PAGE FOUR .A * ♦»»».««>»»•■ **•*»* ** ? . ( Vn Yifffci||iif nJHWDt MoiKillV W tht* t -* V ■" if #7 N-* jEfo '^IJIJA dHh THAN EUBIBE-Beerrti t^EHEr T M r «rn tt*» wr n>». ••' <— »“'• 4 tte Wiywn orrttn. jrjSBSSS ! , rwKHWi toJN • gmt dsel more •2W*£rs!nr ,, * r M It Is NN M«i to torn, therefore. ) I an Hmth osbsHas cities, urn parti* ■r Southern i hop* that t* n#hu has • rollns. tt Is the Htslci fnrto %“ lit too of 4be Istlon More *1 riiik'i of IMIUOS. 1 «s» important highly aatls [l— inry Mia of <l* now rates to I Btot thny apply Is both 41r*ctton» nNrurty a shipper could obUin s 1 tOAsper r«tO Ui SM»)f Instance* aton lylsg to one direction than bo cgpM |ps A||ggH« kotiHi ibo iim ! jg tools to the opposite 41 root 100. Tbs mmm nm «r# th» turn* batwean ■Mli patefs, «<M(k«r tb* shipment* jk Mat or want or sank or south Wkt* *a4tel»*ly m 4 lastly ranwrH >b«H*ttac ■Uwwi la this JMM Mr J yWßßkir ot iwn. f Tb* moH (MaaaiUl and ter ! Iraachlag affect of tba Comm Nain a MpcMea to tfcla miM»ray i. tkat in raanlt* la putting t»to affect owe WatlorM * a a . - jo, J - « T****® 1 ® iifl uatvaMki #w or riifi. ! tMUflkf •• MMMd* **•»»<. •*> baar tka MM. Id tka Jo*f«al taMMNr*«kada that It ta the expects • M of «ka imaraua Commerce ■talk era -ht*U* will au ndju.t latra '"U raWi aa la aak iWai conform ** WM At I *ata »IN M« akay to adapt tka] Interstate 'r*a dor kalM Mata sbtp-1 •MM la <M» of %a maay mwnatlsm.l HffJtkO I atari to determine Moat of ] tka tofa M bo aiiMtd find It kaata katdaaa .Mr krtmupau ratoa ffll/ «* at_pa«jM#l go lof* «ka» those I w*. u" '^* r J . Aav' ’ -f 4. ** ADVANCES' AM 7 , | ANNOUNCED BY COOPERATIVE Initial Advance* Oh Cattail Witt Average •& Par Bale Mod* Tkaa 1924 O' '■; , . A MILLION BALE CHOI* A—rial Into Looks For Ahaoat A Million Bale Crag Tide Year * RADKIUH, Aug, It—ls a r.-gulsr monthly session Ttweday. tbs beard of directors of tba North' Cartotoa I'ottoe Drawers Oooperatlvs Assarts “on authorised tha fsllowleg Initial •drawees to ba mod* to mtmbero on delivery of Utt ere# of oouoa: «r* Oa aotoa owleMsg aee asaaeo p»d up inn. r,t Os boles wotdbiag U1 to m pound. w m «s bstos srsgpbtos til to tM pousph, -o-e t « . Ob bstos weigh tog tei to 410 pounds Mien. Os bgiet wolghisy Ml to Me pounds rtrtne. • > a ; * ddaase* *•!■■§ **** !* r * o,> " wil shlt»ssi V. upiag to iwdace l|#r Wtobor* to giev tbo right lygo'ef' •ootoxion meaeasw.ui Is to conge* <Wb wlfh all other atoto msyaub pooh oggrer Abe |df goesd bale «s 'fttodMo sad tb adhere strictly i«y tar ngMlvto4«pri'*NMtoda atm toto of putting only IS pound* or 4 to>4o Igto* to o dee wtotod hods. There eeeer t‘* s stare wist slurs idea caM-ied vttotod t« tae artsus es Ha firgass lb«t they could sett bagging saddles Hr**jr a veay ratable produtT « At ifiM noas ato esvw yarda of two pound bagging and sU ttoP 4i ulflolent wrapping for a Md pound. Hth. the noopnrntbrss bevw beaa sUrning the fatal of suadoMlglsg Hon asd Mrilean llg 8011, and got. “•MB away tram tbo exempttaaeUjt vgrtOtlea asd alee the, long HbPle letontos, la order (bet they flight popduceto b.s, # ho<ji<to typ* tt, cotton that Is so touch . d~dred by Csrolin* mnuufarturort, as well as the typsi that are so much In foreign demand. To show j/kH m ooaure of I sucres* they art meeting with to this tto.fl tbw cotton senoc Ist lon* bond N%ctorr tl.evo Hies of «tapl» cotton of various nud sundry types during Its 4orto yearsi -epernitons. Tins eras oat dawn to l,oeu balsa toe oeeead *e*r gad toss tbao 50U bales tost ysar Mr. H. R Robertson, tke Bremen reptoeentetlvr of tbs American Cot toe ocower* Exchange, was In Hal elgb today, and commented somewhat et lsogtb os the reputation that North Dgbolln* coHon was Obtalntog Is Aatototsy end in H*raise titottH cew ,c** _ . 4 WllNea Kola Crap Wkat will ba thr total cotton crop of North Carolina for the coming Ooaioav* Tkta qwr><k>n wan put to each faatd»4r kr lh« board of director* of M* North Caroline Cot fen t»ro«v*a Cooperative Asaoclatlon by General Maaapar Blalock. Tha general aver »l‘ opinion of tba board 937,337 bale* General Mincer Blalock **- prfbaail tba opinion, however, feat »ka crop 4nauld ba at laaat to.uap b*W* MM* than th|i v*ttmate Now Official A. M. Unit, formerly secretary iraaaorar of tka V/m. U Ou*t* lotion Company .pa# wtoatod **Ue hm>ii > i lOf «ka Mental OarotMa Cotton «rww l»rs Cooperative A‘social lon today at I a meet lag of >ba board of dlractor*. Nr fwMgn ta h tatM" man Os con Iridarakla waparleua*, having Wen to I cat ad tar It* past »avara| poor* at, lUraanabaaa. aa Htfrtwy of tka Wh | U Oanta Cottaa t ompgaymmd repte- I «enaaowa of tba tfratmakaao dlotri*t pit la tba p«vposa 4f Man cooperative* l.b »»ka a atnaapar Mfort m gol"g, Jhftar direct nW baMM« Ml* *aa*ao I Mad matUk large Imalaaaa milk tba Ib kUp ' ipMßHad wHh ] |ke different typaa of gotten r*«u«r*d Iby tka 'liferent manufacturers Br- I lore becomtM secretary-Imeagre r iff 'llka km u Oatfi t’oMoa tTTmpntr (OMteued on Mnp» FNk> snaM-s^*sseSS-«3nn-o-<>ssmmnnWSSOss-<--n2s^"^3sSmSlSewS3^ wto mm ... .■ H ii. ■s, .1 ms ..■ i S'mi W- W'SMn, ■ 1 SpiTORlAt ?49.¥ ! THE GQL&Sf*©BO * - 1 " —— ■ ■ M ■ > ' .. ' • ~ 1 1 ■ fi ■(•• ----- d f; I I SIS. I 11l i ~to»NMK! Ig.t wewb T 4 to to to *1 4d4AV4£ bom. dtowvtog s # -0 * ON «A .plea. v r> • • • e s • £UM -be toblß. , . * * IS » TO TddiE « wigiMns 1 '*« WWW THIS YEAR. ° and Yesterday. , I HAPPBrit IV . • o e , A MOVED t • ■ to s o ■* A8 WELL os . sensible SCHEME. ** * *' m see AND I was walking. tot e e AU>NO JOHN stswot. ■-f* 0 o AND 1 ao< a ma«. ■ ■ own WHO TOM) to*. o o e THAT HE Mbs' wdrkln#. atototto ON A Mg dost. * \ onto AND IT was bis policy on# WHEN HR hdd toatotbtng Mg a- * '*’* TO PUT acroas,. .'t ... ■ me* To PIND solo pars an. 4 ' to #■• o WHO WHS bro Mb. i p f D_i_L AND DIVE him. >l ... »' A MMsDAR bUi. # 0 0 0 TO QIVE bfto took * »gp w o AND AFTER 1, ~ ; ~ I SHEARS AND PASTE 4^“J oferllln "nil yAh and ~Ytli: * > COHHVH Sr , n Judges cnntiht be tbo strict in tha safercemeat of tlio tbw ogsMst drunken drivers of autnmeblie*. There is no gfenter menace to adlr ty on Mae public highway than the man who "tanks up” uno booling Itq nor and then undertakes' to dries a ,cgr. Hardly a week passes that wrecks and dewing* to persons and psoporty are not reported somewhere In North Carolina *s n result of mixing gas •nil hootch. The other day The Journal pub. Itabad a dlapatcb from Ita Nfadtaon orreapondent In nn adjoining calm ly. In wblcti he related the tmgsdy «f havoc wrought by two ttrlvars First they ran into a atora an tbe "Ide of tb* road and almost aarctMtl •■d I n aimfiuK It from ita kMttta tlona. But. undaunted by that thrill ing experience, they proceeded ion, their wild ride down tba highway un til (bay collided violently »lUi Mid other car driven by a peaoabla.ldW-1 ■biding cltlaen. Tbe report a*td that when the collision occurred Ibe drunken man ware driving «■ Ibe wrong aide of the' road. Tba victim of their escapade was akeidwtely kelpie** He was obey. Ikg all the r«lrs of the road when ha wa s at ruck. Fortunately. In this Instance the occupants of both atpo mobllee escaped with their Uvea, Frc fluently owe or morn are kith* When the druuken driver rant wild on the street or highway. Tba truth la. a man nmtaeh with revolver or kaite 4a leap dMgi i inns than tbe Intoxicated (map at'the Wheel of nn automobile. The fortner May Injur* some on, but tine Mtttr fa almkat ante to kill or nmim far like i hoe* who are eo fmfortouaie aa I* r*i in bis way. . , The duty of the Judge and Jury in the case of the drwwhew dnver ta ipMM. Such aa otfnMer should navwr ho tat off with a Haw. He should ba enquired 'to pay Me foil ptHBIIy ul tka taw Par Ma olfeoee. In otatry ta Mass ba abtmM Mrfelt bis rtlcemu <• krtva «ar at least owe yn*r, tapd ahouM ba mqulrW to msrve a ran aowahU prlpap nuiu VW tfta* baa paaasd. tr it wwar wat mkap Jwkgns taw a—id ta bni unlaw *'* l p » ■ TWB CimtlitWlo NKWI ■■■MaaWnMSSM-MMMMS ".j~r iiisul e--«« HAD cYJMVnt< r;i) him. THAT 1 dtd»l bgv. a coni ’■ ■ uto A • ~«i HE PRUMMtk.B 0P ./»• •ty' . WITH THE dollar.. ♦>' • * • , AND WENT on higewnf. -i ‘ •*> i# AND I fssl wire. *. . e *"e l THAT IT will b*‘ ! A LUCrr diftat ' b % * AND 1 would vubdvsi * ' e to - . ! THAT HViiHY man m OeMsboeo, • *** *’ . t .WHO 18 trying 4 9 4 TO UUOftK fm* i-Ufl JJJt’M." . .. MMT DRlVto aswun<l. Ygefjewtoya* to ' H TO TUI NRWB «Mco. Re * it * »»■♦>*<• t 0 AHD PMCStoNT mat .Otoe 3 WITH A dollar bill. ... lilurr EMM) Lank •to rev | rtofn • • ♦ AND IP I tots got. * M * •’> • ABOUT TWENTY BIVK men. pan TO POLDOW this hunch. • • • POR THE se«b fbw days. f • -'-M- *♦ ed*. l Wn.t. he in H«e I • • • FOR A" ffW days, vacation. | - ? T"r:^Ti^p£. l - \ -- ‘ AT OROVE Rark lun. 1 * righe* • , | OR SOME otto?. ■ i A suttt '■ 1 'mi & e ’ to • - *. FAT MAN S psl«^. | I * ! I eVo I THANK YOU —u—mmo-ws— i i . «■■■ With men w cndslkier life and ftnvlng an gft<>. meMio while uedvr yto tedueme ol Mnmioes to mw-nMdlus ettleoes k do wM In tt» pbwtojr ( *tu prefect (bow from ibis epoetes.wirm’fmlnelii. n |||H(stqf Journal. rKii>t#*r*Ti: * 7 ■ North fa roll nn . sOJukH a grd*t r deg re* of pruepekHf. pear after y«tar. year M sad yeps out. than uiotl, of tb* other atnten of tk** fJnlon. ‘ihpro la no rcol di»ireaa -wf great uipttal tude «vr' In nodurlng OI(j' North Hut*, and tba reasdat la not difficult to flwd. When the geocttapkifal poaltutn ot the state la txifp Waned with Ita til. malic and other pßktral advauta#i«. which aaiktwc* fflll topograpkhuil forma from ->ishore to mountapi. It can readily be tuderalood (lust Ifotlh Carol la a pr.-a. nta mal-opimr tun isy, t« •all who have the Mitlff|i«a pnd the ■dtpergy to wraat foroa awHige Hlpne tfaiuga which mape auccesaful ipul happy living. these appwpwait »ee are lielnr grasped, and i>» North-ttaridlba s okn talks, la wvtdsai In ecanoa sad aurtey Kpecial i > I »;i v ExeurekMi Farm To JERHI>:Y (WttOT REKOttS Via And CdßllNtlMir Jaar 31 July 1. T/Jifßß » Awpteu 4. 13. 11, n. Heplemla-r 1. 9. Final luult II daya Including day. of note. Mosand trip far* frbnx «V»ldaboro. N. C.-~ • , r ... > Via Norfolk *nd Nall - V $16.78 ' Via Norfolk ' aad B*rttniora or Wash In gum . $15.65 mrae hi long ißranck »H*« h‘gh a If / ( orrenpiondlpg fnp|jmpn oOter a«a- HOBO. j iTg, >• *•- lufortakMfef n mpplical W U " —| “*•»• \ . - awMhli • ■*- ' .u TT* nm,,m T*ir- r —r ,,,, i*‘"«' ■'■ ■■ v Wii Aliifc. ,+L Heavy, Heavy, HwiaOwf ttintfaiiri .-- * ’■* ‘ •'' ii * i <t—i. - ———.. ■ ’—-—. irwtosrrviapiaj,; statistics which show 'that thin gtsti has da of ndtlvw* horn rrstdsnts eg.,l|s:i *uy utbte, an< uior« MHUr must tlgUs. Kefcr T» ’ Heels trfd Hum they must go mm hit. the woild tafWh fortune. Yet lim wraptt Os North CeroHUi 1 dps S ggnrruus people* « peofio rb* dy «o dbore witk others ifte rich opirngluaillen they posattos. tod ho* ■ •Md* they *re ilbenc upper t until** North Carolina If grow If K *» tognance end In Importance N. stgtv kgs fmde creator progroo g kfm Mneg wbicU .urogo.i* grown WSd. prosperity Misu Uuro “pa. ■-. , , t Mock of tb« many Isctors that h** ' cenlrlbuted- no muftnr, by WUs me* the factors may b<- called i ’ •we thiag: civic pride., A t arOlbs lea m*y go to nay place lu the worh' nud It muKea no dlff. i < u‘« liow s|d«u d.u. h«w witUlylng, how t*« place may be. you will bear tins Wr 1 ’ kauwu rslrein: NOTICE O* KEIWI I. BV PIULI { e— UAWN | ! North Ciiollai^:u I W«yh« County. IX THE WTPHKIOR COI RT i utrofui, <94e ci.e be , KID a bell) M. Brefaeglv dUMida. o« of H. % Bre*ea»*. dno»»*4 **• O*- ”f».' Hatley it. Brmaeale, MNtStc Jeffrie* J. Ft»nk BrMUtMt* and wlf* Tt*' l ‘ cli O'md V. H, Brea . *«al*> and wife Beaaie Brvaatote ’ Kua»l« B. Sullivko and hu*b.«"d, As T. BulUfou, JUOI Aadetsou, Mm •to Holroyd pod Kaypjon' Hftiroytl. W»ddy Andeesou uii 1 to if* Margaret Ai>der»on, William Aader aon and * ifv Mai A'"** ron , belts at tow of M. T Breeacalh, dcj TV* 4tofe«dlfltn. BMP) B Bven*4ale{ Macule Jefftle*. J. Punk ‘B*va*e»l« and wife Prancl* llreen Hr> axaalr, C H Br«ai«ak and wife lt»*ik ftr.a xeale, l(u>sle B, Sullivan «ud hu» band A. f. Sullivan, James Anderao" Mnincto Jielroyd and hunb<uJ, Riy inond Holroyil. Waddy And»raon and wife UatiaM Anderson. William An da map and toil*. Margie Anderson, the defendant* will take nolle* that actsoa a* above «"titled haa been 1 •ooiinpncad la tkn Hap»iu>r Court 01 Way a* County.“ North Carolina, to , allotvd to the petitioner few dowvr ,ji the real property Os M. T. Brea nealr. daouaed. Bluett In Wayne and Sfetnpeoo count lc« and tk* aald da r f»n<ti"t» will further taka notice that Wiry an required to, appear at th> Office pf the Clerk of Superior Cotiyi o,' raid coenfy In the Court Bonne 1* In ftoldabotn, North Carolina, <>« the 7th day of September, I*ls, and »n -- *wer or demur le the petition fU'd In aald cauae, or the peMUonev erfll • apply to the Court for the r«l|*f jda mandvd In aald petition. Thia Aha i«t dap of Aunant. «WI. JT, |L KOOIfS. , Clerk rfepertor Own, Wntoe County MBMHSR OF THE ASSOCIATBD HUMS Tfc® AuoAifld VresJ I* elfciuA*# mIVM t* ,J ; Ua uap 10 |»liiicat«« ofail HW» 4M|l| it, or not ortwrwiM WiiNlAi* ' poper. uni) also all Uv other local ne«a<oM§tluMd „ ' heroin. All rights of n*pu location of apaoial. , 1 disputcW s*Mrve4,. ■ - ■«--■'■■ ■ ’ ■ - *■■ *-- «■■■■' "*4 »■*" **+ ■ ■ ■»■• *»■*« ■ 1 » **"* »■ ■' ■ rw.rc.j I *•!'■ a T*r H*«l bora awl a |T«r I Heel bred— n -V I Stii'li Is the spirit or th* North re»rolini»ns A spirit iif.prld*, a lore I of home, and'a faith that Is unshaken I —Wiliu.iigton Dtapatfh I *~ .. ■ ■ - —->■ * - T~ -I HI. ' —l,, ■ I '"" x<^araL2C33x.Tt:—r^-; 1 .1 t —t WAtjT Affgl All W ANT AD%4M CAME HM) NOT MB W VB'AIMMiVMH <*• Regular Type Hike tbla) lc Per Woed R> ,W> a*^ Large Type (Hk« thlß> 2c Pw Wtrt. If an error la made The MAW* It redpoßttbt* for oilly oh# tniertloa j The ruetomer la responsible lof subsequent Insert ton. The adtertlber should polity imn&Ulatuiy if any correrct'oa la needed. If lon Want Qihli Heanlla, Adventtaa Ueta vr" 1 :! wroirt -twit wr.m +wr iamm lioti An town. Between WOOlWofUa and Ten C«wt Store und kjuto » Department . Btarv Rrt'e renpfi-I able. Store known aa the J ,D : I Mint* la Store He, ton,. J, -D -linn. toto. !•«*#•. .IPS KaM < water Bf. ri»K MUC PUR Cl Sit OB Tlkß,; .. &, moel itenirnble loin in Path fkD ties. Jdoftly corner lota. Apply Sol laaaCH. , •U f e WWW:, nh BKifT-maiT mmm tion in tewn, hetwepa Woolwtwth Hve and Ten cent atote aud Elll«' ! O pjrfm nt store, prim reaaonahle Store Unowp aa |h, J. U. l»aW*l 1 itok! See Mra, J.Jft nantel, U»f«, ' Iwl CtHt t enter Street., 811 ii — T" j tfTLk IS RKtTHiNIIKU AN PHI 1 world t fr wtoal food! Bur npeefal-! ty la prodnriw milk equally IfU tor C iu(into a«f prownupti. We produce ' II A»ure, Hilkreet Perm, W. C B«»»fe, prop. • Vl« i6tf *»W* 188 BKNT—I OR I BIHIBN IN I jlnenuynl by party wRh no <NiIU <lt*-u. Will rent ch«ep to r.yht party. Three of the roetua are down stairs. All convenience*. )n-- rtiidins perape. Address P. 0. Box fiu*. Ooldaboro. N. C. IS-Ct c WANTRB & BEN AMD HOREN TO aril silk dnqMWs. ailh under wear ami sanitary rubber sends Curiosity eeektrs need not apply. <’!«•»• m Mills On.. Star, N C. 108 RENT IT RhlNlil 0 HOUR A. Steam heat. r|oa* in. Us# of far msi, 3»& Wen Aah'st. Phone JU J l-9^pd I FOR BINT PBI'R OK Vive ROtms I duwn'tfclra, Jlse'euabl rent. Phpaf l -*7O J. Alhr ONE OI.NIR-INt; TO be ( Oil'll . ed dn AlCehra «t*e. Maybelle M ,ao%v|>. WW w. Vine at. I t If * V - - 4 ‘VHmI raiDAX W»INIW6. AUOUW 11, itu : i ■ ■■! ii "* ,ira OR - • ~rm r-*-':— 9*9 'M» '.¥" 1 r * ■'■'iMMia im>iie e . r Utmißßb —-amMBBBD ikUR baßtos with, the .name thlttd of loud you eat If net why n»ve totsnu the Kano- kind of noth yon drink"? Be ho j Dairy tw« furaiah yob spaniel Baby milk. Phone S 3 US tr l 4 '\' A *»??♦ w-f ' * -*rh COR rale: OAR RIR4IK «N «4oit condition, cheap. Apply, 4AI, North Jamek stredC ( -EAI; *t lOR J.NNEX COAIRf *frH «n« H*4 «**lder ,t I a bar Suit, and oh. H •Mel. Duplex I'Hsewa, ‘RPtven only I ♦•*«« tUlle*. a* 4 berirato. ytrown Auto and sappiy Oosßptuy. fll-lt — | i,*e>Ml«i l l i vw« b»;»t A mvA Mw«/wm private bath, .nd'UtodK.Btißßli, for f sentlnnpn only. lAbply Kpt.un* j 353-U. WANTED FIRST Cl. ABM ikiftC man t„ neii ib,- d< ( men’s mad* to nwiMry rHIMr In ’ America, direct tj^ rs cunpjfjier at „ wholesale prices. Pull : f **An must be producers. Big pay for real salesmen. Address Bales Ban *s?t Box 87. Star N. C. VJ BAn WAT BfNTNti. BW»«N« CAR conductorr, (mbit.-) Colored '<jprt »r», whiter*. T!rp f rt*nne •ary. .Aupt. 12S Hallway I Ksnaa, City, Mo ,1 WANTED EVWV MHANHUTIFR'TO knew IRat we d* the whole taUßf finished handle M U rente pM Ih. Thle Inetnden herd epUarx Wlyne > l-nnnlry * "ftry cleaners. Phene , H7. HiR bent mm ROBB end I bath .ApanntoDi tp goo d «el<l tor hetd Reasonable rental. 4 >ply i ' News office. * 7. i-ts ~j - ,'i .■ to COOD RUE NPXLI.R Hfl TIB - hMNR. cnod health epelßi «| nger • i life. Drink more milk, but sure i.j H to "fi mflk Hlßdreel J am. Ii W. C. Spence, Prop.

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