I W'EATHBR * r. 4K 4 * . ■ Gewerally Mr a«d odder Swadoy. Muaday fWY and coptlaaed cold * -t.. r . -. VOLUME SIX; NUMBER 217 COLD AND HUNSERSTAUC NEW ENGLAND HILLS Most Terrible Flood In ; Secrion’s History Took Over 1 Hundred Lives !Maataatttr b Safe. Th#i»fh 30 Mile* About City Are Ur 4er Water 3b DKAI), MANY HOMELESS IN TOWN or WATERBUHY 17 Hlgbfray OMaadeelea Work ers Drown When Trapped in Howie in Flood Path IXHTOS, N.r.' 3— UP)— Cold, «ud| hunger ft* ked the hill* of Now England t-riskt in the wako of tbs moat dlra.;trou* Hoods of *hla sections Ulster?. Habitant's! reductiuu to the • pparsuet lot's of Hfs furnl.hcd the offe U tit be •*<* la lots reports teday apparent It* of Ilf. rejection in tin Iter. Capital pf Vermont vr va jr« moved with 'the mtotfltjment of direct jebtui uUuicatlon. } " A'th -ugli 30 square mile; in and User the City had completely inun dated only ess keowu dcs h had ri temd- Tfaeugh *rmy source i it wa# W. rotted tonight tliat S 3 persons sr« i'«a believe that 11 he's pallo-i fruit Jars of liquor found in-: JJarmu, home w»J left there by “det. t ban" who forgo'. tJ coin? sack for It. 1 The Uquor ere*.found in the home ts the uefro not tgr from the WUsou | County line je-terd«r afternoon wfan iwputy J. O. Iv-rnecr ed a raid ! the homt. Participating in the J-aid wsra-UvouH v, ifrduer urn! j h.nitli uud -thisf of Polled Dorsey of I Fremont.. The tire gulUna of Whiskey dour Tfirpote of i«W, yisi j ■ -fawnd-ia a p'Whet-at-- ehq. Wow. erf -vfa j negro. I ■ | L t* 1 ' ' Balloonist Must Have Severed Oxygren Tube ■ I ■■ A HPARTA. Tcaal, acor. 6—<£•) - A revered tube apiat«nsly cut AccUku telly by a knife iu Ltr foet. X- .• . m THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARB FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. ..4* ' , ■ ’ " - . ■ HOME GARAGE IS DESTROYED r o • I •l> , . Efldnt Work by Flrepten Prt vctita Flppmp Destroy in* „ Rapid—cm Damage r tlutoted at several bun t'xed dollars was'done by ffirS which c’Mtroywd n garage at the hoar- cf Will Smith at Bench and Dal iy street shout 3 o’clock lae' evening. t The flames, rpruad to the ro tdniee ot Mr. BmiUi 4 end .threatened to hind's the home of Charles Jernigsn but prompt and 'otfkien* work on the patt of Um firemen prevented re lcu* -damage. Tho rear »»rt of the Ui-iUt residence cgttfht from the garage but *h exllnjniilh*^ The flrr occured "boot 3 o’clock and the flamet shooting high Inti the nky Nt that p»iA of Goldsbore with *" Inrid flare lha brought several hun- Uycg people. Thu erlg n of the rontee was not known. ' j Though comparatively flight, the blase vena ibe nwt cos ly which (J olds boro hat experienced In savers! wcelu. FAMMISCLOIN MarecHne Took Place ia Front of Mirror and Flrpd Pistol NEW YORK. Nt-v. i off-Mnrce. line, the clown at whose grrtqvrt life untold Unaisinds have Inu thrtf teday co'tmlttid suicide by sending » pistol bullc through his l> aln. Flawing eut of an open trunk ; wore eevcral c ctauH* In which he j j.d delighted sudlcnces with his ' pokes' as though ho had taken a In vt | inrcwe.l of the tuken* of the Uto he T7TW qud he had K-und I fanio ancT fortunty. The body wa* ! leuud by a bellboy, tho pUtol sclll - clutched In the haad. v From the ptaition of the body It ) wns evidenced tb»t the famon* clown 1 hail faced o wl'rar to wach hltniWU In his '.set S»lm g-iturc. is LOCAL MEN ARE HONORED - V-. *u j. T. Jerome, Ray Arms! i oaf ° and J. O. Ho*man Named •’ v " Aa Officers r* \ UALKiqtf. -Nov. 6. 5 - : ing he r hellaf that tho pauaa of edu j ration could 1*« furthered by F«d»ral rccegnitiou, of the Importance of tdn catien through tho enatlon of s Fed o-I Dt;pur meut of Kduvatlon the -N' rth centra*! district of the North Carolina Education association went on record odsy, ns urging' North Ct- Irollna r.< pres< ntat'vcs to support the mcasqrt when U conics befote the ntdif Congress. W. J- C'Ol*trnlne of llouiioke- Ik ptds jwst else od cbairu.su of th* district | end Durham eelcchd for the next ;ih'rttng. Officers more elected ut the de pariiucntai Today. These lijifiJiD.'ed 3t»’ IrtusAsooc W ks 'A’W'. h,, jrjQj | ifee president of City Buporlnlendrnts *ui«i J. (». Hwnisu of Mt. OTvc, s^c [***** of ei r i—nrf»3r»Sr.t. J. 1. Jerome of tioid-borj , a « •iected presld ut of county superin ; tendouu. I ■ f k»lt IS VLTIM ♦ Chins. Nov. i— j #tr ng bdr"? of Stations lit uoop was t-day reportc-J ty niatas nmtined.. *J Tungchoir. 4b. inlli'n of |, er(! ; Ihe ioynl nationalUtt- ware «ajq to the situation well in hand. * * rfllTfli UK .u ' MALIdBUItT. Nov. &-(JP,-x if ; Wc, Ass' Dfatrkt aks-ry 0 in tho KuotevuM aiiuiuiitratlou wa» ftund dead |u his office this oftarnoou sp. imrmit y from heart failure. GOLDSBORO. N. C. SUNDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER «. IM7 DR. POTEA T TO TALK TO CHEST WORKERS V -tP ' « TRY TO DYNAMITE BARN "ejilx ~~~r ~ -- „ - ST ATE MEETING FOR CHARLOTTE Goidtfkofp People Urged te At* t—d Parent Teacher * Conference The convwnti n of North Carolina Pareosi* nad fStfeh to be haiti te Chdrlottw Tuoedsy, Wcdntsday , and fliursday of tbW week will be attend ed by nt eo't one sad irvbrhty more detugntea fiom th* K4Td«b>ro tehoola Mrtf. Lleael Weil, Frssldsut rt the high Kcbbbl T, T. \A. aunounced nt tMo Meoting held at the High ficlr ol on Thursday evening, hor io tention of jHng, v*d urge«l lh»t ether# atusid, aijice tb«t time mewra are known to bi- plnunlng to gx Tlic Keynote t s the convention wit) be ‘'TYte Adolespt-nt CUd.’’ a suhj.ct In whloh a I parent# dre hound to bt inters*led. A the ogprrth' who are nationally kn :wn will discuss the sjolaaccnt from tho phyijlcil men tai u"d emotional eidjs. and other will .utsriurt ih«- pro uciiool child. The rtH-akors ere Dr. Frank Howard lUch M'dson, Dr. K nest It, Orov>s, and Now.ll Edscl. tn the gjnlmoem buy .mu fit', and Dr. Meyers Hunter oo the pre.school child. Ur. addro-q on Boy and CM Relationship.-” wirt tq trade nt 36* nigh' kcr-loirt o’’Thb*tfrrrvwrof (ho couvtntkn, pr. la wtlii the American Associate, rof Social Hy giene, of Now Yoik City, q Mrs. Chart"s E. Bo«, field secretory cf tho National Codgross of Varint slid T»aclmr s will neMrcti the cotivco. tion WfdneHds) aKraing on Sclupl If Inatrunßonn -nd Wednesday af tornoon pr- Bkoett A. Uroves will speak on The University of North Cum inn sivl I*re-»1»rcnlal Tralnint Following this Dr. Hamid D. Mynr, tsi o of the university, will »pe»w o»t 'Hi* Unlrefeiiy of N C- R nd P»r nul EducalSoa. w Woduoada;, night Dr, Graves will talk otl' The Intellectual Growth of the At'ulceocn' Boy und Olrl and Dr. Frank Howard Hiohardnon will make »n fddrcWs-on lAiyalegl Drvcl &om->nt aud Care bf the Ad-lseent. Thursday afternoon I)r. M. Hnnte;*, ts ChitriotV* wlii- speoh on UooUh Itiiblte and FroJßcUoort. Child. Ths election • n .d instwiutloh of oPicfV* will brl-ogrtic < nnvenii?n to a close. I* Is hoped that deit-gHna from ev ery P. T. A. of the cjjy will oavll themselves of this vr ndcrful op: or tunHy to b< nr *-xp<",t4 on thAi vkai »abK‘-, Jockey Mur! Band<|« icenro to ride -■■ M"r>la#id. . -od b—ay hj* '<>«, Ws-nyLsmb 3#dna *«w» • ni.nlon. N-t oul upholding the uct 1 iou of thb stewurds of the Maryland Juduy tlttb u.hi*h uo»pg«’4ed HwwdH fbr the remainder ou L; re moved. DAM I» HROKEh FURTIfcVND. Maine. Nov. » —Li*)— Offlciv of th-! M»ine Automobile u*. •oulatlon while iu tele. Jujm oomtunni cstiou with Otncord, N. 11., r«#ard ing road todiy. were fa* -formed that a import was current there that tho dam M Franklin, S. H . hod gone out THREATEN LIFE OF INDIAN SPRS. TOWNSHIP MAN ■ ’ I 1 j Given T— Du 3 to Gef Out of Section Bv Night Riding ‘ , •• j “We ar« gulag tb g»t you ” thia v»\ . the warning of * nils- rably scrawled ■ letter found by jfat ftprtag* fa rater, whmtteitU bis horn and Ui itb*rcd J 6. made Isa t?». I,at there tvO# obuof* three hund ol huudler of sadder. > j The II I'ernte scrawl left as a wnra lug contends (hat Mr. Musingo fast been causing t oubl- in the commun ity The farmer, who resldau in IndUn Springs not far fro«i Arrington’) bridge, t-id eiheriff W. D. Grant that he believed he knew who' ~wsa bach of the night riding ntt*mp . Kbstiff GAfni U*r placed all the so r. a- *f tho sberilf'i st the dispm-' al of Mr. Moiingo lu an effort to bring the guilty parties to lustlc and to prevent further derwenstratfen. The letter found by Mr, Maxlngo Is us fo'lbw* •■W are giving you a little warning t)iis ti|nc, Just 23 tbF time. Next time wt arc coming SO. Cluck Gang. “You *re esuuerf truble in the uale hood focighborboedt It yiu don't be gone wa »r« going to gel you, you be ter be gene in 10 day<. If yon don’t wa t.* gtt J’.n Dmtf • FERRY SINKS. MANY DROWN ,ii. 1 a 35 Bodies Hat* Been Recovered And Many Otbem Iking Sought For SYDNEY, North H.ulh Males, Nov.. 3 fjP) The id'klnx of h ferry boa*, here utter n rcillslqu with a ilritieU tcnnslup is now f.-ajed toJtRPo n-t Uj<* Sirhr. of *i ren oh*. »'* » Although Zo bmlku hsvt b»H.-n rc oovered wl h «kft njte iuformation tha: st leant ns live# *crj tost art- duily (wortvlhg cnjuirl,-?* ##a* tr rr.ing ,-tIW» b44evd tttl haw J»«n ou Ikjri.i tli" fv.-ry I- r If Yi-«, i-vud i kb ck- now missing TENANT SH(M)TS JAMES C PENNY i ' 11 • "7 T Woundt* of Wealthy GreoiUfboro Realtor’Arc Said to Be Superlirial -■x--r-r — Tiiirmr— — - GrtKENBIIGRO. Nor. 6.--LP) Juniva C. Penny, wealthy Gr ci;g«k"d for nights and days la koep9>« nnder t urvalil.-tnne Jnrore la lie FGI-SlnclaJr r-lt vunupl n *y #### in which a mh» rfn! w.'a unlotwd last Tusitky.. ratlilf*. v. Tr ippt-l w*l bln falling wnllt and crushed by duitrii aud apllnteretf.baaiii 135 or more than 300 won-en and chil dren In a .three ilm bdlldlng p«r tshc 1 In the native quart, ra of Bhang, hal whtn the rtructurc collapsed t>. day. At lcrat 2*o more were strioubly irjund. . The dlaa»t*r ranic In the mldit of :he mewting held third fkof of a pitente palaco in the chapel dis trict whirs women textile wo km bad guhered to form a new lahrr b'nitn ' a* ft AYE IPOLICE "MEET NTItI&IhG MINERS IN NHAHF CLAft* TODAY M’ALiENUriG, Colo., Nor. 3—(/?) Btat« pole* offlcora dUpatchiJ lo llio South,"n Colorado Cool Aell# tb day wielded pkkhaartiea, glutei butte end fir » in u clash with striking teln*r# and tlii- r sympathl*ern at fa# Dcrwlnd Canon mines of the Colorado Ftul .and Iron company. Th- flftecn state'policim n aided by company cuanls, were posttcceagful t« !fl»te a towy-Ao krey betFsafl I*B jurty. opt pruvrnted th* inrad ora (rjgi |holding * ma«a.jii(fOilß(;. • I ORMEK HEntrUfl >ALLU (OMHTION REPORTED BAD WASHINGTON, Jjer. 5, f;P)‘ Tl» I condillon of formsr ftcer tnty Alb«r B. Kali, 111 licrs of rouge stlon of the lunge, eont utiod serious today. He wrry vr«mk. and to Ulk, T)i* bo year old former cabintt , ne;ubv slop but tatermltfanjly uur tn? Ut* night, Hl# throat trocbUd I bin' c. Quid durably, * til* w lf* and two dauglstara -re* ■ lualned at hla Ledalde tuq*y 4q ip* i l'“i*l Wh'te he has lived since h* i came hero for tr'nl with Harry F, Iduvif.l*- on* the con-piracy charge which grow oat of tbo leasing of T*n fH Dome. - - •- ~fr+ - - EDITORIALS Thr '*»• colls year spaclal «t --tmtien to the all eriola aa page I. I Rare Oppo taaity *> tteyae School Men \ Haggastlaa la the Baak*. The lien Inttatnee Major simkim and Ike Pest. of • ks. • MOTOR Y ACHT ! IS DESTROYED ' • *, 10.000 I’leapur* Bout Burn* Fol lOwJng KxfMop At P » Southport - # ( UOUTHFORT, N. Po «•»» »~Tlia &B-f*rt «*«tor yooht Klto *n roil # from New V«rk Ao Miami *»•■ burned to tho watafi edge today nt tsr an exploaiau which blew off th# top deck es the craU. ' The owner, Thomas Yewkey of New IYork was no *bon d and no injmlee wer* reported. The yartkt which was valued at h*-: twee# 333,00* and arrived her* yte i Ur Joy Irom. Lkmufort. N. I'-, It wa*. held In port this morning fjy .bud.' | win her which * proi«eed jtrtp to Georgetown, ff. C. ' The eaqlastoik occurred wgils the craft was ti‘d nm,at the gnsol ne fill i tng * alien us«J,lfy yuehti.*,Th» lank! bud Just been 3U«d Mtd-tjb# ragiuaer w-'. tt'AftjUttlnx to abut faa. r JULJig. i thifall had lira* aatfßganrr gnoa- I in' iu lh' engine room. Th# (gtnerr was s'lgblly stngrtl but other !w'ec unhurt.'* h- —.5.- - : ■ \ %T ,r n r « SPAPFORD TO VISIT STATE — / Nat km* I Utrioa Cufauuuidwr WIN Be Entertained in Raleigh - Novaalwr 22 , UAi.EIGH, Nor. 3 j/F).-NationH Commander Edward Bpafford of New York will bu the guest at tha North Cor Aim IVruirtikant of tba American Lmtlon Noember 32, 1* was announced here tonight. The Degka Auxiliary has been inriUJ te' take pert iu a reception. All port officer# lu th* state, together with the a*a rntlre convultt-* ts the Idtgjan a*d the Auxiliary bare been Invited by the KaMfrh post to be It* guests. Airplane Wrecked 'At City of New Bern ,*•« NKW JM2R-N, Nov. Frank DuffY*s American Ksgle airplane wra wrecked bgro tht of eruoou when part of tb* ls n -ilng goor to-n way* In taking off It turned over with ’the pi ot. Pet# Crawford and a pas - .rttgor. CrnwJCTd sustained » bady bruise, : eye but the patsouger wbfas name cou d not be learned wga un hui ' •' ! NAME GRIFFIN AS MODERATOR | Upe Fear Fra# Wist HkgiWl Cou femur* fa M«t Nggt To Gbunt.v . EiJ*.' J r. Griffin. pMMof fat #T*« Will Rapiipt rtrargb here, wa* ta.uned moderator for the next tw > i yeera aud Casya'e Chajml church of • thia county was named for the next i ctjnferrnr# nt burin tvs tssuioux cf ibt , Capo Fear _FTe* Will Ifapßit ctufer | j cue* in Hn fa November 1313. MsmUi of The Awocieted * Presa ] -4 *•' A *A J* Pttcshff ami* Tuesday Night ! At 71; Hour ,f . - Dfatingukshfa ifafadhfar .* WM Talk fa Warimm Prfar fa . An add rads hy. W, L.BfaUaC FiW*A dent Kmorttus es Ittrifaffetet ccUvge wIU faatnra the AMD* Community wtrkevs hoHrU b# held & Turdday * toning. Over two bundled will gather mu thia fait fa pmtect plea# for kfaicfclag the fait drive #o* S2s.(hAVtu take car* of tho nine wfa ft-re orgstUamtsM cf th* etty. Dr. rotart rrclgnod tfa pegtldtoer or Waffs Fotsat I art 'fa** *ad*d>3» edmtoirtrsNcih. which- lasted ip •weuty odd y ars ' During Uhls tfa* Dr. FmeaL'tb eoab wfafag*-*** hie sddraaedti faufciwjtfafafaysjfapii Caro ltm’e most fart knwffn efaeaUrt maoignUf thiMgM h%'I eqdertblp thb '■am j Wake l.fa« bmfaoaw booww aatJowriiy. Dr. Rnteei’a muet rmtrtri vdinm* Can A Akwt Ua a Chrfafaa Tedy* has «.-ond*d to tk» call Os charity. Women ami won vorkara c« wbcm tfa campsiga rnmuilUa* or* detdi*4- Ing rre fa:ed belew.. ,- /% V*n We-kers Z. T. Brtsw*, L. A. nasty. Cfaff. S. Dewey. G. C. Hoj«H, Jr.. H. 11. I Jenklnrt Dr. Dertd tlaae. T. B lfefa dersou. T. M. nffax, J. T. Jerome, , Royal ripence, A. A. Joseph, W..1, , Tayw, John -Norwood, Wee. Tbotnppm i 11. A. Pyto. Jos. R. WJHlOnwon. \T u. Woofaml. *. C*^Sjr*»E Dr # , north* Mmmma. wffH. Xttnwm •«*- (CgßUfluad fa ffa 1M •t-ST..