—weather Fair Saturday. Sunday Increasing cloudless* and warmer. 11. A., ./■ ; ** ' % ~ / VOLUME SIX; NUMfSER 2*4 Annual Conference Os Holiness Church Under Way With Local Church Gtuad J. H. King Preorhed Opening Service last Night BUSINESS SESSIONS WILL START AT t A. M. TODAY Dcv«ti«Ml Service Tenight and On Sunday fMbxdonurv C ; Here • • ——— Service sacrifice and honor, were the term* Which Rev. J. H. King of 1 Franklin (Springs, On., emphasised lut evening in preachiug a sermon wbleh opened the annual confersnr« of Eastern North Carolina Hollnexu church with the tocni church on OaS >4reel. About 100 ministers and rtel-> Katel representing t*3 church in thin •eellon had arrived lad nljrfit for the opening A number of oth ers will cento today. l.easoiu. drawn from he 'live* of Martha. Mary ad i.-ixuru.», ns relate 1 lu the IStk chapter of Ht. Joliu fi'H' lUod Mr. King with Mr. isJag will cull the rotifer me* together at 9 ffYlnr.k tl>HH>"irulnt( for the ln<hi ni in? of thu business „«e«- t lona. First Item on the program >• the appointment of committees to have * [large of the ..dacHtlonal service to I?) held at the church thla erenldrc at «:$> and op Huudny. "Mr. Hint; preside* over the soa s!|ins of the ooafefeeaeo liy virtue of Fio tact that he fa general npertn t«ndent of the church In Hi's part of the country. Rev. J. 11. Turner Is on Interest-” lug figure uttendhir the conference. Hr, and Mr*. Tamer ore l*a <-k hi Ajmerlea after six years spent nt Ilthar. Indian, an mb sloliarh-H Mr the Illness church, hunnt on fnrluuili, Mr. Turney a'nntlve of Georgia, will, address the conference at ntjmc ses tkm he lore it aomptaeteii on Monday. —H —: - U. S. CHAMBER REPRIMANDED J2> \ Cooiidg* Says tom merer Or gaailgUon Seeking Serve Own Ends Entirely ' t , ‘ v *’ WASHINGTON, Nov. IS—</P)—Reit eration by the Chamber of Commerce of the United State* that the jtroepec tire reduction In taxes should reach - *400,000.000 drew- emphatic crltklmt today from lb«r "White Honse, No doubt was le|t that President jCtiol- MrfC la decidedly displeas'd with the chamber's view that then* would ha no cause for alarm even If a treasury deficit were Incurred. - It woa explained at the t'hll* jjhiukc that President Cooildae con shlera nothing eaore absurd than the suggestion that the government great ly Increase Ita etpemllturtw and at the same time r.du'c* - ttfxe*. Qffktsls cf the Chnmbcr of t’ont norce. It was asserted on f" Kdrftge'a b -half, are trotting around I** various gevernim-ot departments seeking n» * Inrgs expendllurea as pouslble for flhs project* In favors and at the same - time clamoring Mr tax reduction far tb exceea of what both the treasury and the house ways and mcans.Vom mltteu has deemed advisable. ' " _____ * * Negroes Given 6 Months More For Breaking Jail WILMINGTON. Nov. 25. negroes who wire caught following a, wholesale df livery from the Ne’e IfatKvor coiitt'-y stockade loot Mon dny night were before U 'eurcwr lla* - - rha today and %ere given udSiluonal si-r' gionth* souieuecs. Thn charge of dltfniini on automo ho:rd after tl*e eaplntlon of the seu l shoes they are bow serving. Off c cA f9t fBrWW d’-hcr ronvicU trite escaped. Hit-And-Run Drivers * Get Prison Sentences WASHINGTON, NV. C., Nov. IV td*V-doe (I. llauta and Jutnes flur _rua of Hyde county, today were »om teuced to three to four years In prl sou each by Judge Moore In Superior Court on Manslaughter charges. Both men pleaded gulUy- to km in : and tustautly killing Mrs. J. D. Bul lock gad leaving her on the highway MM fc*F« SiMM® Vfferlug asaiaUaoe s % .... ' „ . 4 ■ ; * THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH-READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. i. t v - ■ ' ; t 0 r .i, •' r CAPPER EFFORT IS DISCUSSED ■“ ,o 1 CaoUdice Dock Not Think War Trwity l*oßt»ihlc I'nder Constitution WASIIIN ITON. NOV 23—OP)—Anx ious to discuss With World pnwen;* I prQpUaaU tor thu iruLlaalng us war, I’rwsldcni CVilldgc feel*, nevertheless tbnt the Constltmioii us the Unit* d States present* a uer|»u,> difficulty In tb« way of a hiudlug treaty. It waa reeslletl today at 4b-* VVWte llouse tlmt the coustltutlon places wlih congress the responsibility of declaring wari Mr. (Violldste b* !levca corig re.-ts <ll4llOl. therefore, lie d -prlv ed of this power by any treaty but he docs tlilrtk tlmt a treaty expression a declaration of policy is posslhl”. The president said he would like to dlscUos such trraitle with other' na tions* liclli ring that k’ksl would com,' ( from on the stibJiM-t, However, he docs not see the nay for u general conference of the iiathnis on thu subject or* outlawing wkr. If treaties use to be negotiated I o thinks they should lie made seper'- nti-ly lie!wecu governments, GRANGE FORMS FARM PROGRAM T . 1 Resolutions Kc*Affirm . Stand Thai M Export Debenture Plan 4 ’ Satiefadory ri.KVei*ANU, O, Nov. SUM**!- - Tive Nat lennl Grange cl<jp*d it* OM-1 1 nuil convention here today after a-lop ting resnlutloiis dlrei tail tu cougr.vaa to redfflrating Its position that th* "Export debenture plau” is the only round and workable way t<» achieve farm relief, favoring nn Increaae In 1 the tariff on com. demuudliiK a tariff . commission in vest! wet lon on «mk>l ex ports anil asking appropriations for ait extensive program of fundamental research by th<* il«pnrt»n-iil of iiki!- culturp. ■** | The farm relief report was drhyn up by a special comroittoe lie idl'd by the president of the Indian (trudge , _______ *. iMust Do Something: To Conserve Yeung: Timber HALKIUII. N«v. 125 Some thing mart lie done ..to prevent lha of saerificlur timber of im mature gv.sfih in order U> avoid taxes that accumulate upon It every year by rutting It down, before It jrcJches It* pror»r growth, A. J. Xlaiyvyll, clialnnnn of the Mate tax commlsslm hdllevis. One of-the liio->t inau.rdiate prob l*’ins before the com Ink*? ion in study I* licked with prcaerrhtlon of valu able timlier resources, hr say, "The commiaslon hope* to. make an iumtiration of this type of tax »t: n," ho added. . ■* TAX AIK IV AIIMUIS VIKNnJF Nov 25. 4^- ’Chair warnicr.i’’ln Mcnnu's numcrou . cof f v luuoes art* to bo tax'd -xJiout Hr cciils an hour. The tax has been decided upon by Mlnh;tge--qf I'limucc Kieabock, who ban b«en for new sources j oT stale ineomii. Mattress 111 Which Negress Hid Money Burns With House • * - f>clla Wilson, nfrri s of South* ! .h^6T r %iia !V -.|lßeJ»iw4,.?r.RrW^aT«-i -I’-veu- niri—vwyew -wrr-'frowey. T: ** * - didn't pnt much floprßdem . in bgnV« Uifitf-d b"f. W*> tho- mattress in tho I><’l room, a Hitlo bit htrv, another wad there, tb • sti ver ami K -’ld iu nn? pile, th" bills “11 another. \ . a . Ye.terduy while she aud her daugh ter wale away frum homo. Cano s. of undetermined origin. oriyinate.cMn ihu fiont purl of the house aud liaj til most enveloped the (.troetitfu when discovered. The mattrecs whh-h did douhl.’ duty ns a bank and as sleep ing furniture offired fine material for tho fire. Della was almost frantic whop she arrived and at owe urged the flreuieu to have the mattress U' thsy saved nothing else There wan Lu gll |ST3 stowed ip tho uiaUrts*. J 1-+ - -4': -A : GOLDSBORO, N. C SATURDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER UIM S- SOPER TAEKS ON AMBITION Thlls Ncicro Tcuchem Grow th of Character is Greatest -, Success - » ■■ 1 "Ambition” was ihs snliject ol an eloquent address delivered by l»r, l.dmur.d I• Soper, Doan of the Echool <4 Ki’ltglon «t Duke I'nivers jl'y before the State As>sembly of Negro Teacher* and many whit v visit).rs nt the Dillard High School AudUotiuni In this city on Thur day evening. Dr. Sopi’.’ said that people arc afraitl of ambltlcn aud that it has undoubtedly brought ruin In mpny gw*, ui for lu*.tanrc. to Jul' Caasrr and Napoeon, yet. he »«ld. pot on* man has succeeded In being gnat or goo,| If ho did not have imbillou which led him inlo higher liars. Dr r Fob ns an illikitia tion. that Jesin rtirl t. wlifu lie aaw ihc kingdoms of h’fx world from the mountain top. xj is ■ consumed -with ambition' to r. ake them his own which ho did. though not in the yuy suPK.frU’d by Hie tempter. "All of us who do unythiug go to a mountain top and sen the lulnd’i* #se oiop Mod of kinxdont and decide t>i make it otiri own. It hiny he n UlnAmn of !.•«)'hin of husineax, of iiiediclue. vs Music, ttc. On - tuiur. t«n‘ Is your duty to <h” Iniys rnd girls you i.acli U to a- WBkcN Ilf fir in tile power I V renllxo their lat> nt iMuw’bi itlr-'. No mulh Ifmakts uo dilfe ei.t,; ho*v great he Is, ever bcciuue bit iff thitp he sera ihhiiHwif lu the do)} us Ids yoaih, 'i>u'i| you may Ins aide In i.ai?.' the fisc cf your pupils to Is? Kotneifitaf I Worth while In life. Ambition Is iiim Gihl’s greatest gift* mi l ought to lie guided Mid directed... Another thing h that Jesus Christ learned that the only wgy we «uii work net gu nu. bet ton la mr.'r to I surrender U» anything but the hlgh t*.t and Iks-1. ’lhisre irn'i a. Rian Pos'-tssed with atubitlon lint that has teniptathn* do something wrong to win success, nud In' mi lonrhtug we should hurr a high aenip c»f honor. One temptation to most leachcia Is to bluff the pupils lo y rot end to know more thin you do .kahw. ‘ Ahm dou'i fjul jmai pupils that way. They will respect you more if yon ray hnnwtly T don't know'’. ' The great!’*A success is In srowth of character. te?i| It 'it our duty to lie|p our pupils to u high MOifc of koherty. of f'hrlhtltkmcs'. fArery thing we'do In any line mlust rc.-uR 111 chsVot’ler nr It is u failure. Your profession *1 a lainlslry. It is to ra'se up men and women, glvs„- tug them ambition to live up to the highest they Itnow. It gives y 11 a responsibility than which there is no greater In the world.” Minister’s JJ<idy To Lie fn Htate Trid^) OVCIIAHKST. Nov. (,F)—AmUI every sixn of National. grli«f and mourning the body of I’rrniler iirvt— lanu wn* (emored today to the I’nl nve Mhere It will lie In state until his Juneral Vum^iy. Despite wintry weuther the public flocked rg^yjf iitly to review /the re mains 0/ the d”.id official for he rci'o'gn'seil its n jlrcal plftrhd, frven that_upf>ios'il ht* gen'-r il policy.. The pr<4* of all sliadau of opinion voii’es profouiul grpd over 11 he man who had dominated Unman ian policies So long. Asrlstint t. Iruf (itiricy i|Uoted her •» •if J, ".keir .» 'Vjjk •> “ - ’iy»- fuwtir i)flrur t 'rcwn',_f "*in .-r end smhc gold monky.” lie ui ~1 «».(.• j,]ak -est -WO other Aad of paper bills wo found. When we left she was still neretdh ing cbout- hunting In the rulnv f>r tb« niOMey, hoping to tl»d some mu ' of -It,” Me. Hurley had not learned tlie\vxact amount which h'd It - n recovered. The dwelling bouse, owned by 11. (>. Thompson. Was bad!) 'damage 1 by Lite fire. I- Was estimate,] that the (ianiwre was between and II M'hlls the lire alurui -hJS hffil imiii . cd several time tho pa§t few duy b this blare cand more dama;« than In the pant few weoip During Octo ber Hr,, loss for tin city «tt only ?m TEACHERS JiND | SESSIONS HERE N«grru ToaTkerx AimocUiion Hidw ( harlulle Per Next . Millin' O* 1 (Hy CV N. HUNTER! ' For. The News The third tiny us the Negro Teach ers Araocintiou added (|tlite a number j of nan luetnbdis to ih-v *regi*trUtah, bringing up thg enroUiueaT to uoarly | liHW. The iH‘*t ;ik w w a* great 'oik and will K<> d fru in lii|for) at such great la uWpikrr*; g.eat in the thoughts pr»*« ’I bj great sh dk rgt Th c < pen Lxa Fd howplla Uy, of <hr alien hearted peup> uf,Goldah<m» has, also teen gieut Th.> we ther, too hx* been gnat. Had a special order been pat in, ihfc weather man could act have provided more pe tad daya. The close* j»t tbl* sew ilon leavea Treat imp-eshioa* wh rh will result in urvat, uchlev) incut* 11 "the tojuing yc. r*. _ ; 0 A* oil tU« p evkiiu day the morn ing hours of tha third day were speut in tect'onal mes lags In whh-h schao: problem:, were broughf) hoiue 1. th’* teacht-rn by exm- Is. - UtrruouH Sev»ie« Th< nftci npo* iftsx'un opened w 'th deviauHiai cxcrmsai a> !l «clock, Dr. luck-on Darla Jif -thc 0 ne.al Edi - catli:i llourd. Rhhmond, \a„ being the speaker: lir. Davis mule an formative rn: vey of the work of k'rh rr edi.cutimi ampng aegroea lu North Cnrotlna and In Use Houth. Hu wias llsfene,; to with rtaxe attention and deep Interest. Bishop O. C. riemeai* being picsont. *« called up<'n and made a htlrrimt udd 'ss. Hepoeu cf comuiltlcx s were submitted and dis poned of. Hnal roport, including n rt’|M>rl i,f lira public m-couutant. wav submitted and nppmved. (Smmitiee on pomhtaiioaa report ed uv omuicnding Aije r. -electiou 'f ull U c prescui ufflcers ns* follows, was undnluionsly adopted’ F,oxidant Dr. fi. c. Adkln», tMnston* R.lem idliur ; vlc« prvsi dent Dean W. S. Turner. Hhaw I'ni verstoy; seciotary. I’rof. F., 4. Rog ers, i’tabody School, Wlliirttwrtoo; TraoM.cr. Dr. It. L. Mdtorjr, prcal deul J hn C. Smith Cnlvernßy. Char ,otie; cor»«K|>ondioK secretary, i*rof. J. Vs. Seahrook. Ktate NuiomJ. Se.h'M‘l FayetUville; coHtulttuu ou time ahel pluco of next meet lug aubmlited It* r#l*ort, MtbtnUllnp Tkursgiy before EasU'r Suudjy. IJJD.a* the time, nnd Charlotte us the place, of thu next meeting. The r<’p> rt, aftdr aome dlv cnsiion, was adopted. Other reporti were submitted nnd approved. ,Msht Se**i»n The night m:‘*lou o.cnvd yroh-gf ly at 5 o’«-lt>ck In the prercnce of a picked hotmo. Christian Poldiers w ;>» s A»g by th- audience with svt and f'pt It. I'raycr was oft'ered by Rea. J. A. t'otleu. cf Hen derson. A spiritual was aeudered. i'hr which Mr*. J. 8. MeKimmon. home (irmimatratlon for North Caro lina. was introduced and delivered a Hoe’ address oh JioitarkMgylng and homomokiug. th«> iinpcit aticib of 4001 environment in llte p'"- motion of rood habits ami good charact r. Dr Mofdccai \Y. J(din‘on, prisideut f Howard t'uher.'My. was .next speaker. " I bellw* 'ln the ri>ut*v w •* baie only begun. I ballet* in flip wondetftil itod r lhltltk's of the Smith e.rn Htates.'’ Tin liudK' t for ill noal juar «a< pV. -nt*d„tnd approved. The report of committee-’on irso luilons w»» submitted and approved Alt. Bi.d'i n .1 vol > iff I hanks v.isdpi dered »he tflty jirnts for it) generous niautf*otnt*on of sympathy and thg lilceinl wjtat— given to the"publh-stloti of the doins?i of the Aisociutkm. On l.totlou tho u»*ociatlon udj utn cd kini’ die. Held Under Bond Annoying J. R. Straton tug, lift any t».<.. ■ ould bo sitswre t.i an .effort to shake thr religious on-., ufc-ttnsw .Os tit* iiltw- gisOm fttSß* : -"X SB tr.ttglhtfaie fod.i ordered <*H:«r|ei builth held hi '..'W bull for annoying the pastor with ungodly lllrr.ilurc^ The dvfi'mlai.t who Is president’of tho Amsrlenu Assoc la Uor for the ud vaacement of uthelsm said that hl» cbjeet lu rending the various publi cations lo (he rundonieiitalist p.olor was lo convprt him to atheism. \FH YOKh’w IH-NITHT I M»KI(- (.1(01 Ml Hl'Ol IS TIMES Stjl llil NEW YORK. N0v.|.23- >.l’) - The busiest umlurgraund* spot .In New York I* the Times P.piare subway. Nearly |Jl,6(W.oov fares were collected in a year the ‘rsro-it company reports >Jr - .. j PRISON RIOT IS PUT DOH N ft Eleven Killed und .11 Injured in 20 Hour Battle At Prtaon .a,--... FOidtU.tl. Calif.. Novtt Zb ii¥) - i than 100 Innuite. of Folsom 1 i>< mi eat law.. the harlwAiux pla<u of . I' two Hmr liau’r:." upprartd to reallxc’ the tkilral defiance of the lew Is just as da&gcrxuui inside pr'aoU Wails as outside This realism km eairsud a surrender of the emhattli-d convict* wt a 2ti hour /1 il'* b» forces of the law iiupshsrtni: a thousand, reuniting the death of - II mfn. two of them prison guards and the -wonudhtg of 21 men. The con- , riel* staged their riot wßbtn the j «tt-H of tfii-Ir «>ellhoB»e. The rmrtyndcr was brought abou' by fear llul rlflea„would be.fired Into tho cell houkc «m»d the Mgvirt*, the rioters udmlMud. REPORT REMI'S IS FOUND SANE j —. 0 Alieniali* Have Hubmltled Their FindingM to Cincinnati Court „ 1 t INI INNA'TTI. 0 . Nov. 25 (if*!—Tbs tir 1 ~#rt nth iilats appointed to pa»*3 eM the mental roiidtllon of Oeor»c j Remus filed u •p.-rthU report lodav, and the rumor spread tbnt they hod I derided ho w •« kane. w huti hr idiot a id { killed his wife here IsM Oetiihcr fi I ami sane, now «k lie stand* ids life. * ' 1 U wa* the ontalandiug development i In a day which brought tertlntnuy I aualust Hiohii* hy his staler. adoptc I Camditer and brofUer-ta-law. Mrs. GuDrtol Rytrson. a slater| w It,) lin* lived In hW Itame here sine ’ last May admitted that whmi he left j home for the nutomoWle ride wM*-h ended In the wlaytnß af*hh» wKe. ehn had a feeWf? that' lomethlhg waa go ing to happen. Bhe also testified that she had re ceived a report through her husband of the., Remus shooting shortly after It happened and Intentionally had misled detectives. Thu report came from ilium lie Watxun. Remus' aecre tary mentkmed by the atate a* one ol the four Including Remus, who planned to <d*y Mrs. Remus and cov er np the conspiracy. Wake Forest Saddened By Death Dr. Johnson 4 WAKE DDItKHT. Nov! 25.—. CH - j Thr death of Dr. Ww. Jqlfnton of th« Wake Forest firalty In a ftuthurf cd ton lumpli'vl, cast a gloom over tin* eot're town. . ''News of the ihnth of Dr. JohfP .*on,” tlorlared Pr siilcnt F. P. Gala»s, "tfcni us not only iw u terrific shock 1 but also ax n great grief to the col- j lege community* Hit passing consti tute* a greet blow to the eo'lege. for his Mcbolarphlp nnd his gifts for' arouslitit 1 nihn.-'lsstlc reeponac on the part.) of studrutr, hr was successful |as a leather.” College officials will gu to Itale'gh tomorrow to take charge of the body. * _ _ , • * MAI E.MTKK I’ll;IlMOUT . Dl IdIAM Nov. (4v-fh* |H»a sihlllty that Norfo'k anil Ulihtnond weuld niter tin- Piedmont baseball league next seison. muking it an ' eight 1 lob clrcut uppearsil here to day- ut 11 s|SPrtai meeting of the' lua- Imiv directors attended by Norfolk rind ill< lti< oud flub i-vm-ie. -Wk, .... -■ - ■ mtmtt lA—iv ■< m -'—.a a—*.. mm ■ - « Oil Outfit Ordered Sold; , Plan Resumption Drilling Cl.lNTfi'. Nov 25 Work at th r *. 'fSßssp- -*r -'i-'k.'A'-*-''* <w ' & *rttsßtrt .. w/.-.* 4 . - amt avtssaMg—.r,.. ;-a2 ajt "■**-. - tiren-nilß)«'lidufl tur 'tie past fOU,' „ muiWhil, v tjt lifob ild;. be rgtUlmfd -dry Wn “*h * jptsr fflftftfflT rftiflr hope ahd of the t.’ua*«H| .uni those who have aided him In tho management ft thu vsntara here. The drilling rlif. t'rfils, ary, I certifk’UtiiX of interest In the pro ject 1 lib li huve Is 111 lu the band* of the drtllltt,; <x>nt raelera. Maw is. Orr and Wherry, will b* said liy the theiiff at publte snlu ou Monday, lta rember 5. at the court house here. That move. It Is b-llrvcd. Is tha Pint (•uo necessary to get Hilugs lined up for Hie i-e«um{iU<‘«i ot drilling opera tions. Tho rig and equipment la being eold under n court order, granted last ' week when the drillers failed to make Three Members Ot One Badin Family Die From | Poison Battery Fumes GROSJEAN TRIG 1 WELL RECEIVED V 1 Opening: tyceum Number Spon sored by Kiwanbt Chib l» or Hi*h Order - • . i ' Whal w*» said by tnsuy to have I been tbs lines? musical treat r j ln-*rd or seen In (loldsboro. «h the j Uni>|—« Marimba-Xylophone Trio .i.'ccirt prof3nt.il id tbOl'ajroe Coun ty Memorial commau’t) butidlnx hot jvmlng, under the auspices o f the to- C-.1 KTvsnl* club. The Irto were HWr'“ «ntod to tl»e MMHtMtt by Mr. Kmuk Ti.ylnr, president i>l the Goldsboro Alwaotau*. Mr. Taylor, tn Introduc ing the art (an eaplaln.’d that what •mJlf* veers made on the,,. concert would be donated by the Klwanl* etui, to soato irortby cause. such as the rttrt Frontn or smaethlng of the like ••■lure. The first number of the delightful pr >aram rendered by these wonderful urtlata Inat evening was n warrli, ployud by tho entire trio. TW sail fence stared In raptitfe ** the three swung with their * unfit felt-tlppol ; Tumrorr, aud br-uutlfnl mrlodimi | u. ten thnt thrllted op- atrangely.' rt me forth from the arrange looking J (ai-Lruineiil.. whip* la th.i M * Imb J j Xylophone. The march vrn. f o’lowed by a wait*. and then by two clast te*f| ! itelerthMiH. After lliese rtrgt munlral nttraberk. Mis* rt.MM < Iron Jean gate * hdknour 6u» renditiK nnttUed. "The seeea ! Hid ntaht on Tho Bark j*aurJi". whin ypt fed eudkuMW In op-roar of mirth, dhu ngn dramed the pant she nufi ■.angered to paaUap. m uU gveatpy Iny. weertn* n bterb shawl, gt£ epc<- .uni her Urn a lilt* voice M iflae tutke I through her non*, made mnny a a tern fuee relax,; Mian C roe Jean followed this by "A Iteeiutlon of A School Hoy” and be. 1 Impersonal ton made many ntt old mul think buck to bin .jWMMnar school daya when he a'oue, embarniMed and refared before hie elnse nuten and recited the same piece. • X clan*lcel musical number, “Mur.t ing fXomi and Night" was next rvn ut ied on the Marimba-Xylophone h ’ Ibu trio. Thltf wns-fotjowiNl by several impiilar select lons with Henry inn* sett and Mia* GmajeUM the Marimba- Xylophone, hud Ml«a I* June Holmet wP'ih* piano. Perhaps, one of the uniat Warmly received musical nmah ir* wan •'Gypsy l.ovo Oong'V played by Mr. Jenueu oa the Matimab-Xylopbone. Min* Grou-- Jeun then gave another of her delight j ful Interpretation*. Bhe portrayed young girl, Who didn't want to go t > ' *t hoid. and gave many funny renawn'* • why she ahouldn't. Hhe followed this by a' recitation. ‘Tlata of other day,” trying on hat after hat ns she reel* ml. and moat of t < fqm Were h:iU "from other day*. Monte were tall, aome were flat, while some were round pad other* were aqaart The' playera then chugged , Into HpaniaU costumes' and rendered a group of Ppautali selection* on the Inriroba Xylophone. One of the Imst known, of these selection wan "In a Little .Spanish Town”. Proving the reraaiile ability of the arista, Mias Urosjean gave a a*w solo, “Old Folk* At Home. 1 * She *ai accompanied by Mias Holme* at the (Continued on Page Four I _ 0 Ujr t j the petition K the tiru*- <lTe Vnm try tu nimCitf* ii uT' lw and atttoscrttrrrs la the well a Aa«*H*«4 *4- «*■» ■ fulfillment «f ouu'ratt. Tin: Jnd h»rhi Ji ti* been Krantad anil the nhur- Iff InfltrocUM to make the «*l«. Whilo nottilmc definite tun) In lii. >vi until ufler thin lu re l. every indication* that the work a ill So on The tii and aquluiucul uIU probably bo purchuuvd l»y purtlew !l»- tertatal tu the project. who will. In turn moke arrangement* to carry wtr. the Unrest ixation of the Sumption nil propect While temporarily held In etmyaMe the Sampson ell prospect ban arievn tu thneyea or muiiy of tboeo Ip la rest ed la Ihe project durluc tha past fpw . MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED 1 PRESS 1 PRIC* PIVB CUbirv - — Electrical Engineer and Inventor Was WmrkiMf Mi Re-Sih •rliif Formula WIFE SAVED BT MAKING VISIT TO PICTURE SHOW’ Father. S«n and Dagglyter \n Timm Falally Ovarrome * «B> Fumw BAD WIN, Wov. Thw boll day urge of Mira. Cvcero Ritchie I# attend n theatre |a b«lk*vtd b* all ttutl saved tin ItUctile family f«Ku death last night whet <h»ndly gai> fumei from n battery cell Ut ihd. home aapbystated her husband. U. and their son. and dan thlrr. The repocf ofW coroner that the three met death from fumes Irom a n*tv*ore of sulphuric acid doyk not tell th* cfunpleta fiery, oh* tniets said. The'gss wan Os • »II«M •■dor' Mid the vU-tlks probably veer* nveroonw with rsallcßifHb! dcwdly qaallty of It* .Utrhle, an electric engineer and Int > vrnlor, was at work on a •raced* do .e,silver Iphlewar* Mrs. WtcM# left hi nut work la bis room last »W .While *he went to a motion pl 'u«w 1 Ihcstrr. the bm«e* •wer* j dlgcayMnl j I ome iKiux* tfctcr wh»n Mm. Ritchie l rftorbed. 1 ! Kllchfe snd bto min .nsnt# l|» »M room whom u>e wna sad the . » ih, Itaw V tt .h. tot Sie .O \% rude nierkl A Mrs Witera of, New Bern «nd several young worn# IrMud* went . Chrietouu shopping hi doldaboro y-» •erdsy * They started boms. B'ken tunr t <• Htouey Creek fdilng stytlou H Iras rtisdoded that ts a certain pti bo*' were In the heofe flat the pumbeoa* maid bo the mam eomfortaWy dt« posed shout the car. I%e tmnsfke of the boa dee began. Mrs. Waters, driving fnokdd tindk to **• bovr*dbe transfer wan getting sh.ag. This was tbs story offerer* said that Mrs. Waters bad toM tbem. : While sbe looked back her t»t off the bant surface and struck fee auto t of Henry ftnttoo perked on the tdde A yeuug womnn occupying fee frost test of the esr with Mm. .Water* was litrewn forward with «%eb force fed! „ * She suffered no Strlou* effect trm Ike Mow. B rnep Garris, whe wgs oecnpyhlT tke parked car ut Hw ttmp ft wue ntrnrk. was somewhat shaken up bat not serfenefy Injured. Mrs. Waters told officers that ah* wna not driving rapidly when tha car was struck. Officers agreed that this must Have been the ease, else tb” young woman whose bend knock, d . out fee windshield might hare V* i killed. I « Slayer of CfiarleH Fink Ig Captured tTIARLOTTK, Nor. A pn*< search lasting sine#' *lest Iter came to *, iuceeMfhtl Epd WjMnet iu>: with fee a mat of John Clifbut Charles M. Kink, kefe it becum* known _ a teisiw..i najlnirp. w*4 urrsateg tJV a fi'» nine miles west of Alexia, in Uaeola county by Charltw** officers. Re vraa returned to jail berw and will be giv en u hearing' tomorrow. Ktnk was fount dead here last May 39. t" Hi htd been rtruck by s sharp abject a.td bln pockets bad t»#u emptied of 1304 he war known to have carrh-t •* ■■■ #—*■■■-# ■ ~ , "’ ' MIIM.SI HR.ITU RIVKW fllltnCH hoNu kovu. cufea, ?fov. ti-ifa —Seven pirate, tried tor Dm a~u. ,odw

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