry Adi r, Kin “ton. tllgK'M Hone head Harry A ter fClnet on. hglr'l Sleeper Ijhil# Furgerson, vlliatuli. Mo»t Int"lllgent -Cooper |*aison, I’lkvlHe Dumb#*! Harry Adler. Klnaton. nwee >e*t Worth l.uttu, doldsboro liiggeat Cake K*ter Harry Alter, Kinston I‘n’t4le»l Mi out Cooper I’eraon. i F'lt* vil’e. -\f«l -1 I‘oipter l.liitl I Well. Gi*J«i#* •mco, ' ■ 0 • Mrt»t Tancrltef* Out* \|e«diW“, Ktaslon, I1e»| KtHcben J'ollce la-toy Want, j Di rMngtua. X, C, Kd Itowell, Gold* twiro. . I Hi* t Itourb Neck GUIs Meadow* Kln*lon... fllgstf at illiift liVinan Itlxaell. Kill I “ion. . , l.a*l»at -lami» Kurgcrarta, l Tli* rump Is In full cwlng an I will i j open Monday morning with about 11 j Kcotit* from Kinston, Goldalajro, M-l j man and o|b# r point. In ih* dl*|r|<t|. 1 Th# Weather |a ideal here now and 1 'ba H outs #r» havin'! th# t!,ne of 1 hi I young llv *, loh Sluiwkey Drawn i-rMinihv SuHoensiim ' HICAOO. Jun *l7 I’, iw ftiiaw k*> pit* her f. r Ik# New Vu“k YaUk • e«. to Ind rlnitrly *u-p, nd*d tcrliy-bv P“ *lf!*u: John«<m of tb Ame’elan le»,ite 'lhe ad on cru*' e« the result of an argument W.t'* Cmpire Ormaby ia’l I'rlray Ik Ih Yank#**’ gam* at Bt Loti* BANKRUPT FIRM MAY HE REINSTATED NEW YORK, July U. I* an, Odu tafia mai: company. a. lock, on July 3 with llabilltlea exceed crii n uml roUaa broker*. who filled on .Inly J. with llal*|l|tt*» exceeding 134,040 oiMt, loJay ap pl‘«><| tor relnetiterornt on t'h* New York Siock Rxohaupa, from which tUi )i' w. re Hunpeiidcri fol low iu; .iiinoiin. rnt*>.ii» ot. Inability -hj mart th ir <>bl• k-<ti«>nm. AH.an **n,th» pvt :lon will i»c tahiii bn Jui» 2?JI , *Sr ti- SECRETARY OF STATE AWAITS DEVELOPMENTS Kullokk i'lck in Washington After C onference .With Presideni NO DEFINITE ('OI K.HE YET Mutrhful Waiting” Policy A* . Htßurds < hinc** and Debt ■ r *. 4t II. WABHINtITON, July If Support -4d by aperitif presidential approval of Iha policy be m <in>cd our from b« i hlenr-c uro’ileui. H-irvtery Kel logg waa back from lUa Interrupt n.iihui toil*} nwa tcmill* ot ■m i roni » In V< k'njc und eiaewbcr* . i'uli *h <l> the proioiai. i»**wirr» r« c \|oclod to wnik out n*y« tuid i i*n4 of n miring tU*' tiotailion of •*• •• aMi«Hb in t'h'iia. Tht ro wet no induction that the I |(i: :.itlc. i ,iuv'vnoit onß ,n various •Pilel* bail uk y t i cat Inal p stage It*r* the cj*{i iiturn* to ltr fellow* 1 iu'iM hi fiT'-caal. A* Mi. Ka|-> t;g hinHelf polo led out mm hto onfi retire with l‘i t, deal t'uoUdg* mi-wok ui tba uimitr *bila Itimav. b< policy to the Counts'llP nil Into •bleb It bail entered wUh to 'h n« at (ho Wuoli naiott a ruin llml a'lW «iH»ici»w«j*L raw* ■« - The ult.'vf fiatuava nr *hune nmi .l*l Route. In y -*w of prmnt ruif , •tint >u Villa*, rulat* to a/raaolwtlMi < ailing for jli* iji w»tl*u Os a a daiM a r tJyy'ti, 4t„ t) A/ and «fpo*f,,*t» Mm vm*- “b'n Os rjj,4tn4*h nc wxUa, Wimor hI rlfbUJft "» |h* buud lt<J th ut*.t» %»., • it 'Vim of i htneaw l ua'ojtt rate* on tin .tber PRESIDENT QUIET AFTER BUSY WEEK •c • f oolidge Taken it F'nsy Am' Receives no ('alk-ni AU * While Uonrt MWAMpH«j6rf, \f*ar.. .l-‘ly n - 4*l ~ oh vat uToti a. hcdulu »f r n wok i»i,| of finfinnc a on ore an affair*. Ft- ell? t>t f'lolldgu pi Ut t«v|Hy quil l'}" •■t-i'jo.} »| ttO i iff I*4 a" Whitt Coirt. .t’.il ir 'nnki tlny! little luiaincurn. ' Tile ••xci utlyo ui»im».i riilv v*i row vijt lu I av. Iff tb« Uutiila of S»i r■- •nry Kcllokk tli« c»rryli»s issio •"tt>*'*t <f ibr ailtiitulatraltnu’H poliiy towstni! tiilna. unnoiim < d by the ftoi rdary n I K-as* lic'ori bln dopariuro f«r Waili ligtaon *l*!day. after IP h" j (tone over luilli the rtilnopc aud for’ ■ ran Nltuationa wiiii Hie Prcaidaut. : New Head Named to War Finance liody I o SWAMIRt"OTT, July IX Hovd il I | llurriMOtl w•.l [ ( ’ll*) | toil iy n» ill, icclir of the Wir Klnmicc r I'pnratjotl j »iicc ciiii* kr»"k tv. MondVl, ry*teo : i"d. Mr. H.i t!>i)ii b»* bf«n iiaitUmnt |to Ku«cne Mryrr. Jr. uta'iar<P( dl | re tor o' tli • rorrut- tloa and »*nrad jin H»«|n|»nt to former Hccrwi irfc* I tVnllucc uml II union yof tbs licpart j m at «f asrlndtum. HeMerve Officers Die in Plane Fall UKSTni HY, N. r. July |1 Pot fJcutruuniK Char. H llii key. of IJnu kliiii. Muaf. end Albert I’ I'rrry I of kla'llloro. Mol., wee k l|e| I !>•■•» I w.lh n Ibe'r Hirpline i raukr I n it I • >l here , Tb |ii*>i:e went l"t o» tell apln lit | » hi'lahi itn ileif brtilween To*’ u*\ I i tab* f ,|. It fell In a fluid apJ |n I lull i 'nifv f Rf»»#*« An §!hlmi I I * pee and 4 wr»ukl»* ir.'w wr* hor riel from Ml' kell rUbl and th* Intd let, bally (lu oj, were reniOV d from *ba ‘laming wreckage 0 **r y ASSOCIATED PRESS DISPATCHEB PRICK FlVf CBNTR WOODARD AND BIZZELL TAUK TOKIWANIANS Atteiidiuifp Upon Recent Hl wani«nn Convent lot TF| of Their Ekperienci (U'BH HAVE OBJECTIVE* ■ %■ '• *. ' * local OrtfaniaaOen Amnnipi UommiUec lo Select tVfMRb Plans * . -__i. . ' ~ Kl»*W»* Woodard, who <be mall Klwlple Inirruatloual bon vent ion at Ht.-Vaul. Mp.p . riportbd Vp the club at tka.r regular meeting laat niabt th* pleoapfMt ba *k||Prt enred Ip betog able f« afteeß lb la i»u tent 100 aa the duly . leHN Ml* Hit. Tba other delegate. tfanM** Vdrwood waa unable In attend. rtr *i*«*U Ihat Be bad imrttculfr ly *njtiyed Hie a|t*u*bea made by Wf 'ffitikU of varioua club* rllafWe t) the piirponea ot K.nnn'a an ergg alaallob. fie dt*a>rlbed in tfttWll M tlrleaa *fon* of tba MnntpkU efdb o Mtcttrn the tmemt on for IMt. >l« empbaaiied Hat Met flat Mail etn ry eMrtt In otb*r ettia* Vd aom* “bJui'tUf, m, a goal, tbcmffjb wblrb . tbry could carry owl tbpig pine of operation, on the pul cy of “Wa Mi.* “Wb*n the club vaa organfyeg le IMfolt. It wu» nry with tkrM ‘"ti* w.tb u moiiu. "fin and li * rcuialnad (fee elocan pf ika club*' -atvd Klwranlnt Woodard: wHI fb* inu raetlouil meet ng ta H||n|g mm in l«|f. at whkb tint* Rlv ph ;»n of > tbe club waa cbah(|M| Rk "At ib* pr,»*nt time," gaM Ms. -ViHMiari . “the metubantbip of Me Kl *••»**• «i"h» er lb* Paiteft MaMaaad •«u„'U is bdjkig" •itK*. At tb* xieavfHflßW «MH| mat held,i Mn|njwa« d lutei ntdliibal Pt ealKml fur aiilua ye*r " i Klwaman * ed il# euueeuthui, uuT 4 a UalagiMt ■ Uut aa a |u*wt, uitMfa «"*#ry iMerdate * t>ik on the cuarmMMw wmetlMh iido.iil.ued Hide-.l' <r r objeattnla *• ‘"bur “lubU ' .. ,;-TJri b»4w mi AbitnW--dßues‘ UiJHh vend wna tbie eMpfH% II Vjrw Owe ere o«or aat(*4l)r eg. . K j Kkd la da lodaumatin*,': , -on it he niamU »i«iud met f «•% m ila i id*ment. eery neoMaary that ’.be decide o*oe aoem ttb- J rt of mllrltlea for tbe Hub. 464 stated that if tbore #ge no obpec ilou ba would wppohit alrtWiam ttaa to "cork out forth/ >)«tb Mnu plMl ui teflon, and report, *( auf"* InMH •'ate tbetr ruconiuioudewtiue Ktwraa in Freeman. Norwoed aad Vanatory, 'v*i *• appointed <<« tbe coaualtua. Thera wraa tio tegular program tor luat Ttfflt'a hi-uiib*, the t.ma tolag r.vun to K.wratt an WoAdnfd and Bg* •II io make th<lr report* og tba . en»int|ou. '■ Lj« t» • Wire in Road K»k Power (ompany Head HAOPJHKTOWN, ltd., July It,— Ortry O. Miner. U, pie«U«at aad i.iunager of tba Anil Uut Etc trie l.lglit uml I'ower f'ompuny. Bra»tb* fd'Vllle, waa Inatanlly kilMd at f:*ady«yi|ie i»*t nigki nUU mnklag rup lie to wires. BlepptM n*id« la t * road to p rniit a* BUtO to pn«d, he rreaped •» u n in*ulati>j. keavlly ikargnd wire, an*d fell daaf. gfcorlft I tuff.y, wku i undo‘tod ** Inyaottga : tlou, *tnt**d tiHlay an lnauo*t * not l» ■ held Mo»er leave* a w|(a and all «kll* dru*. *• McLean (iueat Os Honor at Bragg FORT HitA(> I, July It. Oovarno' A. W. Mi I.can will It# gue«t of bouo* i ,t l J *v»rt Uragg, July 11. tbe day ba*- in* be* n eel apart at "fl*»trw#rt :»ay" Tke goyerwnr will arrien •I It),h) a. m. aad will be efoena* i.boat the garriMin by lH|Udl*r-Ooß etui a J Rowley, rowaondtag gm < ur of Flirt llragg. Hi ring Ike mornlna the tarloug *O - ville* a boat Foil Hragg will b* la rpuited Th* (ovurwor will y'alt tbe trajulng cHinpu In prograra per* nod Wr 111 be error dud a Ullut# Os 17 OIW* There will be a llf’-mviag ueaonMra tloa ilurlna lb* day, * 0 • '»«*% m aamni«na«ii ■■ li In I iMdi.ißf im foaa roTTOff MRW YORK, Jnly 1) tßy AUWlfh *d Rretwl. Colton fuluren ClMOtf very »t*edy Jnly Jiff) Oct. 14 14; IMC 24 2|; Ja«. Il.fl; MmUU| spot toUo* Maady fAidAMfll Ij^R

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