»-**■“—-——«*- - «■ IH Mr M m 7T. Jr ' ’ 7 i 2*5. . pp- P WE ■ ‘ * »12.0 G Mt of Alum 8r ’ hnßß W«», wRh every Direct S • * Mrr>M ** d *»»« dcmoncti'ct toil • P 1 ~V-’--’Br •v. *’ ~ f » , , Bf§f I Utohirinhi, factory rapmaoptative of th* Direct Action <Jaa Range, will be wit* Ua am November 24th end 26th, to doaonetrate the Direct Action Gee Range, which is equipped with tK, famous imfpfa D«|t 'B| Wt 2? r , Hew. 28th, at S:M I*. M., a regular Turkey Thenhmpjgjng Ihnaer will ha rnnkwd in the ovea. This also wiU-be served to those fittogrhafi ? 8 ■ Mr. TiwbeHaks wy here a four months ago, and put oa a similar ifrfnTtratiaa which worn enjoyod by all who attended ■ B *P***f* Action Range during demonstration, wfH receive absolutely fra* a flf.ee set of ahimimim ware, whtrh enabien you to do whoi« meal cooking hi the own. - • 8 I Mtm w»y, rerrvt ♦ ?, v I I GOLDSBORO GAS COMPANY 'i. ,„. j t , .i-.-f i, , . . . . .. . • * Rocky Mwnrt Defeats Wilmington Yesterday At Mount Olive 10 To 0 Lane Cswwd, Many Being Phesa Wi €lty, See nay -Ot as i ■Nest Us WILL ms lAIiWii 8 Reeky JSaaat sad Stanford Will, MsMjßsaa ts psdda Ratonra \ Atur playing a aroralass tP ta *! Mml Oita* last fcuMiy nftoraoa*. < the Saaks HnM ud WUmtagton < HlCk Bchaot football . doa» mot j •gain la tk« naa city r**t*»tey d. raraaon, tp lonsv tararglag a t^*! { lean at a•il a l earn, «n»r \ four Mediae quarter* of sees *ae bad Umthall. Rocky Wen victory glv*»i hdr"the right ## Mt Baa Cord, who *es fro* Chap* SHI It to, 1 0 for tb* *k— W—kis of Butarsj North Carotin*- ThN gam* will bo 1 payed either at »h* end of <M» week. 1 or the a rat of aagt. The gssao yesterday was wtteeeeed 1 hy a large aad anthualaotic crowd, msay •upporivrs from both Chios via- 1‘ ttkag Vount (sl!va Trcße*r NT their 1 favorite*. There wav alao * goodly j aprtnkUng of Goldsboro faas la the cmpwd. Rocky Mcaint appeared to have a alight *dg» oa the WUmlng- 1 «*•» boy* la weight. )uet oa they d*df the local high achool eloveo, but the lafa from Now Bruanrtck county put »up a gaaae Agbt. It leokod like * Wlbalagtou walk, osar la the A rat half. The team from ‘ tlipt dty ' badly scared the Rocky IdpUßt eleven by narrowly mUslng a ktok from placement In the Cr*t qnan tar. and In the aoooad quarter •toy almost crossed th* Reeky Mount foal Ho* for a ro4cbdp w n. when j Bbcky Mount fumbled ■ punt and the " VSlmlßfton pi«y«r got away with the hell for a Je=jta£Q rua However tb* ROcky Mount team hold taut, agd Wilmington failed to acore. toeing the ball an down*. I Rocky Mount * score* earn* In th* third nnd Inst quarter*. In the third period they made three point* on a placement kick, and about th* middle of th* lost quarter intercepted a tor. wprd pass, carding the ball M yards fag a touchdown, and kiektag goal, giving them a total score of ton, »kMt bras ample to put th* gam* am |jL winner as th* Rocky Moont- Sontord gnm* will play the W#*t*rn Okanvptona. which In oil probobtlity oWW ho Pont cola, tor wale boson. kNa gam* be played In Chapel Hill In early V ember. Baptist Sunday School Enrollment Increases NOV. 14. OP)—Rmoll. la tb* Baptist Sunday School, of We South, in th* paat 7~n ha* Increased from to !■- IM.M3. Dr. I. K. J. Van *#*•- ratary of th*' Southern Baptist Run. day School announced today, In call. hq| tb* fifth annual Bouib-wtd* con ference to b« held la Birmingham. January IS W> 14. I**. Dii V*n Ness aaOtllSleijJkl* lncr*«** to t|* sew HW this Impstav of oa* thousand organlsad cHaaea *>*» put late ib* movemeat. Rapreaentatlre* of hundred, of th* . latent organised Baptist Sunday fbrhoela from *ovaote*n routharo Mates aad (he DUtrtct of Ootumbla. wIU attend th* Birmingham coawn * Hon. Dr. Van N*a* *Md today. V 111 I mm # Bit tebecoo w.ivbouwa callapscd Dear lie. Va.. tbetobacco ««4 being etreag enough to bold It up. Women wear »m»rt clothes. Pall hat. are »mnrt. Take* n smart man t* make enough money to buy one. iThanksffivinf Dty Conuaenoes Uit Phase #f Effort IMDIANAPOUe. lad., Nov. 14— |l^tnakagtv4n ( day will open tb* final pk*s* of tk* American Legloaa Mg jgUt benevolent acttvUy, Ike founding 4 * MA**AO* endowment fund to ogre for disabled veterans en<( orphan, of th* world war, U wea announced at national headquarter* of th* Legion haun today. Tk* fund h*a b**a broug t a|mo*t to tb* desired total nag c*»n- Pklgas lA,tb# parted between D»tl» glvlnc and Ckrtotmna are expected to Uamy I* tavev «b* tap.' ’ Tb* wind-up activities In tbe an. dowmaat fond effort will b* oent*rad almost *wlrely In Urge Httee, which, jwar# lot* |a beginning their cam paign*. These cltl*a w*r* contending keenly for f<e honor of being the oa* whoa* contribution, win send tbe na tional find over th* filMM** merit- Thanksgiving dm *>ao was expect *■<l to mark th* eloa* of a number of m nfin Mnrmkii Th* endowment (and work be. been ‘going ahead at full *t**m thl* month, 'report* Ito national ■ headquarter* ' ■bow. Reqpeaoi baa been even m*r* |*atbu.inartc man daring tbs summer when the endowment drive was *t Me height throughout the nation, worker* state: < Omsk*. Nebraska, th* boat of tk* re was one of tb* cities *.>icb *xp*ctod SHIRTS AND SHIRTS Christmu ShiijLa and them what ain’t. If you want to make a present to your husband or yeur best fellow for Chriatmaa, why not a shirt T Front the mißa to uailame CALL OR SEE M. E. ANDREWS 108 South Virginia St. PboAe 208-J INawrperi, ALii ffamd mitk Portland cematoaaacrate ‘ # Fine Streets Are Paved with Concrete i » Although the big point ia favor of paving with port land cement concrete if its moderate coot, wealthy home owncM insist upon concrete primarily because of fee attractive appearance. Out fra* kaoUaCCeiuTct* Streets j for Your Toum." will toll yaw dm whala toory. A*h /or yoar copy. PORTLAND CEMENT ASSOCIATION »' -• * bflkj -a *•* ' 401 Johnston Bldg, chawjOXTe, m7c *4 National Otyrmpariaa 4* /afwii mad Jbctwmd tkt Uttt wf CWaawto OFFICII m >0 CITMI L . • w 7* r . i4iV *► ATTENTION HOUSEWIVES JUST WHAT YOV HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR , i> ° . • - ' * . : x ■ • i • ■ . . tq ranch to indents int land gaal by Thankaglvlag dgg. When th* ramnalga tom* showed olgas as Mow. Ida down wkkla U4N at th* qaolg, ■rvin fotai Broaden Oman* merchant and Mtatmw, ceatrihatod tfidfi. *ad beaded a staan «fp agqad abtsfh went out ta rain* tb* mat. N«w Jersey and Pennsylvania ritlna W«yy crime to tag ■■gsel-tlna work far campaigns dering Deeaanber. Other Penney!sanin ottlao organis ing for eedoareMto iMnrta, kasNto fddiadoiphfci taotgfiad MtoHm, Couple, It Is Ghmed, Took Asyhmrn Food HAGERSTOWN. No*. hang ed with rmbegglamani Wiliam WaL ter B.llllnc. auperiw rylent •! Bellr tm» ctyluai. Washington om.nty abna ho'iae, ui Ma wilt, Xn. i’ora t- BhtlUnc. mgtrpn of the tnxt tttt ao. gar* hall today, trustee a of golqg their surety. It Is alleged that BhQJmg and Ma glta . confiscated araata. graqtaloas. pq*chaaad tor th* Itatltntltn Chief Warden Char lea W. Aiax aadar at th* *M* Mint wa* Indicted far laanoay. He »«a formerly * deputy f b-r.W Uniquely Carved Cam To Be Given Cooßdge HAOMMTOWN, Nov. fit.—Prato. a can* from a oodar treq as Smith moqatnln tottlrlcM. near Rano'a moagmoat. and ,c*r»ed by Jacob A. Zlrglar retired Hagerstown school tveefcar, wh* engrave* tbs can* wk Id eonraleaaing from Injurira raaoivef In an aoto aocident. Nine hundred end two latter* nr* engraved on to taxi, which boo ts'n* the names of all tl* preaMvnU an 4 * Latin leacrlptlag. van oomneono wane TURKEY GAME WILL RECALL MEMORIES DaaAa as OU Ttagars Cltad; Car #Hm Hag Un or Virfinia »iieq EM qf'War CHAPEL HILL, Nov, *4.—Me moriae of ether day* will oc*M hock 1 to th# Tar Haot a* It take* th* « nqniast Vlyglaa hare Tha*k*»»t*g Day la the aaaaal renewal of the i-anaon*! gridiron claaskm. Th* team as W which woa a U victory over (h* Cava lie** will be re oaHrd. The touchdown same when V*r«aa Hawaii, Tar Heel back, »«w dan *f the school of pharmacy of the University tea 4# yards through 'ha satire Virginia team tor tk* wvhalag aoare. Than there was the gam* played at NorMk ta life whs* Virginia was a strong favorite. Car. ottaa overturned th* peedtatleaa sag waa IT t* A Poy Bakaraee, now ad Darkeon, and precUcing physiclnn of that city wn* captain as th* team that yoar. v And there w*a fib# weadordto to* cord of RIM Vttoar wh* na» to M. (huwUan after wring eh unusual re mN pUy.ng far Mq OltodU *t Cha»- IPlt when the Ttr Herin bag been oato*t*d ii times' egiiiratrralr. I* wot Pelgar wh* eusrlagi the toll U nude far n teachdawn tad th* fin al aaore was V to • ta flprolln*’* to ver, Ruat Lawq .wao sis atar' #• envoi ton la lfilfi riclary, f **•, or. rr the Cnvattora. LAPfA^ ATTENTION Orders taken for CHRIST* AS VISITING^CA&D6 . J. N. LONGEST, Jr. QgMoboro, N. C. Pltattq MLJ o*- AnMhw Sqrvic* Day Aad Nlfkt Dry Phaaq lUI[ . Niff lit Pkottq 712-W aad 254-J NORTH CAROUNA WAYNE COUNTY. la Tk* Superior Coqri L:anl> Htcka ) va ) Notice LUlt* May Hlckh u) Th* defendnat above named will lato nolle* that an notion as above boa bean commenced In th* nuperter court of Wayne county to obtain aa abaolute divorce from defendant; nnd th* nnld defendant will further take ndljce tbet ah* la raqulrad to apprar at tha t*rm of the superior court of ■tod county to be bald oa Monday, November fit, I*lß. at the court haua* of said rouuty in O*ld*bor*. N. and aaawar gy demur to to* complaint ta raid action, *r tha ptalg> tiff will apply to the court for the r»Brf demanded ta arid aomptotal Tftta. th* 4th day of November. IMS. J. B. HOOKS. dark Superior Court H « j '*'■ I • ' ' aU’;.-" ,f ' ■ - \ SPEND YOUR NEXT VACATION AT NOREHEAD BLUFFS, N. C. “IN THE LAND OF ENCHANTING WATERS” “TRULY A LAND OP ENCHANTING SPORTS) . : j . *x- ’«* •••**■' v ‘"hi 4 mt-- *■ .M^rnpgfißMMMi “ - ""- - - * v, ’V .. T ■ ' . . Floridm Land Compeny -Sftt 5-2 SS cbergag aa* as th* mglto ta fitltowi war* returned agntaat th* nadir Uorii Company u4u hr to 4am I grand Jaty. ,* A J. Jnacpk. RroaMoat, Lean L. atom, lacrtoaty aad Marty Rama, water, aaotkar. •xrowtlv*, war* ua. od to th* indictment, tegathor with , fnurto** aoloame* lor to* organtaa- Uoa. I Th* aaaairg, to latar. aathmal Uagffh la akaagi* with ha ring npnetatlaed m talltaa Maria | lota thaoaah fruudlulaat rapreaenta. ttraa qfi tbakr laatototta «M valaaa i Prorioo* to th* Pudoral aattaa, to* I ntoto eapdaad thq ooaoora from ooa. tlautag ta oartato as Mi fiatoh. Trouble with a riel nu h whoa to* pktaw rtaqpi yaw totak year noa has kata J*U*4 tot apaai tat Hatoraadfi to totoar than *fifi»ton •to rifi as earns apafy mt Cam Warn- My. Thtoaa Rvwg Rtora. ■ » '■"« ■ - ■ -- i » ■■■> Corns Lift Off-No Pain! TT- -• Do*an'« hurt dk* Mt! Drop a llttl* "KYraion* oa a* achteg oora, ta toaatty that oora atapa hurt tag. to*a •hortty you lift It right ass with fin gam. Your dragglat aaHa a Uay bottl* of “Yrvraon** for a few cant*. aufflci«nt to raanor# *vury hard oora. soft com, or com hatwoaa to* to**, and tha tact eatluaai, with nut lr rtutloa. . 5 LATEST STYLES, LOWEST PRICES, HIGH QUALITY. WEAR o • f * .. •» -■ ' Y 3 mt/ WMF J ' , t " V ‘i, 132 E. Center St Goldsboro, N. C. » % * it .i Fire Dsmaeci ~ C»einsi■ is Pietary ■ucCmtown. rtov to, A* dMirorad » tars* building to to* rarda as tha Mara lead Lumber aad MRlwuik Otrgawfito* tadpg. aalqN. l*ff a loaa of WIN, oovtrag to to. auta’uoa. dJliffff to rad tor a Lowlatowa firm aad Mar. as la «ka bulldlug warn kadi dam- Bank Hmmibott Bodhed by Bandits CHICAGO Iter/14 (ft-IH* av ala VISIT OUR r g g * “ 'B I GIFT SHOP 1 ■ Beaattful Hini Dtrontij I CHRISTMAS CAROS I I Shop Early! I I d iriri* j I I Roy all & Borden I \ JR./. .■• r .., • ■ kj&vkj' ' ” ./U ' J*"'* W>T Tfir ' ' ' "f '<■ ' * t WE OFFER Taiuuri p’ggarty gs Durhagi Hasiary MR M ini fito ,* Ash iirtoi, atop IS ItoggßA InrM « R Qitopfiy pMto ‘ ’ ' liKj •. ' Ft' 4 *R- * Una and Stooußb strqqta, aad It VMtoto M% fißa* tto . • ' , MOYE& MORAN, INC a -w . i s s' f —* *" >■ RRfflff ' I A beautiful 912.00 mi of AJaaw S inum Ware, with evarjr Mnet ■ Act*j>n Range pure hand during ■ cooking demonstration. ,? , 8 a ■ phone §O l *■-* >«:!«■; rotfera teM •» a haak n tSI , ate bto caarte, atet a | tlTllSl X a ptMtf Beat, ate «aaate< teteS prusJuataljr IM.M* wkfak «U fctfik >te«a to *»otter teak ten teth7 * . yj ■arte* Cater tea a» sWTl2hfclSrJTJfr a tel, M tenk. (teg PAGE SEVEN

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