•' \r ■ BAfHH)ATVOBNING, nUTSMBEB 2S. lftU iSwWwwfffa WMlßmwam**** . r , % ;.y *\ . - j i iiTn i&if ll—nri% :«Br Av FROM US TO YOU! *QB3| Htmight from our heart H '; 4N|| Those greetings r#mr> Jfikjß# fIQMI “A Merry Christmas,” And then some. Wgk * WAYNE TIRE CO. jH9p JHHp^ j|2!fc' -aSBB jfl^LiJfl HI - ifjffi"stf:, l -jggMiM^^w ■^^^H^Sii§Bl9P r | -. 11 / i - r_ *• v • 'J. • • * * . , . X A. „ (ml pH * < V i 'l < T ypj M Rw SS Wm fvr^P lfl|J It no! just through WBQHma JSzUgk rf Christ maw I>uys that we " you joy—but "mAMp - » ilmWhhlh? o ,; . ■■' if sft’Z'. C4Hi ■^■wnnt Frier, da And ('ttotomer*: y 1 - wi May this card find vou happy nb f^H .JB[ftS»i; Topped off with Fortune Mnilinu BußHc^ Vr ThrnuKh every day next .year. 4Mfli * 'HKi ' ■ + Awlf^&' iTTlk-. ■%mwm r 'fvJIUV. pHMn : 3 ia^-dii|/!iSg^^ HfT.|p*BK'^ ! 't^ ; . «v£' tlm l 'f «#*d«.»»*?U' ' i. # HAuL|') l ~ ■■■ • —I-fJL MJrltf<MM>i> Alll t ■a t Wilmington Paper / Praises “Scandal” The Wilmington Mar la com meet lay apoa "•nadal" u promoted. by the n’Oia* prayer*. any*: 'Scandal". a Ooafo Haatllton play which, alone. annum Ua worth, ra- Plate with complex altuattoua. tea** uomenis andllghter riant that put* a Malta on hrawa that .had wrinkled a aiomaai earlier. waa praaaatad aa tha opening attraction of tha . third - waah*a nogageroent at the D'Otaa i player* laat night al tab Vtctrta than tea. : Mr. Dthaa who haa haan permitt ing hla aaeoeiataa to handt* the aaera Important ro|aa. want lata tha laad ,la«t night and handled a difficult part la a maaaer to paotra concluaive ly hla claim to graataaaa oa tha apaaklag ataga. Working opposite Mlaa Iran* Hubbard ha aoarad to height* to Block actor haa little raa *on t«S even hop# to at tala, whio tha work of Mlaa Hubbard waa aaooptloo-' ally fine Tbara war* momenta In luct whan tboar la tha audience mail hare I mac'd they- ware enjoying f a road show attraction Th a wag par •trularly trne la the second act which afforded t|a laada opportunltlaa that ire writ lea In few playa. / "ttanUal" contain* a certain amoum of rlagae hut la not ahocklng It .iffhrds on# a touch of th* dramatic yet hold colne to tha border Hu* of humor Th# thing la lateroattog and it done la a commaadahla and planting manner. I. W. rata*, la th* Wilmington Star. fc/andal will ha preeented by tha Ntibaard UOHta player* with tha Mima catt aa In Wilmington, at tha Maaon Thoatra Wadna»day and Thursday nlghta. December I* aid 30. with a apodal ladle* matinee 09 Wednesday at which all aeata wll| be twenty-fir* caata. m , !■! I pyjilaai 11 ai «i unsay IM Cosmo Hamilton Plans To Do “Radio Serial” new YORK. Dec 24—(ffV- Hnrlhg experimented with Ih# rending of a “fifteen minute novel" by radio, ('oamo Hamilton contemplate* the breadtaat lag early next y*ar of a “radio aorlai.” Tha atory probably will be told In ‘elAt “inetxllmenta" «*>( It minute* each, he Mid, with dialogue, d*acrtp tlon and characti rUatlon. Tha ten tative title I* “The Minting Man” and ha Intends making! tha atory “light and Shavian." “Wacht Am Verboten in Some Areas KAISERSIJkUTERN. Rh.-nlah Pal atinate, Germany. Doc. 24—<4*) —“Die Wacht am Rhein" la Mill verboten In the o< cup I'd araaa where the real "watch." la maintained by Allied I roopa. Ten high acbonl *tudent* on a hik ing trip, fntplred to aong by the beau tie*/of the Rhln'land hll'a, atarted the olp refrain: “Eu brauat ein Ruf wle fbutnerhaU" Krench genlarme* ar re*l'd them. The Krepch n.Hilary po lice court at Kaloeralautern fined the two londeat afngera AM each, two oth *r» 912 and four 24 each Two prov ed to tha Mtlafactlon of the court that they could not ting tad were dla m!**cd Alexander Raker of Norwtrh. Ung. charged with Mealing a bicycle, ad mitted doing to In order to cocape lmm a widow who waated him to t.iar(7 her. 1 ■■■■...*. . ■■ HT IT! OP NORTH f AROI.INA ll*par*aMal of Slate 1 rERTIPIPATi: OP IHSSfII.ITION To all to whom l&eae preamt* may coroe—Greeting: Whereat, It appeara to my *aliafac- Uon. by diilyoaiith'n'lcgtca record of the proceeding* for the voluntiry dt*- «olut!on thereof by the unanlmou* r<>n*ent of all Ihe ato<-kholdera. d*- pooitxl lu my office, that the Enter prlae-Whltevllle Lumber Company, a corporation of till* Ht.it.-. whoae prln c.pal office It altuated in the City of Gold*boro, CoiHm of Wnyne, State of North ing the aglnt ind In charge thereof, upon whom proeea* may be eerwdl. compiled with the re quirement* of Chapter 32. Conaolldat ed Statute*, entitled "Corporation*," preliminary to tha burning of .thla Cer tincata es Dtaaolntkn: . Now. ther*. 4, W. N Everett, Sec retary of State of th« Slate of North Carollaa. d<> hereby lertlfy that Hie naltl corporation did. on the 31M day Os / Decen ber l!»24. file In nt) office a fuly executed and alteatid conaent In writing to the dlaaolution o) *w(d c.ir poratlon, »xecutrd by *ll the etock lnild -r» ih.reof, which *:i*d and the record of ‘he proceeding* a foteauld »rr now no file. In my *ald offie • aa p’tcvld'd b> law. In Te«iiinouy Whertof, I have here to. aet my baud and affixed i.iy of flrlal aeai at VTaJ' Igh, thla 21*1 of December, A. D. I*M \V. N. Kv BRETT, Hec ret ary of Suta K ' *• JK.U —— .ip ii. ~ii ipij "i i j ■ wyji. h.i iin '■ . ■ ■■■■ ■« » dSBS- JOYFUL CHRISTMAS, PROS- Hffi PKROUB NKW YEAR! ? - iUPr o’ ONE ANI> Al.l. MjSXU&M WpVihh you it ( hrjMlntUM fairly hrimminu »’«r JHhHH Hith »«> and rheer and a New Year filfeji with S. ■-v . ■ ..** 7 "'fn RJ#frV|M ninny happy hours and much prosperity. '‘im 5 . EjmXAA (iOLDSBORO (iARAUE i| | Sti^B psSSI *&.l , otN 3j , ’r4sfc*v '''•' ■ * ' ... ' « >C Bg j Br^ _ .. i HApU '• , M/m jik Xsm PP IK#‘'MMjtffv _ ,gm Mmyv,i yl mUKEfos’A ht.irls. rial Christmas k lad news which will v A lingrrjlo theer you throuifbout Ihe enlire New JBHp Ai t a tflj %a- fflrkSLoSk WM PAGE FIVE

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