- 0 • 4%*. ,«■ : p. Vv*.* , X»- fa tjgpw Hki .■ .a i fMr •«- cukiMJ t 4 Wednesday Colder oa iM f»«rt > #i<>i»*«; efaLt. 1 -jHMBtt buj*»er Ilf POTEAT URGES CHRISTAINITY OF CHEST APPEAL I <5 . . GIVES FORMULA FOR LONGER LIFE MEETING OF DOCTORS Final Plgns For Drive Are Made At Gathering Many Workers At Hotel C«avaM far fSMtt M Com munity OM»i fltalWW 9 HMM FINE ~ at mWBR IHUnmJ vV ~ 4 _. ... _ . tme jyite fbmi % times, nignUylS* 26 *>ob» k an* BaUarg t(J be raised l» order to suetal* “ in * I;30 a.id. jffrfaW «MWt *»t tha CotaftfcaUf Bnildtg* Vn An. ai u»*Aruftt*a» *M >■ Ingot rnmpelftt, . *i'4’' • * ■ 6:00 p. iu. |ifti'W<<rVei* wpoctod i . t to m#H at.HMH tfhMaboro for difae? 'Ad loOMkbolr! dim: fat achieve godrof l s3s. IKM «fa Uoldsbora’fcC'om inanity Chest in agri'-D t J • ( We IT— mar *"• **”'**”' and wo perish •part." Dr. W. L. Po- Hat, president #»*riiu» of Wake Kor c#t' Collefe ton Cheat worker* who dined at the Hcfcel tkWaboro left eve ning aa • final preliminary to the appeal for «tK.#WO for the city"* phil anthropic ageoric* today. One hon dred ami tweedy five workers gath ered In the mftln d nllig ' room pave Dr. Potent clfaest attention at he outlined the practical Christianity of Ibo taek liefar* the city. - Tom wee toastmaster of the evening and asked llabbi I*fr 1.. -Freund tto deliver I toe. Invocation, Kesneth C. Royall. °lp introducing Dr. Pot ear. recalled hie n*tro an " Christian educator of neat power. # Frank Taylor, chest president. In wkf*w pointed remarks placed the i*roe squarely before the city *nd,4b«t fafilfaboro "ever fell down in the tltfce of emergency. Mr*. J. N . Johnson qftairmsh of the women workers, said Jtbat the women of r.oid»b«r« cnwii be depended iipoh io do their patt In the appeal, both aa workers end •• «lrer* Mnelc for the meet ins wa* directed by W. L. Frederick. Mr*. Frederick «nd Mine Matt* £?*** sene a duet, which wak well received. Dr. Potent #e« kmon* hie friend*. ooV e*w very ae he g»t eUrted li- his addreeai but the ciimpettiion oV the noloe frbm. the dlehwaeherr In the nor-hern epd of the <Hninc r<>oin aad the Joke tftter* in the lobby wan a considerable handicap during the tint ten minntea of bis address In the usual Poleat style, the Bap tist edacetor won the confidence of hit audlende. Here was a roint, here an spi anecdote to point the point, an* an-there ew occasional peraoael question to fake the whole stick. He made folks, think and think deeply, hut ukllled teacher that he la. he knew Juet tfce>olat to throw In a reMevelfi* #?eclt of humor! before ptWVfClWwp Ir'WltWW VbrtWWK ■*■' | "The lent »f » olty”, Dr Potent fe-1 marked, is “ud *umiui hood of the city—l ha type of cltisen It produce*." Huildtuga und bapka and buaineas do not n.ake a city, It la *he people. “No wheel should be allowed to tara in the Whole Industrial fabric unless th*t wheel contributes the material *nrieh Ilf*. m*k* It possible for * future humanity to 'be happier., nlore becure and aaore efficient. H Dr. Potent Fee raaktna the point that • ramr*% n •t ,f h 04 Doldshwo I will etifray* in tsday Is in a w*y » fashion of aocielty taking care of i self something in the nature of aetf pro tection • •’’Atl have the city’s advan tage* and nil mast accept |ta respon sibilities.** he bald Growing facFul. ha toU tha work t (Cugtfiil Oft flf TkraaJ t r - THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MOBNING .WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH-READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY. BUY. Urges Proirtptness On Part Chest Workers A final appeal h» chest worker* to ))o on bend promptly thia m«* n. |n for the laucblng of the campaign for $25,000 for Goldsboro's Com i inunlty < heat sin issued lant eve ning by Turn O Berry, campaign director We ‘ are counting on y®u. You have beeu selected »* one of the workers to aolicit funde Wed no* day for the Comcuuaity Cheat. Most Imporlnnt, Is r>«r prompt atteadanc* at the Community Build ng November 9. \Jedne** day morning at 9 30, where' the drive will begin. If you arc late you wiil wail*, the time of Othetw. f’leaec be prompt. t: *' \ ‘ SMITH,WINS^T 7 . NEW VICTORY Has Aaparcathf IlMa VloeHcat ed Aggin by Voters, of New York State NUCW YORK. Nov. l- t^t—Cloverner Alfred Smith apparently ha* won another victjry at tha pttlla. The trend* of Incomplete returns I rum today’s off year slate election Indicated that the eUctroate, b»th in New York pity and in the up etate (ouattes had registered their dk.ap proval of a profoaed amendment to the constitution providing for a four je»r term of powernoy. The governor U>ck the stamp and appealed to the citlsena to defeat It, while he favor* • four year 1 teru. he claimed that the clause inserted by a Republican legislature, called for the •leetion on presidential years, would submerge the ilate'a interest at a tiro# when the cities would be en yraaaea In » national election. JURORS ADMIT TO QUESTIONING Were Asked If Justice Siddons Was “Square” Early In Oil Hearing WASHINGTON. Nov. *—<A*> -Jur ors in the Fsll Sinclair criminal «ou cpi racy trial were approactfM with improper queeticna within the very shadow of tins courthouse two Os them dlaeloeed today at they became grand Jury wKnesaea in the tkteet of the <dl scandals* Their ntartllng sjatemcma led agents on the trail of the questlon-ra, thus Nr »*n of myalery In * egae which has fumUhed far mere than a normal ahare of aenaa'ioti* Joan Coeinett. the tsllor, and t>nrd trr Qreonfieid. the young„ cable op . r*h>r, -f tlie Jurors who declared •.’ev lud-been questioned before mla- ( Itrial *»» ni,irr.<i. koti Ju 'h** j i inbaijik outcome of lh* trial sod aa To w¥etS*r the' tn*T judge.'" Juafice Bidden* was "on the square * From the deacrlpUon* they gave, each wa* approached by a dltfcr snl can, whether their inter loci ut-jrs were Burn* detective*, whose activi ties ended the oil trial, in the itn nindUte- point the dUtrtet «ttorn< y’s office i* seeking to clear up. Closed Warsaw Bank Will Re-Open Soon Warsaw, n. o„ Nov. ».-</Pi The First National Bank of Warsaw closed *lnc« last February will again open Us dobra for business within tha next tan days. _ . o ~... . "• - , . “ . •GOLDSBORO, N. C. WEDNESDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 9. 1927 MISS MWYRE IN YALE PL4Y Member of Cut of “The Hlng -4 ing Minute” Given By De partment of Drama NEW HAVEN. Conn . Nov I The Department of Drama of the School of fine Arte us Yale University *o«n menced it* fell senaoh of pity pro duction today,, wjtlt “The, Singing Minnie'*' a three act |>lay by Maude Humphrey, of HprlngfleJd, IIIIi4jI«, a htudent of r'eywrifing. The play, acoordiug to\ the *unounr«AHMit by Professor (iatkr Pierce Baker, w*a given at the first of five conaecullve evening performance* in the experi mental theatre, under the direction of Alexander Dean. Acting A**i*;ant Dir ector of the University Theatre , "The Ringing Minute" is a comedy •Iraqra of, life in * small mldwettirn town during the spring of 1914, the •wo scgndl of action b°' n lf ,hR I" l ' 4 '' ior of g Mmatl public library *hd the siging room od an. old faabiuied house 41.e settings were designed by Hsro‘4 Helvanton. <rf West Pnlm Hesoh, Florida, a student In scene de rlgti. Katherine Clugaton, of drew fordavllle. Indiana, is stage manager. Jhe lighten ; ii by Alice s*f Pajadtw*, California .A I > ; • "■'* A*el* lie custom with each opening I producUiin .the ta»: F l,k conelet en tirely of fi.r*t.ye*r’st'jdent* wed wUI inciudt Andrlna Mclntyre of Gnida ,ioro, North Carolina. , kj. B. Kirk. LouUviUa- Kentuahy t* electrician for the production: Keith M*cKaye, of Cn.sa niver. N. Y., stag# eirpeoter: DaTtd Hoaai. of Brooklyn. N. V , property maa<«r; end Edward coth. of Pawducket. Rhode Island, bui'diug carpenter. Hal*- SMneberger. it lii(li«nupo'ii m ses&tant stage manager; Dorothy Cox*, of Santa Barb*n*. California, Is costume mlltrees: Morgan Cavatt of Jacksop. Ohio, i* technlcsl aupejf vlsor; and Leonard Bnrker. op Msaon (Tty, lowa, i* construc'ion draughts man. The emtit# production hue been 11 conslructed, painted, and costthued by students in the Department of Dram* ENDORSE WORK OF MRS. SWIFT * c> Parent Teacher Conference Be gan Meetings In Charlotte Tuesday Nov. B—<4*> —Five Ijuii |red delegsta* to me ninth «n --1 nual convention of the N-irth Csroltna Coogreea of Parent Teacher# tonight I prepared t/> safer the first full day , or business following an efilTfe day occupied by pr# convention activities l-cday.' “ Tuesday was devo:ed to executive ' session* end Yegls^rfction. Various de partmental meeting* kept tli« dele I gar,!* occupied and nothing In the way of official transaction of business was discussed. , Passage of .a resolutkm endorsing the work nod -prinlcples of Mr* W. ’ H Bwtft, of Greensboro, stare presi dent featured t!w»> meeting- of the board of managers. The resolutkm na a r*suit of attacks said to have been made on Mre.« Bwift by another or vaMiattSjr Which acclaimed Jfcft ; a: heist *nd iafiih'l” a;ul j BiJkinid- haw ski danar g aevheesir or ' gnnigafietui in GfSensboro. i ... „ ■ i rT —— ( o BEFE.NHE RESTS l • WILMINOTOEf. Nw. 9-fan-The defense rested late today In the case 1 sgainn Charles Kunold and film Lewis, eliarged with conspiring to »lo late the f rohibtlon law by rengtving * portion of tho cargo i»f_ the rum 1 ship Elina frcai storage In the U'. H l custom house and the case wifi go to the Jury tomorrow morning Trial began this afternoon -srtflr * rumber of witnesses exan ined by the r government testified they had been » g'viqt whiskey by the defendants, » rho went loading a cast of the con : re band. 1 A. P. FILM IS WELL RECEIVED The Ncwm. Al* and Narth State Cooperate In OfffrinK * Movie Rome conception o ftftn gigantic ne-wt gathering syrtem t tha Asso ciated Press «w«* gained yfbtenla) by many Goldsb.oro jco|de wb# witnessed 'he showing of the film "Tk# Romance of the Now*" at the .\Nwjh Bl*t* ihc«|re: TTic film, producaa by Paths, whs provided by the Associated Prca# through Tho Nuws, a #i*a»ber paper "It was one of tile best tdiicntloncl pictures we have cvyr shown.” *»td Manager R. W. Heater, who coop erated in providing.the film for Uql«ls boro, “and we had a gr»at n any. comments of a compliafen'ary ng. ture." . Tho picture began with the old «ty> methods cf gathering new*. t« ' "trie early p»rt of the nlatrfeenth c»o --tut-y, wheti "'fadt” »«flß>g vdnetU wood burning loocmotivqa and carrier pigeons were the only meins of trans portat loti *nd oomiminieatkm. The*, gradually tfs the' world progressed, so did the Associated ITyga progress, telegraph wlrcw and cakle# taking the the old “id obsolete n’Cttufas aud bringing aad sending new* Niw the ilrtur# showed, a complete net work of wipes, leased by Ibe Associated Press; sends the news of.the dty to the thousands of member papers, all over the country, withiis » few mlnnttw mttfr It hap pc aa. 4 A story which "breaks'' It’d* foreign ccqnlry re'syerl in u mstter of -imlnuter, to the United Btites by means of submarine cables, ehh*T to Ihe New Yprk office or t> the Ran Frand«co office, from whence tho story is distributed to the nember papers, and I* also sent op by cable tc other foreign countries. All of (Ms, together with the re- operations of tho numeftdft automatic machines *nd 'tickers" 3 used in transmitting the new* was rraphiraily portrqjrod in The Il<>m ice f The News. BRUTAL MURDER MAY BE SOLVED Two YouthH If eld For Killing 09 72 Year Old Woman ** For Money 8T LOUIS, Nov. 8-01*1—The bru tal .robbery and murder yjt *n aged woman realdent of near here, was l solved late today, police said, with 1 the srre*{ cf two well dreyaid yuutbs who ssid they were Cot*, 18, i and Harold Kramer, 19. Police found 127,000 in rash and a, large amount of securities in their ho:el room The young men admitted that alug ■ get), bound and gagged a Mr*. Me Kit 'trick seventy three tTota’a grand mother and robkHr her of the cash and securities the night of November I e Word was received here that the sged wom*n wa* found strangled to i death in her cottage hereegrand «<n..was suspected u-< lie diaappearqrl alter tlie* efime. " r '"' 1 ~* j Democrat In Named W 9 Indianapolis May on TTTOTXNXFonrFr, fnd., iAT a Re; uWit’an‘city council today turned tJ a liCni'icra to lead In dianapolis out of It* politcai troubjes when it elected L. fc Rl»rk formorlly •U. 8. District Attorney to be insyor until Jgnuary 1. At that time the city • mvnagef form will be in*uilled , Siaik. sworn into office githln , half an hour after the ejection knew m little shout M»e <4ty hall that h»* had to l»e directed to the common council chamber, ’ The election occasioned hy thewoun el holding that Duvsil vacated » (hi* tnayjrshlp on (Xtob»r K. when he t wa*6*eonvicted «f vkoating the corrupt i practices act waa determin'd on the , 38th ballot. Duvall, in 1825 - bKthe Republican party, rwslgasd when the ocpiscii was fa session. EIGHTH GRADE WINS CONTEST *k 9SS Reeks Added to library Aad SSO in Money In Rained a Grade 8 A of the Goldsboro High eehoil is the wioper of the contest put an between sll the clessee of (be High School in the Book tTxnUst that was held dpting Imst wesk and rr* conclude) on Tuesday. Grade 8-B wag In coot pet ion that the Judge* ijsa a Hjird time to deride on thd Winers. * A treat, the nature of which la yfti to be decided upon, was offered as a rewrrd to the cl*** bringing in most worth while books, to b* placed upon ihe shelves of the beautiful now lib rary. In all 935 book* ware brought i.ml $:.« in money, including the $36 rniwle by the students In a little play. Os these books 711 arc asabla. The »th A Gr*i|e of whlrh Mist Neill* ffajb is teacher bnnght 284 bonks, moat of which cjii b«v iu*d. Eighth B Grade brought a larger'number 301 and *3.00 but not quite a* many cf Ihctte cgn lie used «* in 'he A section. The wotk dode by bojh g.sdes D high ly com-mendijfle and showed Intarast gnd enthusiasm Some students made house to house canvasses for book*. Other rl***e« also did good work. MUa, E»rt« rtTOfTord's room being third Hiss Ethel Roark, Librarian, bag requested lh*l the N*ws thank tie ■tudtnu, the t«*ch*rs. and tie dtl st-ns for their cooperation and *ica|- lout work In this t ampalgo. which will mum *9 much !• the school The school also offero thank* to Mian Roark, through whose effort* . tk* camraign wa* bfought about. Th* vtudeuU have expressed their lut*»- tiou "f continuing ffielr work for the Library * Mrs. Swift Makes Report Parent-Teacher Progress CHARI/KTE, Nov. , Th» I'srentTcacher aewoclstlon# of Nortfc Carolina have made exceptional pro* grv>x In many Hum during tl»# P**l few years, 'but the future held much to be done uuii the organiaatlon moat continue It* program of training a»d nutrition, and Intfructlen In tbd •chpola, Mr*. Wiley H Swift, Os Greenaboro. president of the ninth i.nnual convention of the North Caro lina rongr*** °f pimrt* *ntl tHebW In annual convention her* today. The state of North Carolina, ah* said. U now «o awake to the need Os parental education that different atata * gen tii*« are ready to ahower ua with conferences ami lnotllutes on parent«l education. Tt»«v n|Oat re (rwitly announced conference i* that to be held early in ltll at Raleigh ••Reallslug our group* need train ing in the object*, *ims and method* of work of our organlistton,'’ sha «w tlnued. ''the atate ha* brought Mr*. ,(liarlea E Roe of the national con- g resat of farent* aad teacher* to \oTth Carolina for one month. She will teach m»ny one day schools of instruction in many parts of thej t tatc "ln the field of child health we hare heenactire. Our local ur***i*a-.| tl'tSit h»ve 'bought scales f r welgh- 'j Iwe and roeaWMn*. children a*, well! <t. furi, i'lMjffttiik end bl^Hum-hr i'.r both notfi.al ami undernourished, cTnTdren Many Rroups have promoted | nutrition rUiwt launched by tlie tub- ■ lldllloilll association. fifty one a**Oc-j intions or -ft prrirnt of our entire | gr up rtsrolled last spring in the summer round up * campaign to en -01l rhildrcn 100 percent tree from remedial defect*. The Gri*en*boc> council of piront* and teacher# received nation*! recogni tion' for being ihe brat city council >n the entire ewntrjf tw enro'l all of it* associations. Ihi r liam * n d HSunlet have likewise enrolled all their fc*P* i!s. The *t*‘c hparil of health and the vocational section of the atate da'- rartmrnt of education have given till* campaign (heir drhole hearted sup port. L -> “Supervised playground# with boat* of b*ppy children at play adorn our s State Society Head Shows Importance Os Physical Examination Fork Township Child I Is Burned To Death Dorothy Braswe.l. tha nine year old daughter es Mr aad Mrs. Will Braswell of Fork township dlfd late Monday from hums received Sunday morning. Rbc got up and was starting * wood fir* when her Kswva ignited from- tha flro in th« lira rtac*. The father oad mother wore badly burned In put ting *ut tho flames. Th* funoral waa conducted from thr home at 42:30 y**terd*y by R*v R. E. Brown and the iaUrment waa in the family burying ground nearby. Trucking of Cotton Effects Big Saving a * - RAUBJOH. Nov. jB (JP>—Trucking Os cotton In being «uccfgffuiiy tealatf ns an *n»w*r to ft* unheard of freight rates All out of tin* with other r*U»- mgMtlties. V » Blalnek goaofai ntan ager of the North ( arolta* Coaggna tiy* Cotton Orawam A*socUtk», «aid lofay up** t'Ortclusloa of the ho*»d directors «<se)lng her*. , He cited the trucking of 2«® halo* fraai Raeford to Bluadenbofo *t .1311.50 saving an other recent expert menu The director# went o« record for selltasa dtreeUv to the mill# aad rtf stiAing al the pcint of p*ad»at*aa. r.chool yard*. Too much credit can not be given local association# for their aid. financial and other I *ls*. In bringing about This change. Charlotte ’recently passed a band lean* for porks and playgrouade that the local organisations w*ro largely reepooal b)r for having pot aerdha. Raleigh group* have llktwla* quh-kened the community conscience in thi* regard within the last year. Durham nad creansboru pUyed tb« aama rnl# a number *f year ago, In many part* of the a|gtte loo*'* have raiead fnnde sufficient to purchase school equip ment necessary to make thair school* accredited Rond Iseuea school building* and equipment have frequ ratty been carried because of *urp*rt of local group*. "Protection' of under privileged children hs* not been Owe city council has adopted a child. Many *e#oeJ*vkon ttwe hjanfuadf and student aid funds, and tltT*Rttdija has a continuing scholarship 1" the Durham business college. In the field nf legislation for the protection of children we have llkewlee been huey. We have endorsed and re-#ndor*#d the | Bix P’s of national legislation, Inclod i lag the uthteralty and Infancy Mtl childrens bureau; federal educitkm J WR, od««*W»» for child labor amon* 1 mint; peace and prohibition, and until ] da> we arc unable to are I ..nythlug red .or commdnistlc about t »wy ipf <bese pwpomla. _ _____ “ Realising tb*f MfR Corolla* wai i «ti a very decide anti federal cycle t ts thinking, however, we centorud ait | octivitte* on a outs leglaatlve pro gram. Htqtiatins war* gathered by ex pert* and * very attractive UgiaiatlTf pdmphlei-pubUahed. Our program waa (harefold; a minimum eight month* school term; elih hour working day for ail children between 14 *nd If rar« and ulUinmaat of tb* fourth crade aa a part of our compuhoijy school attendance law. 'The branches of the North Carolina ccmgreaa of paranta and of teacher* who supported o«r lagisla tive'chairman by anadlng let tern aid Telegram# to their representatives and. senatar* In the stot* legtaVur* wej# i in a large maasur* responsible for (ConHnusd Op Pug* Thau#) f. • " ' •r ■. -A&j+.'U'dtMM llmlMt of Hie Associated ” " rresa - psicg rtva cam LFenrtli District MhMB t QokUm mm As • ■ rfHNQA.ni BIGHT COUNTIES BEND DELEGATEE TO MBETING Bsm|u>t lasi ***** K*M Umuilahu u/hish m Jt oh ww it ten * vwwVQ i 4 Interesting if J T. Barrua. preti.Umt of tin North Carollae Medical Itodaty hi addreaaing the session es Mm IMjrth niktrlct thi-laiy in ronveutiaa bam yr»(rr<Ujr itUrMW, gar* a formate for loaner Ilf*. . -a* '■*, H* cited the oM adage of a paead of preveattoa. A poet the age of h« declared, la tbs taralag paint la Ufa. if Is at tale ttata that swat ratal dlaeaao, oanpar, 'brighta hUs- Theae tveebles at ay ha dlaia filial Utroafh a physical wlshlllll IM **■ i i _ . .. .. * . -,. Wiorl itilg tElltffi 111 ■bouldaoa t» it ot tbs faaoOoa of as ataarinartiih. t-.' As a mast of Me fourth ntalitm was Dr. .C. o*ls Ua«Ma|l#SM. secretary of IHa guts BoaidSf Smith ’ Blaellaa of offkwrs rceulttag ia tha followlaf hoiaptloaa: Milfa, Dr. A. o. wood**, QoMakana: vtaa Praridant, Djr. 0. M Orooki, es «m <ily: Barret ary and Tritaueei, W. B Kinlaw, Rocky Hot Papars had boaa read bate* ta# Soclaty by Dr. Kla law. Dr 1 . Dan a. Hachasy as laicaiae; and Df, Dae nr., R Oobh. The bottom aceatani war* halt la the Chamber - fc MMaa with delegates from Will f-«, Oreeae,, Johns**, Haag Mr* aairtaa. Wayao aad witaba geohti* present. A baaqual at the Hotel ITTiltltnn at • o’clock la the areata* added the Mwtelt. DIES IN FIRE EXCITEMENT << Aired EpiseomlUn MlohMar J Overcome As Fine CUstom Home Has The >slladid koma of Malar tteor of ctiatoa was dam **ad to the aitaat of Mini thtai a»d dotlai* by fire oecentag ahoat * oVlack Moaday night. orlgimtinjr Iron tb« furnace, la the baeemeat. The damage to furn it are was pp hapa more than to tho house A tragic incident of the fire waa Um. death- of Itar . -Preatoa ’ ftscal of <tba Bailor home from btaft fillufi ' ■'* T "nwtfui mWWm dHRVWHQB • Mr. Barr 'had fur several swath* A*am*taa eennli Mu fin jjCfhlf' - Com rector or Bt. Paal’a Kpteeope! <hurrb. while My, Cone waa In Ip tope. Ha was about 71 years ot aga ■ad came bar* from MaaeaehuMtta. H1 B health had baas poor tar aanaa lima. By raaeoa of hio ability as b and hit outstanding piety, and rourtaay ha bad baaama vary ropular with the Cltntaa people, who greetly regret his death. ID PLAT RtBTASD * \ .. -• *■ r-tfx .. f*.'? • -JHA ** CHAPEL HILL. Nor g-tfHAO* oouncamaat w*, made teuton that the Uniraiwity of North @womt l»at .ball team baa scheduled a gtmo MBt Harvard for October It, lldl. Tfca game wIU be ptayad t* 4

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