WUATH» c X VOLUME SIX; fflfiOßß til BOTH SIDES- ASK MISTRIAL IN CONSPIRACY CASE Crew Os Dead Men In Charge Comes To Port ■KOINE DISABLED AND COULD NOT BE FIXED Think V mmel Drift* With Ed iytmg Currant* For M* I , ■ -'4 . BRATTLE, Kov. I—(**>- Died oT atarvation despite evidence indicating they h*d devoured tb* bod Ira of aovea or eight of th# craw of • JtywtN fidtlng boot *1 rvod at port today, aboard tba pllbWera waaol of tor drtttiog with tba aoa curnoti nora tbaa 4,M» ■lira from tba pom* of Jaroa. , Physicians who wroat aboard tba boat oaid tbalr «M» »• anatUon bat that cannibalism had baa* practlaod bf tba last sgrvivora of tha craw. Tba boar-. 1 as aavan or eight hniaaa Ming won da board tba ship which bar* evidence of may aaoatha apta* a| «aa. The lap*Mb boat wa* picked bp by a fralcbter off tb# Washington coast yesterday aad towed tp miaraitin# at KaR TowMhahd. ' * I Cusiom official* took chaif ? »< ,h * boat which was of roltr recdut eon •traction. ,v <- K&Ef;- » * Ho food or wal*r waa foaad l» th* ahip aad tha aggaio waw disabled. »it •king apparmt that tiw ftaharmen bad* hpaa uaabla Bodied of Iwh JapiaroMrara found la tha ahip’o banka, sittbw in da'ural positions, »a if thg men had faiDd tp awhea from a daap strap Paper* brand on board tear* dlscUraad as Uttdra, telegram* *ad recalpt# bear lag tb* name at T. Miki. baliared to -A tba Aaptaig or owner of the boat., All bora data* la Nevombar 1825 or BELKSOPEN 0 HERE TODAY Doom of Forty-Barfnth Bclk Star* Be Opened Here at 9 !$ -v Mont lag Fifty yaara ago. Dr. J. M. Bilk •ad Heary Balk, opened tbelr "Rack at B ora” in Monroe. In a, w*od»n building about big anaagH to ene* a Mt la. That Was tha start of the . talk depart meat Store ebaln which bow extend* throughout the „farolln as aad Virgin!*. The forty *•?*•'it B*lk *tor* will ba opaaad in Oaldahero at • o'clock this morn Ins In tba old Royal! and Bordag building oat Wrat Walnat •treat. OHear Matthews, for tba psat raven years n,*pag*r of »h* B*’k *f Frank B* tbawa, tressundr aad raina g«r of tha? Charlotte ator*. !■ in charge of tha Goldsboro branch. Frank Starana, of Wiaaton-.Balem. la eharg* of ripanalon work, is la the city for tha opening together with K about six member* of tb* Wlnaton F Belem office. The opaniag of tb* Balk star* bar* ? la thought to -set a new record tot r . i&&±**«**i depdrt maut store was prepared for business On-jf * few weeks ago. Dr j. BL JBtik. nt.Maam> Heart ftrl* of Charlotte aad Mr. gtevena war passing through the city e*d noticed * tha empty Royal) *ad Borden . old stand. They liked tha laoka of the place for * department afore. Nego tiations for a long term lease .ware begun aad lea* than a month ago the less* wa* signed. Bine* that time, u*c«i*ry changes ■ hara bran completed la tha building, •halve*, and shipment added, and a complete etock v , of goods rushed from tha haying point In New YoHt City. - ♦ 1 ? . } With the exception of the manager, Mr. Stomp* sUtad aavarai day* ago, all of tha PHMud Mr th« Balk atom * racraitad Mjailf, 4 * •••*, •* - l*?i. ' ~ t, i ■ v.I » ( ■ ■ _ ■ _j| |.. ■ Mm mm mm Wm W w M ißfc SMk m ■B ■hhh ■Mb mm |H ■ ■ H H B ■ ■ ■ml h| miA f BEAD Os THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY, BUYERS BEFORE THEY, BUY. CLUB NOf PLANS ANEWCARNIVAL Engine Mi WrunlHng Will Again Be Fm farad at Community ffolldjuy ♦ ' ' , —■*—— Tha Memorial Community building athletic club has started intensive tr*taiag for another open night to h* -taged sometime in early December They have named It • Boxing and * Wrastlia* Oaraival. Thoa* Who vrfT* praaant at the astern In meat » couple or so weeks ago will know what to expact. Accordtan to the gymnasium will id rsaaing over when thg Ira* »t andaat files through the doora. % Eight bouts are jo be scheduled, the oontasUata yet to ba named. The«r sixteen boxers *r* to ba worked out twice a weak aad pitied far thro* full rounds on tha night at the carni val. The number of wrestling bouts ir yet to ba datermlnad. Tha clnb also plans • drive for membership. At pra eeat It has forty-four on It* enroll, meet scroM, with a good twenty-flvn regular attendants. The Thuraday night meeting has bean moved apt to tonight to sccoanroo data tb* orphahug* concert scheduled for Thuraday evdnlag. Member* of , urn clnb ar* asked to t*ka no km. Baakatball will ba aa«th*r taaturo ?pp#t beginning thla •#•**-. Baveral games for tba elnb team ba* already bate scheduled. Prominent on that schedule is the Mlsma club to ba an tertaiaad hare December. 14 or 1». Baveral Y. M. C. A.hi have **k*d for data*, several of which will be granted Young men of the city iatarastfd In tki* sport are lordislly Invited to come ant and for the team. 2 KILLED AT _ r THOMASVILLE Driver of Automobile Unable to EbE Mat-kina Before Strik- V ing Train THOM AS 'n oy . 1- t ef-'" GRAND FORKBk N. D.. Nov L (A*) —Capture of a messenger seakina 45.000 for Grover Cleveland Uergdoll, ±gß«ttacr.A!^L today by immigration officcri* wgg. *nld they believed Bergdoll Intended to oaa the money to .talma ta. thc suited Btataa. The ma nanger, a 20 year old Oar n rat-omaraad Garland B. Ferguson , of Graanaboro, N. C., for mambar ahlp an tba federal trad* commission r whan there la a DemaoratK vacancy •8 HP****** n ■ *e m , . .. w ■■■■*■ I, ■ - ■'■*■ , GOLDSBORO, N. C. WEDNESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 2. l»*7 . • * '• ‘ , WOULD PRINT GAINES TALK New President of Wake Foreet CofdlvßUg Local Rotary CM 111 Addreee 1 J .' 111 " L "" L " * '■ la aa addraaa which captivated tba membra* pf the dab sod won tholr undivided attention a* no pro gram la weak*, Dr. Franca* P M*are. If declared the educator, one friend hr formed , because of actual human contract farmed through the civic club, the'club haa an tacuse for being. The new Whg* Forest preai deat piatad ont that the club* are organised along Una* which break down barrier* which separata poup*. dtquss, buaineaaas, creeds, and rpij*- gions ai)(l that th* result la a group of asAKi*t!oa B which could not exist under any other system. Thp groat opportunity of the Rotary and timUan organisation* roc goad cUisanahtp waa graphically recited V>y Dr. Osinas. Tha Waht Forest president I'lua wmT.pt ***£*«*? and hly witticUms and following tha talk pae ftotarthn waa heard to re mark that Dr. OBbtea wa¥ “a worthy snereaaer to Dr. W. h. Pot#*." Prior to tha add res* by the callege ■•*«d. R. C. Rotdnaon had bean Intro duced to new member* of the Ro ary. George 8. Tkmef irported on th* inter city meeting held last Saterday la Raleigh. - __ ( » -m THOMPSON CASE BOBS UP AG AIN > , t | Renew Efforts Prevent Chicago Mayer Freni Making Bon lire of Library CHICAGO, Mar. 1—(/PI Mayor Thotnpaou’s mtantion:past and .fu ture Hr Die mater of r#uv>ral of book* deemed of pro Brltch and anti American tinge from the shelve* of the Chicago Public library and the qualification* of U. J. Herrmann. , theatrical man aa a Judge of historic*? literature, today became issue* raieed : anew. The attorney who rocently flleff Suit lor an !uJun<|iou to prerant T' Mayor Thompaon and Mr. Herrmann Dorn making a Lake Front bon fire of tl.a hooka decided adjectlonable to day and stood forth ns lisying filed t 1 ar.xnded petition. 7a* amendmant attacked Mayor | Tompson’s autknrlty of over the Lihror/ and charged that the power to regulate th* content* reats solely, • with the ’.ibrart#* direc ora. It allegad Thompaon exceeded hi* * authority la empowering anyone to (gamins volume* in the library with - th* object of determining what books contained object ion* hie, literature. , ‘ - wawavtf 1 * '.. IJ NBWKARK. TC"'l?=lim*.-.r-irTr J. H»ia* for use la picklra and dented to rifTeea stockholder* of the «waln|| Corporation, because of legal difficul ties. 308.552 gallons as browa Octo ber ale are in iho newer*. For 16 years (he ule waa In of Christian Feigeaopon. Inc. - • ' GIRL BAFFLE POLICE A aeriw of mysterious burglaries •raffled the police of Birming|ham, r England, for same woeka. Chance, ro > vested that tha thieves were tw* - school gtrir, 12 year* of age, whose 1 criaMh h*d netted them *boat 1300 ' tn money and Jarwalry They wait ••at to a reformatory for djo yjarf. SCHOOL, HEALTH : TAKE REVENUES OF PORTO RICO > 64 Now BttiMlnfß Are Prov Mod l Daring Yey For Public fIeMMB L - WASHINGTON, Nov. 1- Mor. than 40 parcaiat of Porto Moo's rereauau ’ are being spent for educa'lon, inter nal Improvements and maintenance. *nd hoa:th. according to th# annual report of Governor Hone* M. Town ar, which has Just twan published. The public school ’ eyatraa roes bred by far greater proportia* of the appropristlen* In the Gacal year M-27 Its. allot ment being |4,*74,711,52 or 27.1* percent of the total. The D»-- 4*rtta?iMi W Vnlqrtor was 11,4 11,522 or 13.15 percent pnd tha Department of Health $1.148,352.03 or 10.<7 percent. Rural *rhool a war* given particu lar at ration by tb* laearai govern ment. C 4 new bnildinga and 4 addi tion* having heen provided during the year. At U># same tlau coanldarabl improvement in the schcol equipment was noted. • High acboole and other educational Institutions shared in thin be terment. While the counw of study nt Uni. versify of Porta Rico were increased. A collag* of business administration by the university in co eperatlop with Boston University aad a school of tropical medicine la co operation with Columbia University A system of evtning eatenslon eeuraws waa also ianugutnted. Ff largement of factl itie* la tha (aland has seauHod la tb* . L-*i Jljraars iu th* raduailoa fa Hit-, teracy from 33 to kill 46 percent of the population. Department of Interior funds were H*ed during tha year for tha building of about 50 mil** of road* and the of numerals other rub lie works. Including tw* university building)?. The new cap! 01, ini*ne asylum and pealteatiary are nearing comal*lon, the report aald, a* wall ** th* chil dren's building at the Insular Tuber cujealg Sanitarium, the district boa pit*! at Ponce and th* district court r house a*. Guayama. \ | Malaria continues to baffle the health uutboittie* of the Island, but deceaaea were reported in the number 1 of caactr of all other epidemic, dls euacs. An Increase was noted, however in the death rate, there being 1415 root death last year than the year before. Deaths from tuberculosis, mal ' arls, enteritfcr and deaphorhea alsi In creased . • A campaign Is being carried for ward; the governor reported, to over. 1 tome thla situation by organising public health pnit* in all the muni clpa!itl*s and by health education In 1 Ibe public acbooit., .'A- ■ . £ TWIRLM M TIMRh OR TOE Q 11l Th# billet dsndng record for twirl ing on one to* wan set by accident In Loudon recently. Vera NemchlaoVa, the Ruvslan ballet star, waa to have emulated five other f»mous prime ballerina* by twirling 32 times. 8h« started * few bar* of mualc too soon, aud the result wa* that she turned on 'Yer toe 38 times, which i* believed to be f. .-etiord. * BITH A*D GEOBGF GET OPPOKTI NITY FOR LITTLE BEST .

», „ Under tb* guidance of Senator Latere Weillcr, who furn *h»d th* first * money to bring th* Wright bro beta .to France twenty years ago th* fliers intend to visit Versatile* and outlying district*. Tonight Ifaurtc Bokanowskl. mtn tstar of ctnmnarw, Fill give thatn • FrtTft* e*r sbnil sea the Community Build ing packed with people ,to hear th* program. Members of the local chap ter are selling tickets for til* event Th* clartr is a Urge one this year rod the program to he rendered has been prepared under the direction of well trsined faculty members of tits Odd Fallows Home and unusual tal ent ban been discovered. Those aye peering on th# concert are selected In'ftitnpetition* conducted among tfea student body of several hundred. Morrr advitm hr , ~ EII.I.ED HIM WIFI P ' . ' . t ' T ‘ ; NEW ORLEANS. Nor. I.—)—Po lice announced todny tost H*nry Alolty, had confessed (bat he alone k'tted his wife and slster-ln-taw and tbep packed their bodies in a trtral aft#.- ho beading the two women and amputating their §rma and logs, Pro* vtonsly Molly had Insisted that his wife and. Mr*. Joseph Moity, hla sis ter Jn-taw,;( were muidered by a red haired sailor, admitting only that he iiJfe troche. « MAXAk (A* titft Berkeley. 6ai—Knit Helen of th# cenrte, like handsome Hobby, es the links, la an expert with a abot gitfd. Mis* Will* is going duck hunt ink wi h h'r dad about tho t me the thoughts of Mr Hobort Tyr# Jones, Jr.\of Atlanta, com** to trapshoot ing. ROC EXE IN GE!f EKOt’N BOOTH BEND, lad.—Any time that vellogo football abolishes gat* receipts Kant# Ho. kue will coach tor nothing. Try and get a ticket ft the Dame game In New I York or for tfc* Southern Cellfornln- I Notr* Dam* game in Chlcgge, Jury In Case Shadowed By Group Os Detectives Is Charge That Is Made. SfIHMONSASKS A BIGGER CUT Kslteafei That Fatteml Tax BiH Stott Id B• Raiimi S4OO 000 000 1 r---v —‘ °'' *mifiii*toijii|ia " ° ' WASHINGTON, ifctv. l— tor Simmon* of North Carellee, rank ing Democrat on lha Senate Finance' Committee, after a«ail oa President rmii|i||tt iodiiy || the TreMury proposal waa too low gad that a slash of tanas to the Mm es 1400 000 000 should he made W w —*W|X tp^wu^uw——B H* advocated repeal of th* nuisance Uxee including the antemohlle sslm hut. of which levies the treaanry wish** to retain and said he fait a reduction in the corporation t*x now at II I percent Should b« greater than the 1.l petwent proposed by tho Administration. In addition be said, to# tobscoo g r*were war* entitled to ■ogga reduction in the tag Imposed EMmi jthoir pr odsft. The' views of Mr. Btmmoae eotodd *d largely with thorn recent’* ax. pressed by Repreeentstlve Gardner, ranking Democrats on the * Roast Way* sad Means csmmlJte. who sold ifd*y that the corporation levy shoald he cut to 10 peroeai. Rspeal es the eetata or inheritance tax also favored by th# adpdalhtm *Uhr wa* eadorsad by Baaator aim mane wh* led the suoeeeafnl tight in the B*n*to two yeire ago for eMnilns Uon of thkMsvJr. •epator Bimmonv charged that a change la bookkeeping had been In stituted by th# treaaary, landing io •how a amaltar btlenee by ellmiaal lag certain dents heretofore included. He did not amplify thh* declaration which reflected upon th# mnta# by Wheh the estimated aurplah of 1174,. BdO.OOO for 1»S« wok reach* 4. INDIANAPOLIS SEEKS LEADER * ' ■ . ... ..I.' "“""W • ■ WUI Homo Mayor Succeeding —gg ha Prippp at MoatlaC Noxt Tuondny INDIANAPOLIS, lad.. Nov, l-OP) —iA movement wa* afoot tonight seek lag a basinets min to lead ladtasn polla out *f Ita political wilderness. The city counsil which will Select a mayor a#xt Tueatay to finish the na expired ternvof John Duvall will ha w.kad to maka ita ebote# from |hr*a business men whose names wttr bs presented by the city Meaager leegne. Claude Negtey, named temporary Mayor, performed hla duties taday without hindtoaee. It was pay day -ad *he city emotayans and school teachers drew their checks *• uhual. Swift lilind Bridge To Be Opened Today ALBSaiMARUC. Nov. 1-UP)-Ths new concrete bridge acrona Ps* Das Rfrvr at Swift Island will be opened (0 traffic tomorrow according to word rtoelwd hero by officials dad Frank Paga ckatrann of ftp stale highway root mission. tar* end wa* mad* necessary by tbs building «f • bag* dame by ttft ftaroMwg Fewer and Light company, the backwater mom whlen will cover the old structure. Sea Disaster Toll Is Totaled aa 314 RIO JANERIO. Brasil, Nov. l-•*• passenger, 17 sailors and I officer*, including th* cagtalg. ■ v* ■ ■ 9 ■r - 4 Member of The Associated Press *• hugs nvR own " Btmi(faMiil Foreami of W t ko4 Wo—M Hoi—mii vT—uso flO|r)rwn 'SS^vmmon J untie# HkMopa Gtav# tUar Ckajn ° b#rl Hearing U IlillHi ■! WA»HIfdJtTON. Nov i-DW- A Joint statement isgued tonight |y counssi for Hhrry Btne)a(r de»|apfd ikkt they joinod tbi dWHI tag th# government la r*«n*oUng JJaitm Blddoun today to deotar* amMRbI In tha oil conspiracy aw n, Tho gkntn msnt waa laanad a# a mpplsxpap) iha stesnernphic record to adwt MHk place ia (he privacy dr th* fndfab now trying Sinclair and Altifl fell **•" * the eonnaol con ‘submitted Counsel fee Ike PPM w~P ■ , • I—roil 4 oddltols tn 4ter 4IMW BMI strict Attorney Is oow . . | |vi| 4U ftt L i| |kP * * '*** WH * MfeW “The position of counts) 4*# tho defeat* rromntad to Judg* Blddtos in Chamber, la tall is that liPMfcrtlu Mi he nffidsvita and of all tan mum In connection therewith apt qfe* foot of sunk paMicafes awfea'a afe* trial neeatimry; and otiip* far Up dftßU l—l— with notfil I* B— pit mgn~n egg Jill t lap until MS 'feM» ta. ' RvrpjwiSVHl IR "gIHSI —T t, —f*. trial." 4 NAMES POINTS ' IN EDUCATION ■ mmmmrnmmmmmm , \ w * xhrtXrssstf 1 s not College, who tact night #a enk-od -Ckrta laa Educstion** Bf. O. T. Lumpkin, superiatondopt at Ife Beptist Hospital In Vtaatoa 'Shlmp will this fvonlag ctane the woakk ktaf dom meeting eerie* at 4m First B«» list ckarch with a roauma of hiapltal is*! ion work by Bapttate.. Tha president of Wsk* Feveot fed night told thonndioaoo that bo pmftl Uk« to erect two arehoo I# th# feta* Fonht campus Op* amk should pfer - MtatimnLlgE"^£letufi hta idea* of the making this iaggpd -an . wtiimg*.. IfctoUgk tho personality of tPa BMP* her* of the faculty, men of Attain It ir and Christiana; throagh th* nfedolk taught sre retting reverently Mr «ti» truth: through the roUm* ffegu# :