\H»AfM6WiifeiCTiit,i«tT Aaron (Mrki vmiiidmi - l J If *'**," • *4w And Begins a o*sy Program •i i>«Ml (Special to At NmhH 1, | o WASHINGTON. D. C., Jih !•—j Aaron Peels. of MkarQUi. Wgjnel «HtoOr {L P . wpeagamSg-delgSetes; of thirty-eight Statu »kwwM by groups gs tour dub members each— two Ima-aad twu Kiris. accompanied by twu extension, npgbpom M tow Natioual i-H dab, camp, witch opuu- H tedoy as the ground* of tht United Statu eulturs «M lutaUstH hu IS. Such opportunity to Sftti|Mi b tbt ua* ttoaa) cgmp buoutu of outstanding achievements to club work Tbsy rtpusuto ■■■■ MfilOl toru buy* aad girls ia all farts of too couatry. Who art oarotlaf ta club work. Tho •tatea sro »ibitb» their ropruoouta tt»M to Wuoktkrtnu, slthtr with toads mads up of ousoll sum* tram dak membsrs, or toad* supplied by Itor«upo l tor«upo of busluau men, at bp todid- Jtsls. Ths rlsdtors an bouaud to whlob an tot' ub boar too mala balldlad* at to*' dopaitouswt. Tho cpup waa ppiutd finally oa Wednesday Jua/Ut tor rsgtotrutiou. Tbs first roKWly, MOdjjgjLjgg- | „ POB BEAL TIRE BERVICE fB ' I im il JUST K I CAty Tfltfn CALL I I 2f , 'PJ?N 26 I s | \y * AJAX Tires and Tubes ||i S. & L. TIRE CO. I I HI < ; - Jjp :,, 8b ■ f 'xmk hhbhhhhhhi n ' BUY TIMkAY! A KeeMa Vtotor Hmkir mi Cutor tor yawps reaps. tow torn you toatßr udh tbdu fed tutor you and praetkady. Without Cost! MM JdataMS*'wawmsdww*tostoutmmsusnstoMmatoww» amdtoreh tototap tot unto*. toMM# gutotty wkhtod rsmedsp aptotoi « ytor praam* ■ :^*to*l *«*to | -*» ■*»■ .-afc._w(e* mutton, mu iijrauajrv wotw.g-yqnm. mmjitn/rt*cdsi*w**.AhHe«i,. , m, M MODESTLY PRIDED WM m tor to* to* tow ninths and tot tori IwtoSuSi yirtol. Mbdu ka% perfect and aeadiaeitlmNtoa. nstatoagtokwaataedtomtoatoadcaM i wskboudbySwhuytb* ptodc Lotnariagrwgatoto A—lMi totoweadar- V d* datdee to pan. Pw safe and recommended by Goldsboro Plumbing & Heating Co. * PHONE AS f l .»• ' .'• tty ■■ ' •*. .~* ;• GRADUATES REAO THIS Stenography Is a good thing for you to know. In tho business world it is s stepping stone to eome thtng ..- ..:: i.. Our itiutßit (ienißiHi ii for AtikUnti with i hurh •ehboi eduoaUon end a knowledge of atenography. In wwwymeDfto {iKSStW of Draining which the business man reouirea? '* -■ ’nuwLnt We (Bar four coOrsar -Stenographir—Tommerriai, - On—ill Ini ■ml-Wr»n»HlkfeMglliHpjw!Ul Our eouraoe ere short but compldta. - wkhe i por soatol call or write in for information. m GEORG IA -C A HOLINA SCHOOL OF COMMERCE W 7 H HsuJTijjjß*

« a. m. to fetosm tMtooda of ortoi.»«H>» kimi tiurs Whll. ia caasp dab mspbers wtU wsar uniform* Tbs beya will bs ta oilrs drab kaleksn aad «Mrta. tbs ! vlrls la Jads arssa salts wtU whits bats, base and tiss. Tbs glrlb best weds thslr asm uettovne ss s pert a tbsir dab wet* la otoutag ens stractiea. About toe camp grounds , tbs girls may wsar balebara. but far slgbt-assiug end other ooewdows tub ing tbsa sway flop bsed«ubrtsrs. skirts of Us adsUs cdsr at# to bs want. The uniforms bbrtra to dlstlng „...«.. ■■■- .Ml Ml, . AtiL-.w.iiun, .I.lßUH".wfifcitw mil w ...=a UUrs grsup Srsry massing In toe fMfcm liWUm,, ip b|ar . spsnksr Some of Ub SpSSfeMV to rddtUs# to Sberutnry lordlns nad ntossb at tbs dipnrtsssmt. an Mrs. Rabd Wulksr WUlsbrandt. assistant sttornsy SSneord. Dr. ♦. g. Mama of the Smithson ton InstMntton, ths ■m. j. J Ttg.rt, u. I. Osmmls ■donor of MubSdtoa. Us Hon. J. B. Aswsll. and toe Mam. A. P. User. The sssomhiy yBl bs (Mtswad by ag educational taur lasting nntil oar points of interest, sad conference' to tbs sadltorbus ato |b» mussuto. After supper group ■crautlsa or a _tjr*r~Trifl'yjjhUr , The psagram today la typted of mile! > %k. flag rahdag; «:SS asttfmg up sgengasa; •:(!. twlmmlag; Ttu audttarbSU with group aging, sod 'ddrsssig by SscrsUry Jgrdtus, Dr. Wurburtgto Director at Bctmadsu, and Dr. Smith, chief of the Office as Co opstotigb Extension work. At 1d:46 tasmbsrs stortod Ur Us Ooroenu Ad Osllsry, Pbu Aatortccn Building.. Ng itouai Aost’imy as Bdsnce. gag Ua —U Memorial. Altar lunsh at 1 :M gV ihs JUftm of BTVtom SiU to *So than wu a cagafergee, then oa k-urV Mot. aup pgr at l:|». Group tstosnUto niisd | Ja ths tiato fnmi l:M ta when •Lars was a samp program an tbs ■aauu suadrnggle aad « aamasrtat the gylwen Tbsator by tbs ff. I. Marfas kbmd. ■' i ■ t . A part at aacb ssssioa is ta be de wtsd to gnap dlscusaiou of dub alms *t (be dub mornbsf» ceptartotm. ■nMlAg MMSdMiidn m n to I m wmnuu mm# IMllfßi BIiWSI, BCHtoTwWgbt themes for these conferences through 'tUtob B to hapad Ibaag tors and girls will bass their .rishfyM dab work toteasifiad. and Uat U'y will ratafb to theit homes hroadtasd by tbalr contact with members from oth er atatea aad by all they base eaea sad heard during tbs wash la Wash -6 fiunous Cooks PLAMMD9O M FOB COMPANY Wa d Uka to aotgrtoia euu pAay, and to iarltp thani to Bmalk. Bat wa Add tom tiro oanuhrag o«t gßtttof rtad y for thin. For f7g-ril. after d thoy mra , Jm would rgtbdr ImV hgyp us frod 7 ia A uatirad, ahid to uijoy tholr Tiait, „ w y.. ton to koro Mng'jUjfcJ* ■ pd MTto thdM T " ****** the moet aiab ocotd mtold, Judt d little forethought and planning wtt do AWgy with hddry work a- ■ «*» ■-* :- a i a. COBMCUfI Will) BUrUIZUBf, A Jto Asm Atos. Anw /ss!*y3^sus: nsa fU«SnL C Us S aarSaSpsf SSfcr^S! Sj£3gS3JrQ u ** i* v > f i ’u/Jjßw • tttm ora.tou u -aw ' Hi Htiildi# *■ #a 1 ■ ■■» ■ Hi ii.i —— qra. >% • arvM"% BPB A V» ’• Mr Bills Ooidstsia and tk daagh lar Bosnlls. scoompaalsd by Mrs ■Man Young, nit of Oman, itoltsd Mrs. OeMaiett*. mother. Mr*. Joseph Isaacs, hen yesterday. Tbsy mad* the trip by nntsmobils. Tbs frtawds of Mr. Hobart dun- Ptsflln will bs glad l» knew that he . to eery much Impress! after a week's ;ilasw(. Mr. I. P Qoach has rsturasd from rbustmsss trip to Tap Sahara. Mines Hnasi sad’ Mllubsth Grady and their guest, Miss Marts Du If, of to totoMA *Odtot4 .toft Ahbstof tom ieriny og a shopping trip. Mtuu Gtodyw Prauhltch. ct Wash ftpton. 0. C.. Is Tisitiag her sister, % MJnr Myrtle flagg underwent a tonsil operation gt Dr. Hnaderaoa'e Infirmary, yesterday aad her muhy friends an wishing her g speedy n •wry. Mian Louie* PrMgaou and Mias ten* Simmons hose returned tipm 'amp Tuseorora when Mi's Himmons was swimming Instructor dud Mtoa Widgeon, uaturs gltdy toucher. Mr. Bay Andersen, of WHaoa. wag e Mnlior In the dly yesterday. Mrs J. Q. Guam, as Oaaw Hill, was a ‘hopper in the rtly yesterday. Mrs. h. L. Jordan and little dough tier. Carolyn, are etoUtag relative* Mtoa ftaacy La* Oaauon. who ton heua vislgHa Mtoa Martha Dae Dovdgn has returned to her boaw ta Wilson Mins Bertha Ussier has retnrwbd treat a visit tn her home ia Has* Hill. M. C. Master BlackwsM RnMusoa. saa of Judge aad Mrs W. 8. 01. BshlasA. to wtsMag M* uncle. Dr. BlschwsK Tlaroe ia Wsldaa. Mrs W. E. Strong aad IHtls Mgr Tty Stroud have goPe to WrlghtsvlU* Bench to spend some time. X Mrs N W Outlaw has gou* to idorehesd Oty where she will spend the summer at the Atlaailc Hotel Mr. sad Mrs. W. R.*Bagwell of Durham are rtoitiug th«ig niece. Mrs f. L. Manley mi nrt Aeease BASEBALL Chicago «. Philadelphia a. » Cleveland It. Boetoa 11. St. Louis 1, New Tart •.' /_X Detroit f. Washlagioa 1. U .-r.-wcs&cpmi i Boston t, Pittsburg t. Broeklyu 1, Ctaaduatl M. Mow York Id, St Louis S. ••to Ate • rlEßtoOßv > ™*♦ Rocky Mount t, wios|mmto|hm I. T In nine* ,4 + mi’ftsgV Titorwu '7 Portsmouth I. Norfolk K. * RtcMaad 1, Petersburg t. ■ Kinston 11, Wilson 10—U Innings ' ALUY i\ . . Columbia 0-1, Knoxville T-J. Charlotte H A she till* IA. Oreenville 4-S, August 0-1. • Rparuaburg 1, them d. Mrs. MR CASEY, fir m MRD LAST RTKbUOU Mrs. Sea Caagy, Sr., >l, died at her haem la New Map# township last •vaalag at 10:41. Mrs. Casey had. o«en la fsehl* health fee many mouths and wag taken seriously 111 about lea days ago, Puaersl service wilt be h.M from CbteMa eßhpM MiPUk tbl» afternoon *st 4 o’clock Bartel will bs jaade at the cemetery to La- Graaqe. Rot. R. R. mirclott, as " ■ aiMb——M——byka—s——mamwhamßtob—awamma^ r ’ toi^BtoliMtoiMtoHtoMto| it Cm* m 7 Tmmat as good ss it WdJkjbdb^.wim.mtoAa MpgwnliL Hadl-MMTb {ue( tbsL It «e nyia>Mwmii>*»-—wt** . ?”*” u p ! All White Drew m n .hji Washable white silk Crepe dresaei. Pre|qr Sl k lomSpW) new styles for Sumiher Sport Wear. Ex "" he " Vy | KINRTON. Juaa !*—OP)—A new ! rwOfnnjr- capitaHaad to Ktaaioa la | trrwat* will opialmt* tk* Klnaton Cot