SUNDAY MCBNIN6. JUNK 18, IMT Shows Need For Sanatorium * For Tubercniars In County Dr. B. A. HocaU, of Clayton, at BMtiaia hat raw; to gather data ratatlra to the aaad lor a tri countr sanatorium for Warae, Wak aoti Johnso*, recently ifkßM&arfZed polata ia favor cl a tubercular ****#- toHaa. Welfare worker* la Warn* believe that before (oar amrv year* the coun-i ly will hare a ssnltbrium for the treatment anil 4togno*ts of Übeml oal*. either la cooperation with Wake or Johnatoa or alone. Recent Infer aaatloa hero ia to the effect that a county sanatorium could expect (1. per day per charity patient at the) inatitution from the l>hke Endoan meat fond. Dr. Hocqtt'o •ummriaatlon of t!ir raaaona for a sanatorium follow: | - I alight diacuba the proposed conn f ty *anatortjm under the following head*i 1. The Need of a County Sana torium. We need it for the following resj eonv—A nearby diagnostic, tteat-j meat and or«vent»tlrc center. , The first need which would reeseot itself to the are age layman would j be a place upeijihd In connectl >n with our County Home to care for the ladlgebt and terminal caae* . a dumping gpound ao to apeak. for „ tboaa doubly unfortunate, the riot Ims of porerty and tibermluoi , f While Ibis ia ap urgent need fern, j the «tandpotrt of eradication of tub. ercnlowts It la the least. yhwpt—Hie viewpoint of the County Welfaie "-orke r *. whose every day attentions • aye called to the end-producta of po - -disease' and crime. I would nnturallytMnk that In their mind tbs paramount need of auch an’lnetP ‘utton would be indigent and trrrwlnql caaes. While the above need i : * .iraent In me the rararaount needs of Connty Tubercular Sanatortam j e three named above —nearhv { ,u «noatlc. treatment airt preventa tlvd center. “It lit fairly eaav for the average met it toner to make a dtamosia of j advanced luhcfcnloata. but aometimos I Used I Car Values L v *•- I I —•- ) , — i -—„.-r ; — -.1 I CARS THAT INSURE DEPENDABLE TRANSPOR- I | TATION HAVE BEEN RE CONDITIONED AND ARE J ■ READY FOR THE ROAD! \ |||l ' . • _______ Wmm ■ • ■ I THESE CARS WILL BE ON DISPLAiV IN OUR USED I I CAR DEPARTMENT DURING THE WEEK, AND A I I DEMONSTRATION WILL BE CONVINCING ATO I VALUE. u Sjif. e it-.-' z. -v%• <' '' ‘ 2 I WITHOUT OBLIGATION WE INVITE I I THESE VALUES OVER—AND SECURE OUR PRICES I ANDTERMS. V . > I BhR a ■ Hi ■| , ,; u t ■*- - .„ >. ■, -**■** - ■■ I • •• 77: | Goldsboro Garage & M. T. Co. I SSlf * * K - ■ m■ • ! It la difficult to maka a diagnosis of 1 incipient tubercnloaia and hern tn-j trouble lie* Sometime* It taka ob re ration oyer n abort period of time ard repeated examinations to which mriy patleota object or neglect And t:x It maui'no much to na indivi dual to-tell him ha hat toberentoda i when it does not exist, an# ao much more to tell hint he haa no Ipbereato tis when It doe* exist especially In early stage, that J am sometime* > riant to make n positive dtogoc.U without the confirmation of an ax pc- 1 clinician and X-Ray aid. For the n : bove reasons we need a clinician with ! diagnostic equipment to whom we car refer doubtful or early rases. 2. The Treatment- another need In the second place we need thl* lr-dilution for the now- rxUtlng qura o. tuberculosis in the rointy. ft -won td tab* cst* of Three tyfe* oTga tienta —the overflow of our Stoic Fknatorlnin, the advanced cases-so tjtey mluht be near their loved ones, 1 - nd those preferred being near the 1- 1 home. . ■ ‘ ~ . T 3. Tlte J'reventl 'tl. ' The old adage "An ounce of pre- I vnttou la worth u pound yf cur*,“ finds Its full meaning in the Great White Plague. There will come Iron such an Jnati.iti n an jiwakcniug of the toyman who wIU *e*k cxaiulu»v / t'on, an,' us a result a »cn*lble plan j of periodic, complete physical exaui * ‘nation will be sought and not qnly 1.. 1.^.....,t..*,,■« 1...r ass ,i n fc. A l am amaXw- Ttiurii uitivia, trot mttnr ouh nnr wtti be discovered In the iucipiency and arrested or cured, or minor defects, discovered and corn t ted, making thg’ individual physical! fit, awd less sus ceptible to infection ■> 1. 1 NORTH UIROLIVI UOI.ll RALKIGH. Juno I«—f/P>- Your , cold rush country la not the wild west *>r far North, but aristocratic ofl | North On’-oHna, j sfT* J- n. Bryson -tate geologist, and that It haa de-.j poHlta far richer than the Alßskan da poaita. The Irli k la. North f'arollna ] ore Is aaa.vedß per ion ntj eecnpared with y.M In Alaska. 200 ELECTRIC COOLERS SOLD Hot»csim4 Steel Plant Signs Big Contract With Frigl daire Firm I ■ i, * ‘ % . c PITTSBURGH Pa., June It— Elec trically cooled drinking water la to ha provided UAHW workman employ ad in the Homestead work* of the Carnegie Steel Company. The com pany today announced placing a con tract with PYigidaive Corporation, subsidiary of General Motors. for more than 20& electric water coolers to be Inst idled at dnee. Efficiency test* recently completed by company engineers, disclosed lhal electric coolers afford constant tem pera tares, adjustable to spy degree, futniah and better drinking water for men tJJTIIng ia intense heat end In addition permit the company , to effect a saving in ice bills IRol re evicts* coat* of fttMKM) n fear. The r-rpected annnal aavtnga. according U> the aniKatncement. will total more than one third the Installation cost. Two vlectric coolers were act up In rhe opefi hcwih accU'm of the pivot wr -faa#- R»-cord» were kept of drtuh f->..imra’**ree oh uined ;*o der actual wnorklng conditions where ♦he thermometer sometimes be yymd 1W degrees and casaa of lndi:a /linl cramps frepuently occitred. The j results formed the basis of the dec|- d shiu to similarly egaip the entire plant. Workmen came from long distances .luring the«a teats, to get a drink from the olretrtc cooler*, rrovtng ev en better than englnaer* figures the j dnpcrlority of -thia type of water . cooling, according to the annonnee no-nl. The Homalend Steel work* eg ! i>crt* to hntnll electric rvrrlgwatton ] In H-* restnnmni and other place* and I do away with ice entirely. K i* aaM. Wlghtoln- which t* •cakin'' the'tostallation. ia the largest ’n anufacturer of electric refrlenrat i->.- cqrionient In th» world It re i canlly added a complete line of elee i tile water confer* to Its Hat of pro ducts which Inrlndr* all types of I Mnmesllc amt comotcrclel I >«*rlr»ratlng epnlpment 7 VHB GOLDSBORO NIIVB ANNOUNCES BIG PRIZE CONTEST I'xkcM'l nla f>nft tor Euiiiax ISO.- 000 Prist Offer to Ttiotw Reading Ada W. L. Rawlings prosidcnl of the Uocn-Cuta Uottllog Co., of Goldsboro anoonced yenterday that bla cooipony •a eon Junction with the other Coca- Cola bottlers In th« Wired State* and The Coca-Col* Co.. Atlanta, Ga.. ware going to reward those who keep thetr eye* open to Coca Col* wit vert ising during the next three months With |3o.(H>p In cash prise “Of oounae,'* aahl Bawling* “we’ve got to kthiw that they have notlceo-it. and of <our-«*. we can’t reward everybody |iho noth-es it with u cash priae. B<i w<- HR upon the id.-a ,jf (inducting 'a’wouiaaic and we’ll reward those who have been moat ; lorl and moat dluernlttg. : -.The confst will he -conduct ed r |tirough advertising tn mar-alTi—t. uew;papcra, poaters, ou»<f<«»r *ig«*.| show window, refrcihmont stand and ; so mijun drcodfcion* the first week wll k * double imuc spr«Md In Tlve Satu'day Fy nine ( 1 oat. and will ■ - lor t a month* ■ "The idea la to find what we call tlx keya to the fopnlarity of Coca- Cola. These six k*y* » r * really alx rfaton* why people like Coca-Cola. An Into mating thing ia that tha pub- : lice itself gave u* these reasons through a aurvf'y w* conducted tost year. The 'keys’ will be illuet ated Ind presented in Cocahtoto ndverU* ing You find them and answer two simple question, and tU» prize. In all with a first prit* of fHlbOti will be awtttdcd for the beat answers. "Prom the number of people who nave already asked me questions about tbft contest, It teems to me the ; public is going to get a lot of fun oct of U, apd some of the arc going j to gat some real c«*b money.” * ' * J ’ * *» » 5 - « ± /s==dyßS|sp=s \ / H'di ■ b wiijai ■ mi \ /AlilMaUlaf ~ Hour after Hour over any Road -and always in Comfort / n Scientifically hnlanccd—swung low so the Fleets of ChevroUti art constantly undar f -S' road — and with the body resting on festal theGencralMotorsProvingOfound JFN ~. , _ 1 * chranns vangdium atnnl springs that am —driven day and night over «w«ry con- ftn “ 88% ns long «f the whetlbaae —the Moat ceivable type of road, from concrete JJI Beattfiful Chevrolet provide* >6b mo* straightawaya to deep-rutted cLay tones. JKf « • astonishing riding and driving comfort Performance remits are measured and * /[Ji • I ever offered in « low-priced car. recorded with scientific accuracy by detik //* \ At even speed up to wide ooen throttle. cat,-ly-exact electrtcal and wechankal it holds the road with a surety that is a device*—invented and built by General .e v* tot I,m--while rough atretche* are Motors engineers. Every unU of the cat ' Iff ' tycaotiated in perfect comfort. You can hi* been tested enti imrmvrd until it con- ' l/f l j S2Te for hour afier hmw. mile after mile. .hare of cmnfort. . M] / * over any road, w ithout the sliuhttbt sense / > 111 11" t —of forcing or totiguc. Wc have a demonstrating car waiting for I'l I/ V; : 9 This exceptional riding and drivinu com- J ou ’ Hrive it over the rouuhrst road vuu II II fort h«* I wen engineered into Chrvndet *«**♦ You II find a type of performance j fN • can hg m rchult ofthe idohc pmclling road am! ;ima:c v°d r * * If/ nb' ( (H, ..... -in ii.nni'ili(’n ~ ill, ln-4 ~.inf;.rt thaf you nuvrr tooutfht po.* Itlj .*. . lU Juvclopui.m ol an anion,..hit,-. ~r.i. in a ton prn.n aunnr.oSiar. *• ™ vjt. ... .(y nr-g-.'k h f •.T-'rtLyvr'L ] ' Delivered Price* I dirtll m .tn.-eh, poe-rtul performenc*. I ▼a.. ■ -a. 1 ■ marnt B Then you’ll know why euch Ueytkowouad* f & ■ ‘ • » - * A. H. Handley Motor Co. r > •---- *' ■■.... . •'* v • ■ - nm .1 - QUAL IT Y AJT ,L O\y CO S T t • '* '.-ft- ' ■ ' performance and uncommon long life-* these Oakland qualities do not change with the chang ing trends of motordom. - - MfM 9 Tm L\J L © 1 a. j 1 " l‘-l • Yhl Jjf v ,' n ’_ Tou may he inlrigued by the arresting super'precision construction tha# to at# a hcauty of Oakiand'Fishcrhodiesor stirred the sternest Oakland tradition. hy the car's spirit and dash v. hencyou Uarticularly are theve qualities 1 mtito drive. But once you become an Oakland ■ siied in the 4-lXxar Sedan— 1 owner, you will discover an even deeper they are combined with comfort, lnttrf —; gource of satistaciU n- -un/lag- and smoothness at the satrsOgto » ging performance and tmcom tm mi lowprkeoff! 195. While atfcar mon Fong li/e. ll 1 lIL manufacturers In Oakltnjre These pry Oakland qualUiet T | I-f price class offer con pm. m# that da not change with the stars and touring cam ft mto 'changing trends of motordom —• figure.none other offefe44*Dmr *—tor they result from th*o 4-DOOR SEDAN Sedan. "TH Oakland Six.flOlS to $1295. TkmNiu amdFimm PoMtor Six, s77* •• #974. All hrlc-es at factory. Pdkwtd />rut* toinfa wixissw M«4to| chetgas. busy to pay on the l iboral iWrai Meters Time hqeesl Pirns- - Fulghum-Maxwell Motor Co. %e (/renter OAKLAND SIX PkQDUCT OP GENERAL MOTORS a# -V WINNINO AND HOUMNO 0000 «U : • PAGE FIVE

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