PAGE FOUR ■BECI«)NEWS rPubltehed every montoira Monday,, by f °^^ o ?^.^fe g I^rPOr * Ud ’ 107 ffaaigh Aasode. ¥>yN»w York XU} .> > HEMBER OF 188 ASSOCIATED PW SS . Tfe. i«io«ltu4 entitled to tha «• Stb’ [wWlcii'nt at i!nSfr3wCnU« vT*4lt»4 to tt ar aot | •u.*rtrtoe «radH*«■>--•-- n —■—■ -•* , By Mailt Be .yet® «• •» * *~tm . r«»B*-*9 Lto tx Mnatka Ml hrea Months 1M ,as Hw6lit ||mm* .w va*»*•"to* ..M.w. M • * •** ... ». ..»..«»» -Ad ry*KS==^:" * - -■ qf^--.rLsssrJ3»^^^ g AUTO RACES AT THE FAIR A* two hundred nil* automobile race u the of the tjexj, Wayne County Fair. The au mohile race to he rnn off under the supervision theAroerirap Avt.. mobile Association and to r .substituted race.- df tv pipt Um •ars. Thiiy a p<*sdifciiit v for I oom ■ ag season. J1 AWUUHijbotl i<» n-. f— For one t hiafi t # wltcelhamm' j a-«ce mold le more WR^etUftt? \ ha n the race? 1 which hare all been cut And dried, no life, none of the fervor, the been competition which make* the Sood quicken ar.d majtes a race worth while What we have dimply a nice, eaajrj ride around the tracks. The tier. 1 rehcme under which the horse raring has beencetjduAefl'fra!**tended to make thy races ster" affefr|t ia org-»»i*<*d a mini her of; horses ■ vtl »nme horses move from other in Eastern Caro up B' for » series of races. Lew*ij> county pdts up a nice turn. Pitt ctnlnty' a nice sum. Nash county a tidy sum,, and BoJm. " ■* ’ . , , , -a ,V r "TV I'idrrs Ijfow is to be had and why. >. j*t thrv make'their racing a Hurc rnOricy I ■Ajli. , ' . / . , winner, rather char Uay? it to chance? 4 ..':4prir> we believe that an automobile rncel mes tfy clnb Scouts ere ypjng ♦ > go lartocampSt ine name .-dtp. It is to be hoped that every Boy Scout in ihldiboro can attend th* camp soon to open. For the Scouts wffl gain in the out-door life, the long hikes, the bird and nature study, the cooling swims in the lAka. and the camp routine, an edu- which the eehool loom cannot afford. At he same time they gain a eels reliance, aa eac that should stand them In good stead at °P ttasa. Qamps snch as fhc ope jm*t concluded by the * -irl Scouts and the one. aooh to be undertaken by be Beys make a valuable contribution to the ic Hfe of the comipupity. Cftiea everywhere m i tUHng in with the Idea that mgney spent fer cummunity camps'r amus back many times in dirMflnds of good end «tronger bodies, flOTy ramps aii%n g ,established. At these places the cost is k< FKh>, : s minireum and for a sum equal to jogc day's campimr in some &V" .0,-0. r , r the boyor'tiwj gif I i nc enlire camping period. rj^rv^n?^»ycg^ , T , ??Tyr,^irT/,?i^. «~d b % A KANSAS MOB STORY s; j' ' r * . ' x - ■On the night of March IS, •« fnriotrs mob Ittsde repeated efforts to into the jail at Coffeyville- Kan., seeking a nogro held under sue* Sfejkm- of having Attacked twp white girls alone In their home m night. The sheriff was a man who believed that his first duty was to uphold the B> was h
* rt*i«t«*d.' 'Phi- girl’s story of haviruTbeen attacked by negr* »-a was an en tire I'abrfiafkm, she ctmfeaaadl on th« stand yes terday She dentified Ira Kennedy, motor car >.»!.• m;.n in whose house the altered attack had taken place, as *i ll gir! who iden tilhni Kennedy. She said on the stand tkat she had told the story about being attacked by ne groes after her mother had counselled her to do so. k ." If the sheriff ~t roffcvviTlc hnd not acted quieldy and surely, if the state troops had not responded, an innocent man would have gone to bis death at the hands of a demoniac mob, and all because an hysterical girl had followed the foolish counsellings of her mother. Mobs generally attempt to take vengeance Into their own hands after fiendish attacks have been committed, but this Kansas mob story should !*, jHvrn wide cfrmlntion for the corrective good U ( it he »« a warning uverywhere wherrmen think hotly and i :sh {(logically in mob fnshion to wreak vengeance where they think * s B there c.hould be vengeance. - - - THE PIEDMONT NORTHERN EXTENSION . ft . . A **hrry *u T4m +rf- Friday morning 4itotes h Goldslmro man itYnt hack frorn'’Durham an saying the general impression in f,he bull City 1« that thcthrinnf-attri Nt'Hhrrn Railway, if grunted permission io extetui its lines to Duiham will uvenituijly seek a coast terminus. That such has fan,* been the mfottthm of the Duke interests which control the electric railway lieliefi iif many of industrial trends in the state. r,oWi>horo then, should not be Idle In the present situation The city should take the first initiative to let the officials of the Piedmont and Norther i know that the would co-operate in an etfor to extend the lire# Into Eastern North Carolina. The Chamber of Commerce should get busy mi the project. It is quite likely that a fight will arise between Southport and Beaufort as which shall he the terminus)for the railway line and GoldihoHi, as she wcfaM be on the line in case it rArtie to Beaufort, cannot afford to be idle. There should be a concerted effort among the towns through which ths proposed extension would pass, to interest the Piedmont and North ern In the Beaufort terminus. Here is a chance for some excellent ro operstton. : - 1 ‘ ! ■ aI • ■ A good American is anybody, recently from Europe, who can capture a world record for this glorious land. Anv dog may be trained as s house dog, but you .seldom see s well-mannered flea. SHEARS AND PASTE COTTON OUTLOOK IMPROVED BEYOND ALL EXPECTATIONS (Raleigh Times) With spot cotton in Raleigh-bringing more than sixteen cents for middling, the aituatiqnia looking brighter for the many farmers who dJn reason of their own determination and the co r rat ion of banks and merchants have beeit able withstand the pressure to sell at lower price"- There will unquestionably be much less cotton raised this year in several of the states which are normally heavy producers, and there is hope that acreages have been planted with' some de gree of caution Inspired by last year’s reeord crop. While the condition of cotton this early in the season is on the knees of Jhffgods, it seems un likely that there will be anything like the glut e? perienced last year when cotton begun to go to the gin" and fold its way to the markets in volume Figlire> cent ops bv the departments in Wash ington lend, on the whofa, to bejir out a more optimist i.* feeling. For I lie tpn m nths ending May I l Tnetaone g-ftf-M-n helqe a.- ugainM 7,.M'_vir» -to th« v . date of 1926, and the movement is continuing. Cotton consumirtion jn American nMUs also iyis neiff ftpYiefl aim May- Si, bv 600,000 bales. With more than two good months to come before the next crop is ginned in quantity, it appears that the statistical position following last'year’s tremendous production will be better than could have been expected. Ofle of the doubtful things abput what has happened to last year's crop is the supplies that the mills have laid in. In this there is a feeling that foreign purchasers were more fore handed than domestic consumers In buying cotton at tl* tow levels. If that is true, it may mean that as the Summer wears on there will be some rr nat ST B of • *cr»mbte qp the hart of United States mills to supply their needs. now iltoeTubjoct of d°Ho[w that THB GOLDSBORO NTWB CHIPS OF THE OLD BIX)CK i MLB t Vi r ir The old ford sure got some revenge on me yesterday. I sold . her top for two dollars so she let me in for a good wetting. , / •* * Hope the farmers have enough rain now. This time hurt month praying for rain. Now it is so wet you can’t strike a matefe in » bank vault. a • *. | % The United States has 24,- 000,000 automobiles and atill i * * some of the girls walk home. )• • • This is certainly good grow ing weather Ibr the feed they are raising in the middle space in Center Street far the alder manic bull. t ... t 1 t VACATION IS RECOMMENDED slate Board of Health Says Those Living on Coast Should _1 Make Mt’n. Trip RALKIGH, June It—i/R—A rh«B M la the aptra of life nod Cnrollnlari* BSffS- have Ihia rhaH*e without l<*«v g the atate Ihia ntim.urr „ The State Board of Health official*. *ajr thoaa In the raountalttl should k», a trip to the coan and tho-a on he coa t ahould take • trip to the nnuntajna while those In the renlrai part of the atate ahottld alternate, driver*! choice. The hoard want* to prcvlde raf- St arda for the health and ploa»u a of vtaltora In the atate ovnr the aum nex montha and alao for the health of Its own native rittzana for “all •have brought with lh«%v whatever ■l'eeaaea thev mar harbor ajid all are »rib,ecUtV' Bhi-irpelvea to aqhatever dUyaaea North Carolina already haa” The atate la eo thickly populated and the place where aafe water may be Uitained. are eo clone together there la no excuse for motoriata io use the Water along the way, tha board ny*. adding tint water tn at I cltlea or villages where there ta an ' •tabtlahed public water supply la moat carefully guarded and may be j depended on for drinking purposes | “Water from Individual walla, J springs or atreams may or may not be safe and the Idurfst should take no I chancea with such walt!tP'. M ProraiqrnouK tamping In warned against. Milk i* pointed-to aa -sup plying many deficiencies In a tour-, lat'a diet aud\ “tourists ahould make I You can tell the difference between oar Meats and other | M gatodeM. the minute you taste our chops, steaks or roaata. | : BWe take pride in our high quality. , , j !/*• THE PURE FOOD MARKET ** | 134 N. John St. Phone 93 i o , K ' .. - ■ v v ' ' ****** , tr GOOD CARS ONLY/ 'We canJ^roal^ge , all the GOOD Used y* s CM V we can’t, wc havojg* nothing to sell, • * ffA aT: ~ J . SPENCE MOTOIt CO. - Opposite Postjffice 1 « A. USED CAR IS ONLY AS DEPSNDABUK AS THR* DeALR-R WHQ SBUS IT A I • I.' . —v— .. .. —rr- 1 r -r.. - . - - in ■ii m every effort to secure daily a liberal allowance of milk. ''Jaysons who lira Is tha state as writ wpmai from other atataa, who visit -tboee l—alltlaa where there are mrnrfa Infected mosqultoe*. should! chary with them mosquito nets to cov ,*» their cats If they expect to camp i-U “ There la the same need for the tourist, tha boesd says, to protect hit food from fly contamination as (or tha person at borne although “there Is realetlaely Utila typhoid is the atate hut there are maay unrecognised ty phoid carriers among ike tourists as wall as tha people at home.'* Th" boar' la frank to disco ir jt tourists from taking along any pat ——l I II ..M WM T -ft " in nine cam* our Os 18, A HOPElrt* CAM l» A HOTOEIM cose. &* if you all- .id ■ tom*,. ■• v. v. , i b t. } r 'i.mtly’ ( Won Id they !»«• .iert 'vliboul re- Bourcee to w,.nd. i wb, r< uticts>u md aecarlty. of a Horn# of tbeli oyrst •. . I i', V . Think it over. j -- Then come tn and tsth to ua ■ we can help you build j BoMth CsaOLllij uuaaU, because of rabias. “Tour ists are welcome but dogs are not." inrrf nm bHUSI CLUB The following officers have bean named for the Qoldsboro Shrine Clubs * ■ ■ —- f '■ i ' ' ■ ..jUI"- sew as n ~ WE AEE ACTO D6CTOM A«to Pe pairs r / _ , if year eagtne Is acting ha«y asi JTTO 1 / C V~*— * eaaaat lacate ths tree Me, 4# rot * / U ** w •*“W» tet let ro tern ’ < Zj/ a leek at tt and car* the tra.He. * : f Thee are a good raeaj things that gs Wf I "rofcg with aa engine. Serna al these M N x an trfvlal and caa he »xed la a few ■‘teitefc All as ear r*pair#B an ex -JACK” BROWN’S GARAGE [WANT ADS ALL WANT «t»h «■» I IIHI H* ,W AWE »» H» < EAEUE Regular Type (llhe this) i Vic P«r Word ,* l . gjf ■ O '' , i*erg«* Type dike thul Mr Pnr Word n an error is rHI! \*uti is raepuue.itia lot *aly *m» laeartloa. ihe t-aatomer ,i* rv**p*- . neral office work aa well Wrlj c n. nc* SX|. ». Yt tsp .1 A>Tl.l» BY SM.BT RP.LIABLK *o!ored gi>l, a Job doing general k .r i ursln.’ -pr ly. Era Hen nett, 40. i West Elm street. 1 t comp I - ■ I.—-I—»M« ■■■■l a 11., —»—l* !•■■■■—«* i *:M A DAT FOB ABBITIOrS W\X who can furnish references, $35 n we<*k 6 day weak opportunev io i, e pay to |75 4100 n. cigh months. Must have car aud call on farmers in ihia county. Tell -about yourself. KURBT and THOM AS. Eastern Division, Freeport, "114:' • 19 «t pd TmEB AIT IF WARD- FOB ATT H- Tormatlon leadlnv tho recovery of Tale Ll»wa!vn seHer. About 19 months old. Strayed or stolen about two monthly ago. Notify any mem ber of Newt staff. 19 It pd FOB HALE—ONE DOUBLE SERVICE day bed complete, almost new. fh* quire K. Phone 825. « 19 21 BUST BEE CAFE I LONT -BLACK BAJfD BAG BE tween Baa Htaftea gad depat aa Cheataat, Gaafgt/ar gMwt Hta. I CiFutenUi BaaiaMa papers. Mew’s | clothing. HtMwS <*, KaaUAratloa card. V. I. to (•eldshan Retd sad iWfltyeward I ROABDEBH WAITED FRIT ATE : family can accomodate tho young ! ‘ men. Oood meals, privacy of a I home. 411 N. William ,atr«|kv I Clß2t pd | | [ SECBETABT: DE alrea position In Goldsboro. A-l [ references. Secretary care Neva. ! « 18 ts comp ik , ' FOR BEST—ONE FURBISHED BED room downstairs. Gentlemen only. Call 1067-W. 17 3t ch AID BOARD, close in, by young man working nights. Apply A. 11. care News. FOB HALE SIX ROOM HOUSE 1003 N. Virginia street, Oak Height For 15 days will offer this proper ty at a reasonable price. No. car rying charge, made If you are pajr ' teg gat.o« gar senate real you «g» easily own this home. See me . quick its a bargain. R E Darla, City. ... XSteAte i J . DB. W. H. SMITH WISHES TO AN nounce that begindThi With Wed nesday June 22nd, his office will be cloe-d at 1 o’clodk erch Wedaea dey during the months of June. July, and Aaguat 6 14 «t pd FOB BALE BEVKI THOBOUGH bred German Police Puppies, A weeks old. pan furnish registration papers. 0. F. Cole, Pbcwa 1040-W. V 11 - ■■■ - rr FOB BALM OB BBBT-A BOOM, Mae alary house ro OMadqr aveeee Sort OrfUto. t«. e >Mf*'**f*'* -\ ‘ . a JHM BUNDAY MORNttjUe, JUNB Mi MW lor tteiaaroteg year: 1. W. C. Meta pr«idenrf J. » WUHaaaoow, vW* pr widen!: J. a> W IBlaaiaow, vice F. B. Crowson sad C. 1. Wethlagton directors • Wo eitv slicker should ha Ftroteadß i ■ FREE TICKETS TO NORTH STATE t l«o frames of white sobecrib t rs on routes of the Goldsboro * N.-w-. City Delivery Byett*m arc drawn daily and diatrihut td among the want ad*— WATCH H!K VmJK NAMR . I\> APPEAR. * H^nday and Tuesday—Fred 1 t hrmson with Silver King in * SILVER COMES THRU”. i reseat riipplag or year same at the Waet Ad (oanler of The Mews before 1 P. M. oa (be day fellow * ■ ng pabllratlnn. j WAIT* AD i HEADQUARTERS * * j Fhoae 8U KOI BERT—ON* APABTMKHT II <'om to ridge apartments Phone Rn< f neth C Rbyall. _|UH ot 77. I' 6 ■ W ‘ ’ ' WAS Hill ro EXtHARUC V ABM and for elti properly Address ML * care of The N jm\ < 1* ts t • k FOB FBFSII SHRIMPS I*o FAT ones on Fr*4ay’c call Gllllkin's mar kef. 6 lo ts ch TBFLT-MILI nTin STAFF OF life and when U U para you may feel a ore there can be no other food do Important. We aell Grade A. Milk only. Adame Dairy, i-i. sew. i ___ * LOST—BILL DOG, 00LOB DARK brindle, large leather collar with braea apota. am were to name of Jack. Finder ratnra to John O. Baker, and get reward. Phone 1117-J. • 17 St ch MORET-SO BORIS. AT BEATS will your widow Inherit the BOMB or a MORTGAGE? She inherits the lIo.MH on our plan. Net coat ten year* on life Insurance and Inter est only $375 per thousand at age 86, Modern Improved property; white people. W. O. PARSONS. Wayne National Bank Building. ■ ■■■■■! -1 HL WANTED—TO EMBROIDER MORO grama and Initials on your lineup md dresses Phone 291-VA « It ts MRS. PAI L BORDER FOR RENT-FI RRISHED ROOMS. ho* and co:<: water, steam he t In .. Jfi!!SL APPIr JOS.X-AFO auydr or phon 8,1 J C D •18 ts FOR RERT-4 ROOM i *Mt>. nebuereon a partment. Pleasant location 'and cool for summer Phone 837-W • 4 ts ch WASTED—POHITIOR AS Hors* companion, nurse or care foe valid. Can furnish boat reference <- and my price Is reasonable. Ad dr ere y. rare News 0 4.7.41 WASTED GCASO BA 08, ww_ gardleae whether washed or not— ■net he free roc ttf kolw Alee tees hides and scrap metal. hlgheet 9*o** Qeldehoro lien nni Metal Company, phone TM. Oppna tt, Dalea Otattea . I h• ft ten «B ’HfflMirWlll •» •* <•*, a> w /