WRATORR r* rilkr «M MM, aremae* v * *' •' VOLUMB SIX; NUMBER Sift ARE PROBING DETECTIVE ACTION IN OIL CASE EARTHQUAKES MEET DURHAM IN RALEIGH AT 2 O'CLOCK . * •l' - , - L Seek Connect Sinclair And Man In Charge Os Group Burns Detectives '**«*•- Jh Owe #f Faffs Alton*;* la SaM Before GN Jtary Probta* Matty INVESTIGATIONS BASED ON CONWIBACY MISTRIAL Om Maa Waa PaM 1371 By Bara* Maa l* Drive Fall Abaal City • NEW YOIIK, J»:v. S—(AP) —'The gov ernment set about tod»y to bridge the gape in the trial of evidence uaching the actfehle* of Burn* do itetlres i» shadowing juror* In the rnll Wnclalr At», conspiracy trial, an tha grand Jury i««r Igation yttynt forward, . Seeklug ovWeaee W directly con nect Harry Npe!*ir a*d A, M. Day to whom it t* Charged' the Barnn epern tlven reported- district attorney* oh talaed the »u em*nt «r one witness that he wan employed by Day to tH+re the wealthy aU operator about Waeli ingtoa dp ring the trial and that. Day paid htal W1 ia oaah only If# night for his sendees. Another M»rpri*« *• *** whole proceeding wa. furaUbad when Na* the peters suited in the raid on Che headquarters of the v Uuras men A a IfotdA, Monday. SAYS HE WAS -- WED TO GHOST w #•.*/'*'* , v.. He Want* Nsw la Hu J7 SOB HuMßwk t 9 Tw Mm W llK' ITA FALLS, Kaa . Nov J— UR)—His marriage to a “ghost”-brut j ’ end various transactions with the sfplr it world wero rela'ed in court m»;c today by John Stybold, 71 year bid farmer in his salt far *7,600 against MiO, Nellie Moore, » spiritualist mod* turn. y Stybold accused U»o womaitf of dc frouting him of the money by means' of a series of Huancos in which »h i phcstly advisors helped her Uk > iuoaey.fron hkdj rte aged farmer told the court bow be msrried •“•orah" a ghost whom V limes he could vaguely discern fir Hn dorkaec* of the room; of hew h*A«wghe-M«(*3*W ♦*** pwerisnobd malarial fore wedding gown which Mrs. Moore was tp and of hoof, lit tike bride’s saggt stidn he made tut ious payments to Sir*. Moor< . j/1L—.... 1 !■■?*. BAjBJI! -■» L ■'...' ■■ —— Hearn* Promise* Sensational Dope r ••* * r CHICAGO, Nov. *- GCi -Jack Kearns, former manager of {yck Dempsey, sold te#sy he would con rider ue compromise . READ IN THE MORNING .WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH-KEAD BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY. BUY. * ' f* -A - - . Little Tot flies Under Wheels Auto The story of the death of the boby hoy of Mr. shd. M ri -, Add I..cii Wlggs of Fork township became public bore yesterday 1 . last week, the ye»r aud half old baby was p aying in the yard of (be home. A surveyor, whoac »«me cow'd not be learned, was working nearby. Completing his tasks, the man entered his automobile in the Wiggs yard, backed it to torn around, never noticing the little tot playigfc' contentedly. The car struck the child, knocked It down sad broke Us neck". The baby died instantly. Mr. Wiggs, who has suffered frem heart trouble for loine time, was several miles from hi* farm when Informod of the accident. The shoe ■ renewal of the be«rt st acks to which he ts subject. FV>r sometime his condi tion was regarded as serious. RRSfIffCREf fWBIAJu TjHl!nr‘*w GIVEN CHECK Wheeling Citlxena Contribute SI,OOO As Eipremion to Elder Rewnwrw . HKW YORK, Nov A check for |l,ooo was turned ocvr to th« As sociated Prtrj today to be given the isrptain and crew of tha Dutch oil tanker Barendrecht In token (jf the gratitude of Wheeling. W. V»., eJti sens for the rotcue of Klder undGrorgo Alderman after they were forced down at sea, October 13, while attempting a non sfeop flight from here to Parts. The money was to egrsphed at once to Houston, Tex., In order that it could reach the crew before they leave port tomorrow. & When Khe was Informed that sever al hundred of her Wheeling friends and *d . t P. H. Scott, negro giving Wilming ton at hD home, nevernl hours after the Lea«x accident, struck the track ch-lveu by P. T. Tanner of (tacky I Mount on highway number 10 near I iWit . - s. s. 1 1 a .J>. -3f . . ...'LI GOLDSBORO, N. C. FRIDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 4, 1927 FARM LEADERS ARE AT OUTS Om Group Favor* Ixiwdcn and Another Group Favors Sen ator Norris • ; . WASHINGTON, Tdov. J {#) -The ~:-plIt is the 'ranks of CongretaloQal farm leaden# over the prospective prieaedmls! cendidscy of FTank Dow don of U Inois w»» acesntusted today with expression of conflicting views 'at the espi al. ] Bepreseatstlve Dtrki naou, RgpuhiL 1 can. lowa, in a staonicm said the mere Buggeulpn of the farm prcblcra roinbd lo Mr name and that the ‘ proper alllgnmcnt of qgrl cu ural states In cotrmon cause hkou d dictate” a united* support for one candidate. Bouator Nyw Os North KakUa. one of the group of we item republicans supporting the candidacy of Senator NorrU of Ncbraak*. reviv ed the ghost of csmriign etpendt-nrr* raised agolnst 1-owdcn in connection with the Repub’leon nati.nai cunven tio gt Chicago in . Both Dickinson and Nye agreed that solution pi the fatni problem »ud that there ehonld be uo contpromluc or re mender of tho faruur* of their .position. recalLworld WAR INCIDENT ■— ■ ■ Kind American Dough boy 8 Bit Dual In France 10 Year* Ago Tonight PARIB. Nov * -14*1—Tea years *tfe today th»* first .Vncriron soldier killed In action f«U under enemy firt. Three men of the 16‘h Infautry met death at that time* wlun a raiding party of Germans wa-t irent over into Utts front line tranche* In LorTfclne. The sector had been qniet since Ibe beginning of the war and was us ed by Ihe Ffeueh sh a test sector. Onq battalliou frem each infantry re. meot of the first division w»* sent lulu the line The second batallion of each ot these regiments prent into the Una on the night of November 3. Ai they were miking their relief t Osr uan bombardment began. Under cov er of a heavy barsrge a German raid ing party seeking prisoner* entered the sector occupied by t. of the 19th . One coroporsl and two privates of this comrany were killed firing the rs*r v ~ BARGAIN OFFER OF BHKRIFI' YOT DOING ALL WAS EXPECTED UALEIGff, Nov. 3- a bargain offer O laspsycrs of Wake county of one and a half percent dis count, Sheriff Nurna Tumor U having a hard time collecting taxes for the tounty. The has been held illegal by Attorney General Dennis U. BrnuwwHt, bu* coUgrtlon conflduc | •Offrccrs said that Scott. who tnt i accompanied by hi* witevifrdTrrt stop * us cr the accident but attempt' dto otcape i» the Willis Knight lie was? driving. A citizen of Dudley (oiae.l Mr. Tanner in a chrae extend ed to Goldsbero. H 1 re HcOtt, who'wa* having, tire trouble, attempted to through* pursuer* off the frl*!, -ir* was said by darting *r v und several blocks, In a weaving taahion. Kinal.y the Ure trouble forced him into the Parker lining Station at West Center ami Mulberry and I’ was here th«i be was captured by officer, Deputy K«rnegay Ipck him In Way o'! county Jail. Detail* of how this wreck accurred ootid not b«*lcarued. tt was said that the wrtioeJe were knccked frogu under Ute llocky' Mount (ruck iTho car driven by th« negro w»’ only Blightly «Dm»ged. . -1 Engineer Meets Horrflble Death ATLANTA, Nov. J—lA*> Ed- | ward V. Hnlpeu, veteran Bcabosrd rlio<*~ Railway engineer, was instantly klUed today when bis bend was struck by a steal bridge i girder as he leanci from hts cub while the train he ,vit pilot ing was parsing over a crock sev eral miles north of Minor Os. He was buVkd from the engine to the bottom of a 20 foot em bankment, where hi* body. the - skull crushed, was picked up a - few mta« ! ee tetee by tbe fireman who halted Ibe train. ■ 6 , SUNDAY ENDS - YEAR’S WORK Presiding Elder Woolen of New Hern Will I’rearh At Mt. I’aul Church At Bklkt Pagi church next Bund»j the last Buudnr -before the pastof leaves to attend the Annual Confer ence in Raleigh, srccbtl service* will be conduc id at both tbc morning sud evening hour -of worship. Reverend Jobu C. Wooten, Presid ing Elder ct the New Bern District, will preach et the eleven o’clock boar unit the Ha< ruiucnt of the Lord’s Bup rptr pill be admiotniarad. F»ltowlas the at:rvipe, the fourth Quarterly Con ference will l>c I|pld,,pnd all officors of the rbuuh Will bo present. The Paslor will preach the lent i •Krmott of the t’onferenoo yesr «t T:W o'clock, ami at this service goo I music,, rendered by tha choir, wIH be a feature of. tit® evening’s program. The following wogrnm, under 'he direction of W, L. Fredriek, will be preaented: “Naw the Day ia Derr.* ”U Heard the Voice of Jcaua Hay”. “God i.; Our Refuge”. ■f| Know His “Love Will l-e«d We.” ‘ Remember Now Thy Creator” P’AII Hiatt the Power cf Aauu 1 Saaw." “Ilctcsslonur All strangers and visitor* In tht | city are cordially invited to attend , these meetings INCOME TAX IS GIVEN THOUGHT * r. mm HuMincMH And ProfCMMionßl Wo men Send First Wuman Dele gale Before Committee WASHINGTON. Nov. 3For the Or;,-t time in years the h«uao ways and means committe devoied partlc-, aliy an entire aesalon teduy to con sideration of the direct tax on iutilvi dauf Incoinen without a aingtc wit ness advocating induction in the kevlca ' although a rcromincndatirn waa re ceived that Jho exemption gr»ni.-d kingte person., should he increased fr m $1,500 to 03,500 Dwring the wri' r of Utc la«t two revenue laws, the Individual locoink rates which directly affect the pock et books of tixpayc-rs were the center cf deltaU* aud ted«y was In narked c»atr«st with the meeting two years ego wh>n the lexlea wjJF being con - , idorc'i ■ m. The tnov for increased exemptßxi -.■erm-aa.i iuhibßudJ, hi the n»tj(jnal at Bnaincaa •nd Professional Women’s clubs, j Their representative appeared the first time that woman had testified before ■ committee on revenue mat tfrV _ . ~*‘r F MURK WANKING VVAKHLNGTON, Nov. }.— (AT The weather bureau Issued .the following storm warning today; ’ 'Adtlaory 10 a. m. tropical d atur trance appauntly central about to north snd 74 we*, moving northward, No strong winds yet reported. Houth eaat storm warnings displayed New York to Eaatpor..’ Disturbance over Virginia and the Uaroltnas will move uortAeu'fttward with mervastag intern ' 1T - r - .j, .' ■■■■■■■mmsaaMMaMaaiawaaNmmapnAk- ■ mam ■HONOR ROLL OF I f INDIAN SPRINGS i 1 "f More Than Fifty Boya and Girla Make Diatinrgßiahed Mcholar *hip Records - INDIAN BPRINtJB, Nov. 3—That the tnclian Spring! school i* making progress ia scholarship as in rttundaooe in shown In the large number which made yuo honor roll In October ftevcnMj grpde—Bailie Herring. May be Te t Hxrkick, I-oyd Henley, Milliard Holm**, Geor gia Hummerlin, Fifth"Grad*-—Mildred t'olQuin, Lo. cillc Holmes, Kth*r Martin. Dakty Moxingo, Frances Haeser. Tarry IWr. wick, Robert Ferrell, Rrasll Holme#, Wesley Parks, Bari Sasser, and Dari Mocinfo. . . FYmrth tirade -tMJader Howard, Wayne H-mby, Donato Holme.', Prea t*« Price; end B’a Rivrnbarb. Third Grade - Andrew Banrtrk. fHh.il Price, Annie Harvrick, TbeTin* Harwich, Kvelya lUanton. Leroy Kor negay. Pc«ri Davis, Qeneral Summerlin, and Maude Dawnport. Second Orade Mattie Calusin. Hu by (irmly, lame* Grady. Rheapaec Holaieh, Francis Outlaw. Call price, George Mie Outlaw. Raymond Ba»aft, I Garland Strickland, Margaret Bam merlin, Ksale Strk klaad, Lorain* Par%*. Ruper Ijso fltTt, TV)rest Dai ton. fti-athe tiarter, Junior Howard’ and Emma Lane. . ’ First Grade—Viola Rarwiek. Thnlaia > liar wick. Kilt lie Harwich, latui* Blan ton, Bessie Dsvanport, Ixtulae Herr ing. Nellie lialmos. Hwenio Bell Lirt ud, Dorothy Faster, Curacy Blan ton, (JeOrgc «aflr*in. Howard Kor negay, liinie* Parka,’onrlco Stroud, Major Terrell. Grover Summerlin. FLIGHT WILL NOT BE MADE Mrs. (irnvMon Definitely Patg Off ( openhagen Attempt In l . “Dawn” , NKW YORK, Nov S- UP) - Mrtt. f ranees Grayson’* UJglit to Denmark wns indefinitely pflToff today bocauae of VnTI the circumstances surround* irg bar pre ra rat lona fur a fourth uL tempt**. Tn view of the clrcdlnatancve, she raid, It seems to be the only thing I can do . She d>-clined to teiy how. vloug the i postponuie’nt wab meant by i»deMoite, i nor would she elaborate on ! meant by all the circumrtanea thm§h she did acknowledge that she had dropped uegot tat lona wP It Hernt JialclicD. co pilot of the Byrd flight.- -■ ADJDtBK IK I PRO t B I WAJUIAW, Nov. 3— (Jfy~ Tits Pollah diet and senate were dtaeolrud today by; Vico Premier llarG*, amidst a great uproar to prevent the opp .aiiioti ffbm airing its dl A-tisfactlui with the government yxiHcica. High School Book Campaign ! Is Being Waged By Students! | 'baocas* U ia*>ling the campaign j tor twwkirnow bewrg waged .*t>T tt*gb' : ; < nu »u H-uium ngr | y. Kite hundred additional »UU. dord volume* for the library 1* the , oal- wltlrh ku been set in the cam and ibo High School ha* been organized Into oouteatiug Kronpa, ■ each group necking to report tht number of donations. letter tunned to parent* by MWI lOtheV, Koark. librarian, at the high rch.ol Says in part: Your attention baa probably been < ailed already to the B»k campaign which la now on at the High Mchool. Wo have a new library, well equipped in exsry way, except with book*. Tbe tew hundred books which are now in nee do no*, meet the need of the buy a and girLa. These atudenta are turned away every day with the Hifjh School Student jg| Body Will Journey To Raleigh T o Back Team The News To Give I Score by Quarters Relieving that there will be more than ordinary Intercut in tha Durham High School and Goldsboro High Sctiwtt f»>otb»ll gamo to be played In Raleigh at 3 o’clock this «f erkoon, The News ha a made arraageemnta to give the scora by quarter*. A Very few minutes after each quarter Tha News expecta to have th* score available foj, tbo>« who call 911 and nak for the information. This service will be In keeping with the policy of The Mewi to give _th« people ft Gotdaboro the MWf float. MUSfcaUBS 1 GATHER TODAY i • * ' Twenty Ctwtm of Eaotera Car** Hrr PMtrlcl Expmctod To k « ~ w 1 1 *IDa # A Harper of Ulan College, state prealdaiP. and otlier tenders in the mimic life of North Cgroiiaa are cn the program of the convention of tbe Kaetern District of the North Cardins Federation of Music clubs which wMI be held here today. Tht gathering la scheduled to atari at ti o’clock this morning, and twenty odd clubs are expected to send dele gates . Mr*. William* Spicer, director for the district,’ will yrealde at the meeting, and tbe tnvaie department of tho Golds,boro woman** club will aqp qa horiesa, Greetings will be brought by Mm. H. O. Steele, of Statesville, director of tbe Southern district, Mrs. J. S. Carroll, of Ralalgb, director of tha Capitol district. Mrs. Cora Cox Lucre * t>{ Greeaaboro, director of tbo B)uth Atlantic district, aud by Mr». i. Nor. man Wills, of Greensboro, S'ate Jun ior chairman »nd honorary president Among other routinn business will be a two minute roil call mpoQ fr«m all clubs. Ab one o'clock « box .lunch wiU b#' served. Tbe member* are asked to bring a few’aandwlrhea with them. f’ommlUrea of the, tseil music da. partwont have been busy for tho pas! few dey» .preraring for the conven tion end barring Inclement Weather, the twenty club* In tbls section should send large delegations. GUIDES LOSE LICENSES Thu Tokyo Police board has revok ed th« rieeitaav < f a score of guides and subjected them U> a severe re primand for rorflteeving and for en couraging' their foreign clients to visit vice district. alsamaw. ■ ■ wrew ... ■ ■——— mi****"* &—flPfufrCflywTHr • d'aappoiuting remark, "Wn don't- have , V *V al fg mg. mi jug- WWT TTITw) wptWf Vl'gl U WIIIJ, dtIUPHU Xv>4 tit i*i* f u * I I* 1 Jt ■> I■ ai . k, a,, *■ aLI- . V. - - * i aaA rnwinf, orutfgm itotmT tun nm paign There are man) people who can and will be glad to contribute book* which may be spared from boom lib rarles, or make a donation of money e Vo Kememer that It ia Juat an -aaces a*ry to feed the soul with . good food u* tbe body, A book l„ appreciated, hot o»iy when It U given but. each lime a per. sott gets enjoyment or help from it. The dooer’s nanie«wHl be placed on a label aa each book is prepared th circulation. If your gift ia money, whatever i* purchased with this will In vim way record donor's name, Thu btudaata arc enthusiastic over (Continued gp Pa§a Two| . - • - 1 . Member of The Preae 4 .1 r % pßici m» qpft» Tr»a> to la Ptok atCaatlltoaaM Preftartd to Make Graat to DURHAM HAS mat THE BTBGNGIH LINE '0 ■ .. Hy Hitodon Death to Braifccr In-law ( oufidtni that It Uifjr eaa Wia to day Ht*y will ge far towacit. Hu Chntnpionabip of tow ter. North . < apollnu, the Ooldeberc Mkrtbquek*e will cmhai'k at 11 o'clock Uie aeoto ■OK for (Utcifti when at t o'clock tbi. uff rnoon oa Riddick fttd tkgr a.tr«t tb« Crlmeoa Mi to Peetom high acbool. Do o» die W the gtorH rampant »««■[ t fc, h,ywl., red their am tod mitoM whOWtll battle lkey Taylor’. club Utla after noon. >' "We Uto (ham whoa they dim 9*. pect it la the HM before the OeMap and wo can, do it again aid better If." owe plage r waa hoard to reooorft .roo* ' lerday. , _ *, i« ii«tof > ‘ ; a* .eeibieeiy •• th* thl* afternoon fc be lag take*.At ■ meet!or he'd yeete»d«y it Wto daaeto darted that every high eoMaal etod fat and hit brother will he oa Riddfek Field tbia afternoon tucking ■' tha FtrtUqudk*. to tba lact ditto. 1 tofammltoi Ittia haa haga fjtoftfffijj to carry eoaie thirty atadaate add about so aototnohfkw hare been ap. .xured to take other. M* A A.airtant Coach Ower and (kettle Kelly wIM be la charge of tha team when It emberke tote muralug Coach Bollock wo# called to IWarre.ton early yebtenJay eaoraiag by a tale gram announcing %0 teddes Aegth or a brother of Ufa. Bolloto’e. Whoa he left it wa. hit idea to RHn the Earthquakes on UtodTIMI Joel prior to the geaeo today. Yesterday afternoon's tapering off practice wae directed by Mr OOtOl* end Cdptnin Kelly. Haaoy work waa not gcaa Into for fear of injury hot the (oeae got neodto practice |g Hear :.>adliag a wag ball, tried oot for a final time aomO now ptuoleiw which ' Bullock baa doped oot Id woto oa (ha Durham boy* had a »hower and woot home to dream about ike game want mi tasjred. And It la upon tbaer fggtball brake. {( It generally conceded, Chat Gold*, boro mute pat her dependeaCT tbbr afternoon. Tie Durham or*w be* . a batteriag rum that can teeto the foundation oot fw>m aadgr a good nlsed bouse and never know tbay bev* hit aaytblag. In no game they kg** piayto yet baa the Tld# failed to reap a touchdown by a straight marching down the field la the 'find * three minute*. CMdtooro'd math over weighed Hee did tba “M*ll Mot Paaa” etunt In the game in Durham recently and Mine* and Simmon**, bopped their »ir route for % npp ft op flight to a touchdown that tied lb* heavy Tide 7 to 7 . \ The fiuthquakee are in fine shape and will be In poettlon to ha»d D«r* * tuiii mTytutw thgy -Rawr wtti probably b>> a* rotrowgi Wtteoo, I«n end: Wiggins, left tackle: Heweil left guard: Met., enter: P. Kelly,' right guard: J. Bptcer, right tackle, rapt. r. Kelly, rigbtt end; Hewn, diiarerback; full backl fcWea. left half back; end Summerlin right half back. —.j - . ij" y V- ' AIIEIT IIMBAMAMMI MKItLIN. Vov. 3 (90-Agreement by the /American a ore mount ho the appointment of Dr. Fredrick.Vilhelm Van Prittwk* Oaf Proa, cquedßor of the (lernian t-mbaasy at Rtote at Oor* man anhataedor to tke United gtatea. succeeding the fi»te Bang Ago Vg* Mait»*u, era* expected banc baton tag* today. . - -