»»*)*" ' WBATHBB -Mr VrMw. TkrNif h»m*» 'Hwihii.. ftrt Ml ikHp ta mm ] iffMJPRNb ppl v; w ‘j « o ’ , •; a VOLUME SIX* NUMBER Wl FLYING FLAPPER GIVEN OVATION IN LISBON 10.000 MILL THROUGH FAIR GROUNDS ON OPENING DA Y W ' . • -mm- -- - - -ti-Jj ■■ •■■■ < »■«>• *— 1*—r-‘ -■■■— -> . 1 Students Break Through Guard And Spread Coats For Ruth To Walk Upon Wriwn Sounds From Loaf. 840 oad Air AS Dixlr GW - . • Goto Aohoro " ;• - 1 » •’ *' . PRESIDENT OF PORTUGAL EXTENDS HIB GREETINGS Mooiofoo of Grtotlng From Ail Porto of World Arc Shower ■ od Upon Hot o w • ' * . j * LISBON, Portugal. ofl. Ik-UP) -A welcome which Muoded fjom ladd and set and nlr i>mM Rurth Elder •d her <-o-pU«€ HalderaOn •eheojfe* American Mm arrived hara 4kta tveniu* aboard tha steamer Una. from the A tort* attar tb«lr bold At lantic fUfht and ‘heir raacac from h* COM*. j£p. ... .‘p-\ AinUoaa circled av*r the filar*, harbor craft awnrmvd about tb* ttmtmt whrttea shrieked greeting* and tha rut throng of paopla at th* Main and la pia city street* shouted Joyfully a welcome to the old world. MU-? B irr *ai vet hr tba Aiucri raa jnlalnter to Port***! and tha * atf of tha American L.gaAlou. . Tha Xtrl appeared eary haaor owl t*«ch#d hr .her welcome Ocbraa of amou from all ports of tha world, awaiting bar arrival, ware showered upon her. Breaking through ths police guard a group as student - rushed forward •Ud spread their cl'gka on the •pound, carpwlpg tha war tor the pr.tty llt tic htrolna. This brought cheer* from the aiPrir log crowd* and it wo* with difficult v that th* pair war* reward *«d V r * Had off t»' reaaiva the pfbsldent’s gaaatlngn. * «■*.»■ mrnwo ■ ■■**■ |'■ W. H. BARWICK , DEAD AT AGE 69 A •v' ’ # S Prominent Seven Spring* Section Resident Hurled Yeotei'doy Afternodn a A •*’ J W - William Henry Barwlck. •*. died late Sunday u’ght at hi* home four mjle* south of Seven Sptings on th* edge of the Wayua county llae. Mr. Berwick hah been la excellent Urt'th until about three week* ago when h* d*vtlhpe whldnry trouble und grew steadily though all poaaihle •?- fort* on hi* behalf war* made. Rev. Wesley Prlqr of Bailey’* <’bap at Baptist church, conducted funeral aanrtc* from th> home of the deceased at 2 o'clock ye tsrday afternoon. The etteem In which Mr. Berwick -WM held hy bis crumnnity was aUeutcd by the large crowd which gathered lo pay beasaga at th« funeral. Intanrwnt was made .Jh the family bury a* ground near the home. Mr. Barwlck «„ one of tb* Urgent &nd owner- m t*M *9 Wayue County, about St*. Mt*s of land. Most ufjtha pioperty manmade by Mr. ,n.'trwlek All of hl< Hfa was ap-mt_ tw*»hr seetiOn where h* dad Sunday nitlit. Ha was u mem. her of Bailey’* Cha el Baptist church Reallalng that the end wan not far away, Mr Barwlck. after bla Itlnes* tat la. arranged that hla farm* should be div’ded according to hi* Wishes Th* pa«’ Friday, Elisha fcarwioV. brother of the deceased and two y|Sr* hla sen'iur, was burled In th* family cemetery to which WIIIIwt Henry was returned yesterday. Th* latter Is survived by one *M - Mrs. Jones, of Ltnior County: and never At 9rtM> and daughter*: Arthur Hay Barwlck. A!*« Barwlck. WVter Barwlck and Mr*. Lathe* Ou law. did Mis* Ijnk* Barwlck nit of Bevna Springs; Mrs. Jessie R. Brown of *■ .I THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING .WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH -READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. ' ° '/ ' • *'■ N •» Furniture Mfg. Sales Increase 125 Per Cent Hnle* of the Weyne Cotnpeny have luceraaed 125 p'r etnt I'm Nick PriUuen * took charge of th* company «hn«l • year ego, a statement IrntHd y*n terday show*. Shipment* cf mauu-* fart u red goods in th* September past epproedged within |IO,t*M ahtiments made duH»k Beptcmber, October and (November of last year. A yeer agoMhe pay roll of the ro t pany wa* about »I.MW n year. WRb the lacreaned 'output and expanding of mfcrkei covered, the weekly payroll t* now '12.00.1 Dining room »uit*e nr* the apec talty of the company. > OFFICER OF REb ; CROSS COMING V* . GriMtmor Oimcted RgMitg Fuads For MUnUnlppi Vnl- MAT .The JteA OmsW offtelaf, UnWgta* Ci 'esemer, who directed thro national ag#cal for flood relief fund* In the MiMlsaippl river valley dimeter of the past »P» lag and isltnr will l|* In C< ld*h*ro Friday to lake part n the conference of deli'pntes of M chapter* of the Red Cross In tbl« jictum The meeting •* in prepara ti-ju fir the eleventh annual Roll Call »f ‘.be liumanitailun urgaoiaa ti«>n. * A« director of public Information and roll call the Red fro**, Mr. nytisemrohail * harge of th* eauipaUn for relief fund* (luring the M aaippl Valley Food. Lining us: chapUr< through.*)!) the nation* nnd weld Ing them Into a great moaey ralein* rrganitatlon, he supervised lh* collm-- lion so 117.U0U.0M relief fund. the gieatmt ever rstseil In thl* country for a dimeter. Unlike ooauy orkanl ratlons. the Bed Oreaa haa uo ps d collectors. The fund wn* raided e«- tirely by volunteer worker* under the dlrectian ot chapter who in turn, wee adeWtLsfrd d'ected hy Mr. Gresemer /ItNational H ad quartern in Wa^kngtoa Douglas Ol*aoJ/ - l^(• , A** l Americun Red at JSutional Headquarter* in lilt. ho rmianed h a poeltiop/a* political writer and h-glslative correspond* ut with the New Votk Keening Mall, fol lowing leu year* of newspaper work, to dirw the puhlic'ty for the aeeoml Red t'ro*» Roll Call —the Chriatmas Roll CiiW of the final war year In January he returned to New York to enter the publicity nnd ad vertising, htf*lnl». lt«* came haejt to the Rsd Cro»« In May, V*32, aa A*, e’elant to the (’huirwui lie continu ed In that position until Beptcmber 192 H. when he was appointed Director ol the Roll Tall and head of th* « ' ' „ Miss Weil Explains Purposes of Meeting < IIAPKL UII.L, Oct. 25

-Bet ter methods of producing, marketing end d stributing commodßle* and the Cse of more intelliegnce In the con ■ uiption of foods as mean* of reduc ing the JvjjMf were ted by *reakcr. who address ed the coafertneo cn living c.jets. K. M. Grumman, director of the University E«l*n*ion division, oy-ned the conference with an address of wdocme after which th«" program Vs* explained by MUa Gertrude Well, of Uotdaboro, prsuUdeatof th* ft. C. League of Woman Voters, and Kddard Wood house prolmsor of govern* sat her*. _ DEFENDANTS NOW DIFFER Fall and Sinclair at Oats Over Wkat Taut iatony Should He ° Admitted Record L \ WABHINT.TON. Oct M-W- A dMfrrenc* ot epln on between the de fendants, Albert Fall "and Harry 9ln elair, d?veKf4*d today ae the govern meat continued to unfold to n Jury In th# Supreme couit the ■ ory upon which it hatod mi ind ctinint , for criminal conelpercy in c-onnectlon •vlth th# leanng «2 Teapot ln»me naval oir reserve. Breaking into the proceedings for •H second ttxu within lee - than a -week. Fall almost ehou'vd thai he bad no objection to the preeentation ol certnfk teebn'eal teetimony by thr government to which counael of. Sinclair had offslreil a vigor iua p o teat and argument be;orc Judge Bid dan . Thl* time Fa I did hot r'4* from hia chair aa he did last wesk when he appealed to the coutt to adroit teetimony which he regarded aa r tal to hU defenee. After lie had rtated that he had no dejection, the former interior Secretary glanced over to ward the Jury while bla rounael. Wll (!am the court: ' r •‘ls# want iba record to «h»w that we do aot object to aay questions lating to this leaa* ” Much of th# evidence offered today bp the pavarumeas-seae wf runmlattve character, suing directly Into Uapor - nat tlifnpnts of the caW. Including the failure of Fa l to anbmit legal qneetion connected with the leas tig trananctiona to the leasing office)a of the government, the purchase hy PincUir of outstanding claim* to land In Teapot Dr me hy other oil com-, !»anim. nnd the personal handling of deelfiOn* on legal end other point* of the teas* of . the Wyoming reaerv^, M’GRL'DER GETS HIS DEMOTION Admiral Offended Secretary Hy Writing Article “The Navy And Economy” 0 «--- - $ « PHILADELPHIA. Oct. 25 • Rear Admiral Th .mas P. Magruder. who. e receut nmnaslfne article aon “The Navy and Ecomy" caused a Mir In naval circle*, ha* been detach ed fruiti duty as.commandAu' of the Fourth Naval Djatrlci. Admiral Mag. u d the order came aa p distinct shock to him. V thou rtf be had been awaic that hli magasinr. artirle had not, met with the approval of navali ,awl< lal./ h' staled he bad hoped matter would he straightened out The Adm ral WM he would insist on a thorough la ves Igatloii cf ths affair. '* 4 A i’ '■«>.).i- notlf.'ug him that he bed been detached from duty and or dering hlui to rspoit to the B*cre ary of Npry at Washington about Novem ber 5, 'was received hy Admiral Mag tuder tcaifht from Be< re ary of the Navy IVllbur. The message read the re-, porting of your relief on or atrout November 5, you are detached Do n iUtlf- *i J *ia l&ajatli Nival District and frrtv. such oth-r ■' * i t -e_y«u* and y" 0 " vv H proceed’tw Washing oh and report so Jht BecttßirV; g Additional SIO,OOO Masonic Loan Fund , It.ILURIH, Oct. 25 OF) Appoint rten of the llU.ano addlti.iusl Masonic' loan fund for 1927 today was an nounced by-the Fratetnal committee. H uce < > ebllshment of this loan Pee yea'n ago there has b -en eet usid . be the ktasons a total of 9f5.M0 to be boanrg to gor hy college student •. Th* amoun per student* th 1 * year in ih* 21 college* p*Hlt-ittatlt»* tn the li an rarte* from |S3 AS tn Uullowh*# Normal school to .54 for th* Ualvar alty o( Moith CgroU|a. GOLDSBORO, N. C. WEDNESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER U, \m EARLY SCHOOL HISTORY TOLD 3 lh reviewed the hisjortrai back ground of education in tjjfayor Cimn tr The fle«t arho.il for Wayne county I nan begun at Wayncahjiro, in 1791, Mr. Il<»wman r?la «d. tu 1510 was cnartermi the' Academy of Which Rev. Jama* A. frag was priuicpal. . The first *fo ” school w:is started In 1113, Mr. How man H»ld the Rotariana. £ • In f.h* lung li t of «ht|inguiahe.l m hoot men who taught here prior to the Civil War. Mr. bowman said tcachets who had Maa er's a*d In ittsen doctor's degrees nerved the sec tion. Many of tbe.ra had be-.n trained in tb« best European unlverrttio*, be declared. Goldsboro c.ty ach*ola were char tered in IMO und the lint year citl sent of Goldsboro paid the expenses by public subscription j|f nr It been found that an act under which the school* wet a alnri.-d wa* une«n nt tutiouat, Mr. Brwman related Tha Mt. ncbool man said that no city In North Uaroliua had had connec ed wlib the direction of jt» nctiool.i a Hite cf men comparable to thou- who had directed Goldsboro scheo'n. - H) named Mellver, Bruoka. Joynw and other*. ■fa the ahsrt time at hi* disposal, Mr. Bowman wan com; lied to give himself i) on ly to fuddling the larg er point* ot the school history o The dub enjjyed the talk a* modi that there win a genera expression of dl - Mr. Hownjtn discun* lh* topic at more detail later. The iiM-ber* had pl< dgol to aid in the t-htfut canvasti ot ths scUctaitlpu «f Thomas O’lleiry. cam paign dllector. "The Rotary und Kiw hoi* dob van put the appeul over be fore 2 o’clock of Nov> Ittber p if every m#n in the two dubs will CtWW* out ind work for the appeal," Mr-. fFlTrr ry said - t DEPOSITORS j GET BENEFIT 1 — ____ KCS» o- Liquidnlion of Bnnk by llanliinK Depnitment Saved Over SIO,OOO >*• RALEIGH, Od L& m th*- . th'' ndtinl liquidatling expruse Incur rM ammsaied 42MK.51. or nWut "cine piTcrni of Jhc ’oluT receipt i wnd dhshnraenWtii :'. tisnk'n as fairs wer» hapdUd in accordance with the new law salaried by the Ingtala tuiv placing liquidation rs defimt state hank* in the hand* of the coin mission • , I'r'or t * th.* etisc ment ot itrfunct Itank* were I'quiflatrd by apifintHi by the court* with the uuital fees of about 5* per cent allowed ob both receipt* nnd dl* bursmento, which In The cat} of the Wa DR. JOHNSON AGAIN SPEAKS PainU CovetoiuMi«w 4 Ottt of Mont Deadly of BtiM of • Modern World —a Dr. Walter N Johnson, who la speaking each evening thl* w*«k at the Frt HapU*t i-Nkrch, spoke Inst nigh on the yubject ’"The On* Great Hindrance " Dr. Johneou’s subject followed closely In ibourht the subject, ‘The Big Businm* of the Kingdom" which waa the Monday evening topic. Hfa nddreaa last night *M a iHngliaal* of the condition which #n. utjs tn th* failure of Uhrlalian* tu adequa ely flu arte* the program of J*su*. - ' '' ’ The ingan lie of hutxaa ownership in thpre de-med cuosclenc* is the symptom of tho proper dingnoaia of fal ore," Dr. Johnson stated. "Our debts arc not the caune th*y am tha symptom only cf an unhealthy aigt*. Tarape.ing with a thrrrnofemor Will not epu-e fever. We mu t get to the (auae of ruver lo he cured”, he aald. Dr. Johnson delcund that covet outnea* la the m: t deceptive of nil -inn. it rwmouf age* under the cloak ts respectability, calling ttnelf such 'antes ua provident nnd bu|iaer* Khrewf nea/. The rpeaker likened th ■ eifect tis esuvetnuanesa to the coudt tins cf a man who, freefing to death In a nnow stores, crl n out to |p» let along bnepuae n* U ao sleepy nod' all the while death i* wlftly ertsp a* over ItiJf. , "The nins of the dertigue can be teen”, Dr. Johaao sad. "bnt cavat ■nanesn in hidden In the heart. In n.Mrder there is blood and a corpse, lit theft there nr* otnlen good*, but mvetousnor* la hidden from th* ey#’’ he declared Tonight D«w Johnson will answer the question "|rv there a Cure." DUKE COUSINS TO GET MONEY 19ft Relatives of LaU Fower Majrtiate Will Receive Two Million legacy RALEIGH Oct. 26 UP) s>rm emong the 719 claimant* of klnah'p with the late Jenna Buchanan Duke •nd M»e right to share in dt* rlhuthm of left by him to be divided nmung d < veudant* of th* »t*tn\* nag * brothers of his (a her and mother, th* txscutir* of the tower magnate’* wilt l.sve approved the claim* of 195, it .was tenrred here today. The legacy dived into 157 portions of 91,975.04 will be distributed among then. Twenty three claimant* will share he Irgai y as first cousin* of- Duke while 132 will ohare a* second in t Twenty one states and three con tinent* ore represent d In the dlrtrl i'Utlon vcral cpunsiii* live in Brat i!, one in Canada* and unother ia ths Philllpgine*. The majority of them live iu North Carolina (“nnsy but fa'hificn '.-jo* of record ot. Rial* ili*torl««ol comm salon aud alleged fcrgerle* entered Into what purport* lo be a luike family Bible were, ac cord! n« .lu hm Jiiojrfc, ,! Ks„ . V*** 1 , «etf M. cfikged r mo.dna. ri praseutod by if)*# . k’iiimbeth drub» **f.' W*riliiii,-%} Other A> fa I mao'* are listed In nn appendix to the announcement which •o * ' '■ .ewri.w-»• .pt; >{>mr >g’■ ■■Wi' - See* Need Revival Spirit of Tolerance HOUSTON, Texas, Oct. 15 -UP)- A national neel for n general revival of tolerance—"a belief in ».,m -thing tey nd our* lv«-% and fglth In the d&itlny of iif*"—was sounded by president M. A Taylor, fo’Cbirago it the lan hanker* he;*- today. lie cited A.i i.-rica’* portion to b#- c me th.* custodian* of the wor'd*a rrrdll supply referred to foreign in be becoming a concern of every man banker and investor and expressed ao nigra over taxation. • ■ t Jt-- ■* % Most City Businesses Close This Afternoon To KeepGoldsboroDiiy Man Freed, Woman Held Having Whiskey w Jipi McLean and Annie McLean were yemerday tried before Jadg- Hiund la County Court on a charge es transporting wkDkey. The man wa* found not guilty The woman waa found guilty and taxed with the c£:a and Mateac* withheld pending good behaviour for 12 oiOnthw. The Fair spirit In terfered with the curot and a Dumber *f cnee* were continued until salt Monday. DISCWLESTO HOLD MEETING WayM Cmmiv sl««btni of FnUlt Int granted tn Pinna far Jm M- C'gdtfMtLpai r, \ * * M.mtb r* us tb# Ideolp)** church la Mayor county are nlUdag prgpu-n*, tious tu attvag tfiT’ptktMe state Mg- 1 veation ol Mir (hanoh b**d Us Kington, November IJ# At lrt*t I.»M Dlse ploa *f wl I a toad the esarentipa from th* boat church. the thwrdoa Btreot Church of Chri*t, hjtva forjpeks for the i*rg|icf>jmtbrring In the hiaiory of tb* Diacljplna tn North Carolina, Tb# preaenr urfasL a*Gen of the church wa* peflee ed 50 yeera ago First congn-gatiga’ <» the State weft founded many Jf*aF4 befotc th * C vtl war, hewoverf at Pnatpg*. Kinston and other points la the eaatern par. of tbe State. The Gordon Street chqrcb ii U»#-Wg •*l owned by th>* Disciple* t" thin region. It* ocnilwr* will eatertita the delegate* on the "Harvard fclan.’* They vll be provided, free lodaidfc and hreakfnats. Their o her' meals they will aecu'.e ae they wish, la ho. tele, re-taurants ahd ela#where. Many national leaden of the D'.a ctpl*< wl I attend the three days sea. sioas, as we I ua practically all qf the mlnUters In N.rk Carolina and hun dreds of leading laymen. Greotlag* •re be. tendered lo the gathering by the cenreattanu la other Southern *t«t#>, moat of which will h*v* been held by the time the Tar llesl church folk am*4 here. Notable rpeaker* wl I Include Dr, Abram K. Corey, of K'nsion, who for a yearhj-aejed the 1.5MJ00 4>i*clples in* and other Crtwtrle* aa pjrwrttgWL l 'if the general convention, Intel«*tmg figure* will include tbe Rev. Car Is Howard, venerable cir. cult rtder who ha* M which la already being far political control. Just aa the celebraCoa of the tig h birthday of King MU-bael i* being betd agd a'leged plot has been dig closed tb eatabliah lb* exilad Carol on the throne of hi* lathee Martial Jaw ha* been jidclarcd and the gov ernment, and opposition par la* are 'lain# up for what prom'ses to be n ' latter eoatajt for euyramacy. ■v * I Mfririhyp of i, The ABaocfnted Press . ' . i-:‘U PRICE fITB (DRV * WINNERS OR PIUXftS IN PARASpHAIam. Every Def*rt«MNM Greatly lerreeaid Entry UM far Pint. Day Ten tMuennd p'opi# ha*im «iU*4 through tlu groan#* yeatorday t» I*- »p»r« Un iwlut W*ya« Otertf Mr nf Mm ary, Mu iuwl «tw« Mrtll to non tinned taday with Ooldaber* har ing the lutok Tale u .tottoton •toy mm from t o'clock tbte elttome mi.l i there will to khrdly » cor pora lltvguerd la tto el y Meet Mm* IM or tto offtof, etoree, took*, and tore' ’ day. 'i * ’Wutoet dento 4* Ptor «M|M- « is»rr waiter oeaaprk, eettaMd of the cty, tb« Me paiad* *•* rtart- the direr ten at ddwm Joaiifk end fr. H«ader**a • Irwla ead wfth tto me retoli doing mere thaa w*r« »y HioKitig pretty tto petHf to#** hfetto Odd FVllowa Home toad to4* «* toiw«ee Unee *1 apegtalan rug nine to e the ihonaonda. Judge* tod e herd tto* «M#fer ' «m> «o« who in tto imreto tot toet % to-* ** ee wSutT ‘rtrMi CemKwrtil Prise Vleeu^ * ip. Tire Ca—sh«. Commereal Trine fl**t- Tlu Merit cl.-fll. • toe* tutor* ed AetemebUe—Mr*. John (Rofer-tU. » . ••coed Brat Decorated Antemotol* - Mm. Graham Hood—|U. . / Oily Perk Plqrt~tl6. , - Bl«eet Clmnlag o*partatnt-»l«. High School root ttTir- Clnse—|U. ’* H, * h tohoel Manual Trategg-Aj*. Olwlc Organise km tampto? &lrl Sfout*—Hl Plkctlll* High School—fU And new— ’ & New record* were rataMkdud la erery department of tbo (nit, la the farm crop* and horticnl ur*| depart m.nt there were upward* of N# # B . trie*. An# •• for tto alock enter*#. fc)j r*cur William* Ja. ebarg* of the tor - turr we* bard put o it to Sad nmA for a t that ram*, mtrte* tto Ute aw In* prlsea alone numbered tdf Or cettl* there we. toyond ltd, add Bh* * Kdwarda bed drlrep I*, hie Seek c ab*«p and the lemon* tonga gn* ' BUlr’jJ, which baa mor* tong tfaui •ny other billy I* thee* railed St*«t •° raye Kk-Sheriff Boh. n«*r C * U 1-4 "to* it eras 'align i il that tbi* eepai ttoato hat l.eee rtl aad MO otto and for a time tbteetefced