PAGE SIX Ms x 'j - fl Hi Hi - jt.T/y%. ,s?Y L By v WH ft,: KSS' it I' v J fl iVjM si ■ T* . r Kmt » B p* • i|n’.A J i\. 4; i Tti t*PH IaI v ■ * ft ■■Bk *- *jhs j aSSS? ' .’"v * 8 * '”' » t‘-“Jaha MMum’i Ctrcua I* cero , ; Jbt #*•* ■ basin* r« r « ‘hat -■ftm Tit, ir«H by year snal arsed father y#*r gv»*df»«h«r,. »•* JmTmZt* I* tba dag* whm they 4«**4 M tb* world through youth* fir trw, he* *t*od tor -math i* the jtka Mlnni Circa* ’la cumiag way at apr aatlclp*tle*. And now p 4 W» coitag Satarfey October S. far panic that faraaoan and after aaaa aai flffht partana*aca* ','laba RaUaHia Circus i« saw ■mac tin- l«M annual tour of tba I fitted BUlra a*4 Caaai*. i»u jr«ar «4r laaa nHnai Mlm will steam Ipftn tb# cHy aa tba dawn «f clrcu* Ay—four Unto* of eMpkaate *»- A> bcaal*. bora**, paalaa, endana bahda topi* aatf Ifea |n«nm«T»bl-e bl* 4 Baiat tin Jab* «•«■*** ***** big |\ph*a M* tap amine M,m paafb - wff-bptbr** *Md** bap* *to«l n*r ,.. .in. ataga*. btppoiranw* track and ap aadal mane tM*i wllbttW fore- Mi ratal* troupaa o 4 at It*., half * X- ; nMHpMgPipßaegayr". W l i " > " - I - *■ ———-r~ ~— * 1 . . I Every Farmer I I Invited v *’* ■*» n ■ ■ :r; r v m BBEb 1 o ggg ‘V ' .-■ • ■’ v ' ■' " dV f v * " B I When a Farmer has the time to “come to town” he üb -2' comes for a purpose—to get money for his pro per to pfitt money for something. I \ For what ever purpose you come, we invite you to make this Bank your headquarters. If you have a check to_ H|l *be cashed, come in; we will f be glad to serve you; if H you do not need the cash now, deposit it here with ab- H solute safety and when a bill comes due just draw the I check on us. * ' *■ **;'**<#* rV< ’ m I Remember that “The National,” conveniently located I on comer of John and Walnut streets, „is always H anxious to serve you, and appreciates your business. I iPPplSjlp^lP'yr 'iX* . ji'X vs ' .-- ■v• *• # <* ■ I The National Bank of j I Goldsboro I I M “SAFETY AND ACCOMMODATION” liHHHHHsf I HBOWtV jT T YT.r_ , ■ A.lhpwoon. Pna. M. J. BKBT. Vic*- I’ren.; TIIOS. H. NORWOOD. Caakkr "■I" * M 1 4asen I*a4*. Tat tba -hlddl * ib#r* will b* a baby aa* *«d tbra M *( tb,- fnanlaat ctawna that rear war* wblt* cbalk. I Italian Aviator Head Unhurt in Plane Fall NOVARA, Italy. Rapt. Oaa Boaganl. under ntcr*Ury far nTint|on ( bad * narrow raonpa today w hile Vtawta* a< r|a| w*- nauaar* aaar befa froei an alrplaaa. whan- tba **|t*« *f bla martin* ilapprd. Hla pll*t( bawarar, wa* nbta t* ralplan* to o*rtb. Tbr machine w*a wrartod. bat Q#a. Banaanl and tba p|tu ( war* unhurt. After a >«*- Cbm» with pramior Muaaollnt, who congratulated him *n hi* aacapa. Oaa. Raaual want up for n aaeoad flight Pits IYJPUI) IN AtfTO WRECK BIRMINOHAM. AI4 . S*P< 2*—«*c perron* wrra Injured, one poaatbly fatally, when a heavy truck <raah»d into n Salvation army automobile at l nat root int«r«*ctlo*. I| i 11.-li 111 I 11. -Ml.' •;,.il>y XttaLtSL.: ELKINS. W. Va., Bapt, K.-WlUo* J Bpaaaugta, M, of Baolab, aaar OJ»4y. ■ tbt* caaai y *watlad atryobinaa ta tba pn-aabca of b|a vtf« bad ••■ Raaarfl, yastarday aad dl*d an boar afterward HpoaaufU n*d bin wlf* bad quar reled, It la aali. nftar which bo r*» to a* outbuilding* wh,.r* ha iapt 1 and tank two at tbre, big da**». tbraataala* mambora of jbl* family 1 wlib rlaltnc* -wbva they triad t* 1 atop blm ; ... ' Tb* womaa aad bar ton atopprd a •- • —A .ai«aa.'m»" 'wa m ■'» .w«'***■— - ' ' ■" * 1 — * FBO>rbFH(;E| Snlary Increase Comet CMICAda Bapt. Ml—After a, car*, ful annray as tb* satire labor nltaa. ti*b sMaadtag front office boy to prastdaut. indication* nr* that panu tMM »bowl** teorausao la aalurlaa requira oxporiaaoai bolp. Cooaultlnx tb* praoldnat of on* of our largest iaduntrlan. ,tb# writer Inquired renardlpn tb* r*p<d ruccaaa ct a arrtain yaung m*a w h« bad be rono goaeral maaagar. and wbo a few year* ago »m but off Up boy; At* answer wan, Brown started aa o U Ac* bay. tba law*at mi la r lad position In ear office.., be wa# amMtioua *a4 maa aii«t to purchase a typewriter on small nunlbly payaaaat* aad aftar tbrae w*#k* of pi actio* at bam*, h* was paoamtad to Mil alorb. which paa|ti*a gar* him knowledge of the 1 atlliag price of all marcbaadla*. Hl* neat adraac* w*a that as typist which taught him tb* auataraua farm* of latter writ lug. aad eaabled him to bald a atoaograpblc position, gtrtag him a compiata kaowlodge of latter wrttlag. Ho waa the* mad* aaar*. Ury. brtagißß him lato roots.t with all bustaosa dataila aad qaallffad him for tb# general manager's of. Bo* at tea thousand per year. Tb# sent* npportualty await* *»- ary young men and woman. Bdtica. t|e* or age have nothing to do with op.rating so >lcapi* a machine aa tb* typewriter. Wa . ara iaformed that * great place of baaeroleat work 4a beiag carried oa lit * It** Chicago mall order boas* in furalablng type writer* Ur people worthy of credit, by sailing on email monthly la stall meats a# law a* to nvaraga shout eight ewata fear day and} actually teaching their customers how to use aad operate nay typewriter in about tbrae waeba' Um*. You o*a g*t otb or InformeUon by writing tb* later, national Typewriter ExchWige, 114 W. Uka street. Chicago, Illinois. adv i £ * ' - • neala* trm jwkl eeg§ we tea gh&ffbg*# HI ffl JHHfe g leasing freight train to pmc* "wwt It aad MB* him ta a gAfalcUa, bdtf Si-oosugle ran la an *PB*«t« dlwc tlaa Beside* b|» wif* ha la *un**#d by ft»t rhlldaca. lyl: , v _ Navul Aafaw R°U U Smallest in Years ANNAPOLIS, Md . Bapt. >•/—Tb*" ‘ will b* 1.757 wldaklputea «a tb* rail* whan the Naval academy * Ur*y ■rat term g*ta late full gw lag, au tberkiaa of the InatHutton saneua**- *d oday foUowlna tb* return of tb* mamba** as tb* three upper classes from the vacation* /Tb roat r I* t*e email*#! In a aumbi r as roar*. Tba #*e*i*d clam l«s tb* largest memh'.rabtp. Ift The s«al»r eiaaa ha* a rail of IM„ The new fourth das* cam** ail with 4M, aad the tbltd t* the aamlleat, with «*4. o - Abaauaaammt waa made at tba aoademr today that tb* Brat two mem bora of tba Brat etna*, originally r»oWß*>*aa*d far diamlasal from tb« aarat*# by Rear Admiral No!to" »apartataadi at, kav* been allowed . „ .... > i i fmrnmmmmmm ”■ 11 ■■ 1 '■ ; ' N pw I '■Hi UJJfgße BASKETFUL OF KEAI. VALUES ■4 - 80 Alluring are the apecimig offered in thin grocery afore th«t you'll bring the market beaket along to Uke edvaa ae of them. the BMdtmabic vegetable j fresh every day. H. M. JENKINS ■ Phoacs— 7oo, 701 V I.„ t ——- *,|.* M **'»W *•*••*— ■ * - ■. * ..UTfflll. -d. -t. k ' “ " -sfi«=S- , J BEAUTY • COMFORT • CONVENIENCE • UTILITY ■-»■ ’ 0 * I \\ \ r I ♦ , ■•■..'* ' ■ I I , 0 • *y* w t (Unnn T /laLc The improved Ford Runabout, with its all-steel X-AslLri\o stream-line body is an unusually good-looking car. .i. 1 1 . 0 It hangs low to the ground, and the body has been • CIS well CLS 4 lengthened and re-designed for greater comfort T , ’ : and convenience. I THAn ,\PTI nep The gas tank under the cowl is filled from the out ,VjWMf g |j anc j t^c wea therproof storm curtains open with both doors. I - 1 Under the sweeping rear deck is sin unusually large com partment designed for convenience in carrying lifggage. Standard equipment includes four cord tires, nickeled head -1 • r lamp rims ana windshield wiper. I RUNABOUT < . . g «The pnee remains the same $260, and you can buy on the .Ford Purchase Plan. I * / m\L 1 FORD MOTOR COMPANY, DETROIT, MICH. Dtnorr \ / Tot RJNC. Car - $290 Cot’PE - -. 520 M Tudor Sedan - 580 J FORDOR - 660 I , Demount able Rima and Starter Extra on Open Car* , ' . chmt csr, m c+n NO INCREASE IN PR ICE S * I • >-■- "- 1 " - -J» wfW PP J mL&jM WWW W WW-'mw “ '' . !T*" t" tv' .'? ■&£& f\ *- aft s&£*&l 4P .' ■■'MSigfc'r M-wBBt I 7L iL-Jm-'f: ?"■ , •*W W fll r ; w-'J-s. -’-m Double the Mileage at Half the Cost A Only a few yean ago a52 x 4 mflas by uaing e^B cord tire listed over $50.00. Today, Gum-Dipping is an exclusive i you can buy the highest quality used by Firestone. It is an «. nX 4 tire-Ta Firestone Gum- extra process, earned out in special \T^ Dipped Cord —for about $26.00. Gum- Dipping plants after which j Lmt «pnn*ctudf rubber oott dr. «*» our«»» «• prt thf«u«»iO*» ««f' I itulur.wound « emu. . poad. centra, mm±mm Oum-Jhp- ToOm,. h h «v« «0 cent, . (—d. ph* a —not«o longugothat7JUO mil pmtßc»lly tiimimta *n mfl.uprucnt.dthe •*<««•«• md Ld. «nd fc««d» gk ol • cud lire. whßc today. ISJOO the tire. miiee and more—is only tha ... serv usual performance for a FireetaON In the day-in and day-out asrv- Gum-Kpped Cord. tea « taxicabs buses and tructal _ , trrl nrn —on the can of hundreds a# thou- Due to large, concentrated pro* everywhere-f duct tun, specialized machinery and r Diooed Cords art giving nmpijfiadtetarymethods,together ' w*tn economical dutribuUoq Fire- —t irfactton \ ■tune is able to keep tin prices tear —no matter where the price of Get ready for the comtng montfaj crude rubber goes. of ftlippery pavements and M . # ...fsiat bad.Asaur® your®®** ch,ef If «•«*-•« -<•»• “J*** Lm.™ which is Gum-Dtp- and gconomy by equ«PP«f .r. today nSiLfc 2T* getting thousands of extrm ffCgS* Btxa Gom-Dipped BaDoons. MOST MILBS PER DOLLAR J Wayne Tire Co. > - • o 3 <* ffl • - -• v. n .* > \. /*>’.*. £ .•,' .‘‘ ■’ ;’vXgr >.. . ..‘v ,j,* Zu f, l\ . AVRRTCAN* SHOULD PRODUCK THEIR OWN RUNNER..'., V%9&tK3+**L «■■'■—. I. "... —————————— —————»■» ■■■NNfiwwiiMiiHfiBHBBBfiaBBBBHHBBHi "'-" " "**"" " ' ' ",“ ' ~* - - ua -i.’».j*'ig-i.ig«MBaBRRRNRR •41

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