_ __ »P»tIPIPTV i i t a .5® _ _. Sm lifaa Smith delightful* n. *1 Wr t«u«g ■Jf* * *• *•• «• ■» ff* ■». a*.. 1 *1 .W !»■■« wtu, abouK * dates *~* **«««—• IMpriir ■Kirrr nm nr** *•"*-■* * ■»•■«* '« tfca lIM »m church met la *• amea*ly I*o* Monday after. at l:M »■ m. with a trory ** r f» ' hiteadaaoe. Circle Ma. 4 w»4 Mi*. 4. D. Daalel, loader, had turn,« m prig*. au M b>«, «< -MftMft waa, Tha Olid and %■» ONE SIGN YOU SHOULD BELIEVE IN’ . : ’ .n i! o .'•«* ;* ' ‘ Aft “R” with tfca cromed UU—that “R" la pcohably the allftat sign in the world. Two thousand year* ago if I waited harfta offered by thg Greeks to their great *rd, * lofts or Jupiter tYien it cam* to mean a recipe, and Mar to ajcpify only the recipe for medicine. Ant slga apaa a prescription blank means that a doc tor has ordered certain drugs to be mixed for use as i fftedicine for some aliment which he has diagnosed. It also means, when It is seen hi connection with our aftme, that the medkin* ie the very best of its kind that can be prepared. NO ONE CAN BETTER OUR INGREDIENTS -„: S * OR OUR WORK. You can always trust our prescription work. Palace Drug Store J DRUGGIST “Quality Drags Quality Service —Reek Botteai Price*” PheaeNo. 8 Goldsboro, N. C. Firestone Firestone I •4 h| . <k. '4 * * P * J* 4 ht& f . * _ T • V • ‘ ' -A .4*;.- ’ ■£> •*&>» •vPi • ■« 1 SpECIAL ATTENTION TO CAR OWNERS Just received, a car load of Firestone Gum-Dipped Cord Tires ad steam-welded tubes. This car contains high I i pressure, balloon and truck tires to fit any make of automobile and truck tires to fit any make of automobiles or trucks used today. I V' •’lvy .' F ' •*” •’ *' t, - I?’*- I' *, 7n»i!tHhU||| ■ ten l,alluun. pneumatic tires and tube re- B»- M* VVAM TlpfrA* > our tlll - reßardless of make. fr««of having installed the lalesl charge, U. enable you to get nfcN up to ma- mileage. V f jff ———■— We and 5 courteous t<> answci all U n n Mo<*k of tire accessories, rims, calls and give prompt and efficient I and rim tools is complete. Our inr service. 5 , . jt ** service and water is free. 1 u. » We handle the l»est live lines -«»ld as ..^.c^.. A rul^^(,lal invitation i» extended to ail suring each of our custtuners the pPMgj . " and a welcoming hand will receive most miles per dollar you. " - w^Sr. - J jOA k” * ■• J ■:.' 4 ,» i...: 38 , ''liiSl •Wfer *' ■ EH / 1 ■ , * , ■ ■"'■■■— ■■"■■ " 1 . " 1 '■■■"■' ■■ i--■ ■ ■■■■ inirnmmmmrnimmmmmm+tmirmm „ Wayne Tire Company, Wholesale and Retail PHONE 1047 . —o— , 139 WEST CENTER ST. —o— . PHONE 1047 •> ji-» PVt«r» of fft£ Sautk.” Mr*. lUn.d •■i ker co-woitan {RwnM f Hh i latcßotto* MM kelpful proymm tlft»« tkt* timely subject. It woo laitM i gnat pkmn to Mvo fgNM Dr. L W. Oo«k*t, wko opkko *o aio**r»B«b of the child to rtotr4 t* It* phyotcal 4c*«lopawait *»4 <Up, tkt* atfoctlny Mb welfare VCfkopo Bor* tk*n aay atfter con •ftftitoo ovcryooc *r*.«at felt horns. MM by Dr. Orkett'. Information **4 wore coyeeUlly uplifted aptnt. uolljr. Altar tk* program, k then hu.l- IM* —ita* wao VjA.Ut aocrotary es rack c*edo «mkk ng report Mack latereet wao ekewa by tkrae rdgorta, a»g tkr*W wtf rvttfenc. oT •pt.ntftd wee* Mag Mae by tech elicit. tV follow tag efflcora wore elecU <4 for the coot Ins yeer'e wukh. ProeMot -Mra. ik A, MwrttC ffwwifei;::?lS!x-' ' ’.:sSSsfe 2»d Mcr-prraldvm MIW. f. U l^, b r - RAordleg ftMswta ry—Mnt. & V. . Teague. ,! Uorrraputidtax 8,-crrtary Mr*, t !H. Pkovloilt. ! Thwum In. E. 11. Halo. Publicity Chairman-Mtry. Andrew Smith. | IVraoaal fttrrloe Om4nn»o—Mre. W. C. Suggs. H. H. 8 “HOT WATER” AT OPERA HOI SK FOR BERKfIT XASOHH' HOIK Harokf Lferd never takes a drittk. but la “Met Wat dr” hie newest <r»m rdy. ekowlng <A Ike Optra House oe Norembft M and Drcrmbor 1 for keaeftt Os tk. Mae<>»e Mem,’, he la oallnd upon to appear under the tn. ftuenoe of Hauor ter nearly , two thousand feat of fllm. and that he daoa it aataralty la a tribute to his over growing tit The noted coi»«fi»n to probably •a* es db« ch-saeet Urine mrs sp. peering kofere the camera. Aitho : ka do*»*’t proctakn tht fact la pub. Uc. hr Borer has be » addicted etth. •r to drink at or smoking, to which mlcht he Attributed the unusual *L tnlMy which charatteritee the man. Lloyd tom played drunk before |t ntctnreo. notably In, High and Dla sy“. but (a -Hot Water” he portray, the pert t* p<rA«ctlon. WkUe lacking tn the etory rallies <t atheig of hta prdurr* bring built purely far laughs, "Hot Water” giriw , Lloyd Treat opportunity for act ng. RKW 8. ft. l.KftSOftft • * 0 1 ARNOLD'S ‘‘Practical (’em men. tary, M *1 04. PEIXHJBHTa “ft *, Notes,“ ftLftt | fI.M. TARBELI.S *'B. g. Teacher's OuWe." II 90. TORRKY'B “Olal of the |<c*»on, H ' 60c. DUVMftLOW'B "MMu CommetUarri' j ISO#. Eire per ceat off In lot* of S to 10, er ffn per cent off I* iota of ten j ->rr more to one address, N. 8.~1 pay postage Mall yonr i orders to W for prompt snd proper •rrr|c«. Send to mo a list of your •'book want* ” i. T. NORSWORTHT “The Book Mas” ltu w eth Street x CIURLOTTB N, C ■'— I .. ■—.. ■ -.1 i—.to .1.1,, . W.--W , ■■ ... -■■ , JL _t!TK GOLDSBORO NEWS 1..1 ini, .' dw>«»ii J'dan HOW—..I w.*.' k «totv.» u» die* su.il* Hf~+\ nagging mriher.fa.few, * Lloyd has chp of thane pleasing ,ro|et which Imre made Mm so eairemely popular I with matron picture followers. In « constitobtriu, •'Hot Water” foilosaf more along tho linos of/A bsHor Made Maa" than any of his latmt auoccAtoe. ft toau just enough plot lo hold tear!bee the continuity and. to permit building up of laugh*. In H«t Water” with | toyd are Johyna Ralston, who rapidly no. ‘ tabltahiuc herself as one »f the ectoea'a greatori peospectn; jam. pklae Crownfl. who dnetenate* htv self “The Meanest Woman In Ptoior. i ee"; Charles Stevrnson, btiHl to or.! dw far tils roles ns th,. lagy brother. In4gw. sand Mickey Mt Ban. as Ihr ' mlachlerous Id tie brotfer es Joby na -„1> " ~ ■ —.f .."' —1 * Special Thanksgiving Dinner ; Will I>e nerved at the Hotel Golrinboro Coffee Bhonpc frum Iwttlve o’clock noon until nine o’clock p. m. PRICE 91.25 t . •> MENU REIvISHES: Celery ” Oiivea Swoet ttckltu APPETIZERS: *' , Fruit Cup Hotel Goltlnlioro • - i S O l) P ’ t f.'j :BIShUE OF W>WL, Modem i FISH: , » Hoi let! Oregon Sainton, Egg Sauce R O A S T ; (Choice of 1) Carolina Tutkey, Stuffed, Sauce Prime Ribs of Reef, Natural Juke Spring Lamb, with Mint, or Brown Sauce a0 - - VEGETABLES: (Choice of 2) “ Mashed or Boiled Potatoes £ Candied Carolina Sweet Potatoes Baby Lima Beans Green Peas 1 SALAD: '* *, Autumn Salad . " ’ t • -I DESSERTS: (Choice of 1) > 1 .., W> | Thanksgiving Pudding, Hard Sauce . •-* * Home Made Mince Pie, Hot pr Cold »o. I New England Pumpkin Pie f, , Or Ice Cream and Cak« { •- - i Boyer ages ami Drinks: / Coffee Hot Tfta Ice Tea Milk ' 1 Chocolate or Cocoa or Postum ■ • ./ > ■ ' ' ''V ■<■'■■ ■■■!■■ I," ; l' I " "t "I '■■ ■ PERSONAL : MENTION ! ■ ' j Tb« MOWS will b« glad to hate its 'ftewStn phone or brio* to the of- Occs any Items thay may dealre printed in tots column. , i ; Ms. o*cer IWl'ngrr * rvnaverleg nloriy from hto rracM HI no, bte ii «A frlrnd* will he glad to learn. Born to Mr. and Mr* b. C. Idles Monday, a daughter It wad • aanettneed laat night «nat tk«! Thankaglvlng arryle,. at BL Paul MrthodLl chuiwk would ffeku at 10 e’ctock Thursday m«>rMng. Lrtry. body cordially Invited. Mia. Jainea W. Valentina, v Prr»l d«nt es tko Wiman'i National Mle. aloaary Aeaoclatlon of the Untvrr. _£ - -- - - -- - - - | > *M*i (hurra, waa la thr city Man. TriloADtg mrtk* rirSnS I *'t fi tlstrreri at the Ifotrl o»lda* bpro yratrnday • ! burg;, O. C William*. 4. A I*ane. 4. a. VaiH,• *nd 44. C. Stem. Kalrigh. ‘‘••to A M Nall. Charlotte. !»r. C. f. Btiwan|dar ha* returned from a *l#tt to hU old home at Btonaaburg, Va. i" j Mr. and Mr* C. O. Bmßh aad Mr. t'larencr Pracriß ebd children will T-“ — : — l|V '- r ' n*'i ‘"h " - ttjgY ' *■' f I |)»y, *ho tea IlnaKcUl worrim. A ‘#»rl»a» Baak" ■ I *u rouirt »H Um b«* safeguard; a«art »<*■ >|l| fi»te Tb»uk»*lvlng by having dona something *«tfc jjwBWI SMW6S jIWmCW Thanksgiving Goote Jf-S - Material far that Pnrit Caka. ■*' THamlaca far Hurt Potato Pk Haow Made (oar waka) Saangt. j 1 -wr . . ANYTHING YOU WANT TO BAT 'V Chat to Yoa aa Yaar Tab* mm " :v CALL Oil II I'hone 7M*761 * Jenkins Grocery r I ♦ V __» ~i l. PAGE THREE r. Rn «M Mai Dm d. *O4 cMUm. Nakal ua ftipala. ti, v»Kl»g In JUchWMd • ’ J ‘ aar. Mi o. aannaaa. ar *ut«g. i jk nal4A*M *Hp"®« W»® • UdlUavif *«nMNNT WO®* d *r . MtM LflUa* D. Vo«M ad) iptK tIaMMM MRWi ta Dmi»ii <■4 Win,urn

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