—— I WBATHKB ClMiy fctoday Moaday Mr. 111*1** Mgaporaturg 1* tb# Interior VOLUME SIX; NUMBER M «* |l '■ t'l.l . 1.1 l|) - "... - Lenoir Co. Compromises Case Against Former Skeri Aid Wi Receive About $39,000 AH Evidmt Was in -V HpecUi Tern of Court With Judge Bowie Presiding When Mat- I ter Was Settled; Bond tng Company Will Pay County UM9B in “ Cash •apsmni ti t%# Now*i KINSTON. Jgioll—L**o4r county la exported to c«|)Mt approximately lis.oofl a* * rrault ot too aottlomont om ut cairn this afternoon of tb» can* al Lenar county aiainat A. W. Tay lor, ferator •Mrtff and bio bonding company. All evidence In tko ault bad boon listen'd to by tb* apoclnl ton* of Lototor court wttfr Jnd«o Tam C, Bowl* of Wtoi JoSoraon presiding. wh«n an agreement wna reached bo- Aim ■mm a*a « Am—nghraßJClllmr \|r vwwwß BW RF» •*“# *• i «W* ***** Ttoytor and Abliiot tor Lapotr. Tb* total amount naked by tbo conwy ha* bAw j lIdJKMt and In' U>« main 4*pr***«ted claims bold to bo due lor tout of tbo yonr* I*2l. 22 and S 3, year* whon Mr. Taylor wan aborts. In tb* robipromlao ofdctod Into to dry. ibo bond In*; company ncroo* to HI to tbo county tbo aum of |M.- 111 in nab. In add It km tb* county will receive §ll ataonnto wblcb bar* toon collect 'd In inf to tor tbo yoorn In question •toco tbo on*t woo inaugurated. Tboao •urn* will amount to approximately 13.42 S with accruod Intorem. All unpaid t»Ua. certlflcate# of Ut ut* Inoa and ponaltim remaining rio nr* turn** ovor to tb* county. Tb* ton vslua of tb* ttttor to toad pMtoi oobstoaily about ISt.tod but lorn* <»f H la bot considered Worth dot-' bar ter dollar. Hovwtr. tko helidf Woa •tproaood to tbo proa* tbat M Would bring tbo fd*#y*ry ter tfrd county to *b«fct $3t.M6 or MMW. " : ... CAR SALESMAN 1 IS IDENTIFIED « CHH Admits Slorv of Nos rod* Attacking Hos Wm Fib tmUEHBNPBNCi. |tnn . Jnn# [lt - UP) Ira Konuody. motor oar tales m«u. waa idontlfiod la court boro to day by Mntgarot Abort, blfb ocbo.il grfl, a* on* of thro* whit* m*u who art acted bar and otbor «lrl fte tl»# night of March IT and Cotfoyfille. ptMI. Tbo fir to flrat told officer# iboy bad boon attacked By throe leading to a me* riot tb# nigbi of March it. at Coltayrlllo In which four were wounded and an naanult by a mob on tb* city jail la «n attempt to lyneb a nogro anaport wbo liad beak arrested. Stato troop* finally ro ftored ordor. Mia* Aker* gar* bor tWatliuooy in tb* pr*ltmtn!\ heart** of Kennedy on n aiatutory charge and of the jdil on n charge of Wing an accos aory before tb* (net. Tbo wit net* »atd tb* otbor girl and bor mother urgpd bor to toil tb* atory •tto|t bates attackod by nagnoot, Bhe added that *b* bad fegr*d Ken- nodr might kill her If abe uamod bln*, if She rofu*ed la »ay Whom abe sus ' gocted her a* Kennedy'* accomplice* . . The at tack toot place In a bond# at t offeyrllle which Kennedy had ne- Mplod. On* of roomed with Kennedy tad Ma wtt*. who bar* -throe eVlMreo Mto* Aker* waa * cl#*'* friend of tbo glrlgnil often ar*m tb* nigbt with bor. Tb* atria •aid they were flan* In tb* h rose when thro* men entered Into Id tho dark nnd attacked thorn. Kennedy an Id ho waa In Wichita, on tbo night of tb* aosoaJt 4 FLORIDA Wi FAn.R TB 01*1 Ft BOOBS HOMRSTEAD. fin., Jan# Tbe Bonk of Honioetoad. a city and Undo County depontory and tb* only < bnbktog tomitntlon hofwun Miami n»d Koy STnte tm«d to open Ha door* thla morn lag nftor wtthnUadiag a atondy ran ywtordny and hoary with drawal* during thg PMt XI dnjrn, THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. TWELVE PAGES TODAY Gsmbuxia Thrive in Wayne County Pool* "Saw the editorial la yonr pap _«y bbefl flgb which onto ntomjul ttoa," tald Dr. L. H. Korr, of tbo honlth department to Tbo N*wa ygoterday. • **_ "Yon may Aot know K, bat for fir* yonr*. w* hare bad gambunto, brooding In holes and ahattow placoa In Wayne oogaty In offort to atb> tb* mosquito, and thus to keep down mnlnrhu* Or Ktrr aald that a number of tb* ougfag* Bab nr* in pool* about fb# Borden Brick and Tl|e 1110 fuh differ from otlkor fiab In that It boars iu young a* a mammal 4°** toatond of producing thorn by haicflag ogga '4.1. J BIG DAYS FOR • ODDFELLOWS ißly 4 Stato Rnbwkalu HoM Pktik na4 Rally ot Home Hop* •hi, July 4 and July IS will be important toy* for tbo Odd Fellow* and Kobo bah* at QoldabonvtoM tb* Stato. On July A. the Rebekah* will bold an all-day rally day at tbo Odd Fol low’t bom* bor*. tt la hoped Fo bar* l.dto member* of tbo lodgo* of tb< otat* and of tb* Odd PVltowa lodge, proooot for tb* ocoaatadu Ten fat tv pinna toll for n morning aoaotou will g number ofipeakrr* ofwtato and tia tionai not* In Odd Follow o<-tirt|le*. At noon n barbmi* dinner will b« o'clock In the afternoon n model lodg» wIH be bold In ttor frntMiorr. Ml a; Or W. Darla, atoto praoldont of tbo fto beknba lodgo, wUI be U charge of the dny'a program. f On July IS, Odd, FWllowa of the Bisth Dtatrict wHI bold a picnic here Roreral bund rod mombora of tb* lodge* of tb* dlatrlct are to be urged la attend tbla occasion BASEBALL New York I. St. Uvula 4. Plilladelphla 4 Chicago t. Cleveland a, By tun 5~ „ Waahinaion 6, Detroit 4. National Sf, Lpui* 4. Now York 4. Chicago S. Philadelphia 7. Pittsburg 7. Boa ton 4. i Urooklyn-Cinoclnnati ratn Virginia Portaniouth 4, Norfolk 4—lb inn lug* rain. Richmond 32, Petor*bnrg 6. Kin Mon 0, Wilton S. Piedmont- Raleigh l-l, Wlnaion-Salem 1-0. Other* rain. *t , . -Sally - Charlotte 7-ltt, Aaherille 4-3. Spartanburg d-is. Unarm 4-4. Oreenrllle 4-d, Auga*tn 7-S. Colnmbln-atooxrlU*—rain. Consider Auto Races For Next Wayne County Fair Automobile raring may be aib atltuted fur honio iiHuit ,<f the Way|M county fair «e*t year. it wm Indicat'd yenerday, The relative met ita of au tomobile rai >na uo I horn* racing are expected to be Ateriteaed at-a meet lu« to be held In the chamber of com merce looma at 10:30 Tueaday morn !n«, and a d< t iaion reached aa to whether the gu» power race ahall be aubet tinted (or fbe borne power race. A two hundred mile automobile race, mat tewed over eereral dan mlahi He mn off at the neat fair, if auto ructag te given approval. It waa Indi cated y entente y. The race*' Woatd be ataaed under the auperrlahin of the American Automobile Aaaoclutlou and pilota who have made a name In Ih* "tea titee" (air circuits Hi He Mate fuira of the naijph Srttbt be brouaht burp. J Soso of thoao dtecuaalng the pro GOLDSBORO, N. C. SUNDAY MORNING. JUNE 19. 19-7 PLAYGROUND REPORT MADE , i, ~ RoMwwn Rgpsrto 1,418 ClUldrgfi Uat4l GfSßßis During Past W«* Tho second week of playground *c Hvitle* la the city nnw nil prerktuc attendance recotda broken with a to tal of 1413, according to the'Tecord* compiled by the ajperrioor, It. C Ttoblnaon . Tbla brings tho number of children who hare taken part in lime* at tho rartoua center* since m nupi HHg play liiortaiu to 1274, which glre* an average daily at tendnaco of 237. The |kkt**t playground to get under j ways vh- tirvvri'Mii > «u<w4 U-d lhe way with W 4 for the flv* dnyg of I tporaHon The Knwanla club ground foilowod with 144 The athletic field ut William at reel attracted orer 3S(. while the two kindergarten ground*, the William# it reel adjunct and, the ccgrt boust anuaro conier brought out 234 All aorta of actlrltie* wore oagagc<i s n by lb* cbildron. A typical program •or *ltbor of tho mixed playground will giro an idto of the nature of •hoao aeflctlo* Tb* gronnda ar* opeod and equip inert pf* oft it * t, m for the ii.irnlng ■‘CBsiou F* M win it tin- «•. ■lean-up sound appointed by the I director* pick np all /paper and iraoh loft from (he rcovio.ia day. Ac tiro game* sack a* banohall, har'd* ‘•hooe, priKOiitt V hnae. packatonc* and dodge ball ay* played from fti 16 to 11; then follows na hour of tb* quieter typo at game*, mob na check to, drawing, cutting out paper dolls, and the Ilk*. The afternoon sc*«ion. which bogjna gi 3 o'clock follow* the Mae of thk morning program. Each director, la auppoaed to teach his or 1 cr chnrgoa two new rantes 'a week, n addition to girtni Instruction along * irlou* otbor Unto, o, Two playground baseball longue* i. vo boon playing n regalnr schedule •f games. Tb* Junior league I* ter •«<y« bot woog tb* age* of twelve an<l Utoi n: iho Midget Kongo* 1* for • bone below twelve Tbo Dwvwoaux •licet playgrounds lends the Older u Hsu* with two win* and no defiant* tirtfi rftpv jumykm t < im hi men to wore run off on tko different playgrounds during Friday and Hat inlay morning In preparation for the inter playground competition in those •■porta wlhch begin* next week. Tho following program for the r**t of the *U week* aosoioa of the play rounds, ha* boon outlined by the -uprrvl*or: Juno 24 and 36 rill be given ov#r to 'nuniblepeg KU ,| jackrock touma menta; July 1 •tm walking tourna ment for boys, aatd basketball throw tor girl*. July 4 will b# a holiday; July I, Marble tournament for boy*, hop scotch tournament for girl*. July II all playgrounds will hod oll mlnattou* for Ndrday. July 16 trill be city-wide play day. The pteyglrrtKh dose July 14. T&l A special parent* day will be held within lb# nogt two week*. A feature program will bo ma off and dla- Olay* of bird houses, toy*, and Other mch thing* made oil the playgrojnd* will bo lg ovtdoao*. All partis of the city wilt bo Invited to attend yne of the playground* mad find out what I* being don* there for thaij^chtotjcu The date- will bo announced !M?ir. « . . ■ * IAABIH4I I^IKBfMI illb lb BOHPtTAI. ( AMHKIDQB, Moss, Jane lit- - Dr. Henry Paul Talbot, dean of tb* NatMcbusott* Institute of Technolo gy and on* of the loading clfemlsts Os the country died at the city bo»p! lal In Boston today. )eci contended that the itcea Wayne baa b<*en felling In the borao dopariutent for the paat few yearn have been ‘-calculated" from ihe word "ad": "You can hardly call them racea for, every tlrlv«r know* Juat where he In* going to flnlah and how much he ta going td get out of the puree." auld one citli'n The automobile race, It was indicat ed, could be put on for lone money out of the pocket* of the A anti t-la Mon than the horae racejgau be' put on. The auto race would b*. start ed on drat day of the race, prob ably So mil** r\p off, another titty the nept day on uiitlt a 2po •nal j had been reached. The track around the K«lr Urounaa could wr y ea«U> be placed la eucS condittoa aa to accommodate taat rac ist carp. U wm Micsted. FIRST WOMEN ON Ue N. C. FACULTY * - l H-I- ■ 111 11l ll———Wi— m , , ~ J*. * - - * - ■mas w i i \ S + ,;. - t MISS V. H. BASON Two native Tar Heein who have mad# wide rdputaGoni in the teaching profession in other Stolen are to be the flnit women on the University of North Carolina faculty. They are Minn C. H. Banon, (left) of Burlington and Mis* S. B. Marks Jright) of Albemarle. vrv. To Try Fly Berlin To San Francisco BBRI.IN. June HI h»*) luapfar *d by the sucevpite* of the Tran* Atlantic flight of Lindbergh and Chamberlin, Interests la Ger many are now planning to r*tab Hah a new world’s record crooo tug the w*M to Han Francisco and return with thy? name of Antop Koeanecke, ‘Term** world war w*. defibltely linked with the pro tect. It developed today that the avia tor wna quietly given a leave of absence, from the Oermau Aerial laague, recently tor three mouths, during which he to expected lo organise a Berlin-New . York-Han Francisco non-atop flight. GROWTH TRUCK INDUSTRY TOLD Fifty Yetaot Ago and Truck waa . Grown Only (kmc to Tow an And Clltea —t ’■ RALNUIH. June 1g UP) AWHh l> ucif growing at its height lul NortjK t'urolina offlctaU of the state dwigrt meut of agriculture today lookedUiaclC SO years and saw It in Its Infs key Kach vegetables as were- grown cohr menially were produced by market gardener* living in (lot* proximity to towns and largo clti*». In the South Atlantic States little attention wn* given thia hnalnesM be cause of ttur general layout of the farm* and the ataple crop* under cul tivation . In the neighborhood of Now Bern, N. KaVahaah. Ott., Charleeton. S. r . Wilmington, N. Norfolk, whor* irkter iransporUtion wno a* vallabli , some of the le*s perishable regetabtes. as cabbage and potatoes were grown for. .northern markets, lull the more tender aorta wer# planted only for the local market. "Today these conditions are almost the reverse," says Frank Parker, agri cultural statistHlclan. "The growth end development of towns and cltlas has caused such a sharp advance in ndjaernt land valuations that marker r.ar<lencr» have had to seek more re mote fields, where they have bwmn* Sp cialirt* In the production Os cer tain (ruck crops. "The railroads, realising the poo slhilltiee fn the development of thla now phase of gardening have ~att ended their line* and Improve*! trans port at ion facilities to such .an extent that it la not uncosnmou to find on the northern markets, at almost any season of the year, vegetables that have been grown In the field In some southern locality • “Ideal toll and climatic conditions, cheap Irrnda. and easy a-c*»e to good trabspmatinn fgctlttlO* have made truck rrowlng along the coastal plain of the Hoiith Atlantic, states one of lh* hr«»»l Important branches of horticultural work" •; . - ■ r . -r 1 ■ FLI6 RK HfrF OFF FOB INDIA '* <<? _ 111 —1 t ■ Cranwell. Lincolnshire, KngfaiuL June 11 OP) Flight Lieukenanik G, R. Carr and I*. H. MacW’orth bopped off at 11:41 o'clock’ Ibis afternoon in g Wg British bouiblns plane ter India In an aitempi lu break th- non atop. dlsHUifi rcrord now credKed to 6htronce I). Chamberlin, for ftU flight from Now York to Germany, [■ OLD BASEBALL FEUD FLARES Earl Smith Knock* Manager Bancroft Down After Eg- '&», . change Word* PITTSBURG. Pa., June 1«. A baaebnll feud of loug standing be 4 wenu «D*ve Bancroft, manager of tho Boston National* and Karl Hmith. liltsUurg catcher, flared to white heat I her* today when the husky Pl* fate backstop s*m fata loft list craah ter tuto Bnneroffs jaw. Tb# latter waa hnoekod out. Throe stitches war* required to cluoe g cut lu bit fuc*. ' Uaqcroft and Hmith had boon at pdd* abac* tb* oerappy catch or wna with tb* Inwmi Ip lb 3 aaffwth im~ ding, Bancroft mate to bat nnd ha* given a walls. A* b# stifMled tu first. Hmith shot the ball down tbo line. Bancroft halted and aald some thing to Ambit, who rotortedL Later Bancroft scored. An he hmm*4 tb* pinto he halted and epokaOo Umpire McCormick. It waa the general belief that he complained about t)mlth(d altitude nnd about tb* ihrowtng of the hall to flrat. Hmltb pul In a lot •ontoau-g or two while Bancmrt and the umpire stood at the {date. Qhe* A* IlsuriOft turned toward Hmith tb* teller flung th* cgtrhlng n.ltt Yrum his‘hand and shot bit flat late thg Boston manager’s tew. Bancroft wan carried from the flold. Smith was banished from the game. later Bancroft said Hmltb bad freon ‘kidding" him far sumrUrn*. Asked what he intended to do a boat today’s Incident ho repttod. "I will put this thing up to Prosi- Heydler. Lot him dlspoa#»of Ity ■ - - c . ' ’’•j KIIfHTOK MAN NAMED .L i RALRfGII, Jun» It UP) - Ot Tf Jam** 14. Parrott, of Kjustoa, Wbo WOa appointed by Governor Me|<**a a director vd the industrial Farm colony for women, hm declined with thanks, to accept the appointment and Governor Mcl-eau today named D. 8, Churchill, of Kinston ua a member of the board. Boy Scout* Go To Camp Mon. | Week At Point Near Mt' Olive f'armp TuKVtr.l will open ltd fouth Mimiuei-- (Sarloil for lb* Boy Heout* of Tu*carora council Mood*} wank, Jim* J7 inkier th* attparvli-ian of H< out Kaacutlee W. W. II Ivor* and kisiasaiatant, Imvld I, IJl»». Uocateu -four mill’s from Mount Oily* on a i.cnotlful little Ink* aacluded In a wtiderbafa of t r««*«equipped with *« f scollant man* hall and alth aft tk« other naccaaitfas, It will offer an op portunity for wtda and raried pro* rratu or recreation and aducatton along ilia llnaa of wood craft, Mrd rtudy, natire study. astronomy. awim mlna. life agrinrg, camp aauUalicm. Mtcbarr, construction project*. bandl* Tramint• otker aft* awful' to —Hiei Kiowlna l«*y and to tlu* man ha will become. " The camp *»* wa» salactad by th* (ampin* t'ontmlt|wa *»f Tuacarora <l'uucil with an ay*, not only on iii' dcairahlc feature* from the etand |,i)ln< of swimming, catm*.—uatmral surroundings. and tb« ttka. Pat for sanitary reasons. Th* water baa b**n tested br the BUt| Board of Health TWELVE PAGES TODAY Naval Limitations Parley Convenes In Geneva Monday With Three Powers Entered A aka Damage $15,000 For Injury to Boy that Ik* company «u negligent |a atlowiug one no young lu take such rlak>. Creecy Hhep hard. a* now Item friend tor Wit **• Shepherd. yesterday began ault h*r* against Kbnral Smith and tha Ktoaion gntHtg| ftan.pany tor ftfi.* WO. t utu plntU Med 1b lk« office n( Ik* elmk of court sllagea that tb« boy employed to assist In un loading uadi loading soda valor from the truck, «M ordered to •I*P off lb* running board abd got hi* bat which bad brow*' toss, that hr did as and waa run ovor by lb* truck and permanently Injur'd, Oa* la« will be shorter tb»a tba M a result of tha Injuriaa. tba eom piatof alleges. Tba lad waa It mi a old ai ibo time of tba aa itdaat. <«mplalat alleges. ST. LOUIS GIVES LINDY WELCOME Rdcwnl Breaking Craari Baaa Him Run Up Pennant fisc Al Park ST units. Jwoa II -tA*> St. >,ouU gave cot. Uadbarab a tremen dous orktloa today ia Ha public ac claim of Ha youtbtol trsaa-ktlaufSr filar Vbo cam* bam# yesterday to 'nd InformalrlHually private raaap -1,0,1 : .w . • : ’tbi —Si cwbctogirid, .paA" *®et orderly demonstration I bava erey •ton," aald Undbarpb attar ha had rlddaa two boar* through a tree* crowd - packed two Huty daap aa sidewalks. r- ■. -r —7 • Mia recaption at Sport amaaa pack' fhl* afternoon laekad only number* la canal tkat of tka pant da. Kven thru a*..estimated 17.004 persona, tba groatagt regular season throng tm to A tend a St. Louis baseball game, Jammed their war In l« aaa Hu yaasp filar assisted Hmffers Hornsby pra ytoualy St. Lout*’ great Indlrtdaal ralaa the world’* series pannaat waa lM| yaar whaa Horaaby waa manager —a*.— PEKAIYLVAMU WIIIB * kill mm each in 4 * 'vJ • ' T~ 7" ■ * HARRIHRCRO. Jn. Jwaa li—Savaa workman war* killed such day daring tha firm fire months of IM7, la tba R*ata of Pennsylvania, a raport by tba Stale Bureau of Matictkm reveal figuring 24 hour* a day, twentyone paraoaa aaab hour suffered noufs tal Injuria* during of May Nearly one-half tha faialltlaa and lb Jurist wars auffarad in tba Stata an thracite and bituminous coal mil** 'There wars 172 parsons killed hi Industrial aeeideaS during May wbila 12.249 paraoaa wars injured dur lug tha month. ! . i and foind absolutely para; there are wMag&diit poofi n dttiebeir ftaar ibbt will breed mouguito*. Tha scouts will alcep ia taata ha* oaatb moiHiuito netting. Tha food will be well balanced tor tha hoy’s need. <tad wll be prepared by aa su part coob and screed Hi a clean, wholesome diking room, A camp phy ’ican wttt look aftar the health as- em ery member, sad In cats of eerleas «if*bns>N, the paraat will ba notified at one*'. ■.. . '„ a - Adult leadership will ha pfw rided at all time*. Nothing hut regia fared scouts witt he permitted to at iftidVlCarh scout will ha giraa era i'll toward advancement for the work unrip wiiiiw 111 lugiwsic*. ~ The cost has been reduced to th* hare*t minimum, the fee charged be lag 17 a week This coven medical attention, anslif. and other inciden tal*. If apaciai training I* deni red. parent* should get In tonch with the camp director All Rcouta who H** tv attend moat hare a tbbroagb phy** »ical eaamination before leaving for «•■»* , , * " Member of v j - , i The Associated T .-TTVob <4v urab ' j nuci rvti anvp [u. &, Japan aid teal i Britain Will fi M Part; flL Detentn to Snlpt Broad Limitation Total Tali' war ,a>4 Petalbd --• T OKNEVA, Inna tloa» ara that tba |pAirMilk lion at tba Naval parlay wbtoh kgS*' bare Monday not dal* m«<t|laa2 brand proposals Ipr nmkAtiaa 1 tba total laanafft for ergiaera, Aim atroyara and aubrnbrina, but wtR ao coauaar tbia with 1 mtolt* aten traattSS «• proMa* IS att at Mi otbalnal dataiia. .. ,J -t ’ , t HAPIIt cm, S, rouadod by prajacdlsp by IPllkip Moa oa tit contoraiaa vbkb asst, iismmbln Iwotidny In Cjnfinnn 'Me |*ider furjpar llmltatiaaa a( aural npf •us meat.' / , Tha 1, . - i prvnsnnn* nspneßnßßS .BDnHe.- jjKK/k 'our country and tka dttar MiMM interested may wapiPk from It.- as ba abttad Wtt|Mab fa tha roafarsnoa to k jPfaf fsK ta •irmhsrs of tba Nntlanal MfMM sgb the Summer WbMa Mr. Cool idea . IkM tpa. MPpMP waa In aa etdka taa«l eljaa aa ha wa* (old bom today ha Mm#|| Ornni Irl tstks IWPM «S ttSBS ****** *« WLTmSSit'^ ACT, HOOVEIt wdwnskfhbnm ** '$ 1 Future In N*w it rn 4 Mqm ftplnana PWMfeih jmnkiyuyilMinL uriHii rmmtm mmmj pnvMpmpp' % autemant ta arkSO fSipM W** or aaya that tba aoatMNflr>Ml-Ap ib« Mtaataeippi flood fSlfeaMy vUI run from l»»M»,ttt I* PMH, o«# "la baton* tarpna tbla iRMMnP rhrer flood of %W tosato VIWM fyam tbabr botoai or.4PSda upon relief.” tha HltdWft Mtd. "The seen anile laaa fl')S«| That a artlllM and a half sf mar •ourtymea rbouM aonttotto to tkto Sf uch Jeopardy la PSfMpMb ASMtf* flood ruMof la idia'lkiai or aanther ihl* year sad that M Mil part to 4ppH| • Keery worker, aaary fara#f. MUg •itveetor la tha 0. t. w« *fat •*■*. part a€ tha ahaah. AH 4toM*«lNa% plaaa tor ftoad aaatoaf Mill'lp ftoj aisad scataet any iMwdllla HtotfM (ton of flood* from fhp tsMfltsrife. , Wa must ll«« with tba itaar far thou sand* of yanrp to ootod- Aa ask this problem. Aa a etttoto to* Mf*4 la flltad with raaaflanUMH of «*fto*> m«a and myaatom I hnra aNa. 1 am GOitJaatf that nfkaata «a rteralop plan* that MH UWf»l % Hoad. I bell tee tkat art sail j|pa id* urlly to tho panpto Urtog hMaw tba laeeea We caanot abeMto tba toaaa 'yateat. Wa aaa Mrwu’baa tba Mfaac and aapplmanf kbam atraagM with •Alary davicaa 9 ana kind dP toWth ------- ** i iqi ok nun u “ r w -. T , i aadatka an tha scanty raada mnb *»mion in city osutt as n cbdfttn.gl P«*aemlng whlaksy He w«« JpA I2&0 oa a cknrga of buying rrhitoMb The aonrictlon wa- mtfdr fltonP* liugtoa act which tuahaa purcbaaa a* wall aa poaaaaaloa and tratoStotta ttoa as Manor ntofMto^'^ ” gpW”W tom toH^BPM||KmH|M

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