ypill Mil mm I m l teN iiiMIW M'l j> I 1 1 pj (g atk § I I mm f m- * W • * m xn. - Ep H V V S 1 H if .. ....» • Mi* wn3km«<4;«****»*»»«'« . ■ -----*■- - i , «r*.....»*i f 4. -..--- . * a 2*rSßrSr Jujsjt Aim »KII«»^J*I^UMJ^H.7 ‘ *»d did MActly 35^^ JMtaawll? i»4 If IMW 4*ht to MM Nit tte Mora ottr mr teadt —Mary Jjlto* Tkittn la IN Nrw, **H| -jp wiir 4 irSnAmti . raudew to about fifty to hts children. mN clttdrea. troth* n, alocea. ltd nephew*. i basket picnic dinner ws» tbs Nat are of tbs teppr occasion. ta tbs oeatsr of tbs tabis was a itufe fiAgi Mrthday cats or which »« •**%» ****** »• nm** W HST. Jipain vaa tbs recipient of ■tar telegram*, latter;, nod wes aofeo. fitteidfru orer tbs suit share be baa aerred as a Methodist .u Ulster foe #»«r forty peart. Aaaoos tbs rawest wore: Mr. aad Mrs. A. W. enflla. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Bprd, Mr. aad Mra. T £ IMP. •*' «<» NW C J. 'Park*. #r. aad Mrs a. M. otlMa. Nr. bgd Mrs. Hatchet. Mias Jeeei ca Rprdaad Mr . Hntert Orima r , eshS: — r-w **rw. R-Wret. Hetomao w» bomem to tte Memtera of tte Wadaiadilf Atterafte Rewta* CUb Wedaeedap ufiernooa from Mr oattl at* o'clock Bboato daisies and aweet peon were naod effectively J* dpcpraUag tbp lirtag room la which tb* ladies eew rd. R WOI decided Itef the dob wodM rot meet egalt durtn* tb* epmmer wteM , *' i .._ T4a * Mra. RoHoamk' aerre* a delkloo* oocbeoa coaaiaUag «< fried Bprtag cblckoa, poUto aelad aad satttaed elioad tomateos. pickles, hot rdll% iced tea aad tebats. • - I’rajcr Ctrcle* Pl* T* Meet Bible Btedp Circle wilt amet with Mr*. W. C Rragdee et Mr o'clock of Friday afternoon Leader. Mr*. CroM. , ‘ Serrtce ClreN will moot with Mr*, Oscar Ptpkta oa Aah at reel. Fridep afteraooo at tour e’cloek. Pbik Annex Circle will meet with Ml** B*lll# Late* oa* Deter street at toor o'clock. Leader, Mrs. |. Li Kellep ' ralst Prater ctroi* win meet with Mrs P, H. Saaeor at M Sooth William street at eight o clectf PVldap evealag, »-*ter, Mies Ami. Dot* Denmark ...$ iMilmi tala. Til* ftepwa to the First Baptist Sunday .school enjoyed s doHghtfil •oßlng and picnic dinner nttte new fountrp dab alto raster dap Tb* .-rowd aseembled at tb* cboreh about ; <*l*V*» o’clock and * arc uken to tte ! couatrp dub N ear*. After arriving there various game* and stouts af forded aamaoaaoet for both tte child ren uad grown-are. Tbe plcalc dia •er coaslatod of everjjkia* imagta •We good to eat aad tkare wan fried chlchem ta Aafe m egeg‘4 s ■ s*N=a % a« “plkk lemonade" amd* aal serve *d hr M—re Admiral gborard uad loba CPawtord. to . was very much entered. -r— --nirlfrii 'te-v * jusr NtogM Borden Hooks. CterU. Norwood, Lodlle Britt. Henry RUeeil, Cbariau CrOeck. Arnold RdgorUMi, aad Cnhrfei Boudp. entertained al,n liinr bocte supper with all tte aoceesor lea at Crooceat Late. Wadneadep ere ** *\ RmaaLoy j TwolWore Days o lt Mr Gresf ■ 1 : [Wide iufte Sate Tedny and Saturday i n Hoii I. H. Hallow Tha K aah Net CtoMto 117 E. Walnut 81. t. v A few of the won^rf Values ; T ffiDo Evetoing Dreaaen, Taffeta* and Gaorgettes » da Salt WABH SILK DHKSSKB i All .Color*. Blxea 16 to a BPANfi^AWLB . U 80Mf0r925 Thia Sale Onl> LEATljll^ftjßAliS Wete 94.60 to 96.00 7 " ' TW» SaN : . ■ ■ ■ - 79JL* / * O . $3.95 J. H. Hallow Th* l aahhm Cantor I VGPttaMMMiMiinMM&afimSPPHBK -i—-• ■ ■ i • :—S „ . IladWs were tb#lr *ic»tk Uteate Sv clyn Wtlbku. Annette Uoney, tea Mac Oideoa. Anulu ttottle Miller. Mtoi ' raWtord Martha Lte Borden, ami !Cl Isa both Johnson v Mt . ” i . .~. , t ---„.. . Krlends MlaaNanrp f Unite aw The ladles MlaeUmnry Soolety of the Friends Church will meet nt the church Friday eVrnlag nt eight o'clock The meeting will lie to great Import aiioc and every mem bur in asked to. ‘elt. -*■ ■«-- - •**—■— - -a, MUMt P^PHUo rknaadml ->-■ » a euvi^^e^p CNm Meet* The Cheerful Helpers L’it»« as Jk» friend* Sunday school hekClU rc*« lar moothlp meeting el City Water Works plant Tuesday evtm lug After tfrt- buahires aeanlqn * -oclA hour was eujojotl at which time game* worairNped and teed re freutHnentn served. Those present were: Mieses Mildred Ttwruer. Nona fliuuaat. Thelma Ktlltp. I.yd# Turner, ttorts Mae fate. Mary ffevafc *nfj I Look At Our Windows j | Tliwi you will retlfitt #lUft We MfcAti wham wgitj- } >« I Big Reductions In JNtf* j I W’ I $2.45 \ *4.96 j I Ail the new beautiful always N ygenasiatlt i Myte iu ateum PMh, Pkmps, ties in all the HAVE - , _. n . y. latestedbra. IHERK Its truelargMas. r Carolina Shoe Store | Welbg ' laaeuurp BaN " * "M—f ■■ Git daiurday Monday of heat week, begtnalag promptly at utili* e’eNek, at H. WeU aad Brea, (hare will be held a special sale oa Betty Wale* dreaoee. silk underwear, aall iuery and ailk tee*, Mhm Jimmie Ledbetter Hsmn Mia* Maude Kaeou was boataos at I o i.rlggc party st her teas oa South • w UtNa* < y«a*« Thursday oedatag HfmpßP -.hr* *• SSr»., „ "ly-y•»-' r* •. . -v-s. Jjmmlv fTf f geeet to Mr*. Herho i Tin;s.l > ..A ... .li.'ii,' .. Si.7*l‘ • • ’c* ‘*>id‘ ete« J " "‘A £',> * * *v’ v- ’ L ' i '.V A 7"." ’ vm of nuxu - ' El Eli t* tefre, our,tkte*i ijjß aMatooNtkm to .pur 'Jk *fd-. a lighters, far taair ki c*j in t . durtag MN Haooa.Au* JwV «i w darting baby Ruby Lir’t •. «. - - Mr. aad Mra. Jam-; .»■?*' * aamMr .4 ,'i, awgawg