PAGE EIGHT *o«u» ▼ jllS ft NATIONWIDE f*% *“•““5 uwin urn mm institution- I fig; .T ~a . _•... GOODS CHAIN H . I k H 4K PBKZS DEPARTMENT STORES HT - A 130 E. CENTER ST, N., GOLDSBORO, N. C. &, . T r * i — ■ '■■ 11 1 ' " " * ll 1 i n. i .«M»n"- COATS AND DRESSES Styles, bank ad Prices I ffbkDslMfcßitPM HgbS? - ini:; #?>■ 2j\ '.;. • ■ ~. .. . > •’. o 9 ur *****»]"* power for 676 stores gives you real high-grade materials and style for these km prices. m—■ . . - Corset-Girdle & Stylish, Economical Coats ||i Smartly Fur-Trimmed, Too* fflHt ** Yes, these Coats are priced (£=(%& = [I ~ this low! If you saw them "^gfr Jl hanging without any price tickets, you’d think them 7HUHK mVlfv much higher prked jpur- / My^' ments because materials, <A \V V s S' W . 790 w * at workmanship, and trim- /ift \\ Bj itTmsi*(llice o Try , Ji»ta mings are of good quality. /1 VL ;kK™l^®|Rß^fi SSf£rii*X I/" Flare, and fcl | |ff|Wfisu\ ° <ML» Straight-Line Modes * fjkWydl m - •SSf T . < “ i In the representative and fj/yS I( T \On / Uplift Bandeau smart styles of the season. Tjf 1 Jh VR >JB y A fWihadar Fl—in 'The flare, with alt its dash- rati fVi ill •■ & ing spirit! The dignified ty-flf 7 wfl IN nil i straight-line modes! And Jf I i/jl W» ImL Fa a itt'im iu.l a, OTHERS {8.90 TO $29.75 • .. pearanee, the slender wo- t> , " SISS or BUM jhexisrs one < * * •I Oieas Ladv-i.yke Ueu Also see our feature of Ladies’ Coats, with big g^g^ 4ea«uu Priced. fur collars. New styles and all the new shades Jps/.90 I 49c “ ■*' , o " '* ' ■ ' ' " . II I NEW PARTY DRESSES Evening dresses and party dresses of the newest styles. All new shades and trimmings. Materials of Georgette, Crepes, Lace Brocades, etc., high grade dresses, at a low price,, f $19.75 $24.75 $29.50 - • -n ‘ " " ■ Shimmering Silk Dresses Youthful Coats for Girls In The Popular Flare Styles Serviceable and Moderate in Price iS. Whit could be more attractive Winter Coats for girls than tba Silk Dresses ■of this * must be serviceable I They (KL Winter—.with their flares in the - must he attractive, too— derp, rich satin material* ? Truly, and warm I You will find 4 ' U \ | a uioat feminine mode I all the desired qualities in \ Yj j^RUh B .Dm Strap At TU, Stan priori to««. 'W- A . An, »hat V»bit could b. * ' J***,"? f"”” X JT J Hg greater than theae Frocka we are * to 14 ■ *^T\T allowing at thia low price ? Stop For girls who art toddling \\ . jjAl io and look at them I Sites foa ; yoangiurs. (or long-ltgg«d M ' V>[ 4 women gad misses. Priced, only. .school girls, and for ,/***? M mamm ' ' P r ‘»l* Coats. In % range of b dAf xf Sl4 7®si YfrT 3.96 TO $24.75 s3 ‘ 9B $9,9 ° «lM M flgys -«■ rzr tztm&T mm 1 LOCAL NEWS oV WITH TIBS COMPANY BB- 1 dim SOLID CilLOil |T tibf. • v , ,A toll* earleed M rtrutwir t|rve ' bu Justkge..e«g** by w.y.« < tlr. company of UU* o*y. „■ Tbit car 1 of mm dipped, *ord, blab ' pressure, balloon sad truck tlrca to 1 « aajr m»kt of car or truck, tad < •train-wrld*d tabCa of ad alpr*. This company apcoUttado la factory mo- 1 ihoda of rtpalriac all makro of tires ' and tubra. and hsv, recently laataQ-i •*d • m »Irm, aid complete tra r»~ i pa> marblnr A aenrke truck ia 1 maintained by the company, which, •ogotber with It* courteous cm- 1 ploy roe, aaauraa Ha patrons #f the beat aenrtco obtalasMs. a oompleta : !inr of tlra sad dm accessories art 1 carried by the ewapesy, and frea At and water art obtalMbia at their quartern o B renter street. Tire as. prrti are trtf ready to Inspect all makes of tlr«a and advtsa tka cur awner free as coot just how he m*y Odain tbe boat results 'from hfe tires. , <OOI IMG BF.BOMBTBATIOM AT t«>I.D»BOB0 GAS CO. Mr. A. F. TimborUbc. factory r*. proneutatlre. was at tba offices of tbe Goldsboro Os# Company yewter day. directing a demon at rat laa of the Direct Acton gaa range, and will a>- •a be there today, where at thrga o'clrck tbla afternoon a Thankagttr ine dinner wUI be cooked In tka an. *n es the range to demonstrate Its efficiency. Tbla dinner will bp aerr ed te those attending tbe demo*atra. Ikon. The Gee Company will peo •ent to e*eryone purchasing g Drect Action range during the demoaetra. •low a HIM act of alumlnam ware, with which aa entire raeej con be rooked to the oven of the range at me time ▼nramn bottle, and loath kJU help ■oAgnl children enjoy laneboo po ■web totter. All olooe and Aqtfp- TH AMKMeTTIIVG SBKTICKS AT TIBNT BAPTIST CHUBCH TBUBB PAT MOBMIMG There will no ‘gruffer meeting at tbe First Baptlat ebureb tonight be cause of th< conflict with the Tem perance Bally te h« batd at gt Paul, but a Thank** vine aenrl«e wIM be l-cld at tb* Pi rat Cburcb at 11 n. m Thursday morning, tt was stated lest nlrht la accordance wHh usual custom, a Thanksgiving offering for the Baptist Orphanage at Thomau dlle. will be takeg at this time, The Orphanagar Asa clarion, urges that everyone gtvc the equivalent as ope <lny’a lnc°ma for tbe upktop of the orphan children. MB. W. A. MASH KB DIBS Mr W. A. Saaaer, age Tl. a native of this county. died at 7:44 o'clock lest night g| the krmr es hi# daugh. ter, Mr*. Lloyd E. OurVy. US N lionel street. Mr. Baaoer bad burn la declining health for several months Phi acral services will be held, wlta Masonic boners, from the home of Mr Gurley at S o’clock thlg after, •moo. and the ramatna will be car ried to Kenly for IntsnaenL Mr. Sss »er Is aunrleyd by one .later, Mrs Huldah Crawford, es Kenly, fouj sons, Messrs. D. B. and J. B Saaaer. of Mount Olive; K. C. Saaeer. of F»lon end O. W Saaaer c f Wgaop, end seven daughters. Mrs Uoyd B. 'Jurley and Mina Bffie * cS I Goldsboro; Moadamoa J. F. fTumg HSH * & I Marked Down Sale | I I for Ladies and Misses I I Extra small and extra larsre women included I § in the celebrated Betty Wales Co-Ed and | ■j !■■■■■ i H I Claire models. Over 150 for your selection 1 I s ■ - WEDNttDkY MBh—him-MUt IV BMUMM 11 |M| , * Fjr w r.. - .. lee,. W. a Plum# and f % it** Ban»y. end Mrs. B* B. Mg swear «n« NAP Bourn, es AyAaa > w » < Tenr ear dews’! mtigudw pguMM lien. AMvu M e UtUe Wand Aleehal to keep B tram fraeatog a*. AML fmean Mrehef at Palana Brag Mara. CM-MPBBATMB 0P MBWBPA PBM AIDED IX BCCCESB OW TOUB The NMWB Is la woept a* n let ter from Mr. Hetmes Bryaon. Preot dent of the AnkeMDe Chambor gil CegameTue, etoUag that mack sf tbe splendid sac Pens es the recent Tmw North Caroline’’ taar, garflalgefed te by a large number pf laaMagto es West ora CareMna wan dag to tka co •peraUoß es the aawpijpfa es tba state. Kt Bryson aadd that the agon r»ra of the tour were deeply appre ciative of this ccv-overat ea. and else tbe cerdtnl wateams given the mn toirade by ctMunm of Ooldsbefa and other CM lea It vtattnd. . PIMT BAPTIST riVBCI IMPBB f AM. TM BBT. JL ». TFBBKB SOU of tba church membership tkte Pint Baptist church kef Issued a call te the Bov, J. f>. Turner, of AL. bnny, Os.. to accept the paaterata of tbe church. Bev. Mr. Turner dally. e*ud a Sermon hero last Tuesday ■Mht. making a vary favorable fcm pnraaten a pea Ms kearvta No m. •poaee had bean received from Mr. Tamer yesterday, * tokigg some time for sa euohaapr of lettera. but It la expected his daddies am be’ rowanuntested te tb« chflivh within the seat few Asya bbal bbtatctbamsfebb ‘golAAoto ftwhyanf Company to Board of TVaetacs es the Oelde. her Oraded Schools school site soar Herman Pork, deed dated September If, IMS; Gdldahore Ms. eeale Building Corporation bore Devsdepmeet Cemgeny, two tmeu of lead ta vVawlty of Mfenla ROLLS HOT ROLLS 11 l * ■ ■ • _ V : 1 W* have made gpariil imaftMMla tg half frank knt roUp fnr your Tkaakaffykif Oktaar. Cakna of al kinds, frank and rick. J. » r Goldsboro Bakery "* ' ‘ * • * ' . o Turkeys ALIVE ■ \ 35c : . ' V*. ' . r . . Ready for Oven ‘ * 50C ' - Dressed Hens Fresh Fork WE WILL BE OPEN TONIGHT UNTIL 10 P. M. Sanitary Market i Phone 545 Heme. MOM, dmd Ant'd Oetober SB 1»H; Bum* es Tgudltit of Be Oeldphera Otoded htsAs be Ontdg keto Devologmoat Own pang, tarn , tnudg of lend is eMff. WJM, f«k(L datod October Id. Itm Jpgle % ■ ■Nm sad mfe te Mrs. dganta B E Bradford and wife esd W^ lt W 1 1BSr^aPbbJIR lot 4> PlhevUle. t» sdd MU# «<«/ rtderuttoas; H. H. Cmrikrd A « wife to Bsik of PfkeMUn Ito ■ Ptkouttie, |l# sad ether wenslMV Jr r -- , 4 M||iifs i inrfrm Tsafardsi by the B—Mter d Dwggs es Wayne Ceunty, tkM Mag «• Nsv . P. Hooks, of (M Map township end Mies Muds Bknfc* ak» es Q*fH ' THAMKMirnNi mncM a* mar cbbimiav carats Union Thenhsgiring Bodto «#> be held ti ld:M Wutouk Ihnaksgjv i lx me ruing es the IW Chrigttun ehurch. Ike Maffiptlm es tfc. John’s Methodist the DM. and f«N *nt Cbrigßsg übuiph <*-epe ruting m db dgntmi ld> sen Lewis, psgtar of the ehurch u# **TW the MWu A eondUl lgvMaMen M extandsd to ov- r i, r te -“r BIT. d. *. raiHBALB f MW siAxiasimd assncM • Them wiu he n Tbsnbsglvlag eer. vise at OuUmw'g BriNs «han» at U Moloch Thnradag msnssg. Prom this church the mlgiotoc, Bey. J. T, P**e rereld, will ge to ChAoties Hill, whore a a ether MmOer aerrtoe will go held. There will he u bex nagger u Christina BUI Tbrusday atffht i i i i i • Meet es as toe mad at the world Just ti weans there emo’t enough dm prises log- all of ua to hsye oec.

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