PAGE TWO Earthquakes Will Be In Fine j Condition As They Meet Tide j ansraote th. G*Wsb«*ro Eart&foakM bad a long sad ten) prsc’Ve# to -prsaaration f*» tfcWrj |WL« tiUi tks Crimson Ttd« W Itor- t H gb School to Raleigh Frttefj kTimoou at 2 o’deck os Riddick, find. Tto toaai will te Ite strongest tiuu * tea b*sa stac* the gam« »lto mirteto Uueo vaste ago. George Ed wards kaa retaraed to tte t»am after I,'Jkj s(T teaaai nf aa njury to Ms la« ia ifce-das. f*P* »‘to . lid Hficor tea ul»-ut r'cotrtred .ivm tt* -pro .-and ante* ttet he receiv'd to Use MB< gaun. Kd Howell alii Y abts to play by rndsy. I*, anas feared for a> while toai . Boxm.ll would to lost to to* team u i us#* of te Injury to his spine tn tte «ame wild Fttmm. U was net 4M s'riaua as was feared. . tewevet, and be aril] to to tte llas-up against j toe T*a. Tte only oas of tte varsity nun tte* ho toaui all not base alien It iraeu Durham to Wah'r Gardner, 1 aH to abto to play any »oto this on, because sf aa Injury «• but sable. Tte team will be lartbar idreactbenad to tte addition of 8«m tvu»an, iha wfeltr toft end. Tie i*bm bns bcoa without bis service* nu.»l of tte aaaaan because es bis wamtsafate with tte Orphanage Band, the only ate a t tte pass tost he ast t« amount to anything to was ite £oaao agßiaat Booby Hount. Hs wn* knocked eat along toe last es " to* same, hat to ptoyad a bard and .yttjvualvs game while to lasted. His uidftton will strengthen toe Has cob eitlerably both an ike oflsaaa ttd tfe Yrstevdag dm team had moat of Its hard wprk la Ite form eC running and tte teld and g*tag deem toe nteu ter pagans, aad ia running sig ' nals. A short aad I gbt aorlmmage mas hgtd at the clone te practice. Al temth tte KartMuakeu asa doped to loan Aka game tte ptogera tool tost they have a peetty good gteaee to win. And as aaa *nprasaed k If they do ktetr heat. I)m* will he a* kick coming from aar te the Gatos tero fang. T|w game will te well Vorth sowing via or ton*, because whaa two teams m«et that am as carter matched as Durham aad Gelds , tero hhara art bound to be torUis ga lore. » TWO rorrLßß , . n Aim A ilk iicsuet - “ Bite fdlmsMag weei granted ~ mar top Mcoaee from tte office of Reg. istgr hf-Doadh ter Ways# seamy yss anday* orge Bragdpa of Brogdem town hip amd WllUe Odell Lewis of Brog dm tevokia- ' -i Carl Paul Ml Sard of Gold, bore aad MygaPH Woodard of Gelds - , r" . ,—• . , 4 mu T 9 BAYS LAD VIM PAC . Ild SQUAD «l Hil(l CIA ME la PAL, Bolivia, Nov. I.—DU Tha areatesat of artists has before ttoh today a pica to save Alfred# Jau towl from facing a Irlag sound te a death lately condemned htu . Jauregui, age of four men convict 'd *f the murder ten rears age es a termer prafeent Joee Manuel Faade. is u be og«OMt*d at » *. m. Friday. Tte axeca ios will take pUc* at Keaka, near the ravine where Pan do** body wag thrown. VABOXK BOTICB Otedrttoaa Oommsmdrry, Numb# £R Knights TsmpUr* wHI hgve tte regalar aaaeUag this evening et 7: JO p. m. after which Goldsboro Chapter •ia have a special meeting conferring the 4th defte. Sir KaighL' and coau jtasioaa erv osged to hp present. mm"3| NOT*—*t would b« illegal to pub lish tidi It aol trae .Wakinsr Up Nijfhte Per fltflir MM Ja latere'* Win lag “Hooper Ahead" Qafek Actfea 'Jr-?:* -» , r e .-a *-.» a Herbert Crawford. Ghent, Ky„ ear a In hu own Mae •paper, the Carrall tpa Democrat: •*! wao rellared of gettiag .ep tb- tg tt'tteim maefc Bight; t wj aef* cm the bladder ae epaam eai a do oat U»e bowel*. Drlree oet foretga deposit* had l'aeeaa exceaalre arid Hf Thin VeUerta irritation tbit egaaap ' 'Getting oOCfe cemetery l*«W 8. A. Barnes »nd wile to W. B. j i-angiey, tract es land’ IM and other considerations. W. »■ Pender to i. B. Davis, lot; in PikrvMe «lt>o. C. B. Wflktne and wife to H. Well wad Bretbe • U acres Ip Gold-bore tow r iup, |IA enji otber consideration W. L. Outl»w and wife to W . H. j Ward and wife, 12 S i acres SU2OO. Pope I, Wblte'ield to Fredrick end' Junius Out'aw, one half of 111 acre*. «<*• * ;; ~ 5 >. —— H. U. ItKOHS If * OPI.iIHG STOUK c W. M. Brown if opening his c’otb jrif and dry goode store tomorrow u oralng ia the s or* room Beit door to toe Pslaoe Drug store. For a f.*w ***ye the-feature of the opening- sale will b« the fire stock which was purchased from Oar Bros, es tot. Olive, whose, store was dams god In j the fire of recent weeks At *he sme tha* a large stock of new goods will he disp eyed. Mr. Brown hs* cseed this building for a long per iod of time and it is Mid that he will locate here permanently _ 0141 I'ORHl'hlOh HOT IB «I DUPLAY A communirD set of historical In. tectejt ip 90* pa #W*»|r fajtecitms PANCAKE FLOUR Mapir Syrup Imb from tke'Hißh of Vermont and Sfcelby Gilt Edge Butter. Wfcai Could tte Better. , H, H. JENKINS PHONES 700-7*l ’ a r ” r~~ .. ~"■ » "j— t -t.«- " SECOND CAR OF GOVERNMENT EXPLOSIVES FOR FARMERS Ker»«r» wlll please she notice that this month Is tte last opportunity for obtsimsg Gevertmieal Bsploslvee for use In clearing land »f atumpe. Nerth Caroline will only have trt> percent aa tnuch of this Pyrotof Explosive aa waa available last y**r. The price la the «nm* as las year—s9.oo per 10* pen's da deliver** Goldsboro, end If you Intend using ami» of this ch«sp dynamite on your farm let us have your ord»r by Navemter IOMj, and bo more certain of get ing it Alird. Cups und Fuse may be ord«r*d if a »us flcieut nun. be r want tbew. Cash must accompany «rd«r* for Pyroto) Exploafi*. K ndiy tell ethers of tola. A. K. ROBERTSON, Wayne Cog toy Agent. STATE O Dav. Sal ' RALEIGH “ FH.-Bat. WOVe Matin*. *| \ Special Rom Will Run to Goldsboro After I kj|jj MAIL OEDEK Nfcfctft UN; f*.7* t 12.20) H.fft; »*e. ' HOW $W?1». * »«A« 03.70; OSJOj «.Cft| W.iO; «* If Touts Rations , s;igS-SSTpSy] : t (ggZ iffl - ; iV WSJL ~nls oC£ / W ' fa* ’iV> THt Tt* PAUTRV SOM* CRUft | I gJSiooMO DO«M At / y* jZ. yS~CI - vi / 11 <-XOQ»'CV«C*m drat store la ItoOrwngw. Goldsbore ; (x opla who hive inspected it reported i yesterday. Tte »«* was vssd sd RoUh Chap*) la Chatham couaty at j the time raooluliswi were adopted fer the fonadkag of Wake Forest college i It waa pmsentod to Reids (Ttapel by Isaac Emerson, a great great grate 1 .ether of the prominent brom<»-seltoer fktog. - * l OTTDS BALE FIBB 1 ItRI.WH FIHKMBN Bclevne ws* th« scene yesterday of ‘ ono*h«r tire a tele of cotoon belonging t. C. A. Blaka of 1 BsfTß 1011, are vlid ing tos former 1 * twin brother Wyatt Blake. locM at u ■ ■ - - ■ Koto—lt yopld he illegal l« pub lish this If n«t (sue, 38 Year Goitre Relieved Kofi (grollaa Lidy Hier»«ltl With. . (elortess LtaJmeat. Wants j Other* To Know Mrs. J. W. F neh, Littleton. N. C., rays: ‘ T never bed any relief until ‘ I t'l*d Borbol Quadruple. My goi tre Is nearly gone. I can aleejl goad and feel good every way. Will b' glad contrast to •ont scenes which might have been recalled in America.’', Col. Frtomsn believes that fascism Is werkiag l« ltaig. Tbs economic condition of tte country are more (avorahie than them of France, hr raid, “and tte children-they all look well BMUlehed. are well clothed and it* seeming 1 y happy. In some of the otter cteatod— G** vhi!4l»n ytolnly W FIRE SALE i . -- ' GAY BROS. • - , jr~ “ v ■ ■ ■ r. ' > , ■ . .. . . - ' * 9 : ' . ‘ 0 | ' . O . At Half Price , . 1> u 1 • ,) * .. i ■ ■ *“ ' ' *• «. - . - '»• 4 - ’ 0 o \ t ( »■ v Sale Starts Friday, Nov* 4th At , to- " ” -• -b ' * " 4 ■' J ■ * : ' g.- ; ' 142 East Center Street Coldsboro s - - - • • \. W. M. BROWN • I Next To Palace Drug Store •• ; « " -." . ( ■ .h/ 1 ~ bore tte marks of uad»n»ouri»hment. But not go lnjtaly. "Mussolini has a tremmdnoas hold upog the people. Why te has even rvdecod the hotel charges Meaty Wr i-eat. last issaed aa ortex teiUng the hotel owndfete cut end they cut Va*i f»rc h** be* a reduced by Mes. rolini edict ten per cent. He decided Qwt the pdor-e were eating io» much whW* breed r.nd sent -vat ■» lilt I* *‘v. d*r tha more black bread manl be eaten. They ere eating it. I (“Musaoliai Is a great worker. His automobile sho«i him straight from I hiaFll'* tetshle toe (Itf-Ao h|p.,ofl|ao v. • •’ • W - t - - p THPBBPAY* MOENING, NOTUPWI I. WW to Rome. He worta all day. asver leaving the building for lunch, and ia ■ oared hack to his villa sometlarndhat afeht.'* "“What la the gsuer»l In> press lon (onoerning the League of Nation*T" Tbs News naked ofrol. Freemen. “It ha* certainly demonstrated that It fa a definite Influsnc* in Europaen poiiUce. .There Is ad mis sic n ■ tet U is gradually establiabtug Itself but it is felt that there rt maim much perfecting to hi' done.” He pointed out present efforts being made toward arranging treaties between ttrteln of Soviet Russia, Tte Qo dsteon Lag. iAßMftir bfiUvM mi tof aatiw Hi i» veiivyve ws uow saws flusnees In tte countries which te viiltsd, provides a rate threat agaten the pr«aani governaseatal fouadatios of Europe- Btoh aattoa tea tks teftn He group working ter the pflacto as of the Soviet, 001. Trsemga gate, la Frances aad Belgium today, ha The Ntwa, there U intense ap preciation for tha frlenteklp aad service of the United 8 stae. hi Italy toe feeling toward Aaeeriaa to goad, be declared, and to Ganaaay to to "cordial." ;itris v-iiwi V*tete«afehwiwih’ i ‘’~