' ' 1 Ta ~' WEATHER PKrtlr c*oudy tundir Aandsy la creasing cleudlace? Sot |uHe so v e*«t,. < '' VOLUME WXr NIIMBEH 1»8 UNDY GETS GREAT RECEPTION ON VISIT CAROLINA A-- - ’ ' - 9 **' « / ‘ • % EAR THQVAKES TIE DURHAM B Y SCORE 7-7 Locals Gained 145 Yds. In Air Mfek'n Bays Surprise ia Stop ping One of BUU’h Strong eat Dhurh . (Bpeo’al I* Tb hews) DURHAM, Oct. 14.—Uccy Taylor'* Durham ygh school football t'am W _ tonight irt-adually rocoverlnc from tbs 7 to 7 xurpriso handed the team* by Ed Bullock** Bar hquakes ot .tb? Goldsboro Vxtteb (ufa*°l hf-re »ht* af ternoon Tb* Bull Ctty Myn doped to knock tU» ♦oUlnboro outfit • * for a dblid row of goose egg* ami to net op a* many aa throe l*«ch down** And forrat three mtnul** «! play it looked like Mr. Dop* was gc • Iff to MWblh way. Taylor'* pro teg* s poached hole* through thq K*rthquajw» Ip a *taady 'WR* do * ,v the field for jVpnrd*. Right through the life ib*p aped, time and Umr aaa’OL aad Hackney finally carried the ball W«r fcr the u.uclt down. A pled* kick c*nnt*d }ot the exti? point, 4 The reiMtlnder of the firat half was Ptnyed mostly In Ooldabero a tmi toiy, hnt wl b the opening of tho third quart*?, the l»ari*qu*k.c» opened up a Umdbefgh elr attnek. Prod Maaou did the towing owl Stmmon* **«ntd to hern a mn*n«tlc iench for which the hall longM* In the l*at two <iuarU*e tmidaboro gained 145 yard* on forward W«fth, apd six of the n'ahrtMPl d»n»an pnde i»y lha fiold har* lean were through the air. A t*n pntd pan*. ¥•*<* to Bln»mon.. In th* last minute -of play grave Oold*- bor* her touchdown and tfa« eatrn point scored following the big «!°unt ar hn* »#d tho count a fraction ahead of the whittle. Spicer pud Mot* ar? due a big Hand • for thhi* UOrh for th* Earthquakes nad Howell aheuld ahare too In the gory. & Hackney aud Holloway told often cat for Durham. About Bf cen Goldsboro people wit iie»*‘d'tbe reattit and comprised an a.dert choerlui MFctl"u. " The Earthquake* aud Coach Mul lock ar« rema'nhtg In the city tonight . i.ud tomorrow afternoon they will b* the guest* of Duke University at the Duke-Richmond game on Hane* field. TO CLEAR COURT FAILURE CASES : 7> > V 7. 0 • - * • Judge Mcekina famuca Order Af fecting Kanlern Caiolln* ItnhkruptcieH RALJEIOJI. 9ct. v l(~<*>-AW *a*t •rn North Carolinn'tankruptA, who for various ronaoea havo boon unable to g*t (Recharge* from bankruptcy into which they were thrown* by peti tion in crodl'or». wiil get a chance, to preaent their caeen ni'th*»4sljk (•*'"*, of federal cotpt In therousteni dia trlet.-S. A. AM**. clerk, ►ay*. Ashe i* In receipt •( * letter from Federal Judge f. M. Meekln* instruct lag the cle»k to nofify deputy clerk* in the digtrict to act *H bankruptcy caaea in which objection# have been made for tho Jail term*. All ca*e« flop on the docket* will lie triad nn he di*eh*r* <1 from bankruptcy. For . _JIJJMggppX IjTIT r,n jectlD* creditor* have auccaeded tn hhlflKg b».3I f t *** ‘ ease* iu tbi* dlatrict whu h bar* been pending rino© I#J4. Under the law, a bankrupt unit wait for 3# days uftor ft 1« adjudged bankrupt before ha can IJk a petition for a (lteclnrg*. NINB TEAK OI.D »lIWW»I'BSiEn That Albert MkheU aged* 21, act lira to the clothing of hi* nine-year old wife, «a* elmrged In farltoo. Au* , trail*, when hi* wife'* terenma at tracted aaighboro and htey found ib* girl lying, on the floor with her bead, body at>d bathing badly burned. The couple had b<rn married only *l« month*. It waa alleged that an argu ment batwwdutko Hro lad te the burg THE GOLDSBORO NEWS ' i , -> ■ 5,» READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. ADJOURN COURT FOR THE WEEK Cams Entered Upon Record Not Previously Reported In Hie News Adjournment until Monday waa ordered by Judge Henry A. Orady presiding over Waya* County Super ior Court hero late yesterday after noon when after calling several eaacw no attorneys answered with cults foe trial. The following eases nrtfejtrTvionaly reported In lire News have been dla fiosed of and entered upon the recant during*the week. Ruin'! Hatch, administrator of the ncrate of Maggie Fulton against LUa Fulghum and Fred Smith, com promised . to J. W. Jones and others against W. V. Taylor and otbara. judgment confirmed. -F. K. Borden. J. L. Borden, and V K. Borden, Jr., execulars of'tbe estate of E U. Borden, ngaiuit Tan i ithnns nrother:-, I 142& with interest itoip May 1. :b*7, for plainßff." Daniel UUle waa awarded a decree of diverge from Artalia Little on the grounds of adultery A. J. Flowers ©gainst Beat and 4*lowers, compromised. Peoples Br nk aud TruiF Company by Wayn© National Bank, agaiuMt Oeorge Muna'ord, Lewis Pipkin and li. U. Swikoa. HjUO.JS with inter cj-t from February 1921 Verdict for pUIiWrV • Pcnplro H*uk,,>nd by Wayd* N.tUenal Bank Agninst Hamilton Howell, verdict for plaln'- of 1192.1* with interest from He ternary IS, I*2l. Fail to Discover Orifirin Costly Fire WINSTON SALEM, (let. 14-S»A*>~ No plans for r?bulldlng had been an nounced tonight by official* of (Ul mers, Inc., WlnHton-Balcni's largest dcpnnn eni htore, which wag destroy rd by flro today ala l<»n* of, about 1100.000 end for awjiil* frcatenwl the heart of the business district Although fire men worked All day In an effort, lo discover the origin «»( tho hlsiie, which rtarted lg>fure the store opened tn the morning. It was announced that it would pro. bably never be known Wro starred- the dlaastrou* fire. \ BLIND 6ARDBBBB WIBB PBIZE Although totally hliml, Otarlee Woradalc. s'* basket *nd brush mnk er, waa recently awarAl-d flrut prta? for the beat cultivated garden in Brent Dolby. England, hi* home town Worsdale has never had nay assis tance whatever in hlj paatlme. Ho |-J# a remarkable sensitive iowm k and 'claim* every Inch of Iks rarhPp. 'evety Hourer, vegetable, md even tho applcn on the tree* «f hi*' orchard". Book A.A.U. Auto Race For , Fair Week Saturday, Oct. 2V . Automobile races under tiff approv al of the Amrricon Automobile A*- tociallon wtll bo staged at the Wayne CmiMv F.ilr ground. «W tl» -f'crnoonqf HutUiday, October 29. the irtfiiiijtiiiMt? mark secretary «»1 ths Fair Aaaogln- JiilH aufiwnr?,! vesDrdnv. A dcpl for the ncea tm clprod with Rnlph H»fc. ir, *on of. Uu- Hgaker-tta Ha' lniy !< " r - o ' The progrant hf races has "bt yet I cen received, hg( it rlatcd that some ct the leading semi pro racers of the rpantry"wilt M> bropnht-here for the event.' Severs’ Spr-M* tfwl lillelv Tk ; ' rcn~ owrTcalTuro'd tjT# •nl*e spurt. rbo Ilaak. rson sarvlye U also apon so»-'-ig raec-< at New Bern, Wilson, nod at ConVbrdj Th,* races are being n.i off in Concord, this "week, and «iii In- held in WiLon a week from Iwtdy, it wn* etaled; All tho events :,r* sponsored hy the American Ante mobile Aaeoeiatkm. -rr— Tke nutouobile races on Baturday jrUl ia ao jrajr conflict with the two “DAWN” MAY START TODAY SHOULD STATE PAVE ADMIRAL , 5 *y ■ Has Flcwt But No Held, Ken tucky Han River, Admiralu, But No Fleet f <. •*, RALEiOii, Oct. 14—(/Pl —ln Ken tucky the governors front time to lime nra given ta rommlaiisning mtou< prendMat citlaen "Admiral of the Kentucky River” hut there L no fleet. - - In North Carolina there in a fleet —the state flshcrLa patrol fleet— that la wbYiby of having an admiral at lbs Mad far th* work ia re»r«n --fTklt-r-tbe collecting of licenses, en forcing regulation", studying the condition of the fiahlng Industry, and maintaining a general supervision ov er thg fishing water* of the tut*. A Beat of seven vessels are diatti bated la strategic locations so aa to tacifllata covering the various flatting ground' The "Atlantic" soma time* called the flagship of 'ho llsh* eriea fleet, is used by Compiiselonrf J. A. Nelson—who rnten adjßjplaiorv rather than a admiral'* rottfsnon far general super vision <>r»» A pit- 1 rol and inapeeting forces. .. The "Alberumilo" with headquur ter* at Maatea under tuc dirattan *s atatAWt aamepisaleAors j if. Niou. -*i mArle, FroaUn ; nd Itmnokp Sound". The "Nousa"' with h*adiiu*rter!i nt Bwanquartor, patrols -I'amUco Bound and il* UilAnlries .uni the ‘Chowan" from—Etk'ntpn covers upper Albe. maria Sound The patrol ,us Bogus tnd Gora Sound* and Newport River carried o« by the mall speed boat "Roanoke", a«d tho Croatai aids tho •AtbcrtuaHc in staking: oil limits'. In addiUni to lho»e pslrol boat*, the dupartni'nt hai; two nq'oitobllc; for use of the assistant commissioner at WilaalAgton and tho Sanitary ca glneer at Uorehad City, . The boats represent a capl al out. lay ot 121,25 Lat and are manned by expcrleuyed sailor*. * (RI4UI ROU E AIDS FARXER , MAItSIULL, Oct. II- A cream route established by Earl* Rrlatnall, county ageu*, la Madison county has added five etuis a pond t« the farm price of butterfat during tho past weak. the. county agent say» 'u h's report Tb# rouio (,uns tom Far* niH to ld*?WhaU anil thq/ercam Is collected fOprvNtL'coad daV By collecting i ream frequently, it is kept frerh and command* a better pirce at th* plant i snya BflaLiall. who declvrea there has been auch dn increno io deliv. J cries that plan? arc now b?lng work •d out to Stake dally collection". roves a day program of th? Eastern Carolina Niort Bbio olcrutt to I n. held during the Fair days. Aa an added froc attraction for-jl»e Fair, Me. Denmark yesterday ti »t>Hpr.wp|w9 Bywp".|jB i CTvvtiwid • nad evening performance?. The an IflßHjpWAt^P-l" h» fgllvn 1 : '‘California' Friuik" ttaflcy; . tlu dT .Muindupa >d«R, rndSas, has contracted to bring to Uoldsbaro Uia greatest aggregation of prise winning piaiiamut and frontier vmiui crer assembled in America AqUldn tin annual rodeo in ■iih—inier wrik Ja4e, Jfife have the gt*ateat show ever seen nt it Fair in this state, barring none, looses* of eewboy* and cowgirl*, with the finest lot of Western horrei and entile ever, shipped from the plain* of Montana and Tut-i, showing all kinds of Western stunts? such n* tancy roping, fancy riding, calf and steer riding, bronchi hasting, fancy ahOoliug. and h-n.a g 't-at exhibiUon of tb* finest trained horses a tho world. GOLDSBO|IO, N. C. % SATUrtDAV MORNING. OCTOBER 15, 19X7 LIVELY PARTY HELD AT HOTEL Second Effort of Week by Wom an Fly Atlantic Almost Hare Start Tfxjav „ PAHIB. Oct 14—(d*T—Ruth LUdVr and Jtaldoman re*eu«*d from sen by the crow *t tbs Dutch tank er, Barendretcht yesterday, nill act their feet on land tomorrow nr Hneta. | tho A sores, for th* Bret >lme since | they hopped off Tuesday from Roe#*- veil Field, N. Y , in their Ul-fated plane, the American Otrl. . ft is understood here that Parts, which waa their goal when they ct.icJied Into thv plane l* still thciS' destination and will e o At" in o * thoir Journey here by tha more or dinary means cf travel . l* 1* likely that tha two ftiers will land without even a tooth brush for It is believed that all of their belong- Ings wildest rayed when,their piano took fire aa an effort Vrut h ing mad» to lift it aboard ths sli p. The plans* sank beneath the waves of the Atiun tlc, a mas* of edwrrod wreckage, Thovtgh no defluito newt was receiv ed from the filer* thomselvos, it waa known from wlreUnn messages sent fay C*pt: Ooo?, of the lahker that 4h# fliers wyra tired. -- " - m -rt~ orciUrd, Sr, net. u—w j —The j.'irtjr which"tta? waited on th» plan.. ’The Dawn" throvßh daya *»d weeks tonight teok on a livelier sptr.t \v i ;b tho almost certainty that Mrs. Frances Grayson aud her com juui.in, would hop off tomorrow mo ru ng for Europe. As if to change the atmosphere engendered by wear! >omo po«ipo n nHuU the group of forty who uionopo’tsed ths hotel here to night made merry at a farewell din n*-r. -‘l' ■■ rrr.i J.J-- . - WIUPQSTPOJNE STEVENS RITES .O. lienry L. Stevenn, Sr., Died’At Office in Watsaw Yesterday „ * ' ■■■ > WAS&AW. N, C., Oct. Hearyi L,’Sevens. Br., prominent lawysr and banker of •Vursnw, died readonly today follow ng a streks of appolexy suffered wh lc atter.dlng buidnesa.at his office, Mr. Stevens had aeemed <o be in h'a ununt good bemlht and bad recrirod aevefal client* this morning. | II? wiyt 6H years <>hl and a member .of the l’j-r»tiy crime church. M*. attvsn* served an chairman us ; the local school board for 20 yearn, »aa city attoruJy nni president *C the Bank of Wairsaw. Funeral arrangement* will hi held up until arrjrni lof a sou ll«nry 1. KL vt-nM, Jr., who is expec «d to re turn Monday from th? Amortean 1*»- giorn, Paris convention. FRENCH FUERS AGAIN ON WAY icfrAErin&:F-ui -r. V»r iiMMlp-w’--.- ■'iA-'JW |stM w- M'lUk'V d 'mu h*R|rr»!*>yx , rweA*m < Take Off Front African City haif , ■ 4b— : . -—— PARIS, Oct 14 iA*)—French fliers fighting ptuVkily against the 111. luck that hs-t fjirsurd tliem since Nungc*- ser aud Poll d roppenrod, today attacked ‘he At Dm lie Oroaa-kr Air s lie iulmnu- t sniAM rix, alter making u rpt*ndld flight from h're to 8-. Miuis, Africa, whoro their pl ane bar. ly c s. as <nt ftsatm tron from-a tornado took off in. the Nun ge*»T CaM fro n St. esrly this mornintt, contlniKng th ir flight t > Uueuus Aircii The filer* starred somewhat Wind ly and rather numb’.) aa the weather waa hone too good and thetx wireless has be«n allrn for the first twelve hours •srnce their bop off, OYSTER FLEET REAPS HARVEST - f 4 ' 'V’ ■' v?T y ; '^l^' t—tt, n Fin* I'rogrepH in IndiiAlry Rbown Thun Fat in' Blvalvp ScA«on RALEIGH, Oct, 14—(*F)—The oys ter industry tn Nortlr Carolina for his season, starting up Oetober 1, la making promising headway.' report* [from the atat# fishsrtes comtuiasi*n. show*. . The Industry last y*ar waa report ed th* best since 1521 when there wan heavy depression of the tad* du* «o a ' scare'' concerning the saultary qualities of the bivalve. Immcdia'teiy after th* scare whk’li fMI wril wide public,ty the subject 'her* was a falling of iu the output of the she!Wish of North Carolina due to a slackening of the uiArtwta, Th? upward r>eud of the Industry, however, followed sanitation work *A the par of the \ariow health and fisheries officials In which the Unti ed Mates Public Health Xervlce and the'state Board >*f H'alth joined band*. • * The health eCfklala wl fa the stats ot this yeur's sen sou reiterate that the ronsuming public le getting abeil* fish frbm approved oniy amtttta*, fat product li bahdtM afid ridpped MRPTfae beOT Os sanfiAerwoitd itTHta (Brn teriologlcai examtnattaAn arc made on the ahetlfleh beds, the wktor is tested wi h'care. the hode*a whfie tb*y are handlid oseuro cleanliness, and ihr-| linlshed products of tb* pinnta ate examined to giro the final nasurnaco to the r»cstt»*r, F. 8. Wor hy, of Washington, N. G„ cfaair m»i or the commer ce' fUheffii divl sion of th« state beard of conserva tion, say*. ' ‘The water use! In tb* pinnta Is i xamlned with tho same .degree of car, the feed handler* ,nrr gfv?n A strict medical examination, and last ly, th? shellfish on tb* market# are inspected by the State, Beard of Heath aud by various official* of the State Dajyy and Food Inspectors’ As sociation',, he says, Iu the 1922-2.9 season, oyster pro duction totaled CiOO.Ubu for No th rarol na. Tn 1923-24 It utalled 972,- 43d, in 1924-26 it waa 418,956. the* It dropped la 1926-24 to llfi.fMO nod last y*ar, 1920-27 it rose to 3MJ>O9 bushels, V ‘a, (•beat Name her uamdicw Although she baa written verse. Margaret Tennyson, .gregt-niece of the late pe?t Inures ? *of England, healtates to publish It because of the high atandar.l which the family nanrn has set. Bbe is 22, and In engaged j In gprdpnlng w»rk In Wales. fl Skeriff Bob Philosophises About Al Smith CariHidgt^ "Ail this talk about Al Smith and Ills a adding," said Bob Edward*.' «*- sheriff of the -county, Wayne's moat famous philosopher end eometlmfe named si a po tibia state manager for bis friend, th? New gevo »• ita& "3agt"'ifo m «t. th? oMdtwittlwi w It you wen «liand of me io the line •Jart 1 jpiifaHlut word and ymemieeu* * iU t went ahead of you. .HomeUmes! ’theiuglivotwriroiwr -***«#-W-henfff Os the ltqe oil the time. Tint waa ! wKen tl*ero wasn't asylKtdy In visa* ! rxcept himself. WrJI, that's the way t with Al Smith today. Amt I would s-y further that Mi - i MRD|Di' T HTIII fhffFp mWMF'”' - folks who are rai iug »<» much Hell ! about Hml h‘s rdiglan, if you looked tiarrt onoHfh you wooWl find thatmo*Ti of them hart n’t got any religion: I "Aud 1 would aay further that if all tb*«e so k* who aro rantin' around about 8fl:Ith'« viewn on pro.; "h biiion would at rt a *tric obeerv .ohec of tbg 18th amendment thet the j bootlegger? would stajrvu to death If they would qpit ilk ng about Smith and stop snoopin' around and tilling 1 Urges North Carolina To Hasten Progress In Commercial Aviation TO SELL EGGS UNDER NUMBER % Poultry Awtoelntion Adopt t* PtARa at MmUrr At Fair Groundn Friday The wenther extended a hearty, grooting te the people who attended the poultry, meeting at th Fair ground ynr.enfny. With aheoat pertset tent panlura f»r & comfortable meeting, aboht fifty people were in alteAtl ancc Afjer a rltort busse s meeting. W. Cf Denmark £i'de announceemnti In regard to tit* Wayne County Fair ■and was followed with some explana tions in regard \o tne fair hy W‘. W, Andrews, r member ®f the Board of Dtrectoni. J. H. Foote, Manager at the-M*swell.H Ha Hatchery, anttuar od that the fiiat hatch would be put into the machines during the second week in November. Th* carton for marketing eggs lo cally and th* agreement In eonaectlen with the use o* snmn was adopted nt the meeting. These canon* are to he I eluted to order and printed uuitahle lor our local use will be need. Bach producer will pall under a regiatared nnmhfir whlnlb «Ulalui am mm~ ■ ttutniiroi rowßV'-rwn witsfj»?* fvagggewroA;>,vpn. i* tsft tiitkatd br L tiut Drddafitt. TXT color of the eggs and the date >id will also be rs corded oft the Rack ng* and each package will hav* a eat in seal *0 that the eggn will *4t be opened between the pgedueer nad ronnumet: Ity UfU tystem the e«F tuner will be Assured of ntriefclr . fresh eggs and «f first clou quality, backed hy a gtiarontee. Adfflildßitfti irjn nf naipriini (’Offc* Uvsewwr»*n? wwo een »-* xssegg *nm>m orek* and pulleli for stock and for stock rad for rhow,purpose* waa glv* ea by the pool thy agent. The defects that see con* dcred as disqualifica tion* worn pointed o*t e* as to old roultryn.en in xelrctlng breeding stock that will be free from such objections and be soluble toe shew pur rose* ' ft was decided t* hold jhc neat meeting (ho third Fridoy io Novem ber due to the foot that the fourth Fridoy l* the day after Thanksgiving. A Rooster Bole and exchange will he hdd at the! lima in connection with tho meeting. The meeting place was not definitely decided upon hat tho Role and exchange will tab* place at 'ha Fair Grounds. ABBE BOLtTBH XBOt BER HTOI.S? gem* souvenir hunter has pur'otn*d a door-knocker known aa ‘ ‘Ante Bblcrn’s Knock»r" from tke door of a house In/ the Deqn'a Cloister at ' Windsor Cg»44e;xwJiich in reputed o W haunted.- up their own cellar* the queatidV would be solved. It woiild he like Will Rogers said about aolv.ng the parking pi obi-m, Up sAidt All «he wodld do Would he make everybody pay spot raab for their curt and then ' W*m " t Mt. •'rally that Hmlth gets fils vote and . this, will «e*M*suluu. Amith will A* good percent of ibe 3o.«oo Domocrntic Hero* M"Ae W mworintvd, for 1 Mherift'a office always led the tick et. He fiuunly got tired ot rqnalng and retired. m ill friendship f»r Al Bmith gOM Im* to rtro «xt, when ax lthertfr of Wayne county he went to New York to get a priooner *r<l met Rheriff Al Smith «: New, York. They two worn tiuddyinc dn fine fashion in n few minutes, and their friendship hte held through the year*. When Al Smith came south several year* «go, to cam* te Goldsboro, celled on Sheriff Ed j ward# Aim the two spent ten hoora riding over the Wei plains *f tbr . Aeetloa la a buggy, "JUA lookin' 1 tound" sod swapping companionship f""" 1 »'■ -■[ of ‘ The Associated Press PRICR nvmanm \V*i t oil - gdUM iffl^ He Hint vi« paalifl bf Ojnup rommerelal arletigp, otHUpfOd - On, l»ro*r*«! of romflAatal OviktlOß M4L mcrelel avietlen ' **** ** . ' n«P i » *M*on Moor (iWiSlnnQ^^ tkme made drat mar** <*rar« approval before t|»'o2|^e •«« HIM NOME TO MfcWfOha' turned lib beautiful boat* El UmOo put fee

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