I— ’ * WtttllM w» FAQ MtWlfft «*» KIMf. (mil if-nii ■ K. VOMIIfft 'tOKil NUMBER SIS r FEAR MANY ARE DROWNED IN VERMONT CAPITAL • BIG RESERVOIR IS reported TO HAVE GIVEN I \Y Partly Rwlt as (kmtaat FW la History of Ntw KaftauM . •WHIT® aiVJCf jHWCTIOW, Nor T«port. of btavy l**s <* IK* »r«. m* *> hav* AobtUd ItafiUf k>n idolfht. Til* d»*ih Ugl rapartod a* (row 137 to i|S. MestpaUer I* al»#ut W miles fibs* beta »*d I* completely U»lU*a. ° T« !/**»• *sd; t*»**rnTfc g»; vice fW>» V> »W* # * ,UKI test evtaog M« .lore that Uni. «•> rt.ftnlU **W* hM MtfP rec’Wrf. Telephone |Hi wife l»tt Uontp#li*» lMt sight aa i art It m( °d*T water wo. running too ***t ttrop In the stioeta of the cl y (By Aaaselgtd Fr«»» D’.tt utf fwrtmouoa today «*d# •he crno* of *Mnr WBt#n< *** l ;«lrM to ntrtl f»ty ° T,r hr. new SKgtO*# *t*t*» H« of New York rife* tip. Into Can* * hfn dam. In rtrera ofcfaln'd >y Mreaatrc ralnfnU tapjWf'W to release no on tha v3»llwyo ihrnutb which they taa nwy’lwW* tor.en a |bau ln hamtanta had ♦*#* «w. Uoimd* wdfa away. »*♦• »-ork to diath. fiwtire* from he maktat Jnod *» r>> W rcw>> « «nd In* Vlw manufacturing ocntan ladaatry tAh hr.uflht to a ewmpl*'* htaadatUf, » • 1 ACCEPTS GIFT AS A TRIBUTE For Rescue * -»>*. v n.,. , BAYTOWN. T*x.* Noe. 4—l*l Th ' rule of |h* •*» •* ,fl» eap’alnsd It 2 caused Onpt- O* 6 "' ****** Dutch ta«ber portudrecht «o host (at. today receiving tbrcuyh the 1 agency of th*. Aaroriated I’ravo k token of HM»d- fr«(« Wh**ll«t Va., ditaeOf a* frutltode for »a»lnt the livea of Hath fc>d*r ** J O+'rgt Haldemaa at m* October 1J Kin illy, hi raid n*r*aa*ay he would a«fft»t the * token tjot a' - reward -b*d woatd itoaat‘> the ahbr» of hHnwtf t» a notch funi f*r the relief «f P*** 1 * ■•*n‘ ,!, ‘ , * aad orphm • Afar the Aaaodlated Pro*, reprc nut sum had liandnd him th* gift aid bad ebptalned b«w It wan thi Used Pitta hid b*dh ehow| to Uaudlt >• it* fund he trroea. fad'll the Ht'ie aud* (nice of ebip offlrerr. arwapaper men and expialn«4 bt4 pr.\lou« dl.larllnt iL'n ta areept Ilio He changed '«(r mind. ho'-**td» when he fame A? ■ ,«Mab tt&M tflltm** AAt m.*J>**~ . m eni for »errida*'. Won't Favor Cut . Os 400 MiHion • '• w~ ■ Washington. ' Nor, 4. tfln - While wta**oea btfore the IjeoeO waya and cbmmtttee today were auggaat ng an hauling ‘t the tintlon'a r*T#ntie lawa, pre.ldent Cooddge let It be bnown Dial the f*2S(iOO.MO reduction maximuiu aet by tb# trwannry mnat b« adb.red >« in drafUag the pew law. Tbe preil deot waa pictured la atandina agtMr#- Iy‘ boMlay ihc new addition will bp built on th* e*at aide of the preaent building, will *,e forty by forty thr*ta"»ilou of up l-Toxi r«t*ly ;W» a. It i* ln ein*tina to/not that under i the plan* for the building ad? previous l ly drawn there were only iarl uded i approximately 160 additional lack tout and additional window*. . 4". ■. | First Snowfall Os Season on c Friday The »n*w, the snow, th* beauti ful snow. Just like Die ii g snow of last ,\ia tli I but not iii»ii'itt-s. ««>way the first buow of tip- .eas<>K fell h'tween Kinston ant yesterday afternoon Th<- Newa wa/ informed from s.veral sources. • -Yes. it ce.ialnly did snow down hcrs’.f said he proprietor of |hf PatJetaLn -plug BU»i> over th. tele phone to The Newa. K'-pmts of tb* unusually early flurry of suow ’w*ro gathered from several “her aouieea alsh) The diapiay of wrath on th' par of Old Matt Winter waa also re ported In »h. d rectum of Snow Hill The flurry *f flah»* occurred about 3:ld other typ*a of'dtarrh**. I* to hav*.„a dlagnoat* made at the ItMiltry l’hi*‘>tigical l-abatory *t th*' 8M • Collcre Such a diuguoai* M fn* to §U citixea* of th* fttata, GOLDSBORO. N. C SATURDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER S, 1927 j A Tubercular Patient Who Is Being Helped * ' ' vm *^. Wß ' 1 AgiitaMV- ■ ' \ I fc- ' - v BA A I Anti-Tuberculosis Society Gives Treatment For'Mqny AN . A v gg A <; & PUtl v E **ATiKNT^iPEHMajnri^yjuirTAlN' 7^rNoßsrMl' N4TY( HKST APPEAL. N 0 Vr» The Anti-Tuberealotita- Coinmjttv'.' 'reeks to give a’! patfeats in th (iinnty the i-U»in- l<» b:- ni,#f or have the .disease atr-sted h> sandliig thaai t H*aatdrrl«. 1 *tiiv .-a v-.giye hrme etre for limit-* who must r«ai*ln at .home and Ili»-re cnoibat the disease 11 lortt 1 licy caia*.’ fltlteueut by its chiirmun, Hr. W, ,11. Smith. ,* Knowfng of .h» work .mnim and forth 1 tubereuli.a. .1 am flinty c.)U-. vinetd of'its trsuu -u.'oj.i .rtiu. l, This? of ci'utv’h, i.-t from the viewpoint •)f s iiiiyHlcinn sud In liasvd on '.lt'' I • lr-| hand kmrwl^j 4 - gn**t many live* liave h-vn iru-ed. , This laying of li'vea hs« bean s dir. rrt cue by provl.linu lor tbe nnilnr turn Ireatiu in /f thpse who have the di.ras.' und '"n Indirs'c ; -i'll Just. >u»w~ n.«ny lives nuved in tin* louutry by thi. Indirect mum. Also, we cannot i*!| how ni»«> llvi*. have I►ri-u aaved by provldinx the curn fur 1 the *l« k, exe -p by i .kvart th# ayrrnga of «uri"> at th'* Sanat rlum and Dip Hvt:ug< **ium which shiiw tlii't so p.’irCM o fijijr,, .out of every five pailsaitiA- th> B m t icrium leavi thaf insiilutlon w-II i3 IVIt nil luff* fhr hemfs of- twysU* eg- »■ Be** alsotml tudim it Hits* UTT'-'d t»t redp*-e - 41* niitpirt fnun *i'..(m.a (.Mi to Ao.Min.UOO, Th- leakage itil*> haotlsg ( hnnnctn wa. revealed today after a m-eting of the ab-oh-'l advisory louti-cl np po n el so io< p mM with pr«lill>iit*tn »ffir ;ils and lb- curtallm.nl i, aim ,*4 to remedy the case, JOE IH Mil l IKJtMil'll • $ - __ I —MM. IG« ANCKI.F.S N*v. 4 f/P) Jo- Liindee, world we tsr vvoigh Iwulng diampiori waa arrested tonight hy 1 .solice rr«m Posadtra, < Dlf., near l ere on * l-oa Angel.', warrant chaeg. i* ntg fate# wt roanocti.m with Uw t.Uv bout fight b*r* i*»t aigbt. O er cli.rJK fccaxl it a. ‘ Tha Captain es the meu of dsmth” to fifth pflgr* In the 1.1,1 of cuusea, - ‘ y The AnU.Tubrtcu'o*l» Comnfitt-e of Wayne county has been *n* of the cj'uae* ut thii d.-;.p Iu death rate, as tlp-ir re( onls thow thn* an *ver»g«» «f 'Tie jisiicnt. p r monlh ora' f# «an loriu for ih? trcsfnicnt of s . Figuring the avsrafla tf'y Os the patient: in the S*n.DK»lum *s ulna merit ha would give nbnut eight patient a j- «r treat'd. Figuring Hfl percent cttxcd w uid menu that uhout g j-.f people if ye.r were cured, f'.rt.in'y, half of the»s would liiitrr died without Santtortum tf«imdnt» ,! * I’.otn personal kuinvl dgc I know that a lanra p rcentsgp nl ill" tuber (U ars »re po r r ol they would be .' , ciil(sl this -chance .ician who Tnmvs what a great life wring work i" h< lng ilnn • and a.i “* citfgen Os \V vpe County of a w rk thot I nnf proud Hr W II HniHh. */ Aiiimkl )>• (ailed Report «f Work s« compli-lied: 0 TfllHp-cu'lir call* helped »,.,.|S Tub'reiiM:* paiicntH in Sana* . tot i« per month . . S To *1 uirmber of patient^ fn .KMuH.irio. .... 9 Kanalml.i walling list ........ ! NEGROSHOT ON HIGHWAY Struck ii- Eorahend by Bullet* While Walking Near I'rlnceton ...... —ir.!,73— ——- ,i-L2£ negr.i hy the nsnv of flitn liar- I•' ii u.: -ti n le iw. tu the eyes on Tueeday while waking ul"ug ,rating a c.in of Ml Hi on when i- O' • hit with a Idillst. Two boys i.-s'saM to h»ve done the sho.tipg, Hit they I erncclla ely g t «wny. Tb. orgfo tv a*-pit krd up aad taken to l»r. It S. Htt'yens' off icy In Prince. to 1 ' Ur. Htcvciw In. turn brought him to (he Johnston county hospital wh«f* Lr. .1. 11. Fiiag-rnii cxtrac ed th# liul'et. • Cnlca* cumpiication* set lu. tha ttvgro la tapectid to Hr*. - ■ : f~~ - ' Carolina Conference ■ i Meets Wednesday In Raleigh For Sessions rr*.. ♦ -wop • % .rrm 3 Hurt In Accident At Sampson Co. Fair CLfbfTON, Jfiv. 4 (/Pi- John Oat land. 41. of Pfcllad -lphia. »*a . a jockey, was isrlously Injured MoJay when tAe tv-HHW h# sh» , rid lag in tb« H».i pon county nir ," race* stumb ed and fell. Twj other d ivers w-rro lea* a rlmisly hurt. T*o of flee other ho-ac* in the anmc he*t p led up on Oarland »nd hi- mount . GkrlafW »afr»r.*d injuries to hla bwli slid bis itioj# in* phyateton sa,ld they may prove fa al. FINE MEET OF MUSIC CLUBS Btate Mrhlc Fedenitlon Head Urne« Formal lon of New Rodta m- r ("T-r.il"- ■ P The *#o4»wd^ meeting f th • Eisiem Un>t riet of the North Clroilaa FV<- t ration of Musi# Club* waa h*J4 hero ye .t'-rday al the Community HplUHafl with Mrs. Williams Spicer, ihairplajl. f :««idl"lr. * The -ewoHag opened wilh th* atas 4wg of ih# WnflaaPMoa kya. with Ur*. H. C. Sc hy Ml the pl*no. Iff# .lowing which Mrs. fora Oix Lues a. l •f (ireVnsboro, raid the Federation' ritual. Th» visiting guest* were wef ■ oinod hy Mrc. Norwood Ilolmcs, he . i bslrman of tbe Music Depaitmeot of tbe WtmanL. club, t> which Mra J. h'. Murphy, of Wilmington, rergonded. Greeting* Were -hssrd ffoth M*a. Thomas F tlpie of ftortingtoß, aad Mr*. J. fl. Com* I, of Ra'etgt. dir-. ' eel or o( the Fledmont and (hi pilot Uistricts. and fry» Mra. Ok*» Uox f ucaat 4iryi tor of the Sou'h Attar tie i Distriof of (he National Federation ol Muatr clubs. ' Mr*. W A. Harper, president. of the State Fcdeiatlpn. apok • pt rom? length on the *lm» and work cf tfe* Fed# a bn »nd the goa'a to he rrarb ed "I w.Hh every club in them* din. trlcts'’. ahe raid, "wow’d re«»lv» to ge to gome nearby town that hkf no c nb and Ur# one ineciing, ind (to wha’ they can to get tbgt club organised, "kod f»derated. I would give new Im pel u ( and Inspiration tJ any ctub to do this kind of work. If you do not have a Junior duh cr • Juvenile c nb in your town, you could help strngth • i.thf Fj-tleratlen might! y byw-rgania fng .one, not ronaidating wbst It won't! mean id your town to have the rhibiren grow gp in * music club We want ever to keep our motto b«- frre u<»: "A music cbib in every city; In etery eountry, In every (tat# in th* union, and Junior hoy* an l ftrts e'ub* auxiliary;* . * "W* want to gather all nuoical fore#* of high stiodard Into the fA»d erstiou and Go carry high the torch ia aHo chalr man of Junior Club ext'nalm. spoke ihibuaiaaiicai y how the work haiag «#» wa a r Hf ' ‘ Mwnbar Hie Associated Press . MUCR n?R CRNTF HUle l.endcm WUI SuMpUpint By High oEccti > IHfnil|riM ,Ml G WpßWr HAI.NKIfK, Wav. t-4W-Gborth •(• " f aim oI North t'nro.mn and tie «o«tUi will be discussed and o program for the iiUtif «imnnl e*t mßott loaders' in tiw Method!* Bf»om|»1, fee* b. Milter here Novemberl If, for Uw anneal North Psrollua con ference, High dignitaries M the chart* wiU bo > upplemeatsd by tun t on* >UU laagers ftt reubdiag out tt»* ait*day pt+tmr V” /£T«JjV' " The eoaferooee wM. 'grt unde my Wedapsdey gottiigi KtrdbWt I Hi). Hi'hop Edwin n Mouyoh, or < harkOtr Utgtibwg «W --(Ions rill cofftno# fp Wo!4 the mora lon aamdg*/through |bo dbnßjrefw-*, with «*b*t» MOuaoo directing lbs gf fit-- otuHi anjihiifn tegnjjei* end toy OpntntitbM nl i hurcbee in the aMI treyggsc oil to attend. ' ' v-f*T 0 Feature of each lift toddoAl wit! be sermon* by EMr. (Htbfrt^.Jßv**. • hnreb at tn*b umaie bn* boob amßfeni fit Mt i t> I the sendees. Wednesday,* Thursday nod Friday ibe bu»lpo*4 amol inn «M Ifttt 4 ”°- tionola will bo fonthfud by vacillate from aH section! M ifeo Mat*. Ltacb. ( eon meeting* will tatervegs botwooit ;■ the haaiam and m luclonal iteirtaai of each d*r * • Sunday the aanufel fn» ff*a: of the conference will be hold, followel b> the Herman of Waiai Mooses. Tha onannl memorial rfltira tor meistFra of ('inference who both died dur ing tie year wtf) b* bdld bwaday as- , ternoea. Minieterf'attend! nf (be ron. foresee wiil fill the pulpits of the Methodist, HiptlTt. FMVtfrtertoa end Christian church of Mnlolfto, B«S? Outstanding tn tbe conference wiji bo tbe evening program*' voted l» de en f 1 nil MI ■ mill WOfc , UaiU. TW * ana vvms ff*VwT, i hurcb men nod adnohtwwi Dr M »V *». nrealdMt Os Dutof Uglvarr ty. will feature tbo Friday event** seaaion with an add rota on “JOaepb Gill Brown, rhrhtmg ftthFim n ” v “John King, Methodist Wonder tad Pa*riot" wfU be (be tbomo of Rev, * V. IMvis Tuajhf *«ht; (toy fobs 'V Hhachford wltf ffetdb night tad Dr. Gtlbart*T. RotN wilt U k Saturday night, OOvamnV M* I .can will eatend a few nf g»«t ring" when the coup reace data nadeV way. The conference will mark n time of uncertainty In emm as tie tU pes (oral chsrgoa, a* bj|iH|Rtointa *« made and change* affected dnrfbf * •ts srrufotta. Method**' nddlatera are, , appointed for a dingle yvpty and many transfer* ark likely at the bust. , net* meetings to i# held hero. Nino dletricta, tM'pnatortl charges, Ttt societies and 1-144 H member* ofh Included In ’ tpe c*hferonce. Left $4,800 For Odd ! Pnllnwe HniMf limiun. ■ tF'VSOMrwN nape ffwno , VKW YORK, Nwv. TXjFl^Bgna! V. Humphrey, who died toot Ifptam. cea of the lateroatienni Order of Odd KeFews Home at Odd boro, N. C., it w*« disclosed Kdsy when the wiil wair filed for probnto. The income fmm the.f4.boo mu t ts* used to aiucat* the gtrta to ibe homr. It wa* »fceified. MIKKM VORf RR HfiRISW WINBTON 4—OF)— An airplane bearitfg Mta gdeiaidk iHjug ss, Wanhiagton. D. <7. society gin and r mpsnlon , on route from Atlanta, to Is-aintong. «i*, made a forced landing near Moekavttta. A miles Mialbwaat of ittbl toglgbt. Miaa i 'ugiaa and coatgaalblg tm% nStor lursd. —JBpgjjggyjgjp^ \. u £; ; *tR