PAGE TWO TUBBV^ / Aa>. <Ht MOM \ | IjBH I CAKTX I PLEhSr J IpH J6o OUT Tc PlhV "i I V j | dAll? I‘M T|CfeD " ■ j OFP«hr.Tl3uu MiV ■ <-H.e music tessoo « u □ \ mom, / i ■ 1 I— ~ J L* ■ . .V jj ' m** » .% ... ■ ' r - I The Santa Cruise - (By Allot* Merry Stall Ofre*i"*td enti » HOARD &ANT\ CLAM* •ThrHrtUM'” N* * 17 — < With a tong awiMiplut glxi.. Die 1 Christine loomed ijov ii ftym "i •<>r , . and landed nt *»>* Government air dome In August a, last-ev*liln* about k-45 lilch winds u 4 irtonn* which, yre enponntered about Huy nill»*ai north Ot tfaU city. put .Ml* wlrelo-tjM f Mutiny net out of comtnt-ndou. so w* \rer«* tniable lb »eb«l * f**po£t taut j tn*b’ idtHrltonh ’i ’eoyspleicd repair* <>n the break. Which wk* only h mtn-j or one. Hits morning. and the hi# tlitp w mar In lierili in <we of tin lit ye «hfd« im the flying field. . After spending the nluhtSt tln> Gilmore, w# awoke early thl* murn mg ai t! vpetjJ nu hour or two wait -0 In# around nut) looking nvwtjhe large ■£ haUdlu;;* and store* Then, after »•? | 11*4, lull! breakfast. tt veral call* were made a* the court bouse library; Othet; tr.»li!u(iiiii« The waj Ihim t art* lonMo# to me. title Cbristma* I* ralntt to In* JuM a* Jttyoue ami i-lMterfttl lit those lu the pn*l Halt! t « (’’laus, or Sterling. sent »n order to ■ hi* let-lory jq Hllsrifr thi* moriiltur: Which f.nllfU fin e. vei ,H'i ii'Mnnhil dolls, untie, toy car*. ball*. a**orted fame*, and many more lot* of diff er*## khif.jt of toy* ' How they wHI 1 »*.tr he tartud out by Chrlslm** Kve I tou t imagine. liut Sterling mat In two week* the writer will I* «t|letf Tm|p* M» ha loed*! on the phtnas. 2 » r.rzrr rfe# \A mi We will probably rentaln here an other day or two before continuing on Booth With our unit main atop to be Atlanta') Santa flam l»* ..coliik to- Maeou tonight, where he will spend the d» v lontoirow, while 1 am t« re main here, and look after the |>l*u* (Teraonal to the lid It or Tell Mr. M L Hl*|k who |N * mem her of the I » 0 „ "W • • , 6 * ° r «( C?S* *, . « * It’s Not Strange % . ‘ v 'o ? that farmers feel at home here from - ,»• o th“ev.ery start as wehave always taken. an active interest in everything per-, tainmg td the farm. *“ v M , ’ Ah a result we not only understand farm conditions, but may be found in - sympathy with will * « make for greater and more lasting y “. ) • . <v . \___ *: - , 4 ...... pro.spty ity ori tljy fa^rn. *• *> * • % * The National Bank 01 Goldsboro SAFETY AM) ACCOMMODATION G. A. NORWOOD. Prea, THOS. H. N()HWOdD. (oHhiar V*y ii we have, ween deter* al the ’t.iu tiN Ueorcta. |mni<. I m n uny t ‘ » ■I ■ v P. dr». I.lonel Hell tihes Hevlew H*t fealtetlciUh ilhl Mr*. Monel \\.-U refle* Haul tireeu » "In Ahra t «iiT* Uot-oni" yewteidny uiornina n< the meet In# of tm> Uteratur* Depnrt , meiit of tin- Woman'# club that her audit'nrr loft with her the depth* ot ilbe irmceily «t the 'mUtry'" Alira j katn. part nepro amt part white, who tried to lead out of laiiorivuce Jits I |K*(»ple, who did not care to Ih* lead 1 ] Ami then the pernoiiul traKedy* of 1 AtmrbamV life. Mr* Well hrouuht nut inoHt polsnuntly «* "he reminded i hei hearer* that Green"* play hu«f the te-eeweary eleiueula of Greek tra ed> anilt inn! piinlahmeut lommen enruruje .vltli the rilllt j Mm. II W Tuttlr lead In an lo |e: etilnk* fuahlon two poem of i'trl San<l bum a The K«lp“ ami "The Harbor' . 0 v • 0 • Aniiiiiiiii etiient wax tnude that at ; the iieit ineptln* of thla depnitmont on |h . • inlmr 1 (V K Wilkin*. ■ rice chairniHit ams awretary of the wnutd Ittedtt** Bom* Modern I‘oelry". The ntudy of ppelry i if Riven a worth while iliaciinmloii . t Mr Wilkin* prealded at till* meet inii >e*t*rd»y Sprain Tkt* I venlu# ° Mr*, I'hmle-i A Hop, HehlMec rein]’ utr the Nnlloti«l I'oilßrMh of I'iireuU mid Teio Uee*. will deliver an ‘ nddrea at the <'immunity memorial j'building thl* rVenlnß at k o'clock. M» -1(... ~uiiex under the.-auaptie* ol the b«al parent teaeliera aawortu- Hon* and official* of thene uroup* Ulg« a ipr#e nlremlame ut the Hath erliiK thla evetllllK. ' Hrlffhl Jewel iia/aar A huaaar wdll In- put on by the Itrlghi Jewel* ol St. I’aul Methodlat church on Saturday at, to o'l lm K hi tin* morulihdr Tbl* will Im* held in the hullillliK formerly nc chpliwi in in- \v h CoMi, on Wai LMSOhiV AX ■— s ‘KV f G 0»« MEW! \ iX j MOM, OOStkD MfMJ l CikO —— - nut atn-et. Mr* John IV MtH#*tnn and Mr* John II Ifawjey wl*h to remind all who have donation*, for Ihe haiaar to »etid them lu today a* i hoy mum he marked and put up lu lime for the opeutn#. Buy your i-nke* for Suudny ut IIU*, Iniuimi I'rnjer I Irrle* T« Kerf Service cirri* will meet with Mr*. H. U. Uulou«< tomofcow afternoon nt 4 o'clock. l,oa»f*r, Mr*. Nora John- Mlll Turk Ann*a Circle will meet with Mia* Hullle l.ttca* lomorrow *fUr mtnh at St3o o'clock, leader. Mary Rllcaheth Rally Be Ready (Trele will meet with Mr*. W B Hlaekniuii. Bha-umh at met at S:UO o'clock tomorrow af * t> - . ternooti. Lender Mra. Hndy William Btreet Circle will meat with Mr* .Victor F'ate. Konw«ay •tree! at 4 o'clock tomorrow after noon. Leader Mr* J M Mitchell North George Street Circle will meet with Mr* Sidney Creech to morrow fternoon ut 3 • .In o'clock U»tl*r. Mr*. Joel l*gwer». Hnlted Prayer Circle win meet with Mr*. O. L Roae tomorrow e»e tilng t 7:30 o’o.loik. Ijeader, Mr*, flattie Krlaler. A Sunday School t la«« Hill Neel Teabrht The #lrl’a rvlaa* of the.. Klrat Flap tlal Sunday achool of which Mra J. \V. ITlnee fa teacher wtl] meet to -666 T If a prpxerlpefou lor (’okK (irippe, Flu. Ikenßue. IliliouN Fever and MaUria. It bills Ike Rena*. • *> 1 ifti > *> * A M«‘ssajn* To Men The thoufhnul and ittnaiderate man makes a real effort to pkjawe hia fam ily and friends. He may not want a portrait of himself hut they do. 4 Jan* a few moment* of yn«r time and we will hare a rarieri»U<- portr.ia® a happy ftnrprlae for the family a personal gift for friend*. » > * ' 1 Hlltlnfa at night by *|>o< lal appointment, < t r . 'i The Clement Studio NWS 281 - v • V •*) . __ . ■ \ .. - I , WANTED 2 Boys 1 Must have wheels and riser - i j Apply Mr. King, Saturday morning IB A | before 6 A. M. "'HI 1. -L I ■ 'll l |i« 1 ra« ooLPSBOao wiwa —r •Ut »nik iHbMiFUt \)| WEi | vubste or moo tv. wef \ V4MJC iPEIOT FIFTEEN! f J Oou/W Oh# woua ■ m 1 9 tk X teeioMi njoo »oow J SfUt THEM OP/ ■light at the home of Julta May Mau ey at 207 Went Mulberry *t reel • a j It. A. K. Neel* Today The local group of the Daughter of ti’C .‘.nerlnen llpfolutloti will met- 4 t hi* afternoon at 3 lit *1 the home < f a Hlrthday-tioll I’arlv Whyn Mr. Kenneth KI only return rd fr«Hi» ht* afternoon golf Wed new duy ufleriiooii. ke w»* quite aarprU ed to find a number of bin goffing friend* gathered at the apartment Mr*. Klnlay had tukau him by aur prlae and arranged u dinner In c-ele- of hi* birthday to which de votee* of the Scotch name were in vited. After congratulation* had been ex tended. a moat dellcloti* luncheon was,, nerved, conalaltu# of cbickeu wslkul. aaltlnea. pickle*, olives. *alte<l nuta. mint*. Ice cream, the birthday cake and hot coffee. Mr. Finlay prealded with hi* en*- tomyy grace of manner over the cutting of the cake but was a little reticent In eexard to the "counting of the candle*. - ' The reception room* mid dining If WIONHi TO m I Money to loan: Real I ■ Knlnte I.twtnH m a d c ■ ■ promptly. With or with- ■ fl uul curl ailment of prinri- ■ ■ pal. Sixty per cent of ■ m valuation. Phone 1213. ■ I C. K. BIZZELL I E 215 E»»l W.l»nl SI. Rj There’* Strategy In Hi* Logic. f~ itTsot MUIMVTUO'X MOtttV TD&tUEO? \ . -the lemows. rrs SfiMW M«oW- MvatJK MDU> HUCM S [Wb \ Hoaeirt) co*tie TT/r'J j ‘ • wm**»dßw-e... . . • room ware Iwiautlfnlly adorned with i-hryannth«nium* and Hit- dining table waa k>w*ly wltl, ibe birthday d«* or- I'lloiM) of flow.ra. mint* and eandla*. an tbouahtfnlly arranged by Mr* Finlay. Thnae prenaHl to enjoy the ji-venlnc MaiitrfT'X T. Brown. Kaaley K 81 arena, Abram Well, W. 1* Fradetieh, and Ilr, T. B. Ileiiderann PERSONAL MENTION Mr* 8 B Berkeley, 6t the laler Apartment I* rlxiitiyt her mother, Mr* A M Hall in Loulabunr Mr*. Jamea Hiuie underwent un operation at the (iiddelmro Hospital today. ». Mr, Krfieal Dewey of Whltevllle has returned lo hi* home after u Visit of a few day* to relative* In thl* city • Mr. and Mr*. Arthur Schiff of Atlanta bare returned home after ht end!nr several day* In the city wilhimlatUr* *l*ter and brother in-law, Mr ami Mr*. 11. E. McDer mon Friend* will reciet to team that 4 WHICH IS ~ ~ A. H. Handley Motor Co. ■> ■['* x) SI * of these wonderful used cars, of j fifing, hunting, and all other out- ( b are made more pleasant, if you it d used car that you can depend on, J i where ever you wish to go. ] al Good Car at a Real Low Price j See Mr. Ira Hood at the Jsed Car Hot Dog Place ;y Motor Co. id Ash Streets * T* y ~X v — ■ - - ■■ ■— ■ - ■ - \ OC ' \ A ReaP\ \. i X \TireService\ I I S. &. L. TIRE CO. J ; Dlst rihutortr of AJAX—“The Tif*e That Never Hre*r j FRIDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER VL liW Mil J H Burk* I* A P»< t '’ ul a * (loldsboro Hospital. Mr*. H. B. Parker and Mr* j Onion l*e ara- upending !b« day In ! Raleigh today. ■, j ANNOI Xt’KMENT , I I vlah Io announce that I have with drawn front tho firm of the J. jft 3. Battery t’»., of O<dd*boro a* I found -It conflc rd kith iny public duti*a. E. If. JOYNER N. C„ Nov. 3, 1927 TASTY MEATS AT fAtiTV PRICKS - Vf'"'} , Sink your teeth into one of our.lusclous'ateaka. You , will want to repeat the experience. We Suggest: Sirloin of llcef. Porterhouse Steak, Duck, Shoukler of Veal. Hamburger Steak, Ix)in of Pork, Bacon. Chib Steak THE PURE FOOD MARKET i:S4 N. John St. Phone Hit t iy\ —is the • right price * to pay for a good toodi paste — USTERINB TOOTH PASTB Large Tmk * 25'

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