:. _*• -jttSSBL ■„ M% Saturday. MIA colder Saturday fey generally f4r «u -*A y «Sd«. » • *. VOLUME fllR; NUMBER 222 NEGROES BUY HOME SITES 4 >Si " PNMrt ■»' —" (IlMM'ft TV New, I FREMONT, the oelorod nras acquired property toUHgM * r*lue of 116. MA at the auc tion tsl* conducted her* yesterday by the Standard Auction itompuny of OolAebMll tor P. Jd The mb, probrttyt* tenant tor conducts to Kwtqnt X«*h 4W.lon. where »#- proto toted tetoi^tofe* ..inr,-i~ * bMtW I* tbomt Mktsg parches## of toft ■«»)•* with to* AneWon ««*►- P*AT rtoroeOUtettvee before Bray Utt FREEMAN makesmjdress " A* Arw»tUe« Day celebration »« Mg voM ftoooWood School oa ThurndgY *rtst«C In connection with the rgnnUr DtdtlM * »“• fUtnmun ny dub, tote* * *** >««• « ,«U» ,S»»4.T reboot ego rant ion wilt ba aanductad ~ the frianda ebpreh in Ooldahoro on tha flrat and aaoond oM*ce»brr ua dar tb. anaplcaa of th. P«MJbor. urwaahtp nnd f*>rtb CroUna Sunday achoal A*aociatlp«». v Th* apaakcra «ra Dtt M A - H o, *‘ hire Paaadana, €n».. outstanding ImdH in mtigioua. and l\- W. HiJna, of brinish. Oanaral Bup- Wibfend«nt J»n*«rC«»liM 9u*«*y .<&«« amraciaUo*. Both of thaac man b*ro bad ftWa anparianc tor • nuftHtr as yaa» |* Bonday School A/aoclalion work. The Mnalon* will bo Weld on Thursday avaalnr^FtWay ni M ild*"^ l Itr wiu ba oomlucud b, a local panfer. The aubjacu no which My. Waftfe will pending Program Dr. Honbira .übjifeKwH Ura Tha SaaponatblUty of the churah for tha raliglWM Educa tion of Ha Childbed «nd Youth’. Tha lfa*ter Teacher and Religion and the Younger OdnaraUon.^ Th* nfeating i« opt" to all Sunday acboo) jaorbara of all da«onin»tlo n i end any othar TMA«l|Mmil« TOW BY ; rRtCAOO, Nbr. 11—Thankagiring art rara birda Uda yanr. Tha turboy crop k.-|bout flea par cant imeller than D* *W*. the Uni tad States dfeialQU Os erap and He. ten. -M-*-. mm <#»■ J iT THE GOLDSBORO NEWS t ‘ • ■Kan IN THE MORNING .WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. Armistice Day In City Kept With Appropriate Exercises For Public Fatter Frneman Rncnlls De nßßtUti of Wars Mate st Paris Convention DR. STfeOBNIDER SPEAKER AT SCHOOL EXERCISES ExsrciMS at St. Mary’s Lsst Nigkt Ended Observance Os Occasion Tkrae public caramaaias coawiram oraUvc of Armistice D*y were held in OaUftboro yeatfrday. At tha activity period at the Gold.boro high behool an Armlatic* Day program was ran derad, at 11 o’elack la tha morulas the Wayne Post of tha American lesion ■used, exercises at the Memorial Community building, sod at t o'clock feat earning the students of St. If«y*i parochial acbool cava a pat riotic program. •What Armistice Day means to the Doughboy” waa tha toric discussed by Dr. 0. F. Btroaaider before Sigh reboot students. Dr. Stroasider urg ad that the heroic sacrifice of the American soldiers and the causes far which thay fought should not ba iargousn. The atndanu w«V remin ded that their duty la to ao Ilea that tha ideals for which' trillions died, shall ha carried Into fruition. “To us the torch was thrown; we must hold It high." said Goldsboro's popular physician «nd Legionnaire. , Prior to the addreea by Dr. Stros ,nl4o«r Stftje. A 1 Snhih. pneboe of the First Baptist church, bad Abduc ted daeotionai exercises. Reveille had been blown |>y John Peacock. E. C. Crow, and Clarence Peacock. T. T. Hasnlltca, priekpal or the high >chool, presented the visitors. Father Freeman Spates “To be faithful to the memory of those eighty thousand noble dead." said Rav. A. R Freeman, speaking at tha Legion program at the Com munity Building at 11 o'clock, “we, the living, mnst ever maintain tha ideals for which they laid down thrir lives the prinlcpka of true American. imu Justice *nd fair play, tolerance of ethers and for be* ranee toward the wtak" Dr. C. F. Stroenider, commander of the American legion, presided a» these exerclaaa, and in a saw brief re marks explained the oecfelon. The InvoctUon was delivered bf Rev. Petei M'lntyr. of the First Presbyterian church Father Freeman a*id In r«rt: "Loybity to the n;en*>ry of our unset fish guardians who died In France demende that we ever oppose a weak pacificism that calls lor penes at tha cast of principle; fidelity to their courageous names must lead uh to always restrain that wild, unreaaoaable bsUhevlsm that would overthrow* our government or interfere with its functions." Turning to (be recent Paris con vention. Mr. Freeman eaw In itj ses sion* \a movement tending toward world peace. “In the shadow of long lin.s of wo3den crosses that marks the Dost rmting place of thrir comrades the former righting 'fynen .made many spearhead We are. not fhrprhprfl to resd tb the Literary Digest that those talks took one form This was a ringing denunciation of war. Such a denunciation .truck a reftonrive chord in the hearts of the people of_ Eurspe. lfn»»parer» »l home and abroad agree thpt «s a result of tba Legion's ps>ce time army the bond (Conttonad os Paga Twcft 180 School Children To Play In Operetta Next Wednesday One hundred and eighty of the lit tle dears of the city—that's wtet parrots c*H them—will make their debut an actors end actresses next Wednesday evening when W. A- Kred rkrk, mneic director of the city school will present the operetta ‘ On a' Mid. lUKtnera Day’ *t the Mason theatre. Proceeds will be used ia buying need ed books for the libraries of tbe *ad grammar grades of the Rehearsals for tha musical cx travagansa b«ve been going oa tor •overs l weeks. Aaelrtlng Mr. Frede rick with the work are several 1 each era of th* city system. " Tte lip paptto who iW p*rt GOLDSBORO, N. C. ' SATURDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 12, IBS? ■ t » NATION HONORS ITS WAR DE AD 1 11 e Cottniry Unites in Approprints Arwistke Day Cele bm lions ' WASHINGTON. Nov. 11—( the first real win ter weather of the eeaeon wee herald eo by saowftll in pari* of K»oe*», Nebraska, and lowa and by tumblng temperature* from the Canadian bor der <» Oklahoma. Cold wave warnings were issued la several elates with near sera figures reported and itrwraet for the north# ’era belt. SHIP DAMAGED BY EXPLOSION Two Member* of Crew Are Minting And Another Bad ly Burned C> NEW YORK. Nov. 11 —OP) The tanker Bet*, her tew ripped open by an explosion, two of her crew missing sad an ether badly burned wa s mak ing h*r way to this port tonight con toyed by six ship*. Thirty three miles from. New York the tankef was in such rendition that thing might happen. An SOS call today east revenue cutter, and other ship hurrying to th* aid of thw tanker which reported by wireless that she was Xflre ten mile* off Barnegate I after so explosioft which had wrecked th* ship'* bow. I* the performance are from the prL mary and granwnnr grades “What w# «re trying to do’, said Mr Frederick "k» to give th# people of Goldsboro a school entertainment of professional rank -something that they will enjoy pot *0 much because tljptr HjUdren are the .ctor* but because of the effect- ’ '*• A seven p|ece school orchestra will provide th* music to accompany tho piece. Ttckdta for the operetta are now on sale, and encouraging report* as t* tha demand for the pasteboard* Aw being received. Afternoon of next Monday ticket# may he exchanged for reserved trots *ad without additional jrite. L. Sermons Makes Sell Defense Plea tv NEW BERN. Nov. !!-<»>- Luther Sermons, oa the stand ae the first chief wit ora* forth. «fe fenac in the Surerivr Court trial at Bayboro today, testified that be , hot Federal Prohttrftiou agent Lewis in sass deft use Ha, said he fired after his younger brother, Vergil, had beef wounded. Th* case was expected *» run. through »t least two days of next Week,' oaart hsviu* adjourned for the week cud thi* afternoon. Luther Sermons and hts broth era. Vergil and l.ra, are <9l trial lor tha fatal shooting of W. T. |,ewia, prohibition agent In the Ft. Barnwell section of Craven county ln*t summer. DUKE SINGERS TO GOME HERE J o ■" C> •-- - u MtlteStet Gtoe (Tub WW Mate Tour of Eaalern V Carolina U r ’ DURHAM, Noy; 11-Wi'Jl ,U».flttl concert trip of Hie *e*eon only two week* off, the Duke University Glee club js swiftly shaping up its rrporj totre. Tbe trip will last sis nights, the week of November 28, th* club performing in different cltlra of Eastern North Camilla* each night. The club will number approximately thirty slags re who will travel to their concerts lo a huge hu». The towns to be visited definite arrange ments have been With Goldsterd, ’\tm herton. Kinston »nd Smithflrid, while WiimlngtAn and Greenville appear oa tbe tentative schedule. ’ Competition is becoming very keen a a th* next cut loon* for next week, according »e J. Footer Harass, dir ector of the Glee club. “I hava »«var seen a finer bate section in a college Glee club" was hlseiathuslssilc 0 coui riient "and the otherp are almost as good. Nearly every man Is on his tiptoes and up to the minute In his requirements, and th* * Q d «' c.'-medy act featuring Bob listiiter, Duke cheer leader. , Immediately after returning from this trip, the Gteo club will glre i series of concertg In the Immediate viciaity and wilt then enter the North Carotin* contest for college glee club which will he held in Durham oa De cember ». The winner of this contort will go to Greenvllle, S. U., end enter •he Southern contest, n*d the winner of the Southern will go to New York for the National meet. GIRLFUERIN NEW YORK AGAIN liutiata H unhand Should Not Interfere With Wlfe'a NEW VORK, Ncv 11 -(*)— A hus hand »lthougk / *Joat wonderful" and artfully broad minded should not in terfere with his wife's career ‘“wheth er it be flying, writing or banking Ruth KWcr tbe- 23 yen* oht aviatrtx came tod«y told tt»e Association Prea* tonight. She dinmlrseri all questions of the future with her husbhnd. Lyle W«m sekk, a Panama electrical accessories Jfilsviuiil Iter JTJll* that. ..Mb*. ' 'did not want-to'talk ateuMtet The girl flier made It clear, however, that idle considered '* vocation nd Might to demestletty. ——-—"" * , ■> ■ , J HTIRT BtHIF.TBALL “ STATE COLLBOfB. RAtJCIGH, Nov. 11 —UP)—'Th# basketball is be I ifg daily to the basket •» Stsfe College* ftyni- Jast desultory individual practice, llul It te writing on the wall, decer tuted with fraternity and Wolfpacjc colors wh*t Is ’OOllllO* —the basket ball season, with its fast, spirited play its intercom Age battling, Intqrnat rtrtfe between cl*»* and fraternity teams. Ju»t a few of .the Intis sre heaving the ball—while a hunt are outside kicking the pigskin, grtttog In the l*»t of fail play. V Slate Defeats Duke By Score Os 20 To 18 And Wins Flag In Big Five BROGDEN aUB HAS MEETING About 600 Prcarat For Armis tice Day Exerclsfti at School Itet Night In cn* of the moot enthusiastic community club meottagp of tha nea r#n, nrogdvn last evening turned oat 600 Urhool patrons to teUraos aa Ara.isttce Day program. R*rh grade of the *eho>l was allow ed ten mtnuteg In which to prooost a playlet, commemorative of tho end ing of the tyorld War. Songs, rtejto ttooa, and drill* wore given. Th# most graphic psri e< the g»o gram wren the ispiessaUHna of W ..btlG* scene. Th# lights ware hasp p*d off. Suddenly there was a roar of esnnon. rifle shot flashes cut the darfcnmu sad. khaki dad figure* fell on the stage, reminding •*# very (ranch of * scene In Th# Big Parade. ’»h* Red Cron nuraa# came forward ne the rattle of the rifle AT* djfld *way and began thrir mjnlattatloos to the dead and wounded. Tb# organisation of a Boy Icopt troop for the School was urgyd by Scout Kxecallv# W. W. Rtvore ft»l towing the echcrt program. M*ry Pittx, principal Os tfte acbool, urged the patrons to Keep hi mind the silver loving cup to be n warded the community dub recording the bent attendance this tor. ••Lets win the cup r . aho odd. j PROMISE NEW DEVELOPMENTS Startling Revelation* May Bn Made in Oil Conapirscy v Prate WASIirNOTON, Nov, tl— Id*) —■ Stray ends of the scheme es eridaaaft i» the Fball Sindatr eftl trial **«» Were gatherad today by tho grand # lury While prosecuting officers pre pared for presentotloa of what they described a* a etartllog discloeur* la the caa*. . These officer* said tha now angle would be developed Monday *r Tues day nnd that meantime they coaid not even hint *t its nntnr* a* ftotaaturo announcement might result la block ing their carefully laid to p'oea this Into a whole fabric. The grand Jury will conclude its second wrek of work with * two hoar session to tiroes directing the lßvant ;gallon hop# to complete the preeen U'loti or evidence by Tueaday. Then the (rand Jury will decide whether it is to make • presentment upon which indictmente would be baaed. wTiile no one can toll io it thw mind of the grand Jury th* oxpecta* tiora now th«t there wiH to many Indictment, or » single naming a au« her of persons including some nor here to fore IdentlSed with tha naval oil lease kcandal. j X 0 rEI.EBRATIONN IN GERMANY BERIJN. N»v. U.-GF)-Whte the alllel countries, were cejehtotlag Armistice today, Germany sis* a P*r. ty to the Armis'lcoi was pursulag the even tenor of Its business sad social wag. ■; There yi, no observance in Barlia or other part* of Germany. Berlin newspaper* Ignored tbe Way la the news. tM North CaroMea big fl»* at stake, Jack McDowell who spread terror la the haarta of Duka Valvar •Ur supporter* Urn* aad again with bl> loan returns oI pnnu MO ***** accurate passes. varied kia offcnalve kart today enough to aiaka rood two wall timed drop kick* for satra points, giving N. C. ttete I'M ta ll vtctsry oar Duka. Both teama threatened to oremeeeh other’# goal reqaently, B*ata atorla with averted offs a rive ta the aeoaa4, third and fenrth periods, while Duka mad* good lta running attack aad forward paaaoa ta tka flrat aacood **d fourth quarter a. Buie aw each at tempt failed to add antra IMiinU which I would hart probably tied tka aoora. Mek Warren, Duka <«d. recovered cue of McDosrall** Mocked puatti U para tka way far tka first Mm Dari! touchdown from tka State lea T*N line Buie ecotwd a few mlnatee lata* on sp end ran Duke ripanted Hi tka reraid parted wnan Hollingsworth took one hi Buka* parted *0 yarda ta Mate's 14 yard Due. Jenkoakl than scored on a line **•»• A. the half ended a lateral pan, Bob Warren to MoDowatl to Jordan netted 1* ynada, Jordan stepping tka remaining Ml yards iar State's flint (.core McDowell returned Baled 44 Ward punt 41 ynrda to Ddka's M y«fd line t» open the woy far Buies’ see ond score, which waa muds oat pads McDowell to rklldraaa. The third etato touchdown la the fourth period after terrific drives byrhoth teams with Bek Warren sear lof. With leas than fear ml anted ta play, Doha staged aa strong a rally aver seen on a Southern, gridiron, r easing, running and bucking the line for another touchdown by Jaoo °i(i. The Duke H»e got the batter of the ergumant in tka forward (Hirot, through a State Una that at Umaa eaoawd broken lor goad, managed ta rally enough to hold back aa ever threatening Blue Dost). RICHMOND.- (d*) —Tka Qaaatlue merinos undefeated football team kept its slate clean by administering a to to U) d*f«*t w wske purest collage hare todays, Wake Barest, while o«tweighted aad out played, was not out fought. The Deacons kept the contest from being a Uatlaoa affair by aeortag a tawchdown In the eacoud'quarter aad bolding the marines scoreless la tka eaooad and fourth periods. Monty after tka opedlag of the first period, the collegian* aaaesod throe poiata when Jamas booted a field g*al from tM to.yard line. - s_ I0H: IRAK DODIU ' CKLKBRATIOI ROME. Nor. 11—(0V-Celebration c< Acm int ice Day at Rome was lews than that of any atbarctjpprt af'’H»s' allied nlßone inasmuch e« itqjy cele brated her own Armistice Day on November 4, aad also because today la Kina Victor EmmanueTe birthday with Mthufttaiu discuaeioa of the poMibinty of uolitofcoro laadiag a iMc* la the ntw aeoocletlon. Many jrero hoard to »*y that they would beej the Bright Belt propoeitlon. That Kinuton hgh definitely with drawn from the Virginia League, »aM the Klnitoa New* Leader jrea teoday. and that within the uit two week* a new loagno wttt ho formed of oaatera Carolina citioa waa made pnhlla hy E. B Vann, organiser of tho now league yeatordny. Kotnrning Irani Oroenahono whom ho attended n meeting of tho Piedmont L*egne of*' flciala. Mr. Vann atntod'that Kinaton could not enter the Piedmont leagdejl (CftUtnad n Pa* * ‘ •- •' .*i 'SfcJ The Aasoeimtedl Prtas rmcannamm LION IS ADDED » TO HERMAN PARK i ‘ NOw Roy Put* to Upkftag *•%&**** m MBM Y Residents as tba Pwfc.Qld* «rtg| were eornawkm defeated tM rthdf morning when the eecHpn waa ahafeMl by tka *ogr « a Hen. Agate tM roar rug tkaough tea mite, aal ad l« tie pastry, . What wap itt Tbo Mg H*o whisk ta the MM* addition ta tea Jtrtau MM Manage rie Boperinlepdent Jbay 0. Barter mg# my| | nlaMf otem^ (terete te let Mm hgve * tepfr Mbs toe the. winter. Alter the owners of tka tea* had gtodn a leak te the way tg white; N». . Barter has provided tor tka apphjkn as Ms iso, they at sous agreed ta lot tea lie* step kart lar tMjghdai'. _ hsM it ha nkie te M« a mV* •» tea itan aaap»H>H tela oteter/* spil llr, Bartnr yiyjif. <• ,i A-y-S-jj. MeM'l* '* ° Oflldil>orrt prim* is to ha gtoaa g» Oity mimher from New MtetoaXpaoitliy tor tkp JTbc will g# I ;** %'i I*' 1 *' * T"' * Awik Catena* IwMitol ago. Duks-atnta fastball game at Dwhiat returned tonight to tog MPtoßg M* slew end baaunst. ‘imlailnu L r oral first year man ini# tea aammd *' year class aad tM asyMl of BMpr* Ban tea mate Mrtßtoa earned nut ihie warning, “ * B - «M #. Bdwanf Wlttfard, Durham d atriott BMrwaiod EUtagtoa. Fnye*(cvil|a dlptriat: Pfril flelda, Raleigh dM riot| tM»j/ liannan ■ total. —Vr_ iMjf j o« trial. Dr ,X f . re* Btoauart «f Duke tiattenteb RM tee prtacU pal epaukar at tM aaaivenato as tkd hoard of education * *Jeaggk a Mean. Christina gentlemen*,’ man (M tkama Os hla address. —wt M'ean » re HHUIW rg NORTODK, Va„ Nov, poreosa met death and ***JljfcjJJJl accideate neur here tg||f ( , naM* U nil so. ore was killed a«|K, fe4oP«*n and Edward Aahly Wagg 4hHteMß» hte crate poet on tM VtfßMfeMNHlt M*. lererd lu a deaae tog. UMtot^gßji ..