Sr'' " Miii i ** ■■■ l fwake Forest Dcfebns Win" Front ' gt I wtoi mJrm ■ KJf s b MJfg m » H . ' V W§ yMmmm KMHI \\ four WORTH, T«m, B*pt •*- « Sf UP> —**•»! WatehsT. and hi* .pitbull I tin too araeb for th* Attant* Crack if y «4 tk* Forth Worth F*m- P(yW»» KWHT ELECTED II J 4 , ruutwiiT iuwiu WHW YORK, Soft. UP) --C®L | *P» Hupptrt. pn-eidont ol th. New , rautss va>vrm» * 4k> TO wur sriMKR I®W YORK, Soft. M.-jJt) a OOP Utor tko Washington Scooters cnuch •d tk* America Utiro peon*m *•*- tocißjr i wager woe node ol |R,«N M *rao Money through |. 8. Fried **d C*. ( In tk* Wall Stwot district * that the praora* world* champion* would boot ta tb* Pirate, la the ap proaching asrtea. Aaathor wafer ol IMff tt 16.304 was awto that <k Pintles would wla tk* ofoolßf sons of Use assies. •PORTS NEWRdkofßt!*- (h.U V A.-BALLY RACUt^TK TS RMS VHH'TGfi MR CHJCAOO, Sept. 34—0P> -William a Br cm beat proaidcat wl the Vlrgtal* South At Untie a*s»cUUca was appelated bp Coouslesleaec Laadla to ass tape charge of tk. dtp asrlaa between the Chicago Whlt£ I ■« Cab* e| that dtp etartleg P. y October 7. * I blmible nSTTp- : ■ WfiBLD SERIES Tweatp-Sre players *'• named *s ■HlglMs far tk. Senatora. while tweu tH*w* *n aaasd by the Pirate*. I, Washington player* lnolud*: meb r< aius iebasaa, CoreUekje, Red her kuehary, - Ferufson Marbsrry, Ballou i aad Rus*ell. Oatehn: Ru.-I. Be>*r*d a n d Turn. [ laSslder*; Judge, 8. Herds J. Has k m, PeeUapaag, Bttgtg*. 4da ass l_. Sdatt aad Mpsr*. Outfield* ra: Rice, Ooslln, McNeel tp, Jens, Veack aad Lslbeld. Pittsburg players taclfid*, <ftveh *9i Aldridge, Adam*. Meadows. Rrara.r Yde. Morrieea, Sboehaa Oldbam aad Cullataa. Catchers; Smith Oooch aad Bpea laSeldtrs; Qrantbam Melania. II Haora, Wright, Traynor, Rawllagb. Tttompton aad Bn*. Outfielder*: Carey, Cuplor, Btgabee Ranhart aad Haas. Th* other two who will *bar. I* the (Mgh distributed or. Manager Bill . McKee bn)* end Coach Jock Onslow. f" FRED RAMEY BETEIYBS YMTOBS AT HOSPITAL BOSTON, Sept. 35.-Th* condition |k* Os Fwd Haney of the Detroit Ameri r oaa Lsegu* baseball club, who euf- I fared a alight cocu»*k>n of the brain I K-, when struck bye pitched ban yea -1 torday. was described a* “eery good' 1 I at the Polar Bent Brigham hospital I Haney was hurried to the hospttsl VW filter N- had been .trock bebtnd the | bar by a ball pltrhed by Howard 1 L Brankc as th# Boston club Haney s Kt'., condition today w*. nomerhlmprovrd B | that he war able t* see visitor*. pBHk •raw^mnegn^ ■’ BARE RTTM IS SlUBftD Sg AS POLICE i.ieitehXrt » g|-* NEW YOKK, Sept *5.- H-lw Ruth we* sworn In today h« a It-utenani I Hi ° f (k * p® ,|r e ‘Vein rvw with ailthorl B| tip t* OUp'Tvlae baseball and other jgW|" actlvhlea or lb* New York [ Bk Tha Yankee »liiar«r »n» »»»lrne<l t# the office of Inspector liberal K1 mi ' ki a»*y. ssscuitve of the rfieTve mm **'^ Wf John Jacob Astor 111 E Os Fever in France H PARIH, Hept i 6 -141-Jebn J.cob H Astor, poatbupiour heir «f ('ol. John ||(' Jocob A*lor abo was in the II Tlisnlc dl»«Hler, I* ill of typhoid lev II *r at the American b-.pltaf, NsuHly. IK It was stated at the bo«p‘ial l*t« l<>- |» right that he i* "doing nicely”. ■ 11, ~ lIK EMIWIXT Hi KRISTI H PtSHIS IK RALHIOH. Sept Jl -Arm Ulead E*Joae*fl dean of the Raleigh fcir «nd oao of th* outetaeding tliur** in the political Hl* of th* etata. d ad at hU UIU race hors Thursday morning *f ** A* Min*** which developed Into KPB wa'ttnioiil* on Monday 111 min ||| JUnus, »■ c. | »y,«^at. lag. _■». eie. a * a. -As* ■ rumm •■ta I mt. th wRh IMHe amcwlip. Bake J MM I. « ewttr* teem at Mbs <Wd ft Ih* Srst perM, aad th* •MMRsfifg ermnihsd In far (ho II Faming leg Boh. worked oRh al loneoß the Mm Rrvfla stttfsg it yarfia ig jyp poagsi ol el glm , Whore The* Plav Todav t •*. Ural* at Walsklagto*. k BMtth at Now York. , Satiooal Now York at Philadelphia Philadelphia at Chicago. * Bo* too at St. Leo* BftaebaH Results .. t America a imps i (Het«land T-4; PhlladelphU LA. •t Louie »; Waahlngtoa 7. Chicago Ui Boa too LA. ( N*w York I; Detroit I, I Hstiss*! Smmmg t & New York 44; Pfttsburgb LA. , Brooklyn 4; Ctednnetl 1 PhlladelphU 4; Ohloago t. Bo*un-Bt. Louie, rain. ( HOW THEY STANb Washlsgton fifi Sfi .444 PhlladelphU 17 H W f w LobU fit fit Bit Detroit 77 71 .Ufi 1 Chicago 74 74 403 * Cleveland 74 II .444 i MMw York 47 fifi .4*l t Boston 44 IN 385 ' .. lUUool ■ Pittsburgh 83 47 .480 : thrk 84 48 .434 4 Ctaclfnetl * 78 71 .437 at.” I Am: 73 74 AVI Bcston ................ 44 II .444 , Brooklyn 17 M -444 , Chicago .V 44 44.440 Philadelphia 03 16 .431 - POSTBALL RESULTS Walt, Par *t 4. Co retina 0. Duh* 34, Ouilford 4. ' Davidson 7, Weffetd 1./ , South Carolina 33, Erekln* 4. Vlrglela 44. Hsmpde* SMney 4. V. M. I, 44. Rawry OBd. H*ary 0. V. P. L 0 Roaa«ke I. Oeorgta Trek 13. Oglethorpe 7gj O. ergla S 3, HeroW '% Auburn 3k, BinnUgbafsi-Southern Furman 17. Newberry 14. ProehytorUn OHrfi* 14, Cteiuea 0. william and Mary 44. Le**tT I. Peaa state 14. Lobaaea Valley I. Maryland 13, Wa*hlagten Cal (eg* 4. Netle Dame 41, Baylor 4. P*ea*y|vaala S 3. Uralaue I. Byracuae 33 Hobart I. Columbia 40, Hwverford 0. FEIEUHT DEPOT AT WIUION HI B( BIRD •WILSON. Sept. 3*.—Fir* destroyed the Allan tig Coast Uae freight do. pot number two here early tonight, s kras e*t'mated at between 476.000 add 1100,000 being sustained The Sr# was discovered a few minute* before eevea o'clock, aad we* at R* height a few mlaute* later ° aad was etui raging at 0 o’clock, though It waa well uader control. • Wedding Invitations Announcements • « Monogram Stationery, Reception Acknowledgement and Visiting Cards I BAMPLKB AND PRICES 81BMITTKD UPON REgCEBT * J, P. Stevens Engraving Co. : r Manufacturer* Established 1474 163 Peachtree B'reel Alluta * Gcorgifi HOME COMING AND SUNDAY SCHOOL RALLY / • at / ST. JOHN’S M. E. CHURCH ('•ran- * Milam ti 4 H«ll> Nittfii OOI.DMHOMO, I. C. o I Sunday October Itli J nmmtoy School I. »H» 4. «. „ * ' •*»▼■*•»■» Son 100 IliM 4. M. Dinner on the Parabnay* Ground* All former »nd present member* are cordially larltrd to aJlenU. • [ SPECIAL INVITATIONS, HAVE BIOEN MAILED TO. BA CM OK THK FOR [ mkr pastors K. K. ATE PI AOS, Pnal»r a *• I’ll*, I’heirmaa Hoard of st*wanD »j At. RAPRR, Sapt of San 4a; School. : N. Y. U. Coach L^.’ 1 * ■*“' : rr^ == I HmHT.'. , : it* I A'er*** (%d k Meehan, coach of lb* hew Turk Vntvereßv foot bo II tram. > new ho* hi* wined out prepotng Vp Mr u eirenueue eumpaiga. free . jars ora reaerted uutte rear at th* atiWUm. nonce the rr .hev^happy MtCBRB STATEMENT OR STATE DEFICIT (HTEM BY MORKRWE (Continued from Pm I) bpeudlng 134,000 fixing up the maa »Ua, laying la a splendid supply *f stattoaery.' lead pencil*, area tk* uaaH toilet articles required la (Ik I department* In HeUlgh, etc., they 0 ascertained the *tai« awed oa Jan. 30 > 18.443,441.01. 1 submit also that thera J waa totaled ahactoce of say financial ( sutemeat about ot apona either a , Cash or Accrued basis, but *1 at ply a 5 under which they paid this Indebted' teas, aad thea quickly applied to th* fcuadatUn atom • of th* glorious bi * tiara* admlaUt ratten which we *»* a j bent to hay* all prepraty oa hand, j all supplies, all plaated crop* on th* I fright or ten great farms of the Mate I fertilised aad l*ld-by, *U taxes ta ar- I rears, sad all accrued taxes tor *|x I month*. Thl* caanst he Justified by a»y «yatcm of accounting known t* men. Cask, revenue or accrued, or any other, except on* invested by a let «f politician* la North Carolina for nuraly political purposes. Tot Mestße I am not hostile to Governor ato- L»aa, *r hi* admU>i*trat|oa, but i Utah he was la/lplraced by destgamg politician* «e avail htmaeif of tho •oid *tood "Morrison Deficit”, which hf found with book randy to bear An way sH ihv etatr * drbts while he pecoeuaed far his ewn glory th* rar r*nt aseetq lq the »bhpo *f supplies »■ band, accrued taxes, *nd taxes la arrears, amounting to millions of del. - Mrs, It we* not Jujm , and 1 believe yet the Governor will *4 that MvW*o not, and da .me JMbttc*. H 4 J* f'Pre*hy terlan Rider, an well as a POHttdan end I am (Wuattag *n the Elder gett ing away from th# around * him who hates me. * \ \ ; EDERTORN FIRE EXARFLfi 1 ' « I MDfINTON. Bept. N— Mayor Wig ■ (Ins ha* b**a instrument*l la get i ting the coanent of Bapt. Kennedy of th* Norfolk Bout horn railroad for I the erection of safety gate*, and the i plactax «f a wutrhman et the east - *B* of Church street. ~ ■ i|Mr| y f«pv| nODAIIA RAC (LE Y AIBM 01 thTrrt •, ' *r ■ \W. ' r ' a » .• - IM A PEI. MILL, Br|d. 8L Hake Foeout t oHeg* dcfcgied th* Ualvaraßy as Rerth Osseßee here this aftanaaM 8 to 4. A taaehdowa by that*alee, file Fermi fall back, mad. la Mbs final period wa» tlta margin of victory lac the Hap thb- After haltUng oa BOarly even terms for three quarters, the Beacons saleacbrd two forward poena*. Rock ley I# fiber, aad lapbey I* Bterk*. that retried Ike boll to IWtae’i two-card us*, tarallaa held toe dew** cams bat RMcr blacked Hparr..'. M Mm Move-yard Itisr. aad Klrcb* recovered. Tea plnagm by hirea *4o, aad ChacMAes av«r tarkets carried the hsH aver (at a t*u«k fiawa. Mfcqfi* lulled to hick. FRENCH DEBT PROFFER IS REJECTED SccrfitJUY Nfillon Pule Aside ■ BERIOUB PirTERKNCEB NeMfcgp Ddcfotkm Attempts To Minlmixc Oiffcrencws Wllkh HfiVg Arisen WABH3NOTON, Befit. The Franck and American Ceaiiai*- *l*o considering the funding of France’s war befit u the UaMod Blateq will meet again Mboday, and It was ladieafc-d tonight <h«t fiaaac* mlnletrr Caillaux will have a new Of fer reedy f»r *ubml*slon at that nme. The Freach deUgstien spent meat of lodge aad will be buoy tomorrow la alculatlon* dewgned to produce u onnul* for « settlement that trill morq nearly ooafena to the Ameri can view as expressed yesterday by assist* rf Mellon In putting said* i>* first prefer mad# by M. CallUux. Thera nr. serlona dleraeees yet t* be surmounted and spokesmen* for bofih sides mad* ae attempt t* min imi*# them Yet the feeling was ap parent that progress had c*m* from the dtacusetoas which wera carried a, dinner aad luncheon tablet at wMCh underaecrctory Wtaetoa sad M. Call laux have been hosts. Th# beads fir two- mission*, secretary Mellon. Mr. Wtnttoa and several other*, members of (b# French delegation had lunebeen with th* Preach minister today it the embassy. L L CURTIN RRTiRVB KINSTON. Bept 86 —Buperlnteoik eat K. R. Curtis of the city schools h*s returned to tk* city from Nor folk and Portsmouth. Va.. where be mad* a careful study of tbs labora tory aad etfiar modern school equiv alent of the school* at both places. It is explained 'bat the local board of t mattes are bending every effort to plan a high school for Motto* that, win be sec*ud to noa« Output of crude oil h** (alien off o 'little, while tb* Intake of crude | movleA I* Increasing. 4 ■' o ’ ■ . V: ' V- V WHAT WE LEARNED Dgfiters all over th* country keep talk ing about tha “lined Car Problem'. They seetn to reghrd it gg n sort of nightmare. We learned long ago that the yiggent port of thq problem con- ■ sista of getting people to realize that aM Used Cars and all Used Car dealers aren't alike. And it Isn’t a problem •t aUI SPENCE MOTOR CO. Os jcOdiie. Pop toss ice * OoofifißmoTHMs Dmlmi Sfiu. Boon lisod Cams vh. ?■ t ... ' ■ Goldsboro Damp Wash Laundry Wml Molborry 8l„ Plmm 3H« - ECONOMICAL FAMILY SERVICE O. M. BBENDLE, Prop, j — ; -■ ■" 1 'f ■ I \ BAND AND CONCERT CLASS OF LO,O. F. HOME |v. k : ; M em»ridTrk^ii£\*^ r • to ? r °* th# BUt *- "® »* k*jro her* at tha ’ * I M th^T»Tl^^.i Tu«*‘*y "Mt. **Vtoml»r 29. and it U hoped and .* . uraed that they will h. 1,1 : ~“ 1 ■ • - r ■ 1 neto..J-w, T | ! I fy4#> v hHI-. mV Ik -] dr trr*i \m V ■ VnflyLik - rKIw nBSSBBs ; He* the new etWetie Creraer of Nnrthwtotern Untvv,*:ty. ifi o«h* r wonta. meet - tug" WK**, who I* new laydr.g pier.* re* i vigureue UR ramrwigu at !k. Pvrpt* ( n*«< u itew. He hope* to pot Nrrrhw«*i*rn teams •* * tattler tarel than they Moo bran in some ;tm% WEALTHY LI’HBRRMAI .. BIER IX FATETTR7ILLE FAYtKTTEVI L4.K, Kept. 34 —Oeo. F McNeill. 74, wealthy retired lum berman. died her* yetteNtay a* the roeult of g sudden heart attack. FIRM MITER FfiE HIM BROKE FAYfiTTEVILWG. Bept H -Chas. M. Kelly, taxi driver of thto c t*. was ■entaoced by Judge I. M. Meekln* In federal district court to pay p LADIES, L ADISB Covered Button* to Order \ Lfite fashion* indicate covered button* are In vogue and will dominate for tha coming agfi *on. Let me cover yoiy but ton*. Satisfaction guaranteed. All gtyle* anti sixes. Samples may be seen at the following place*: H. Well k Bros.; Smith- Liles Co.. J. C. Penny Co. MRS. C. D. WATERS •a* of fiv* hundred dollars, or eerv* four moo the in Jell, following hie poovletkm Into yeetrrdoy oa a charge of telling whiskey to PrahlMtloa Enforcement Officer E. A. H*u**r. Ik* d.fsndaut phld 4* fin*. v AVIATORS PI.AXES CBAHH Bept. H.-The FYeach avtators. Tgrfooea aad Fbv reau who wear attempting to brash the world's non stop Sight record nruefied la flames et 3:38 e. m. near M -»y« '* *« • «rlf«S coodlttM.. Fsvrtou was thrown out * 4* elrplsas sad bis ooadUlon In not coastdored soitoua. APPLES! APPLES! APPLES! 1 W* bond rad busbMs of F|** Apple*, gakgfigd WMsldsi Han* be s*M I >t .me*. I’rfirai Per mrak, 64 and 88 rrata. HsM ILBL H. M. MALPABB ] I 4 The lucky fellow who hag a new I • , modal Ford for one. dollar and fifty . I cents, can increase his luck by read ing every article in the Dearborn for the next twelve months. J , Read the Dearborn, ride in a Ford, I * and you are not only lucky but wise 1 : I-'.vdT . <: i , , MV M I - MhsmKb -A Jos. R. Wffiamson, he. - Ford Products * ——— ’ DR. D. E. BEST ‘ Physician | 80a^M * Profgasional Building. JfjJ OFFICE HOUBS: 9 — 10; 8 —«; 6-7. | Offlcr 21; RmMSciicg 578-W. faHtWK WE WILL STORE YOUR ?! COTTON and insure it against fire or weather dam * age for a very low rate. ' t Wayne Bonded Warehouse Jj N. James St : Hart Norfceiid, Mgr. ——— . . ------ ... A i „ PAGE FIVE 11 ■ i g:r i j:s.air ,",r.7ag:,rarßac Specialty Advertising For Every Busbies* Calendars ♦ Novidtigu r "‘; p ‘'v ,m ; - Laathor Goods oa ” ! r " ;• v^.v</ Electric Display Spa J. N. LONGEST, JR. , Goldfihtoro N CL oLm* atij TT' in —I h ill —nil urn to nTHi II—ID rflh filTHk M g*fimifi k _ a |fimi|^ aal filtoto|^gfi | totoflfiS | H3|Cgfi|Rßlh|||!|gßPMl^uJSHß

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