PAGE FOUR I A MJHOHFnON PRIOR. Ui ADVANCE * \ jki I tPnhtft hy Omlh • •«• I NfeM my monlag «mpt Monday by the f-'ff I I CWMboca Publishing Co* Incorporated. H' ' jJtwmm «» «• caicAß« I, t* es tk* Dm D ***!l~r , «■* *1 , mu a*u *t poßNe*. os twxsy nn‘ - New IM| OSMOtIVW mtMi s triumph ta tho Tf—«nT —— to "to to tl»| gomtef owes®* ttiwon *t *1 ■■am* fiesta, Oporto toon tael «Mr Cfoy urn OA at* »•„ .ton I MM» g »*j PtaeMns^^ 11 pfoi-1 to mM will to the Mposto of Its kfod I am, told ta fhta part M tte—l tty. U Win so* he totoMl to Dew- I was of ffltaeto, tat totatoou I (ran jatoM mss—su. Obt*. Wlo-1 aM«B Utf -too * a mm wth to pfe-1 Tb— wRIW * issoto P*-1 - - A ■■rtafisr -*— ta tol Ctaesos totoHfi ISU-floO**, tor-1 ||">||*tr7ll>l saptoasttoe is IMS Mb*, to wm Senator tom*, es Hub*, S BopuMto**. wto exclaimed nwtottot Tta plsmi, Ttas I W Rom tas atst P—erstto eaafo 4-to for *e Mtom: ta th* Itaa ttato eenvaptfoa to tot ggmm ikoia ] yRUHT IPT« MHW| pCv o 'o*Mi iw “ I to I* -Has, «M a*t seriously S£“T“ r €S's! XTt —wtsstass •« Mr. Mo oges SI *R hfOm*. aad tor did. Tte imgtoat tosae Itotata «f osa— up- okta Hii .(■•iltiblc f||— soea mwiftuilMl Ms Mwidaa SOMIS tetfiL sso Qev. Sagta too—* aims a* tto atariad** a«d It to MMtast *#•**£ the New Tote tTLassas* TL Urn. - rs« ~ toasas tost tala s ss* expedient A1 •atm to mss tayUhtey to sill to • fib* taaaot amyenßy primary M^fo costsol. Sat la to ewafsrsUMly te- Sasars to Os We* w th. Middle Wtota V ss;% to toesaa* tto cns •OHtat tariifal figuto to attorr eec tototo task ha to Ns* Tsi to »u«t tol the pwpta ate Mm. He siset bo «a» the to salt #t toto pereeuallty ov er the vetora of ether pit* •! tke —aptrr. ] to begtaataTbtt ***** a-etor. It ra-mla* to Si Sa- attoSsr the PM*. of other fltatae aatotao of Mew Baglaad will ,„ W(< htoe so tap ppepto of fir Psoi. |fp - * mMtootongtaSs ta sppreheea ttoi the tantoMto Om Fraud -X4|MR§RMBR»£3i w*uM hers dlffer eU etSeea to hu** ry ir 4h»j MMIIIS, M. Csilleu# tmsi V* hestto-stato h.rr., B H, / mtoto Sta rtpSto to weklsr ton \ wta aa iltoertrei will thtni h» toto atoUaat ante n vtatoeM to relSer »«rrrw It yto. II •• set Mrs* to th< Jotk toates at tas prise)pal of th< **•4m. W eras l» U« remtoalon es in wash sat s pisa wSMk' will larar papawal es (Sa pvtael—l with ree*os am tatortat rates. The cwnatoein kae toftoafi as to* ttoae apr—aeat« Sat pataepe It will tael aram or tow 5*- «"" taNMPe Pm waa tS« period »«ror< «a» tar perase t e« tt. nmuh an. agitata State. If the aeaottolon SSrs^rr^,;, to papesat Mato feaae total a i .re ar PtaM to the eeao es Mac. atato —pastor to per ie an tl CbPtaTmm SZSm ta* *l»if ist la wad, wttk tto iBPPt iPMNMI IMPP»MMPii t ' bt|lonUM I ‘Hi 1 ■. 'i-l " t—eat »i lor 1 1-1 per «e«t Thie Ir bJSialf r»eulr r ass—l psyawet of II ■earl/ lieu/of.taO Eat rreaoe cm II enelic eaeellet eneuel —n—»u at II Or* nad rotaelly toe—e the a-'ll aeeaat *f the laatolUame. tews es I «h* SaHen uy carried by mare I will he -'itUn Wlihto a tor years, SO- I rably the |relies list o*4 the coot of I I roooMirtiruen el the derM'rted ares. I Ito beiSHUiy iseroaoeo her prodse-1 I deify tho n ttta psrueou Will I I iscirree, of iM whleh ’f wWi os-I I pacitr t* p>/ ray debt t j Ibr Unltod I Idtotea. I M. Catlleui has e»non»crd that he I lie harstato sot to eam l* any I I plan which will call tor (he payweat I I of larger war than France U to **-1 I -ole# from 0— masy. The VMtedl Ttaatoe.' •» the ether head, will sot I lecrw to any plea whleh makes the I Irma psymesu ooattogest apes I I reperetiospaymesta hy Oensaay. The I lagroomeet which Is to Mserge from I I the pceee>t o*»teeesn will be •! I ilraishtout aadortaklsg os (he pert I I of Pres—, without relates— to Oor-1 I masy. The eegettotare, hewtrer, can I I take eegstasSee es the pepalsriiy es I Itsrgrr reperstto* poymesto ee Oor I I mesy ton—ee her aothrltie*. end I lesa ermnge lev ne toe—toe leklel |ef lastslimeate ee too pen es Pra>— I , I M. Caitaaez ead hie eOUeegsM I Jhsew whet le expertsd of them. They I fldM eat torn here te eehde maktoel .Isa agreeswat peeaihle bat they will I .1 awks It.—WeSMsgton Peat. I fiBCBID gTATEHBVT 01 STATE I DEFICIT MITER BY MUIMN (O—taeod from Fag* 1) jtfoa so aet euiy fata*, but utterly I ridicufou*. Ylimt they call a la** I ta— is vary largely tb* state es tbe I Iweetmoat Aooount due to having I* take bask th* gto*t farm ta Hall | tax eeuhty, erduralsk it with stock. I hapiemeet*. etc., and that th* r*al I operaUag I— at th* Btoe Frfooa by I nay fair aysqm es Accrttatlng la aet I I taiga, aad uutor all tb* clr«um I oUncoe dto*fod too aumagameat by I fo* «r*nt Board of Director* whleh I bate bad It ta ebarge. I Bm *s Hu Mta es tome the Btato lof North Carolina hod great feme la tha Asylum far tbe colored people I near Oaf debar*; at tbe Bases r* North 1 I Carolia* Asylum for whites on Dtx IHUI ta ta* eubUrh* of the city Os I Bnletgh; at tbe Caswell Training I acheai tor toehlo mlatfod child— I soar Btoatoe; at the Asylum tor tbe I whit# race near te city at Merg—. j son end e—ral eber tastttution* had 1 —tiler forma. Tb* er*ps were all 1 ”lalb-bjr'' or n*orlr N wjd 30th or I Ju»*. The forme wore sfmfoad, and I vie oil bought up*e Oeuerol Account I Th* D*paitmefot» I* RaMgh bad 1 masy tbou**sds of dal lor* worth of I valuable torstoklngk, eupplfo* on band lots, nil bought on Ovootol Account, I ivcf .II u-ovlnii »h-.u„«hrin Ib* McLean Admtaietratton la or- I riving at tb* Indtotodnoe* which U I sail* “Accumulated Cash Debit Bai lasc* of U.tlUll.H. a had th* t*tle lef th* Mat* all paM dh *f Jus* Nik .lovory —t *f tadvbfodnme diufo at I any fitot* InsUtuttoa* fully paid off, land all written Into th* g*a««4 ao- I CMS. auppUos of gran value w— on I hand at th* tw*aty-*dd gr**t ehari iltahlo Institution* of th* fitot*. I am ; Malta fidoat that th* property on , I band boaght upon Ooneral Account II exceeded ta value by tar th* Deficit of , I 91,Am»t.m. 11 Asks lures*eg) I I h*v* asked tke auditor of tk* 11 Btato, Majpor Durham, to her* on ta . I rontory ms» of the amount of pro -11 Petty which tho BUM* ewued on Jute > I fifth, aad to nopnrafte that bought up lon goneral account from pnrmanoat 11 lmpr*v*m#at» bought upon bond I*- i •#**. It mum he hop* U mind that • j foie eo-callod cash defiict ta gem—i ileesMut Is e running account com tag , I fro mthe misty p**t All of tbetpro -11 petty owned hy th* Btot* which wee , I net bough from bond issue, sad son* 11 was, exoopt permanent Improvements 11 was purchased oa general account. 11 Who—to i I think th* cttlxon f I ehlp of th* Btot* can fool that *a th* r I fifth of Ju*o taet. crodtttaf th* o ■ I mount th* Btot* owed on gonoral oc- I —at, o-wlt 9fi,4fif,Ml.fl with to* I accrued taxoo up to that period, and ■ With th* tun ta *rr*are, and with i tb* propory to hand bought upon gou i —J aeoouat. North Corolla* was in I Met Enough Taxes * What dom n mu* 11 deficit I* rove • bm levied sp to thq too*, • mount EDITORIAL’ PAGE ~ A m 0D THE GOLDSBORO NEWS * 6 .*. 4 ' ■ , ! ’ ' ■ f. J : ■}; 6 ch*rg* «f cra fting a grant dofleit. by failure so p*r ’ form their duty, tk* ultma* rep*o*et biliy war, of coureo. e* tb* general a***mbly es (he Sfoe, and net upon | tb* Ooeernor 1 bar* known nil too 1 tim* that they never created any nueh i DR. MAUDE I. WBIDMAN Chiropractor Com plots X-Ray Laboratory 400-1-1 Proftorfonal RMg. Goldsboro, N. C. Pho«M 470-48$ V a/ifnawnrip wwfffJT ee to meet them, hat the flgares. t. were .übmittod npoe (ha report es too l llVUuir / audlor aad treasurer to the prop— , cimmitogn, aad they sated.. TB— 4 has been greet Joy to the Bute ewer , 1 ■. - . apparent eppenaslty te d—troy f IP YOU kMw what 1 mesa 4 ee thresgh attack tog- me for failure , • • • of the geuerel assembly to, Immense , AND BEFORE I realised i( amount te levy adequate revenue to , • • • »*'■ meet the State’s reggiremeato on gen- ( 1 HAD feegetton ' 4 { ri| account, bet the general account , THERE WERE any tools e la Set the ealft ae—set es the Mate , • * " I think the general s-emhiiee, a« WHO NEEDED killing •' lag in the trusutUeu period of the • * • State’s btofery did well to come #e AND YBBTERDAY _ ' J|» hUfog the erp—tt-w an t w o thorUed, bst th* credit to largely due AeswMjKMT j # *-u - T te the gr—t cemsUttee of the gis—l 1 RECEIVED a n <»t. aaiomhUee, aad set to mo. • e e Met Bsktae ftlohßD OFFICIALLY ’ r Tha two general nseemhltoe which ? * * served during my term to the uo*- BY THE above named .seats ' anl . r a cttie . nr| solute unanimity. BspuWlcan usd THAT MY artless *' ** V|i Drtsoc—tic members beta supporting • • • • thorn Tbe bills of both se—less FOR THE poet three w—hg were passed with greeter unsnlmity • * * (has revenge and appaeprtati— hill* HAD MADE am * b— passed bofor. in the •* * ’ .T! of the Mate The fopoblloan A FIT subject § *f aad demean tic mtonbora, forgetting xn bit . wo.r.«* * m treat progrresiv* pragma. If nay OF MY aw. device. * ' d *** J 1 * X J*~ climlykly shows mot to be la tbs * * ... case, then practically oil the dame- OF EVACUATION , ropuhlß es h-k brntoh • • • re es the gen—l assembly committed FROM THIS hemisphere I f the error, and yet the dedeit-hewftsg 9 crowd have undertukau t# dpetrey I THANK YOU. ' *"*_ f>r H> - Oevernon cam not spend . public - deftcit as has bees charged, I him tha,, private cßixeu; except Sftor expU defeaded them 1 nreason, sad, I fear. authorisation by law enacted by . at times oat of bul es‘s'nS*f- tbe general ss—mbly. (or of fact, I sever bed • tbtor te do But th— Is asrtber aceeuet es the |t with tbe calculations usds by the #- Stoto's wbsre ell hands atr*, there m nance and appropriafoea couusitt— was ns deficit that we beer little a *f Ihe two houses, I urged tbe gßta*- beat. I refer to the good roads legts pristieus and aspondltares authorised iatton. ' I also urged the levy «f adequate tux- IT the admtohtoratien during my «■ I I I ■ IB H iH I « 111 [IIUmCIiAII WFS.Ca, MAKM*S-Mt*prk t /U. KJ j ro Ji , • •IT —— ■ "■ -i " ■— deficit as bte hoeu chargod, I have 1 I defended them 1 nr»a##m, and, I fear. , at tiatM out es reeaea, bul a*"n" niff- ( for of taet, I never had * thing to do with tb« calculations mad* by tb* 8- 1 n»nc* and appropriate— committee i *f lb* Awe houses. I urged tb* MM** 1 pristieus end expenditure* nutWrtaed I » ule* urged to# levy *f *d*qu— tax- . ~; i. .»■ i. «■.■■«» I. .snai.iisiiiri.rimi. t r„.u ,■r. .. ] ■OOmumnmummemnmemmmmmmmmmrammmumaumam—um—mmmmamm—m—dm—umamummßMuuaMMßmmmu—* Comiort in Old Age Through Sayings Account .. ■' 0 V Almost every one can look back down the years, and »«y what should have been done. The man who can look ahead, and say what he should do C V „ v and then do it is the one destined for success 4 • i and happiness. Hindsight is easy; foresight ia profitable. % - Every older man looking back will My savings is the easiest way to build a competence. The younger man who will learn and act on hia ad vice before it ig too late will be the gainer. You can start today with a Savings Account in this Bank “We Pay 4% In terse t Compounded Quarterly” , • Peoples Bank & Trust Co. Goldsboro, N. C r.:::: 1 ::i, r.M== ee to swat them, hta tas tours*. I were submitted upon report es tbe I sudior end treasurer to the proper I csmmiemu*, aad they acted.. TB— I has baas great jay to the State ever the apparent opportunity te —trey I ee through attacking me for failure I of the geo—l assembly in., immense I •mount te levy adequate re—ue tol meet the Mate’s requirements on gea r*| account, bat tbe general noceoat la ttot tbe eulfo nccsuut es the Btato I think the general eaeemhltm. act ing in tho transition parted of tbs Mato’S history did well to come ee near balancing the expenditure au thortasd, bst the credit Is largely due to the gmM committee of tha ges— I assemblies. e*d a*t to me. Mes, let BaMm Id The ‘wo general assemblies which J, served durine form to the uoi-1 a •more office were .composed * men, I, net behtee. They wrote th, neves no I j bills did the epproprlstteas hills. 1 L helped where I could. There wen 1 1 n* greut fsllur, es duty hut If there I, has been whe did ft? Tile revenue 1 1 and appropriations bills wore report- I ed out es the committee# with eh-1 solute unanimity. BepubUeen uadi Democratic members both supporting I them. Tbe bills of both sessions I were passed with greater unanimity I (baa revenge and appropriations bill* I fad over bees passed before |u the I Watery of th« {Rate The ISpobllcan I and demsouttc mtonbora, forgetting foUjy ties, stood together behind the I great pregrvsetv 9 program. H any I —or, was made, which I have eea- I cluetyfly shown not to bo la tbe I cnee, then practically ell tbe dams- j crate and' republican* es both brent* I re es tbe gen—l assembly committed I tbs error, and yet tbe delcit-hewnag J crowd have undertake* to dpstreyl m, fer It. Oev—ora cannot spend . public I mosey any m*r* than tb# begeblest privafo ettixeu; except ***r exp U-l dt authorisation by Uw enacted by I tbe general assembly. But th— la auetber ac—st es th* Stoto's Where all h*ad* afr*« there was ad deficit that we bear little a-1 beat. I refer to the Coed road* legis lation. ir th* admtohtoratieu during my MM., m jn. iaa j a I tbs uss for publication o/iUmwi dii|tateh« 1 crsdiUd io it, or not othsnriso crsdttad ia tkto I BBfl hiso All thu oUtsr tottal nirp pnhhsbdrt , If ihSti .* " NIW |il j | tom ■§ Ooverso* fer four years du fail hy Wto a MW ana untried —test *f trtUMtttou. 10 kVf < nougb tax** to miiita the eppregrfo- I lions a*d suthertaed aupeadßuras SB xenoral accousL 1 ask the dtfaototalp lof tjj»# state to fobs Ist* eeaeUseattea I th* fact that open uaetbar aocettot I wo exceeded aB expeudltare* and ra- I qulmaont* by m— oech year than I th* dafeit oa goserul eccount for I the whole term. Ad—Med fiood leads In tha caactmeat es th* —d legir I latiM I did help caloulaU aad #Otl- Imate. I fought friend* aad toto'fo I falplng driva the read raad# MR tars I the general aseornWyi authorixlsg bond imam of *ixty-4ve mUUoae es [dollar*. My beet frieude thought m I ofUmate es ex ported revenue frem I automsbifo Hceua# nmd gaaelisq tsx- Ire wa* excessive. All s—uer of evil. II prophecies wer# mode th*t th* rem aue yield would not he adequate, bat i||t exceeded even my mmt optimistic ' I expectations, aad yielded adequately • | to pay th* interest aad to add at ouch lg II I SW.I I | 9 SHI 1 ■ ' - I «>■■■—'■■ 1 tat— " ATTENTION, INVESTORS! ’ ¥ Would you buy a Prefontod Stock yielding 7%, ft— from taxes, which you could turn in to the Company at end of th* year, and get SIOO.OO and interest (tha selling price); after thrsa years $102.00 and intertst; five years, $106.00 and interest. You having the right I > v 0 t : ' ; c?si to turn thin atock in at your convenience after hold- ■ I ing the same on* year, and receiving full payment for . same. A. I JA.I BM'M We have just a few shares of such a atock for sale, and will not offer it after a few weeka. / I *..*.•*• o 0 Full particulars upon request Inquiries invited. / • - LSoDiCUOMIfCO. I GOLDBBORO.N.C. FHOMI 808 , .i Oowrt. W. C OoetalC ## betooe* It. N. Y. C I •• ; . f\ I WANT ADS ILL Wilt AM AH CAEB-DO ltlABIi» CMABQE ™ . Rmltr Tni (Ukp this) lo ft Word * j Larva Typ* (like this) 2c Par Word. If aa error la muds The NIWI la responsible far only oaa Insertion. Tb* customer la reepenalbla f*r enbaego*n* laaartfc*. The adtarOeer should notify immediately If any corrercUan la needed. U Taa Wat Qnkk Basalt*, ifrattii Bar* a ■■■■ "9 WASTED— 1 WANT A» WAIT AS all maa boarder*. No room tar a drunkard or gambler. Apply KIT N. Georg* Btrr«t. P-IT-*tp ■ ■ ; *—r ' SALESMEN NOW UOVEBINU the Orocery od Mercaatil* Jobber* la lb* Btat* *f North Carolina t* baadl* an axcluatf* Daoorabed Pencil L»n*. Bt*t* experience, pm •*nt connection (contdsotlal) and glv, reference. Writ* far *or pr*p •aitloa. Addroaa Commercial Dept (Hark Pencil Co., I4W Delnaor Bird 81. LouU, M*., ok WOMEN WAITED IMMBDIAJTKI.T t« introduce Prladlla Dreaa r*b r|AM two million* excess. If *» oeMjder W the whale »—ue es th* State, td* eludlag ah eocoaeta. general ead epp- 1 Stal, the general ■eeemblfou ernrtag I during my form m Q—«©r did aet ’ create euy deficit w beta cover, but i, ill th— waa a aurplue la tb* total mm* ha# of the Btot* es lerps ammwL Th— will elvayi be a alight exc*a* ee deficit ta any ravmu* hill It will be Utterly impossible t# write that will aet relee eUgbtfo to# aueb or too little ravenae. I eabmUfod eeufofontly to tho latolltu*— es the Btot* that all h* auditing and oc couattag be McLean admtafotmttoa PM done 1* that after eoppUag all d—rtmooU and lurtitotiMS WoH, (O—Unued on Pa— I) f 11 1 ' » POM MEET—Furnished Apartment with bath phone MO. S-Xd-ttc FOB KENT—NNnfy tatntohnfl - room, with atenm bant. Connect ing bath, OOt N. George SL Phone ' 1 NM. X-l<-ttp SETEN BOOHIOUSE far rant -ear unloa at at lon. Apply Pnlno* Drug atara. »-X«-Xto BOABDEBB AND pOOMBBS wanted —All modern conveniences. H**a onable rata*. Apply XOT North ' | Carolina Btreal X-Xt-Stp WAITED ETEBT HOUSEWIFE *0 know that w* da the whet* family Snlnhod handle at IS ***** par lb. Tkk laclndee bard eellam Wayne L*wdrr * Dry dannme. Phana J 4!: n mm MILE BItLLB BBTTBE -1 health, good health spell* longer J Ufa. Drink more milk, but be aura M It la good milk. HUlcroat Farm. M W. a Spence, Prop. .Vg rOB HUNT -I HATE TWO~ si * a i thro* private r»r»te» which I trill rent by the week or month. Phone IW-J. XX t! ■OTMEES—DO TOU FEED TOUE bablee with the **me kind of you eat. If mot why give (barn the s*me kind of aUlk yon drink? Echo Dairy can furnish you •paelal baby | —SOJA. Phone SSL l-t-ti ■ILKIS EeUOGtIIID AS THE world'* greatest food) Our special* «y la produclai milk egnaUy fit Hr . i Infanta and gfownnp*. Wa pgpdnsa It pore. HtUcrest Dm. W. 0. . 2 ■Hnc*. Fwp. ~ S-14-2M a* V > J ' W'-: ' ? Ml