WEATHER Cloudy Tm«<W tNOWOW pro bably occaftioaai showers ad MW wjul danpwr Tuo»daf . » •■...«--owe ... «i'v ». *- -i- —~-. VOLUME SIX; NUMBER 218 HOLD ELECTIONS IN NUMBER OF STATES TODAY Three Negroes Killed AiiAFourth Seriously Hwl; Crossing Smash »■■■ >iw»4 'ft . F ailed to Heod Warning or Hte I Approaching Train in Time* Prevent Wreck ACODENT OCCURRED AT KINSTON SUNDAY LMIE Driver of B noshed AutoanhbOl Kscaped With Of One I,es Faking to heed th» warn inn hind of h niotorfeft ahead lg the thrill, i>f & Kuuilny afternoon automobile ride •<>*t tlirce Kinston Negrces their ihr - ca and a fourth % lag. The negroe* were oocupan'e of an an’omobile s which aMgrt wiped a Norfolk Southern toconwU** kt f «ro«i uo*r Klnstou •ale B«ad«y a/ttrnoow. The dead: CimrlcaiPaUiford. Man riea Rclford. batuuel Roberts Ilfs log rdu«: Peter Moore. Tie 'four. The Xewa wife Informed I * ovar' IjJiitaiue rtftt night, ap proaebedtoc eftonying ft * lime when another automobile bad already (tip ped Mr the ptt conftgg train. The driver cf IhU ear held Ml bis U»nd In waning #* be brought bis err to a The ptgrocs wee* nat conscious of tho warning or ofthe Irwia roaring acrae > tbe crossing to bring . their oar t* a *top. tartead tbe drlv t* attempted to turn ln ! o a side road: The tern wa* pet quick enough aud ~ KwaitianiH b*kak« Hi i mtubto-te • to* Hit* a g’andng Wow, The ma chine w»a wricked, three men goiar under tbe wbetis of the engine and moating death. M.ore, the fourth. was dragged pinny feet In the il-brl* of the ma chine which be had boon driving * Tin- train Mack by the aut'moMte wa* the <wulug train which tun* from Morchead City to iloldaboro. ?. LIE PASSED AT HEARING Bnrnn Deni on HW Men Talked * With Jurpro, Saying It Wna Another waafuNOTON. Nov 7 </t*>Haek lirta wer* ctvxtwf today from tw^, ' dlfferUi non roe., by th<*-e who have come under grll intr In 'the govern -ngnt lnvt4tlga»ton ct charge* . f Jury -ampering in tbe Fa‘l Sinclair oil trial. « ,» Wlltiasi 1. Ilnrnb, founder of the detective agenoy hen riui; hi* uann-, give life to the finft with the ch«rgi that tbe only agent who mad:’ con tact with atty memVr of the now dl*< mlsced Jury ws nottb Burn* man. but nn empoyee cf tbe FYderal pcvern meirt itnelf. The etrßjoyec promptly gave "the lie” dimet to that ac-m*a lion. V Edward-K|fdwc|l. celebrated Juro* number elevfii, got back Into the lima light by fKSffif a petition with Un Supreme court «aklng for « contempt rule a gains' tl»* street car eijnductoc cad nawapiper reporter who s»id ho talked freely *bou* the cane' dnring r tbe trial and expressed the hope o' —ajettlnf an automobile « block l ine. Action on the petition was defem-d While thrift- event# were occurring *' J tn the outside, the fcnnil Jury a>kln: iita attempt* to 'ViT MflfTThij'Yatt WTifttmm' ffprf Sinclair, and his confidential agent. Hoary IKY, StiiTo ilhfliffKTraaTty uttn R» work, examined eight witwsaes end pfepored tb continue it* enqulrtcij for many eretc day*. BRT IKS It yMITIiR TO Hi ' MUMA. kit.. Not. 7 t/P* Th M'tii Herald totuftr:'. n morning publieUe* a letter froji Mw.-Uutti Jlryau Owen, daughter of Ui« Into WUllnnt J-’nulug3 Bryan announcing her comitdMry for Cjngrt'** from tbU dltjrM. , The auhoitncnuoiut r.M mnllod from d«aon CitJ-, town, where Mn: tHe i In tbe course of » leciutv tour Roprene.iUiivc w J Hear#: goner idly I* expected tjo moke -tbe rat' eifalti fie defeated' Mrs Owra l«»t i«*t H • it«eP ipi®f»»x. * ■ f - . ** * THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH-READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. \ ■ * * t , -W ” a "fl * ' [ A. P. PICTURE IS HERE TODAY T r “* The News Brings Assocusted ' Press Film To North State In coor-erntitm with The Anaocinltd Preus and the H'rtli State theatre. The Nswa t today presenting at__thc North State the fl m "Tbe Romtnie "/ The Newft:*’ The film titow* the InsWe working# of the Ass eiMed Pretw of which The News is u member. Arranged iu ln terealing fashion tb*' o fllhi por'ravs vividly tbe roainoth network ts a,*tivi ttei which work with the accuracy of i Hock as the A**°H«ted Press ga h era the news for It* IPS) member paper* throughout the t'nited fit Ues. Tbe Associated ITtve i* the lurgcsi news dislributlitK «genc/ttw the eoun try «nd no doubt } u ha*" trft"n had e.dtaire to kuiw • >niet)iint: ‘got’’ the now*, how 1t dl<tHb’itr<l the new* You have *> omei, fM « n Picked up n'p,por nnd riad th*tv ». report f.f »n incident happening on tl»o other bide of ihv globe net three bbur.' previously, and panned in tha , rending l« remark about the i aridity with which tt»c ere'it hml, , been chronicled - The Awwwdwwnrf Vrrw de«irNr*W* prt&ant to tho.; übttc something of I n <>rg.'nirution and jairpcne, fi rm.'!. *Tha Jtoinsttc-! of The New*’". Tlie movi# has been shown »ucc«H*fuliy In many lowu* and citirj til the country. Kftr the next thirty U»y« the m-jvi* is to be given at variAts Nor.h Carolina theatres through the eourterj of »h« tvemher paper, and Fn Ooldiboro - through court- •>• < f The News. • \Vn sre to have the oppoiun- Ity e-f show ing the film at the North State." “aid Manager Heater" yst-ter day iu eommenting «»u the film, ‘'ll will b* ft of greet-'t educHtional value and will njakn an Interesting Hdijition to our regu'ar features." of The News, will Iw i shown both in, the nTteTnoon ami at night. BKTTIM. FFATI HEB KBNTITkI LLttTIOH I. ISVIU.i: Ky.. Nov. 7. V' KentuckyV gube,national cnndTtlatcs } nnd 'heir pol’tlcal adhereuts had brought to a rinse today -h’-'r < impale it Ing which for th<- past few vteskshns bnen marked with ojittmltun of th" contender*. Tomorrow :he voter# of she State will decide upon their next governor, other SJo' ’ °f* flciaK moml»ern of the (b’lierftl A#-, Hi-mldy and In a number of district*. Judicial officer*. J. C. W. Iteckham, Detnocra tr no. •mlnee for governor, has stro*Hi’<| dttr- Iju: his campaign,,un unuuudltiod op. position to the part-mutual law of the Slat* which at preset) permits hit. t'ng nt all Kentucky iaro track!. He hua conn udedv!ths * <h« .KOn'ucky Jockey ('tub nmt-r ttu law, main tallied, a powerful ivbby nt flic Slat* uud. con roll,ed Stab" go.crn- U’.eut. ~ —*b - ..... ... - ■■ - State President Add ivssrs Ijjstriet Meet Here Todaj^ ' *• >, pr. J. T. jteßWi prc*w«‘iit W liW J'ortU C arolina Medlcii .Wif-jf',' »W deliver the priuiclpal b-forc •he Fourth Medical H< "i'ty rj«*t*U«s here thin ofterte:<Mi. Os the "150 mvdTcaT liiiU VU ■*» Htt titter* ; of tlio voeikty, more than acventy five art! expected to be In attcndance-tlilt ‘ ‘•Miruoon. i The fourth dlMrht r inpri- t' Na:»H ■ Wayne. Wlimui, Johmttj'. <!r ". n, V' Dublin. ,S.itnp*- .o. Lett >ir .ind LUga , combe renintivs. Dr. T. H. Da«<j <*f j T’rboio i» prea Want of t-Uo • fitly •'rd will b» in the ehtilr at the iKvt- i li’K llita ttfteritoon, which will be held iti th« chamber of cowtiwrce <tttdr-<* Un beginning at 3:So o'clock. The Wayne t'oinity M tlical 80 uty voted nt it« Hat IVuetiiiK u t to li dd ♦be Noreniber aaiherln, Mil lb* coating Friday, but U* *»a« U a GOLDSBORO. N. C. TUESDAY MORNING,’NOVEMBER 8, 1927. CHEST DINNER PROGRAM CLUB HEARS . STEPHENSON m " ,mm "■ ■ ■' *s' * n RaieiKH Banker Dlmcuh!**** I’ro per Trimt Insurance Before kiwanian-t A proper Jvust iMHfwttcc *v.: a the’ topic wklch Gilbert T. Sephcnioo of llftklgh, rice president of Ulft VVarho ; via Bank and Trust Company, die* us- j ocd before (he Oo'dsocro Klwftui* c'.ub last evening The Huh bad lorit est several loci l buain«.«a, mw not mesnliern of |h« organtxarten to be pre Lent sad hi ax Mr. Httnhrnsun and ike progisin w i* v led one of tbe best; Kiwanis has siM>n*w.tesl iu sometime The Ralsigh b nker reviewed the various funetlo!" of In -uramc**'.' He told the Klwanians that based on - riming rapacity, lives are Insured f»'r rhout 5 percept, of their value while rroiH-rty is Ur ur«l f' r about ho p»r* cent of rnlitd. j Mr. fitivcu- cmpln i d t h<- - ... Itty Hr proja-r steps fur thw const r vatlon of Ipmiranc? for the uwidow, child or other benrfielnry: He pointed Cftt that there have been instance# where » whkiw or minor et»,tul n r into iammnee wUhcnt previous huainew* (shJMtripncft his no been able to in vest'or >p. nd the sum widely ffe i>rge*l Uiy appoint nt*-nt <Vf tried ee* fwjm f-ni'-ng men 'skilled in con-sci-ving capital wnd in investment* He re coxuteudod Hlrong’y lln- Xrti-1 de psitmentr of linuklng ins itutiurui Jffitftfrl itojeyth ip (I'.ldst) nro wufT*Mr. Mt< plmusoo nod v. -re p in-sl • iuftlie flub Aiming otb- r vUit'nt \v»<t Will Itont-Pou of Warren ton, brother **f T. H. ~ iu addiMon to the nddnee, by the Hanker, there wa* a deligh ful musical program * ii 11 ■— AGAIN STATES HIS POSITION ,- - o Senator Simmons Is Not Or ganizing Anli-Smilh Forres 4 ——M-m- IVASHr.NOTnX. Nov 7~(4h-Keti«- lor giir.ittcnw, Demccrat, North r«ro ilna, tertey reitefntod hi* opponitioi the nomination <>r Governor Smith *<{ New York f-r president tmt defied that {.s* ha H nndert -ken to organlx '•a tam|»*fgn Hmitli. v 'j> The sontor's statement- w»* lorflnin <sl in a teller to Henry fiuydatn. r- WashHifp it corrftfpondettt of tho Brooklyn Magic Iu rVfft> to the, la' ter':*.wl#h thn.'. Henatorttliinnmn# . mi metic tfn un article hjy Frank Kent • pncnrhig in the In U lift ore Sun *'SfV.” Kelt), l:i effect charged m* with Intention* of ritcrificln* the’n*.-- • inorai-lic party for a par y volldarfty 'n my c-wn #utc." the letter ray- IPM * was not iotervltwt'd and It would cppetir that th I* hai.ed on rp»c olaUon or 'vpfnion, I’*m ot poo-U to (Jovernor findUi on the grounds of nnavftjHwltt-BDd t ihsil do wTiaf- evftr may aewnt prop -r of this view. I have lief iiodertak -n to I »d the pop- lttt.ll against him, fioweter” . body with tie- i" I > w rxvi-rm •jnr^Tnunri Aj j oclati u. but iiuffcl left ri t* stti Jpcal i'l«-'i< i.itV- n mitniinv them o! tiii- fact Un the pro»r*m v.TiTi Dr DurruiT l;t»d of th. Bi«ta AwoHili it, \ur - I i rmbt-ni of the district easib-. «tton w'l.o arc down f. r i«ru*. l>* .■ rcMdei lij High W r t «' ' n1 physicians are cattiu-U*l!c nl h v inc been ult’o to »etur« iil.n f r the meeting Kday . i Otto of Alto inoet important Item. ' will ltn the election ,cf offtr-otw ' i F.leuda prvUirtjd- yciVrdar U« »t Dr. A. G. tVoflAanl would l»s tiwruiunt -o ; tor the plate Till* CO"ten I. i wit b the-d wiur j a banquet «t ithe Motel tMMtbtTi i ti*la event ti* «t t» u’cieob. ■„ I Dr. W. Ift Poteal Is Pri|i<‘i|ml S|M‘Hk<‘r , —■ - Seven Thisi f>eninK Is Hour; Chairman o’|lt*ir> Issues Appeal la Addition to an lui -it - in* p o gram featured by up »ddr. *- front I>r. ,\v li. l*otvnt. President.. k>jj«tiU» ol Wake Koreyt. thOft* wba #tt nd t‘> • immunity Citett Wbtkera dinner to. nigh" nL th’ *• Idablfo are p ♦»- htisc4'»«\xral dUiitytive fe tur<# in fcunection with pl*Mi* f r Wiytn .- day'e <apip'ign i t iipport 'he c-ltjr’* :dn ng' titic-s pr wrftfipre. t‘. mpalyn ’ vHvitlvr, s7foft#*l. I t'.-lcn- l Citorg- UP I*r-<c i»n will latrodui I*'. H’, I’. Ta>k»r. |l r --t of the I’fhi miltiqj t'lu-d via-'peak <t ihik.Nr-irking* of Hte) r'it-t, tel owing ! t Sirs, J N,- f J. ha sou. *fi 1 oult|*» the wptk fer 1 the. W<nß*tt*:’ Rereral rbok-ft 1 n'llf-leul number.* wft he Tendered by j h ca' t|, nt. 'f g , Tom tiTltrxry. ibiinoian or Iht c.rlvo.'rvftljgiag thsl Hg *uro o d-*« peii.l# on the h.nrtjr cfluoprea I’ft of the wurtwr* la# i-ftbed «n ap-*il to llctj*. S'- ' "lH>t ail t'om* .ilwi arc heljiiui: 'ie tJ acldciu our c>B W*do -oiia\ l*w ■ “te*ant at tie- dtntA tonight win* ** rh-v mav . v-lth ‘W oibtf U*Hine:«l\v moming, lot tin m i.i - t the < | of th .lr group at the *'otnmunl:y building whftfft final Imtructicn* will b* giv en Tilt tu tin oppor unlty for .lliftm to <lo a great piece of work f r «»oid‘- p.iro amt I’m ttirt' :h -y srj n»i *«:: ,t I . foil .*’ ( hninu-ti (lUer-y has completed ih- line np of run versing t-aitu and i’ll* ippot-itsd di-trU-t leaders to take cltarg , The i.'ciDMi for atetitr lollow t; ■ To*otnui*ti r: Tho.- O'fttVry,. Bcnedicttottr-rßcv A. J7. Smith. Kuiijp: Unit - Sir. W. I. Fredrick, Mine Mavis Ev.;nr., „ InUusluctitM) of Hpetiker—<fol. Uro Vre*rr.*n Addresi Hr, W. 1,. Potent Son# IV, L. Fndrlrk. .'•'l '.ft l/.-t #1 Call You Swot hi art Addr* - W. Frank Taylor bong lr t th- Rent of the Mo ld go By. Atldrcwt—Mi*. J N Johnbon. Song TIM \Y ■ licet Again Albert Fall Steadiy Recording Improvement ID O ( _ WASHIMUTON, Nov. 7 The .linprfvemeot i*f Albert n. Kail, cuffi ring hire frem <ongeatl»u of ih" lunx*. wa* dKturlied lempornr. lly tml.iy by ctughius rprll* which . n-tcria ly weakened him. Although rd significant Art Iwck mu* apparent, hi* physician. raid h- h">d lost much c -SvM... , L#tef lit the day hbwever, .Mr . Full reported thM i r liU-b - lid v. J. m > il> lb- appcari d r>;n- chi crful «> d «»s inpatlen'. t° return to h(* tftjfteft m >iew Al«xlc> wHere the warm climate WJM ••uiil *:grac witlrdiim _____ ' Wwd • -V^ariwjr' - Six Million Figure on th- tioldiboro tobsccu market will this w*.*«*k p.ius the six million f ound mark, a figure apf fmsjLad ~~ ti; ntiu lunlmi. - of *e"e» last season 4- A compilation it d« bjr Th#-- New a ye I inlsj ii. i up-. raUo^ • with Mi Lll/* of th ■ Anlath T.olia i- i cotap:* n y -Itowed, 5,CS*,' HOo pollik|i fcdd up -o ye«teril*y , While ofliciab* Hat. 'I:-, could not j.. he obta|tit‘il »i,«.- wsj » ppry.’.i mat '/ ttifl.i' fi> -nods un the (lain hero yr-trrday . Up to yudi-nl.iy a lota’ cf s''9S, tlk.7; bad b u pskl for weed ! ' hM bore. Tu - New# eomjriintlou ebowed that I sit ( l•'rJdi^y , nvu:*(fc ota the Market w«* |2< 7.2. CONFfeRENCE TO BEGIN TONIGHT - j Seven Methodist I’antom of * Wayne and Number Dele- Rates to Attend Seven MetbodHl who serve ebarchea in Wayne county *ud a uunt b.-r of Uy delegate# will leave thin •ifernoo-! to he prewnt for the open in ; ,f the *itnt»al conference of th* North Cardin* ronferc-ne# of the lletli din Kpiscoiftl i-fiurch South, in R»|elgh,. „ * -■ ti-dd- bora m one of th* *tle» bidding •or tbe cJitftTence next year und tberc i .i gftsftibttity that the city.will ba n»iT*»*«ful In Its applicstioti Rar J M. UmiliTl isndiu of St. Tan I Methcdlat church anil Rar," R K. H.own, pastor nf the Goldsboro Merit :rti»t dfctlt, h»ve complc’ed I ‘heir thiul year tn the jppntmmmiu i they nuw hold. I Urv E M Suipe# of Mt Olive, | it. v. W. I’. WUtkin* of St John; Rev R. K. Bittmati of the Ml. Olive circuit Rev. It U Jerome, of Elm Stmi and I’ikevlKc and Rev, P. It l*ac Os Seven Spring* hivo emted their #«mnd year In their vafkttf diargc*. , e Rev. I*. P Jerome, on the supev»»- nu U-H ll# tof the cvnfcrnc* wilt also , itteud the c uferetit*. Mr# . Jerome j will accompany him. Among the lay delegate* who wtU • be in a-tu nttouct the «nmft» *>t tho ful -tewtm. ww»w-artetebte tnft< - wveMn»* Gene Barrett «ms l itia R*?k ley, Gbcrmun Co4>h, Col. Jfthti t> T.amtaton. J. T. Jerome,’H- J ll**it. H-d Mr#!' F t* Kendall.> *V There are pr«b»hly * numlirr .psi oUtera .whftso ii#me* could not he fte lu.cit last night * OLD BUILDINGS ARE AUCTIONED Total At $6,190 Realized Ff%m Sale of Unus«d . Property The W»rmc County Hoard of ludu rnlion fold ,»( pnhllc auction ycftter i*ay the fallowing rV-lux/l building#: Inidlcy, I 680„ Ka|ncgay RM. Sit'cm, Ikus. f'nlUng Cmclf, »toOU. I*»rk Hill. *IOO Corbett Hill, >MO Spring#, 1400. Bar wick (ImlM ?ng) »2S. Glendale |ldo, and khro, IHtoa <0 ■ —’ ,v,:~ The iiea Imildlng# told broiilsht • tot It; of facto. Which wa* conabtered a ra’i-ifaitory pile# by dis.Btstd of Education When th* Board ha# disputed of the ,cvrn building# moutlitiag' HAft*l( ** the .end of the public Stile, U thought that » to »1 of approxlipgtely jFf.iHiii, will be renllxed. A large, crowd from *ll- sftotieiW, (1:* r Uiuty attended the »*lc an ding, at tfoie*, wa* bNfitcd. WKVTHMI te KtM ST. PAUU Minn.. Not f.-i/P)-- K-nowfall rangln? from a trace to three 1 iithc« at UH'V l's Lakf. N. D., was reported today. Iti two rttto* j rmp- rature .repo.ti d If above while | Rapid City. S. !>., had a mlahniiai of t .1" * Drputv Carl Smith (!a|»itm‘s Car And 72 Gallons 01'Booze- / •-•4v.a ZitW tirtfAk.■..elW • %4tr Wit 1 ' Ncir ihe railway. - r-ohing^ U-'.wc*« n«on, Hopoty Bberitt < ari 3nflth. mot , rcyclc Jp'tii cop, overhauled n Cad illac touring e*r lieadad iu tic dlr«c* ■ rm rrf tiv’l'l-hom ord-ggei-rdlß® ',fbe Vpwd .itnll. Itu mi his spuedom ttex ■»t C-t milo started li pdrwtiU. fruitlH.. put j»n ncirc h* d , i ‘Hiret in - . fdttr wmc*. five :ijl*e w t r clipp <1 oft Mid the driver of i< car, a n«, n, s# . th-t the ua.t'Mr tycic v overhauling him, and eliiw m- down Hcpuiy Smith -v'tfftdwd Mft l orn fir tic- ar to nlop The com . iran-l nai, not obeyed, but Uto hig .tut'ita bilc kept slowing down lAwtr up » trick, young Smith wa* careful , not u> coiim to> i iuae to Uia mre blue Vli ally It etej pcil and u negro gat «Mit and *ppr*.aftav4 ti« »>ffie«r. ibftia .-u# pic tons had been #t«W!vd,fti tbe \r S ■ Interest Is ChiefH Placed In Local And In State Issues AGED CITIZEN | BURIED MONDAY Dralh of Airs. Thomas Edmond son Caused b> Stroke of Paralysis,, ( Mi-i. Thotmu: Edmu»d*oit died »'i her bone on Sputh William Sticvt #1 l*o «’dO?k Mondwy irorning sol ■ 1 wing * 'ts kc of parftlysiV mi Bat. urdny from which *be dhi dot rally . A groat crowd of friend* sad rc’ntlrt-a gathered *i the hone ye* orday ftJt-r --c.oon at fonr eNslock for funeral service# ccnductad by RtV. J. ¥- Itunit-I, the p**tt>r of the daocawod. \lr» Edmxudson w*s a ilaugktor of tk« late Mr and Mr« Minium J. Exam of tho Eureltft ncctlon and frv*t*t t family name fam-m* l|| Ka*t Noah t’nrolln* Her girlhiMHl wftn *uynt In .he Fsmint accthm. Upmi her tn»r. ring# to Tbontwa hblmundsott ahe citno to make her home to ft* ilsborw. Rhc wa# in her altly nlpth y<*r nnd ha-1 for many hocn * faltkfnl i of tkd W. Ffif| MtiltotHtl ,'febn^rh. K Sh"*|l. net hu»baa<l ftgl' linte a«h*! Pcul H IWmnndno**, pro* j j- ti Mn% attorney ty vb* cwftoly court; ( \ fed war j t Kuutt *4 Aro h*r and -Jtlrr Anna *xur» »i»* \j.]t Hu i ham « »i*lcr f ' r wa# nftdc in Willow U*ie ccnotcrx. “C AcJAe r M'* !Th M. K. Hoblttvon ’Hugh Hor.tch, Hrw* I tMddont. W. RJVTftjrW. ‘.Pftttl t;. anrrlton, l*nul TftktWt/, Rufit# Htefcns, t.’ol Oi»- TRP KrpritiftTt ft< notary-Mewm M T ISckiu ipti. Joe. Uo***>th*l. H. 0. Tbomp *<>tt, J. H •'TH I. T. R Robin son. r. li' wHkte#. (bM*» J. finJlh. Pnifth’y ROhvy, (Mill Kaaoli. J. It. llOOki, 11. 11. CdwAtdn, IJ. H Bland, Jo* A. Parker.' Pf. P J »«** *»d Oftl Josarh E. Rtihinaon tiiWTe mi,un 4» mossiNti BKIHtpU Vn.-Tenn., Nov. 7, '■ Two trtftn, Bob Martin, R, sail f'loyd OilliWc**, to. both of ChtL h*wlc. Vft , itre dead, nnd n third man. j. 1,. MftHjt). jtt‘ ni— of ChllbowU- Ift In ft ncriout c«mdltl»n at Ike AWag don hoapitfti. nt-a result at Mendaw. view, Va.. iSS m tes eortbeftftt of tkks city, when ap automobile waa s rook by A Norfolk A Weatorn paasongtr (ruin. Hvb kitted InaUttU ly. while Childr*#* db>4 g f*w min utes later in ;h« h**pit«l to which bo and.the younger Martin w*i« rushed Immt-d atly fallowing the mishap. U RK'OMMK'fHB rt>M tORVI'-Rt'K. rVUNIHStuN • • > . ■* IVAHHINOTON; Nov. T.-*d>P>—Da vid J, Howe|l f of n»#yenn*, n former K ate Attorney Gcnornl wa* reoom m< titled to PrMldt-nt Cooildge today J by ficnaicr of Wyoming, for j nicmbershlp of the Coin j mercc Com mi *ftfotwwb*>n n Dca kcra lc Rl ......rii■ .<&s***■, ...... —, , j\ ■. .! fVtdent J. l«niiiiution tu get »way ‘HfctWf be**, ask* Uau. wa*#—tac-m Speeding," *nld the negrd offering a SkO bill to In puty Smith As the n gro who hkd !«ft tkd <»r T.ttcaipti>d"!d put forward tho hIR. the «'-riter us ti)« car waft slowly issAtog the machine w , * Piop that", uommsaded Smith *:>d pt|#bt'<J hi* motorcycle Ir-hind. gixe i .ullM#c. A* he did ao, tho negro wlwi had left the car mftdo #n < ff*rt to bit loi' tbe wood* but stopped a* the dc-• put)' pillled lit# pistol. Hewing Smith thn* occupied wtfh fci* osmpanJoa on foot, Utc driver of ihc* c*r threw th# big machine into I gosr and made an»tb*r effort at get ! ting away. tVhau ho did Bulth fired I four shot* at a rear tire During thl* i ooßMßQllon tea otkar negor took tM ItoftUiiuod og fagg TW«i " ' , • ' 1 • 4* ' \ » . . • > ii - ' # of The Associated 1 Press '•. ■" - * * PRICI FIVR CSW» •- * ; j, Three \ acancien la Jttaw as l{rpn-s( ntativm Ar* ’Bbß* Finn J # \ ; TWO STATS* WILL Ha« NEW CHIEF BXKC'imVES Several Mg CHtnm Han Bitter Municipal HtiJita Ta Be fitfrtta w-- - *fc By yu*ocM«i ma* Today* df rur niceties* ended tor nbowdowaa »t the polls in igae ttnraT"- r »eore us *>t*U« Wkb IhWIM qgntfr c«i chkfiy In etm# and local lasnes. ’ Ho linked BtoKa Nvkon will be choice, • thonffh three vnoagetoe to the Hume of Ktfies®RiaiTa io !»<■ filled Kentueky and Mississippi wljl elm jtovernera. In two other* g|aw 'ora sndbgtoW V on rowtUetioanl aatotopivippad W r. fmadum to Ohio aa# fUntJumtr •n <nartmcot* as thn . Maw legbiaiaras will It* wleatad In Maw Jar lay. Virginia KmMachy ' * In law man a ilaaau MMai Miara u will be Oectows of cogaty ,tou»tolT pal and stMf Irosl Afftstatn. A monte Urn dtiw gavto* toUartr 'untested fights t>a toMMHIiJ. Ip troll, *op IVa»clao« The amend* Urn to WHjMiB jto uape Yoril OtaMiic ami Stephan* of «w seeded Ohia. mi w thaTwtpagtion tr lepreeaotative Hdatot* a# Ih* * ft»A Pedneyiraato. nil MopuhNeenir ' * *►* •* A *yV .* IfvJaSa * RALEIGH CLASS TAL'AUIi UPDf IU tA/frlEi ncituSi “TSSR ttSSafet* LUBIII t> JWl* K#wm jnWPi * wAipw - Sunday * V * * ■ I a s * * '/;. * Tl»« • iagton daw of the MitoMto* urph*n*ge to fuldgh will gl«a a mu:rad concert « K Paul Mgtocdito. church to Ootoaboro nt tpo awning arrvlala neat .Sunday, Mgr. 4 J|» Daniel snaouaoed Huadgy morning. -it. Paul’* mamba* bars angW bated nearly tMN to tt* OrpMH|t tJurtng the pan year,** Mil Mr. Dsa- *>- i« I, "Ever alnea I hen* Man bar* tain (ontri button baa are rapid an mneh a* »»0 per month! but this Mr Khm. aI it tost r«*»chad the 9tM "* liar Mr. Dantol anboOnaad bid *•“ teution of leaving lUHlgtf an Taae dny to attand Uie Mathod* Conference. He exgrggaat a Aeatto Hint ra»»y from tbla church should attend and argil tbsaialfW of tha opportunity of hearing MaliP Mouaoa In hi* dally moralsg talha, and other neUd mtolators. _ J .7 ' Rev. John C. Woolen as Nam Bar* line bron presiding aidar of thl* dta trirt thro praochad «n agio ggrtoda 'ran the teat “Thai good things which VTa* eommltted onto Ihea hasp by the Holy Ghent which dwell** in u*.” sanded TtmotAy flint chapter, MUi yeraa.. ' ’ ' At tha evening aorytfca, toate man • beautiful mualcal program gad * U*r. Mr. Denial preached hi*. Into sermon before conference. • . i .. ■■■ - ■>» ■" . J Stull 1 F"'"T' • RA&UKHH. «■ 7 Ufti' iiiiiir ? progress in North Carotin* Is botdtag the ntuntion of the constry to largo. Judged from a multitnda of matt ,«ai:hiug hie d«4 alanost dally, Gor , Mr Ire ah reported ’’Right ta th** Am erlcin Water Works Assootatlon lil; . Dfrhnn. Ihr prubleni uccosioaad If rapidly . growing cittoa rod induftrtol under. ttktßgs of adoptin gaud epplytog cow prahaitDie plana rulnUng to a*nitnt*% .md oourervation of rirara Aad_aMa*«g I • in not he adequately cared gif b>- af’ «ir.rie *t»te deporunent or Industry, •h«* governor said. 4 Jalto Uttohrta4> iag nae rvqfllrati in too gifigto* » troaat he added. ... -^r

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