WEATHER Increasing ctourtlß«sa foUowsO by ‘bowers sFylday Right or Saturday. - *« mucbVcbangv in iMirmim. - rsrrrT-i VOLUME SIX; NUMBER U . W BYRD WAITS CLEAR WEATHER TOWART LONG HOP BELIEVE PIEDMONTNORTHERN TO GETSEAPORTTERMINAL Tri-Motored Plane Is Ready To Last Detail With Byrd On Field Waking Freeing Word Weather Continues Bad and Today Noon la In dicated as First Pos sible Time When Flight May Be At tempted; Expected Clear Off Banks To day; ' Attends Cere monies In Honor of Undberfh. ROOHFYKI.T Fit'Ll). X. I. J«w II UP) r- t emmander Rickard Byrd Mt| •« Ik* flyli* ff fr*m whlrh two plan** hat* already hepped •« far Europe and made tkr teal MteMMtlißlla Ia |a||mw|wai MPT* peWaSawwSia aw IwllwWlßr mw a all Haul Rath. Tit liiaalifi Feb her mm plan* -AaorlnT waa read; la thr laal SMI. KU la ground **ty t> * wrathrr rtmrr wh*rh FrlaarS ta show *%*■ *1 In* Byrd sa notwced ha ha 4 given uT all hope t getting away today and that ha be lieved tomorrow nooa waa th« first time for a uha-off. Thr wralhar bureau Karr ao great hope* that thara Ron Id br sufficient clearing t-v*n then, and tba comma n dtr wu repeatedly ujrlai that Ha will br Raided hr thr weather may'* orders. It la aatM that stormy condi tion* would porlwbly clear oft thr Grand Hank* toamrorw bat low pres sure area* were • spected to fur ther out on ths ocoaa. In tha tala afternoon Hyrd *«» present at cerowionle- on the field In lioncr of Charles Lindbergh to whom hr lent hie especially built runway for a European hup-nff Chamberlin and Irvine nlao need thla runway to maki- their take off on tkeir Ml In to Germany. . DELEGATES ARE NAMED AT MEET W«vn« l*oat American L*gin ObHervea lad lew Nitrht In Pinal Sum mer Meet Appointment of delegate* to ■ „ the Male Convention of tbr Awerlruit legion In August. featured tbe regii- Hr meeting of the Wayne county i»<*»»t at the CiMiieaNalty Boilding last eve t ing. Wive* ami sweethsnrts of tka members of the pout were gtteali of the evening. anti an enjoyable hour was spent Approximately Me were present. Excellent mu*lr waa furnished by Ward's orrhexrta. and talks ware made Ttu»» apeaklng Included tol. K.-H.-Baia, Dr C. P. Htros nlder, Col. John l). lanpatnn. The auwtTßf va* *ti» last xrhvh months, continuing a policy of aereral veers "tending. Neil fall. It waa de rided, as lediis auxiliary will l>e nr emptied for work fn connection with tire ttfe _•/ At K*e£l po-t eed ft lit planed to revive latareat la the !*• efal roamof lb# comm units building ThoVoftowlng were named aa de'a antea to the Plate Convention which Teels In Washington: tlugh Dortch. (\ r Deet. Jr.; A 1., Way rick. J. C Crone. I*eslle Oardner. and Olln ten Elmore. • • Tbe following were named aa alter natea- o. R Johaaon. J. D. t anra ton K H Rain. W. Oriffia. Jr., Mr* J. C. Mai and l-oub* Hum mel Jr. 1 __ PflXf.ftW I* WWtftß ’ ACOT. Rag.. June !« -<AY-Rtr Aha Ballay'a UgaliaA bp 1 swnHn-la*. mat of AJapa. von tpe gold cap ha* of taday*t feauragU yfta Jtgpad Am THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS ItKhoui: THEY BUY. Mrs. Browning Dies In Her 103rd (Veer Ml*. Margaret Browning, aged 103 yearn, wan burled Wednesday near Mt. (Alw. Mr». Browning reached her fOSrd birthday on May 10, last Analive of Durham county, ahe moved to Wayne mw ernl year* ago and at the time of her death waa making her home with stmpaoa and Bwinaon Brown ing, her aerhews, near 111 olive They are the oaly aurvtrtng rela tives. Mr*. Browsing had retained e remarkable strength of body and mind limit a tew months ago. As lade as last fall ahe had been able to get about and help with the house wor^. 111 11 — ll ■ * RACKLEY NAMED FOR ASHEVII.iI. ,T i Tn Truth Science and Direct Athletic* at Grace High School Blaney Rarkley, of Goldsboro, who .'<aa Immm) prominent iu rollcgf athlc ‘ilea for the paat four year* and whu waa captain of Wake Force! football luring laal season, has been elected Hrletice and director ol Athletics.Ho Grace High achool at •vsbrvllle. AhJ, He was noUTied of hla election by ihp 'mho*l'--»iril on Wednesday, and bin duties In Afhfi vllle will Begin on September first.* Mr. Itnrkley graduated at Wake Forest College in Jaa*. where he has played football for the paat four veafa. He waa captain of the fool hall team during Hie paat season. He waa a member, of the Lack team at Wnka For**! for four years waa selected for all atato quarter heck three year* i.nd was unanimously selected all dttO, “tflfkfTFfDhrk toet- reoe * He will direct football, haakefhall and baseball at the Grace achool at Ashevttl*. Mistrial Is Ordered In Asheville Case T a ‘-y ABIIEVIM.K, June -Judge Sinclair of ftayrttevllle tonight order ed a rot-trial tn the rase of Mra. Mildred Mitchell, trained aarae charr ed with the murder of Mra. Mae Clay and dlxchargcd the Jury that had de liberated 30 & hours without reach ing a verdict The first ballot stood ala for convtrtlon and alx far ac quittal, It waa shld and the last bal tot was the same. Baltimore AndßackFor&Q i Cents Feat Os Locql Boys 'A rare Dew ad. titan weak* viahluv Richmond. Washington and Raltlmori on Maty cent* la the fant performei hr '»wi C4|| ggV hoys. Mslt oln Ufflor 1 lolling*worth o- Us North John street. The hoyi both hiked their way uotih and hark art ivlng In the city Wednesday even Ing. a little foot sore but with a ful store of tlnrklcberry Finn sdventnree Morse la an eighth gtader In the r t> 'rliools and Hollingsworth la his Pal.. Monday two weeks ago they left Uoldehoro on their trip of adveatare The* started walking down highway hdmhet 40 agd turnlnk an espertnat eye qt each passing motorist, present if they had a lift. Wbea this one gays oat they got aaother By Than day roaming—a beat three dar»—they ,S " m : VETERANS GET PENSION MONEY T Eigflktuen Vtltfua and 43 WUh tlwii of Vetornnu on Lint* I of Wayne i Thofk? at» note« k*h»BW MfTtsAnc, Coufederpte veterans fn Wayne conn ~tyrßhtutly U anrvtvtng widow trf Confederate veterans, penekui lists •a the office of clerk of court J. 11. I Hooka reveal. Mr. Hooks has Juat • made settlement with the veterans and veterans widows for pension* I allowed by the state. Each veterau | receives IIDo and each widow (Ml. ' A total of (1.(00 waa distributed la 1 pension money. Veteran* living' in Wayae aret fowls A. Adam*. Joseph lias*, lien . Jantin Casey. H. 11. coor. Bynum Kutretl, John B Grantham, Rufus Hans, Edward Holmes. J. A, Hon eyentt. J.,‘ T. Norris, N B. Outlaw, Alf Potluck. J. R. Hauls, J. T. Bmith, D. H. Taylor. George Taylor. B H. Tyson. Allen Wooten. ", Widows Receiving pension* are' Meadumes Martha Benton. I ‘alienee A. Blow. Hannah Brown, Phoebe Brewer. 8. E, Bunn. Sally A Claytor, Penlna Coleyj»Mary A. Derr. Mattie Essell, Annie Faulk Margie A. Gny. <>arah E. Hill. Julia Hoillhgsworth. Elian E. Horton, Bettla Howell. Phoe be Jordan, BHaa i angs*wsi. Maagla *. I.ynrk, Bpsan McCandlens. Jane Rally J. May, Catherine I Merrill fitiaan Merritt. Barah~lHll •r. I ovle Newsom. Betsy V. Overman. Ruh l M Reaves. Cornelia Roesen. Lola H lloyal. Annie fiaater. Atyey Kmith. Bailie A . Smith. W H Speight 8. A V. Suit.<n. M. K : Thornton. H. fl. Thrower, Octavta Wiles, Zylp hls C. Williamson. Minnie A. Wom ack. Halite Worrell, Mary B. Ilollo tnan, Martha Button FOUR KILLED > IN EXPLOSION - . On* Man Han Miraculotw Esrapc After M Foot Rid* on Fnlling Rock EMPORIA. Va., June !«—{**> Four men were killed Instantly and three others seriously Injured here this as ternoea as the result of a premature powder explosion at a stone quarry The dead Include the superintendent. Uk ftftaah junas old oust. auuUusc ahU* man. and a negro laborer. The seriously Injured.are negroes Exact raise of the explosion has not determined The men were working under a ledge of rock when tbe blast occurred One man on top t f the rock rode It down a distance of SO feet when the hlagf unloosened the rock to receive not - even a scratch. The body of tffe auperlntendnt was hurled more than 3*o feet. BBXlf'4* VKIHC 4L EXPERT IN MTATP RAl.Klflll, Jane l*~<ypt - Dr. Oar "Ido Verala. Medico City. Meg., medl cal expert, arrived in Raleigh todav »o begin a study of North Karolina's processes as making tetaans antf toxla . He eagle at. Hie euegestion of the International Health Board. aha* jfcn amgragbs si tka aawatij lylpg between fioldsboro and the dnrylaad , capital than they eould Imif faaraeU la nine month* of boohs Baltimore was a Mg to the flbldshorn boys and they spent three day* in getting acquainted with It. •Hien they started back on last Mon day. They bad pWen Richmond aad Washington 'the once-over In going up and stopped a short time In each city on the way back “Hed«. seemejl to he pretty scarce wp that way." so generally we *lept in Ike woods," confessed . young Morse yesterday. "We got three meals » day easy," be said. The plan. It waa indicated, waa for tha boys to- rulata tkelr story of ad vgßtare aad tha sbUgtag naotorUi ■** m *• • —*•. GOLDftBORO, N. & FRIDAY MORNING. JUNK 17.1927 CHECK IS GIVEN TO LINDBERGH Formal Award of S2S.eOO For Now York Parfai-Flickt ,~ Mado l WKW.¥OIMS,. uti- m Charles A. Lindbergh tonight re - reived t-rkvrk-fritw the haqd of Raymond Ortelg, representing thr 125.P00 prise which he won by making the first non stop flight from New York- to Paris. The Cot., nearing the end of a hasy day which fottownd a night In the air an<) a luorulug i.u wheels iu « Brooklyn parade sett Ted down at (:3b (•‘dock for a few moments In th. J nlng room of the Hotel Brevprt wued by the donor of (be* prise. As *er * few short spcix-hea the chccl wos handed the aviator. The checks waa,highly distinctlY** rslde from Its figures, it carried Mr. (Rkelg's stguolni|. the Aanerlcor flight, the Bplrlt of Bt. Louis and nil Its wording and 'numerals wen* < mbossed and lllunilnatdd on But vellum „ : Flanking the aviator and th* dog r were two hundred Invited gueet*. the rwas and trustees of the prtae v ln presenting the check which was offered In I*l9 to uuyoue who could win It Mr. Ortclg said: hi u«a »*— ■«. tl f MMT MITT offers. One was to stimulate aviation, the other to ,|riendly re latldka between the V 8. and ?! Hi nee Through Ton, Col. Lindbergh, ray nsrimtions have materlaliaed beyond words.*..-1.f 1 . Co). TJndbergh with his usual blush accepted the check ascribed by #. rouug woman In the wtdieuce aa “ton heaullfnl to cash*' and stapped for ward he said C "f have orten been asked by pres* pen what Ur«» directed my attention to a po»sß)le flight ta Paris, I. he llevc Mr Ortel* first directed tjjie nttcnllrn of most aviators that way Hla offer of (3(ono for the fl»at Neg '‘ork to Paris flight waa n chnileuge to the pUota of the world to see If they could build and operate a suf ficiently capable plane. I don't think any such callente within reason will tver passed unanswered. ST. LOUIS NEXT FOR LINDBERGH i . x*v... .-w ii... ...... Twmtty-Eight Planet. Will Ac company Hfcn in Flight to Hometown BT. . I.OCIB. Mo , June Id -(/D-. Rt. l*»uis was In holiday attire of fiagsisnd bunting tonight waltlug tbe return tomorrow of the tcity'a hero of the air. Charles l.itidbergh Plaut were comrieted to give the filer the greatest home coming welcome ever accorded a Bt. Louisian Menth*-ra of the reception committee believed the three day celebration arranged *ln I indbergh's honor would he equal or exceed In fervency If not lu main I t tre, the demonstration In N*w York and Washington. At 3 Mi p. m. tomorrow la the time net for Col. Undberg's arrival <rom New Yoik In his plane "Mplrlt of Ml l»ouis” escorted by 28 govern oHHtt plwnes Alter Managing Uui Alts oesMggU twaweew «bs Kssde end mufti Vipal hrldkes where he will dtp his plane to the oolors’\ft the naval re serves. Lindbergh ,iW (n wlpg wa-t ward over 'Hie rtty at''a low altitude «Hn< HHW trm ?-/-ta* nmus. u+m, where he haa made many flkahta la the air mall service. Undi.*fa wfH he <ft«pi jit eke field bv Mayor Miller, chairman of the welcome oommlUwe and |hree hackeis of his flights. Hal order will he e public holiday with the main event an eight mils tong parade headed by the hero City officer* and the grain snd stock txrhanscs will he closed The larger retail stores will remainejt closed until after tbe inrade. MEI APPE4L ‘ HAI.KIUJI June IA OPI Iteres gets ><ni the North Carolina liooert nr 'll if Cuasarswtiwa lubliraitn .s I finds m« It aad faomla ■Maamia la the x ■■ ‘L uskiL-tika CARS TURNED TURTLE HERE M*l In ('raali at Mulberry and jje. AU Kwcape Injury In AcfMnl The' righth wonder of the werld occurreil" yeistafdny 'kft*rtt«Mr ghaut Y oVtockv wkeg the IV)* coups UHk Misses Julia Cooper, Gladys P«l«r. and khtelle H Howell aa eegup uutn, and thr Foist sedan driven by Mrs. A 11. Perry, of (td W Wal nut street, crashed together at the . o. ncf of George awl V itberry it rest* both cars Icing turned • ompletley over bj? the Impact, breaking>~gl«as windows oo both earn, and -pilling gasoline out over the street. The /real wonder ia that all the occupants >f both iwjs ware not seriously In jured, but fortunately they nll. fg-J raped even alight injuries. It was said that tha seda* driven 1 t*y Mr*. Perry «fa« going went on Mulberry, and the coupe occupied by the three girl*, was headed North on George street, when they hit at the j corner. According to reports, the sed an at nek the coupe In the rear on (he right side, itoth car* turning over on their right aide*, kith th* radio t»r of jthe sedan tying against ike rear compartment of th* conpe. A large crowd, attracted by Uie JrtfcLSJfiLJ!** («*«Wy iAihewd and mao* were the rommeuf*. gg tar the good fort opt C of the gmftiog -jn noth ears e*c«ptng sertonn Injury «r |MMw(hle death. Thm sedan waa probably th* aanet damaged, suffering a bent iffont sale, a tern top sad several broken window glasoea The coupe wga dtlv -n under it* own powqy. * COOLJDGE GETS BASKET TROUT Gris Up at 1:30 in itorhinf aad Start* for Mountain * . Stream HAP IP »ITY. H. D.. June t«—<4V l’rcMdent ('ooXfg* mteyed into kin stiAtancr vacation in the Black Hill*, of foutli Ikokoto with aa enthusiasm which won him a basketful of rainbow trout, aftrr a morning‘of fishing, at wall aa anqnalaianra with his new rbirojaatiin. ■ —> — - The prestdegt was up tor clock this mornina and before break* Vast w*« «Ver V* wu mating liana >a» his fishing expedition la the racing dreams which ripple invitingly shout hem. returning to the staia gam# ledge from hi* fishing excursion ha showed seven large rainbow treil. One of them weighed a pound sad seven-eights. ■- o 1 pof itrr THicvKt RAUMH. June 1C <d»» flqatr rela In faptttol Square cllmh ip the breeches tegs of men and aoae their w>V Into pockets, seeking candy and MU. They can’t cllmh «lik clad oh Jccts Dan Terif? custodian, says tba younger ones will eat peaauta but lave not cultivated a Uate lor bon hotts yat. the eternal conflict between herldtty and envlronmeat, for the older ones hove sta*lea Ex-Sheriff Tayiot Case, y s Kinston, fs Being Heart ' Membery 9/ the /Jvid.sbpfP to*r JJfld Oobtsboro etttsens generallr mrw ev£ ‘ dent ing much Interest In thf case of Jtntm *•*«>«»iff- Ard • a W Taylor so« bring beard In A • rectal lerm of ceurt at’ Kinatou wltlf Judge Tam C. Howl# prraMlng. Judge n. If. niaad. of Ooldaboro. acting aa referoa la the faasous cats, and hi* fart findings la egpected to form the hast* f| bum b of the pro cedure week. The tedious )ob of reading nagoa or typewiltten evidence, f«n (sluing many figures and legal phrases, was started Wednesday af ternoon by Altoneya In the s*tt. Th# pans! was completed Wednes day afternoon ta try the csss, the remaining fiva being selected yeolor ds r from « second spoelsl venire of M «l Approximately Ud Goldsboro Would Bo On Line If Beaatort Were Coast Town' „ Name dForEnd Electric Mi Begrun in Court Here Judgment* In owrisg of Age asked agaiaat 8. L. Varm and J. Faison Ihomson, trustee, ky Ruby Loo Waiundeou and husband R. L Hdmuadaon and 8. f; Robert*, trust**, In n complaint filed yesterday la th* Os flee of clerk of court J. B. Hooka Out law aad hoot, Toogst* and Do** and Manning and Manning, th* tatter of Raleigh, sftn tha complatnt lor' lhe pluiutiffn The sujt ta Rl*d In an effort to have the court seUl* .leallnga be tween Mr Warn* and the Ed mundson* aad Mr. Roberts over a large plantation sear Ml. Olivo. Bis: hundred and fifty acre* of land comprise tha plantation. GfAKMONT MEET RESULTS IN TIE Partly HUd Wir Vrnimrmm Figbtg sty lo Tin With IW/BrnmUmMl * OAK MONT, Ft., Jane I(— UFI-Th* greatest golf monarch Os modom times, Bobby lends, slipped from hla American throne today while a former Hrotrih am at ear and partly blinded veteran of the world war ‘ought his way to ■ sensational tie with a It*year old English horn pro fesslonal for th* open championship as th* Pnlted States. In as spectacular ftulsh ag any battle of the links has overAritnoonad Tommy Armour, tkq Scotch stdf, aauk r 13 foot gait for * hlrdte three an the last kola of bta final round to enUr o deadlock with s dork-hotrod Harry Cooper, • Briton by birth; hut and American sine* early youth. Then* rival* finished a gruelling t| ht»le three-day ohampkwshlp slrug gfo with score* of S#3 They wttl play off tomorrow at 1 p m Bagteru DfiyllghfTlßtt. ’ ' - “ Guilty of Murdering Woman and Her Baby V ATIJkNTA. Juste IC-(/Fl-Harold Hammond was found guilty toy • Superior court Jury hero today at Iht murder of a cotton mill woman work er and her It months old latent and, was sentenced to dia In (ton electric chair an August (. The verdict, which was rata rued niter the jury had deliberated n lit tle more hours, carried no for Wiercy. The court pronounced aentonco Immed iately. ' wore examined before the panel was “*‘b , su*r >us* .mm The county brought snlt against Taylor la recover approximately »«*. nug alleged due the county by kill Taylor contend* that to* does not cw* the county anything. Th# panel was romp need at th* following: R. K. Jackson. CoaUataan. K. Is Hardy, Institute. *. T Cnaoy. MouUwsat, Jnaafc Hill, boalkwoat. Matthew Tyndall. r •Edgar Tamer. Woodlngtoa. Harvey Hardy, tflatttnto. J. O. Noble. Trent. R. L. Mewborn*. Haney Hall. T, •pence. Kinston , «... A. T. fluff, Vgace. , u , Vj T 0 f Daugherty, toasn. } lOofftened on ftm Wmut P'i—wppi. Member of The Associated Press i m I Hucanvacggm a At— r ** iiuruiwrii tgß* Follow tt«e w -‘tjiitlrW *r*r»i rear* i|o pmMMM ,(Ml S«r> -i-_».—j *. >~ ».. iy ler#e f rwM ft* ft* ••* ik* o*n*TM inygM,j|h Ifmi fSX IM r l "** l j* iStimSi. 1 ggt * ** m * < £ per* M* U Wil MnotahM.JJS •’•fc th# railroad*, oMtfiy *• tuTTlira ft 1 TO |W*VAI4b MBA —1 ***‘ TSUBm

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