PAGE SIX mPMAN PWIIHIH 1 1111 OH ||c T. U, MEET .y- - ■ A lr4L Ontr One of Tw» JftlgßlH l*p ffck suit; ’te». 4. ML Owe* returned Mon. jiff fMp ahe«dln* the nftr.first ft Imi «• A* Nation* I Worn .no ftlllM T4l|il«nr« Unto* bel*• Toys! Toys! Toys! f I'. Mk ' 4 Will have our line of Toys on display Saturday of this week. * • m «ii now re-arranging our store I i * <- jr. ’ •# in order to display toys. I O. « ; Ouf atore will again be Santa Claus' headquarters. You can have your purchases put away for later deliv ery. J U'iIWWW Smith Hardware Lit firestone ' v v Witty and Mileage iFttt All Roads and Season* | - '#|Psp '■''T" - o ■ * LJ * _ % •» of large truck, bus and cab fleets V/ must have rugged, long-mileage tires If they are to make money. That is why so many of them have |, standardized on Firestone. Experienced race drivers, fdmost to a mail, equip with Firestone. Car owners can have this same extra safety and economy—by 'Vnitftg Gum-Dipped Cords. f , ''■■■■»_. rt ' '* • *' ; * ■ 'Dipping, the Firestone extra process, impreg- ' *&jktes and insulates every fiber of every cord with nfbbtfr—insures greater safety and comfort over rough and sandy roads—builds extra strength and flexibility Info the sidewalk-an exclusive feature that adds thousands of miles to the life of a dre. iCome in—let Us save you money by equip- A ping your car with a set of these wonderful jJF tires—prices aii*itttMow. / : J? 4 MOST MILES PER DOLLAR Wayne Tire Co* SMOUO rnOPOCK THRIR OWN RUBRKR .. . . *4 Who knee reopoMod io Ao Mo _**!>*-•*» »*•«• | Ml rhTM **■ bo fsfttrfiimiAi * jtaLii ■ ) entered upon the patHeflc soil. Mlso Oordeo SoM to hoe addreesi n%e child |« sdUtois. where ‘ho Mao Ur placed htok~-la our mMst The ape* «t It Mi keeping; M» training to Ul oura.” The elrctro tomorrow demands from the rtsiap navigaW- Ibr tlr—Mesr groins sad ( dtidr nerve*. We mutt dormulad# fer Ur leaden of tomorrow a pro. i pin that will equip youlh with t knowledge of the moral, economic «td patriot a reasons for todti *«- Otto on apd pbolbMlen. Th* '>p' prayer, ami poorer of youth ore ours for (k* seeking. Ldt us ptos to Mr rMop gear rattan brood view* of Me and dettltf. Lit ua pet kofon them hlpb Ideals of chaAcbrr sod plea thorn, o clear noon es la# httohli to which Uey may climb, ltd Ac noble drvds they may schteva already many oro Impressed with a deep and weighty sente of rrapom. utility for the uso luy may maha of llto sad IM flMto *nd HO BHOE~SHINING PARLOR For lad lea and Oontlenioa H«t ('loaning and Marking A Specialty Prnnnlnt OSnb rsMM lias “Wo Aro Wide Awake" 1 capital. be imli aa tatarvttw with tea Uo««raor of Ibn »«•, wit* lk« auH ufitjt IL n»n. : 33-™ :- be poaed tor a H—er«- H« wu in troduced to «r Rickard r ■rant, of Xnutky. Ho will lrava tod*? tar WlUaiagt»%. Mm tin ulna >jJ» joiaaoy tarowgb tbo Soutan port of Hi awa Ho will remain la tko Stataa, bo on»d. (boot too yooro more Aboat the moot daanur»ie taoucht E la Ute *No world to thlnklac r a con whip a man you can't In Ptaaec, a wooooa I*7 yooro *W drinkr wtac' hut oho would be ovoa oMor I Übr didn’t drink • ■ _—• ~ - 4y* - | Giant Tim . * We have all aiaea, cords, fabrics, balloon tires and tubes. Get our price before you buy. Goldsboro Battery Co. 08. MAUDB a WVIDMAN Ckirapractar ( onpicte X-Ray Laborator v Alfred E. Sptvoy W* B. Bordeaux * SPIVEY a BORDEAUX -r- , r . 1 Attorneys aad Coon»«l|or» at Law Office. 1U and US Profooatoaai Bid* OOLDSBOHO. N. C. Pboao 11U 11.1 IS mo c j 'L . , Ja • iAf sf f.i . / 5-FACTORIES AND OVER 250 STORES MAKES Otlß LOW PRICES POSSIBLE. WEAR O- • . a M I mV /WKS7 132 E. Center St Goldsboro. N. C. . •**,, - * « 7. --fir.— j;:'ihi—.Tj^i;jr«t'i-fcTT-TTTT-'i'. .u» »■- j» , i asaaetn—a——a——— THH SOUTHERN SERVES THE SOUTH '~I " " Will the South join in financing its own railroad needs? • > • ;i 0 rs . n ‘ ►„ I . Southern capital is being invested in many new enterprises along the lines of the Southern Railway System. An even greater gain in production and prosperity in the South in the next ten years than was witnessed in the last ten seems inevitable. [ I * « V But industry can expand no faster than the railroads that bring fuel and raw ma terials, and carry the finished products to the markets of the country. Money must t be invested in railroads as well as factories, . g if industry is to be efficiently served. That much of this new railroad capital should come from the South itself seems a natural result of the growing investment wealth of the South. • . 0 , :* • ■ % % |SOUT HE R N RAILWAY Y S ~ rmnmimw ill M H II MMlf fll 1911 W*wi^*tkJWßsifrtataw dfc dfr»nfc//«j v . , 1/11 fp! T! l/.-Of AT. C. w~ U. Vd. NOV. atthl THANKBGIVING DAY „ $5.03 Round Trip Fro* ss*o* GOLDSBORO REDUCED FARES FROM ALL STATIONS IN " NORTH CAROLINA *V ' • ", ?' :f§' ' IW * ~H' '♦< H Special Tlireuffc Caecb— J Leave GeMnbera Mu New SI H ISA.It Es Leave Selma Train Ne. *1 LftO A. M. Us Leave Raicrf ATraia Ne. 21 0.40 A. ML s.4s Uawtaftu tie. 21 11.41 A. M. W , ArrijtrCkapel HiH type.. 207 12.10 Neea v . RETURN SCHEDULE l*ave (bapd HU Special Train 7.11 P. M. Arrive Durham Carolina Special 8.3* P. N. Arriv, Rakshb CareMita Special o.2ft P. M. Arrive Shu Carolina Special 10.20 P. M. Arrive GoMabere Carolina Special 11.29 P M. SPECIAL DINING CAB WILL BE PLACED AT CHAPEL HILL TO SERVE MEALS SPECIAL THANKSGIVING PINKER , AVOID THE CONGESTED HIGHWAYS BY TAKING AD VANTAGE OP SPECIAL FADES AND TRAIN SERVICE a » ~, . , Southern Railway JN. BLOOBWOBTH. BMrkt riaooepta t**a!, Batalgk, *. C. M