*• . v ~ ' ‘ *. «WEATHEH *AIR TUUIUIOAY and frorably 4 * ; prh*y . " ; ' j, a ‘ " VOLUME BIX; NUMBER fe ITALIAN STEAMER GOES TO BOTTOM; MANY RESCUED Presidential Race Is Open In G. 0. P. Ring As Curtis Enters Hat Write. Ms Stick Home That 18 RWtJRWCAN DEADER UNITED STATES SENATE Iteßi PMmr Krmrr Where They « Rato Ofßa nixed Curik’ CMte WABHtNOTUN. Oct. W-(«-Tb« 143* presidential iw#*pwtok<* b were tonality opened t*d«y with (be aa noiumtnwnt by B.Motor Übatles Cur tie Republican r Who bpro beep talked of a» candid ate* tdlfce President Coolldg.* declared be did not* choose to ruu ra I*2* - Counted aa an ac rintotrstion sal public au* la the Senate. Mr. Curtis made H clear ,tbat hr would ran only a» a onnd'dgt* la hii ten tight, ws.. < . . ■ . % BOND ISSUE IS I KiminNVALro • ,: j - ' t • *1 '> ■fST T* Supreme Cowrt find* Fuqi*> Sprta«*VoU4 Ronds Too Nesr Election . '•■ -* RALEIGH. Oct. Sd— —The 8u preme court toddy knocked out tho ' 11 W.OoO Impr orernent bond oection la vh« town of Fuquh} Spring* on. the .round that it wap held within cae month of the reenter municipal elec- ! llou. A ; The la* proves that no fpcclal enuakdpai t>’cation within one month at. the regular elec tion. The oecti.a wa« he'd on Juno Toad thp municipal election on Mcy | if trad the UmUa urate voted by a majority of 11. , < J>iu ic Adan a la writing-the opin ion toy i that North Carol in* paired j the civil law Which specific* that a legal moth 1» a calendar nit nth and that tt ta competed by taking tho rorrct-pond'ug dale of the. eolmc guent ca*e la the c#vo of the number of days lu the last daye of each month* t* considered , The ocurt refused *■> pae* op the cona.itattoualltr of an act making tt a wUdcmepror to operate fklnj buttons In Carteret county. It wan sought to atcurc an injunction to res train their a 'ration bu the Bup-ero»* Chart eald a-'J: dhf not appear that any right* were Involv'd that a erttanal etatate cannot be tested by an lajnclion. I ph riding the Mading of fSO,O®9 iudabtedne.) 1 In McDowell county Jus tice Clarkson s*ys that the purprwo -cftlß WWtnrTlndtfdrTKrlS *TWaiiT»T,* nod rqgnlrrs couutk* to tire within their Income.'’ , *■ • “« IAIOE|KA I4SRVSV AS HO. HBOTUG HOT. 8 AYR 3 rauiimiTE. oct. zs~m om OBeiAttea Jit, t ipvamg ixprSton ttUou from ’w-artlcally ee»ry library - -of able in the state* when thr amnimJ mwe ing of tiva amov.fr t&n gma tnutar way here Tacpday and Vhdueeday of Nor*a»hor 3 and 3. The dli'uisiun es mean* 1:v the bet tmueat of library oonduion*. eaten eion of faeOtiae to regions now with out library serving and-generally to rnaka Abe Ot»-CiaU«n ooe of Utc mt las Uta tons as the aUte are the ainra of the Charlotte roorentlon. The aeeeto* will be the 22nd yearly gather lag cf the association 1 EffSSRSMir MTABLIfIRr.U VIENNA. 0«%- (4*l-Reports from. Betgrade any that a eerers ccn •orthlp has bean eetahllahed at Bucb araat orer all «e«ai Ope dispatch > sayk that * “rlofcmee has broke* oat lb BucWWht’/ • j. I THEGOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING .WHILE MINDS AWfTRESH—HEAD BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. -. ‘-IP . * -1 * ' ", *■ •« • * t* * A ‘ • ’ \ * . ' . . a . . * -- - . B t • ' * ' -ti -a „ . .. e , • ADMIRAL TAKES APPEAL ACTION > m Magrudcr \mktt Prctudent C’cml- U|C to Review Case of HI. Demotion to mmswswmimwmßm i * PIIII.AItEI.ITIIA. Oct. 2#- -(#) Rear Admiral Thomas P. Magrader, who han been detached from bis com ntiiul cf the fourth aaval district by Kocrelsr) es the Nary, Wilbur and ordered to retort to bta at Wash!ni ton on or about November 5, today ex ertiifj his right end l»n* rt questsd President Coolidgc to rJ rokc the order.' Ihe appciv. was made lu the ofli cial form of a letter address to thp yreslduut bv way of lbe seer* wry by whoip it Is to be forwarded to the White Hpu«c under the Rccretary'a rvcoamem'utlon. Ronwval of th« Adr.irsl from his present com riand was tho r Aplt of the contrev ir*y over hU ar icle published in the Saturday fcveiilnr Post of Beptcuiber'' 24, lu which be critlcUed the osar or ganiutiun of the Navy and the con t’.nuance of uoooooom’cai method! lic yau in warttmc , ►l. ; . T * —*—: HE TEH INJURED IB \* ApTOMomtK coi.Lwunr rAVCTTRVIUJI 04. 2d.- Rewn IN'rsoal arc in the Pittman hospital litJ as the rcaul' of a triple week end automobile crush which oceprrnd atriCastovrr an Stole hlabwey No. 22. Yht moet seriously injured is Clar ence AIU-n, a negro, who itas a frac tured skull. I. VV, l>l«ltln*on end Edwin Smith. 'b« h of -Whltevllle. were Jlw bnjy white persons es th* eleven In the three cars wh'ch col lided. ‘ Mr. Dickinson Is not serious ly hart, uitd Mr.' 1 Smith’s Injuries are no yet fully determined as to their egteat. BOND APPOINTED AKMHTAXT SECRET ARY OP TitKAHI UY \VA.'*HfNUJDN F Ocl. 2fi.-f£N Henry H. IpM. of Mausachuaetita. was uppnlntrd by President CoolMge today to boa sale ant secretary of the Treasury. He succeeds Charles S. Dewey, who risisned recently to bhcoKe ftaanc al adv ser to the Prest d^nt. jj*.r CALL XEETIKG AMERICAN XOGILH TO ELECT PREHIDEST DETROIT, Oct. 2#.—(A'T-Prank J. Navin. rice president and acting h«ad of the American Baseball -League, t JUu-rdin g to a atory to'd by Mr. Manbbum, drier of the bus which struck the wagon In which the family was g itinr, b<* wna driving about 35 srfUa per hour. was approaching a Ford truck drifOii bv a limit rfaßH b • ., OPENKIWANIS | MEETING TODAY) GcMaboru Club Hatt Named Dele gated to Durham Convention Bamamw The Ooldaboro Klv/efilq club has yarned three oDiclai tic legal' * fee Ui* annual enu vent km of Etc IH»trtet to be held today and Friday at the Waefci-gton Dub - lIoLi, Durham. The del gates sre T. If. Noiwtod. Hrueo Kit? md B. A. Orirfin. W. Frank Taylor, president cf the ch b. «x --pecte DpwriTi nd and Mujor E. II Bu u vfy probably rtte|uU. The fori cl op.-ning rill bi he’d on Thursday niorlim at k-.to wilh ad dreaafj of; wefcome from rhl*,*as us Durham uud nK’iuhcr< of the Durham KhvauJe club. Re*»'««e wll'ri»4 sSwde e Felix HAnrey, Junior, ot Kinston, past governor of U«o Dl* trie«. Df- K. W. Blkea. preridsnt of Cioauson Cetlisge and a past governor will deliver »ho priucinct utldrcM of tbe niora'ng saaska, Distri-l O ver nor James M. Lynch, of Flor ae*., IrfOib Carolina -til oho inalyr bis im part at the morning aa win the six llentencat goveraorri of the district. kV»r the third d'?icfcu. In Wh’.ch Is Included the Itulclgh, I>ur ham and ottirr- Klwbulj club* ot Lieutenant (lavennlt "l&k Jo cr of th" Italcigh club will reprt. Them wit bo oominue report*, and o her a.rtlvJtie* to feature the ptogrum cn Thursday afternoeu. At ikmiii, d-legfUF* from each dlvlsltia will meet for-a dfvtetonal luncheon Tim iadics of Kiwools wIU be enter Mined at a bridge .unebg/tm from 11 trail!, 2 o'clock. Thursday tveulng will *hj the an nual banqu< lat Wldch talks will be made by InK-rOatirnal Bocretary Krtd Parker, of Chicago uhd Intelna t oual Tcuatcc C-aior, Virginia,' the banquet will lie roltawod by tl»° governor’* t*«UI at the Country dub. Friday will be devoted "arg e ly to bun- Inaej aesatons and to election of offi cers n, ’ w year. lieU-RA.ies from llye Raleigh dub are Ed Hdgorton, John McDonald and Sol Brower. Thr Ralrigh c’ub will attend the conven tion la full atrength. HLtTTIKY ORDERED TO DEFEYB CHAUPIONHHII’ L NEW IvONDON. Conn.. Qct. 30- (A J l —Tlionus luinabue, president of the'National Boxing Association, dis likes the idea of Jimmy Slattery, reopgnit*d by the assin- ution as light heavyweight cYvampltm. * ‘pitting away lit* Title I* a cedar chest full of mo h balls’.' Dnnahua announced today that for this reason, he hkd sent a Inter to Fred Carr, Biat *ry's manager, nr deriag Slattery to def«nd bis title withlu .a reasonable time againr Tommy Latighrmn. Ttger Flowers or M ko SlcTlguc o.- the “National Box ing Association will take steps to force ac lon in Ui«, light jllvlalon’.’ ,’^. era of Kcnuoxv llc. The light* of Mr < ha tubers |ruck blinded him, he at plaiiud and he wins unable to tv **(•s until lie wa« too near to amid kseM Kim~ K U til" wagon he *< . bus to the left awf the f. nder of th- Wit r ruik (ftp rear wheel of the wagon. The ; rrfm\>ra MU, Mitchell's head struck the pave tmnt when she was thrvwn front the wagon. Rushed to a local hospital, it wfc* found that h r injuries were critical. -Utfa, b«pc~w&s held a» the time for her rftyovery anil about two week* after the affTdeht she developed pneumonia. The bftby at f'rst tie tight fatally injured, has entirely recovered M. was said.- Vi Urtrtr Mnnhbtiru «ui detained try police in*.rredlnlety following the ucc dent but Mni Iff Crapt «Ucd >«» teriiay that no action had bran taken place the death of Mr*. Mitchell. ft could not bo loarnrd If there wogiit r:s... ■ a.,-i GOLDSBORO, N. C.THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 27, 1927 250 Reported Killed In Bad Train Wreck LONDON. Oct. 20 (A*) - TV Vllium correspoud*ut itothc Ex change Ti-lcgraph Centfany Irani* ' persona arc reported to hare lu-cu killed wb*n a pas.icug,*r train p united over a pr epico near Moetar, Juy« Sulvla A narow gajcua railway runs through a mounta n diatrici near lfsatar. lt Uaverwe* a ride more ( lhau 3.000 tot- high, erdwaa sev eral rivers and . then descends through a wild valley. n MUCH ACTION IN OIL CASE Evidcito« lw RkpWly I’renaMled (0 Conspiracy • Trial s . Jury e A\ ASH UN JTON,. OTA. fC {,¥) Ap proaebing with aw’lt strides the cm*, of their case--the Liberty Iwud ! that followed tlie loose Os Teapot Dmuc vcrninurt ail c ua i*l loduy pretu ntQtl to a District of CVambia Rupreme Court Jury a vol * ins* of ,to*M!»»ajr. to tnpport ihfir roatentlchii so dneapt'on and -icrecy iu con section with that least*. s - A* witness fidlovtd w lines* to Oie stand wi h unusual swiftness, Albert Fait confererd fretinently both with his ow u 'cat|ni,«i and with that of h l 't co-defendant, 8 nc’alr, and one* halted proctedlap* siilboa «*| lann lion of “Jtwt a mcnitoot" wbHe could carry forward Afli enofereaccs' Hltiriair uianlfeatcd hb usnal op pearaucc ct ca'm. but occasionally ta*k d with his at orwyW. Representatives of the three b'g oil companies toJcl of tjielr effort* t(S jrrt lenses on the Wyomihs Nsva! reserve, In the transfer es which the powrnmout ehartr*%FaM ami UiAc'air with a criminal con* pi racy to defraud the goverßnVnt both id this physical property a*t well ite thb faithful service* of l-'hsll 0* Interior Secretary. -ATHLETKHHMDILD \QT BR GIVEN HI HOI. A RHIII PH O', DCHMAM, Got, f»—• token to rvroedy the situation or th*er would always tie the grave danger of tfald athlete*. » |3Lh< HKBt LA FOR R.U F. FOR HICII '*(0004 ( HtMPION SHIP KASTERY CAROLINA C O • llegd (’ bili Jimmie Slmps«'u nail . Coach 1, Fi lte»d). nceonV panitiJ by "Soup" Porter, eoaeh of lireeimlp. high scbotV. .will go to Kf.cigh th’S evening to meet otlu r FJtsUrn N rlh CaroTFan cuacKcw and draft a Schedule fvr the EaHtyrn Carolina hlch rcbool < ASsnrpion«htp race which begin" Friday. All hivli *i<'ho(/ giiiH* ■ up to'the clashes Friday have no hearing tho rbatntnmubfp. Uixrki aIH *•» tjt the rue-- with a learn “hu J^a ' ;;’iiEßt teSSjCari 'nr n* and which has firfU the Itcucflt of . football egaericjice I#H| fc 'warrant for iirivkh OF YEW HERN DEATH MACHINE NEW BERN. Oct. 36. -tJP)— Kherlff Clem Gibbs. Pun.llco county, today Issued warrant* for the arrest of Cur] Gibbs, driver of the uutomobllc In whkh the la tcr’s 1 imipaaion, Fhirl Harris, was killed and Dan Vellva, all of Verlares Life Cm gists Not In Amount of Dr. Walfer N. Joimson last night gave th* third of his addteaewa which hn b giving’ each night a* the First Iteftist church-, speaking bn “Tha I Cure cf CovetousmMi.** Dr Johnson followed closely his Us’k of th« pr«* vino* even’ng on 'T'ovetourae**, the One Great Hindrance. *• “7 s truth of God’s ownership I tuust be carried to the ecu tor of tbe r«dearned cTuacieui’c." declared 1 Dr. Johnson. He tvmt-inned by saying tha’ 'covVtousne.L is the lie of hum an ownership". I>r. based hb rrstirk* about tbe proper conception cf own er h’p of property on tho group of ChrDUans who are described in Acta 4 32 -Ami not one-of them saitp that of the thingk he p asriwed was lv3.\wn.'' Wo are to consider the mo tlvr rt Ofv, the** i»*oplc, tho speaker raid, and not their im-tbod*. Je»oa lituine!! sad,. 'Maii'a U-'e consUtcth not lu the ahuioiance of things ho pov kteso Ui." •, Dr. Jolinwra *#itl that our property :’swt 1 arc *1 matter of l onsrnt among men. but tlia we forget the real own er of tho land. T> >1 ukt* this plain he asked a aerie* of queritaoa. * Who made the eaitHT God, Who elaiin* to own it? Man Wla, lamt* Mian? God. Dm * that leave any quoatkra of <->dn mUp'." "The gr«atnat tut "mot tonal ques tion la one of progeitf ,**. dec brad Dr. Job neon. t ommunism wPk Rneata as Its center V> menacing a large P»«t Os the world. Ura speaker ,ototisaed. Dr. Johnson'* <-out* up a general shakeup in of developing n strop* eleven far tha a.ntoat with Btote. Everybody Has MamlhoUi Time AtFair During Goldsboro Day (JOHN D. LANGSTON, Jr.l n. , Ycaterduy war (lodsbyro Ony at W*ritf tbroory rutr, and U »i.i A U.',v to !».■ h«a»_ r : '“('f™ i cKSSSSS' ouuetaut'y m'njplf it and tbruiiie probably be the las.t (or bth youu k and old wore them. sud three mouth o'd bubiiM who'liad to be can led in lh<*ir mother's arm*,, and aged and bent era ml mot fern and grand fath er#. who followed s!ow)> but valiantly In the wake of their younger genera tion -they were nil there to take in Ui* oouutldfi winder* Os what U wUd to b* by tq-any the greatest fair 111 Wayue county’* history At an early beur automobile* of «rer> ascription end vorU-ly were jockeying for first pu*itfc>-» iu the ienc Una which pu eUgl/ but enrol; Rescue Ships Thought ; • To Have Saved All But 68 Os Those On Board COTTON AND TRUCK BURN Twenty-Four Bales as Cotton Were On Truitt of Fremont Firm Tweuty four bales of a »4,0« u truck we-’ destroyed by fre letwnea ITt*uan*ville and Warsaw, ae eordlag to Information reaching her* yesterday. Tefal damage was about 44.400, covered by insurance "Che treek woe ihe property of Yelvertoa ; Orel her* of Fremoof. Nought to carry ehipimnto of U to 30 hale* of cotton from Fremont to Wkniiwgton and other cittoe, the truck had completed cue tr’p and woe making a serawd when It, •to gether with 24 bales »f cotton burned. Th.* fire origin la ed In the cotton load and the entire shipment was $n ftonw* before tho- negro driver was ,'»» i\ of thn ({ML. What enaaed the Vtart oT the flrp to not known. * • - uni- : : 0 HF.4 RET PRAI Tli F HELD BY WOLFFAt h AOACMEti u \i.KKin, oct. S6.—Jti*>-4ber*t praetcie was held teday as «ta|d Cetlege by UHEFNHBORO HAY GET RU M PIEDMONT CEitt | UUFKNHROIU). Oct. :( (¥)—At l for a year without profeseton hooe , hall Greensboro may again get bock into the Picdmcot loagu*. Tkto has developed during the last .few days, since Rocky Mouut, which hut year took over the fran chise pewrleuMy held by Greensboro, announced that the franchise „ had lieirn turned In. . • passing through the getee of Uie Fair Ground*- The vlsitore, npoaen Uring the 'fatter, aiun*it without ■ mv'fmTui W:' »*iß? me nt at flic nerw raFjdwl# mß|Ttir «lfr|y «—*»**" goias «« < Mftntl them. "whistle* were blowing, belie eiunging, and . etcarg -piano* and cailopra blared out In bruaen Unm all the popular tun'-* Vs them- mod ern time*. In fact, everything eewmed In chime In Just right to complete the ulr.oepbero of holiday. Two of the feature attraction* •* the -nJdway wore’* Frtn on The Farm" and *W Cld Giggle Home’ l-Sw on The Friu» proved to be a perfect labyrinth, a .iu.se of he wUderiu* Cthulu tuui- turn* which brought one up to um* reeled eornara. and caoee i them to einr. etartied yeiie, when, a f.w boeoiHl* later tfi*-y elepptd on * one *mdl(»* (hula or turning ew ifoti Cf ♦»«. fur Upon enterijjg‘'Ye O'd Ulgilo Home,” the vtctlni was confronted with eUrtllnv and embel lished reflections cf hipwaif or hernlf IB “wjl *OT M umber of The AwocUted Pr «® nuanvßcMi. GiMi luitas Uttar Qmm U IM« , HIT RSBf Oft STRUCK DERELICT IN SHIP LANK Details es AeeWwi Which Os ctirM AtewU Vmml Art fhi TU Char —*—~ \ HU> AS J.vusatg, Bf*tU, Oct 2d-tfP>~The lallea Itmnr IT! tide— *trfb»dt wWefe sattad frra Genoa with snarly et lh«*»- ■•oil puHstm Bboard • mm ths* m at them Italian mnitgrmau bouad for the tmwnUed la ad of ° South America, Ilea at Ul bOWtai of lh« ocean Off Us Penal tan • com!, ag Ueecnlng v«a*‘* kurtyinp to the aW of the e L e»taecpc« Wtir - «® tats JwrtPSMa M»«l a fn>w of ltd. » * yfYj| I it hifkisii rmf at lha m. i 'w *• «M« dlaUMNUitaf’ »* • . Jta the, V“jl * t reitim sm!nr* , dh|SJ7 ”*by , JU)Mlit-UF>TL thone Ml board tha Itthan Hn*r Rome ware thrava i*ta*s f* nans' of MtaMiit i« • ta* tear tbai Me M«gled enwtlen# of *pger/pl>Y asd •Mockad MirpriM, Roald tayidNi iraa os bl» way to Ndnrijr fat’fbt after a aurddea my»terlcn»f departnre varloua'y aacrfMd Jjo a tom, a Wfisi storm and a unuenUftetf taSnenee. Amnadeen only arrhaad ta * tala country a week ta> Motidaymad vae to have be pan a laetara ta«r pa neat • Tiiv day wh’ch would lwep blip bet* until March. He bad areidtad m in vAatlon to be gw»t of bMW tar day at a diaper where he wto to be u warded the Explorer's dub Stats’- " Bat deaptte aailad voWrday. Hi, own to hie lecture manager nad tha tCtStior *r*« cl ah jeers i eleprame readies 7'aaa sailta* Aodaw Sorry+ cwwpta-he ert*b-. * vffcl| H •• J *'ll*oll V ‘' minageinibe earfor. rV etceturtrn far • - 11. ,i tltl l le> i ififrnift w J’ > '* aT -* ” ' a_«-.i w*i ***’ 1 wr meat* for the projaMHl tßir and «he patched JOt) telegram < withdrawing In citation* to the droaePtattMt din- ' ner. i : . ■ v * ::. -■-. I > r 10l StftST BASS UK >'■ 1 ' i•' -> ~'v " ; * CHJLaNa, llMTl—Vougta* IV. i 27 U bailed ae the «*wtry-» half, pm*ideal. Be head# ttonal Hank cf Crbana 1 \ * f At 23 Hey>a» ft of the bank. ea*l w|»ea hie taUMt-, Keel dent of Urn ln-tltaUou dspd tipple elocated Mm to the pmajESL^ The I'rbatMt baob «T df JgfiSl o*4 (imi under the Ivadereblp oi Hi ypdta fui prvakfcpt I* reewettafg a RMMMMU i aail/thic mr , h .