WEATHER Ctoady and ooM «r. proceeded by rain la Mat Thursday Friday fair and COl4®J >' >* • VOLUME SIX; NUMBER 244 KANSAS CITY AWARDED REPUBLICAN CONVENTION SENATE REFUSES TO ALLOW SMITH TAKE OATH OF OFFICE e • \ ..r ■ - 1 -/ r * ■ •- 1 ‘ ~~ r ~ "- T. ... V ' ' - ' *■'. ''‘ r ' ' "' 11 1 " 1 " ~ «■ -V..-- ~ ~ ' -a t, * ('. ■"* Twenty Ballots Taken Before National Body Picks Meeting Place San Fmnciac* Waa Principal Opponent And At On* Time Led Field TUESDAY, JUNE U IS DATE FOR OPENING - r <> Seven Gltioi Figured In Nunier oua Vo tea As Convention City Considered WASHINGTON, Dec The 1921 Republican National convanlion will b« bald la KSnaaa City, beginning Tuesday, Jane It. Deadlocked for hours, the Na tional committee made the choice here today on the 20th ballot. Seven figured in the voting. but tor the moat part It wae a light between San Francisco and Kanaaa City. At tha atart the Pacific cosat city, which had announced It waa ready to offer 9210.000 to defray expenses of the convention, waa in the lead and on the fourth ballot waa wlt|>tn tour votes of a majority. On a 9th ballot. Kansu* City, sup portent among others by Chairman Butler of (be National committee, for* ed Into the lead. At one time De troit showed S apart bat U didn't get far. Other cl lies receiving rotes, at no lime enough to pgt them la the race a* serious contenders were Chic ago, Cleveland, Philadelphia and Ban ■ Antonio. Believes Husband Os Woman Should Suffer GREENSBORO. Dec. 7-UP)—Ex pressing the belief that the husband gras responsible and should receive punishment. Judge Johnston J. Hayes In Federal court today declined to pose sentence on Mrs. Pott* Slptnts of Rockingham county who had entered, a plea of guilty to selling whiskey to a federal prohlbtlon agent. Judge Hayes ordered Judgment con tinued and said he would give the man until next term of court to come forward, “If he does not I will maVe up my mind as to what shall be done then." * .Mrs. 81mma testified that she Is the mother of 1J children with the 12th expected shortly. FORESTRY BODY WILL MEET HERE a- Forestry Association of North ( aroilaa Plans New ideas For Convention \ The North Carolina Forestry A»- roclation will stage Us 1928 conven tion In Goldjihoro. It gras announced yMterday at the local Chamber of Commerce. Date tor the annual meet \ tng has yet U> he set. The past year the convention was in High Point the latter or of July.' The Qyltyboro convention Is ex- to? 1 * qji a miinNHarger scale than any previous convention of the association, U was eald. and prWclpal of the Innovation la be staged will hr a large forestry exhibit There Is a miMfa ff mmmm , jr. * of t working machlngry.iu conneoion • ' . the meeting ns* —i The F'oreetry Asportation numbers a membership of 300 and Includes most of th4 forward thinking *tnet? of- the state*who are interested In matters pertaining to forest lion and feforeetatlon. • Dr.' Joeeph Hyde Pratt. 6f Chapel Hill, fs the dir ector of, the* ayaoutgtlop J Delegatee to the oonventlon from each city were last year named by mayors upon request of Dr. Pratt. Governor JfcDean also named a list of delegates to tho High Point conven tion and It la expected that this will be done la the cam Os the Goldsboro convention In 19?9. v THE GOLDSBORO NEWS ' 'cr * * TT ' * ' v 6 • % * • BEAD IN THE MORNING .WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH-READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. 9 Negress Given 30 Yrs. Foi Killing Husband elded In Kadletown,. was yestsrday sentenced to 30 years In the State prison after she had entered a sub mission to second degree murder iu slaying her husband, Jj’mqs Blount, here several Sunday* a*o. Judge Grady gave the woman the full limit of tho law. The Negress hit her husband In the head with a lon* handled hatchet as he lay across the bed splitting his head and killing him almost Instantly. She said at the coroner's Inquest that he had threatened her. The Blount negreat had spent sometime as a patient In the hos pital for the negro Insane here and a few days before she killed her husband, police had been called to protect members of her family from lief maniacal ravings and to keep hA- from doing Injury to her self . JURY IS GIVEN N. JERSEY CASE Moat of Yesterdky Taken Up In Charge to Lilliendahl Jury l By Judge MAY'S LANDING. N. J., Dec 7 fate of Mre. Murgaret Lll llendahl and her reputed paramour* Willie Beach, charged with murder of the woman's husband was In hand* of a Jnry today. The jury got the case at 6:35 p m and deliberations were liejctn^mmedlately by the seven men and flvehnmcii, beaded by a woman foreman, MrkvJlarrts Catkins a silver haired Atlantic City. The entire day was taken up with the charge of the court. Beach's defense was an alibi and the woman's story was that two ne- K roes-forced her to drive up the lane and there attacked her and robbed an‘d killed her' husband l» In hla charge the judge, told the Jury that verdicts might be brought la declaring either defend ants Innocent of any degree of crime or guilty of first degree murder, sec ond degree murder or manslaughter. Even murder In the flrpj degree doe* not tarry a mandatory sentence i>t death In this state. ■a PERSHING GETS GREAT OVATION ' " o Firm Bureau Convention Hulk Him As Possible Presidential Candidate CHICAGO. Dec. 7—(A*) A spontan ious outburst orfflilhUslgsULfOr era! John J. .Pershing'who was hall- A Rfaafl 4 feti 9r I**, t* la tire Roller. fat, Mr* 'inkrsCW the close'' of ; j'American Farm Bureau federation SMWttag-hert VtMlay. ; / t V ♦ . General Pershinjc' addressed the place of agriculture In a national defehee program, recom mending of a merchant marine and a larger navy The conclusion of his speech, a farmer jumped up on his chair and galled for three cheers for General Pershing “as candidate -for president of the United State* The response was tremendpous and as thp general left the hall he was surrounded by enthnslsstlc farmers - HILLMAN BUYS A PLANT HERE Former Florida Bottler Pur chase* Local Pepwi Col% Battling Work* T. B. Hillman, of Lakeland, Flori da, has purchased the Goldsboro Branch of (he . Raleigh Pepsi Cola Bottling Company. It was announced yesterday,*3ras assumed direction of the business and plaus a campaign looking to the extension of the busi ness. P. U. Middleton, who has been manager of the company here for the j>aat three years, will remain with the new management, for a time at least and assist Mr. Hillman, in be coming acquainted with the local trade. The territory served by the Golds boro branch extends from Smlthfleld on the west to IstCfrango on the east sud from Fremont on the north to Mt. Olive on the south and embraces a territory of about 60,000 population'. Mr. Hillman Is an experienced bottler and comes to this section of North Carolina after careful Inves tigation of the opportunities here. M'jth thirty years of experience In the business as the vatls for his con victions.* he believes that there Is s real opportunity In the Pepsi Cpla and general soda water manufactur ing business here. He will move bis family here In tho sprlnr. Brands of drinks mado by the firm —whoae name will remain tho same for the present at least—are: 'Pepsi- Cola. Grange Crush, NuOrape. ginger ale. and the UHual sod* waters. ; Three truuks are pow In operation serving the territory with Pepsi Cola brands and the number will he In creased as the business grows. Emotional Attack Delays Remus Case . CINCINNATI. Dec. 7 (A 1 ) *— An j emotional attack from which he re-1 covered only after four hours? swept Georgo Remus today and srpesdlng to his daughter at his side and his sister previously seated i • tng spectators. Treated the Wildest scend of the more than three’weeks of hi* murder trial The forenoon court session was ex actly an old when Remus' out burst. the ninth since the trial rtarted eighteen court- day* ago. forced an ad journment. AL.2_h m. ihe'tlme s*t for resumption/^ Remits was writhing In spasms on'his Jail rVU hunk. After n 30 minute wolf court t was adjourned untfl morning You Can Get Your , Pension Before Lons: RALEIGH, Dec. 7—UP)— Christmas gifts In the form of lemt annual_j»lhn i-ton checks aggregating 1150,000 will It# mailed by' the state auditor this week to Confederate veterans, vefer uns widows and negro body servants throughout North Carolina. ' Between 7.600 and 8j()00 persons are to recelijjfe the cliecks through Sup erior court clerks In time for distri bution on December 15 ? t. -'-<**■ 'JUmtSxixyvi'; ali*'.aasj »nowinc *' 1 # ,M « ONUV J=M» * lli [ wj iW p/A J GOLDSBORO, N, C. THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 8, 1927 WUI You Play Santa Claus To Some Unfortunate in County This Season? • ~ i i , ’ * h The effort of The News In cooperation with R. H. Fdwardtt, county welfare superintendent, to see that no child in Wayne county goes without Chriatmaa '’cheer took a spyrt forward yesterday when “Anonymdfu»” wrote to The News saying, “I will play S»nta to opportunity. Number t. M At the name time a number of reports received told of plans of other* U> take other cases as they are -presented. The (’othrell Philathea .Class of the F’irst Baptist church and the businesa ami Pro ° U fessional Woman's Club were among those showing interest. Reports from Mt. Olive and Fremont were that some of tho opportunities might be taken by organizations or people of these towns. , • « * The opportunities are lists of actual cases on file in the office of Mr. Edwards, and as fast as a case is provided for it is withdrawn from publication. Those agreeing ta take cases will be expected to make the purchases and to deliver them at the office of Mr. Edwards several days before Christmas. The gifts will be distributed by Mr. Edwards and a corps of helpers. v ”• 9 * * The description of the caseff cannot lie as full as some might desinxand Mrs. Howell in the office of*Mr. Edwards will be glad t)« supply additional information about each. , p Here are opportunity numbers 2 and fi., Call 813 at once and report which of the two you will play Santa to. Opportunity No. 2 * u • A widow woman with three small children, two bGys ages twelve and eight, and a little -girl, age lour. • , This woman’s husband was sick for a long time with T. B. and the family Its had a struggle for a time. The widow is now under tree doctor’s -care, and some of the kind neighbors have been bringing her to Goldsboro to the doctor for six weeks. The little girl needs a coat and stockings and the little boys need anything suitable to wear to school ahd Sunday School. SIO.OO would provide for this family k » ~. Opportunity No. 3 A widow woman. Princeton, K. F. D. No. 1, Wayne “County. Seven children, two girls fourteen and five years old, five boyß ages 12, 10, 8,6, 3. Tho oldest boy has been in hospital three weeks with broken leg. Was leading a* cow on the highway and a c%r struck the cow and knocked the boy down and broke his leg. The widow lives on rented land, and has not made a fair crop thia year. All of these children but one are in the school ag(t, and shp is having,a hard time sending them. SIO.OO or sls.ollwi! , i help this family very much, in food and clothes. * ■ GOLDSDORO MAN | TO BE SPEAKER ‘ Kenneth Royall M ill Deliver Ac| dress Before Secretaries in j Wilscn Tonight Kenneth CdtosbOfo Attor ney. will •» Idre at tli'? animat *he North ! ('»i illlmi Sec rcUrji'i* Aasoclutlon at the Hotel Cherry. Wilson. tbl* evenlna the occasion lx-In* In connection with yearly" conventkfc of the secre* t'cries of chambers of commerce In North Carolina. Appearing on the proitrain with Mr Koy'all will be Clarence Kuester, secretary of the Charlotte Chamber of Commerce, who has announced a» bln topic "Keilows. r>on’t act IHsetiuraged If you * atf't 'do It tn a Itay." I r -<-r rrf the ihe protcram committee •for.ttai i m ,-s» f- ■ 1 . i» '*- i iwMUfIM. ' egttTeattifl will rntmutiK at a o'clock ant) wIH continue, through Friday Twenty ,or thirty busbicijs orgnnlfcatlona In the State arc ey per led to In represented at 1 the meeting . » ft ItlUHt MtKJUM» UAl.>;n.H. 4er \ r l3pi— Report*’of the marriage of fiuhbi Howard Flno txfr#, of Temple IRsthor, Raleigh, ami Miss Evelyn Bronsletn, IsMllsvlilc. Ky.. at Chicago this week.were follow «d today by word that the couple had obtained a license to wed at that place Rabbi Flneberg Is gride l* known In Kortli Carolina ! BLAKENEY GETS • A NEW HEARING, «; Caburrtis. Banker Had Been j Found Guilty of Burning Hanking House 5 UALSkill. !>?<•. 7 T Blak enoy," former' bauk cashier convicted charge growing out .of the burning of in the Cabarrus Superior coilrt on a the bauk of Midland waa r K»fi»ted a new trial today by the KiaiPsupreni'- court. The court ruled that improper hearsay evidence had been admitted at the trial. Sixteen decision* were handed down by the court. Two new were Ktanleki and verdict* of 'fne lower court reversed fu two other rases. The Maher court lu .fruiting a new trial to Btafcgney gaoled ■.. jumrlmut ruling ttint the inherent vtd< , nlji.-sr m**V rmmk . t *. Hint -V* value not from th* - *; .• 'lk ‘ (•tber perron from wYioni tho witiyjuy IVot lilt » tnftfnnaUon * * vnPnftHtATK HI KULAK*! I ter. 7 (A*)- Uur i lient.on i rueßln k saf<-w lp t'|i|i< r • ’•rjjy tow|\*hlp from today will rtrul , -s!*ns read!nr • Thin l»ar« open. f)o nKT XTIK KKFOURS Mite Susaiine French tenuis star, who turned professional in i:»2«l la said to be negotiating for reinstatement as an amateur. Similar Action As To > * . ■-, o Vare Is Expected To Be Taken Sometime Today ■— ■■■ !.■■■■ »| »■! ■■■■insef 4r « Winter Entrenches Throughout The West KANSAS CHY. Dec. Aided by a mighty billiard and sub-sero temperatures, winter en trenched Itself over a great cen tral area of tha country today 'fßh effort of the offensive noted from the Canadian Border «o tho (yilf Os Mexico. Loss of several live* was attributed Indirectly to fh* etorm and traffic of all Wnda wae delayed Borne from -the flocky Mountain -region by a stinging norUweut wind, the cold wav* eent thermo meters actirrytng downward from balmy temperature of 60 that pre vailed tn sohhs midwest sections yesterday. More than a doien Stai rs were gripped and In Texaa freeifnq temperatures and gales were predicted lor the coast. 'LEGION WANTS NEW MEMBERS j Bulletin Extending Invitation forced Yewterdmy By Local Post , ■■ Announcement that Col. Oeorge K„ FVeeman wilt be thO’.epenbejr *» th# j next meeting and an Invitation to all | ex-service men to berotpe members of the poet are contained In a bulletin leeued yesterday by the Wayna Poet Number It.' The'bulletin Greetings lo oar tluddlee In Golds-' L|oro arid Wayne codnty: Tbs Aralrl- J ran Legion le your organisation. A membership In It cannot be bought. ' Only eervice such aa you have render- I ed to your State And County makee j you eligible t#> membership. i We dee Ire to continue to be service men whenever and wheyeever need ed. The American Lglon lea eervtee organisation. We need yoi| —You need ua. Come In and join two Be aura to attend the public meet ing of Wayne Poet No. 11 Thureday Bccember 15th at wight-o'clock In the auditorium of the Community Mem orial Goldsboro, S' C• ( good program le being prepared for the occasion and Col. Geo. K. Krseman will addreee hr pn the Parte dramatic auddsnnaaa the Renata today refused the oath of office to Baa*tor Klact Prank L. -Smith of ItUOdM. 0 to 2*. but agreed to giro him a (oh bearing both la commtuab and aa tkr floor before ftnally closing th# door upon him. » , * Tomorrow It exports to toko ItmlUar lotion with respect to oanataroloct wm. Vare of Penuaylvgnta, althpMOk pertiaps not qaße so dectatae o atajOf- • Ity Than It will perfafet Its owa it- f ganlaattoo and gat down to' work while swalthw report* oa tka two coat rovers tea fro* ■ petal oom paUm funds oomatuoa. Itu hleullallv to IV. actio* * OkS Smith case tbs Senate twtoe and kr < v«rwhelming majorities *»v#' m , preealon to ltd views tbpt tka tan at. (Investigation comoHHOP, there waa a«rtr sr etrtawgtte'NNHog the last days of the last odoafbo, U a legally conatlluted body M—ile ll all ° powers W #t*» bad. ‘ f • ” -- ■ * FALLS OFr WOOMftaTii NEW YORK, DM. 7-~Aa unldentl fled man, about H nan «M. bUK or fell to. his death from tbe tweaty seventb floor of thd J Woolworth liutidlog today. Tbo body lan dad eo Broadway )n tbe eetralns. No doe waa struck COUNCIL HOLDS A DINNER MEET B, S»ru2tta.St°‘- d«y BcM fr—wii The Sunday acboot of tha F»*ut Baptist church plans to send Mia twenty-five delegates lb (bn annual Sunday school convention of the Bout hern Baptist Church la Qreea villa, *. C., In Jaunnyy. loparta tang ent ■. F. Teague ran ale# last ape | utt.g at tbe dinner of the Bundny j school council. Preaunt pin— are for G rptAje delegates to go from Ooldeboco d toOrcenvllle by ante. Mrs. A. J. smith, one of tbe officers of tk* v Sunday school, wIH appear on the pen it ram at fireau villa. Sixty-eight teaches* and oCDuure \t the Suhdayjwbool warn present f< tha dinner In dhe bjueeaent of church last night and listened to a program planned with the purpese »f Increasing the efficiency of tha Sen- v _ day school. Much enthusiasm sat : displayed for the purpose at and the type of the addressee pteaoud 'I , by those on the program lddlnuf , eit*a deep ami eU.cer* eegard for the tr-yr V ' »*k ■ m -■**- * Mversi months ago en enlargement % \ ed and placed In pperaVifa