FRIDAY MQRMINfc A^UgTIAIIU Urtm Wffl Phy WMm In teter-Cwnity Today w . * . - mm I ■ j ,j i' Pikeville Cmm9 ft Goldsboro For Game With MounfctliWWs Dtoaalt Says AM lipkn Ta Bo I* Um-U» Al Fsur TUo Afternoon / BDGRRTON WILL PITCH Jr Iftiowl Son To flow Hid, Eureka PUy.^UOrafQ, ' Y H*M|(r Dorset* •■■oub cod loot fklfht ‘hot urMr who n»W*jd to « IHM bofWeca Oak H«l|k(i aW wouU otrtataly regret U tor l it MMiw of tfc* tr d«r» Ho Mated . | Uw OU bio resuten would bo bock la to* liar-Of, sad that « number «T aoo bcM might bo bo«a. Mbnrla W|Wtoa will like If draw th# hueiioe assignment. which a«Ma that Pfto »•**• will hr ao dmu kara o walk <>»•*. MkavUlo to a prrarat raoetiag coarfertnbly la oecood pteco. white tko Mountaineers art tied with tip wood Mr foarth place dpieeror. os Ohawa bjr tbo Moot Tartar oT (teb ■olibu bp tbo aweb-obaood U •as to 00 *terrMtp 4 Mch, A*y] pm t 9 yea woot to ora > nuL «•*■* httOf po«i Obartor wttb poo t& the Wllliooi street park, gad root CLBAHMF Mr tbo boaw bora! , WOt B aid, who Joarnorad t« wti Xffimm yesterday far a faara wttb o city too* ‘bar*, raortetag (Meld** A 14 to f Urktag, will trob tbo Rjfefftßl *• •*** B*. Qrooao cou" ty boooboll otrobgboM, Mr o toralo Mb it bolder* of UUrd place. «a#w JWI will cortotalr Oobt bard far tht* IpOtt ra a rkborp ter bar sad a to (m, Mr Pthoritte would pwt tbowi In hMpad pteo* ilirawntl stmt •idft •* os-srtra bo loobod m fbr •••d rral lopaottioo Tbo mrootera cao tte Soow Hill for tkUd«Ueo hr < WWblb* todop, oadf, with that la otlad, wtlT not bo Menard M m»V,. (V Job of Hektag tboai aa oaop o»o for Baew m H»f*i tbo big gate«l ft* ioodir. Cur oho, will plop Loiraagl, Mr raUdr chiaptooo. It to oadorttood that tbo Loaglg couaty boy* bbra boon outtc “••Bw MS* Map Hcbod (Mi Helgbta last faodCop. gad Dr. WbMtote btfaeh bottpp apt taao *nrtMao liwaaii Tb»p cart Moa top jteofttbo, bat o driest for tboai sad a wlo for Ctkortlte would pjoco th otww sh a tte Mr tbi load Tbo inhaMtegto of ‘k* 'tbttdbii Spot* mar apart dio *o9*. did r(ig up o wtu orar BOitthi Who Mow.’ abbytces AWWii Pcwp > *1 ■t roapKpATrrei > , (Cooaooud frobi prgo t) h# Wfs Oohleeted with Chao. O’Neill A Com poor Os Bpnrtaaburg, 8. c. Mr. Jaraaa,lo o aotlra of York, f. <*., •** . o graduate of DuvMboo College. Ho , prill toko up bis aow duttra with th# \ aaooelation obuot MaguM » Mr. M . man *uc< -*fd» Uhitect Ibfiu, who ho* htea HHSy (bo position of rates noaaaor lb o aio«t Mtiefeetory nftir f pot for tbo post t|m reort. Mr. Jdc- Itoo baa decided to return to hi* raraaor braao— N ENGINEER ON SOUTHERN DAYS LET KARNAK DO IT ou Are ling Good Just Take A Tip From Me and Get , Karnak—This Medi- A . YoJUlm" Say Swift™ >. | • * .’f? Sin John C. Mfltoo of 10« Mu I Ihrry street. Ormv<ltt 8. C.. popu engineer m> the Bombera railroad Ur Dm put eleven yeura: i/M ydu are no* tooling good. just MM ■ Up from m and fuSOinak eeUiia mMMa* will h yon up—and han't b# long about |t either r “I want you In know for tM pant UNO yanra | i«iwM from neM atom, feh and indigestion' eo> bid I «QUt|- n’J *•( a stogie niaol without botup V misery lor hour a afterward,’' m ttpoed Mr. Milton. ’ Sour can would %!» on my stomach la anch |M* \ Slkn H aoalf make mm Stock the tfdrat kind, and them would be. an UfUul dry. burning aaaaatlon la my J.. . ..a Hd.. , ,j*rt -.IH *• *> 11 » “ ... HOW THEY STANb Cite: W. L. M Baraks. f S TM PMoolUo ... K *>..... | • |Jf tew KM. 4 t .M Oak Molgbt* I « Os b too wood a a ut LoCroato 1 a ,187 VtaMM CteM»r ;<Ui w. C. Fat Portsmouth 00 a .871 w 11*00 at 48 .(87 !**• m .Bav Richmond 84 M .ill l|orhr Mooot 88 88 lif Ktaraoo if #f ttj Clßioi W. L. Pet "Hr** 5 » mS \ £ « Z floltohurr V,. 18 18 SM Or**n«bor o If -If ,«TS ®tekßHp ■ SI ,HT t. <t M PMlodMpblo * 78 M .888 •Whhhh* ........ ... ti dd .ass Chicago M n as# Itelrott 84 88 .4S« it. Loo to ft H 488 «H*Brad> Si «s 481 Hr* Tork .. 88 81 Hi Mm ß I» 71 .888 ft V tVhr! • i"« • ftetk*: w. a, hr Ptttibar* 88 da .118 Now York 81 87 JBB' Ciooteotto IP 48 .Mi Brooklpa m it .488 A tedO:;>.i ft m .fit Pbllodolpkto «f M .888 cktesgo 87 ft MS IMMoa 88 88 Iff ftliwe They Today raff, Caret* ot LoOraago. A Edgovood at Bnorp MM tot?*- - .•■ l mMttHp Mob* at > PoMemautk. #lboa ot BteMbOmdl « RMky Mooat or Ntdoh. :." ~ u * b » j* 1 ** »*y DoarlU* *t Grgeaoboro. Wlo»ton Mtg at taiMMrp. Rdtelgh at fßglMbi. > it. Loola at Cterolokd. New Took ot Wo*hl*(too, PblMOipbi. b» ttootoa. MUi Btooklra ot Mow Too. Bootee at ftttodptgi* Clacinnoti ot Pittsburgh. Ck,c**o at it Urate. *> - ■ .mi .r.. » lO >od Wffl he oot MU rad Wttb i E. u •kaoi *oi ohbri da odcrolaoMtrooeur- P «f (M ftrraatkora fflafokouee * fflnra'f* Gompgay At wffl also oa pogo la tRo basiooab a cot ten ttc fftf aIM 0 cotton aterrkoat, dealing •xcte*ltruly with merchant* and «h|p- P* r *. hot will act ragaao la tko hunlueo* of 8 MR skipper. i mi—i a- -m.--* ». t-fr- .... ... . ' 'JMy appetite wan neat U nothing *t aft and utr Ifttor w»i eo sluggish it dldnt a<Mm to net. I just hnd such a drawey. dellfbuftog <M tha Mad. I didn’t care whether ‘school kept’ or not. “Well gtr 1 heard a* mac* U* ■Mut this Karnak, f decided to tty It. and I want yoo to know I hadn't flu tihed my Amt bottle bn dale I was anting a half donen biscuits for break, fast and wasn't having a bit of treu. ble dttb ny atoneb at a||.' ”114 toll the world Karan* hao knocked my acid stomach and twdt ganUoa akr high. My opreUts nara ly «adt bo boat none and- t-'a* gatn lag strength and weight every dap rki kd Wta a new mu. and I gMMWt ■r engine now wm i eprtmg Ml pop ta my atop that l didht Met «i. torn I got Karnaf. Yea air. If ah,- body la looking ft* a tufa re flat from stomach trouble, all they want to do Is to gat karnak—lt’ll do the raat.*'< L • *i i •* a • ► t- •.* Gelds boro Drag Co.; and by tM lan*, lag drag stores. ** + U ** * > *"*'* n/ J ' ■mgr WtLl. DEFEND TITLE SOON f Laat Day of Mgttlk ' BKBTCH OP CAKBER » e»o. <t» raw * t 1 ’ —+■ *•* • PMM AHrrM fluffai ftg RM Bvwatfal Carter; Bogan t Q«iU Young 1 r * o Air saH ckaaptoantelp 'al bko Alaui Cogalrp dab, Ptttn bgfflb. r*. Aagwnt i| M aogtOffl brad.) 1 OAK MONT. Pa.. Aug. II (tty A.*o dated Pram). —Robert T. Soon*, Jr., . *r OUpater Stocky llttl# rararno of Ifflf raMfotitwa. to w*lf prepaid *o detogd kta notional amateur title at tb* OMwmat Country dak la «o° tuornomnat storting tko loot day of this montk. •okkp’. recorn |o touraomeot med- I iMaad raatch flap for 4* lost (oar IMH* ouado oteao aa# dour** dHfft 1 . •Ab t# to-tko amot coa latently kPU ilaat of American golfer*. Ha to lob *d second to tb* oottoaoj open three raota ago. woo it ta ltu, totebed raedid ogola In 1924 sad thU roar ot WorcWder he woi defe*t >d for tbo j dfatnnohratp by r.'ju,,, Mrrfirldbn. only ego dip wurtlft it prW- ; Merfnooi and t*e tm-t'er »!tcr M cffTo hbles boa it* a plofed i Mas fcrt, fane* bbo gro#a op la golf, wta- . aiug his drat touraoment la 4tlt at the ago of egM-g t|gW chUdron’a •—r "K 14 Q~W — N' g r J Ji -...— v MM, WR I H/ V L' fc it may be hard tear you to reaJtae that whMh at Afar knoraa* I motor drive of Aahevrtle there ire one hufkdlftd motifiluiMi S over one mile high! Do you wockUt they cull kAm “Laad I Am ” _ of the Sky’ > Did you know that Mt. Mftchtfit. tor jft oAH ttanee, 10 the highest point emot of the Rodti«g> And that you can drive clear to the top over a good roud> to P 0< Mt. Mitchell, by the way. a State Park. MtßLmßr 1 wKcrf vou r * n w* idea of the original forest beauty «nd wild life of (he Highland* of Western Ctrolin* , — **“ otlier intereating trip from Aahcvillu is to the —Vm „ J/W jrpAlprt Reservation. out> beyond Bryson City, where you can sag g°«ne of the daMitoigmtaof the origmol inhabitants. Near* jBP | guMPtuMf jSprtraraTC er ut bund. thfM|L%ig -Ouy beautiful dnvis «md iTiIW ( t . through the BUu|||>re Rotate of the lata George W. Vagh Hy s Hwlt tend through Itoih Natrona I Forest and Game . | IP y* Your "Stoadard** Taar Book, moiled to cowry rogiotwrdid ooitafig - *il UtoSprmg. ohowotha roods to AoteovMo from orory oOOUdn od H» UmmmmmoamJ »**tc and ouggooM away other it.Saroodng trips im Naotb nrligg m m v Wkormrar you go you win dwayo (hid H 008 yio git ' Staadgrtr (Ed rndds- migbi»»Ußkraugrarm Gaaokiw. .It io the aid reliable source of power, the cteoicu ri*tt* gSjgm mS*JT ll* . atofonty ol motoriato oa tour. At red pumps with tko huafltar ooda jMbmwkokoo no, of the “bar end circle” or the “StaiidMtl S”. , 'H It Brondwapi - J7* ' • •t > , 7 tmy ** c *l STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Afdffl /orrag) “STAN DA Aft" .-h, oao'l . f • - * ** **.’* t; •-* ’* * • ' - • ... tw ii mum if ii .ji'. eaff. ■■■guAar-srra — -,... ti-, r.i eras* la Attests, Turn bo ‘ rogsMu# bio club * MOtet mmol. «nd wbeo 19 psora o*d ho wsc'kmd tbo Rulo ot tko aotloool amotsur oh Osh ato Mates ld Davy Herton. S mad 4. la itouag |bo gaols Jons* *Umln*t cd lira Hasten , Bub Oordaor, >wdr K nappe* iM W. C ruUSM. o* ». la im ho wra Iteh In tie notional •P*» OSd I* tV amateur test U» the thee ttrttlsh chompteg, -WUlte Hun tor la tbo tbl*d round, ofter ho hod «jdßtr*dhad: rlosrace WkUf sol Dr. 6. r. Wtfflug A poor later Bobby oaeouutorad ao Irrepressible Boroaeo at Sklklo la tte not ion nl epos and Bnuked second, one son* tebtag. Then b, prorat a work tktough to Mo otmf-iaels of tte- oautear whor« bo bowed to loos r Swo*toer • sod f. i a3CTU;'r A. i.- ,• ~ , Tftei Rift Tbo year 1023 brought a dUferaot •lory sad for the grot timrahe **la td o aotloool crawa ot Inwood I" tko dpoa, oltkouoh he hod to drfeot M trute|dhaak la o playoff Ho I d tbo Btedollomr s with 149 to th# amateur, bat wont town before Max Manton In--tin third raoad. Mara too eydktiiol ly woo tbo cbampteoobip in o bottle with fhraotrar. Jones uago nn (Rorptlraol bMf"|or toaßg aoiltonl hoaeri te tbo gpoo of 1934 at Wilaod HUM, ha* apt* a profoaotatral who be for# tbo toorao raeat woo for fram a (ovorlt«vCyril Wolbpr of Kagiowwod, N. 1.. como throoab add Bobby bod to coeteat himself With oocoad plow,. But bo raaobod tko watepr crawa alter , yoon of atraggte, defooUog Oeorgo Vos Elat ot Mr rI oo ta a goal match that Mated teiy II botes, Chicago ornate to boa atate all by Itself. Aad tbsra ora lota of tolio 'which wtot to Wag dogs. i -—r. T---r» •■. re— — Wins Title w Br 9 p , rT : f ] ..Jig VV f ■ ■ Jh B * Mttoburg may M 8 omtdqr. AaSty r At* bar aor batatas JMte ora ear lately Mir eaowgb Tkte U "Him v« * "" ■"■•mmemmsm-smwwnmmo o ( , 4 Opoa air to good ter poogdo, but doa*t hoop your teot| oat ta too «fau *to tegg a< p tlteo. i-x.E . .u.» S'* riM I ww«u. w ■‘J***, N. a, Aug 11, Mt “GoUMorw News, - "tietdehoro. H. C, & •Ow Kdltor: Kill me while I'm ««pnr. | ksve pulled and pul I*4 for (#UrMgt. «M jun •• IM pullet e* all b«* Me mil us button. ph Lord*. ulatK asp Urn**, If LnQraMe 4ld«'t win • *anm. “You mt, Mr. Editor, w* are >e»r relgbbora of our keys .gf 1 to »r* thter gala sad tbelr gala oomo to or* ottr bojra and «a k#*p la pret ty <ioee tonrb with all that tore oo l> thU aoctlaw. “Wr fc-liore that should UO range win the pennant that "The Darden •par of the noHtl would Ihea ha a certainty. “l‘a» bntuag on the koaao hare. aM If a few drope es sparhltan moon skin. Will help then, wbtepnr It la (Mr ‘ten eo eoftly that the Sherlock Holmes la roar dtp won’t aeeat tho troll. “A LaOraap Supporter. ** *i j l Ranehall Result* PortMhonth 11; Klaaton I. Richmond I; Wlhtea T 111 lahtaae) Norfolk Aj Rocky Mount H, RaMgh 2; Dm* ills j (|« inning*) m. Lou It I; nitadotphta 4. '♦fwhtngton m; ctevuWM 1-4, J (Only fbrre opm played) uZL ***• fwv 1 MM t Ms York t, ptMahurnh l - v ° >1 t- WaH. Dnwwa etndh o Sakthp hMl| [I m. I W | I H I Friday aid i' W 12.48 .—*— Ladies Patent Sandals, BIJB g -■ Tma TSMee LedSs’ $1.48 ; :: r t Mr. | Men’s Dress Shoes ■■ -■■■— trn MU... ■■■— ai«"i,paiiu I innu—lß I 4"aM. Tennis Shees si.i9 * h ■—i—aw edhuwhwp lin^MMMfcp Men’s Evely : d|r Shirts f . Me, - J _ _ "S flllith x 8 * 88 M to $m . ». M fidT nils# IW **- - ■ Silk Dieses* Lsdfe’ atti Vassse* ,J 844 S |Jj Just received, hiltttf shipment ol Uklftii mm Jh' ML §m, i m PAGE FIVE

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