I* ' T . ' , ' ' 4 ’ TUMDAT UO.NINC. r,r.v„ ...» V * « '• . » . " " ' 1 j^fOCIFTY. *>FW€in»h i Mia* Manila Clark. Formerly of OnUflMm, *«w rtaMU* at Port Mj <*», Hoc*de, was married to W Thad **•*»•* •* tMt Myara, at Ula host «f Mr brother, Mr J. H (Mark la Abo* Park, H*.. Saturday a. m T:M They Mt iMßtdlataly oa -a' tour through Cuba Attar Aueuat It U«) inn lt*a |a Port Mytra whar* Mr. Ftiaey .b co»a*ct*d with tb* palm City faulty Co Mr. Praaaay la a fHdaatad pkunaacfat having baa» MUMM *ttk oaa ot Port Myara Urtm, dpu • tor** (or a#nmbar o yUr* Wove going lato th# re*! #*- t*ta hernia*** * Mpa Clark ha* a boat at frteod. bird who with for her aad her bus b|At*tl baptfaaae. | PERSONAL kMENTION TboWK mil to* glad to bare tta raadara pboa* or bring to the of tea* aoy It area Ut*y mpy daalr* yfla(ad ta Wt* eoiutgp MhmMnraarat Moya b*» a* ba> boot* «aa*t* MM***' Vlrttal* Whit* Vtrgiala Steltb aad Mildred Moor*, all of Klaato*. Mr*. Moya 11 H. Bp*ac* and cbll dree ar* aojonmiag at Wrlfbt*rtli« Bh*ch tor a mogUi. Little M|»t Mary McSlw**. who ba* bade v|a|tlß| bar grandparents, Papt abd Mrar. Nathan O'Barry, baa ra toraad to b*r boaa* la StetnsvfU*. Mia* Edna Water* left yesterday mofntai for Htatearllla attar i|aaf A taw dfb lb t>l* pity.' TVS** Mr, aad Mr*. Tom O'Barry bay* returned to their home la Wilmington a*r.a»a*4* Stf ** »r«M Un C. ft 4fbra( J|t* All 4» &rov* J| Ml** Loan Stmmo** have goat aM'MTmi** Wi*t; *M'K vfcJhotl bt at Atlantic City, baa return#* V«1) ' : ' • ■ > I > • a ’ • i [ar' pant wilV ragrat to fh.rMrs Oaorga W Btwwn la at bat beat*. m u. yu tM* li *1 / Mia* Lacy Millar ta* raturnad from b racatioa. Mia* Jolla Hutton baa ratornad to Daayar, Colo, bar boma, aafttr vlalt laf Mr*. W. H. Cobb, bar aunt. , Mia* Btnlah Patway baa a* bar guaat Mia* Adalln* Patway of At lanta, On. H**ar* U F. Britt and B. A. Orabt, d< comganlnd by tbatr families, tart yi itardny by natomobll* to y|*tt a ai mbar of lataraatlag point* on tba '«u sat ' Mr. nod Mra Nntban o*B*rry Irf l ydttnrday. m*rnin* (or BtaMavltl' where they will trfalt Dr. *nd Mra Boaa McElwoo. Mr o*hr*«l 800 ay la spending aar Tkl day* at- Nag* Head. I , ' Mr Robyrt Poo all b*a r*t«ra<-<1 from Morabaad. wbor* ba ayaat tb« wa*k and with bin family- Mra- Jno K Moya and chlldr* a r* turned Sunday from Richmond whar | bay bav* boan viaitin friend* 'A 'Viand* of Mdt W. H Oodwin wj|i Ngrat t* l**rn lb*t aba la condnr< to bar boma for aavnral day* wH ilia*** Mr* Mordacal Wltbarlnglon l( •pending a wbil* In Aebavlll*. t4n many friend* ar* daligbtad to ft** M r P*m Crow, of Baltimore, who 1« yfemne to bla brotbar. Mr. Baland Cro* * Mra A T* Hartal, of Rocky Moun era in tba dty rlaltibg Mra Hartal'* parent*. Mr and Mra. W. C. Moya on Carolina atraat Mr P Bonny baa raturnad boma attar apandtni a waab In Naw Tork at butlnaaa . < Mr B B Rotba baa return** from WHtnlnaton wbar* h* want to ipand tba waka aad wtlk bla family M T DU* In toe local attorney and « U Btcaall left ftaaday night lot Aabevllle on bttaia»ea and to onloy tba < o«t hrwf* of lb* mountahi* Mra A T Griffin and lltllw Bllllt *»d Mr* Uoyd Qrtffla art ap*ndl«f aoma time i 0 Aabavlll* They azgact to b* joined by tbaft hue boo da. Mr A T. Griff, n and Uoyd W*dn*ad*y atgbt A P#oß rtl TIB MBS Oa* of tb*a* warm aummar atgbt* wka* yon can't tblnk of wbat to **ry* for dtanart. try nmbronla. H I* ootblag at all but • I lead araaft* •motbamd la grated cocoanut, aad gut oa the to* for an hour before •arrlng Amkroata I* a dlab banded *own rrom days wbaa worarn bought tbatr cocoanut* from tba man with, the pu*h cart, and watck*d Mat *• be *cragad oat the meat aad cut It oa bla lIMl* wheel lato loaf, t*a i«r jutcy atrip*. Toa can gat cocoa nut r*ry Ilka that today If you buy It la tb* airtight tin can* that k#*p It 'andar aad nanrally moT»t ft | a *l - (lightly awwctaaad. Women in Favor of World Court WASHINGTON July I»—Tba Na •aal League of Woman Voters to 'ay daflattaly placed ttaalf on raconT a agalaat all “alaaaath hoar" renar atlana to tba World Court reuolutleu teW pan ding la tb* Malted stale* g* ta*d." It alao aaraad aotlc*. la a •tatemeot laeaad y it* anacutlra com aitea from baadgaartara bora that ba l-eague and tba woman vo«er amprtaday Ra mamberahip. "will U in pat lent with lukewarm leadership ■nd lon* dra»a out aad polatlaas da bMa" The League la urging adoption ol '.ha original World Cour tr*s*lution aa presented by tb* lata Preeidaat Harding end supported by PraaMaal oolldga and former Sacralary ol ItaWs Hag ha*, alhgna Itself with op job ants to tb* propanad amaadmeotr übmitied by Snaatora Popper and / Borah. • i ii L ~‘ 11 Hlndanhurg Like* BBRLAN, jaly ll—One of tbn graati eat anapat*** in conaeottoa With the HaeVlo* 'of field Marshal Van HM daabutg to tba piaafAracy of Oer •ntily I* tb* aged * *ppat*a( Ifking for social The end of b* aoClat aea*on ba* bean'*lna'rlied b) a>mo*t uninterrupted iu.ce>»lon o( garden parties, f*te*. omoker* gad ra l apt ion at (h* egerutlr* man'ion, and iwp r ***lve (lgur« of Von Hi|i<len Vn r g kff.beea th( center of them *ll ' Contrary to, cgptctaUue* Pre*'.deni Von HladaabufA also *ccept« *ocl*l invitation* rLawhare. u»u»i , y remain ing until midnight. While under pres ident Ebart never* simplicity mark'd ill tba presidential 4 social affairs, Wnbrlm*ttas*a now reverberate* wltk military baud ma*tc emanating from h’ e*et utlve gardta* Tba pr*aldeat h*« amagel lho»* • round him by tbs pointed question* be puts to kl* guaat* regarding their branch of work. He appears to be fond of a*klng tcgrlga guesta k o w mtr-4 QlMpan HI* Invite of • ll political P*fpb*upk(*pf tag coannunUt. and be I S political ad I A| a recent smoker be gut’ 4t« bl! petwonai UM* aneb poll tWI lapden aa G*erer Barahtrd Tbeoder* Wolfl, a*d Rudolph llllfor !ng. as well ss a number of vatlva editor*. . 6 Intimate frlenl* of President Von Hlnd*nbtprg **y the best thing that wMr happened to him wa» to fore' him from hU set lesion at Hanover IjUo the mid«t of a social maelstrom sad that h* appears to b r growing voung* r every day. HU polltf a| ad viser* d dare th*ms*lve* surprised at hit mode*ty and uqns*titning at 'Hud* toward qnaMlon* which are new *> him, Hl* favorite remark |» ••Id to bn: ■Well, | hope l'l* laarn all tbl* |n •1 tlm*,** rench Premier a Very Hard Worker PARIS, July 11.—A quarter of an boar's 'leap In an arm chair I* add (0 b* sufficient lo restore *trengV and energy to M. Palnleve, Fram/ • premier and war-mlniUrr, no m^ , * r how great or prolonged the f, * r ' «k». When tb# chamber recently dis tasted the fiscal meaanC'a of MlnUi»i of llimw ('allied*, M. Pdlnleve ••• In bis place oa the |ml«lMerlal bench '* Ihronghoul the night. a**lm and at- Isatlv* all tba while Al'^ ,,u «b •* *as » o'clock lo lb* moralng before th* *o»e wt* Ishen. tb* premier wss la I the senate at'lit resdy lo a’eer lh# Kill tprongh the flipper hou*a Tbl* i was swiceaafally /does by • o'clock I ia tk«. evening. *n<l al •. M Pslalevy . reached the war wlnlrdry, where he fonnd hi. entire ataff waiting him with the esp'drllo" of being dl»ml»a --l ed for Ibe day Ru« tb* premia' *■« |1 with a Mat|«> Go got •? Canoeing to Mnsk Newest Summer Fad i L|J ~ - J PjHr i Ty^aß3 mwm VaudsvUle Star Intro duces Sport to Country House Guests Th* very latest summer sport at Bair Harbor, Southampton aad jKagPdn is canoeing to maadc. Marcella da L*lcu, vaudeville %aadllnar. known to tb*atr*-gocn A* "Mias Marcel)*.’' introduced thp paw pastim* to friend* who wort week-ending at her summer plana] tin Maine -Afid they, atuhaated jsaMh Abe lamp dho, passed * dnj j Mlsa d* UsleuAwlio** life la] fried*** *Rd I wHI as* you later.t, Thaf flight is ilMinl, V 'VT^%thlev■■ wqirbed until long'after midnight: , 1U ;~ T - ‘ * Nothing t» fr*e. even If yoa don't know bow you pay. i2..T. * . j r I ammntmnu » n> mi ; Daity Fashion Hint 111 i • i ■ ' Fnpmgi Etp*ciaHs fm tkk Ntmpapm < Mrwy « H »v y v y « »yn it v uvv m-m Sv .jßE^PtcibßiAlJ, t THE REVIVAL OF TAFFETA \ TV womafl who U wel)-drm*wl will Iwv* '/‘’J^Jd^tfi her wardrobe this season A charmingly .bnplr nvslel b pictured m the WH It It in rich golden brown tallct*. all* of Ima *n<J yonkhlul m cwaci ( At the lower edge a circular fulnesi i* iptroduend through narrow Rouncrs. Tan Georgette forms lire vest**. Medium •»*« r«|ulr JM yards 3*-inch tafleta end H yard Georgette. ._, tn Wigwam, another of th* beautiful Iwown sha<ka, J! 4 ,{" ms.*** dress, the front ol which is in two sections Th* beck is In <m* piece, though it m.r be made »f comr*»ttag materul and raears era of takeu Medium lire rrauires JK yards JAjmcn y ,r ***‘ Fl,TuJdcir Plctorsal Review Drea. Ko. 2541. Sim*. 1* to 20 grit) U U) 46 inchfi butt 45 cw*i _ mm aa V So mid Modal;' Grcss No. 254 J. Sites. 16 to 20 year* end 24 to 44 b«n boat P rl «; 4 s.^ - jaMd ■ nis u Hvkfacugg ■ i > me oolmmmo raws , :. •••*.— full of musk, any* tb*ra can b, too mu.'. ..f o ,oo.t thtn, yail* jr- "* s3E log .round, i • «■ ’" 'f t' Tb* invacy you nan by not bclplag q friend fa !o»t. Cot . i hat*a Fit FoC <ing WHEREVER it It morning, on this tide of the world or the other, the dcltlalc aroma of the fragrant cup of coffee perme ate* the air. What would we do without our morning cUßeei Ten minute* i* lufhcirnl for percolated coffee and three minute* stir boiled. To make a deheinn* boiled coffee, U*e I cup of ground coffee, I egg. I cup cold and 6 cup* boiling water. Wa*K break and beat the egg. add Id cap of cold water, pour it on tha coffee, a tiff the boiling water, boil three minutes, and add the other |4 enp of cold water to setfte. The egg also help* to tettje or clear the ] coffee and give* It a richer flavor. The vacuum method of packing in u»e by tome coffee roasters, ia proving effective in retaining tba original aroma and strength of coffee^ Why Some Girls tsar a Bathing Suit Thousand* of girls will not go swimming for (ear of sunburn Tbeee girls must net Mow attorn Ptk* 1 * Cru mp, feu* It - Instantly. rat** van aunbure by drawing out the bHetee «ag water from linden the akin. I Beet of all. It prevent* sunburn jf you’ll Juat spread It, over your <klu before taking a {flj> or pltiege. It acta at a toollc.g »ht»ld between delicate skin and the scorching sun A touch ®f Oru-Mo la perfect com fort for aunhsrn. Handy tubas at all drug »lores tie. Crumb la a White, stainless, agreeable and lenvea the ahin soft and naturae" * 1)R. MAUDE E. WEIDMAN ChNaradw (opplete X Ray Idtboralnrf ItM*) Pro«Moul . 1 ssSSsral »KBNiOVAtI' ROOKj my office from the Edfcrton Hmliy *>>> < uJrinui4g | y m !*« ■ - 1 iHMQ IAH|I jjjUKn • L I WK iElv />V||nli Special IH-I>ay Excursion Karra To NIAGARA PAULS, N. Y. Via Norfolk-Soul hern Railroad And Connections Jun# >4, JJulr I. I. 15. 12. 2» Aiifuat X, 12. It. 25. Hrptc mbar 2. ®, 1* 22. 20. October 7. t*2s. limit ad 1» di|i ln*IWllB» 1M of Round trip fore from Gil'laboro Vln Norfolk or Raltlmora or W»ah I Initoo. $27.10 foroK firm* other I ? ■ * *Ol4 oka Information an application to mgr *|cni ar— I V DAI.TON. Ocn'ral Pnnmuacr Agc«t Norfolk, Va. Palace of King. Tut Unearthed NEW YORK, July It —The palace la wkKb King Tutenkhamuu. Kgyp tlaa monarch, who lived 3,500 years •go, pa»aed twenty years of bis Ufa, reomitly wa> uaearatbed in middle Ksypt by the Egyptian Exploration society, Thoms, Wbttemor*, Ameri can repreaentaOva, a*id upon hi* ar rival on the Mauretania. Th a palace waa ta a« unusual state of prewrvatton and will add much to the knowledge of the king, whose tomb *i> excavated at Luxor, ha said. The palace Is at AkbatMon. about 700 milea from l.uaor and |» built of »un baked brick, which had been preserv ed by the shifting sand. Tbs name of Klag Tutenkhamun appear a many time* on Its walla. Better be good If you don’t you will go where every month la July. Money talk*, It eouate. MUM) tiOl.lt PHIS*. HKK THE AH vsrtlssuaeat of Ihe Heed ftyetoni I ada>t rial Bank In tkle lease. DAEVS COLDS _ D* asr-sasgttg “ACHED & ACHED* 1 Ufrfcy. ■*■**“■■ I ngt TattiCirM WtelMf Jaggs.—’My bunk hurt •Üb* M* ffir." MM Mm. .C k Mm. «f IE IX L4fcle pinna. T nehad and aebad turtflleonld hart IjMft. I fait wank and did net feel tike doing anyth!** My work wag a grant kurdan to me. I just haled to da up the 4 tabes, even. I wag ■oniwntßt and a*tranuly nerrotm. uk.n Sl/ASa BTSJ {iff*.? 1 OardM to auSjQJLdETtaHn tn*9 why ! MtM&r Stn takihg B and l Utah kto a ap»—did nmdg f * ♦ •TmjnL ML *l* jld Folkf* Best Friend That's what many «•*!,*** asirsM'-S 4 deUctoua tit***# wHM Skivar Ale .flgpa 'ikMiaMi MM ” ginfii ddR % ftt«ifff . M your regular dealer not supply r». telephone , ' COZART & 80N, Wholesale Distributor! ML BASKETFUL OF REAL V A LUES So alluring ate tho apeclala offered In thin grocery store that you'll bring the market tiaaket along *o take advan tage of them. All the aervAnnaMo vegetable.* fresh every day. H. H. JENKINS Phones—7oo. 701 uWTiaAj, PAGE THREE Our treatmenet will tdtow you how to develop your charm And overcome the defects thgt yuy mgf- your beauty. Our' experts remove moled and su perfluous hair permaneaUx. Our special modem praceafia 1 »t your service. us aid you to kxik your beautiful beat. ».«** "tPauneT PABfrgj., PROFESSIONAL BLDG. * ... i. r iw. 11 11 ■■ "i iwawdaehn -JULY 20tb Till Augwt 1 OURSTOIfe WlLLfcfil. / ' A R I ff < M g'VB JR JHP|h tt HC tK* 'wf r <4» ». HftAr •r.'ilritii (it* I AND aj ISNT!REtJ Rr -•» »ii> <'■».*J v*iw**t apdK •• •’»•»<■ t »•»•». a (ivt.ir *o* -hvL IK . wr cilAD 1| OflUr ," « •4 * *• • s-a* a*tv><-f he«, ALL THE g . ► FROCKS AND 1 r ENTIRE STOCK TO CLOSE t OUT | THURSDAY, j FRIDAY AND SATURDAY BE SURE TO BE HERE Joseph’s Exclusive Shop

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