PAGE FOUR - JLrees*teli*n ttfc rerer. «* H -w» AM yj< « ««u ' BOBBCKIPTION IN ADVANCE ■m • Mwrrf Ik Ourtogt I »••• «•••»»•»».••• »•••*■»■■»»| •-•• ■Min# * " ferMßß* “|' u^ : sbMHfii «■..«..•.»».* ——— -»■«,».-••.?»• ■ • M» »~- ■ IWM . Mob *M c* *X!!.::r*r? *_*v • -r*-•--•••• 14 * aMI fifeMMII _•»*■» yewere-ago an •»*—» «»»«*»*» - EDUCATION COSTS Mlk schools, ao Hr as the iUU’i pocket book is fonmild, than it did Si yean ago but it does not coat as much now as it did a year ago. t- *k-> -tot.# tlm Ist** issue oi *BUte •d semi-monthly by the ■E Meterage of 92A7 to adu of |BSAB to pay for the iMM in eehooL Thie is he preceding jeer. * n rend J* shown in per capi pnpettng the first of these two has amount, of building was done mike up for the little buikfing aid Immediately following the feast was a general decrease in • hi both rural and city schools, •a the Old North State .stand fife the others? The fattest available data for ifemr stelae are for the school year 1928-24. In tot r~r th*-average par capita coat; for the I tferitedfltntasasa whole was 974.96. In the same .jpiadu omuls I Nevada 918 m New 9*tM7> California 9121.66, New Jersey 9118.84. , teysalfpf fUUgJ. The five leading Southern Maryland 179.94, West Virginia 966.21, ’***' I ,49 46 ' Mlww,uri flawed In the height of these facts, the east hi North Carolina is not excessive,” 4pM WBll* HOUSE IN BLACK HILLS Imnmer White House" in the Custer MateFtak hi the Black Hills of South Dakota, White Fraeident CooUdge wiß spend the summer Mattel adfofam Hie Mack HDls National Forest ou|g ghfc la hßn lens and pioneer historic in- Management in the United States. The rtfetemf will therefore Have the opportunity bote * enjoying the hospitality of the State , ufjteuth Dakota and of making himself at home 4ppl m®loo-acre Federal hmt salats. - The Stats park of 60,000 acres, where Wmmr Mdte House is located, is adjacent to the Harney National Forest and a few miles aouth •BAhe Mack Hills National Forest. This perk was | Ifefaialkpiil corner of the Harney National For fH until the Federal Government exchanged It, . «S a ootid block, for State Unde scattered through fft> Nw federal holdings. The two forests, set UMte by President Cleveland in 1897, have a net Mteiei 2,186,167 acres of Government land. 60.000 fetes of which are in the Theodore Roosevelt 4linr Preserve *ai 60,000 acres »in a Federal dgjjw, -Mfite eiitTlnin ■ Um suu ■ P ” " * f%tef *v % pteimfehouadaries of the forests there 1 feHfeff fetes of patented lands, some of them in nd ranches on the stream bot- < tend *or*4nr less abn***J by Ire, and some mining claims. Bttfcft Hifis” n. given to the * Indians In thelr>ngue, it 1 tfe albieion to the somber ap- 1 not dad heights as seen from I teHafrorast was named for 1 » Was one of the early explor- l | how National Forests ire admlutsteretf and de- j . veloped. He can see how timber sake ate made under methods that keep the forest growing; how grating is to keep the range greon; ; and how land more valuable for farming than for timber growing has been made available for homesteading. The first timber sales in any Na -1 tional Forest were in the Black Hills in 1899 and , i 960, and the timber to be cut was ao carefully I selected, under scientific forestry, that tW area , can be cut again by 1986. About 86400,600 board feet of logs are cut each year from these Federal , timherlands under the same methods, with such 1 an improvement to the forest that the foteetera | expect to maintain this annual harvest forever, ate even to lucres* it to 40,006,000 feet This is \ partly because the aid defective trees in the vir | gin forest are removed in the first cut, and tfoe y thrifty sound trees left to grow. When the logger comes back 86 yean later, the timber he then gets la much more free from rot and other defects ( than was that cot the first time. Also, young t timber is comjng in on old burns and other barred places and will thus increase the Areas which-ean be cut over every 86 years. Within and near the Black Hills and Harney National Forests are many points of scenic or recreatkmal interest. The famous Hot Springs at. the southern mid of the Black Hills are visited ’ by thousands, and the Wind Cave National'Park 1 end Jewel Dive National Monument Mao are writ known. Harney Peak, the highest point la the Ujilted States east of the Bocky Mountains, Cus ter Peak, as "Needle**, and Sylvan Lake are other point* of interest as well as the old mining town of Keystone, where is located the famous Holy Terror mine, from which came the richest gold ore ever found In the world. Tradition say* this mine was named in honor of the discoverer’s Wife. USB THE PLAYGROUND* Three Greensboro tots were killed in two days in motor accidents. Two of the youngsters were killed in the streets while the third suffered fatal injuries when, the automobile in which it waa riding with its parents turned over. C. W. Robert* of the Carolina Motor Club uses these sad Cites •§. a text for urging parents to keep their I children from using the streets ea a playground. The caaeS thlght weU be Used, as examples to urge Goldsboro parents to see that their children are on the supervised playgrounds each day: .< ''Vacation has stimulated the play spirit of children and places an especial responsibility en parents to pay close attention to youngafera’ out door activities”, Mr. Roberts said. "Because they have no other place to play many youngsters taka their bats, tops, marbles and skipping ropes into the streets, creating a tre mendous traffic hasard. It la the function of par ents to discourage this practice whenever and wherever possible and to make this work con structive parents should assist their children in finding play apace that is safe. “Children will play and If no other place la available they will take to the streets regard less at traffic conditions. Telling a youngster to keep out of the street is not enough. Even iha obedient child forgets, in Us anihuaiasm for baseball, rope skipping or some other form of play, that the streets is dangerous. The wise parent will go farther than merely telling the child not to play in the street. He or ahe will attempt to find an available safe play space. g » ■ r REV. C. P. JEROME Rev. C. P. Jerome, Methodist minister, yes terday celebrated his seventieth birthday. Chil dren, grandchildren, nephews, nieces and brothers gathered Jor a picnic dinner at Crescent Lake. During the day Rev. Mr. Jerome received many telegrams of beat wiahea from friends over the Btate where he has served churches. The News joins with these friends t* wishing Rev. Mr. Je fwne many happy returns ,bf the occasion, tar groat is the contribution Jht has made to North Carolina, not la money /.or in riches, but in spiritual values. WILLIAM BICKETT. CITY PROSECUTOR On July 1 William Bfcfcett. a non afkrs. T. W. Blckett at Raleigh, and of the late Governor Bickstt will succeed D. C. France as prosecutor in the Raleigh city court. Tbl. will mark the flrot appearance of the eon of one of North Caro lina'* moat beloved governors in a public offirt and the fttat* wW watch with interest and best wifthes Jte appearance fa» the position. A s g » i ** VBB HOLDBBOBO NEWS — - -T- R"* to—— CHIPS OF THE OLD t BLOCK V < y Admiral Bherard brought some onions into the office the other day ao big ate strong and sheik-like that he' said* they made the potatoes’ eyes water. • ,v• • • Dr. Ivey said he loved' to smoke a pipe but it got so every pipe he smoked soon needed physic of some kind and he liked to get paid for his work. :XI 0 A gentleman slightly under the wafther came home late tho other night to be greeted with the statement from a nurse that he was the • proud father of ’ twin*. Weaving his watch out of his pocket he said “what a coin cidence. Here I cbme home at two o'clock and find twins. It* a good thing I didn’t come home at twelve after all. v * y> • • v Things certainly grow on a man** mind. If he works and thinks and Hire with a given sub- - ject that finally becomes his whole life. Yoti’ve noticed a preacher for instance. In pulpit and out Be arrays preafthing with him. Why the other day e; farmer went in to sell Albert Handley a hen and the latter said. "che-eVer-lay.7 Dr. Z. B. Spence Optometrist Erea newfawS Ulmm» SMM Uk Flaor Wajws Buk BMg. (ur*, H. (. -y- * • i« «f North State I I#<: TODAY AND * TOMORROW L ART MIX “THE CACTUS TERROR” A drama of the New West Added— Mystery Piiet , And A yep* Fables Monday—Tacaday - Fred Thoaason IN “SILVER COMES THRU" FRESH FRUITS Cantaloupe*, Peach**. Cucumber*, Lettuce, Celery, 1 Tomatoes, Dally Right from the ‘Markets. i Our fruit a and salad reg* giL etable* are better be and Rherbort* from u*<— , # for that Sunday dinner. They’re Delirious Capdles Sodas *• \ THE GOLDSBORO CANDY KITCHEN ' E. C«il.r 81. I'konc 173 FIGHT AGENTS 800 dm of W Wakey Worth SIBB,OOO Art Captured Off A- Wort Coast * • % 1 ' ■') „ •», a^OM|||pMM9’ SAN nLAMCIOCO. lent lt-un— A can Igbt today Mvmi pobibi tion «OMiU and no runners a«u Yellow Jacket bay M miles south ol bore ended with U>« capture of four men and SOO cases of whiskey rslued at 9131,000. » a 'i Dry officers ran Into the smuggling artlvtits early today. Scouts dor the mm masers sighted the officers and firs oa them A fierce fight followed for a few minutes until shoot ?6 as the rmm rwwers ped Tbs liquor was landed from s "hip anchored about 400 yards off tbore. Ball for tho men was fixed •* * 20.000 tor the leader and gUMMM each Will Rogers Undergo An Operation Today BEVERLY HILLS, Caltt.. June IS— \JP) Will Rogers, noted humorist end mayor here, was removed to a Las Angeles hospital today where he will undergo as operation for gall stones tomorrow. A slight illnass character ised as nervous Indigestion took a •addon tarn to s serious nature ft ■ i «... i— ■ ' ... ' a _j_ 1■»r 1^1 ■»- " 11 .com* our lor im,,a hopeless j ceil is. a HOMfLMj [esse. If you should dls tomorrow, what would happen tfo your familyT Would they be left without re sources to wooder where tho next month’s retd would come from? Would they have the protection ->nd ear rtty of a home of tbelt owbT Thlsk R oyer, * Then come la sad talk to us— I wa can hatp you build. "1 J - if ' I I i TYie oas* is as pec ted to tak* «f at Isaak a weak or tan days. Its settlement will hrrotve a matter of NOTICE OP SALE OP LAVS UNDEf NORTGAt.L Under and by virtue at the power of sale contained la a certain Mort gage deed executed by C. L. Britt and wife Lillie May Britt, dated Jaae 1, 1*», recorded la the Office of the Register of Deed* for Wayae County, Not th. Carolina. In Book 1M at Page ML default having been maria la the JOPShaat of the tadebted»«m secured hy said Mori ease deed the »nA.r.t r .. ed will, at twelve o'clock Nona, oa Monday, July Jltk. Iftt, at tke Court House door la Ooldsboro. mid Wayne County, offer tor sale to the highest bidder for cosh, the following deecrtb ’ I WHEN IT’S RAINING I nd TO *y “flatter than a ’I*?? I * I Pen Cake” */3/ a " I - I Don't go out Jl 26 I and get wet. **WB FIX ’EM" - ' I | j WANT ADS ALL WANT 4DA ASA CABU—DO EAT ABE Os It OLAMB TRI Regular Type (Ilka this) lfce P* r Word Large Type (like this) 8c Par Word * ► L f> (f aa error M mads THE NEWS Is responsible lor paly art tanrthis rbs customer to responsible for subsequent Insertion. The advertiser •boutd notify immediately if say correction Is —ittl | IP IO(i WART SLICE RESULTS, ADTBRXIIK FOR RENT—ONK ITRSjSHLD BED room dovßitiifi. Oeatlemen otoly. CaU 1047-W. 1 17 » ch I LOST—BILL DOG, COLOR DARK " ’ brindle. Urge leather collar with brass spots, answers to name of Jack. Finder return to Jobs O. f Baker, and get reward. Phone 1127-J. 6171 t ch - • V t : WANTED—ROOM AND BOARD, close in. by young man working nigbu. Apply A. H. care News. 1 FOR 4MeLK - BIX ROOM HOUSE 'OO3 N. Virginia slfeet, Oak Height For 1* days will offer this proper ty at a reasonable price. No. car rying Charge, made If you are pay- I Ing 131.00 per mouth rent, you can easily own this boms. Bee me |- quick its a bargain. I R. E. Da via, City. | 6 18 lit Poue 611-J I f *M per crate | for preserving, asm. ebeek with order." « Ham Middleton Hines. Wsrmw, N. | 0, I OR. W. H. SMITH WISHER TO AN ) bounce that beginning with Wed nesday Juns 22nd, his ofrtcs will I be closed st 1 o’clodk etch Wsdass [ dry daring tbs months of Juns. ' July, and August ■- ~ | t C. P. BJZWL IN N. George Street FOR BALE SEVEN THOROUGH | bred German Police Puppies, 4 weeks old. Can furnish registration I papers. O. P. Cols. Phone 10*0-W. I I 11 I FOB balk AH RENT-* ROOM, twe I Arttts " ***** I IK « ’ I POR RENT ONE ABtRTMENT II Cambridge * pert meats Pbous Ken I* •rtHMfc AagslL ML sr. 7t .. I II If I TEVLT MILE If TO STAFF OF Ilfs sad when It if purs you may I feel sure there caa be no ether food . so Jmportast. We sell Grade A. MHk ealy. Adams Dairy, rn..r. Ml-J. I WANTED—TO EXCHANGE TAKE land tor city property Address W I ears at IDs Nwi , , s== -as vxt l *". -ad teaate e* Asmdv.sßsdSsA ls4rt thus* Ttvpsrt to-wit: others, on the South by the lftsds of Jobs Denning, oa the Went By the leads of Wash Depalag, —t.iri., 14 seres, store or Ism. and being all of the laada of which Mrs. Woitii Dudley died seised sad pose, sseu and betas tie laada which descended to the said Ann Raynor at si from tha mid Worth Dudley. 2nd Traot: Begtasiag at ft stake aa tke road. John Denning’s comer add rasa kls line N. 11 W, M poles to a aUke la Worth Dudley's lias, (hoses her lias N. M H 22* pol»e to a stake asd pine, the comer of Lot No, 4. these* that line N. 10 Bast-4 1-4 Arts* to th* PbfeH* road, thsaae thq public road aa R meanders to thq beginning, containing f acres. This the 10th day of June. 111?, n f ■ ■■■■ ■ H miAICR I'liCniA SUPERIOR COURT MORTGAGEE U ! ■ FREE TICKETS' TO NORTH STATE h rwo "*■*** of wiute subset?b --,f of th « Goldsboro News City Delivery System # are drawn daUy and distribut ed among the want ads- WATCH FOR YOUR NAME TO APPEAR. i Present clipping of your tuuM »e News before 1 P. M. N? 1 t day following publieptMm * t r WANT AD \ -j HEADQUARVERB ) Phone A •r ' 1 jTj » ME FEPSh raimpH Altu ones oa i'r’day’i call Gltilkia's tat. J [ fie aoh 'fiF* ) MONEY— NO BONUS. AT PRATE J L Will >u.u \xidi.w ,^ a HOME or a MORTGAGE? She Inherits the HOME on our plau. Net oost tea yearn oa life Insurance and inter est oaly |27t per thousand at age M. Modem Improved property | white people. W. O. PARSONS, Wayne National Bank Building. WANTED—TO EMBROIDER MONO grams asd Initials os your linens _ »d dramas. Pbepe 2*l-W. « u «r FOR EXNT—PUBNIBHED BOOHS. bo* and cold water, item bast la winter. Apply 10* w. Ash strvrt, or phooe 331-J. C. D. Grovs. 413tf ch " t FOR RENT—* ROOM tPAMTMMNT furnisbsd for rent. Henderson s partmust. Pina mat location and *4 « a u * ■■ ■ “ ( „ MRN. PACL HOHDEN , v ■O4 N. -I.mrge Nlreei WANTED- MMUTIBH AS, HAG4B . . compau'on, nurse or cars for ia aalld- (ArtfSeaMi host nlrenes tad my price is rsassasM*. Ad> drscs Y- care News, f-7-0t WANTED GUANO BAGS, HE rardlaes whether washed or sot— meat he free rot art betas. Alas beef hides sad eerap metal, highest prises paid. Oaltahaes Iraa art